arXiv:2101.10594v1 [hep-th] 26 Jan 2021 rpsda h mrec fti dai re ormf h s the ramify to order in gravity. idea quantum the this especially of theories, emergence the noncom by as of inspired machinery fields, proposed noncommutative the Moyal via the [1–4]. success that viewpoints more believed extensively with was interpreted it be decades three last with on-refruain hl h ae n sbsdo ordi on based is noncommut one for later clear the not while differentia is formulation, ordinary point-free spacetime, the underlying the of as those such nonc and of (co), an correlation cyclic spacetime the as underlying algebras commutative the to of contrast it geometry in hand the other and ye the thoroughly on the and studied geometry, been noncommutative in not problem have products star invariant Moya products. of star generalization noncommutative concrete a to led fields quantum Moyal o ocmuaieagba.I h olwn egv brie a give we following the In noncommutative algebras. between noncommutative role for intermediate an play can which ∗ 2 1 lcrncades [email protected]/amirabba address: Electronic e 6 n h eeecsteenfracmlt ito refe of list complete a for therein topic. references this the to and overview [6] proper See a for [5] See ocmuaiegoer soeo h otpoiettopics prominent most the of one is geometry Noncommutative oee,tetplg n h emtyo ocmuaiefie noncommutative of geometry the and topology the However, nti ril etyt l hsgpb nrdcn e coho new a introducing by gap this fill to try we article this In colo ahmtc,IsiuefrRsac nFundament in Research for Institute , of School rpe hr hrce,Cne-hr hrce,Fml Index Family Character, Connes-Chern BRST. Anomaly, Character, Chern Triple, lersadgvsrs oachmlgclfruaincmaal to Keywords: comparable formulation cohomological a theor to (co)homology rise cyclic gives and and Rham algebras de between role intermediate an hoi r tde ymaso ooooyter,s called so theory, a of means by studied are theoris Abstract: ⋆ eea rnlto-nain ocmuaieYang-Mill Noncommutative Translation-Invariant General Chmlg,Cne-hr hrces n nmle in Anomalies and Characters, Connes-Chern -Cohomology, eateto ahmtc,Uiest fIfhn Isfahan Isfahan, of University Mathematics, of Department rnlto-nain trPout ocmuaieYang-Mills, Noncommutative Product, Star Translation-Invariant oooia tutr ftasainivratnnomttv Y noncommutative translation-invariant of structure Topological 2 mrAbs Varshovi Abbass Amir .INTRODUCTION I. 1 pern UV Appearing [email protected]/[email protected] ecsadasothsoyo hstopic. this on history short a and rences / aytplg n differentiation. and topology nary Rmxn saptooia etr fthe of feature pathological a as mixing IR nrdcint ai leri structures algebraic basic to introduction f muaiegoercmcieis such machineries, geometric ommutative rdc sgnrltranslation-invariant general as product l acntn omltoso tig,were strings, of formulations fascinating udmna ocso h auecould nature the of forces fundamental ∗ tutrso omttv geometry, commutative of structures l tv lers h omrdmnsa demands former The algebras. ative lSine IM,Tha,IRAN. Tehran, (IPM), Sciences al n omttv ieeta geometry differential commutative and .Atal,o h n adi sa is it hand one the on Actually, t. ooyter,s called so theory, mology orsodn brbnls But, bundles. fiber corresponding d uaiegoer n t different its and geometry mutative sapyia eaircreae to correlated behavior physical a is nua eair fqatmfield quantum of behaviors ingular dtere ihgnrltranslation- general with theories ld ⋆ ntertclpyis Through physics. theoretical in chmlg,wihplays which -cohomology, o noncommutative for y ebr-itnmap. Seiberg-Witten hoy Topological Theory, IRAN. , ang-Mills Spectral s ⋆ -cohomology, [math-ph] of ⋆-cohomology and in next sections we will develop it to study and formulate the topology of general translation-invariant noncommutative Yang-Mills theories. Suppose that X = Y × Z is a 2n-dimensional closed spin manifold with dimY = D and Z = T2m. Assume that there is a dense contractible open set, say U ⊂ X, which defines a chart with coordinate functions xµ, µ = 0, · · · , 2n − 1. Let xµs split X, that is xµ belongs to Y for µ = 0, · · · , D − 1, and xi is a canonical coordinate for D ≤ i ≤ 2n − 1. Here x0 = t is the time parameter which varies from −∞ to +∞ on U. We also put a metric on X unit diagonal for xµs. Now consider a general translation-invariant noncommutative star product on Z, say ⋆, defined for 2-cocycle α as [6, 7];

(f ⋆ g)(x)= f˜(p)˜g(q) eα(p+q,p) ei(p+q).x/R , f,g ∈ C∞(Z) , (I.1) 2m p,qX∈Z for Fourier transformation ˜ 1 ˜ f(p)= 2m f(x) e−p(x) , f(x)= f(p) ep(x) , (I.2) (2πR) Z 2m Z p∈XZ ip.x/R 2m with the Fourier basis ep(x)= e , p ∈ Z . The integration in (I.2) is taken for the Riemannian volume form of Z. Due to Hodge decomposition theorem in α∗-cohomology [8, 9] one readily finds

α = αM + ∂β, where αM is a Moyal 2-cocycle providing a Moyal star product ⋆M , and β is a 1-cocycle ′ ′ ′ (β(0) = 0 and β(p)= β(−p)) with ∂β(p,q)= β(p − q) − β(p)+ β(q). In fact, f ⋆M g = (f ⋆ g) where

′ β(p) ∞ f (x)= f˜(p) e ep(x) , f ∈ C (Z) . (I.3) 2m p∈XZ Assume H is a separable Hilbert space with coordinate function with orthonormal basis {|pi}p∈Z2m . Then, it can be checked that π : C∞(Z) →L(H) with

′ αM (r,s) π(f) := fˆ := f˜ (p)e ˆp , (ˆep)r,s = e δp,r−s , (I.4) 2m p∈XZ ∞ ˆ [ ∞ gives rise to a representation of C⋆ (Z) on H, i.e. f.gˆ = f ⋆ g, f, g ∈ C (Z). This representation can be similarly extended to smooth functions on X. In this case for any f ∈ C∞(X) the mapped ∞ element fˆ is an operator valued function on Y . Let C0 be the algebra generated with fˆ, f ∈ C (X). ∞ Then C0 is isomorphic to C⋆ (X) via π. This leads to definition of noncommutative polynomial. If P (x1, · · · ,xk) is a polynomial of probably noncommutative variables x1, · · · ,xk, the noncommutative version of P , denoted by P⋆ is defined as:

−1 P⋆(f1, · · · ,fk)= π (P (fˆ1, · · · , fˆk)) . (I.5)

∗ † ˆ In fact, C0 is a unital ∗-algebra for 1 = 1ˆ and fˆ = fˆ = f. The domain of π can be simply extended to vector and matrix valued smooth functions on X with v = (vi) → vˆ = (ˆvi) and g = (gij) → gˆ = (ˆgij). Moreover, if {ta} is a basis for Lie algebra g, then g-valued smooth function f = f ata is mapped to fˆ = fˆata via π.


The representation map π can be simply defined for differential forms on X. Let us denote the 2n image of k-forms by Ck and set C = ⊕k=0Ck. Actually, Ck is the space of operator valued k-forms on

2 Y with extra on Z. Moreover, C is obviously a graded algebra with operator and wedge product. We define an operator on C0 as;

µ dfˆ = ∂µf dx , (II.1) and extend it to C. Then, (C, d) is a differentiald graded algebra. The corresponding cohomology of k (C, d) is referred to as ⋆-cohomology and we denote its groups with H⋆ (X, C), 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n. Since π ∞ ∞ is an and C (X) = C⋆ (X) as sets we readily find that π :Ωk(X) → Ck is a bijective map for any k ≥ 0, where here Ωk(X) is the space of differential k-forms on X. Thus any element of

C is simply shown with an overal symbol of ˆ. Moreover, we readily see that π ◦ dX = d ◦ π for dX the exterior differential operator on X. Therefore, the following diagram commutes

0 → Ω0(X) → Ω1(X) → ··· → Ωk(X) → Ωk+1(X) → ··· π ↓ π ↓ ··· π ↓ π ↓ ··· , (II.2)

0 → C0 → C1 → ··· → Ck → Ck+1 → ··· wherein the upper arrows stand for dX and the lower ones indicate d. This provides k k 2n π∗ : HdR(X, C) → H⋆ (X, C). We are mostly interested in group H⋆ (X, Z). To define it an integration structure is put on C as

f , ωˆ = fˆ d2nx ∈ C ωˆ = X 2n (II.3) 0 , other wise Z ( R where the integral is taken for Riemann volume form of X. It is easily seen that (II.3) defines a |ωˆ1||ωˆ2| graded closed trace over (C, d) for dωˆ = 0 and ωˆ1.ωˆ2 = (−1) ωˆ2.ωˆ1. The space of classes 2n C Z th [ˆω] ∈ HdR(X, ) with ωˆ ∈ is referredR to as 2nR integral ⋆-cohomologyR group and is denoted with 2n Z 2n Z 2n Z H⋆ (X, ). It can be seenR that π∗ : HdR(X, ) → H⋆ (X, ) is also an isomorphism. Therefore, due 2n th to Chern-Weil theory H⋆ (X, Z) is generated with the π image of n Chern character chn(E) for vector bundles E → X. The noncommutativity via π lets us to define three types of Chern characters. The first type

Chern character is simply chˆ n(E)= π(chn(E)), which as mentioned above represents integral class in 2n ˆ (1) 3 H⋆ (X, Z). Let us denote it with chn (E) to stress on its type. Second type Chern character is

(2) 1 chˆ (E)= Tr Fˆn (II.4) n (4π)nn! n o 2 i k k wherein ∇ = − 2 F is the curvature of connection ∇ on C → E → X and Tr is over C . Hence;

(2) 1 µ1ν1···µnνn 2n chˆ (E)= ǫ π(Tr{F ⋆ · · · ⋆ F n n }) d x . n (4π)nn! µ1ν1 µ ν

ˆ (2) ˆ (1) It is obvious that if n = 1 then chn (E) and chn (E) coincide and hence the cohomology class of ˆ (2) 4 chn (E) is independent of connection ∇. But, however, it is not the case in general;

3 From now on the notation Tr is used for trace on vector bundle dimensions or gauge group colors. 4 Similar results for Moyal product are worked out in [10].

3 Theorem 1; Suppose ⋆ is a general translation-invariant noncommutative star product on X with ˆ (2) n ≥ 2. Then, the cohomology class of chn (E) is independent of connection ∇ if and only if ⋆ is a Moyal star product. Hence after; ˆ (2) 2n a) chn (E) defines an integral cohomology class in H⋆ (X, Z). ˆ (2) ˆ (1) b) chn (E) and chn (E) are cohomologous. That is;

ˆ (2) ˆ (1) chn (E)= chn (E)= chn(E) ∈ Z . (II.5) Z Z ZX

Hint to the Proof; Actually, according to Chern-Weil theory it is enough to prove equality (II.5). The integral on the far left consists of the following integration according to (I.3);

µ1ν1···µnνn ′ ′ ǫ Tr Fµ1ν1 ⋆M · · · ⋆M Fµnνn , ZX  where ⋆M is the Moyal product cohomologous to ⋆ via Hodge decomposition [8]. It is also equal to

µ1ν1···µnνn ′ ′ ǫ Tr Fµ1ν1 · · · Fµnνn , ZX  since Moyal product can be replaced by the ordinary product for integration of symmetric polynomials [10]. This integral is independent of connection if and only if there exists some C ∈ C so that;

µ1ν1···µnνn ′ ′ µ1ν1···µnνn ǫ Tr Fµ1ν1 · · · Fµnνn = C ǫ Tr {Fµ1ν1 · · · Fµnνn } . ZX ZX  But it is easily seen that the above equation holds if and only if 1-cocycle β is linear and C = 1. That is ⋆ = ⋆M . The rest of the proof is due to Chern-Weil theory. This finishes the theorem. Q.E.D

To define the third type Chern character we represent vector bundle Ck → E → X by π. Set

Eˆ = {Vˆ ; V ∈ C∞(E)} . (II.6)

Then, the connection ∇ = dX + A, for A ∈ Ω1(X) ⊗ Mk(C), is mapped to ∇ˆ = d + Aˆ on Eˆ. Then, its ˆ 2 ˆ ˆ2 i ˆ curvature is an element of C2 ⊗ Mk(C) and is equal to ∇ = dA + A = − 2 F⋆. The third type Chern character is then defined with ∇ˆ 2 as;

(3) 1 n 1 µ1ν1···µnνn 2n chˆ (E)= Tr Fˆ = ǫ π (Tr {F ⋆ · · · ⋆ F n n }) d x . (II.7) n (4π)nn! ⋆ (4π)nn! ⋆µ1ν1 ⋆µ ν n o ˆ (3) ˇ We show chn (E) with chn(E) for simplicity. The next theorem is significant to our formalism.

Theorem 2; For any general translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ on X we have; ˇ 2n ˆ a) The cohomology class of chn(E) in H⋆ (X, C) is independent of connection ∇ (∇). ˇ 2n b) chn(E) represents an integral cohomology class in H⋆ (X, Z). ˇ ˆ (1) c) chn(E) and chn (E) are cohomologous. That is;

ˇ ˆ (1) chn(E)= chn (E)= chn(E) ∈ Z . (II.8) Z Z ZX

4 Hint to the Proof; For connection ∇ = dX + A we obtain;

′ ′ chˇ n(E, A; ⋆)= chˇ n(E, A ; ⋆M )= chn(E, A )= chn(E) , Z Z ZX ZX where the first equality is due to (I.3), the second one is the replacement of ⋆M with the ordinary product for integration of symmetric polynomials, and the last equation is an immediate consequence of Chern-Weil theory. This proves (II.8) and thus the theorem follows. Q.E.D


Assume vector bundle CN → E → X with structure group U(N) for some N, in fundamental representation. The generators of u(N), say tas, are supposed to be Hermitian with totally anti- symmetric structure group if abc, anti-commutator {ta,tb} = −cabctc and normalization condition a b 1 ab ˜ 2n ˜ Tr(t t ) = 2 δ . We show the space of g-valued differential forms on X by Ω(X) = ⊕k=0 Ωk(X), where g = u(N). Similarly the C0 ⊗ g-valued differential forms on Y with extra dimensions on Z are ˜ ˜ ˜ 2n ˜ denoted as C. We have the natural grading for C as C = ⊕k=0C which for d is defined accordingly. Thus, (C˜, d) is a differential graded algebra on which Tr⊗ defines an integration structure or a closed † ˜ ˆ ˆa a ∗ ˆa a† ˆa a graded trace. It is easy to see that C0 is a unital ∗-algebraR with 1 = 1I and (f t ) = f t = f t . We refer to it with A.

The involution ∗ is naturally extended to C˜k for any k ≥ 0. Conventionally, σ ∈ C˜ is said to be Hermitian if σ∗ = σ, and it is anti-Hermitian when σ∗ = −σ. The set of anti-Hermitian elements of A, denoted by g˜, is in fact a Lie algebra. Each element of g˜ also is known as infinitesimal gauge transformation. The Lie group generated by exponential of elements of g˜, indicated with symbol G˜, is the gauge transformation group. Accordingly, the space of anti-Hermitian elements in C˜1, shown ˆ ˆa a µ with Γ, is called the connection space. Any element of Γ, say A = −iAµt dx , for real functions a ∞ ˆ ˆ ˆ Aµ ∈ C (X), is a on mapped vector bundle E for connection ∇ = d + A due to (II.6). The gauge transformation group G˜ (resp. g˜) acts on Γ form right:

A ⊳ g = g−1dg + g−1Ag , A ∈ Γ, g ∈ G˜ (resp. A ⊳ α = dα + [A, α] , α ∈ g˜ ) . (III.1)

The Yang-Mills theory of vector bundle SE := S(X) ⊗ E → X is mapped to that of SE which by ˆ ˆa a µ ˆ 2 i ˆa a µ ν definition is equipped with connection ∇ = d − iAµt dx and curvature ∇ = − 2 F⋆µν t dx dx . The d Lagrangian and the action of the U(N)-Yang-Mills theory is then given by;5

2 2 LY−M(SE, ∇ˆ ) = Tr ∇ˆ . ∗ ∇ˆ ∈ C2n , SY−M = LY−M(SE, ∇ˆ ) , (III.2) n o Z d d for ∗ the Hodge star. Vector bundle SE, the space of spinors, is subject to Dirac operator D0 as

µ d D0ψˆ = iγ ∂µψˆ , (III.3)

5 1 For U(1) gauge theory one needs an overal factor of 2 . This is mandatory to compensate the normalization condition a b 1 ab Tr(t t )= 2 δ for N > 1.

5 µ ˆa a µ on U for Dirac matrices γ . Dirac operator D0 is usually perturbed to DA, for A = −iAµt dx ∈ Γ;

ˆ µ ˆ µ a ˆa ˆ DAψ = iγ ∂µψ + γ t Aµψ . (III.4)

The relevant Lagrangian and action are respectively

ˆ ˆ 2n ˆ† 0 ˆ 2n LD0 (SE)= ψ.D0ψ d x = ψ γ D0ψ d x ∈ C2n , SD0 = LD0 (SE) , (III.5) Z d d ˆ ˆ µ ˆa a ˆ 2n ˆ Lint(SE, ∇)= ψγ Aµt ψ d x ∈ C2n , Sint = Lint(SE, ∇) . (III.6) Z The total action thend defines the well-known noncommutative U(N)-Yang-Millsd theory; 1 S = S + S + S = − F F µν + i ψγµ∂ ψ + jaAa , (III.7) total Y−M D0 int 4 ⋆µν ⋆ µ ⋆ µ ZX ZX ZX aµ µ a a µ µ 1±γ for j⋆ = ψβ,j ⋆ ψα,i γij tαβ. Replacing t and γ respectively with I and γ P±, for P± = 2 and

n−1 0 2n−1 γ = γ2n+1 := i γ · · · γ , (III.8)

µ leads to chiral singlet currents j⋆±, which obey the classical equation

µ a aµ ∂µj⋆± + i[Aµ, j⋆±]⋆ = 0 . (III.9)

Let this equation be anomalously broken at quantum levels with appearing A⋆± on the right hand side. Then, since any translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ is cyclic under integration the corresponding charges Q⋆±(t) receive variations from t = −∞ to t =+∞ as;

+∞ d ∆Q = Q (+∞) − Q (−∞)= Q (t)= A = Aˆ . (III.10) ⋆± ⋆± ⋆± dt ⋆± ⋆± ⋆± Z−∞ ZX Z Now let us make an ansatz here. By this ansatz, so called physical consistency, we assume that despite to appearence of consistent anomaly A⋆± the charge variation ∆Q⋆± respects the theory so that it is equal to an integer times the unit charge of it. Actually, the results achieved through with various methods of anomaly derivation in Moyal noncommutative gauge theories, such as noncommutative calculus [11], perturbative loop calculations [12–14], Seiberg-Witten map [15] and matrix model [16],6 confirm the reasonability of the ansatz for the Moyal case. However, the idea for generalizing the results derived for Moyal product to general translation-invariant star products comes in principal from quantum equivalence theorem introduced in [8, 9] which asserts that the whole quantum behaviors of a noncommutative quantum field theory with an arbitrary translation-invariant star product coincide precisely with those of its Moyal product case of the same α∗-cohomology class. Thus, according to physical consistency ansatz, we demand the results of in (III.10) to be integers for any given translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆. Hence, for a of

2-cocyles as sα with s ∈ [0, 1] and correponding star product ⋆s we obtain X A⋆s± ∈ Z, which leads d to ds X A⋆s± = 0 due to continuity. Furthermore, for the commutative fieldR s, i.e. s = 0, we have; R R 6 We should emphasize that the results of [16] is in fact for general translation-invariant star products. See also [10] and the references therein for a more complete list of such papers.

6 ˆ ˆ 2n A± = ∓chn(SE). Therefore, A⋆± and ∓chn(SE) must be cohomologous in H⋆ (X, Z). On the other hand, the left hand side of (III.9) transforms covariantly under infinitesimal gauge transformations a a a a via (III.1) and ψˆ → α ⊲ ψˆ := −iαˆ .t ψ for α = −iαˆ t ∈ g˜. Hence, Aˆ⋆± is an equivariant form. That is,ω ˆ = Aˆ⋆± ± chˇ n(SE) is an equivariant form and thus it vanishes on U for triviality of E over it. 2n Sinceω ˆ represents the null integral cohomology class in H⋆ (X, Z) we readily concludeω ˆ = 0 . Thus, we have already established the following theoerm.

Theorem 3; The chiral Abelian anomaly in noncommutative Yang-Mills theories with general translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ is given by A⋆± = ∓chˇ n⋆(SE).

µ It is well-known that the Dirac operator in the ordinary commutative case, i.e. DA = iγ ∇µ,

∇ = dX + A, via Z2-grading of SE → X due to γ of (III.8), is given as

− 1 0 0 DA +† − γ = , DA = + , γDA = −DAγ , DA = DA . (III.11) 0 −1 ! DA 0 !

Following the main approach of Atiyah-Singer index theorem [17]7 for ⋆-cohomology and also employing Theorem 3 we readily find an index formula for any translation-invariant noncommutative (∓) (∓) anomalies via the machinery of ⋆-cohomology. Show π(DA ) with DA .

Theorem 4; For any noncommutative U(N)-Yang-Mills theory with general translation-invariant ∓ ˇ noncommutative star product ⋆ the topological index of DA is given by chn(SE) as;

ˇ ∓ A⋆± = ∓ chn(SE) = Index(DA ) . (III.12) ZX Z 2n ˇ The topological index is given for de Rham integral class in HdR(X, Z) with chn⋆(SE) via (I.5);

∓ ˇ Index(DA )= A⋆± = ∓ chn⋆(SE) . ZX ZX


In previous section we established an intimate correlation between ⋆- and de Rham cohomology to figure out the topological structure in the background of a translation-invariant noncommutative Yang-Mills theory. In this section we try to demonstrate a similar relation for cyclic (co)homology 8 ∞ and the corresponding Connes-Chern character. One should remember that since A (or C⋆ (X)) is a noncommutative algebra there is no definite coincidence for de Rham and cyclic (co)homology (in the sense of [19] via Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg formula9). Therefore, topological interpretation of noncommutative anomalies need some breakthrough between cyclic (co)homology of A on the one hand and de Rham cohomology of the topologically commutative underlying spacetime X on the other

7 See also the approach of [18]. 8 See [10] for the special case of Moyal star product. 9 See also [20, 21].

7 hand. In this section we proved that this subjective is properly achieved by applying the machinery of ⋆-cohomology. ′ ′ Consider a trivial vector bundle over X, say CN → E′ = CN × X → X, for some large enough ′ ∞ N , so that E → X is embedded in via the image of an idemponent e ∈ MN ′ (C (X)), i.e.;

C∞(E)= {σ ∈ C∞(E′); e.σ = σ} .

′ ′ µ ′ Then, SE := S(X) ⊗ E → X is subject to Dirac operator D = iγ ∂µ on U. Actually, SE could be completed to a Hilbert space, H, with ordinary inner product hρ(ψ1) | ρ(ψ2)i = X ψ1ψ2. We see that µ d π and the Dirac operator D commute, i.e. π ◦ D = D ◦ π for D = iγ ∂µ, and therefore,R the spectrum of D coincides with that of D. Hence, Dirac operator D is a densely defined unbounded Hermitian operator on H. Thus (A, H, D) is a spectral triple. The action of unital ∗-algebra A on H is also given a a a a + − as (ˆα t ) ⊲ ψˆ =α ˆ .tˆ ψ. In addition, we have a Z2-grading of H as H = H ⊕H with;

− 0 D † D = , γD = −Dγ , D+ = D− , (IV.1) D+ 0 ! for γ of (III.11). It is also clear that γα = αγ, α ∈A. Now we employ the homotopy of last section for star rpoducts ⋆s. Then, it can be seen that for anya ˆ ∈A, the operator [D, aˆ] is homotopic to [D, a] and thus is a densely defined operator which could be extended to a bounded operator on H. Also for any p> 2n we have (1 + D2)−1 ∈Lp/2(H) since spec(D) = spec(D) [22]. Set F = D/|D|. Actually, F is a bounded operator with γF = −F γ and F 2 = 1. Hence, (H, F, γ) is an even p-summable Fredholm module over A, and an element of K-homology group K0(A).

The vector bundle SE is in fact a dual element with respect to (H, F, γ) in K-theory group K0(A). ′ ′ Assume an idemponent e ∈ MN ′ (A) so that SE embeds in SE as SE = {ψˆ ∈ SE ; eψˆ = ψˆ}. The d connection on SE is canonically defined with ∇ˆ ψˆ = e.dψˆ. However, it is seen that if for a local basis ˆ ˆa a µ d d+ d + d over U we define ∇ = d + A = d − iAµt dx , then; Index(Fe ) = Index(DA ), in which d 0 F − F = , F + 0 !

+ + + − for the Z2-grading of γ and Fe = eF e : eH → eH . Hence, according to noncommutative index theorem and Theorem 4 we find;

ˇ 2n Theorem 5; The integral cohomology class of the third type Chern character chn(SE) in H⋆ (X, Z) (and the corresponding topological index of chiral Abelian anomaly) is given by the pairing of Connes- Chern characters of 2nth cyclic (co)homology groups due to K-theory and K-cohomology. That is;10

(−1)n chˇ (SE)= Ch2n(H, F, γ), Ch [e] = Trace{γF [F, e][F, e] · · · [F, e]} , (IV.2) n 2n 2 Z for 2n + 1 copies of e and for Trace the trace of operators.

10 The notation Trace is used for trace of operators on the corresponding Hilbert space of Dirac operator.

8 We remember that Ch2n(H, F, γ) in (IV.2) is the Connes-Chern character of (H, F, γ) ∈ K0(A) as

n! Ch2n(H, D, γ)(a , a , · · · , a ) = (−1)n Trace {γF [F, a ][F, a ] · · · [F, a ]} , (IV.3) 0 1 2n 2 0 1 2n   for a0, a1, · · · , a2n ∈A, and

n (2k)! 1 Ch [e]= (−1)k tr e − ⊗ e2k⊗ , (IV.4) 2n k! 2 Xk=0    N ′ wherein e ∈ MN ′ (A) represents the K-theory class [e] in K0(A) and tr is the trace of C . As we mentioned above ⋆-cohomology plays an intermediate role between de Rham and cyclic (co)homologies for any general translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆. In previous sections we established an intimate correlation of ⋆- and de Rham cohomology theories. Now, by employing the special abilities of ⋆-cohomology, due to its partly commutative geometric structures, we can also prove a geometric correspondence between ⋆- and cyclic (co)homology. We emphasize that this relation must be implemented in the setting we just apply for demonstrating that of de Rham and cyclic (co)homologies for commutative algebras. By means of ⋆-cohomology we find the same arguments even for noncommutative algebra A (or C0). This correlation is easy to see within familiar concepts of noncommutative geometry. Actually, the well-known Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg map α : HHk(A) → Ωk(X), for HH∗(A) the Hochschild homology group, leads to an isomorphism, similarly denoted by α, between group n 2j HC2n(A) and ⊕j=0H⋆ (X, C) due to commutativity of d ◦ π = π ◦ dX . It is not hard to see that α produces the third type Chern chracter chˇ n(SE) from Connes-Chern character Ch2n[e] ∈ HC2n(A). n 2j In fact, the composition of isomorphism α : HC2n(A) →⊕j=0H⋆ (X, C) and the canonical projection n 2j 2n π2n : ⊕j=0H⋆ (X, C) → H⋆ (X, C) leads to the following result;

1 n 1 Ξ= π ◦ α : HC (A) → H2n(X, C) , Ξ([Ch [e]]) = [chˇ (SE)] , (IV.5) 2iπ (2n)! 2n 2n ⋆ 2n n   for corresponding cohomology classes [Ch2n[e]] and [chˇ n(SE)]. The homomorphism Ξ can be derived ˆ ˆa a µ with more detailed formalism. To see this we note that for connection ∇ = e.d = d − iAµt dx the ˆ 2 i ˆ µ ν n 2n curvature ∇ is actually = − 2 F⋆µν dx dx . However, with ( = e.(de) we readily n find α (Ch2n[e]) = (2iπ) (2n)! chˇ n(SE) + ∆, where ∆ is a direct summation of an exact 2n-form and ∗ (k+1)⊗ ∗ closed forms of lower even orders in C. Now let Ω (A) = ⊕k≥0A and consider ξ :Ω (A) → C, with ξ =0 on A(k+1)⊗ for k> 2n, and

−1 n i ξ (a ⊗···⊗ a )= − Tr{γa [D, a ] · · · [D, a ]} d2nx , (IV.6) 0 k 2π 2n(2n)! 0 1 k   for k ≤ 2n. Here Tr is the trace on Dirac matrices and on the colors. Thereby, we readily find that

ξ(Ch2n[e]) = chˇ n(SE)+ dφ for some φ ∈ C2n−1. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 1; The linear map ξ of (IV.6) leads to a surjection from cyclic cohomology group HC2n(A) 2n 2n to H⋆ (X, C), i.e. ξ∗ : HC2n(A) → H⋆ (X, C) for any general translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆. Moreover, ξ∗ is in fact a redefinition for Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg map due to

9 (IV.5) with ξ∗ =Ξ.

µ Proof; First note that [D, a]= iγ ∂µa, a ∈A. Then since

Tr (γγµ1 · · · γµ2n ) = (−i)n−12n ǫµ1···µ2n , Tr (γγµ1 · · · γµk ) = 0 , k< 2n , it is seen that ξ vanishes on A(k+1)⊗ for all k 6= 2n. On the other hand, φ := ◦ξ is a closed graded (2n+1)⊗ trace on Ω(A) with support in A . Thus, it defines a cyclic cohomologyR class in HC2n(A). This proves that the Connes’ (b, B)-bicomplex is compatible with the de Rham complex via ξ so that 2n ξ ◦ b = 0 and ξ ◦ B ∈ dC. Thus ξ is reduced to a well-defined map ξ∗ : HC2n(A) → H⋆ (X, C). Direct calculation shows that ξ∗ = Ξ. This finishes the lemma. Q.E.D

Therefore, we have already established the following theorem.

Theorem 6; For any general translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ on X the ˇ 2n integral cohomology class of the third type Chern character chn(SE) in H⋆ (X, Z) is the image of that of Ch2n[e] in cyclic cohomology group HC2n(A) via ξ due to (IV.6).

Corollary 1; The topological index of chiral Abelian anomaly for any general translation-invariant noncommutative U(N)-Yang-Mills theory is given by Connes-Chern character of the corresponding vector bundle SE. That is;

d ∓ ˆ Index(DA )= A⋆± = ∓ ξ (Ch2n[e]) . Z Z


Topological or consistent anomalies in noncommutative field theories have been considered by several authors [11, 12, 15, 16],11 but however, the topological/geometric meaning of the solutions and of the corresponding formulations remained unclear especially for the case of general translation- invariant noncommutative star products. Thus, in this section the subjective is to studying topological anomalies of translation-invariant noncommutative Yang-Mills theories via homotopy classes due to Bismut-Freed determinant bundle and the family index approach [23–25]. Let us assume the action of G˜ on Γ of (III.1) is free so that Γ → Γ/G˜ provides a principal G˜- bundle. We also suppose that X˜ := Γ/G˜ is a smooth manifold. Remember that for any A ∈ Γ, the

Dirac operator is perturbed to unbounded Hermitian operator DA := D + A. Thus, (H, DA, γ) is also regarded as an even p-summable Fredholm module homotopic to (H, D, γ). Also

− 0 DA DA = + , DA 0 !

11 In [11, 12, 15] the authors considered the Moyal product and in [16] general translation-invariant noncommutative star product has been considered via some matrix model.

10 + + − − according to Z2-grading of γ. Thus, Ker(DA ) ⊂ H and Ker(DA ) ⊂ H are finite dimensional. Consider the Bismut-Freed determinant line bundle [23, 24]

+ − Det := Det(H, D, γ) := det(Ker(DA )) ⊗ det(Ker(DA )) , (V.1)

Det which has a natural metric and unitary connection, say ∇ = dΓ − 2πiΠ(A), where Π(A) is a one- form on Γ, and A ∈ Γ. Here, dΓ is the exterior differential operator on Γ. Actually Π(A) is a closed form when it is restricted to orbits of G˜ [23]. Therefore, the connection of ∇Det is flat. That is;

2πi Π(A)= δW (A) , δΠ(A) = 0 , (V.2) where δ is the exterior differential operator on G˜, the BRST operator. Due to Bismut-Freed results 1 ˜ Π represents a non-trivial cohomology class in HdR(G, C), since in fact W (A), the quantum action, is not in general a smooth function on Γ. The BRST closedness of Π, the Wess-Zumino consistency condition, is then an immediate consequence of (V.2). Actually, G(A) := 2πi Π(A) is the topological anomaly. The flatness of ∇Det on orbits of G˜ implies that the parallelism structure on Det provides a covering space for Lie group G˜. Thus, if i : S1 → G˜ defines a smooth map then;12

i∗(Π) ∈ Q . (V.3) 1 ZS 1 ˜ Therefore, we readily find that Π ∈ HdR(G, Q). In principal, the equality of (V.3) should be invariant with respect to homotopy of 2-cocycles sα for s ∈ [0, 1] and its corresponding translation-invariant noncommutative star producs ⋆s, with ⋆1 = ⋆ and ⋆0 the ordinary product. To see this let G˜s be the gauge transformation group defined with ⋆s. That is G˜ = G˜1 and G˜0 is the gauge transformation group in commutative U(N)-Yang-Mills theory. Then M = {G˜s; s ∈ I = [0, 1]} is topologically a cylindrical space with ends G˜ and G˜0. Actually, M is topologically equivalent to I ×G˜ and therefore it deformation retracts on both G˜ and G˜0 [25, 26]. Put a smooth structure on M with dM = δ+ds⊗∂/∂s.

Note that here δ is the exterior derivative operator on G˜s for any s ∈ [0, 1]. Now, Π can be assumed as a one-form on M. By homotopy invariance of (V.3) we see that, there is some Φ ∈ C∞(M) so that d ds Π= δΦ. In other words, if Π0 be the Bismut-Freed connection of commutative Yang-Mills theory;

1 Π − Π0 = δ Φ ds . (V.4) Z0 

Moreover, G˜ and G˜0 are homotopic equivalent. Let f : G˜ → G˜0 defines this equivalence relation. Then (V.4) leads to the following theorem.

Theorem 7; Let ⋆ be a general translation-invariant noncommutative star product on X. Also suppose that [G0(A)] (resp. [G(A)]) is the cohomology class of topological anomaly of commutative

12 Actually, for commutative SU(N)-Yang-Mills theories Q can be replaced with Z. But for the noncommutative case the gauge group SU(N) has to be replaced with U(N), since F⋆ and the Lagrangian contain anti-commutators of the corresponding Lie algebra elements. This, leads to a non-trivial fundamental group for the gauge transformation group G˜ [26]. Thus, despite to ordinary Yang-Mills theories, for those with noncommutative star products we should ∗ ∗ deal with rational cohomology HdR(G,˜ Q) instead of HdR(G,˜ Z) for topological anomalies. This is in fact due to U(1) component in U(N) = U(1) × SU(N). The only finite covering of U(1) is U(1) itself. Therefore, the result of (V.3) 1 belongs to l Z for l-covering. For more details see [25, 27, 28].

11 1 ˜ 1 ˜ (resp. ⋆-noncommutative) U(N)-Yang-Mills theory in HdR(G0, C) (resp. HdR(G, C)). Then, we ∗ have; f ([G0(A)]) = [G(A)]. Moreover, G0(A)/2πi (resp. G(A)/2πi) defines a rational cohomology 1 ˜ 1 ˜ class in HdR(G0, Q) (resp. HdR(G, Q)).

We should explain f with more details. Let g˜s be the infinitesimal gauge transformation group as the Lie algebra of G˜s. Moreover, let πs be the corresponding representation map for star product ⋆s. a 2m 2 Therefore, {πs(ep)t } for p ∈ Z and a = 0, · · · ,N − 1 provides a basis for g˜s. Set df : g˜ → g˜0 with a a 13 df(π(ep)t )= π0(ep)t . Then, it is seen that its integral provides a group isomorphism f : G˜ → G˜0. Actually, f ∗ replaces the ordinary product with translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ within differential forms. This leads us to the following corollary.

Corollary 2; Assume that the topological anomaly of commutative U(N)-Yang-Mills gauge theory,

G0(A), is given by integration of polynomial P (A, C) over spacetime X as; G0(A)= X P (A, C), for C the ghost field. Then, the topological anomaly of noncommutative U(N)-Yang-MillsR theory for any translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ is;

G(A)= P⋆(A, C) . (V.5) ZX wherein P⋆ is the noncommutative polynomial of P due to (I.5).

Note that according to Theorem 7 we know that

G(A)= P⋆(A, C)+ δΦ(A) ZX for BRST exact term δΦ(A). Adding −Φ(A) to the quantum action W (A) as a counter term, i.e. W ′(A)= W (A)−Φ(A), to renormalize the theory accordingly, then we obtain the topological anomaly G(A) as described in (V.5). In principal, the topological anomaly of noncommutative U(N)-Yang- Mills gauge theory on 4-dimensional spacetime X and for any translation-invariant noncommutative star product ⋆ is given for Weyl fermions as;14 1 1 G(A)= tr{C ⋆ d(A ⋆ dA + A3)} . (V.6) 24π2 2 Z 1 ˜ Up to now we studied the topological anomaly within homotopy classes in HdR(G, Q) via family index theory due to Bismut-Freed determinant line bundle. However, it can also be regarded as a noncommutative geometric problem through with the machinery of cyclic (co)homology [30–32].

To see this we note that the inclusiong ˇA : G˜ → Γ as an orbit which passes A ∈ Γ is an invertible ∞ alg ∞ element of C (Γ) ⊗A, and hence defines a class in K1 (C (Γ) ⊗A). Its Chern character in odd ∞ ′ periodic cyclic homology HPodd(C (G˜ ⊗A) is in fact an element of differential graded algebra (Λ , dˆ) ′ ′ ∞ ˜ ˆ −1 ˆ with Λ := ⊕k≥0Λk(C (G) ⊗A) and d = δ + d. For the Maurer-Cartan form ωA =g ˇA dgˇA we read k! Ch1[ˇg ]= (−1)k ω2k+1 ∈ HP (C∞(G˜) ⊗A) . (V.7) ∗ A (2k + 1)! A odd Xk≥0

13 For more details of this proof see [29]. In [25] we also proved similar results for the special case of Moyal product. 14 Here the notation tr is used for trace on both group colors and matrix representation due to π.

12 1 for Ch∗[ˇgA] the corresponding Connes-Chern character in odd periodic cyclic homology forg ˇA. An important formula is [30, 33];

1 ∗ CS(H, D, γ)= Ch∗[ˇgA], Ch1(H, D, γ) , (V.8)

∗ wherein Ch1(H, D, γ) is the class of Connes-Chern character in odd periodic cyclic cohomology HP odd(C∞(G˜)⊗A) via (IV.3) and CS(H, D, γ) is the corresponding Chern-Simons form. The pairing (V.8) is in fact taken place via

j k+j ∞ ∪ : Hk(G,˜ C) ⊗ HC (A) → HC (C (G˜) ⊗A) ,

odd ˜ and hence, it represents de Rham cohomology classes in HdR (G, C). The main result is that the 1 ˜ ˜ component in HdR(G, C) of pairing (V.8) coincides with Π(A) up to some exact form on G. Therefore, if i : S1 → G˜ is a smooth map, then we find;

∗ 1 1 ∗ i (G(A)) = 2πi Ch∗[ˇgA], [S ] ∪ Ch2(H, D, γ) ∈ 2πi Q , (V.9) 1 ZS

1 1 where i : S → G˜ is considered to represent a class in H1(G,˜ C), say [S ]. Calculating (V.9) is actually accomplished by using Connes-Moscovici local index formula as a residue of some zeta function.15


Through this paper we introduced a cohomology theory, so called ⋆-cohomology, with cohomology k groups H⋆ (X, C), on spacetime manifold X, to describe general translation-invariant noncommutative quantum field theories by means of both commutative and noncommutative geometric structures. In fact, ⋆-cohomology plays an intermediate role between de Rham and cyclic (co)homology theories for noncommutative algebras. It provides a breakthrough between commutative and noncommutative quantum field theories and thus is comparable to the Seiberg-Witten map. Employing this framework for Chern-Weil theory we introduced three types of Chern characters so ˇ ∗ that the third type, ch∗, is shown to belong to H⋆ (X, Z) and has intimate correlation to Connes-Chern ˇ ∗ characters in cyclic (co)homology groups. On the other hand, ch∗ induces integral classes in HdR(X, Z) which include significant information about topology of translation-invariant noncommutative Yang- Mills theories over X. Therefore, the topology of Abelian and topological anomalies of translation- invariant noncommutative Yang-Mills theories were studied thoroughly with correlation to Connes- Chern characters in cyclic (co)homology groups and the machinery of noncommutative geometry.


The author says his gratitude to S. Ziaee who was the main reason for appearing this article. Moreover, the author wishes to dedicate this work to Mohammad Reza Shajarian for all he has done

15 See [30] for more details.

13 to Iranian art and culture along last fifty years. Finally, my special thanks and highest regards go to the esteemed referee and the respectable editor of ROMP for all their honest considerations.

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