VOLUME 13 NUMBER 1, SEPTEMBER 2009 $5.50 Stanley L. Jaki, OSB August 17, 1924 – April 7, 2009 But thou hast ordered all things in measure, and number, and weight. —Wisdom 11:20 Listen Up! Two Chesterton Classics Now Available As Audiobooks. ORTHODOXY Read by Dale Ahlquist (8 Compact Discs) $34.95 THE INNOCENCE OF FATHER BROWN A Dramatic Reading by Kevin O’Brien Introductions and Epilogues by Dale Ahlquist (12 Compact Discs) $44.95 Listen to these great books in the car or when you are otherwise paralyzed. Thrill at the Father Brown mysteries as actor Kevin O’Brien brings them to life. Contemplate the depth and mirth of Orthodoxy again and again. ❏ ORTHODOXY QTY: ____ ❏ THE INNOCENCE OF FATHER BROWN QTY: ____ + $3.00 Shipping each set TOTAL: __________ NAME A C ADDRESS S 4117 Pebblebrook Circle, CITY/STATE/ZIP Minneapolis, MN 55437 952-831-3096 PHONE
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