Lie Theory and Physics Gert Heckman Radboud University Nijmegen
[email protected] December 5, 2018 1 Contents Preface 2 1 Constructions of linear algebra 4 2 Representations of groups 7 3 Character theory for finite groups 12 4 Molecular vibrations after Wigner 18 5 The spin homomorphism 24 6 Lie groups and Lie algebras 30 7 Lie algebra representations 36 8 The universal enveloping algebra 39 9 The representations of sl2(C) 44 10 The quantization of the Kepler problem 51 11 Spinning elementary particles 59 2 Preface Sophus Lie (1842-1899) was a Norwegian mathematician, who created an algebraic language (Lie algebras) to deal with the notion of symmetry in the analytic setting (Lie groups). 3 1 Constructions of linear algebra Suppose U, V are two finite dimensional complex vector spaces. The set theoretic direct product U V has a natural vector space structure by com- × ponentwise addition and scalar multiplication, so (u1, v1)+(u2, v2) := (u1 + u2, v1 + v2), λ(u, v) := (λu,λv) for all u1,u2,u U, v1, v2, v V and λ C. This vector space is denoted U V and is called∈ the direct∈ sum of U∈ and V . It is easy to check that ⊕ dim(U V ) = dim U + dim V . The⊕ set of all linear maps A : U V has a natural vector space structure under pointwise addition and scalar→ multiplication, so (A1 + A2)(u) := A1u + A2u, (λA)(u)= λ(Au) for all linear maps A , A , A : U V and all u U and λ C. We denote 1 2 → ∈ ∈ this vector space Hom(U, V ).