Descendants of Thomas McDonnell Page 1 1-Thomas McDonnell b. Cir 1804, Doughlough, Ballycastle Co. Mayo, Ireland, d. 29 Sep 1884, bur. Old Graveyard, Doonfeeny, Ballycastle, Co. Mayo, Ireland +Catherine Tomas b. Est 1810, Co. Mayo, Ireland 2-Elenora McDonnell +Patrick Newcombe m. 1879 3-John Newcombe 3-Patrick Newcombe 3-Bridget Newcombe 3-Mary Newcombe +Thomas Lynott b. 1877, d. 28 Oct 1927 4-Joseph (Joe) Lynott 4-Stephen Lynott d. Cir 1998, Dublin, Ireland 2-Anne McDonnell +Jack Barrett m. 1882 3-Jim Barrett +Agnes Cawley 3-Mary Barrett +Martin Healy 3-Katie Barrett +Jim Mehean 3-Bridget Barrett 2-Bridget McDonnell b. Cir 1838 +Pat Sweeney m. 1865, (North Mayo) 3-Pat Sweeney +Donnelly 3-Catherine (Kate) Sweeney b. Cir 1850, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo +John Langan b. Cir 1848, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo, m. 7 Feb 1891, Ballycastle, d. 16 Jun 1922, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo, bur. 18 Jun 1922, Doonfeeney Graveyard, Ballycastle, Mayo, par. Anthony Langan and Catherine McDonnell 4-Patrick Langan b. Cir 1891, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Mary Langan b. Cir 1893, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-John Langan b. Cir 1894, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Peter Langan b. Cir 1896, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Annie Langan b. Cir 1898, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Kate Langan b. Cir 1900, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Michael Langan b. Cir 1903, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Bridget Langan b. Cir 1905, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-James Langan b. Cir 1907, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 4-Anthony Langan b. 1910, Killerduff, Doonfeeny, Mayo 3-Bridget Sweeney +Martin Langan Produced by:, <
[email protected]>, : 31 Jul 2015 Descendants of Thomas McDonnell Page 2 3-Martin Sweeney 3-Michael Sweeney b.