

Issue 26 ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! April 2017!

Published by the Society, Bath, England

Contents" " Postgraduate"conference"by"Joe" Review:'D.'H.'Lawrence’s'The$Lost$ Williams"p."3" Girl!!by#Gerri%Kimber%p.%22" ‘The$Allure$and$Heartbreak$of$the$ ‘KM’s%Russian"Dream’!by#Victoria# Archives’!by!Todd$Martin$p.$7" Robson&p.&28" Review:'Gerri'Kimber’s'Katherine) Mansfield:+The+Early+Years!by# Hamilton)Gardens)update)by)Gay) Aimee%Gasston%p.13" Main!p.#32" ‘Miss$Brill$at$the$Performance$ ‘Tom$L.$Mills’!by#Richard# Cappuccio(p.(16" Arcade’!by#Sue#Jamieson#p.#34" Excerpt(from(‘Miss$Brill’s$Lament’!by# ‘Poem’!by#Jan#Kemp#p.#19" Jessica'Whyte'p.'35" Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 2

! Welcome'to'issue'26'of'the'Katherine'Mansfield'Society'Newsletter.!Many%of%our% members,' in' particular' those' from' North' America," celebrate" the" publication" of" Katherine)Mansfield!and$the$Bloomsbury$Group!edited%by%our%own%Todd%Martin."In" other&news&it"is"exciting"to"hear"that"Wellington’s!collection(of(Katherine(Mansfield( personal)and)literary)papers)has)been)added)to)the)UNESCO)Memory)of)the)World) New$ Zealand$ documentary$ heritage! register.( Less( fabulous( was( the( news( of# a# proposal! to# exhume# and# bring! back% KM’s" remains" to" the" same" city." Thanks" to" members&who&wrote&in&support&of&retaining(the(grave(in(Avon.! ! In#the#last#newsletter#we#reported#on#the#short#story#Miss#Brill#in#the#context$of$ Tyro% Heath’s% short% film.& In& this& issue& the& same$ story$ is$ considered$ as$ part! of# Wellington’s+ Performance+ Arcade+ and+ in+ turn+ as+ inspiration& for! Jessica' Whyte’s# essay% ‘Miss$Brill’s$ Lament’.!Thanks$to$ Gerri%Kimber!and$ Aimee$ Gasston$ for$ their$ book$reviews!and$to$Joe$Williams$for$his$report$on$the$postgraduate(conference(in( Oxford'which,'incidentally,'was$a$feast$of$$both%literary(discourse(and!Jamie&Oliver’s& food!%Thanks'also'to'Richard'Cappuccio'for'a'preview'of'his'latest'research'on#Tom# L.#Mills#and$to!Sue$Jamieson,$Victoria$Robson$and$Gay$Main$for$updates$from$New$ Zealand.! ! Inside'you'will'find'notices'of'several'inspiring'events'occurring'over'the'next'four' months' culminating' in' the' Annual' Birthday' Lecture.' Also' please' note' other' announcements* including# the# details# and# deadline# for# submissions# to# the# yearbook(:(Katherine(Mansfield(and(Virginia(Woolf(and(essay(prize((31!August).! ! Finally'thanks'to#Susan&Wilson&for&letting&us&reproduce&her&painting&!on#the# front& of& this& newsletter." Susan" Wilson" has" forthcoming+ solo+ shows+ at+ The+ Pah+ Homestead)in)Auckland,!New$Zealand$and$Browse$&$Darby$in$Cork$St$London$W1! in#2018.!

I" am" pleased" to" announce" that" Andrea" Van" Poeteren" is" the" winner" of" our" prize," Pierce&Butler’s&book,%A"Child"of"the"Sun."Andrea'correctly'identified'James'Young'as' the$doctor$that$attended$KM$at$the$Prieuré$and$was$present$when$she$died.! ! To#enter#our#next#competition#answer#the#following:# What! was! the! name! of! little! collection!of!poems!that!KM!put!together!(and!illustrated!the!front!cover)!when!she! was!just!14!years!old?!The!winner!will!receive!a!copy!of!Sarah!Laing’s!Mansfield*and* Me:*A*Graphic*Novel.* 123

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3 3

Postgraduate+Conference+at+Oxford" " by#Joe#Williams"

About& a& kilometre& north& of& Brasenose& College—where% John% Middleton% Murry% studied—stands& a& tall& palladian& building& behind& a& grassy& forecourt& that& once& served& as& Oxford’s& first& hospital.& Quite& recently& refurbished,& the& Radcliffe& Humanities* Building* is* home* to* TORCH,* the* Oxford* Research* Centre* in* the* Humanities,+ our+ generous+ hosts+ for+ this+ year’s+ Katherine$ Mansfield$ Society’s$ postgraduate+conference.+Characteristically+infused+with+a+touch+of+Bloomsbury+ and$ New$ Zealand,$ the$ event$ brought$ together$ early$ career$ researchers,$ from$ master’s( students( to( recently( submitted( doctoral( students,( with( established( scholars'for'a'supportive'and'engaging'day.'! ! Elleke%Boehmer,%director%of%TORCH%and%Professor%of%World%Literatures%in%English% at# Oxford# University,# introduced# our# discussions# with# some# prefatory# remarks# on#the#recent#appeal#to#exhume#Mansfield’s#remains#from!Avon%in%France%to%her% birthplace+ in+ Wellington.+ Boehmer,+ perhaps+ spiritedly,+ invited+ the+ delegates+ to+ reflect' on' the' orientation' of' the' critical' responses,' such' as' the' Katherine' Mansfield* Society* committee’s) unanimous) disapproval* of* the* plan.* Introducing+ her$ new$ interest' in' ‘Southness’—a" collective(experience(of(the( global& south—Boehmer' suggested' that' such' positions'may'be'looking'at' the$ idea$ from$ a$ northernE hemisphere(perspective.(! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! Elleke%and%Gerri%chair%the%discussion" ! Quoting(provocatively(from(Mansfield’s+poetry,+J.+M.+Coetzee,+and+the+final+lines+ of#Gerri#Kimber’s#new#biography#of#Mansfield’s#early#years,#Boehmer#reaffirmed# Mansfield’s+ home+ in+ the+ South+ as+ the+ spectre+ that+ continued+ to+ haunt+ and+ inspire'Mansfield’s'life'until'the'end.'These'thoughts&continued&to&reverberate& throughout'the'day.! 45

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 4 4

Our$first$panel$saw$Sanna$Melin$Schyllert$argue$that$in$the$work$of$Elizabeth$ von$Arnim,$ whose$ cousin$ was$Mansfield,$ heroines$ usurp$the$conventions$ of$ classic& romances& through& their& sacrifice.& Helen& Saunders# demonstrated# Mansfield’s+shifting+appreciation+of+James+Joyce+and+pondered+the+reciprocity+ of# such# admiration,# examining# Joyce’s# ‘The# Dead’# and# Mansfield’s# ‘The# Stranger’) in) dialogue) with) one) another.) Moira) Mitchell) offered) a) new) and) exciting( psychoanalytic% reading% of% ‘The% Garden% Party’% to% complement% and% reorient'a'myriad'of'existing'readings.'! ! In# our# second# panel,# Valeria# Taddei# argued# for# the# unfixed# nature# of# Mansfield’s+epiphanies,+exploring+Mansfield’s+lifeEwriting'in'connection'to'her' creative(practice.&Karli&Wessale’s&talk&followed&neatly&on,&offering&a&reading&of&

epiphany(in(‘The(Little(Governess’(that(forces(the(heroine(to(accept(her(gloomy( reality.) Louise) Edensor) then) explained) how) Mansfield’s) writing) developed) during' the' period' in' which' she' wrote$ for$ the$ New$ Age,$ and$ considered$ the$ affinity'between'Mansfield,'A.'R.'Orage'and'Beatrice'Hastings.'! ! Lastly,(Christina(Dodson(Castillón(powered(through(every(technical(difficulty(we( managed'to'throw'at'her'and'delivered'a'new'reading'of'madness'in'Mansfield’s( ‘Prelude’,*contextualising*them*in*a*socioEhistorical*environment.*My*own*paper* argued'for'seeing'the'revision'of'Mansfield’s'The$Aloe$to#‘Prelude’#as#an#attempt# to# remove# the# colonial# dimension# of# New# Zealand# life.# And# finally,# Lotta# Schneidemesser"took"us"back"to"the"Frankfurt"Book"Fair"in"2012,"and"examined" how$Mansfield$can$be$emblematic$of$New$Zealand$literature$when$she$is$taken$ from%her%context.! 678

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 5

! Our$ keynote$ was$ splendidly$ delivered$ by$ Gerri$ Kimber,$ Chair$ of$ the$ Katherine) Mansfield) Society) and"Visiting"Professor"at"the"University"of" Northampton.+Kimber’s+talk+envisioned+five+of+Mansfield’s+New+Zealand+ stories'as'comprising'their'own'cycle,'sharing'thematic'links'in'the'harsh' reality(of(colonial(life.(This(reading(challenges(received(understandings% of#Mansfield’s#brother’s#death# turning# Mansfield’s#attention#squarely#to# New$ Zealand,$ suggesting$ a$ sustained$ and$ coherent$ interest$ in$ writing$ New$Zealand$life$from$the$moment$she$arrived$back$in$London.$Kimber’s$ talk%was%punctuated%with%beautiful%photographs(of(Mansfield’s(early(life( and$ depictions$ of$ the$ original$ editions$ of$ these$ 1912E1913$ stories.$ A$

lively& discussion& soon$ followed,$ with$ Kimber’s) talk) bringing& together! the$ threads$ of$ discussion( and( responding* to* some* of# the# thoughts# offered& by& Boehmer" at# the# beginning# of# the$day.$!

Alice& Kelly& chaired! our$ roundtable,$ which$ included$ Janet$ Wilson$ and$ Delia&da&Sousa&Correa&as&well&as&Boehmer&and&Kimber,&with&each&scholar& offering( insightful(summary( thoughts.( After(inviting(questions( from( the( floor,& those& who$ were$ able$ to$ come$ trekked$ across$ Oxford$ to$ Jamie’s$ Italian'restaurant,'where'no'one'was'as'excited'as'Louise'Edensor,'who' admitted'she'had'half'come'to'the'UK'from'Dubai'to'experience'a'Jamie' Oliver' restaurant.' It' was' a' wonderful' day' full' of' modernism,! postcolonialism,,psychoanalysis,,and,women’s,writing,,and,I,am,sure,all, involved—now$members$of$the$Katherine$Mansfield$Society—await%next% year’s'conference'with'great'anticipation.'! ! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 6 6 12

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7 7

The$Allure$and$Heartbreak'of'the'Archive1! " by"Todd"Martin" ! Spring'came'early'to'Chicago'this'year:'the'air'crisp'and'chill,'but'with'a'warming' sun.%Still,%when%one%heads%east%toward%Lake%Michigan,%where%tall%buildings%stand% aside&in&rank&and&file,&there&is&always&a&cold&bluster%of%wind,%one%I%imagine%would% have%made%Mansfield%feel%right%at%home,%though%the%air%is%missing%the%salty%tang.! ! ! In#the#month#that#I’ve#lived#here,#the#city#has#shrunk—a"surprising"turn"of"events" for$this$small$town$boy.$I$stay$mostly$within$the$eight!blocks'it'takes'to'walk'to'the' Newberry' Library,'a' stretch' along' which' I' buy' my' coffee,' my' toiletries,' and' my' groceries.)When)I)want)to)go)downtown,)I)walk)two)blocks)to)the)“El”)red)line,) ride% under% the% streets% to% emerge% among% high% rises% and% the% monolithic# Trump# Tower.'I'think'I’ve'even'taken'on'the'big'city'gait,'head'down'unless'someone'gets' too#close.#Even#then,#eyeEcontact&is&brief.&!

1 Research for this project was completed through the funding of the Lester J. Cappon Fellowship, awarded by the Newberry Library, and through release time provided by Huntington University as part of the endowed Edwina Patton Chair. I would like to thank both organizations for their support. 3

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 8 8

! ! Still,&I&am&beginning&to&understand&the&allure&of&the&metropolis&for&Mansfield:"the" big$city,$the$place$where$it$all$seems$to$happen.!But$my$life$for$two$months$centers$ on#the#Newberry#where#I#have#the#privilege#of#exploring#their#wonderful#collection# of# Mansfield# manuscripts.# As# part# of# my# study,# I’ve# immersed# myself# in# reading# about# the# archive# in# its# generic# sense.# First,# I# picked# up# Derrida’s# Archive(Fever," hoping'to'find'some'insights'into'how'I'should'approach'the'capitalEA"Archive,"but" I" found" him" more" clever" than" helpful," his" mixed" associations" with" Freud" and" memory& and& the& archive.( What( I( found( more( apropos( was( Carolyn( Steedman’s( Dust:&The&Archive&and&Cultural&History."Playing"off"Derrida’s"title,"Steedman"opens" her$ book$ by$ discussing$ the$ literal$ illnesses$ associated$ with$ the$ dust$ of$ the$ archive—the$ deadly$ glues$ and$ hides,$ not" to" mention" the" toxic" pages" that" were" purchased*not*only*through*razed*trees,*but*with*the*lungs*of*those*who*processed* the$wood$pulp.$According$to$Steedman,$the$archivist$literally$breaths$in$the$death$ of# the# departed,# hoping# to# bring# them# back# to# life.# This% didn’t% comfort% someone% with%dust%allergies.! ! But$Steedman$also$notes$the$fever,$the$itch$to$uncover$something$new,$something$ original.) That) was) certainly) something) I) could) understand.) I) spent) the) first) two) weeks% of% my% time% at% the% Newberry% scouring% and! photographing* scores* of* manuscript+ pages,+ hoping+ to+ find+ something+ new.+ Of+ course,+ between+ Margaret+ Scott’s'Notebooks!and$her$and$Vincent$O’Sullivan’s$Collected(Letters,"and"now"with" the$publication$of$Mansfield’s$Collected(Works,"I"knew"there"wasn’t"much!hope%in% that.%But%hope%really%does%spring%eternal%.%.%.! ! I" was" almost" convinced" that" I" had" found" two" unpublished" fragments" of" stories," which% wouldn’t% be% earthEshattering,+ but+ it+ had+ the+ allure+ of+ the+ undiscovered.+ It+ turns& out,& though,& that& once& I& had& deciphered' bits' and' pieces' where' the' handwriting* was* semiElegible,'that'they' were—in#part#or# whole—passages&from& ‘There& are& certain& human& beings’& and& ‘There& is& always& something& wonderfully& touching’*which,*of*course,*are*in*the*Collected(Fiction."! ! There%are%some%unpublished,%uncited%letters%from%John%Middleton%Murry%to%James% Pinker,( Mansfield’s( literary( agent,( and( all( pertain( to( her( work.( Most( are( banal( responses'to'individuals'requesting'permission'to'print'one'of'Mansfield’s'stories' or# to# translate# the# stories$into$French,$Spanish,$German,$and$even$Dutch,$Czech,$ 4

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9 9

and$Japanese.$Many$broach$the$subject$of$money:$either$Murry$asking$when$he$ will$receive$an$advance,$wondering$where$a$royalty$check$is,$or$negotiating$the$ fees$for$the$rights$to$certain$stories$and$ translations.* These* certainly* play*into* Jeffrey&Meyer’s&cynical&portrayal&of&Murry&in&Katherine)Mansfield:)A)Darker)View." ! !! ! ! But$there$was$ evidence,$ too,$ that$ he$ truly$ wanted$ to$ bolster$ her$reputation,$ to$ keep$her$work$in$the$public$eye$in$order$to$help$solidify(her(reputation—and$we$ are$the$benefactors$of$this$work.$This,$at$least,$was$what$he$claimed$in$one$of$the$ early& letters& to& Pinker,& proposing& the& publication& of& Mansfield’s& unpublished& stories,(poems,(notebooks,(and(letters.(This(was(something(I(could$work$with.$I$ had$a$longish$letter$describing$his$intention$and$laying$out$his$plan,$and$it$shed$a$ more% nuanced% light% on% his% motives.% Neither% F.% A.% Lea,% Murry’s% biographer,% nor% Meyers& nor& Antony& Alpers& referred& to& these& letters,& even& when& they& were& assessing%Murry’s%motivation.%I%had%something,%finally%…%though%it%wasn’t%much.%! ! But$I$knew$I$had$to$consult$Kathleen$Jones’s$Katherine)Mansfield:)The)Story6teller," for$I$remembered$that$she$painted$a$more$sympathetic$portrait$of$Murry,$and,$ sure% enough,% there" was" a" reference" to" the" letter." Evidently," the" Alexander" Turnbull'Library'has'a'copy'of'it,'too.'I'was'deflated.'! ! But$I$do$have$this.$It$doesn’t$suggest$anything$that$hasn’t$already$been$said$about$ Murry,&but&I&have&to&admit&that&I&was&a&bit&taken&aback,!more%by%the%timing%than% anything.) According) to) Lea,) in) The$ Life$ of$ John$ Middleton$ Murry," Murry" was" devastated'by'Mansfield’s'death,'so'much'so'that'the'months'afterwards'were'a' spent&in&a&fog.&He&cites&Murry&from&1947!saying:! ! ‘The%shock%was%so%great%that!I"lived"for"some"weeks"in"a"kind"of"numbness." Unreal'myself,'I'moved'in'an'unreal'world,'as'if'it'were'a'painted'scenery'…' it#was#the#beginning#of#a# chilly#phantasmagoria,#which#as#far#as#I#knew,# might&go&on&for&ever.’&(99E100)""! ! According)to)the)letter)I"found,"though—a"letter"that"may"or"may"not"be"known"to" other& scholars—Murry’s' mind' was' clear' enough' to' contact' Pinker' just' a' week' after&Mansfield&was&buried.&The&letter,&dated&18!January'1923,"begins:! ! ! Dear%Mr.%Pinker,! 5

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10 10

You$ have$ no$ doubt$ already$ heard$ of! my# wife’s# sudden# death# on# January'9th."About"that"there"is"nothing"to"be"said."! (Newberry(Library,(Midwest(Manuscripts,(KM(Additions,(Box(1,"Folder"4)! ! He# then# goes# on# to# confirm# that# Pinker# would# continue# to# act# on# behalf# of# Mansfield*as*an*agent*for*her!work,&indicating&that&he&would&meet&with&him&when& he# arrived# in# London# to# discuss# the# publication# of# her# work,# which# was# bequeathed)to)him.)! ! Now,%this%doesn’t%confirm%his%motive,%but%the%date%of%the%letter,%it%seems%to%me,%is% powerful—perhaps'more'powerful#than#anything#that#it#says.#Not#a#find#to#write# home%about,%though%…%(but%of%course%I%did).%! ! Luckily,)my)Fellowship)with)the)Newberry)does)not)hinge)on)making)any)new) discoveries.*I’m*here*to*read*and*evaluate*Mansfield’s*story*manuscripts.*I*hope* to#trace%the%changes%Mansfield%made%between%the%drafts%of%her%stories.%But%while% many%of%the%stories%can%be%traced%back%to%a%manuscript%either%in%the%Newberry%or% the$Turnbull$Libraries,$only$a$handful$exist$in$two$drafts$(prior$to$publication).$ So,$ the$ rest$ of! my# time# here# will# be# comparing# manuscript# to# typescript# and# transcribing*all*of*this.*! ! I"did"run"across"a"note"in"the"library’s"Accession"Files,"however,"indicating"that" there% was% a% letter% in% their% collection% that% contained% three% paragraphs% that% are% NOT$part%of%the%Collected(Letters."I’m"going"to"check"it"out".".".! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11 11

Order Your Copy Today!

Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group Edited by Todd Martin

"‘This wide­ranging collection of essays makes fresh forays into the interstices of well­ travelled literary territory, escorting readers to familiar topoi like Bloomsbury and Garsington Manor to discover new insights through intimate portrayals of their inhabitants and visitors. Katherine Mansfield is both object of study and muse in this endeavor, providing satirical perspectives on the social groups and gatherings which so often made her feel like an outsider, and inspiring the imaginatively sympathetic prose of an outstanding group of scholars devoted to celebrating her work.’" Rishona Zimring, Professor of English, Lewis & Clark College

35% off with this flyer! Hardback | 264 pp | June 2017 | 9781474298971 | $114.00 $74.10

The New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield associated intimately with many members of the Bloomsbury group, but her literary aesthetics placed her at a distance from the artistic works of the group. With chapters written by leading international scholars, Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group explores this conflicted relationship. Bringing together biographical and critical studies, the book examines Mansfield’s relationships – personal and literary – with such major Modernist figures as Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley and Walter de la Mare as well as the ways in which her work engaged with and reacted against Bloomsbury. In this way the book reveals the true extent of Mansfield’s wider influence on 20th­century modernist writing.

Todd Martin is Professor of English at Huntington University, USA. He is Membership Secretary for the Katherine Mansfield Society and co-editor of Katherine Mansfield and World War One (2014), Katherine Mansfield and Translation (2015), and Katherine Mansfield and (2016).

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 12

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Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13 13

Review"of"Gerri"Kimber,"Katherine)Mansfield:)The)Early)Years" (Edinburgh"University"Press,"2016)" by"Aimee"Gasston" [reproduced*from*the*New*Zealand*Studies*Network:*NZstudies.com]*

Mansfield! recorded! in! a! wellEquoted! journal! entry! of! 1917! her! reluctance! to! leave!‘scraps’!and!‘bits’!behind.!In!reality,!though,!scraps!and!bits!are!precisely! what!the!biographer!has!to!work!with,!some!deliberately!preserved,!others!at! random.!In!her!essay!‘Virginia!Woolf’s!Nose’,!Hermione!Lee!describes!the!art!of! the! biographer! as! partly! ‘making! up’,! making! a! whole! from! various! parts! or! ingredients,! and! partly! ‘making! over’,! presenting! a! subjective! version! of! the! individual!in!question.!

As!if!in!testament!to!the!need!to!tread!carefully!between!these!two!activities,!in! her! new! biography! of! Mansfield’s! early! years,! Kimber! has! taken! the! brave! editorial!decision!to!include!large!chunks!of!original!material!in!her!biography,! not! only! textual! excerpts! but! also! previously! unpublished! photographs.! This! not!only!allows!readers!to!participate!in!the!‘making!up’!and!‘making!over’!of! Mansfield! directly,! but! also! increases! its! value! exponentially! to! scholars! and! researchers!who!are!able!to!consult!and!cite!these!new!sources,!as!if!visiting!the! Harry!Ransom!Center!(Texas)!and!the!Alexander!Turnbull!Library!(Wellington)! simultaneously!and!from!the! comfort! of! their! living!room! or!study.!The! book! takes! on! the! feel! of! an! extremely! wellEmarshalled! compendium,! while! at! the! same!time!allowing!Kimber!the!space!to!perform!her!duties!of!making!up!and! over!with!dexterity.!

Kimber! gives! full! and! resonant! context! to! the! journal! entries! which! are! a! difficult!read!on!their!own,!unshored!from!external!facts,!providing!illuminating! counterpoints! from! friends! and! family! members! as! well! as! those! frames! of! reference! provided! by! Mansfield’s! fiction.! Kimber! also! does! extremely! deft! work!in!filling!in!numerous!gaps!in!the!record.!By!way!of!example,!one!of!my! own! personal! mysteries! was! a! photograph! Mansfield! describes! in! a! letter! to! Murry!–!a!picture!of!herself!as!a!child,!grasping!a!spade!as!if!about!to!dig!for! treasure! (Mansfield’s! summation! was! that! she! instead! resembles! a! ‘solemn! little! monster’).! There! it! is! sitting! casually! on! page! twentyEeight.! As! a! cricket! enthusiast,!another!issue!of!personal!curiosity!was!Mansfield’s!infatuation!with! a!member!of!the!Marylebone!Cricket!Club’s!team,!who!was!also!sailing!to!New! Zealand! aboard! the! S.! S.!Corinth*in! 1906.! There! is! no! definite! identity! for! the! object! of! Mansfield’s! attentions! but! Kimber! presents! a! trio! of! possible! candidates! from! the! team,! including! photographs! and! even! descriptions! of! bowling!techniques!–!practically!a!dossier.!Her!fastidious!research!is!likely!to! satisfy!a!host!of!divergent!Mansfieldian!whims.! 2

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In! taking! Mansfield’s! until! now! almost! undocumented! childhood! and! teenage! years! as! her! subject,! Kimber! also! allows! the! reader! the! unusual! pleasure! of! spending!time!with!Mansfield!without!the!illness!which!overshadowed!her!adult! life.!That!said,!we!do!come!to!find!that!in!the!case!of!Mansfield,!adolescence!was! almost!experienced!as!its!own!type!of!illness,!with!Mansfield!the!unruly!teenager! tortured!by!hormones!as!much!as!by!the!Wellington!she!yearned!to!leave!then! spent! the! rest! of! her! life! trying! to! get! back! to.! ‘KM’,! as! Kimber! refers! to! her! throughout!her!book,!comes!across!as!pretentious,!adventurous,!unconventional! and!ambitious!in!roughly!equal!measures.!

One! of! this! book’s! key! strengths! lies! in! its! careful! setting! out! of! the! early! trajectory! of! Mansfield’s! later! successes! which! would! have! her! shaping! the! landscape! of! literary! modernism.! It! is! clear! that! Mansfield! was! committed! to! becoming!an!artist!of!some!type!from!a!relatively!early!age,!and!Kimber!shows! how!she!was!also!tempted!by!the!roles!of!poet!and!cellist.!Her!borrowing!record! at! the! parliamentary! library! in! Wellington! revealed! a! rapacious! interest! in! philosophy! and! Kimber! also! delineates! the! substantive! influence! of! the! Decadents! on!the!young! Mansfield’s! life! and! writing.!Other! traits! which! would! find! her! way! into! Mansfield’s! best! prose! as! an! adult! were! manifest! as! a! very! young!child!–!a!reverence!for!the!natural!world!(fostered!by!time!spent!in!Karori! orchards!with!Pat!Sheehan!and!the!scent!of!heliotrope!and!the!sea)!and!a!keenly! felt! sense! of! justice! (brought! to! life! in! an! incident! where! the! tenEyearEold! Mansfield!came!between!the!cane!of!a!teacher!and!fellowEpupil!Percy!Jones,!who! had!fallen!asleep!in!class!after!waking!at!3am!each!morning!to!milk!cows).!

This! is! surely! a! book! of! which! Mansfield! would! have! approved.! In! 1920,! she! wrote! with! disdain! of! William! Knight! for! his! introduction! to!Dorothy* Wordsworth’s*Journal*which!revealed!his!editorial!decision!to!omit!some!of!the! ‘trivial! details’! of! the! Wordsworth! household’s! daily! business.! While! Knight! explained! that! there! was! ‘no! need’! for! their! inclusion,! Mansfield’s! scribbled! retort! ran:! ‘There! is!! Fool!’! Kimber! has! avoided! such! pitfalls! –! her! meticulous! work!navigates!easily!between!the!macroE!and!microscopic.!It!makes!room!for! the!minutiae!of!clothing,!spectacles,!the!mascot!penguin!at!Thorndon!Baths,!the! child!writer!pretending!to!be!a!dragon,!the!rockEpools!at!Day’s!Bay,!a!lily!lawn! bordered! with! violets.! Of! such! trivial! details! full! lives! are! made! up,! and! made! over.! ! Aimee"Gasston! Aimee! Gasston! is! finalising! her! PhD! on! modernist! short! fiction! at! Birkbeck,! University! of! London,! where! she! will! take! up! a! Wellcome! Trust! ISSF! research! fellowship!to!work!on!a!project!about!literary!stammering.!

! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 15 15



“ A remarkable play. Sheer theatrical perfection.” Dr. Gerri Kimber.

Saint Jean’s Eve, June 23rd 1920. At a villa on the French coast, four remarkable people spend a day together – a time not easily forgotten – or forgiven


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Footnotes:(Tom(L.(Mills" " by#Richard#Cappuccio" ! There%is%a%scene% in%the% television%drama! :&The&Beginnings&of&Katherine&Mansfield! (2011)&in&which&the&young&writer&meets&with&an&established&journalist&to&discuss&the& direction)of)her)career.))Thomas)Lewis)Mills)told)Sir)Harold)Beauchamp)that)he)would) consent'to'read'the'young'Kathleen'Beauchamp’s'work'“so'long'as'she'doesn’t'fire'the' ms.$of$a$novel$at$me.”$$The$journalist$advised$the$fledgling$writer$that$her$work$was$ “not% suitable% for% a% newspaper”% but% that% she% could% “try% the% Native' Companion' .' .' .' a" magazine(that(takes(the(sex(story”;(he(later$wrote$that$Mansfield$had$even$offered$to$ allow% him% to% publish% her% work% for% free:% “She% wanted% to% give% me% a% story% for% my% Satur[day]*Supplement.*But*I*said*No*–!sell$your$stuff$–!don’t&give&it&away!&She&took&my& advice.”) ) The) teleEbiography* also* reEenacts' the$ scene$when$ Mansfield’s$ parents$ read$ “Leves&Amores,”&one&of&the&stories&she&shared&with&Mills.&Its&publication&so&upset&the& Beauchamp) household) that) she) was) soon) back) in) London.) One) can) only) speculate) about&Mansfield’s&career&if&she&had¬&followed&the!advice'of'Mr.'Mills.'! ! ! Mills% wrote% about% their% meeting% in% an% article% in% the% New$ Zealand$ Railways$ Magazine((1933),'and'Ruth'Mantz'and'Antony'Alpers'retell'his'roll'in'the'history'of' Katherine) Mansfield.) One) can) read) this) as) just) a) small) episode) in) a) complicated' writer’s(life,(or(look(a(bit(more(deeply(at(the(person(from(whom(Mansfield(took(advice.( Tom$L.$Mills$(1865E1955)%had%a%successful%career%as%a%journalist%in%New%Zealand.%Mills% was$born$in$the$Isle$of$Man$and$moved$with$his$parents$to$New$Zealand$when!he#was# nine$years$old$where$they$lived$in$the$port$city$of$Timaru,$South$Island.$He$worked$as$a$ job$printer$for$the$Timaru'Herald!and$later$moved$to$Wellington$where$he$contributed$ articles)to)the)New$Zealand$Times!and$was$later$on$the$staff$of$the$Evening"Post."It#was# during'his'time'there'that'he'met'with'the'young'Kathleen'Beauchamp.''His'career' continued) to) build:) he) became) one) of) the) owners) of) The$ Feilding$ Star," the" first" newspaper(that(served(that(town(near(Palmerston(North,(and(edited(that(publication# for$almost$thirty$years.$He$was$a$correspondent$for$the$American$magazine$Adventure,! as#well#as#a#contributor#to#publications#closer#to#home.#Mills#was#proud#of#his#four# children,*one*of*whom*served*in*the*Great*War,*twice*on*Gallipoli.*An*active*Rotarian#in# his$retirement,$Mills$continued$as$a$leader$in$the$Feilding$community.$* ! ! Mills%wrote%a%letter%to%Mansfield,%dated%7%January%1923,%just%two%days%before%her% death;'the'contents'offer'even'greater'insight'into'the'man.'In'it,'he'speaks'of'being' motivated# to# write# after# many# years# by# a# sermon# in# church# that# day# in# which# the# preacher' “urged' that' all' People' like' to' be' remembered.”' He' also' adds,' “Another' prompting)comes)from)your)father,)who)…)suggested)that)you)might)(or)would))be) pleased' to' get' a' letter' from$ this$ end$ of$ the$ world.”$ Mills$ continues,$ “I$ have$ been$ watching) your) progress) from) afar.) Belated) tho’) they) are,) I) offer) …) ) sincerest) congratulations,upon,your,success,with,brain,and,pen.,It,seems,a,far,cry,from,those, 2

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days%in%Welgtn%when%t[he]%germ%of%your#immortal#genius#was#bursting#to#its#freedom.# I"would"have"written"you"before,"but"knew"not"how"or"where"to"reach"you,"as"your" father'gave'me't[he]'impression'you'were'a'wanderer.”'In'conclusion'he'acknowledges' that$ he$ had$ received$ word$ of$ her$ delicate$ physical( state:( “Trust( t[he]( experts( have( proved'worthy'of'their'expertness'by't[he]'time'these'Good'Wishes'reach'you.'May' 1923!not$only$prove$a$worthEwhile&New&Year,&but&lead&you&into&a&New&Era.&Kia&Ora.& Sincerely,*Tom*L.*Mills.”! ! Mills%remained%close%with!Sir$Harold$and$received$a$copy$of$Reminiscences(and( Recollections!when%it%was%published%in%1937%and%generously%donated%that%copy%to%the% Churchill( Auctions,( the( brainchild( of( fellow( journalist( and( Mansfieldian( Pat( Lawlor.( Those&auctions,&held&throughout&New"Zealand"during"the"Second"World"War,"elicited" donations( of( ( and( books( whose( sale( would( benefit( the( National( Patriotic( Funds&Board&to&send&parcels&to&troops&stationed&overseas.&One&final&insight&into&his& nature' is' summed' up' in' a' letter' he' wrote' that# was# published# in# The$ Rotarian$ in# December,(1952:"“Isn’t"the"pith"and"root"of"the"Rotary"Foundation"the"development"of" better%relations%among%people?”%! ! (Quotations* are* from* Antony* Alpers’* Life% of% Katherine% Mansfield% (1980)' and' Jane' Stafford’s*and*Mark*Williams’'Maoriland:*New*Zealand*Literature*1872*–!1914$(2006).# I" would" like" to" thank" the" staff" at" the" Alexander" Turnbull" Library," especially" Linda" McGregor,)for)providing)the)letter)to)Mansfield)and)an)obituary)from)the)Thomas)L.) Mills%archive.)! *

Advertisement* For$ Sale! outEofEprint& copy& of& ‘Vanessa& Bell’s&Family&Album’&(Published&Alistair& Taylor,( New( Zealand( 1981).( Photographic+ record+ of+ some+ of+ the+ members& of& the& Bloomsbury& group& including( Virginia( Woolf,( Maynard( Keynes,' Roger' Fry,' Vanessa' Bell' and' others.(Book,(dust(jacket(and(binding(all( in#excellent%used%condition%and%only%$15! plus% postage.% Contact% Martin% mailto:[email protected]! ! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 18 18 Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 19 19 Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 20 20

Patron: Dame Jacqueline Wilson


Katherine Mansfield Studies



Guest Editor Christine Froula, Northwestern University, USA

My God I love to think of you, Virginia, as my friend … pray consider how rare it is to find some one with the same passion for writing that you have, who desires to be scrupulously truthful with you – and to give you the freedom of the city without any reserves at all. – Katherine Mansfield, Collected Letters (vol. 1, p. 131, ?24 June 1917)

Mansfield’s ardent overture to Woolf launched a historic relationship of mutual admiration and fascination shot through with misunderstanding, wariness, rivalry, and envy. Now ‘curious & thrilling’ (KM, CL1, 327), warm, absorbing, intimate; now distant and secretly critical; always competitive and often foundering in ‘quicksands’ (VW, D1, 243), this brief friendship had a profound and enduring impact on both writers’ imaginations and creative experiments. For volume 10 of Katherine Mansfield Studies, we invite comparative essays that explore aspects of the manifold relationship between these writers and their works, from their early meetings to the simultaneous launch of Prelude and the Hogarth Press through Mansfield’s early death and Woolf’s reflections on reading Mansfield’s published and posthumous oeuvre.

Some possible (not exclusive) comparative topics include:

Early Lives, Education, Influences Families, Social Milieux Travel Writings Sexualities, Loves, Marriages City, Women, a Writer’s Freedom Making Short Stories Modern Street Walking, Haunting, Flânerie Letters, Diaries, Journals, Notebooks Empire, Metropole, Colony Places, Spaces, Houses, Gardens Prelude and the Hogarth Press Thinking Sideways through our Sisters Publishing Modernism Bloomsbury and the Murrys Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 21 21

Manuscripts and Archives The Art of Appearing: Style, Costume, Publication and Reception History Mask, Pose, Look, Gaze KM/VW as Readers and/or Reviewers Visual Archives: Snapshots, Portraits VW & KM’s Posthumous Writings Writing and Illness KM and VW and/in Translation Still Lifes: The Art of Describing Mutual Friends, Acquaintances, Life Drawing: Portraiture, Self- Influences Portraiture Visual Art and Aesthetics: Post- Representing WWI: Experience, Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism Perspective, Genre, Form, Voice KM, VW and the Arts of Life: Genre: Boundaries & Crossings: Material and Domestic Economies Fiction, Poetry, Essays, Life Writing

Please email submissions of 5000-6000 words, including endnotes, formatted in Word and in MHRA style*, 12 pt, Times New Roman, with an abstract and 50-word biography, to the guest editor, Professor Christine Froula, at [email protected]

*MHRA Style Guide, available on the Katherine Mansfield Society website: http:www.katherinemansfieldsociety.org/yearbook-katherine-mansfield-studies/

Creative Writing

We welcome creative submissions – poetry, short stories, creative essays, one-act play scripts – on Mansfield and Woolf. Please submit them, accompanied by a brief (50 words) biography, to [email protected].



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Book$Review$" ! D.#H.#Lawrence,#The$Lost$Girl,"with"an"introduction"by"Sandra"Jobson:"‘How" Lawrence(found(his(Lost%Girl!in#Cornwall’#(Sydney:#Svengali#Press#&#ETT# Imprint,)2016)" " by#Gerri#Kimber"

D. H. Lawrence’s novel The Lost Girl was first published in 1920, although Lawrence had been working on the manuscript intermittently for several years. Even though it won the prestigious James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction in 1920, his other novel published in the same year, Women in Love, is far better known today.

The Lost Girl (whose working title had been ‘The Insurrection of Miss Houghton’), tells the story of Alvina Houghton, whose widowed father’s drapery business is failing. In a reckless attempt to revive his fortunes and secure Alvina’s future, he purchases a theatre, employing itinerant performers, one of whom, Ciccio, captures the heart of Alvina. Eventually she runs away with Ciccio to Naples, giving Lawrence free rein to explore her awakening sexual 2

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desires. Much of the final draft of the novel had been rewritten in Taormina, a hilltop town on the east coast of Sicily, where the Lawrences had been living at that time. As Andrew Harrison notes of the novel: ‘Lawrence told friends that it was “amusing” […]; its light, ironic and satirical tone reflected […] his feeling – in Sicily – of coming “unstuck from England”’.1 At the last minute, fearing the book might be banned by all the major circulating libraries, Lawrence was asked by his publishers to rewrite an explicit scene where Ciccio is described having sex with Alvina in her dead mother’s bedroom.2

Volume 3 of the Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Works of Katherine Mansfield: The Poetry and Critical Writing, contains two reviews of The Lost Girl: 3 an informal one by Mansfield written as notes for Murry to read, and a second one, published in the Athenaeum on 17 December 1920, signed, enigmatically, ‘M’, which could signify either Murry or Mansfield herself.4 In the first informal review, handwritten by Mansfield for Murry, she attacks Lawrence for the crude sexuality she perceives in the book:

His hero and heroine are not human. They are animals on the prowl. They do not feel: they scarcely speak. There is not one memorable word. They submit to their physical response and for the rest go veiled – blind – faceless – mindless – this is the doctrine of mindlessness. […]They might be beasts butting each other – no more. Take the scene when the hero throws her in the kitchen, possesses her & she returns singing to the washing up. It’s a disgrace.5

Mansfield was at a low ebb at this point in her life, alone at the Villa Isola Bella in Menton, and deeply hurt by Murry’s betrayal of her in his relationship with Princess Elizabeth Bibesco. In addition, the Murrys were no longer on speaking terms with the Lawrences. This subjective, vituperative outburst, therefore, has to be seen in context.

The printed review, provocatively titled ‘The Decay of Mr D. H. Lawrence’, starts off in a placatory fashion, but the boot is soon firmly stuck in, replicating similar themes from Mansfield’s earlier note:

It is as though Mr. Lawrence had lost some power of immediate contact with human beings that he once possessed; his intuitive knowledge has weakened under the pressure of theory. But whereas the beauties of ‘The Rainbow’ could be held in the mind very separate from the sex-theory 3

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which dominated and falsified the book, the texture of ‘The Lost Girl’ is much more closely knit. We can no longer separate the true from the false; the theory impinges on the imaginative reality at every point. We lose our grasp of the central characters just at the moment when it should be firmest. […] He writes of his characters as though they were animals circling round each other; and on this sub-human plane no human destinies can be decided. Alvina and Cicio [sic] become for us like grotesque beasts in an aquarium, shut off from our apprehension by the misted glass of an esoteric language, a quack terminology.6

This was not a review meant to bring about a rapprochement between the two literary couples, nor did it.

It comes, therefore, as something of an incongruity, to learn that the main feature of this new edition of The Lost Girl is the introduction by Sandra Jobson, in which she claims that a substantial part of Alvina’s character is based on Mansfield herself (the other inspiration being Florence Cullen, a girl Lawrence had known from his youth). Of course, the two couples had known each other since 1913, the same year that Lawrence began the first of many gestations of his final manuscript of The Lost Girl, and for a time they had been very close. Murry and Mansfield had been witnesses at the Lawrences’ wedding in July 1914, and Mansfield wore to her grave Frieda’s old wedding ring from her first marriage to Ernest Weekley. In the spring of 1916 they had infamously spent several intense weeks together at Higher Tregerthen, near St Ives in Cornwall, where Lawrence was determined to set up his ‘Rananim’, a ‘community of like-minded souls’ (viii). As Jobson correctly affirms:

By the time [Lawrence] wrote The Lost Girl, he had already partly portrayed [Katherine] as Gudrun in Women in Love. Just before he began [the final draft] of The Lost Girl in Taormina he had also written a play, Touch and Go, in which he portrayed both Katherine and her partner Murry as Anabel and Gerald. There is also a touch of Katherine in his later short stories, ‘Smile’ and ‘The Fox’. (v)

Nevertheless, the evidence Jobson (an Australian) produces in attributing aspects of Alvina’s character to Mansfield is somewhat slim. She claims it was her ‘antipodean ears’ (xvii) that first alerted her, when, in the novel, the itinerant theatre performers dress up as Red Indians and call themselves the ‘Natcha-Kee- Tawara’. For Jobson, this nomenclature is more ‘Polynesian than Red Indian’ 4

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(xvii), having a ‘distinct Maori ring to it’ (xviii), although she is not able to prove conclusively that this is the case. Elsewhere she claims that Alvina’s ‘gargoyle’ face (xxi) might well refer to Mansfield’s own ‘mask-like’ face, remarked on by many who knew her. However, the differences between the more common features of a gargoyle and a mask make this argument equally thin. In the name Ciccio, Jobson sees a resemblance to Carco, Mansfield’s former French lover, aspects of whose character can be found in Raoul Duquette, the protagonist of one of her most celebrated stories, ‘Je ne parle pas français’ (1918). She provides eight examples from Mansfield’s story and The Lost Girl, which are meant to reveal a resemblance between Ciccio and Duquette, but which were lost on this reader:

[DUQUETTE]: ‘tiny square teeth that show when I smile’ [CICCIO]: ‘curious way of lifting his lip from his white teeth’

[DUQUETTE]: ‘black silky hair cut short’ [CICCIO]: ‘Strange fine black hair, he had, close as fur, animal and naked’ (xxv)

Overall, although credit must be given to Jobson for trying so hard to make her case, this reader remains unconvinced. In addition, her introduction contains numerous Mansfield biographical inaccuracies, which, together with poor proofreading, do little to aid her cause.

Notes" 1!Andrew!Harrison,!The*Life*of*D.*H.*Lawrence!(Chichester:!WileyEBlackwell,!2016),!p.! 207.! 2!See!Harrison,!p.!214.! 3!Gerri!Kimber!and!Angela!Smith,!eds,!Reviews!of!The*Lost*Girl,!in!the!Edinburgh* Edition*of*the*Collected*Works*of*Katherine*Mansfield:*The*Poetry*and*Critical*Writings! (Edinburgh:!Edinburgh!University!Press,!2014),!pp.!706E11.! 4!‘M’,!‘The!Decay!of!Mr.!D.!H.!Lawrence’,!Athenaeum,!4729,!17!December!1920,!p.!836.!! 5!Kimber!and!Smith,!pp.!706E7.!See!subsequent!note,!pp.!710E11,!for!Sydney!Janet! Kaplan’s!views!on!the!authorship!of!the!review.! 6!Kimber!and!Smith,!pp.!709E10.! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 26 26


Katherine Mansfield (1888 – 1923)

FRIDAY 7TH JULY 2017, 10.30AM TO 4.15PM

At The Red Store, Riverside, Lerryn, Nr Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 OPZ

The day will start with my introduction to the intriguing and compelling life of the New Zealand Short Story Writer Katherine Mansfield and the friends that surrounded her.

We will also look at the letters between her and Virginia Woolf and in the afternoon we will discuss a selection of her short stories and question amongst other things whether she was a realist or a modernist writer.

Tickets are £22 for the day to include coffee/Tea & biscuits. Bring your own lunch or buy from the lovely local shop in Lerryn.

Please email Sarah at [email protected] for further details. Only 15 places available so tickets must be purchased in advance.

Lerryn is close to Looe where Anne Estelle Rice painted her portrait in 1918. ! Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 27 27



The Katherine Mansfield Society is pleased to announce its annual essay prize competition for 2017, open to all, on the subject of:


The winner will receive a cash prize of £200 and the winning essay will be considered for publication in Katherine Mansfield Studies, the peer- reviewed yearbook of the Katherine Mansfield Society, published by Edinburgh University Press.

The distinguished panel of judges will comprise:

Professor Christine Froula, Northwestern University, USA, Chair of the Judging Panel

Stuart N. Clarke Chief Editor, Virginia Woolf Bulletin, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain

Professor Christine Reynier Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier III; Founder, Société d'Etudes Woolfiennes

Dr Kathryn Simpson Cardiff Metropolitan University; Co-Editor, Virginia Woolf Miscellany 86 (2014-2015), special issue on Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield

Essays that address any aspect of the relationship between Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf are welcome. The full CFP for this volume can be viewed on our website: http://www.katherinemansfieldsociety.org/yearbook-katherine-mansfield-studies/

Submissions of between 5000–6000 words (inclusive of endnotes), in Word format, Times New Roman 12 point, double-line spaced, using MHRA style referencing, should be emailed to the Guest Editor for this volume, Professor Christine Froula, accompanied by an abstract, keywords, and 50 word biography: [email protected]

A detailed MHRA style guide is available from the Katherine Mansfield Society website: http://www.katherinemansfieldsociety.org/yearbook-katherine-mansfield-studies/



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Katherine%Mansfield’s%Russian%Dream" by"Victoria"Robson" Coordinator" Katherine)Mansfield)House)and)Garden" !

[Report( on( the( exhibition( at( Katherine( Mansfield( House(and(Garden(1!March&to& 4! June%2017]* ! A" Russian" atmosphere" prevailed" at" the" opening" of" the" exhibition" Katherine( Mansfield’s+Russian+Dream!at#Katherine#Mansfield#House#and#Garden#on#1#March.# On#a#beautiful#evening#blini#and#vodka#were#served#in#the#garden#while#a#band# played' Russian' style.' The' ambassador' for' Russia,' His' Excellency' Mr' Valery' Tereshchenko*gave!an#excellent#speech#to#open#the#exhibition.! ! The$exhibition$is$based$on$the$research$conducted$by$Joanna$Woods$for$her$book,$ Katerina:) the) Russian) world) of) Katherine) Mansfield." It" is" organised" on" two" premises:(that(throughout(her(life(Katherine(Mansfield(was$attracted$to$Russian$ culture' which'influenced'her'choice' of' friends'as'much'as'the' style' and'subject' matter&of&her&writing.&And&conversely,&that&Soviet&Russia&was&also&influenced&by& Mansfield’s+ writing.+ Her+ stories+ were+ translated+ and+ published+ in+ in+ the# USSR# 3

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from%the%early%1920s%throughout%the%20th!century.)! ! Themes& include& the& influence& of& Sergei& Diaghilev’s& Ballets& Russes& on& Mansfield& and$her$circle;$the$influence$of$Russian$writers,$namely$Tolstoy$and$Chekhov,$on$ Mansfield’s+ crafting+ of+ the+ modern+ short% story;% and% her% close% friendship% and% collaboration*with*the*Ukrainian*translator*S.S.*Koteliansky.*! ! The$ upstairs$ gallery$ has$ been$ transformed$ by$ colourful$ graphics,$ curtain,$ and$ carpet'and'a'new'lighting'system.'There'are'some'treasures'on'display,'and"this"is" an#opportunity#to#view#items#from#Katherine#Mansfield#House#and#Garden’s#own# collection,) such) as) Katherine) Mansfield’s) Ukrainian) tunic.) Paintings,) letters,) and) other&material&are&also&on&loan&from&Te&Papa&and&the&Alexander&Turnbull&Library,& including%the%famous%portrait%of%Mansfield%by%Anne%Estelle%Rice,%as%well%as%a%less% well$known$painting$of$Mansfield$and$Koteliansky$by$Beatrice$Campbell.$$Russian$ editions( of( Mansfield’s( stories( from( 1923( to( 2005( were( sourced( from( Russia( especially)for)the)exhibition.'''''''''''''''''''!

Russian'Ambassador$Valery$Tereshchenko$and$Nicola# Saker,'President(of(the(Katherine(Mansfield(Birthplace( Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 30 30


Inside'Katherine)Mansfield)House)and)Gardens" Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 31 31

Katherine Mansfield Society Online Series Call for Papers: Katherine Mansfield and Food

The Katherine Mansfield Society’s Online Essay Series (ISSN 2397-9046) and Creative Works Series (ISSN 2397-9038) invite both essay and creative work submissions which focus on depictions of food in Katherine Mansfield’s works. In “Katherine Mansfield's Fairytale Food”, Sarah Shieff suggests that “food works as a lens or window through which to focus Mansfield's moments of ‘fleeting disruption, when an established way of life is jolted by something other, strange and disturbing'”. How does food work to bring out moments of “fleeting disruption” in Mansfield’s works? How else does Mansfield use depictions of food and its production and/or consumption in her texts? Topics for submissions to the Online Essay series might include:

- The production or consumption of food as metaphor for relationships between ourselves and others and/or between humans and nature. - The gender and/or class divisions in the production, service, and/or consumption of food in Mansfield’s stories or poems - Mansfield’s use of food in order to depict specific settings or characters. - The relationship between food and World War One (eg. via allusions to rationing, shortages, or post-war plenitude) in Mansfield’s works - Food as enabling or preventing self-reflection or self-exploration

Submissions to the Online Creative Works series might consider:

- Creative reworkings of Mansfield’s recipes or depictions of food in Mansfield’s letters, diaries, poems, or stories. - Works focusing on food that seek to pay homage to Mansfield via their style and/or aesthetics - Depictions or (re)imaginings of Mansfield’s relationship to food

Please send submissions of completed essays or creative works to the Onlines Series Editor, Illya Nokhrin at [email protected] with ‘Online Essay Series’ or ‘Online Creative Works Series’ in the subject line by 30 JUNE 2017. Submissions to both series will be double peer-reviewed prior to acceptance. We ask that essays follow the society’s Style Guide, which is accessible at the following URL: http://katherinemansfieldsociety.org/style-guide/

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Illya Nokhrin at [email protected].

To view the KMS Online Series, please go to our website: http://www.katherinemansfieldsociety.org/online-series/ 1

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MANSFIELD*GARDEN*PARTY" ROGERS&ROSE&GARDEN,&HAMILTON&GARDENS&Sunday&26th!FEBRUARY" by#Gay#Main#member#of#Friends#of#Hamilton#Gardens." " A"step"back"to"the"elegance,"glitter"and"glamour"of"the"1920s"brought"hundreds" of#people#(think'Great'Gatsby'lovers)'to'the'Mansfield'Garden'Party'held'recently' in# the# stunning# Rogers# Rose# Gardens# at# the# international# award# winning# Hamilton) Gardens.) This) is) an) annual) event) to) raise) funds) for) the) Katherine) Mansfield*Garden,*due*to*open*in*2018.! The$ joint$ venture$ between$ the$ Friends$ of$ Hamilton$ Gardens$ and$ the$ Hamilton$ Gardens( Summer( Arts( Festival( was( a( riot( of( art( deco,( colour,( dance,( music,( laughter) and) fun.) With) flappers) mixing) with) beautifully) dressed) Salon) ladies,) explorers,) gallant) gentlemen,# beads,# boater# hats# and# vintage# cars,# the# carefree# atmosphere*was*reflected*in*the*Charleston*dancers,*jazz*and*swing*dancers*and* singers'that'graced'the'lawns'amongst'the'roses.'A'fashion'parade'was'held'with' prizes'awarded'for'best'dressed'participants!and$enjoyed$by$the$large$crowd.! Bicycles(and(prams(of(the(era(and(even(an(aviator((think(Red(Baron)(graced(the!

Live$outdoor$theatre!at#the#Hamilton(Gardens! 2

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 33 33

Gardens,) with) elegant) picnics) on) elegant) tables) and) of) course) Charleston) lessons.''A'mass'display'of'the'Charleston'saw'everybody'joining'in'–!including( Friends(–!putting'on'the'Ritz.! ! The$Friends$had$organised$retro$stalls,$cheese$rolls,$cheese$platters,$preserves$ and$ plants$ and$ a$ selection$ of$ Katherine$ Mansfield$ books$ for$ sale.$ We$ also$ welcomed(Dr(Sally(Rimkeit,(psycho( Egeriatrician)who)with)Gillian%Claridge,% an% applied' linguist,' ' have' adapted' and' published' ‘dementia' friendly’' books' including(Katherine(Mansfield’s(famous(short(stories(The(Garden(Party(and(The( Dolls’&House.&Helping&Sally&&to&promote&the&publications&was&Sandra&Preston&the& local% community' liaison' officer' for' ' ageEcare% providers% Bupa,% the% sponsors% of% this%project.! ! The$$whole$day$basked$in$glorious$$weather,$and$along$with$the$music$and$dance$ it#made#for#a#rip#roaring#garden#party.##Altogether#a#fun#and#relaxing#way#to# raise& money& for" the" Katherine" Mansfield" Garden" which" should," if" all" goes" according)to)plan,)be)opening)in)the)Spring)of)2018."! !

President(of(the(Friends'of'the'Hamilton'Gardens' Virginia&Graham&prepares&for&the$fundraising*auction'of' the$Doll’s$House." Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 34 34

Notes!from%‘MISS$BRILL,$shivering$in$the$wind’" " by#Sue$Jamieson" "

On# Friday,# on# what# was# a# perfect# calm,# warm# evening# on" the" waterfront" of" Wellington," Miss" Brill" on" Billboards!! was$ unveiled,$ at!! the$ opening$ of$ THE!!PERFORMANCE*ARCADE,*a*small*‘city’*of*shipping*containers*arranged'for' ‘creative#purposes’,"displays"and"performances.! !! KMS$ has$ sponsored$ an$ excellent$ idea$ of$ putting$ up$ a$ full$ text$ of$ the$ KM$ story$ “Miss%Brill”%(larger%than%life!)!!on#billboards.! !! These%now%stand%in%all%their%paper%glory%on%the%upper%level%of%a%container,%on%the% waterfront,) by) the!!yachting)marina)with)the)most)superb)view)to)harbour)and) hills.! !! There%is%a%handy%seat%on%the%platform%for%people%to%sit%and%read%KM’s%words,%and% on#the#evening#of#the#opening,#young#and#old#perched#there#smiling#as#they#read.! !! I"think!this%is%a%superb%way%to%bring%KM%to%the%city,%to%readers%and%wanderers!!and$ I" wish" we" did" it" more" often!!! People& of& all& ages& are& interested& in& her& style& of& writing!!and$her$quick$characterization$of$Miss$Brill$is$touching$for$all!who$pause$ on#that#platform"in"the"Autumn"air.! !! !! Well$ done$ Katherine( Mansfield) Society!! for$ being!! part% of% the% project!! in# Wellington.* You# are# well# represented# with# the# best# view# in# town# of# yachting# marina,'luxury'apartments'and'cafes.'They'all'look'gorgeous'on'a'fine'day!! ! 1

Issue%26!! ! ! ! ! ! ! April&20! 17! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 35 35

Excerpt"from"Miss"Brill’s"Lament! " by"Jessica"Whyte! ! Katherine!Mansfield’s! short!story! ‘Miss! Brill’! was!written!to!be! read!out!loud.! In! early! 1921,! shortly! after! the! story! was! first! published! in! the! magazine"The* Athenaeum,! Katherine!Mansfield!wrote!to!her!brotherEinElaw!Richard!Murry:!‘after!I’d!written!it,!I!read! it!aloud!–!numbers!of!times!–!just!as!one!would!play*over*a!musical!composition,!trying!to! get!it!nearer!and!nearer!to!the!expression!of!Miss!Brill!–!until!it!fitted!her.’!My!own!feeling! is!that!the!nuances! and!lyrical!rhythms!of!this!heartbreaking!story!are! best!understood! when!they!are!vocalised.!When!you!read!the!story!out!loud,!the!pathos!becomes!almost! unbearably!moving,!the!hope!agonising!and!the!disappointment!sublime.! ! Herself!an!accomplished!cellist,!Katherine!Mansfield’s!musical!background!meant!that!she! often!wrote!short!stories!as!if!they!were!musical!compositions!or!melodies,!and!nowhere! is!this!more!evident!than!in!‘Miss!Brill’.!In!her!letter!to!Richard!Murry,!Mansfield!wrote:! It’s*a*very*queer*thing*how*craft*comes*into*writing.*I*mean*down*to*details.*Par*exemple.*In* Miss*Brill*I*chose*not*only*the*length*of*every*sentence,*but*even*the*sound*of*every*sentence*–* I*chose*the*rise*and*fall*of*every*paragraph*to*fit*her*–*and*to*fit*her*on*that*day*at*that*very* moment.! ! ‘Miss!Brill’!is!a!masterclass!of!paredEback!brilliance.!Each!word,!sentence!and!phrase!has! been!meticulously!selected!and!composed,!so!there!is!not!a!note!out!of!place.! Before!leaving!home,!Miss!Brill!wraps!herself!in!an!ancient!fur!stole,!which!has!become! shabby!and!battered,!but!which!she!feels!a!fondness!for,!calling!it!a!‘dear!little!thing’.!Miss! Brill! endows! her! inanimate! fur! with! life,! describing! it! as! a! ‘little! rogue! biting! its! tail’.! Decked!out!in!her!fading!finery,!Miss!Brill!makes!her!weekly!visit!to!a!public!park,!in!an! unnamed!French!town,!to!hear!the!band!play.!It!is!a!Sunday,!her!only!day!off!from!work,! and!on! this! single!day! of! leisure! she! follows!specific!rituals:!she!leaves!the!house!at!the! same!time,!sits!in!a!‘special’!seat!in!the!park!to!eavesdrop!on!other!people’s!conversations! while!she!listens!to!the!band,!before!picking!up!a!slice!of!honey!cake!on!her!way!home.! I! believe! there! is! a! reason! that! Mansfield! set! this! story! on! a! Sunday,! as! the! day! held! a! special!significance!for!her.!Because!of!her!deteriorating!health,!Mansfield!often!had!to!live! apart! from! her! husband! John! Middleton! Murry,! and! in! the! long! stretches! of! time! spent! away!from!him,!she!would!usually!write!him!a!special!‘Sunday!letter’.!In!one!such!letter,! written! in! September! 1920,! she! imagines! that! she! and! her! husband! ‘walk! out! together! every!single!Sunday’,!escaping!the!confines!of!her!limited!life!to!disappear!‘out!of!sight!of! the!world’.!In!1916,!Mansfield!also!wrote!to!her!friend!Beatrice!Campbell:! 2

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Sometimes*I*feel*I’d*like*to*write*a*whole*book*of*short*stories*and*call*each*one*Sunday.* Women*are*far*more*‘sensitive’*to*Sundays*than*to*the*moon*or*their*monthly*period*–* Does* Sunday* mean* to* you* something* vivid* and* strange* and* remembered* with* longing*[…]*Sunday*is*what*these*talking*people*call*a*rare*state*of*consciousness*–*and* what*I*would*call*–*the*feeling*that*sweeps*me*away*when*I*hear*an*unseen*piano.* ! There!is!something!wistful!in!Mansfield’s!description!of!Sunday,!as!if!it!is!a!day!which! sits!out!of!time,!unreal!and!ethereal,!a!day!of!transcendence,!unlike!other!mundane! days!of!the!week.!It!is!this!feeling!that!Mansfield!bestows!on!Miss!Brill,!who!is!swept! away! by! her!own!fantasy! about! her! Sunday! excursion.! Miss! Brill! sits,! watches! and! listens,!passing!judgement!on!the!people!she!sees!in!the!park,!whom!she!describes!as! ‘odd,!silent,!nearly!all!old,!and!from!the!way!they!stared!they!looked!as!though!they’d! just!come!from!dark!little!rooms!or!even!–!even!cupboards!’!Miss!Brill!observes,!with! pity,!as!an!old!woman!in!an!ermine!toque!is!publically!humiliated,!unaware!that!she! and! this! woman! actually! share! much!in! common.! Avoiding! an! opportunity! for! self! awareness,!Miss!Brill!fantasises!that!the!scene!before!her!is!‘exactly!like!a!play’!and! concludes!that!they!are!all!on!stage!and!that!she!is!an!actress,!with!an!important!role! to!play!in!proceedings.!Miss!Brill!thinks:!‘no!doubt!somebody!would!have!noticed!if! she!hadn’t!been!there;!she!was!part!of!the!performance,!after!all.’! ! Yet!we,!as!readers,!understand!that!Miss!Brill!is!deluding!herself,!and!that!she!is!at! best!invisible,!and!at!worst!an!object!of!ridicule.!This!is!made!painfully!clear!towards! the!end!of!the!story,!when!a!young!couple!laugh!at!Miss!Brill’s!shabby!fur,!and!call! her!a!‘stupid!old!thing’,!wondering!why!she!comes!to!the!park!at!all!as!noEone!wants! her.! Miss! Brill’s! humiliation! is! complete,! and! she! retires! to! her! own! ‘room! like! a! cupboard’!and!shuts!away!her!sad!fur!stole,!with!only!the!sound!of!crying!left!in!the! ‘little!dark!room’.!When!I!first!read!this!story!it!immediately!struck!a!chord,!because!I! have! always! felt! an! affinity! with! older! people.! As! a! writer,! ‘Miss! Brill’! became! my! benchmark,!the!pinnacle!of!successful!writing!about!age!and!isolation.!It!is!a!story!I! have!returned!to!many!times,!and!each!time!I!read!it,!I!am!astonished!by!the!subtle! details!Mansfield!has!packed!into! two! thousand! carefullyEchosen! words.! Time! and! again!I!have!found!myself!including!older!characters!in!my!short!stories,!poems!and! novels,! in! narratives! which! reflect! on! the! ageing! process,! or! struggle! with! the! afflictions! of! declining! health,! loneliness! or! feelings! of! marginalisation.! I! choose! to! write!about!older!people!because!I!have!struggled!with!a!debilitating!chronic!illness! for! over! twenty! years,! so! I! can! empathise! with! the! limitations! brought! by! age.! Although!I!don’t!write!directly!about!my!own!illness!experience,!in!writing!about!the! challenges!of!old!age!I!can!convey!some!of!the!isolation,!limitations,!invisibility!and! indignity!of!illness.!In!writing!‘Miss!Brill’,!I!often!wonder!if!Mansfield!was!driven!by! the! same! impulse.! Is! the! reason! she! empathises! so! vividly! with! Miss! Brill’s! predicament!because!of!her!own!experiences!of!being!chronically!ill?!

To#read#the#remainder#of#the#Jessica’s#essay#visit#the#Thresholds#website:! http://thresholds.chi.ac.uk/missEbrillsElament/!