Printed Music Collection (Single Sheet Music) Title Composer Publisher
Printed Music Collection (Single Sheet Music) Copyright / Publication Title Composer Publisher Date Physical description Other information Sabbath Chimes F. Henri Klickmann Harold Lossiter Music Company 1913 9" x 12", 6 pages reverie arranged, fingered, and edited by Moissaye Boguslawski; music by Sack Waltz, The Metcalf Moderné Publicaitons 1936 9" x 12", 4 pages sack waltz piano solo Harmonized and arranged by Johan S. Svendsen; Revised and fingered by Gustav Saeterjentens Sondag (Sehnsucht Der Saenger.; "Favorite Recital Solos For the Sennerin) Ole Bull Carl Fischer, Inc. 1901 10.5" x 13.5", 3 pages Violin with Piano Accopaniment Series 1" lyrics by Edward Madden; music by Joe Niemeyer and Nina Payne featured on Sail On To Ceylon Herman Paley Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1916 10.5" x 13.5", 6 pages cover Carmen Lombardo and John Jacob Sailboat In The Moonlight, A Loeb Crawford Music Corporation 1937 9" x 12", 6 pages featured by Mickey Alpert Carmen Lombardo and John Jacob alternate cover, with Guy Lombardo Sailboat In The Moonlight, A Loeb Crawford Music Corporation 1937 9" x 12", 6 pages featured on cover revised edition with ukelele arrangement, Saint Louis Blues W.C. Handy Handy Bros. Music Co. Inc. 1914 9" x 12", 6 pages (detached) Marion Harris featured on cover Salome William Loraine F.A. Mills Music Publisher 1898 10.5" X 13.5", 10 pages intermezzo for the pianoforte lyrics by Harry Williams; music by 10.5" x 13.5", 6 pages San Antonio Egbert Van Alstyne Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1907 (detached) cover art by Starmer Will Rossiter "The Chicago 10.5" x 13.5", 8 pages Sand Dunes (My Desert Rose) Byron Gay Publisher" 1918 (detached) "an oriental one-step", originally interpreted by Norma Brandt (America's Will Rossiter "The Chicago Rising Danseuse) in "Dance of the Sand Sand Dunes Byron Gay Publisher" 1918 10.5" x 13.5", 8 pages Dunes" lyrics by Haven Gillespie; music by J.
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