In July 2004 over 30 Millbrook Parish Council Consultations & Improvements volunteers from the

Millbrook Village Plan Committee delivered Evidence expressed in both the 2004 Village plan consultation results and the 2008 village plan update consultation show that 926 questionnaires, preservation and improvement for Millbrook Lake and surrounding parkland were ranked the highest in a list of village priorities. 1 for every household.

48 of the Millbrook & Having completed a Village Plan questionnaire back in 2004, a document was produced in November 2008 to give the young Youth community an opportunity to prioritise which services and amenities they think were most in need of improvement in Millbrook. 499 responses people who Project Questions were divided into the following sections; received – (including responded partnership to 49 from from 11-16 said they Environment & lake, Housing and Community Services, Traffic & Transport and Recreation and Leisure. increase year olds) would like more do at provision for evenings and youth in During the August weekends – Millbrook. In this was also rainy season a team 2006 MPC identified of local people committed to during the helped to record all funding the Village Plan the replies on a employment of a Action Fair specially designed (No 4 in youth support Funding achieved for wheeled sports facility in June 2008. database using the priority worker. Village plan update Completion from grant funding of Millbrook Play park Millbrook Computer rating) questionnaire produced improvments (known as ‘The Tractor Park ’ in June 2010. facilities. 2008 and distributed 2009 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Traffic calming was identified as 3rd Document was compiled ..\VILLAGE Millbrook Millbrook most important in Analysis of Village Plan detailing analysis of 93 Village Plan PLAN\Millbro Village Plan priority in the Village Plan Review consultation results from responses Action Fair okVillagePlan Update Fair Village Plan – MPC Update Questionaire Review questionnaire received Saturday 13th InformationL Sunday listened to questionnaire November 2004 eaflet_2004. 21st May 2006 concerns and completed 11.00am - 4pm pdf addressed these In January 2010 Milbrook Lake Nearly 95% responded they issues Conservation Group was founded. would like to see improvements to the edges In partnership with Millbrook 148 Over 250 people and island of Millbrook. Parish Council Big Lottery funding responses dropped in to ‘share applications were submitted. their views’ To view Millbrook Village Plan see Council website d

Following a 3 year process involving a Big Lottery The event was supported by District Council, Millbrook Computer Centre Community Spaces Grant Funding in January 2014 November 2010 – Millbrook Lake Volunteers, Saltash College, Millbrook School, Millbrook Arts & Crafts Society, Millbrook Lake Conservation Group and Millbrook Conservation Group and Millbrook Parish Parish Council celebrated the completion of Millbrook Millbrook Over 50’s club, Cornwall Action Team, WCTs (New Deal for Disabled), Council hosted a consultation open evening. West Street Play Park Committee, Devon & Cornwall Police, MP Colin Breed. Lake Island Restoration works.