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On March 16 Student Council passed an act, the ex4 pressed aim of which is "to promote student interest and initiative, and to reward certain students who have made noteworthy efforts at Xavier." The legislation provides awards and recognition to students who have excelled in campus activities and that have heretofure been overlooked. · ! ; The plan, proposed by Robert ------­ loseph, secretary of the sopho4 . eelve $'75 and an appropriate more class, and Thomas Gra4 trophy, ttelle, treasurer l?f the junior 1111ass, is intended to augment ..This award, we feel, will the annual Honors Convocation, stimulate interest in the Masque by the add-ition of four new Society a-group whose work is awat·ds. However, these new too often unheeded and over• awards-unlike all the others- looked." 1Vill go to men who at·e chosen 4) One award· will be pre• bY. the Xavier student body, sented to the "Club of the Year," Joseph ex p 1 a ins that "We which will be selected by the think that it is time to recognize. plurality vote of a special ses• the contributions of certain out­ sion of Student Council, sta~ding students...... : s t u d e n t s Af this session, a representa• whose work has been unreward,­ tive of each club will address ed in the past." *he Council, stating why the club The awards will be 'distribut~cf believes it should be selected. The winning· club will receive a _--.. ~-follow~~~'·· plaque .. and $50, XAVIER VNIVERSITY PRESIDENT. Very: Reverend PaulL. O'Connor, S.J., begins .Offertory -of Ma.u • 1) One award wiU 'be· dveia I at last. Sunday's Sodality .Consecration. Father O'Connor is assisted by Sodality Director Fr. Richarcl· .. the · student · who Is eleeted The first awards will be pre­ .McPartlin, S.J. The con-celebrants of the Mass were (left to right) Fr. Nieporte ·arid Fr. Ratterman •. ..Xavier. Man of the Year."· b,. sented this . year, and voting The master .of ceremonies was Fr. Edward Brueggeman (far right), · News (FeM'ara) PhotC. M eleaUon. open to 'the entire should begin for . the student -*udent body. i!aeb 'voter may body by the lasf week in April. . ••t· one vote . lor an,. student It has been recommended to Sodality ·Consecrates Thirty-two; whom be t.blnb 'best embodies the administration that the . re· W1 .concept Of the "Xavier Man." cipients of the four awards be This student's name will be permHted to receive them at the annual Honors· Connvocation, Dedicate Lives For, Year placed on a permanent plaque Thirty· two . men consecrated - and Fr. Deters,· the con-cele•. Finally, at the end of Mass, in 'prominent location. He will . ~eld thiS year on May 3, · a themselves to the service of Our brants. the Rt. Rev. Robert J, Sherry, •lso receive $100. · ' •' . . When asked abou·t the legisla· Lady last! Sunday in a colorful Before the Otfertoey, Fr. Bleb· pastor of St. William's . parish, f ·. Gravelle pointed out, "We-pur­ tion, Student Council President, · CE~remony that took place in ard J. McPartlin, one of the two presented. to each new· Sodalist posely did not set up a standard Bill Jeremiah remarked, "We Bellarmine Chapel. Masters of Ceremony and mod• the medal of the ' organizatiora 10r· the stuc;lent to 'conside-r' in have· long said that the 'Profile The hour-long ·consecration be· erator of the Sodality, led the while the members of the Xa• Sodallsts In a personal pleda'e of view Clef Club sang l'lor Peetera' la_is ·'Man of the.. Year' vote. We of a Jesuit Graciuate'-is 30 years gan with a procession down the center aisle. The thirty-two men, consecration to the Sodality, to Te Deum, a powerful piece be• think it will be interesting to behind the times. Now we have lind out, exactly what his con· dressed in bright -blue robes, took &be love of Our Lady, and to the fitting the final moments of the given the student a chance to Christian voeatlon of charity. A · eept is, not ours." · their places and were followed celebration, update that model." . by priests, Sodality members, and simple prayer, It embodied the . Z). One . award w Ill be pre- ·honored guests. Very Rev. Paul Christian virtues of faith, hope, Dedicated to the service of Tom Hermes, Student Council . ~en teet to the ".Journalist ·of the · L. ·O'Connor, President of the and especially eharlty within ita God and the love of Mary, the Year"-ebosen by a student elec· Academic Chait'man, stated. that university and chief con-cele• ·contents. new members of the Sodality tlon', This award will consist of Again, at Communion, each' "Xavier ·is a Community prop. brant of the Mass, then proceed• thus fulfill their Christian voca• $75 •and an appropriate trophy, ed with the Mass, together with member recited a short prayer osition; Gravelle and Joseph tion of charity as brothers it\ ..One reason why we singled have come up with something the· assistance of Fr. Nieporte, of consecration before receiving the Eucharist. Christ and sons of God, out an award for this category . that · highlights this fact: their Fr. O'Callahan, Fr. Ratterman, was because there is at present plan not only ·recognizes wort_h· no recognition for this group, which has such impact on stu:. while goings-on in the commu• dent opinion,'' Joseph said, nity, but it o~ght to eUect- a Axeman and Hart to Perform corresponding appreciation of -3) One award will be Klven "SOmeti·i-mes, I fee-e-1 like a received with vibrant enthusi· graduate, have carried the name 'to the "Actor of the Year," who and participation in some im· motherless child," rings through asm and two thunderous stand• of Xavier to all points of the .will .also be ebosen by a stu­ portant aspects of the University the room as a ·number of varied ing ovations. midwest in their year and a half of performing together. dent · vote• He 01' she will l'e• community." weekend visitors shuffle quietly Since that day, when a panel through one of Chicago's popular of judges selected her as the Terry and Mike representee! Old Town clubs. outstanding female vocalist at Xavier at the Collegiate Folic the Festival, Anne has dedicated Festival last year. During the On the staKe emlttlnK the bell• her life to the perfecting of her past year, they have performecl clear sounds Is a youlll' woman, talent on the professional stage. in Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, Anne Hart, whose Baell - like A 1965 graduate of St. Mary Indianapolis, Oxford, and mafl1' 1tyle- has attracted e a p a c l t T of the Springs College and na• other familiar towns both in ancl erowds at the club for some tive of Lancaster, Ohio, this be­ out of Ohio. weeks. This is the youn&' woman witching brunette will be mak­ Sponsored by the French Club, who wlll Krace the Xavier lJnl• ing her fit·st appearance in Cin• the concert will start al 8:00 p.m. verslty Center Theatre for one cinnati at Xavier; doing a sec• Tickets arc on sale fL'om ·the nigh' onl,. Saturday, 1\larcb 26, tion of the concert on her own French Club members at $1.00, In concert with Xavier's own and joining in with the Axemen "This concert," points out Club Axernen. at other times. Vice - President Tom Ortmana. Her career has been a shot·t, The Ax c m e n arc familiar "offers the students a chance to but successful one since a snowy faces to s t u d en t s attending show that they will support fine afternoon at Notre Dame Uni· school mixct·s and · parties fot• entertainment on campus. The versity in the spring of 1965. the past two years. acts, as well as the price, com• Her performances in both the This duet of Tet'L'Y Wallace, a pare very favorably with aalf' talent broucht Into Musie UaU COUNCILMEN G~VELLE (left) and IOSEPB irOA out cWilcultie1 afternoon and evening sesions of senior French major at Xavier, or Wilson AudUorlwa.• iD "Men of Yeu" Award leJislaUoa. tbe ColleJiate Folk Festival were and Mike Mullen, a 1965 XU •... ,... CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 .News Platform For Progress At Xavier:

e Realfzoffon "" atudents ot Importance of e%tra-curricular '"Truth ana Integrity: A Newspaper• Foundation• activitie• for • complete edttcG­ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. James Gels tion. EXECUTIVE EDITOR .•••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• William Keck MANAGING EDITOR .•••••••••• , ••••• ••• •••••••••••.. John Getz NEWS EDITOR ....•••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• Don McCarty e Conffnued attempti to in­ SPORTS EDITOR ....• , • , , , •••••••••••••••••••••••James Aranda C7'ease 1tudent Interest in stu­ ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...... •.••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert West EVENING DIVISION EDITOR .••••••• •••• .••••••••... Patti Rome~ dent government through better COPY EDITOR. , .•••...... •.•, •••.•.•...••••. Frank Sheppard CARTOONISTS ••••••. Marie Bour

I _J(~ t t ers to t h t~ Editor Faculty Evaluates Evaluation

With the furor created by the term. This has encouraced dia­ pression of student opinion ancl Dean Stands Pat On Position; advent of a "pilot" course eval.;. logue wi&b students. I believe &o draw any referenre from sut'la uation at Xavier, a wide range of that the present student evalua­ expressions of student opinion No 'Gestapo Tactics' Employed opinions have been circulated tion will serve Ute same purpose. would be an affirmation of trust around campus. Student reac­ I& will also ~leld a larcer sample ia &be reliabilit~ of sucb ex­ _,'1'0 THE EDITOR 01' THE NEWS: members of the SWC may wisli tion to the course evaluation has of student viewpoint than we pressions of student opinion. I Happy days are here again. to correct me in this if ~my been both favorable and unfa­ DOrmall~ meet." think it's a good thiDc for the memory fails. Your March 11 issue carried but vorable, and faculty opinions also students to be able to take an Professing faith in the good two Letters, both attacks in one Perhaps all students should, range from good to bad to indi£­ active role by voicin« student judgment of the student body, form or another on myself or therefore, be informed that the ferent. Certain professors in va­ opinion," - my office. That's 100%, Dr. George Wing of the eco­ Student Welfare Committee, and rious departments were asked to nomics department stated: "I'm In conclusion, he said: "The this includes the Dean of Men, comment upon the evaluation, With respect to Mr. Riley's for it because I have a lot of opinions that are solicited IJCre is very concerned about the Jetter, I am reminded of a won­ Dr. Hayes, chairman, Depal'l­ respect for the intelligence and are not to evaluate professol'S methods by which rules are en­ derful quotation which is framed ment of Management and Indus­ judgment of the students, and but are lo evaluate such matters forced in the Xavier University in my office. "From the conflict trial Relations, stated: "I think they should be able to exercise as performance, teaching effec­ community, The SWC has dis­ of minds trying to be friendly it's a good idea. The motivation this judgment. It's time we (the tiveness, and so on. No one is tributed to all off-campus stu­ comes truth." Mt·. Riley's letter behind it is a fine thing, but I'm administration and faculty) al­ being asked to evaluate a person dents printed notice that uni­ is not '~friendly." His personal leary about the results; not be­ low students to express them­ nor should anyone be asked to versity rules will not be enforced (voluntary) apology has been cause of the students, but be­ selves in a free and open man­ evaluate a person." by METHODS WHICH ARE accepted. And I have apologized cause of its complexity." He con­ ner because this sort of ex­ BENEATH THE DIGNITY OF to Denny for the problems I cluded that "there are too many pression is the very essence of THE UNIVERSITY ITSELF OR brought upon him. The matter variables to contend with and I what a univet·sity should be. If THE STUDENTS WHO ARE Dr. Donnelly is closed. feel more professional help is you deny this expression of opin­ MEMBERS OF THE UNIVER­ needed, but I feel the idea is a ion, you deny the reason for the The letter signed by all mem­ SITY SOCIETY. Awarded Grant bers of the Student R e v i e w good one." existence of a university, which If members of the SRB feel is the seeking of of truth." Dr. Lawrence I. Donnelly, as• Board (SRB) represents a far Mr. M-aupin, communications that the Dean of Men has used, sociate professor of business ad• more serious matter. I do not arts, thought that thel'e was "a Dr. Walter Clarke, strong op­ or is using, methods of rule en­ ministration and economics at want to make light of the opin­ difference of opinion about it ponent of the course evaluation, forcement with respect to stu­ Xavier University, has beel\ ions expressed in the letter. The (the evaluation)." "It's an in­ . refused to give any statement to dents living in apartments off awarded a fellowship to partici­ SRB assumes perhaps the most teresting experiment, but I have the News. campus which do not measure pate in a four-week economics .. serious responsibilities of any no specific comment until I see up to this publicized standard, in-action program this summer student committee or board on the results of the 'pilot' evalua­ Dr. Werner of the physics de­ let them inform other members in Cleveland. campus. It is their responsibility tion." partment asked the question: to protect above all the rights of the Student Welfare Com­ "Where does the responsibility Sponsored by the R e p u b li e of students who may be involved mittee and, unless I have com­ Completel~ opposed to t h e lie for the action taken (the con­ Steel Corp. and conducted at in disciplinary problems, If they pletely misjudged these other coarse evaluation was one of the ducting of the course evalua­ Cleveland's Case Institute ot feel the rights of these students members, they will in turn very newer faeul&y members, Mr. tion)?" He answet·ed his own Technology, the program will are not being respected, they promptly inform the President James Roderick of the marketin« sponsibility rests with the ad­ bring together 40 business-eco­ have a very serious responsi­ of the University, who will just department: "I don't think it's ministration and faculty in pet·­ nomics educators for intense bility to correct the injustice by as promptly very properly cen­ feasible to evaluate new insiruc­ mitting the evaluation and with study, seminar sessions and in• appropriate means. Their com­ sure and perhaps retire the Dean tors untO &bey've been here at the students in preparing the terchange of -ideas and view• plaint, therefore, cannot be dis­ of- Men. To facilitate such ref­ leu& a ~ear because the &ime evaluation. The responsibility points with industry representa­ missed lightly. It must_ be given erences, here are the names of span is too short for a reliable lies in both places and neither tives. The meeting will June ,.'. serious consideration by every the members of the SWC: Dr. evaluation." It waa also his opin­ can abdicate it. Each should have 18 through July 16. responsible member of the Xa­ Hanna, Dr. Kearley, Fr. Malone, ion that Dew lnsiructors needed respect for the other's responsi­ On &he Xavier faculty since vier Uni"ersity community right Mr. Nally and Dr. Sommer. time to adjust to &heir Dew en­ bilities." 1956, Df', Donnell~ is a member up to the President himself. vironmenL Sincerely yours, "As to the way it's undertak­ of &be Greater Cincinnati Labor If my personal reply to the P. H. Ratterman, S.J. Dr. Dumont of the philosophy en," he said, "the questionnait·e Education Committee Catholio -· complaints of the SRB seems a Dean of Men department thought that "the is quite an improvement over Economic Association, and ln­ · bit strong it is not intended as student normally evaluates a pt·evious ones. I'm quite im­ dusirlal Relations Research As­ anything personal. The com­ teacher and, I think in such an pressed with it, but, here and soeiation. He has al!IO served oq .' plaint is forcefully expressed. evaluation,. a student is not nec­ there, there is need for improve­ the faculty of VIlla Madonna I- feel I have a responsibility to Present M uskies: - essarily pre - occupied with the ment." Concerning the publica­ College, Covington,. Ky. answer the complaint in context. objectivity of his evaluation (that tion of the report, Dr. Werner The Lost Tribe? r is, this is not an indictment asks: "How can one communi­ What worries me.so very much To whom it may concern but rather an expression of its cate information from 1 a r g e _ ~ ~ CAN is that the SRB and the SWC (if anyone is concerned): spontaneity)." Continuing· masses of people in a way that , A held a very serious discussion It warms my heart to know so he said that "if the student at­ is responsible and meaningful?" just three weeks back which ul­ many people are concerned about tempts to present a critical eval­ He did not try to answet·, but PRIEST timately got around to a consid­ the "barbaric slobs" at Xavier. uation then, obviously, his cl'i­ felt that the question "needs to eration of basic concepts of uni­ The letters so thoughtfully sent teria are subject to analysis and , be debated in academic circles.'' v_ersity authority and discipline. by our fellow Catholics attend­ criticism." Concluding, he felt \- - B! One thing, I thought, we all Expressing confidence in the ing U. C. and those sent with that 'in any event, such data, agreed on was that the univer­ faculty at Xavier, Dr. Werner ~ MODERN equal thoughtfulness by our once whatever its value, should re­ 1 sity constitutes a distinct society felt that they could "take what's former Muskies now t u r n e d main under the cloak of aca­ with its own authority, and that in the evaluation and use it con­ alumni, fill me with remorse. demic discretion and secrecy." ,,_. . " -)MAN? it is through this authority the structively." From these letters, one can only Questioning the objectivity of university exercises its disciplin­ Contlnuin«, he stated: "I don't draw the conclusion that we are the program, Mr. James A. Glenn 't'-\ at·y jurisdiction. know whether this is the ri&ht a damned generation. of the English department felt: ~\ Now, three weeks later, SRB stace in the game to do it (un­ But there is still hope. Our "The teacher-evaluation program members ask whether two par­ dertake a course evaluation). I ~") ,) missionary (or is it mercenary) could be of value for both the ticular -university rules for stu­ understand it's still in the ex­ brethren at the University of students and the faculty. How­ dents living off campus are an plorator~ stace. I'm very much Cincinnati eviden~ly found time ever, to have value, the program attempt "to usurp the individ­ impressed wi&h lbe wor~ of Mr. • The Paulist Father is a modern on Friday night between acts at ual conscience" or "a civil law must be objective. Frankly, I llermes, slrivin&' to make a con­ the Nebbish to write letters of man in every sense of the word. He meant to safeguard the public doubt an objective evaluation condolence and reprimand. And seientlous, careful, responsible is a man of t~is age, cognizant of good." They are neither. This can be made.•• our suddenly amnesia - stricken service to Ute academic commu­ the needs of modern men. He is is a false dilemna. The rules Alumni haven't taken time out nity. I'm very much in support free from stifling formalism, is a concerned have application TO Dr. Albert Anderson of the eel· between trips to the Playboy pioneer in using contemporary EXTERNAL BEHAVIOR ONLY acatloa depart~ent « a v e the of makiuc available to ·the Xa­ Club to chastise our actions as ways to work with, for and among and TO THE COMMON GOOD course evaluatioa his whole­ vier community (students, fac­ immoral, OF THE UNIVERSITY SO­ ulty, and administration) knowl­ 100 million non-Catholic Amer· hearted approval: "I'm for it. I icans. He is a missionary to his own CIETY ITSELF. The rules have _ And there also must be some­ feel, in order to Improve my edge that students have of course nothing whatsoever to do with body in the administration who people-the American people. He teaehlnc, 1 mast know the reac· content and teaching effective­ ·individual consciences or with is pulling for us, for the Bursar's utilizes modern techniques to ful· a e s s. I also appreciate Mr. civil law. office has retained the benevo­ lions of studeDts, At the present fill his mission, is encouraged to lent attitude of accepting our $30 time, student.. always evaluate Hermes's emphasis on the point call upon his own innate talents to There is a very "•mfriendly" an hour. m~ ~one M &be end of each &bat this Is a report on the ex- help further his dedicated goal. reference in the letter to the "'highly (and often appallingly) In conclusion, all I can say is: • If the vital. spark of serving God secretive" · methods used by the "'I've bought my helmet. Wake - - - through man has been ignited in Dean of Men to enforce the rulea me for the Derby." you, why not pursue an investiga· which concern students living Study &erman ••• in &ermany ••• at· in a p a r t m en t s off campus. Donald C. Snedeker. 'G'. I tion of your life as a priest? Tha Although some of the members MAitiUITTI'I •nMAII &AII.UA.I Paulist Fathers have developed an of the SRB have been on the aptitude test for the modern man Board for two, three and even THE SHIRT I w 'TitAIIIIII. flll711t till 7111 ltllllll interested in devoting his life to four years, to: my knowledle God. This can be a vital instrument they have never brought this :LAUND.RY June 15 - August 16, 1966 to help you make the most impor• . matter up with reapect to a­ •11 lloa-.omerr a~• A 9-week Summer Session on the outskirts of tant decision of your life. Write for single case through all of these EVANSTON Bonn. 9 semester hours of undergraduate credit it today. offered, Open to college and university under­ years. The Xavier News did, on. One Block South of Dana graduates. For application or information, write:· one occasion, accuse the Dean of Few Blocks North of the Dorm MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY NATIONAL VOCATIONS DIRECTOR Men of using "Gestapo" tactics, BACHELOR SERVICE OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS PAULIST FATHERS but. never to my memory baa FLUFF DRY BUNDLES 1131 West Wisconsin Ave. • _Milwaukee, Wis. 53233 I 415 WEST 59* STREET I such an accusation come from • ..HOUa SKIIVICK • - - - NEW YORK, N.Y. 10011 any member of the SRB. Other ...eFo• CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 19QS SPRING SPORTS SET TO BLOSSOM By WIIITEY PLOSCIK, News Sports Reporter eertalnly proylcJe us with a win­ nine eombina&lou." Baseball, golf, tennis, and sailing-these four sports tlow come into the spotlight as the Xavier Spring Sports TENNIS schedule starts to roll. Some unusually mild March weather The tennis team is also look• bas aided the efforts of Coaches Joe Hawk (baseball), · ing optimistically forward to t_he Ray Baldwin (golf), Jim Brockhoff (tennis), and Steve upcoming season which will get Schultz, Jr. (sailing) in putting the finishing touches on · under way with a match at their charges before the official unveiling. Louisville with the Cardinals next Tuesday, Last· season the BASEBALL . good ball players and that if the · Xavier netmen suffered througb What is the prospectus of the pitching comes through, Xavier a rebui1ding year, but this ·sea­ 1966 edition of the Muskie base- .. should have a good year, son should be a different story, ball team? OOLF No. 1 I!Jincles player Tom Or­ Old timers say "Pitching is mond beads a east of elr;bt re­ 90% of the game" or "Good The Xavier University links­ turnlu,- let&ermen and 10 new­ men, with five returning letter­ pitching always beats good ­ comers who will aitaek a 17· men, and a crop of promising ting." If we follow these cri­ came sla&e. Onnond, a sopho­ frosh, promise to be a tough terions, then we can label the more, led the &eam In overall bunch come April 1 when the Muskie pitching staff as ques­ play last season and could de­ tionable. Only two hurlers re­ ball is in the air. Yelop into one of Xayier's best turn from last yeat·'s team, jun­ ever. Leadinl' the team this year RETURNING GOLF LETTERMAN TERRY ADAMS inspects the iors Steve Slania (2-0) who will be sophomore Ed Vondobre, golf grips of two attractive OLC freshmen, Connie White (left) and Other returning veterans in­ owned the lowest earned run low man on the '65 team with an Linda VanHoughton. Golfers will face less pleasant surroundings clude junior Ed Geiser, a two­ average on the team 1.98 and average of 77.8 per round. Ed next Friday when they open against Hanover; year letterman from St. Xavier; Tom Rave (1-0). The vacancies Is a native of Cincinnati,. knows in the rotation will ·have to be · -News (Schlaudecker) Photo juniors Ed Menkhaus, from El­ the courses well, and bas all ~be der; Dan Van Tiem, from Grosse filled by untested sophomores shots besides. as Jerry Federle, Tim O'Con- . for a match with the always junior Rusty Felter. Grogan com­ Poi n t; Joe Riemenschneider, nell, Dan Hollman, and . Jerry Right behind Ed last year, and · tough Flyers. After . Dayton re­ piled a wining percentage of .690 from Shelbyville, Indiana, and Schwartz. an· almost sure bet to rebound turns the favor by coming to last fall which was eighth best Mike Berkery, from Chicag~ from a disappointing '65 cam- · Cincinnati on the following Mon­ and sophomores Mike Dyas, Irom A look at the infield s.hows in ·Midwest individual standings. paign, was veteran Greg Lalonde, day, action adjourns until af~er Covington Catholic, and Jerry Rusty Felter compiled a .623 the veterans Dave Lynch (.343), This will be Greg's fourth year Easter vacation. The rest of the · Mahoney, from San Jose, Cali­ Jim Hoff (.220), Bob Nock (.270) .on the team, and Coach Baldwin schedule is comprised of two ·percentage I a s t fall for 15th fornia. Among the newcomer• and Roger Salemi (.313) having is looking for the law-school­ matches with e a c h of these · place in Midwestern competition are sophomores Tom Ratterman the edge because of· experience bound senior to bow out in glory, schools: Louisville, Villa Ma­ and Jack McGruder and fresh­ although the sophomores led by and, although only a junior, will donna, Ohio University, Bellar­ be leaving Xavier in June for men Bob Harpenau, Roger Clar~ .Joe Geraci, Bill Bien, and Jim Two sophomores, Terry Adams mine, Miami, and U. of Cincin­ Med-school. Backing these two Tom Groskopf; Charles Kircher, Williamson are not to be taken from Akron, 0., and Jim Aranda, nati .. The other post.;. Easter bat- · Tom Roden, Chuck Eberle and lightly, Park Ridge, J11., will have a up will be the sophomore trio tie will be in Huntington, W. Va., &f .Toni ·Germann, Pat O'Connor, Bob Campbell. helpful year of experience be­ home ol Marsha1l University. The green pastures of the out­ hind them when they hit the and Bob Gadlage. The success of There were no seniors on last field appear to be receiving ex­ ••tour trail" this year. Terry was the team will depend greatly on year's team, and everyone hae pert tending this year from Jim SAILINO a consistently good performer, their ability ·to fill in for the ret~uned this year. Besides .or­ Eurnor (.268), Dick Fiehrer The sailors open their season starters w~·en ·necessary, · averaging 80.5 per round. Aran­ tomorrow when they travel to mond the best. bets for starting (.360), Bill Bobo (.300) and John da began to play after the Easter roles appear to be Tom Ratter­ · Keenan. The outfield seems to Detroit to participate in' the ·an­ Coach Steve SebuUa, who Ia break, starting every match after nual U. of D. Invitational Re­ In his &bird year a& &he helm man and Jack McGruder and be a strong department on this that, and averaged 82 strokes freshmen Oiden and Clark. )'ear's Muskie nine. gatta which will feature. teams e1 tbe sallin,- &eam, expressed per round. from Indiana, Michigan St.ate, the feelin,- that tbe upcomlnc Coaeh Jll'oekholf who Ia, quite Another strong point for this Notre Dame, Wayne State, Woo­ l!ieason would be, · "even better pleased with the way the . &elUII Jear's squad will be the catching .Junior Jim Hahn saw Ji.ttle ster, De Pauw, John Carroll, and than last fall which was one of has been shaplnc · DP thus faio position. Sophomores Rick Don­ action last season, but has been Port Huron. Last year the .water• eur best ever. Our mixture of predicte, "a Cood season this yeaf nelly and Tom Higgins appear working hard this spring ana bourne Muskies finished fifth in Ye&erans and newcomers should aDd an ev.en better one Ole next.,. to have the necessary equipment hopes to earn a starting position, a field of ten in the same event. Best among the freshmen ap­ to ably handle the job, ••eoCA•tO\.A" ANO uCOMI" Alii: IIIQISflfiiD TIIIAii•MAIIKI pear to be Larry Hierholzer of The sailors have been pointing "'MIC:H fOIMti.V CNL't 1•11 •fiOtiUCIT Cl' THI COCA•COa..\ iaOMPANV. The weather pennittinl', the Celina, 0., and· Rick Naughton for this season for a long time Muskies will play . a man-sized of Crystal Lake, Ill. and t 'h e i r enthusias~ is evi­ eehedule of tbirb-ei,-ht rames denced by the fact that. they lbcludin,- e i r; b t doubleheaders Hanover College is the first spent many winter weekends and a round robin tournament in "victim" on the Muskies' list, working out on the icy Ohio Biloxi, MissiliSippl, on this year's and the scene of the crime will River. 110uthern trip, '11le schedule In­ be Sharon Woods Golf Club. eludes Kentucky, Miami, Dayton, The next day, s'aturday, April 2,. Among t.he returning letter• 1JC, Ohio u., Eastern Kentucky, the linksmen travel to Dayton. men are senior Tom Grogan and Morehead State and Ohio State, Coach Joe Hawk says that $1.19 $1.19 there is a lot of speed on this GREGORY'S STEAKS 7ear's team, a Jot of potentially 124 E. Sixth St. Pbone 421-6688 Clneinnatl, Oblo Open 7 Days • Weok-Montlay anti Thursday, 11 a.111. to 111itl111to; Friday and Saturday, 4 •·•·; Su11day, 11 to 10. CHAil·lllOILID . . · 12-oz. Sirloin Steak or l,;,lb. ·Half ·Chicken Baked Idaho Potato, Garlic French Roll, Chef Salad Bowl with : Roquefort ar Choice of Dressint at Na Extra Charao. ALL FOR $1~18 FISH for Frlda,-a aud Lenten Dara FEATURING OUR MUSKETEER SPECIAL ftREG BUBIER 8 Full Ounces of Cround leef Served 88C U On Toasted lun with laked Potato.

Drink the· milk·~ with the delicious. . . difference in · Life's a picnic when you're refreshed. YOU NEED. ,Coca-Cola, with its cold crisp taste, HEll?. taste·. " Is always just right, tQO sweet ' •• ·cHARLIE n~ver. ... ----:.; refreshes best. ·sROWN I THE NEW ~~Mthl.·. I'IAIIU71, CARTOON GOOKI ·w.~ by Charles M. Schulz ONLY ~~at your college Coke·- - ...... * ....__!.,..-- . ·-- . ·• .. bookatore ·,~ Melt, Rineltlrt aad Wia1111, Inc. CINCINNATI, OHIO, F81DAY, MARCH 25, 1966 Pare Five Ray Baldwin: Twenty Years of Service By STEVE SALEJ\1, Assistant Spnrts Information Director

Ray Baldwin came to Xavier Buildlug wasn't there. They used letic field. The managers of aft t in 1946 to SErve a·s team trainer, Co have classes in Alumni Hall. sports who work under him feel ) ' equipment manager, and golf I don't. think there were more the "Workin« for Ray Baldwin is BJ JIM ARANDA coach. TodaY.,' some: iwenty years than five hundred students then. a real experience." News Sports Editor later, he still holds : those same I'm not real sure about the num­ In his twenty years at Xavi~r •In the spring a fuller crimson comes upon the robin's breast; position~.' ~~ tliose tw~rity y·e~r~ . ber but there couldn't have been "Baldy" has worked with many many more than that. In the 'spring the wanton lapwing gets himself another crest; Ray has become a friendly help- · of the Xavier greats. Jack Hoff· In the ·spring a lovelier iris changes on the burnished dove; ing hand to everyone in athletics · "I've been here under four ln the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." · man, who later went on to play at Xavier. Athletic Directors, five basket- These immortal words were first written by Lord Tennyson in · with the Chicago Bears, was a his poem of 1842, "Locksley Hall." (So there! Betcha thought all When Ray joined the .Xavier ball and five football coaches, member of the Xavier football sports· writers were downright illiterate, didn't you?) Besides Athletic Staff in 1946, he set up · and I've seen Xavier grow into team that defeated Boston College thoughts of love, for those less romantically inclined among us, · his "office" in one corner of the a major Unive1·sity. I hope that in historic Fenway Park in the young men may also remember some of the highlights of their · Fieldhouse's "cage" amid foot- I've been able to help that growth mud bath o{ 1954. last tennis, golf, baseball, or sailing season. Or we may muse on ball helmets, baseball bats, and in some way." those interesting sports stories we experienced last spring and basketball shoes. And today ''That has to rank as one of summer, . either in person or via the grapevine. when someone has to find him, "Ray Baldwin," stated Athletic my top thrills, just being in the which is never more than twelve Director Jim McCafferty, "has Those· of you who played Little League baseball, or who now· park where such greats as Ted are on the other side of the fence watching Li'l Brother battle for · Williams played. That and the the championship, will then appreciate the plight of a much-tor­ Salad Bowl victory of 1950 are mented Little League manager from Lubbock, Tex. He .noticed his right fielder playing too deep and gestured wildly at him with his my top thrills in football. My bottle of tranquilizers to "Come in! Come in!" A while later he top thrill in basketball w o u 1 d returned his gaze to the right field area, on'ly to find it vacant. He have to be the NIT Champion· asked the natural question: "Where is my right fielder?" "Right ship in 1958." here," responded· a disconsolate pee wee voice from the bench. "You told me to come in." Jnck Cherry, Xavier's Sports Bob Ritchie, a 20-year-old sophomore from Lynn, Mass, discov• Information Director, explained, ered tbe truth of the old adage, "If at first you don't succeed, try, the NIT would definitely have try again" in a baseball game last spring between his own Nichols to be the highlight of his career, College .and Bryant College. When Bob came to bat in the first but not for the reason you think, inning :with the bases loaded, he struck out. However, he was pre· ''In the finals of the National In· aented with the same bases-loaded situntion in the second inning and slammed one out of the park for a grand slammer. Wudjebeleev vitational Tournament he 1 d at that Ritchie found the bases full again in the third inning. when he New York's Madison Square strode to the p~ate. He hit another home run. In the fifth inning Garden, and before a national he wal~ed (was the Bryant ace scared, perhaps?) and scored. In· television audience, Ray was the sixth ,inning he hit a home run with nobOdy on. His final ap· called upon to take care of a wet pearance. at the plate was in the seventh inning, and-you guessed spot that developed on the floor. U-the bases were loaded. ou't of the park; .another grand slam, the third in five innings for Ritchie and his fourth home run. of the XAVIER TRAINER RAY BALDWIN per.forms one of his many He marched out onto the flo~ day. All 'in' aU, Bob Ritchie scored five runs, batted in 13, thus "healing,. talents to the ankle of frosh basketball ace To~ Tracy. with his towel to wipe it up. -New& (Gels) Photo accounting for 18 of his team's 26 runs. Oh, by the way, Bob has T h e n the referee showed Ray another' iorte-he pitched the last inning 'lmd ·struck out two men. where the spot really was. He'd Coniiriuing in the vein, the birth of a new season resur­ times a minute, they just knock ' done a lot for Xavier athletics been out there for a couple of rects ~nee again the spitball eontroversy, always a good arguing on the . cage d o o r and holler, over the years. He is an excellent minutes paying no attention to subjeCi. 'we recall the words of another mound star, now passed on "Hey, Baldy!" tr11iner and equipment manager, the spot, but looking frantically .to the coaching ranks, Early Wynn. Mr. Wynn insists that the for the TV cameras." When ask• His office Is the same, ·but that and I know that all the coaches spitter' ;Is nof a physical hazard to the hitters, but "dangerous only would agreE that he does a very ed about the truth of this state­ to batting averages." That's the view from the mcund, anyway. Or Ia about the o n I y part of the ment, Baldwin admitted, "WelJ, fine job. might ·we call it a Wynn-view? • e h o o I Ulat llasn't changed. I guess I was looking for the "When I eame to Xavier in 1946, Jobnny Callison of· the tells this story What may be the primary rea­ cameras, but then how m a n y this fieldhouse was the only thin• about his method to remedy his early .season swinging troubles. son for Ray Baldwin's success is chances do you get to be on tele· on this side of the campus. There vision, coast to coast." Callison ~ound solace in children's coloring books. In early May wasn't · an1 Armory there, and his willingness Co help. When Gf 1965 Callison's average was a dismal .185, and "it was driving tben on the other side there asked what his duties were at We're all hoping that Ray gets me crazy. I knew I had to do something to keep my mind oft it, was no Student Union, no North Xavier, be explained simply, "I another chance to be on national 10 I started doodling in the kids' coloring books. Then I went out er South· Batts. We had the old try to help everyone that I can." television in the very near .fu• and bought some art books and pretty soon I was doing all right Bellarmine Chapel, and the Alter This help 1oes beyond the ath- ture. with those.number paintings. You know: 'Col()r 1 red, 2 blue, and 3 green.• The .only trouble was that the ·1, 2, 3·kept reminding me Gf my average." Such is the zany world of baseball and no ·doubt the golfers, sailors, and. tennis enhtusiasts could spin some equally good yarns. llut turning now from thoughts of. love and baseball stories, we Five ideal dates. wish to take notice of the recent induction of former Xavier· fcot• ball coach Clem F. Crowe to the Indiana Hall of Fame. Mr. Crowe · was ,football coach here at XU from 1936 to 1943. (No matter how reflective you are on these fine spring d.:ys, you will not remem· Three dollars{$3) ·ber him.) He compiled a lifetime reco.rd ·of 41-31-2 in his time. After his stint at XU, Mr. Crowe went into Big Ten competition · ·Join in the most adventurous experiment of our time. Opera­ with a coaching job at the U of Iowa. Mr~ Chris Schenkel, weU• . lmown television sportscaster, was the master of ceremonies at the .tion Match. Let the IBM 7090 Computer (the world's most perfect banquet honoring Crowe and other guests. matchmaker) stamp out blind dates for you. ; Our friends from El Paso, the Tex&s Western Miners, _have Two.Harvard juniors started it. 100,000 students have done it.' eOpped ·the NCAA crown from a stunned bunch of Kentuckians. r Now you and 3,400,000 .college students in 1500 colleges in 50 llut there is still another post-season game to be played, however, the North-South All-Star game on Mllrch 26. Xavier will be rep• · eities can sign up and join .in! . presented at this contest by Bryan Williams, a fine hinor for the ' Just send us the coupon. We'll send you the Operation Match Danville, Ill. guitar-strumming motorcycle rider. 1 Quantitative Personality Projection Test pronto! 1 That's all fol•ks. See you next week. Then return the questionnaire with $3.00. What you're like 1 and what you like will be t:ranslated into our 7090's memo~y file. Muskie Baseballers Down Kentucky · It will scan the qualifications of every member of the oppos1te sex The Xavier baseball team welcomed the new season last Tuesday : from this geographic area. Then it will select the five. or more with a 12-inning 3-2 win over the U. of Ken.tucky. Xavier scored two·in the third inning on three hits, one walk, ·and an error. Ken· matches best for you. : : tucky gqt an unearned run in the fifth on two errors and a hit. They I .you'll receive your names, addresses and telephone :numbers added a*'otlter in the seventh to tie it at 2-2. In the 12th, after two : 'within three weeks. You'll be what your date is lo9king for. Your wer~ OlJt, Jim Hoff singled fo.r his third hit ~nd Rick Donnelly tripled ; date will be what you are looking for. In 9ther wor~s: the, matches Jlim home with the winning run. Sophomore Tim O'Connell went be mutual. . : : all the way, giving up ten hits, walking four and striking out s.ix for : will •...... ~ ...... •...... • the winJ . '•' . . . . . : ~ar IBM 7090, · : : r • J. am 17 or.. over (and 27 or under) and I want to help ~tamp : !,. ' FOR SALE. i .out blind daWS. So mail me my questionnaire. Quick!;. ! • • : 'Jili.une School : 1159 ~feJ, C~RYSLEI- Convertible •• • Zip Code a Purc~ased iri · ~9~.; ~~~eilent maintenance, .. Painted last year. .Adclrns City• • •a One Clriver. Snow; ti~es included. • ssoo.oo Operation Match • Compatability Researeh, Inc. • a• · 'For Appoi~tment Call 721-1310 ...... · '15 Eas& Wacker Drive, Chicago, Jllinof• • Paces.. CINCINNATI. OHIO. RIDAY. MARCH 25, 1M

Peace Corps Craig Hildebra11d Represe11tatives • Drink the milk· To Speak Here Council In Review I Thanks to the imagination of Throughout the week of March two areas of concentration is on with the delicious :!8 three Peace CoqJs Volun­ councilman Tom Gravelle and account of the amount of time teers will speak witn tnc Xavier Bob Joseph, there will be four required to participate in· these additional awards presented· at difference in students about the Peace Corps fields and the limited recogni­ and its new pt•ograms. The three this year's Honor Convocation. tion that they receive for their These men introduced legisla­ v o I u n tee r s, Nancy Holland, efforts. The winning students taste ••• Martha Hann, and Steve Wrucke, tion that would honor three stu­ will receive seventy-five dollars will man an information booth dents and a campus organiza­ each and an appropriate trophy. tion for outstanding achievement on the ground floot· of the Uni­ The winners will be chosen by by giving them both a monetary versity Centet·, show movies in the vote of the entire student award and a trophy, According body, room B, and speak at an A-series com·ocation in the Theatet·. to Gravelle and Joseph, the pUl'• The "Club of the Year" will pose of the awards is, "to pro­ also be honored for its accom• The p u r p o s e of the Peace mote inte\·est and initiative with plishments. Each campus organi­ Con>S' visit to the Xavier cam­ regard to student activities at zation will have the opportunity pus is to suppb information to Xaviet·, and to give recognition to go before Student Council, the students, clen up any mis­ to those students who have made stating the reasons why they conceptions a b o u t the Peace valuable contributions and have think they des e r v e such an Corps and possible to encourage gone unrewarded." award. Based on the clubs pre­ some students to volunteer. The The "Xavier Man of the Year" sentation, Council will choose U. s. college campus is tile num­ is to be one of the new honors the winning club. The organiza­ ber one souree of qDalified vol­ given. To be eligible, it is neces­ tion will reecive fifty dollars and french Bauer unteers and 10,500 volunteers are sary only to be a student at a plaque. needed to meet the demands for Xavier. The reason for the lib• 1966. eral requirement is to enable the entire student body, which will The three volunteers have re­ be doing the voting, to decide turned from overseas wot·k in who they think best embodies Venezuela, Malayasia. and Af­ the concept of the "Xavier Man ghanistan. They will give a short of the Year." The winner will address, show slides of the coun­ receive one hundred dollars, ancl tl'ies they visited and hold a his name will be inscribed on question and answet• period dur­ a permanent plaque. ing the A-series convocation in Two other awards will single the Theater on Wednesday at out students which have made 1:30. v a I u a b I e contributions in the Two films will be shown in fields of acting and journalism, room B of the University Cen­ The reason for choosing these ter at 12:30 and 3:00 Tuesday, 3:30 Wednesday, 1:30 Thut·sday A swinging weekend ia and 12:30 Friday. The films show volunteers and the work they Chicago for $16 are doing in India and Malaysia. SUSAN M. Kllllfl The Xavier student who might Manchester College, No. be interested in Peace Corps Manchester, Ind. says, "Any work only has to fulfill two sim­ student, man ple requirements. First, he must or woman, can stay at fill out a Volunteer Question­ Chaca•o's YMCAHotaf naire and then take the Peace and enjoy a Corps exam. There is no _passing weekend for $16.15. Here is or failing grade on the exam how I did it. and the Peace Cot·ps will re­ spond within six weeks concern­ Fri. P.M. Dinner at YMCA Hotel $1.30 ing the applicant's acceptability. Visit Old Town 3.00 The basic exam is a type of Room at Y Holel 3.00 intelligence test and lakes only Sat. A.M. Breakfast at Y Hotel .60 one hour of the student's time. Art Institute Tour Free The other exam the student may lunch at Stouffer'• J..45 take is to test his proficency in Sal. P.M. Not. Hi st. Museum Tour Free Spanish or French. The exam is Dinner at Y Hotel 1.30 offered at eight different limes, Sol. n ite dance, Y Hotel .15 which may be obtained from the lale Snack .45 informatic.n booth. Room al Y Hotel 3.00 How important is lhe work of Sun. A.M. Breakfast at Y Hotel .60 the Peace Corps? Steve Wt·ucke Wonhip at Central Church answered this with a t•eiati\'ely lunch al Y Holel 1.30 unknown fact. Half the high Sun. P.M. Bock lo Compu1 school teachers in six African Tolal $16.15 countries arc supplied l.Jy the Peace Cot·ps. MEN e WOMEN e FAMILIES Stay at Chicago's Is Peace Corps work worth­ while? Steve stated, "Whenever YMCA HOTEL one man t~tkes time out to help 826 South Wabash his fellow man, I don't believe at the edge of the Loop that his work can be called any­ lcctlllmlllltlDtta tor 2,000 • l'ltta $2.15 ... 1111 thing but worthwhile." Wrile for reservations or call 922·3183

~Aonday, April 4, 1966 Hunt Food and Industries, Inc. representatives will be at XAVIER UNIVERSITY to interview male graduates --in- Business Administration, Liberal Arts, Economics, and Marketing -for- SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE POSITIONS



Jiin: ~uken ·:'\'Standing Room Only

Although in recent years, Ing­ knight undergoes encounters his mar Bergman has been forced to ''dark night of the soul," only to share the position of best :for­ meet his end jn an eerie dance eign film director with Italy's to the stroke of death's timeless Fellini; he must be regarded as scourge, The imagination of the the true master when one takes audience is free to enlarge upon into account his earlier films. the countJess thought-provoking This is a title earned, not given nuances which arise out of this freely. As a part of the Swedish extraordinary film. This CiJming film industry, his budget is only Sunday at the Esquire Theatre a percentage of those required and Monday a.t the Guild. The bis his Rome and Hollywood classics are shown in addHion to counterparts. His films must be the regular features, and stu­ C>f a more pure quality, since he dents are admitted, with I.D.'s cannot rely on grandiose scenes for approximately 90 cents. Even and costly effects, . if you are not too hot on art Such a low-budget, high-qual­ movies, you will find this one ity effort was Tile SennUt Seal, ·rife with any number of possi­ the film which brought Bergman ble interpretations, making it a to fame in the States and which primer for future excursions to wntinues to provoke interest and the two art cinemas. acclaim whenever it is shown. Edgecliff Academy opened last This high 1 y allegorical story week with Bert o I d Brecht's takes place in fourteenth century Mother Courage and Her Chil­ Sweden, and concerns the return dren, Weekday performances are of a crusading knight to his at 7:30, week-ends at 8:30. Word bomeland. He is perplexed, and js that the show is excellent, and not a little disillusioned by what worthy of the theatre-goers at­ be has seen and undergone dur­ tention. ing his ten years of fighting in the Holy Wars. On a rocky Scandinavian shore, he meets the cloaked figure of death who en­ gages him in a game of chess, with the agreement that, should · · the knight checkmated, he will accompany the :figure of death into his domain, The chess game, One half-fare ID card which is carried on sporadically throughout the Swedish coun­ tryside, is a somber backlfound for a lengthy period of question­ ing and searching. Thus the is as good as another on Eastern

to florida or 79 other places. Show us ony airline's youth 10 cord. If it's valid, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N:Y.-10020. HUCKLEIEIIY FINN anct you'll pay only half price for your Eastern Or toke some to any Eastern ticket office, and Tom Sawyer are easier when you let Cliff's Notes be your Coach seot (except on April 7th and certain you con buy your half-fore ticket on the spot. guide. Cliff's Notes expertly days during the Thanksgiving and Christmas We'll send you your ID cord later •. summarize and explain the plot and characters of more holidays), Provided there's o seat ovoilobl~ at Mr./ Miss/Mrs .. ______...... than 125 major. plays and departure time, you con fly off on your spnng ' Add novels- includin& Shake­ speare's works. Improve your vocation to any of our 96 destinations within ress------understandint- and your the continental U.S. Including Florida. ------Zip Code, ____ 1rades. Call on Cliff's Notes for help in any If you don't hove such o card; and you're 12 Dote of Birth------­ literature c:e»urse. through 21, it's o snop to get one from Eastern, Enclosed is photocopy of: 0 Birth Certificate D Draft card 0 Driver's Pcense II h 125-Titles in aH -amonc OS long as your parents don't 0 b ject. fi in t e D Other (Please Explain), ______them these favorites: blank below. Send the blank, o photcicopy of Nome of schoo1------Hamlet • Macbeth • Scarlet Letter • lale 1your birth certificate or other proof of age, and School address, if a resident------of T- Colies • Moaly Die k • llelurn el lhe N~llve • Jhe ~sey • Julius Caesar • a $3.00 check or money order (payable to Zip Code ____ Cmne and Punishment • The Iliad • Gteat E>pect;~tionr. • Huckleberry Fi"" • Kint fastern Airlines) to Eastern Airlines, Dept. 350, Send ID cord to: D Home address Q School gddre$1 Henry IV Part I • Wutherina ...itl'lls • IIi,. LP.ar • P•ide and Prejudice • Lertt- Jim • Othello • Gulliver's Travelt • Lorcl ot theFiin

$1 at JOUr bookseller NUMBER ONE TO THE SUN

ll••. , ...... ·= Mieilt.l ...... - Pal!'e Elcbl CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 • Nct.,s lntervie~es: Patti Romes Night Life Hermes Explains Evaluation By JOliN GETZ, News Managing Editor participation, and I think I could r "I am just thrilled to pieces fulfilled. Her acquaintance with ·safely say that we have a re­ · with the whole idea," stated Mrs. the Jesuits came about through Now that the results of the pilot study, the first step sponsibility and a right to see 1\lfarguet'ite Ma!lach, a for·mer reading America. As a result of in Student Council's plan for course evaluation at Xavier this thing through," he sum• resident of Alabama, when asl;:ed this reading, she decided upon a marized. how she felt about her new part­ Jesuit institution. have been computed, the next step is the verbalization time career at Xavier. A mother The Xavier Evening College is of the statistics, that is, looking at the figures and re­ In response to the orten-poset of three teenagers, Mrs. Mallach presently planning its biggest stating them with words. In an effort to team the present eharre that publication or the is emolled in both Xavier's day social event of the year, the an­ status of the study and to provide readers with au in-depth study would be unfair to those t e a c h e r 11 whose reputations • e h o o 1 and Evening College. nual Evening College Dance to view of the aims of the evaluation, the News interviewed Tuesdays and Thursdays she is be held May 7, 1966 in the Vien­ would be damared, Hermes ex• • pupil of General Psychology nese Room of the Hotel Alms. Academic Chairman Tom Hermes, who with Student Coun­ plalned, "I think the answer to and History, attending English Tickets will be on sale within cil president Bill Jeremiah conducted the study and are this question Is Fr. O'Callaghan•s Comp. course on Thursday eve­ the next few weeks at $3.00 pet• now occupied in verbalizing the results. main concern when he wonders ning. It doesn't seem to bother couple. The orchestra this year about the morality of publishing When questioned about recent her attending class among all will be a loc<~l favorite, Vito the results. It should be pointed opposition to the publication of freshman boys. Mrs. Mallach, Rossi. the whole project the deepest out that the results of the poll who is presently taking her first the study, Het·mes stated, "My consideration and is approaching will be coded, If they are ever Last year this dance proved to main concern is the status of fu­ ~allege courses, plans to work Bill Jeremiah and myself with a to be made available to the stu­ be quite a success. It was held for a degree, majoring in his­ ture student opinion polls along sincere attempt at understand­ dents. In this manner an instruc­ tory. As the wife of a service­ in the Skyline Ballroom of the these lines. We feel we can an­ ing. My thinking is that since tor's anonymity may be pre­ man it was impossible for Mrs. Terrace Hilton; music was also swer the objections to the man• this is an expression of student served, which answers the ob­ Mallach to attend a university furnished by Mr. Rossi and his ncr in which this poll was taken. opinion, there is the possibility jection that the results will be due to their constant moving orchestra. We m·e anticipating If it hasn't been done scien• that it would be immoral (un­ sought after by the free press about, but now that her husband anothet• successful dance this tifically enough, then chances charitable) NOT to listen to stu- and the Tan Center, upon which is retired her ambition c<1n be spring. are that we don't have what we dent opinion." would follow the so-called dam• purport to have, namely, student aging. opinion. I think we can, after When asked to explain the Law Day Features Essay Contest taking a good look at the pilot true nature of the study as a "The publication could be so study, find out student opinion." student evaluation, Hermes re­ arranged that a student would be The Cincinnati Bar Associa­ erty of the Cincinnati Bar Asso­ plied, "It can't .be over-empha­ able to decide which courses he tion, together with the Enquirer ciation and will not be returned. Hermes remained uncertain as sized that what we are trying wanted without knowing who and the Post and Times-Star, to whether his group will be to do is to express student opin­ Fi•·st prize in the college di· the instructor was. He could will mark Law Day, May 1, 1966 permitted to publish its ·find­ ion. A lot of the objections to vision is a $250 maturity value then go to the registrar's office with an essay contest on the ings. The big question is, "What our study rest on the false foun­ Series E Savings Bond, second for this information." subject, "Civil Disobedience____,A i!t'e we allowed. ~o do with th~ dation that we .are pretending to prize is a $100. maturity value Challenge to Om· Democratic student opinion we have? How have the low-down on Xavier. Series E Bond, and third prize Processes?" is it to be published, if it is to This. is not the· case. Students is a $25' maturity value Series E Half Fare .Plan "Question is whether the tra-. be published at all?" It's a little have worthwhile feelings about Savings Bond. Would you like to fly home.at dition of a peaceful approach to incongruous to arrive .at a con­ the courses they at·e taking, and one-half fare? If yo4r answer: fs society's problems tht:ough re­ All Xavier students are eligi­ sensus and not pe aware or what these feelings ought to be valu­ "yes" then you are interested spect for law is being threat­ ble except the sons of members the consensus ·is, able to the Xavier community. in of the Cincinnat"i Ba1· Associa­ American Airlines' Youth . Plan. ened;'' reported Bruce Mcintosh, The ultimate d e cis I on or "Students speak of rights. The Law Day Committee chairman. tion, whether or not to publish the administration speaks of duties All it takes for this privilege is The entries must be received and responsibilities. Everyone to 'have a special fare ID card. The essay should not exceed results of the study .rests witb one thousand words, typed and no latet· than 12:00 noon, April agrees that these go hand in Don Wirt, American Airlines double- spaced, and should be 14, 1966, at the office of the Cin• Rev. Jeremiah 1. O'Callagban, hand. We obviously have the re• representative, will be taking ap• submitted in triplicate. Entries cinnati Bar Association, 522 S.J., Hermes noted, ''Fr. O'Cal· sponsibility to pal'ticipate in our plications for these ·In cards on will be judged on the basis of Hamilton County Court House, laghan's main concern is with tbe education. We couldn't learn any March 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to originality, aptness of thought, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. morality of th~ publication of other way. The course evalua­ 3 p.m. in the University .Center. a study of this 110rt. He is rlvlnr tion then amounts to community Cost of the cards is $3.00. "rammar, and punction, Awards will be presented April. All entries become the prop• 26, 1966. Clef Club Visits ICCCF At Rensselaer; ---•ORDER RESERVED SEATS NOW BY MAIL IIA • Concert Features New Requiem ·For JFK 1RI·STATE PREMIERE • THURS., MARCH 31 This Saturday morning, March Woods, Terre Haute; M a r l an ing in the premiere of this verr 26, at 8 a.m. the Xavier Univer• College, Indianapolis; and St. contemporary piece of music. · sity Clef Club will leave for Mary's -of-the-Springs, Colum. The club arrives in Rensselaer Nominated for 10 Academy Awards! Rensselaer, Indiana to perform on Saturday afternoon. A din• 11 bus. Each group will li!ing selec• INCLUDING- BEST PICTURE" AND "BEST DIRECTOR"! in the Indiana Catholic College ner will be served followed by Choral Festival. (ICCCF). This tions from its own concert rep­ a dance Sa·turday night. The .,ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOVIES EVER MADE!" is the first year that the ICCCF ertoire and will then join in concert will be held at 2:30 p.m. -Life Mag~zinfJ has invited an out of state club singing "AN AMERICAN RE· Sunday afternoon · in the St, to perform in this Festival, QUIEM" written by Dr. John B. Joseph's Fieldhouse. Immedi• Hosting this year's event will Egan, Director Qf St. Joseph's ately following a short dinner be St. Joseph's College In Rens• Glee Club. This requiem, writ• will be served and the club will ten in_ memory of Pres. John F, selaer. Along with St. Joseph's then return to Cincinnati. The Kennedy, has never been per• club will also go on a tour in and Xavier the other performing · formed .in public. The Clef Club April, but details of this have not. groups will be St. Mary's-of-the• therefore has the honor of join· as yet been worked· out•


ORDER YOUR TICKETI DIRECT FROM VALLEY Theatre VALLEY THEATRI 7617 Reading Road • Cincinnati, Ohio BOX OFFICE ~~'~~~~mauf($ ~N:en ~ "tt~tttlilmm,ffi.:;o,; ; ~tMitm ; : Aim t