Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1966-03-25 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1966). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 290. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/290 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Xu'·/~er univer;;;lty Library ~AR 26 'If·· The a vier tillS ~ol. L 10~ CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 TEN CENTS No. 11 AWARDS FOR ~MEN OF YEAR' 't· By PAUL MAIER, News Reoorter On March 16 Student Council passed an act, the ex4 pressed aim of which is "to promote student interest and initiative, and to reward certain students who have made noteworthy efforts at Xavier." The legislation provides awards and recognition to students who have excelled in campus activities and that have heretofure been overlooked. · ! ; The plan, proposed by Robert ------------­ loseph, secretary of the sopho4 . eelve $'75 and an appropriate more class, and Thomas Gra4 trophy, ttelle, treasurer l?f the junior 1111ass, is intended to augment ..This award, we feel, will the annual Honors Convocation, stimulate interest in the Masque by the add-ition of four new Society a-group whose work is awat·ds. However, these new too often unheeded and over• awards-unlike all the others- looked." 1Vill go to men who at·e chosen 4) One award· will be pre• bY. the Xavier student body, sented to the "Club of the Year," Joseph ex p 1 a ins that "We which will be selected by the think that it is time to recognize. plurality vote of a special ses• the contributions of certain out­ sion of Student Council, sta~ding students......: s t u d e n t s Af this session, a representa• whose work has been unreward,­ tive of each club will address ed in the past." *he Council, stating why the club The awards will be 'distribut~cf believes it should be selected. The winning· club will receive a _--.. ~-follow~~~'·· plaque .. and $50, XAVIER VNIVERSITY PRESIDENT. Very: Reverend PaulL. O'Connor, S.J., begins .Offertory -of Ma.u • 1) One award wiU 'be· dveia I at last. Sunday's Sodality .Consecration. Father O'Connor is assisted by Sodality Director Fr. Richarcl· .. the · student · who Is eleeted The first awards will be pre­ .McPartlin, S.J. The con-celebrants of the Mass were (left to right) Fr. Nieporte ·arid Fr. Ratterman •. ..Xavier. Man of the Year."· b,. sented this . year, and voting The master .of ceremonies was Fr. Edward Brueggeman (far right), · News (FeM'ara) PhotC. M eleaUon. open to 'the entire should begin for . the student -*udent body. i!aeb 'voter may body by the lasf week in April. ••t· one vote . lor an,. student It has been recommended to Sodality ·Consecrates Thirty-two; whom be t.blnb 'best embodies the administration that the . re· W1 .concept Of the "Xavier Man." cipients of the four awards be This student's name will be permHted to receive them at the annual Honors· Connvocation, Dedicate Lives For, Year placed on a permanent plaque Thirty· two . men consecrated - and Fr. Deters,· the con-cele•. Finally, at the end of Mass, in 'prominent location. He will . ~eld thiS year on May 3, · a themselves to the service of Our brants. the Rt. Rev. Robert J, Sherry, •lso receive $100. · ' •' . When asked abou·t the legisla· Lady last! Sunday in a colorful Before the Otfertoey, Fr. Bleb· pastor of St. William's . parish, f ·. Gravelle pointed out, "We-pur­ tion, Student Council President, · CE~remony that took place in ard J. McPartlin, one of the two presented. to each new· Sodalist posely did not set up a standard Bill Jeremiah remarked, "We Bellarmine Chapel. Masters of Ceremony and mod• the medal of the ' organizatiora 10r· the stuc;lent to 'conside-r' in have· long said that the 'Profile The hour-long ·consecration be· erator of the Sodality, led the while the members of the Xa• Sodallsts In a personal pleda'e of view Clef Club sang l'lor Peetera' la_is ·'Man of the.. Year' vote. We of a Jesuit Graciuate'-is 30 years gan with a procession down the center aisle. The thirty-two men, consecration to the Sodality, to Te Deum, a powerful piece be• think it will be interesting to behind the times. Now we have lind out, exactly what his con· dressed in bright -blue robes, took &be love of Our Lady, and to the fitting the final moments of the given the student a chance to Christian voeatlon of charity. A · eept is, not ours." · their places and were followed celebration, update that model." . by priests, Sodality members, and simple prayer, It embodied the . Z). One . award w Ill be pre- ·honored guests. Very Rev. Paul Christian virtues of faith, hope, Dedicated to the service of Tom Hermes, Student Council . ~en teet to the ".Journalist ·of the · L. ·O'Connor, President of the and especially eharlty within ita God and the love of Mary, the Year"-ebosen by a student elec· Academic Chait'man, stated. that university and chief con-cele• ·contents. new members of the Sodality tlon', This award will consist of Again, at Communion, each' "Xavier ·is a Community prop. brant of the Mass, then proceed• thus fulfill their Christian voca• $75 •and an appropriate trophy, ed with the Mass, together with member recited a short prayer osition; Gravelle and Joseph tion of charity as brothers it\ ..One reason why we singled have come up with something the· assistance of Fr. Nieporte, of consecration before receiving the Eucharist. Christ and sons of God, out an award for this category . that · highlights this fact: their Fr. O'Callahan, Fr. Ratterman, was because there is at present plan not only ·recognizes wort_h· no recognition for this group, which has such impact on stu:. while goings-on in the commu• dent opinion,'' Joseph said, nity, but it o~ght to eUect- a Axeman and Hart to Perform corresponding appreciation of -3) One award will be Klven "SOmeti·i-mes, I fee-e-1 like a received with vibrant enthusi· graduate, have carried the name 'to the "Actor of the Year," who and participation in some im· motherless child," rings through asm and two thunderous stand• of Xavier to all points of the .will .also be ebosen by a stu­ portant aspects of the University the room as a ·number of varied ing ovations. midwest in their year and a half of performing together. dent · vote• He 01' she will l'e• community." weekend visitors shuffle quietly Since that day, when a panel through one of Chicago's popular of judges selected her as the Terry and Mike representee! Old Town clubs. outstanding female vocalist at Xavier at the Collegiate Folic the Festival, Anne has dedicated Festival last year. During the On the staKe emlttlnK the bell• her life to the perfecting of her past year, they have performecl clear sounds Is a youlll' woman, talent on the professional stage. in Columbus, Cleveland, Detroit, Anne Hart, whose Baell - like A 1965 graduate of St. Mary Indianapolis, Oxford, and mafl1' 1tyle- has attracted e a p a c l t T of the Springs College and na• other familiar towns both in ancl erowds at the club for some tive of Lancaster, Ohio, this be­ out of Ohio. weeks. This is the youn&' woman witching brunette will be mak­ Sponsored by the French Club, who wlll Krace the Xavier lJnl• ing her fit·st appearance in Cin• the concert will start al 8:00 p.m. verslty Center Theatre for one cinnati at Xavier; doing a sec• Tickets arc on sale fL'om ·the nigh' onl,. Saturday, 1\larcb 26, tion of the concert on her own French Club members at $1.00, In concert with Xavier's own and joining in with the Axemen "This concert," points out Club Axernen. at other times. Vice - President Tom Ortmana. Her career has been a shot·t, The Ax c m e n arc familiar "offers the students a chance to but successful one since a snowy faces to s t u d en t s attending show that they will support fine afternoon at Notre Dame Uni· school mixct·s and · parties fot• entertainment on campus. The versity in the spring of 1965. the past two years. acts, as well as the price, com• Her performances in both the This duet of Tet'L'Y Wallace, a pare very favorably with aalf' talent broucht Into Musie UaU COUNCILMEN G~VELLE (left) and IOSEPB irOA out cWilcultie1 afternoon and evening sesions of senior French major at Xavier, or Wilson AudUorlwa.• iD "Men of Yeu" Award leJislaUoa. tbe ColleJiate Folk Festival were and Mike Mullen, a 1965 XU •... ,... CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1966 .News Platform For Progress At Xavier: e Realfzoffon "" atudents ot Importance of e%tra-curricular '"Truth ana Integrity: A Newspaper• Foundation• activitie• for • complete edttcG­ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. James Gels tion. EXECUTIVE EDITOR .•••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• William Keck MANAGING EDITOR .•••••••••• , ••••• ••• •••••••••••.. John Getz NEWS EDITOR ....•••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• Don McCarty e Conffnued attempti to in­ SPORTS EDITOR ....• , • , , , •••••••••••••••••••••••James Aranda C7'ease 1tudent Interest in stu­ ASSOCIATE EDITOR ......•.••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert West EVENING DIVISION EDITOR .••••••• •••• .••••••••... Patti Rome~ dent government through better COPY EDITOR. , .•••..........•.•, •••.•.•...••••. Frank Sheppard CARTOONISTS ••••••. Marie Bour<!eois, Dan Gardner Bob Duncan communicotien.
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