m mmmTERRITORY BETWEEN HARTFORD : riiliawpii :———— —————•—. '.,.'':-— : :—' ESTABLISHED 1880 THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1917 VOL. XXXYIII, NO. 3 I

DRIVER LOST COCONTRO STUOTIM • v' A'UTO RAJRAMS HOUSE WILL GO THE CHANCE IN NAVY P Man with 60-Horse Power Machine Unable to Produce Proper License But Interesting Items About W POUCE STATION . , is Arrested.. CE OR YOUNG JEN lour Friends and Neighbors.

CARRIED OUT SUCCESSFULLY AND1 MUCH ENTHUSIASM Shortly before noon Sunday con­ ' -V. WAS IN ACT OF CHANGING CABS. FARMERS TO GET 7 OR 8 CENTS. APOLIS IS THE GOAL. The AVoman's Relief Corps will •A7--: SHOWN. siderable excitement was caused in meet tomorrow evening in Foresters' Enfield street when Firrito Dionis­ . ..jm Alec Many New England Farmers Already Hall. '•'Hp vS';: Matechefski, Aged 36, of Haz­ Ambitious Youths, Willing to Try, Occasion Ihili^ened by Carpet City Lyman A. Up- sio, who was driving the 60-horse Find It More Profitable to Feed There were no sessions in St. ardville Had Alighted from Car Can Reach Top of Ladder.— Chairman.—Patriotic Address by Hon. Thomas 3. Spellacy.— power Thomas flyer bought by his Milk to Swine for Which They today, in observance on Enfield Street to take a Haz­ Educated Young Men With Year's Joseph's school Sepeches, Music, and Pictures of the Navy.—Several Enrollments. ^relative, Rosaario Frangiamore from Receive 20c a Pound Than Ship it of Ascension Day, a holy day. ardville Car When Struck.—Atty. Sea Services has Good Oppor­ the estate of Alvin D. Higgins, lost to Boston. Mr. and Mrs. John Holleran of T.. J. Chapin, the Driver, Placcd control of the machine while round­ tunity. S • The Navy Rally held Sunday af­ the Navy reel motion pictures were Under $4,000 Bonds. Sentiment developed at mass meet­ this place attended the concert and i: ternoon .filled the Franklin Theatre shown depicting lite on board ship ing Alden's corner and the auto af­ In recent legislation Congress has reception given by the Elks at their Alec Matechefski, 36, of Hazard- ings of milk producers all over New to its capacity and proved to be the and at Annapolis. Boatswain ter leaving the highway plowed authorized the appointment of one lodge rooms in Hartford last Thurs­ / : • 'V ville died last Friday evening in the Etagland Monday was unanimous 'most enthusiastic and patriotic gath­ Thomas McKenna of Hartford naval through a vegetable garden, up­ hundred enlisted men to the Naval day evening. police station as the result of ser­ that there was imperative • neces­ ering ever held in Enfield. Fqlly station who has been in the naval rooted small treeS and crashed into Academy at Annapolis each year Mrs. V. A. Blume and little ious injuries received when he was* sity of an immediate increase in the 1,200 persons were crowded into the service 37 years and . who was with the officei building; of M. J. Travers. where they will be trained as of­ daughter left Tuesday for a month's struck by the automobile of Atty. price of milk at the farm. theatre, and many more who were Dewey at Manila Bay, made remarks Mrs. Travers was standing in the ficers. This is a wonderful oppor­ visit with her parents at Barnesboro, Terry J. Chapin of SufEield in En­ It will be impossible, under the late in arriving were turned away. as did Chief Electrician Malcolm S doorway when shei saw the machine tunity for young Americans who Pa. field street Thursday night. The present high cost of grain, the '' The" Home Guard and its escort, Brainard, an Enfield young "man, head straight for the building. She have the necessary mental and phy­ Mrs. Willis Cummings of New accident happened when Matechef­ scarcity of labor and general war the Father Matthew Drum Corps, now in charg^ of local, recruiting quickly jumped back into the office sical qualifications and age, and is Canaan is making a short visit with ski, who was returning from attend­ time conditions, to induce farmer:; marched down the aisles to the headquarters. Mr. McKenna told of in which were her husband and to continue their dairy herds un- published for the information of the Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Freeman on ing the funeral of a relative in : strains of patriotic airs by the Car­ \the conditions under which he en­ son, The force of the collision shat­ they receive 7c or 8c per quart young men as well as parents. Prospect street. Hartford, alighted from the north tered the glass in the door and To secure this prize it is neces­ pet City band and took seats reserv- tered the navy and the -great im­ for milk, delivered at railroad sta­ A meeting of the local Red Cross bound car and crossed the road to knocked supplies off the shelves, for them in the front of the or­ provements which the young men of tions. The price of milk will prob­ sary that young men enlist in the branch will be held in the head­ chestra circle. today enjoy. He said the navy of­ the Hazardville car, and was run but no one was injured. The build­ United States Navy and serve one quarters on Pearl street tomorrow into by the car of Attorney Chapin. ably be increased to the consumers The program opened with the fered exceptional advantages for ed­ ing was moved several feet. In the correspondingly. year as an enlisted man; he then be­ afternoon. . - Mr. Matechefski was a native of machine with Dionisso were two comes eligible to apply for the ex­ ging of "The Star Spangled Ban­ ucation and training of the young The producers believe the cost of Dr. and Mrs. Jolm Bridge have 1 Russian Poland but has resided in other persons, and they also escap­ ner" by tlie audience with band men and said the acquaintances producing milk will increase great­ amination, provided he is undeir returned from their wedding trip formed are equal to those made at this country the past 16 years, hav­ ed ' uninjured. Chief of Police twenty years of age. The examin­ and are residing at their new home accompaniment, during which pic­ ing made his home in this vicinity ly during the next six months. Ac­ tures 'of Washington, Lincoln \ and any university. Mr. Brainard who Thomas W. Moore hurried to the cording to reports from Washington, ation is strictly competitive and the in Pearl street. 5 has been in the service eight years about five years. Of late he had scene and after making an investi­ best man wins. No appointment Men here who have seen many of President Wilson were shown on the been employed at the tobacco planta­ the Allies are in desperate need of told amusing stories of his person­ gation he placed Dionissio under ar­ our food supplies from this from Congressmen is required and the spring months pass say that we ' tion of H. L. Vietts in Hazardville. more of al experiences and he unhesitatingly rest as he had no license with him, country, and the railroads may bo influence, political or otherwise, is are having the coldest May in years. Lyman A. Upson;' commander of He was unmarried and leaves two advised the young men to join the and the license which he later pro­ granted an increase in freight of no help. Each boy stands on his Much talk is being heard about gar­ Samuel Brown Post G. A. R. and brothers, Peter and Frank Matclief- cured at his home was not properly own merits. The scope of the en­ navy* before the conscription law rates. In the latter case the New dening but if this weather keeps up - tlie one at whose instigation, as a slti of Hazardville and a sister, Mrs. goes into effect, when they will signed. England farmers get hit both ways; trance examination is about equal the work will have to go for a while member of the Naval League, the Sophie Zansowski of Hartford. liaxe no choice to which branch of Dionissio was charged with two first, by the additional cost of feed to a high school education. It is not yet. '•; T: rally was arranged, was chairman bf The body was taken to the under­ counts, driving his automobile with­ necessary that a boy have a high the service they enter. for herds; and, second, because of Real Estate Agent, Martin E. the meeting, and made the address taking rooms of J. Francis Browne out a license and reckless driving school education. however, as A feature of the meeting was a the higher rate to get th product to Brodrick has sold the dwelling house of welcome, in which he briefly out­ late Friday night and removed to the Atty. M. G. Luddy was his counsel, e schools are maintained on all ships tableau arranged by William E. market. If a 15 per cent, increase of Mrs. Anna Hamilton of Meriden, lined the purpose of the meeting, home of his brother in Hazardville through whom h entered" a plea of and stations where officers are de­ Sayers, leader of the Carpet City e in freight rates is granted the rail­ located on Windsor street, best, which he said was to interest the Saturday. The funeral was held guilty to the first charge and not tailed as tutors and where boys are band, in which young women in cos­ roads, it will cost the farmer about known as the Daniel Long home young men of Enfield in rallying to Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in St. guilty to the charge of reckless driv­ prepared for examination. tume impersonated the allied na­ 1-2 cent on every quart of milk pro­ stead to John Pohoryle. their country's call. He than in­ Bernard's church. Rev, Thomas J. ing. However, Judge Bushnell This is a much surer way of en­ tions. As the band played tli na­ duced. In tlie police court at New Britain; . .. troduced United States District At­ e Picker, officiating. Burial was in St. found him guilty on both charges tering Annapolis than Irving to tional anthem of each nation a In many sections of New Eng­ Saturday morning, John J. Higgins > ^ torney Thomas J. Spellacy of^Hart- Bernard's cemetery. secure an appointment from civil and imposed a fine and costs amouiit land farmers find already that it is of this place, proprietor of the> ; ford as principal speaker' who de­ young woman stepped forward and life. It will be born in mind that Immediately after the death of ing in all to ?21.90. more profitable to feed milk to Thompsonville Hotel, who was; livered a stirring patriotic address unfurled her country's flag. of all the men of the Navy only Mr. Matechefski Attorney Chapin swine, for which they receive 20 charged with having received $90'-'-' and made a strong appeal to tlie The program also included solos was placed under arrest on a charge about four thousand are of the OLD QUARTERS MADE NEW. cents per pound, than to ship it to on a real estate deal with intent to : Hx young men of Enfield to respond to by John L. Sullivan and selections proper age (under twenty) which of manslaughter. I-Ie retained At­ Boston in cans for the price now be­ defraud, had his case dismissed as ; - their country's call. He said that by a male quartet, composed of John torney M. J. Luddy as counsel and means that one out of every four Telephone Exchange Returns to ing paid. Farmers at the mass meet­ the testimony showed that the accus­ in this great conflict there is some- L. Sullivan, Charles Leete, William hundred will secure the appoint- by agreement with Pros. Atty. Former Location Wrecked by ings Monday declared their patriot ed was not criminally to blame and; ^;i;;* • . •, thing for every person to do A. Furey, Jr., and Philip Bernier Arthur R. Bosticlc the hearing was ' Fire Year Ago. nien. Also the vast majority of was one for a civil action instead of- whether it be at home, in the navy or which were well received, as both ism, but felt there was no call for fixed for Saturday morning in the those four hundred have had no a criminal one. the navy had the them to produce food at a loss, un­ the army, and that Mr. Sullivan and the quartet had to Enfield Town Court. Atty. Chapin The local exchange of the South high school work, probably only a At. all the masses in St. Patrick's ' ships and the guns but needs the respond t<> several encores. The ex­ less a like requirement prevailed was released under bonds of $4,000 ern New England Telephone Com­ grammer school education, so it can church Sunday morning, Rev. Wil-;-^.^ men. He said that tlie people were ercises closed with the singing of among other producers, manufac­ furnished by Edward Douglass of pany, which has been located in the be seen that a boy with some high liain F. O'Brien assistant pastor . present at the rally because they turers, hankers and merchants. "America" by the audience. . >:v SufEield, his father-in-law. McKelligott Block, High street, school work who is studious and took for the subject of his sermon.. loved their country—a country, ambitious, has an excellent chance The occupants of tlie boxes in the State Police Walter Stiles of since the fire in the regular quarters CARPET CORPORATION "The War". He urged the congre­ which although only 145 years old, of securing this appointment. This theatre who voluntarily subscribed Hartford was in Thompsonville all in the Brainard building over a year VISITING NURSE SYSTEM gation to secure land for home gar­ has the distinction of having retained to defray the expenses of day Friday investigating-the acci­ ago, moved this week to the old chance can be more readily realized dens and stated that if the war its present form of government the the rally were Fred E. dent.-.' quarters in the Brainard building when it is remembered that before should end now our country would longest time cf any nation in the Hunter, John K. Bissland, Mark W. which have been remodelled through­ Establish Emergency Hospital in this legislation only about two hun­ be called upon to provide food for world today Bushnell, Herbert L. Vietts, Charles PRETTY MAY-TIME WEDDING. out and new equipment of the latest Charge of Graduate Nurse.— dred and fifty a year entered An­ over' 300,000,00c people for at least ;? America, he said, has never fought H. Wiilson, Arthur R. Leete, Charles type installed. Garden Plots for Employes. napolis from the entire United eighteen months. a war for the sake of indemnity or D. Bent, Walter P. Scliwabe, Clar­ Cooper-Martin. The officials of theBigelo w Hartford States which includes millions of Rev. AValter E. Lamphear, field ..v acquisition of territory, but always ence D. Burbank and town officials. A pretty home wedding took place OPENING OF LL Carpet Corporation have established American youths. secretary of the Connecticut Tem­ r ? in the cause of freedom. -He quoted - No notice had--been given that the last Saturday evening, at the home of .^SEASQN PINEY 1UDGE this week a private visiting nurse For the man or boy, however, who perance Union, will preach at the the saying of Lincoln that "This boxes were reserved, and when all Superintendent Henry R. Cooper of system,'exclusively for the 3000 or has not the necessary qualifications morning service in the United Pres- ': v country cannot exist half slave and seats were taken and several empty the Thompsonville Water Company First Contest Will l>e Between Fisk more persons employed in the plant. for Annapolis the Navy contains byterian Church Sunday, in the " half free," and said that this might boxes were noticed persons who and Mrs. Cooper in Enfield street Red Tops and American Chain An emergency hospital has been fit­ many opportunities, also. Advance­ absence of the pastor. Rev. J. ;.y v be paraphrased today to say "this were standing took possession of when their eldest daughter. Miss ted up near the main entrance of the ment is rapid for the ambitious and '.-"-••'v-' 'V-•v The base ball season will open Howard Tate. There will be no even­ world cannot exist half Prussianized them. Later ushers and box holders Mary Noble Cooper became the wife mill gate in Main street. Miss Adell studious. The way is open to Chief ing service. at Piney Ridge on Sunday, May 27 r •u;;V'; -.and half free." There are those to- appeared and requested the occu­ of Leslie Reynolds Martin, son of with the Fisk Red Tops arrayed Malone of A\ orcester, a graduate Petty Officer, Warrant Officer and • day, he said, who are ready to say pants to vacate. This created in­ Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin of against the American Chain team nurse, has been secured by the com­ finally to Commissioned Officer and THOMPSONVILLE HOME pany and will have her headquarters by going uP this way the age limit V}••':'•;.;.; \:.v tliat America should never have en- convenience and some dissatisfac­ Franklin street. The ceremony was from Bridgeport. This team has the GUARD RECOGNIZED 1ered the world conflict and he called tion which would have been avoided performed at 7.30 o'clock in the reputation of being the fastest in the there. Miss Malone is a graduate of for examination for Commissioned 7,;.A upon those to get their passports if had "Reserved" notices been placed front parlor before a wall of palms St. Elizabeth hospital in Boston and Officer is raised to thirty-five years. southern part of the state and the Expect that Equipments Will Ar­ they have any country they love bet- at the entrances, to the boxes. With and pink' snap dragon by Rev. opening day will be one of special has had many years' experience in For further information on this Kl: hospitals in Springfield and other subject apply to .1. T. Murray at the rive ill a Few Days.—Complete : v •*. ter and go fight for that country. this eliminated the meeting may be Francis W. Dell, pastor of the First . interest to local fans. The Fisk Roster. Mr. Spellacy said that it is a mis­ said to have been a success, so far as Presbyterian church, in the presence cities. She began her new duties Thompsonville post office the near­ c : .. .; Red Tops will be the home team the The local Home Giiard has been taken opinion some have that in the speeches and entertainment were of the immediate relatives of the greater part of the summer at Monday. In Addition to administer­ est Recruiting Station for the Navy. !"••••;.' accepted as a unit of the Connecti­ fighting this war we are fighting for concerned. Several enrollments bride and groom and a few personal ing treatment to employes who may Piney Ridge aiid have arranged a cut Home Guard and has been as­ ' France. England or any other of the have been reported, but the rally friends. The Episcopal double ring be inji.'.-ed or stricken while at work CHILDREN ARE WARNED. schedule which includes teams frm:i signed to the first regiment of the 'Allies. This fight he said is in the was moro of an educational feature service was used. Both bride and in the factory, she will be required points i'art her 'distant than has boen first district under Col. Burpee of . 5" j than otherwise and further results| groom were unattended to pro:note healthful and sanitary Communities Taking Steps to Pro- interests of America and her free- the custom in past seasons. Follow­ Hartford. On tomorrow evening in dom of trade, and he called upon the; are likely to develop. The Lohengrin bridal march was : conditi >ns in the homes of the em­ ' tect Gardens From Trespassers, ing is a li- t of teams that will ni'.'Ot St. Joseph's Hall the local company •audience to imagine what the con-j The out of town speakers who played by Miss Dorothy Smith of the Red Tops at Piney Ridge during ployee:-'. Thoughtless and Otherwise. Abo:'.t two weeks ago the will be mustered into service, under dition of this country might be had ; addressed the meeting said that the Springfield, who also played appro­ the summer: Marlin Arms of New the direction of Major Ives of Hart­ not England's battleship fleet been! rally from an educational and pa- priate selections during the service. Haven, Polis, Queen Quality of Bos­ officials of the company set aside lt> The authorities of Enfield will acres of land in the Brussels Base­ do well to pattern after Holyoke and ford. The Father Matthew Drum able for the Past three years to keep triotic standpoint was the best they The bride wore a beautiful gown of ton, Remington Arms Professional, Corps will take part in the exercises. white crepe meteor with pearl trim­ ball park to be used by the em­ other Massachusetts cities in the pro­ Germany's fleet confined in the , imd ever attended and congratulated New London Eastern League. There are S5 men in the home "North Sea. j the committee in charge for the suc- mings and a full-length tulle veil Springfield Eastern League. Hart­ ployees for home garden purposes tection of gardens. and since then a large tract of land In Holyoke a direct warning from guard, 05 of whom in addition to the Following Mr. Spsllacy's address' cess of the affair. caught with lilies of the valley and ford Eastern League, Colonials of officers will receive the full equip­ carried a shower bouquet of bride New Haven and many others from on Cottage green and on the exten the police to the children of the sion of Church street has been de­ city, that they keep out of gardens ment and the others to be on the re­ roses and lilies of the valley. A re­ Boston, Worcester, New York and serve list. The equipment for the ception followed the ceremony. The eveu points from the west, the de­ voted to the same purpose. All the in which they have no- right, was employees in the mill Saturday issued Monday morning from police men is expected to arrive in a few dining hall was decorated with tails of which have not been arrang­ % morning were each presented with a headquarters. The warning was days. .•V The Message of the Hour ferns, daffodils and cut flowers. ed as yet. The railroad company The complete roster of the com­ Rebboli of Springfield catered. The lias improved the grounds in many large bag of seeds, containing 19 transmitted by the City Marshal to varieties and on going to the small the superintendent of schools, with pany will be as follows: Lyle E. Ad­ room where the wedding gifts, which ways and has about, completed a ams, Charles L. Abbe, Jerry J. Bou­ to Women of Connecticut were numerous and beautiful, were parcel of land marked out for each the request that he talk about the large new grand stand, which will cher, Leonard Barton, Thaddeus displayed, was decorated with ferns add greatly to tlie seating capacity. they found a huge bag of fertilizer matter with the school teachers, and the gift of the corporation. It is that they impress upon the children Blozejowski, Everett AV. Brown, and carnations. Charles W. Blunden, Arthur ,T. Economize In Food to Help America arid Our Gallant estimated the cost of the fertilizer the danger they will bring upon The young couple left early in the Dies After Auto Crash. Bridge, Amos D. Bridge, Robert P. Allies Win the War. evening for a wedding trip, which AVilliam J. Slack, of Warehouse and seeds passed out to the em­ themselves by trespassiug in gar­ ployees would total about $3000. dens where they have no right. Bridge, Kenneth Barnes, Alfred ill be spent in New York and At­ Point, died last Saturday morning Blunden, Charles Chandler, Thomas lantic City, and on their return they fro mlieart disease, caused by excite­ Damage has already been done to An Appeal by Connecticut Members, Giuithier-Barrett Wedding. -gardens by school children who Chadderton. John F. Cavanaugli, will live for the present at the home ment over an automobile accident Frank AV. Clark, L. L. Day, Claud National League For Woman's Service. of the bride and will be at home to in which his car struck a hydrant A pretty May wedding took place have trespassed, and it has been de­ yesterday morning at nine o'clock in termined to put an early stop to C. Estelle, Frank Fields,- John friends after June 15th. in Enfield street. The accident hap­ Griffin, Leo J. Grady, Arthur Gas- The bride is a graduate of the pened near the pumping station St. Patrick's church when Miss Em­ these depredations. Parents are WOMEN OF CONNECTICUT—Arc you selfish enough to ma May Gauthier, daughter of AVil­ also warned to talk seriously on the keli, Clifford R. Hoggett, James waste food as you always have while the world is Enfield High School, class of 1910 when Slack who was driving his Hoffman. Rowland Hill, Adelbert J. and also a graduate of 'the New car from Hartford to Springfield liam Gauthier was married to subject to their children. starviiv;? Charles Edward Barrett, pon of Hussey, Robert F. Kelly, Florian W. Britain ' Normal School. Since attempted to turn out of/the way in LeMay, Henry J. Landry, Harold AMERICA'S DUTY to herself and to her allies in this hour, graduation she has been a teacher order to let a large truck pass. In Mrs. Ellen Barrett of the eastern Willi CONFER THIRD DEGREE. end of the town. The ceremony was McAviney, Joseph H. McNamara, If is to rcduce to a minimum the waste and consumption in the Alvin D. Higgins school on doing so lie turned ont too far and William McGuire, Thomas F. Mitch­ v.- * y North Main street. The groom is drove his machine into the hydrant, performed by Rev. AVilliam F. The members of Washington Irv­ • of foodstuffs. O'Brien, assistant pastor, who also ing Council, Knights of Columbus, ell, Fred E. Morse, Joseph N. Nuccio, graduate of the Enfield High School breaking it off and damaging the Rowland Neelans, D. Everett Neel- CONNECTICUT WOMEN, we believe, can be depended upon class of 1910 and at . present is in front of the automobile. The other celebrated the nuptial high mass conferred the second degree on a which followed. During the mass class of candidates last Sunday even­ and, Alfred Neelans, F. Osborne to fulfill their patriotic duty in this, the housewife's the employ of the Connecticut occupants of the car were his mother Poucbot, George S. Phelps, J. Ham­ special task. Mutual Life Insurance Company in and son, who, after the accident, selections were sung by Mrs. Fred ing. The third degree will he con­ R. Furey and Miss Ella Castonguay. ferred next Sunday afternoon, the ilton Potter, Johp L. Pastormerlo, Hartford. were taken to a nearby house until Roland M. Pore, John Profeta. WE EAT MOR'E THAN WE NEED; we waste one-fourth of repairs could be made on the ma­ There was a large attendance of rel­ 20t.li, in Casino Hall, under the' di­ the food which enters our homes. We must get food atives and friends present at the rection of District. Deputy Dr. John Charles E. Prentice. Thomas J. AIMS TO HE LI' FARMERS. chine. The attack came while Mr. Quinlan, James Quinlan, Thomas A. preparation primers and learn the science of "getting Slack was at work under the ma­ ceremony. E. Hassett of Roekville, and degree "HM. team, assisted by Supreme Director Rowan. Patrick J. Rogers, George meals." • Chance for Persons Capable , of Do­ chine. Persons passing by saw the Given Linen Shower. Win. J. Mulligan. Knights will be L. Robbins, George William Ryan, TO MEET THE NEEDS of our allies we must: Substitute ing Work on Farms. lifeless body under the car and re­ AVilliam Rabbitt, John M. Savage, moved it to the North Thompson­ Miss Mary E. Manning was given present from I-lolyoke, Northamp­ ton, Springfield. Indian Orchard, William G. Sexton, Edward Slanatz, corn for wheat bread to some extent; give up calces and The Hartford County League is ville schoolliouse. Medical Examin­ a linen shower at her home in En­ Chicopee. Westfield. I-lartford, Rock- Joseph Sheridan, Philip E. Tanguay. confectioneiy; eat less meat; use less bacon and lard. endeavoring to maintain a free em­ er Thomas J. Alcorn viewed the field street last Saturday evening by ville, New Haven and this place. At Charles Tluirber, Robert Thiesse, , v . We cannot send fish, fruit, potatoes, vegetables, poultry ployment bureau for the farmers of body and pronounced death due to about 10 of her girl friends. The a recent meeting of the council, it .Terry Volavlca, Bert AValker, Chas. : . v and dairy products to Europe in quantities; we can eat the county. Already several con­ heart failure. event was in honor of her approach­ was voted to contribute $10 to the H. Waters. AVilbur F. Warner, Vic­ our total production of these. nections have been made between Slack was 43 years of age and ing marriage to Edward Cunniff of fund started by the Samuel Brown tor AV. AVysoclci, Edward H. Worner, men wanting work and farmers in was employed at. the Colt factory in Now Bedford which will take place THE WOMEN OF CONNECTICUT must help in the home in June. A feature of the evening Grand Arrrsv Post for the erection of Peter Zcto. Fred D. Abbe, Martin E. need of help. AA'e do not absolute­ Hartford. Tie leaves a mother, one Brodrick. G. Fred W. Barber. Guy F. gardening movement, the greater crops campaign, and ly guarantee to place men immedi­ son, Maurice Slack, and a sister, Mrs. was a mock marriage, the bride be­ a public flagstaff. ' i in all work for increased production and conservation ing impersonated by Mrs. Dennis Bushnell, Allison Buck, AVilliam A. ately according to their own ideas Matthew of Paris, France. P.ridgo, Charles W. Buck, Fred of foodstuffs. Join a canning club and learn, how to of the kind of job they want, but The funeral .was held Monday Manning of Longmoadow and the Sumlfiv lUtanfr Addresses. Hev. TTn^vw E- Dorr, pastor of Charnley, Charles S. Fitto, George preserve the fruits of this year's harvests. we do cruarant.ee to help any man morning at the home on Bridge groom by Mi?.' Mary G. Daly of the has TTenry Green, Lewis C. Grant, Law­ who really wants a job on the' furm street. AA'avohouse Point and the Springfield. The ceremony was Metbodis* chnr.-b. commenc­ REMEMBER, our motto must be "BUSINESS AS USUAL," ed a series of Sunday evening ser­ rence Klein. Francis Kacienskl. Wil­ to find a jf>b where he can make bnrfv was taken to Chester, Pa. for performed by Mi;-s Pearl Manning. mons on "Proton! Pnv 'Problems liam T-T. Loete', George S. Parsons, for any interruption will mean upsetting the nation's good if ho has the stiilT fn him. Also burial. » ' ; a"d thi"> Parables of .Tesus, as fol- Francis Pelkey, Frank Paradise,' whole commercial organization. ECONOMY IS UN­ we are trying to secure an enroll­ Tlio monthly mooting of t.lm town 13, "The Tower Build­ Perlin L. Richardson. Frank A. NECESSARY EXCEPT IN FOOD. BUT WE ALL ment. of all high school boys avail­ A Union Patriotic Mass Meeting school committee was held Tuesday i lows: Mav er:" May 20, "The Warrior King:" Stuard. Rev. J. Preston, pastor of MUST HELP INCREASE AND CONSERVE THE able for farm work either in camp will bo held at the Methodist church evening, at which the school com­ mittee practically completed its June 3. "The Vineyard a"d the Hus­ •St. Patrick's church .has given the WORLD'S FOOD SUPPLY. : ^ groups or individually. The address on Fridav evening at 7.1 Themes free use of St. Joseph's Hall for the Sfl of vit"l Importance will be present­ work of electing teachers for the bandman;" June 11. "The House­ of the county league is 450 Asylum meeting. ed. The public Is invited. next school year. holder and, the Thief.'' •nm^ :/• street, Hartford. •• • 'i;- Vv 1 IMP- V>

.•Mb:.! ••'.•.J.-Vl-V-: '.'/.it':! at the home of Mrs. D; N. Kimball. violin , duets , proceeding the play. There was a well attended meet­ They were accompanied on the. piano ing of the local fte'I Cross branch by Miss Frances Burke. Mrs.' Marion this afternoon. i Wilcox Thompson played a piano Notes Mis3 Artenc :Leach has 'been enr Solo and L. W. Price sang two "very gaged to teach school in the town of tlatarili ^ pleasing selections. p Willington for the remainder of the 'Mrs. Lillian Walker of. Spring­ Mrs. William Dailey has returned Friday eyeuinj; by the Christian field has moved into her new home to her home after visiting several It means inflammation cf a in Merriam street. SUFFIELD endeavor society. There was a Wf, days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cos- mucous membrane somer On tomorrow evening the young good attendance and a pleasant tello. where in the head, throat, Charles L. Spencer has opened bis evening passed. bronchial tubes; stomach, bil­ people of the Wachoque district "Summer residence here, having clos­ will present^the comedy, "Mr. Bob" • Rev. C. «i Andrews of Wesleyan iary ducts or bowels. It always in the town hall. ed his winter home in Hartford, f! ; University preached in the ' West BROAD BROOK means stagnant blood— the Early Sunday'morning two houses -.uffield Methodist church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Keeney have blood that is full of impur­ returned to their home - in Lester with their contents and three barns j morning. He delivered a very elo- P. Arran resigned May 12th his m located at Carroll's Corners in Eastjquent "Mother's Day" sermon. Miss ities. Left alone, it extends j street after visiting relatives in position as head of the shrinking de­ until it is followed by indigestion, j Monson. ; GVanby, about two miles from the Anna Grant of Wethersfield render- partment of the Broad Brook Com­ colds, congestion or fever. It weakens : Suitield line, were destroyed by! ;d violin selections. There was a large attendance at pany. Mr. Arron has accepted a the system generally end spreads Its the supper served last evening in fire. AH stock in the barns were Fordham C. Russell has taken place with a Philadelphia firm where operations until systemic catarrh oi Don't Fail to See the ••burned, including eleven cows, three lie examinations for /admittance in an acute illness Is the result. the Methodist church by the Ladies' h^ will have charge of the shrink- Aid Society. : horses and several hundred chickens.' the mosquito fleet of the navy. ing'and finishing. •XViW All farm tools and ten acres of last 4s Members of the 1917 class of the Ernest Heffler of Sheets Harbor, John O'Melia is- out with a new 5 Center school have received their reason's tobacco was also destroyed. Canada, spent a few days with Mr. Buick touring car. Peruni The fire started on the farm of Is the nation's reliable remedy for new class pins which are silver TOURING CAR EQUIPPED and Mrs. Charles Terry and family The local schools opened Monday squares with maroon ^enters. Sturm brothers and the wind car­ '.n Main street last week. this condition. It restores appetite, morn'ng after a week's vacation. A patriotic program will be given ROADSTER COMPLETE ried the flames to the farm occupied Rev John E. Clark, pastor of the Announcement is made of the en­ aids digestion, checks and removes . and owned by Tony Lebutis. The inflammation, and thus enables the by the pupils of the Center school in Sturdiness of construction, combined with simplicity of oper­ Sacred Heart church, was in Wash­ gagement of Miss Gladys Sloan to membranes,through which we breathe the town hall Tuesday evening, May ation, make the Metz the greatest motor car value, the real economy Josa to the Sturm property will be ington, D. C., last week where he Roy Tschummie of this place. Both and through which our food is ab­ 29th. ffgf; ff. car, ^ ?15,000. only partly insured, and was the guest of Congressman ,Au are popular young people of the sorbed, to do their work properly. Metz equipment includes Gray & Davis electric starting and the Lebutis place $5,000 on which Forty-four years of success, with thou­ Miss Nina Nye 'of Blandford ' has Justine Lonergan. - • '^pi^ town. Miss Sloan is a daughter of been visiting her sister, Mrs. Cyril lighting system and other modern accessories; no "extras" to buy. there is only $1,700 insurance. Announcement is made of the en- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sloan of Main sands of testimonials, have established We shall welcome the opportunity of putting the Metz through it as the home remedy—Ever-Ready- R. Wood of Maple street. 1 Houses owned by Peter Bradley and'gagement of Miss Dora May its paces for you—come and see for yourself its "unusual power. Ran­ street. to-Takc. Its record of success In Institute Hall tomorrow even­ H. Carroll, nearby, were threaten- dall, daughter of Mrs. H. A. Ran­ holds a promise for you. "METZ SAVES POWER AND MONEY EVERY MILE" ! fped aeveral times. ing the piano pupils of Mrs. Jennie Hi dall to Albert Schirm of Harfford E. Lanham will give a recital. They SfilS Mrs. Herman Ude will entertain Miss Edna Mason of New York LONGMEADOW THE PERUNA COMPANY COLUMBUS, OHIO ' will be assisted by Mrs. Louis 5? r?X.-ipthe members of Sibbil Dwight Kent was the recent guest of Rev. and Gowdy, reader; Arthur Goldthorpe, M. CPBARRETT® KBSS . g-jt^Chapter, D. A. R. at her home on Mrs. Daniel R. Kennedy, Jr., at their Announcement is made of the en­ You can obtain Peruna in tablet form tenor; and Louip Gowdy, bassoilgf ijv-. the West Suffield road Friday after-j home on Main street. gagement of Miss Anna Mary Kel- for convenience. V'c. ^.: ^|nooa. May 25th. The subject of the, v : lar of New York City and Frank E. ; A modern dude with narrow strip­ 5 ; :F-|^!-ineeting will be "The Ellsworth Smith of Longmeadow. The wed­ fe BMisSHomestead". WINDSOR LOCKS ding will take place in June. ed clothes, saddle colored shoes, a Private Herbert Stannard has left loud necktie, hair parted over his At the.htyne of Mrs. L. P. Bissell Rockwell Tenney left Saturday for El Paso, Texas, after spending a •minimi ii 11111 ii •' tomorrow'-''iftfernoon from 2.30 to 5 Windsor Locks High School were evening fcir the officers' training nose, and smoking a cigarette, ad­ sixteen days' furlough at the home dressed his best .girl thus: "If you v" m&m-:;v i o'clock a food and candy sale will lefeated Saturday afternoon by the camp at Plat.tsburg, N. Y. Valentine of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman held for the benefit of the Red It Thomas Seminary nine on the Libbey, son of Mr. and Mrs. William was me and I was you, what would Stannard of North Main street. you do." She hesitantly said with a v Cross. |Seminary grounds, Hartford, 3 to 2. S. Libbey has also left for the of­ Howard I. Crane; son of Mr. and SIIPRIN^GOODS?:1 There was a large attendance at. Cutler pitched a fine game for Wind- ficers' training camp in Plattsburg. smile: "I would take off that hid­ MM Mrs. Arthur G. Crane has joined the eous tie, put that cigarette in the !• j strawberry supper served last'~or Locks and Loughran .for .St. Young' Libbey has been city en­ mosquito fleet, having successfully : *^$3 Tuesday evening in the church par- Thomas Seminary. . .N gineer in Providence, R. I., stove, part my hair on one side, : | since j passed the examination last week in then pray to God for brains." lors of the Second Baptist church by A meeting of Riverside Council, leaving the Worcester "Tech". New Haven. , the women of the church. !K. of C. will be held this evening Rev. Dempster D. Gorton of West Mother's Day was observed with eeds in Bulk, Rakes and * ; Si? Oliver Thompson has accepted a at which Frank J. Sherlock, a special Springfield preached in the First appropriate remarks by the pastors - ..-.xV '• pii •fiosition with the Detroit Brass and "epresentative of the national board church Sunday. He took for his in tho/ churches Sunday morning. In Company at Detroit. He directors will be present and ex- subject "The Ideal Home" as ap­ the Congregational church Rev. Hoes, Wheel Barrows, -'left Saturday for his new position, imine the accounts of the financial propriate for Mother's Day". Miss Charles S. Wilder preached on the Professional hovels and pades. Hand , ? after spending a few days with his officers of the council. Grace Keeney of Somers sang "How text, "His Mother Kept all These ... " ' • mother. Mrs. Chester Thompson in Miss Talbot will entertain the Lovely Are The Dwellings, Lord" Sayings in Her Heart". Rev. Mr. Directory avenue. He recently graduat- Ladies' Aid Society of the Congre- •Cultivators, Horse Cultivat ­ Wrlfi, Day and "My Task". • Wilder si;oke of the noble sacrifices ed from the University of St. Law- {rational church at her home tomor- Charles F. Bath, the supervisor that American mothers are making ':V'rence at Canton, N. Y. row afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. of gardens in Longmeadow, accom­ in giving their sons to fight for ors, Plows and Harrows. , , , Herbert Hamilton has moved his At a meeting of the Women's panied by L. D. Kelsey of the Hamp­ freedom's cause and urged all the Undertakers and Directors. ' j family to Windsor Locks, where he Home Missionary Union of the Con- den county league made his first women present to use their influ­ '- «ls employed on the tobacco planta- grregational church held in the visit Saturday afternoon to the gar­ J. FRANCIS BROWNE. ence with the proper authorities Undertaker. Our p ring Stock for garden is better • -y"7 •-{' Rev. .1. C. Andrews of Wesleyan o'clock Mrs. W. M. Carr of Po- about four times as much land as moved from the camp life of the ^ V this year than ever. We are B y: University, Mrs. Agnes Northrop and cuonock was present and told of the usual had been plowed this year. soldiers. Telephone: — Store 36-5 House 36-2 •av • Miss Ann GrantBrant, werewnrn thet.h« week-endureek-pnri '"ork of the ShaufCler School ill Cin- Rev. H. L. Bailey preached in Scout Troop No. 20 took part in cinnati, O. South church, Springfield, Sunday wm x pleased to show our stock. mm :f guests of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. the rake and hoe parade in Spring­ Lawyers. • Moore at the Methodist parsonage. morning. field last Saturday. The Suffield School baseball Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Tyler, Jr., en­ Mrs. J. A. Rogers, chairman of WINDSOR WILLIAM J. MULLIGAN, >*- " -tea.oa were defeated la3t Saturday af- tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown the canning committee of the wo­ Attorney-A t-Law, • ternoon by the Choate School of of Trafton Park over Sunday. man's community club, has appoint­ Mulligan Block. " 44 PEARL ST.. . Wallingford, 0 to 5. Lovejoy star- Oliver Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry DuBois of Bircliwood ed as her assistants, Mrs. F. A. Mrs. William O. Hayden has Quali­ Thompsonville, Conn. GEO. S. PHELPS & CO. ; red Cor the Suffield School, fanning avenue has returned from New Champlin, Mrs. Gustaf Johnson, HARTFORD OFFICE 18 Asylum St. E fied for service in the sanitary de­ thirteen men. The Choate team York, where she has been spending Mrs. William Hughes and Mrs. F. C. Telephone, Charter 6000. M South End of Prospect St1. Thompsonville, Conn gg :. played the best game of the season. tachment of the American Red a few days. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Moulton Cross. He expects to go to .France Veteran George Jones who has Rev. William F. Koonsen of the MICHAEL G. LUDDY of North Main street are rejoicing to work with the society there. lived several years near the State Liberty street Methodist church, Attorney-at-Law over the birth of a daughter, born line has returned to the home of his Springfield, exchanged pulpits Sun­ D'Esopo BI'd'g., Hartford, Conn. •iiiiimmmii una Monday. WAREHOUSE POINT daughter, Mrs. Hattie Gingenbach, day with Re^s Wallace E. Hayes of Sullivan Block, Thompsonville. Rev. Kenneth C. MacArthur is in who has taken possession of the Al­ the local church. 7:30 to JO a. m. 7:00 to 10 p. 111. bert Allen house which she bought The three-act comedy, "Willow- Cleveland, Ohio, where he is attend- Mrs. T. H. Munson has been vis­ Surveying. -ing the Northern Baptist convention, iting her daughter in IJ'ridgeport. some time ago. dale", was presented in the town b'. Arthur D. Medlicott, the third son i as & delegate from the Second Bap- Before her return she will attend hall last Friday, evening by the JAMES F. MOONEY Put Your Duds In Our Suds" s :: I. tis<; church. The pulpit of the church j the state convention of the Sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Medlicott, has wilder class before a crowded house. Member of Connecticut Society of ?'•;; will be occupied by Rev. R. Maples- an*and T)»uehtersDaughters of LibLiberty to be held left for the training camp at Platts- The parts were all well taken, mak­ Civil Engineers 1!! wJeri next Sunday. in Danbury this week. murg, N. Y. ing difficult a selection of a single SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER MODEL LAUNDRY On account of the unsettled con- The Warehouse Point Grammar The neighborhood auction bridge star. Dr. C. F. Hurlbut should re­ Town Building, Tliompsonville, Ct. club entertained at the home of Mrs. iditton of affairs the guarantors of j School baseball team defeated the ceive much credit for the success of HIGH GRADE SHIRT AND COLLAR WORK the Suffield Chautlauqua have decid-| Broad Brook 17 to 12. George Henneck of Bliss road Sat­ the play, which was due in a large Printers and Publishers. -r. urday evening. ed to give up plans for the summer, i Are you on for the opening of the measure to his efficient coaching. A little birthday, party was given j Miss Ruth Turner, chairman of the THE ADVANCE PRINTING AND ROUGH DRY and WET WASHINGS ^ '1 Miss Mary G. Robinson has re-1 baseball season at Piney Ridge Suu- W'< Friday by Mrs. George H. Read for |pi - committee, was amply awarded ;turaed to her summer home in Main] day, May 27th. The opponents of aj PUBLISHING CO. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. .street after spending the winter in I the Fisk Red Tops will be the her small son, Morton's fifth birth­ for her untiring effort. Miss Ida PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. day. There were sixteen children Guilford. American Chain team of Bridgeport. Johnson and Edward Johnson-, gave Publishers of Telephone 72-4 /. - invited. The decorations were pink "THE THOMPSONVILLE PRESS" Ernest Hett'ler of Sheets Harbor, and the favors pink May baskets. Makers of Can., spent a few days last week ELLINGTON The time was passed merrily by the PARKER'S HIGH GRADE PRINTING. with his family on Main street. HAIR BAL8AM little folks and the refreshments ap­ A toilet preparation of merit* High Street, Thompsonville, Conn. Several students at the Suffield There was a large attendance at preciated. Helps to eradicate diJidraff* | For Restoring Color and School have joined the United States! the canning demonstration given at Mrs. Fred U. Wells as her recent Be&uty toGray or Faded Hair* army and navy. the Town Hall Tuesday afternoon by guest, Miss Louis Holt and Miss cvj. i*r»d & 1.QQ at Pmgdffta. Chiropodists. Last Monday morning, Charles Mis3 Sprague of the Connecticut Marguerite Lewen of Smith College •Smith chauffeur for Peter Suzio of Agricultural College. It was under and her daughter, Miss Mabelle JOHN J. SHEA [ Have You a Garden? the nrffi. of L. Suzio & Co. of Meriden Registered Chiropodist S I S'sfi.' the auspices of the farm bureau. Wells and her room-mate, Miss 1**% I Jk wa;i seriously injured when the car Rev. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones Winifred Tracy of Lasel Academy. | | Member of the Connecticut Pedic s ; he was driving crashed into a tree left Saturday for their new home in Society. •in frout of the residence of Charles West Hartford, taking with them For Infants and Children Office Hours from 7 p. m. to 9 p. ni. s If not, get busy and 'do your little bit", the country h. Spencer in Main street. Smith the best wishes of friends. EAST LONGMEADOW 'Phone, 75-2 needs your help. In Use For Over 30 Years 48 Central Street, rhompsonville, Ct. S was thrown out, suffering four frac­ County Agent J. E. Gifford and Always bears tured ribs and severe bruises about family are occupying the house William Denslow who is employed Come to us for the necessary tools to prepare and by the Fred T. Ley & Co. at Paw- the • the body. Smith was driving through I formerly occupied by Rev. Mr. and Signature ot • take care of that garden; also for the seeds to plant it Main street when the steering gear Mrs. D. E. Jones. • tucket, R. I., has completed the work Men Drilling for National Prepared­ with. ' . for that company in that place and ness get great comfort from the use s of the- machine broke, causing the The monthly meeting of the W. C. Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Garden Sets, Hand Cultivators, . -machine to swerve violently to one is home for the present with -his of Allen's Foot-Ease. When' shaken s T. U. was held yesterday afternoon •••••••••••••••••••••••••• and Spading Forks side of the road. Dr. William E. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dens­ into the shoeB it takes the friction low. Caldwell attended the injured man TOBACCO FARMS from the shoes, freshens the feet and Seeds in Bulk and in Packages; all guaranteed to be and he was removed to a hospital A community "get-to-gether" makes walking easy. Gives instant meeting was held in the town hall STOCK FARMS fresh seeds. •in New Britain. The car was badly AN AGED COUPLE GENERAL PURPOSE FARMS relief to tired, aching, swollen, ten damaged and had to be towed to a last evening in the interest of the der feet, blisters and callouses. Also .->• 1'lllCE AND QUALITY. Tell How They Regained Strength conservation movement recently in­ ALL SIZES—ALL PRICES *oc&l garage for repairs. ANY WHERE YOU WANT sprinkle it in the foot-bath. British and Vigor augurated by the Hampden County and French troops use it. d5 Allen Root, eight years old son Steubenvillc, Ohio.—"My husband „ SAY WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE of Elisha Root of East Granby, was Improvement League. The com- l t , t. 1, , „ ia 79 years old and I am 78 years of age mittee of arrangements consisted of AND WE GOT IT. struck last Monday evening by a aad wc owe our good health to Vinol, . chairman, Oliver m.%. '• , Hermon w King> PUBLIC LIBRARY. •' 1 yV ,. touring car owned and driven bv the greatest strength creator and 112-114^ MAIN STREET THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. Ray Bugbee of West Suffield, near medicine there is. When either ono Wolcott and Dr. C. S. Hurlburt. M. E. BR0DRICK 4.hs Root home. No bones * were of us get into a weakened, run-down Frank Hayden is confined to his Open week days 2 to 9 p. m., ex­ condition, Vinol has never failed to home in Maple street with the grip. The Conn. Valley Farm Man. •••••••IllimiiiiiHimiiHHiiiiiiuiiiimiHiiiiiaS *'•' ' • •broken but the boy suffered numer­ cept Mondays and Thursdays. Herbert Bluemer of New Ha­ ous bruises and cuts about the body. build us up and restore strength. We Lillian Bailey, Librarian. lrnve often said we would not be ven, Conn., has been visiting Mr. and Thompsonville, Conn. •;.f|t -It fa said the boy ran across the road living now were it not for Vinol.'1 Mrs. Wallace Markham. ••••••»•••••••••••••••••• ' •in front of the car as it came by the !—MABY A. LEE. Thousands of Mothers Worry house. No blame was attached to _ We guarantee Vinol to create Mr. Bugbee. ptrcngth for feeble old people. When the children cry in their sleep, A social was held in the First S'l'KELK'S l)ltU(i STORE are peevish and constipated and take I Congregational church parlors last • THOMPSONVILLE. CONN. cold easily. Mother Gray's ^weet f Powders for Children, has for 30 Feel Run Down! / & ' years been a trusted remedy in many immniiHiiiiHiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiij STAMFORD thousand homes. They frequently break up colds in 24 hours, move Rexall Liver Salts

and regulate the bowels and destroy ' -* of Fresh worms. df> WILL PUT YOB IN SHAPE AGAIN Made Tub Butter, 45c lb i •-pr- Fresh Strawberries, 25c bas. SHtCHESTER SPILLS Iri cases of acute indigestion, BRAND Spinach 45c pk. Celery 20c bcli. DIAMONO chronic: constipation and Dandelions . • 35c pk. Radishes 7c bcli. The reliability, efficiency headaches, this "remedy will v Lettuce 15c h(l. Aspargus 15c bcli. and economy of stamfor;) Wax Beans . . . 15c qt. Green Onions . 8c boh. ranges are not a matter of v give prompt relief. String Beans 15c <]t. Cucumbers . . 10c ech. luck, but the results of experi­ LADIES 1 „ New Onions . . J3c lb Rhubarb 15c bch. Ask your Druggist for CHI-CHES-TER S A Pleasant'to take; Two sizes Tomatoes ... 20c lb ence of the oldest stove foun­ DIAMOND BRAND FILLS In RED ond/AX •iii / Gold metallic boxes, scaled "with Blurf W? dry in America. The many Ribbon.Aiuuuu, ,iAbw(TAEn kou other. _nn_r_«£2roup*»uy yLil _ 25c and 50c. Dranlit mnd enlc far C11I.CI1KS-Tt.ns models and sizes meet every DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentwvu PANSIES, ^ . 35c bas. requirement of different in­ years regarded as But,Safest, Always Reliable. dividual users. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMB SUGAR, . 101 lbs, $1.00 WUKn EVERYWHERE TESTED' GEORGE R. STEELE, Est. ^ 'The Rexall Store ' ^ PARKER'S FLOUR, $1.90 bag. TtfTYCCNTS TO OSE FIFTY . SAVED By WEARING CORNER DRUG STORE APOTHECARY Cor. Main and Prospect Streets , MULLJGAN'SnMARKET FOR SAI.E BY C0EBILL HATS mmi1 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Telephone 62 STORES AT . SPT&ilS IHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIII Francis Browne HARTFORD SPRINGFIELD NE*YOM - • . .. . • • U:

. .V. •'( : 'r.V - - ••'.•j'.''-Vr/- 'tSm^ -"-•JX* ~ •• •it c >^^i > ""* - \ THE SULKER. The World is occuoied boi-- many of the .w^irew The world's too bufey now to pause Who fall but quickly ris^'at^lp? • ill ' care' to :'prei«nre^;:phbto^|S y're graphs > of themselves for tlielfl -*"»!•' - • — .• To listen to a whiner's cause, %y{ BUt those who whine bee-:'. Fletcher's %m It has no time »o' stop ami ne^.y ./ hl* «»rai—v..ildren to see? Hakes it Five Straight. , . Majestic Theatre. The sulker in a peevish fret;|;^ And step aside to snlk, a bil|ifg|; /..J The fast nine of the -PastimePastime A long list of pleasing features Who wailsf'he'll neither work nor Are doomed some day to #ak"e and Junore easily; defeated the Blue' Sox are booked for the Majestic Theatre " play fin^ of Springfield in a -etean but slow the coming week. 'Starting today, Because things haven't gone his way. The World has left th<">i r»- j game at the Alden avenue ball flhursday, with Marguerite Clark in —Edward V Guest. ; grounds last Sunday afternoon, May j "The Goose Girl."} a popular" drama The World keeps plodding right mmmi 13,-by the score of 15 to 4. O'Brien !of love and adventure, and Hazel along - Continental Currenry. j pitching , for the Pastime Juniors'Dawn in "My Lady Incog," and an And gives his favors right or wrong Continental currency "o>es were; together with entire equipment of in July, 1780, wprth 2 cents on the held the Blue Sox to three' hits and original detective comedy drama, To all who have the grit to work biverv and Hack -Stable. Prices ;struck out ten/batters and was with a clever comedy added. .Friday Regardless of the fool or shirk. dollar, and it todk a "wagon load of; m Ijhever. in trouble, because his team George Walsh in "The Island of De- The World says this to every man: currency to buy a wagon load of pro­ low, terms easy. Must be closed out JW Kind Tott Have Always Bottght, and which has Been , v'\ - fgln-iise.for -over oyer 30 years, has borne the signature of matea^ gave him a good support. As e're," an intensely interesting pro- "Go and do the best you can." visions." , a >(ew days, see Mrs. Maurieo " and has l>een made under his per* usual Kegley was the star at the ba' duction, will be presented with epi- and at getting runs, while McHale sode No. 14 of "The Great .Secret," The World's too 'ousy to implore Some estimates for printing in­ Sullivan or sonal supervision since its infancy* ?*. got two nice singles and scored two; featuring Bushman and Bayne. and With any one to try once more. clude the cost of setting up the type,! m®k • Allow no one to deceive you in thfaT All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good'* are but runs. Kegley got the same amount1 a clever 2-part comedy "The Cloud "T'will help him if he wants to rise but we suppose the only way that it i of hits, ,Which were very good be- Puncher,"^ said to be full of startling And boost mm if he bravely tries",' can get back in the cases without, Experiments that trifle, with and/endanger the health of cause he came across with one, when wonders. Tl. BRODRICK..J AGENTitKC^' And shows determination *grim costing anything is to sneak back it- Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.' there were three men on bases and • Saturday Clara Kimball Young in Thomnsonville. Oobs.G two out. The team really played a the greatest of all her productions, But it won't stop to baby him. ^ self. ' •' ^ •> , ^»9t^' SJjVhat Is CASJO RIA good Old game. The Blue Sox were," er Mistake", will be presented on \v Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, older and heavier than the home the same \ bill with Blanche Sweet Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains team, but the fighting spirit of the in "The Ragamuffin," replete with ^neither Opium, Morphine~iior other narcotic substance. Its Pastime Juniors shows that they dramatic action, tense situations US- age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has will tackle every comer without a and exciting episode. "The Raga- vftKir. I: been in constant use tor the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, kick. They really out-played their jmuffin" contains an earnest and em- • V 5 / Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising enemy in every department from ,phatic plea for universal life oppor- . . therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids beginning of the game to the end. tunity. "The Girl From 'Frisco," fkitlie assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. m The Pastime Juniors will play the the weekly News, and a clever Ham Colonials- of Springfield next Sun­ comtedy are on the same bill, show­ I She Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. !Pi Sll^'ii day afternoon, May 20th at 'the ing from 2 to 10.30. \l s Spring street grounds. The Coionials Probably one of the most attrac­ i&- 1 r -'/'W -Jpfir GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS have won eight straight games so far tive features booked for the three &m this season, and the Pastime Juniors days following, Monday, Tuesday : have won five straight so far. This Bears the Signature nd Wednesday, as announced in the TW1 game ought to "be more interesting Majestic adv. on page 5, is Mary !* J ir: ?j4 i"!*.. \: because it will prove the strongest Pickford in "Such a Little Queen," nine between the two teams when wmmm< which will be- shown Tuesday after­ they meet next Sunday. noon and evening. Pastime Juniors. Manager Chenoweth calls advance

!*?'. AB R LB PO A E attention to the bill for Thursday, Kegley, lb 5 3 2 12 1 1 May 24 when both the celebrated Slamon, c : 3 10 2 11 stars, Dustin Farnum in "Call of the Haverty, 3 b 'A 1 0 3 1 0 Cumberland," and William Farnum In Use For Over 30 Yearn O'Brien • v 4 1 10 2 1 in "Sign of the Cross," will be seen The Kind You Have Always Bought Clarkin, rf 4 0 0 2 1 0 at the same show, allowing a com­ Landry, If V 3 3 0 2 0 0 THI CENTAUR COMPANY, IEW YORK CITY. parison of these two great stars; at McHale, ss v 4 3 2 0 3 1 the same time will be shown the -t ,1 - ^ > * ^ *->„ , r , •5" . Verdina, 2b 4 3 1 3 0 0 first two-part Paramount comedy Lagel, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0 featuring Fatty Arbuclcle in "The ?-V '• •''"' *" Casmas, sf 1 0 0 0 0 0 Butcher Boy"—attractions which are sure to draw a full house at each Total, 36 15 G 26 9 4 showing. Adv. < WE DELIVER THE GOODS • v / : \*" - - "\' I Blue Sox ss.««»««? Gold Medal Tivoli Bock now in season • • AB R LB PO A Wooden Shoes are Coming. The Cook Is Known by her Kitchen Also a full line of WINFS and LIQUORS STANDARD0ILC0JEN.Y. St, Chase, 2 b 4 0 11 1 Faced with an acute leather short­ A clean kitchen is .the 6lgn of a good cook. And a kitchen that keeps If we have not your kind, tell us and we will get it. O'Neill, lb, p 4 0 10 2 age, England is adopting wooden ;sW :'•:. •'/-'«- <• . V ' ' _ clean without constant drudgery is the sign of an up-to-date cook—one *$•£•? £M; . :•:. lllig, c 4 1 0 0 shoes, commonly known in the : 3 1 7 0 who uses the New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. ^ *'^?- •". '•••'••' P. Smith, lb, Netherlands as clogs. To quote the Metayer, 3b 4 0 1 0 Textile Mercury of Manchester on No coal-hod or ash-pan drudgery. You never have to sweep up after cooking on the Nejr ^^^•r;:'---,'-v-- Thompsonville Hotel & Bottling Department 0 M. Hogan, cf 0 0 the subject: Perfection. Cooks fast or slow as yon like, without soot or ashes. It's the Long Bloc Jones, ss *8 0 4 0 Hundreds of London school chil­ Chimney that sloes it. Visible flame that stays put." B. Smith, rf , 3 1 0 0 dren are now wearing clogs, which H. Hogan, If 2 1 1 0 "cost about three shillings a pair (73 In use in more than 2,500,000 homes. Ask your dealer for booklet. Inquire, too, fer, : "\" gmimuiiiiiHiiiinin Total, 30 4 24 3 cents) and London county council about the New Perfection Kerosene Water Heater. It gives abundant hot water for schoolteachers have been providing laundry or bath at low cost. CHAPPELL & TRIGGS • Score by Innings. clogs for ill-shod pupils who have Pastime Jun's 02030325 x—15 been paying for them by weekly in­ ALES, LAGERS, WINES, LIQUORS For best results use SOCON1 Kerosene. Wm-;. Blue Sox 00012100 0— 4 stallments of three pence. AND CIGARS. . Two base hits: lllig. Sacrifice hits: The price of leather, states a writ­ McHale 2, Landry, O'Brien. Double er in the paper mentioned, suggests STANDARD OIL COMPANY of NEW YORK plays: Verdina to Kegley, Haverty that the city man of the future will tf''" PRINCIPAL OFFICES: NBW YORK ALBANY BUFFALO BOSTON i-j-.br.' PEIGENSPAN'S PRIVATE SEAL. o Kegley, Metayer to Jones to clatter to business in his clogs. "For MORRISON Chase. Base on balls: off O'B'rien, country wear one can buy an elegant ' ; off O'Neill 6; off T. Smith, 4. pair of lace-up clogs at a quarter MAIN STREET, THOMPSON VTLLE. Struck out: by O'Brien, 12; by the price of equally efficient boots." iXNlYJ O'Neill, 5; by F. Smith, 5. Wild Apart from the attention that they Wi' pitches: O'Neill, 2; F. Smith, 1. Hit would attract, there is no reason A COMPLETE LINE OP batsman: Verdina, Kegley. Time of why these should not be worn in ;cnoN FIRST CLASS BOTTLED GOODS EXPERIENCE • game; 2 h. 15 min. Umpire, W. "town". There is nothing undigni­ NEWP : • Haverty. " ' fied in the clog worn by the Lan­ OIL COOK STOVE! ID OVENS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ' is the great teacher in monu- 5 cashire or Yorkshire textile worker. mental building as in every- Baseball Opens at Piney Ridge. Not a few of the captains of the tex­ IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC tile industry have themselves worn thing else^ Our many years of 9 All baseball fans in this vicinity WINES AND LIQUORS clogs, and some at least would not business success ought to be a I don't fail to be on hand for the be ashamed to wear them again. opening of the baseball season at The present home demand is so guarantee that we can satisfy J Piney Ridge Sunday, May 27th. The «an^i n. great that an order for 100,000 pairs opening game will be a thriller and the most particular in monu- 5- has just had to be declined by a will be between the Fisk Red Tops British clog-making firm. \ T. P. MALLEY mental work of any kind. • of Chicopee and the American Chain HIGH STREET, THOMPSONVILLE. Do you not agree with us • team of Bridgeport. Save the Bottles. v on that point? , J Wide-mouthed bottles should not Why I Drink Beer Casinos Challenge All-Stars. be thrown into the ash barrel this •v: g The Casinos of this place consid­ year. They can be used for putting er themselves the amateur cham­ up fruits, preserves, jellies, jams and M. J LIBERTY |pions as do the All-Stars, managed fruit juices, sealed with corks and ••THAT'S ENOUGH" by Lavinge. If the All-Stars think paraffin. As the Department of Thompsonville Monumental Works • they are capable of stacking up Agriculture points out, jellies, jams and preserves can be kept even in PEIGENSPAN'S LAGERS AND Purl Street Tkaapunrille, Cow. g| against the Casinos, manager Crom- € bie of that team would like to hear ordinary drinking glasses by the use ALBS ON DRAUGHT AND IN from Lavinge to arrange for an of paper and paraffin. Fruit juices ^ BOTTLES 2 early game for fun or money, money should be packed in ordinary small- preferred. An early reply is solicit­ necked bottles. This will leave reg­ ed of Lavinge. ular fruit jars, of which there is a Doctors now advise mild shortage, for the preserving of vege­ JAGER'S CAFE cigars—Cigars that do not tables, fruits and meats. affect ones'nerves. Ask for Enlisting for the Navy. IB Pearl St., Thompsonville, Conn. Although tbe United States m The four judges of Lynn, Salem Marine Corps made the announce­ OXMOOR and Marblehead, Mass., who have ment on April 28 that they had decided to impose a severe penalty The nickel cigar that never reached their then authorized war upon any boy or adult found robbing gets on your nerve. strength of 17,400 men, the neces­ PATRICK F. BURKE gardens or orchards this year, have sary men were secured two weeks set a good example for other judges UP-TO-DATE CAFE before that time, and were under training. "The response of red- everywhere. blooded Americans to their country's nursing ON DRAUGHT call for additional Marines has been THAT OLD SWIMMING HOLE. wholesome noun SCHLITZ LAGER and THE WORLD RENOWNED particularly gratifying," said Major P„ B. ALE BUDWES1ER BEER General George Barnett, Command­ tones ant of the Marine Corps, "and we HOW TO DEVELOP THE HIGHEST The Always Reliable ' I ON DRAUGHT anticipate no difficulty in securing DEGREE OF VITAL, NERVOUS restoring Feigenspan's Ales and Porters the 12,600 more which are likely to AND MUSCULAR VIGOR Whitworth St., Thompsonville, Ct. be authorized any day, for which vitality and strength We carry a complete line of recruiting has already been start­ Snakes throw off their _ outer 6kin the highest class liquors. ed." once a year. Human beings change their skin perhaps nine times m a year; PRIVATE SEAL skillfully that is, they have a new skin about once The Navy's Needs. in six weeks. brewed from the finest materials E P. J. Sullivan, CAFE The Marine Corps is especially in The value of a clean skin in main­ need of technical men—men experi­ taining health is not properly under­ by scientific processes which retain to Main Street, Thompsonville, Ct. stood by the majority of people. Clean­ GARAGE enced in electrical, mechanical, civil Neman L. Stetson has been engaged liness is a part of health. You can­ the fullest the natural nutritive ele­ and automobile engineering, and not be healthy unless you are clean hf me as itepair Man. aviation, and is offering special in­ not only externally, but also inter­ ments. That is why physicians recom­ Mr. Stetson has had experience on all ducements to men of this kind who nally. THOMPSONVILLE BOTTLING WORKS want to be "first to fight," accord- The blood should also be assisted mend PRIVATE SEAL to nursing V; Hurt of cars. : occasionally, like the skin, in throw­ AND CAFE ; ing to an announcement just made !! r.eedir.c a fccd-tonic. from their headquarters. To insure ing oS poisons so that the system may WM^ 116 Peart Street, Thompsonville, Ct. Manufacturers of not get clogged and leave a weak spot w ONLY SOOONY GASOLINE a completely uniform and trained for disease germs to enter the system. If you insist on PRIVATE SEAL FOR SALE TONICS OF ALL FLAVORS body all Marine Corps recruits must When the blood is clogged we suffer first undergo j preliminary military from what is commonly called a cold. you rc sure of the best. Order a case V •. ». AUTOS FOR HIRE and naval training, but upon its Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov­ Agents for FIRESTONE TIRES Springfield Beers on Draught completion those so desiring are ery purifies the blood and entirely from your dealer—TODAY—and see (guaranteed 3,500 miles') and De* available for positions in which they eradicates the poisons that breed ana feed disease. It thus eradicates scrofula, lhal the label scps P. O. N.—for it s LION TERES, guaranteed!,000 miles. . FREE DELIVERY are best fitted. I cczema, boils, pimplcB and other erup­ Tel. 195-2 . Main Street tions that mar and scar the skin. Pure your guarantee of quality and purity blood is essential to good health. The weak, run-down, debilitated condition alv my; OVERWORKED MOTHER which so many people experience is p&F; 1FRANK P. SMYTH Finds Health In Our Vinol commonly the effect of impure blood. Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis­ ifr. Collinsvillc, 111.—"I suffered from a ggSPS'SSSKR; E nervous breakdown and terrible head­ covery not onljr cleanses the blood of aches and was tired all over, totally impurities, but it increases the activity '"ji of the blood-making glands, and it en­ ft Coal and Wood worn out and discouraged, but as I had » 'i a large family I had to work despite my riches the body with an abundant sup­ suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and ply of pure, rich blood. Take it as directed and it will search il% THERE IS NOTHING TOO LARGE decided to try it, and within two weeks Ai IStw, I noticcd a decided improvement, and out impure and poisonous matter in BUmtMQUBUBXSXMaEd Oar Goal is the kind that Oljt SMALL FOR US TO HANDLE now I am a well woman."—Mrs. ANA the stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys fjgl sparkles with pent up heat. ; IN THE BUILDING LINE. 1 BEOKEB. and drive it from the system through We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret the natural channels. It is well screened and in It will furnish you with rich, pure blood tonic, to strengthen and build up full of vital force—the kind that increases every way satisfactory! weak, run-down, overworked mothers, THOMAS SAVAGE AND SONS delicate children and feeble old people energy and ambition, that rejuvenates Telephone Connection the entire body. Druggists sell it in tab­ STEELE'S DRUG STORE let or liquid form or send 10c to Dr. V. M. NEWARK, N.J. mm OFFICE MAIN STM'v;Tel. Connection Enfield Street, Thompsonville, Conn. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. S Pierce, Buffalo, for large trial package. iytilais

•:'%mr- •v ?yB^:^rHOMPS&Vna^ .PBESS^TH^SDAY, MAY ^;i9i $88®*

f, 'TP®' ||^ '^"ii^l *| li &1%^^ i 3 * "" 5 " "*" Sff-: ; •J 7 ':; ; V: Puuiisiied every/Thui'bdny Tty . ' ^ --V w.- •_: THE ADVAXCK PRIJSTJ.NO AM) lUmUSHINU COMPANY, FORBES & WALLACE : ,0. S. Freeman, Managing liJtlitQT /.'.^'V'-iV.-""'.";'':.- v!'.-Springfield, Massachusetts ^

27 to 29 Hifil Stl0et " • ' - ''''''' MAIL ORDERS FREE DELIVERY teX" r V^-. '-Xv iTHOMPSONVILI;E, CONNECTICUlM^.-:- • f' * ( ' :' -a«B8M """,;, ^|1.60 per year, payable in advance. Single Copy 5 Cents. Women Agree ||f$ss' Local and Long distance Telephone 50. Store Closes Daily 5.30 P. M., Saturday 6.00 P. Mfl 1 1 ;.». | _ ...... t, /""•"• —. Entered at the Postofflce at Thompsonville as Second-class Matter If you think that you do not need the Hbpsier Copy for changes of advertising must reach us early Wednesday morning, Cabinet because you have plenty of built-in shelves otherwise We cannot guarantee change. ,....,,,.• you have .no conception of what the Hoosier IS Advertising rates sent on request. Reading Notices of an advertising nature, Cards of Thanks, Resolutions, etc., must be paid for. AND DOES! We know of no other invention in all the world that saves the housewife so much Letters and items pertaining to matters of local interest are solicited, but we must know the correct name and address of the writer. §||f^ ' time, so many steps, and so much energy EVERY jJ vnV'rr • . ... *"•' ' DAY IN THE WEEK. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1017. $15.00 ^Special m It is first of all a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE A CALL TO ECONOMY. TELLING THE PEOPLE. It brings you #111111 You may figure barns and fences, •fey v:ir Basing their actions upon the be­ and sign boards and rocks and roads, This very special lot comprises Suits recently to assist you lief that the women of Connecticut waste your money on socalled busi­ purchased, that were made to sell at much want to help America and her allies ness charts, and bury your business • To use it, you can sit down leisurely and slide out the table top. Within arms reach * it win the war, and that they want only announcement among the pages of ' higher prices. , « Kit to be told what they can do as thei,r directories, souvenirs, and the like are places for 400 articles. Hoosier's arrangement is an 18-year development. "bit" in the nation's task, Connec­ and imagine you are advertising. v,v-- ® ticut members of the National But you are not. The newspaper Plenty of Navy Blue Serge Suits. Smart v?; 4:.&; League for Woman's Service have that every week visits hundreds of r.fs»ifcS.

issued an appeal to the women of the homes an •' '• ' turn make to this Court. 5 Quarts 50c 70c 75c S FOR SUMMER WEAR f> • Mr. Moses is of a bitterness. In his mind the seeker of this free CHARLES J. FOWLER, publicity is in the possession of d3 Judge nerve, one with the man "who White Hats - Panama Hats keeps his seat in a street car and LIMITATION OF CLAIMS. 5 T. FLANAGHAN CO. S AT A COURT OF PROBATE HOLD- "A Daughter tries to flirt with a woman stand­ • • '••HE' ing." en at Enfield, within and for the • SPRINGFIELD, MASS. • —Sport Hats — , District of Enfield, on the 10th • • • 100 West State. Near Main. Tel. River 80 • WILL YOU VOLUNTEER? day of May, A. D. 1917. • m Present, Charles J. Fowler, Judge. 2 One block trom Court Square ' n Connecticut now is calling for On motion of (Miss) Bridget Ken­ • Package and Express Store. No Bar • volunteers for her food production nedy, 573 Liberty Street, Spring­ IBBBBBBBBBBBBB—BBBBBBBBB army. Will you be one of them? field, Mass., administratrix on the Thompsonville II Among other things the state is estate of (Mrs.) Bridget Kennedy, When a steam heated flat is cold ARTHUR KL0PFER asking the farmers to increase their late of the Town of Enfield within the tenants are sure to be hot. production this year over the 1916 said district, deceased. This court w. record. The county agents and the doth decree that six months be al­ The Mammoth New York Connecticut Committee of Food lowed and limited for the creditors Supply are ready to offer advice as to of said estate to exhibit their claims seeds, fertilizers and other details against the same to the administra­ Sensation with to any one wishing assistance. All trix and directs that public notice l'-pl farmers and land owners are asked be given of this order by advertis­ CLEAN to" volunteer for increased farm pro­ ing in a newspaper having a circula­ M. SOFFAN & BROS. duction. Pledge blanks have been tion in said district and by posting a received by the Thompsonville Press copy thereof on the public sign-post and are ready for distribution on ap­ in said town of Enfield nearest the UP! plication.. Get one today, sign it and place where the deceased last dwelt. Monarch Shirts, . . : ; $1.10 send It to Town Clerk J. Hamilton Certified from record. Presented for the First Time in America Potter, who is the local agent of the CHARLES J. FOWLER, "There's a Men's Socks, . 10c, 3 pr. for 25c, up to 40c Connecticut Committee of Food Sup­ Judge. at Popular Prices " ~ • ?:J: ••mk ply. In all towns where there is no time for Men's Suits, . . from $9.00 to $15.00 ; y.-r city government, the town clerks LIMITATION OF CLAIMS. everything11 V,-' are agents of the governor's commit­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HOL.D- Yard Goods, all patterns, by the yard, - 10c to 20c tee. en at Enfield, within and for the Matinee / 15c and 25c f - • 9m- District of Enfield, on the 14th The Bristol Press last Saturday day of May, A. D. 1917. Now is the time to contained several double column Present, Charles J. Fowler, Judge. Embroideries, Ribbons, Night Gowns, Evening, 15c, 25c and 35c r-m display paid advertisements an­ On motion of Stanley A. King, of nouncing' Mother's Day services at Hazardville, Connecticut', adminis­ clean up with Silk Waists at prices lower than you ' i-isftS:' the churches. trator on the estate of Willis N. can buy elsewhere. - King, late of the Town of Enfield Splendid Symphony Orchestra . - The value of creditable publicity within said district, deceased. This SAPOLIO Is recognized by all right-thinking court doth decree that six months Come in and see our bargains and - business men. In other words, It be allowed and limited for the Pays to Advertise. Individually the creditors of said estate to exhibit you will call again. GOLDSTIEN'S newspaper man or reporter does not their claims against the same to the See It!! ' See It!! See It!! care for or seek special considera­ administrator and directs that pub­ OLD STORE. ' You Will Save 20||||i|3 Hill tion, but he knows the paper he rep­ lic notice be given of this order by V per cent by buying here. . 1- / < resents, no matter how insignificant advertising in a newspaper having a Mi ', in the eyes of a few, gives big value circulation in said district and by CI Tftin A V Carlyle Blackwell in OPEN for all courtesies shown. posting a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Enfield OUIXUAI "The Last Chapter" 1.30-10.30 Try planting your potato peelings nearest the place where the deceas­ iSIP ' 1 ' w tbus saving the principal part of the ed last dwelt. Certified from record. 30 Whitworth St." Thompsonville, Ct. 80b OTHERS —PRICES 10c AND 15c mm potato for food. Experts say the Charles J. Fowler, : crop will be just as large. d8: •r cJudgeWrVij Franklin Theatre A

At the annual 'meeting of the The selectmen have placed two Thompsonville Building and Loan THE FAMOUS. ITALIAN OPERA traffic signals or silent policemen '•'.AAI i r•-,' •'... rV.-'U v'. : TODAY following officers were elected: tion of Main and Pleasant street, fuerite ll Barbiere di President, Walter P. Schwabe; vice- and the officials give notice that they A-' AvAA A" \ . - president," !Johu F. O'Hear; treas­ are there for the purpose of being v.,,-' ; "-.-r urer, Leslie C. BTainard; recording obeyed, or arrest and punishment ^va^-aa* iii ^'QOOSE GIRL" 5 part Paramount secretary, Philip J. SulliVan; secre­ will follow. • '. i' "• •* • A II Siviglie j|| . tary, J. Hamilton Potter; directors, •'•V/ '' • •' ' V A gram included vocal and instru­ ' • : A for two years, D. J. Mullane, S.Fran­ •»•! • A'-,-.-" HAZEL DAWN in 5 Part Paramount. ; ; \ Given by the Grand Opera Co. mental numbers and wrestling and •'v:A cis Browne, George S: Plielps, A. F. ArAAA^:A;;; boxing exhibitions' by- -kwal talent. "My Lady Incog" Directed by Prof. Cerbonescbi. Javorski and M. E. Brodrick; share­ W. Hutton, Sr., presided and Her­ AAAA;:'! iWA»S holders' auditing committee, Fred bert Taylor was chairman of the ;For the first time in Thompsonville E. Hunter, J. B. Fahey-and H. -L. committee of arrangements. A A' ".;V V?t-!'A j- A';-AA:'.AA- FRIDAY— ; i; SATliRDAY-Continuoui 2 to 10.30 Vietts. Reports werfe read and ac­ Real Estate Agent Martin E. A?AA-A A: GEORGE WALSH In CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In cepted. Brodrick has sold the William J. $< ^ \AAAA P immm Psiii In St., Patrick's church this morn­ Miller property on Enfield street to v:/. "• : ''.A/A', ''Island of Desire" "Her Mistake" |l| Popular. Prices ing masses were celebrated at 5.30, Bolestlaw Laski. ' v'C A' AAA 5 Part Pox Drama BLANCH SWEET „ 7 arid a high mass at 8 o'clock in ob­ 25c and 35c servance of Ascension Thursday. In Memoriam. "Cloud Puncher" "The Ragamuffin" WO',-. The Philharmonic Orchestra, m Ml In loving memory of my dear Pox Comedy—2 Parts "GIRL PROM FRISCO"— Curtain Raises at 8 P. M." James Waldron leader, will give a father, Henry L. Matlies, who de­ Sil •iM "GREAT SECRET" No. 14 Others dance in Casino hall tomorrow parted this life May 16, 1907. It -.11 evening.- Judging from the way is just ten years ago this day that tickets have been selling a large my dear father passed away. Gone MONDAY—DOROTHY DALTON—5 PART TRIANGLE 0% Norma Talmadge in "Captivating but not forgotten. Mary Carstairs" at the Broadway Mother and son. ^>*>v •> "Gamble in Souls" Theatre next Sunday. ALICE BRADY—5 PART WORLD FEATURE. Mrs. Frederick R. Furey of BROADWAY Garden street will leave tomorrow "You'll Like Trading at Adaskin's" ? for the annual convention of the SPRINGFIELD •:A "A Women Alone" , Royal Neighbors of America which BIG 2 ACT KEYSTONE COMIC COMEDY ; v will convene at Ehmvood Music -.•A "Perils of the Park" ITall, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Furey is A; an alternate from the state council FOR THE JUNE BRIDE and a representative from Prim­ Tuesday— :Af:;:j?'/--A WEDNESDAY— SUNDAY, MAY 20 rose Camp, R. N. of A. in this vil­ ill" f; MARY PICKFORD %#! NOUGH SAID Another Extraordinary Galaxy lage. A;7V'A . Mrs. "Edward liromage and Mrs. of Attractions 1 "Such a Little Queen" Douglas John A. Burns are the committee in ' 5 Part Paramount •; charge of the next, whist party of A M ABLE TALIFERRO In • Fairbanks Primrose Camp, ,R. N. of A. which AS NORMA TALMADGE will be held Wednesday evening in .... i, . in "The Matrimaniac" A>vi A "Wife by Proxy" In the Romantic Drama Knights of Columbus Hall. A;y-; 5 Part Metro ENGLISH WAR No 5 Members of th0 Connecticut Edi­ Paramount Comedy Keystone Comedy torial Association and their wives be guests of the Storrs Agricultural College next Monday. V "Captivating ;y. • vyA THURSDAY MAY 24th—SOME SHOW There have been a number of complaints about damages to gar­ WILLIAM u dens by dogs running at large and FARNUM The Sign of the Cross" Mary Carstairs" something will have to be done to 1A< abate the nuisance. VAV V DUSTIN FARNUM in : • Miss Grace Love of Worcester is : -Ay- A And 10 Other at home for a while and her mother, . ; 0 V. ' "A "Call of the Cumberland" Mrs. Oliver Love, is visiting rela­ >: y , , Exclusive Features tives in New York. WALNUT 'W FATTY ARBUCKLE IN COMEDY "THE BUTCHER BOY" Arrangements are being made to THIS 8 PIECE AMERICAN form a first aid class in town. A BIG CONCERT ORCHESTRA Red Cross doctor from Hartford • • •>« COMING MAY 26 will be the instructor at a nominal BEDROOM SUITE Continuous 1.30 to 10.30 tuition fee. Miss Marion Leete and SAAV* • ;V- - • '• • yA The one great opportunity for the new housekeeper to furr.ish 00 •Vtfv: >• : •: Miss May Davison will be at the ; ?129 ~~yyv • Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street" Library tomorrow evening and Tues­ her bedroom with a complete up to the minute bedroom suite at V;;;VV:-' > ' : ; AA? A day and Friday evenings of next the cost of an inferior one. This suite will please the most y'AIA' y ' 'A •- Pauline Fredericks in "THE SPIDER" HELP WANTED week to answer any questions re­ ^ ,','v garding the class. fastidious taste, being perfect in every detail. VALUE S170.00 for crowd will be on hand to enjoy these popular dances. The program ,-V-S !§§- Drawing Spinning and Twisting will include the modern and old Dresser & Si 8 Pieces Card of Thanks. and devoted mother, Elizabeth time dances. Chiffonier #CA-s Good pay and steady work, new mill Dr. Finch, chairman of the Food Columbia A- ;;•=•••> . All Beautifully Carey. , We would especially thank and new machinery.. Pleasant place Supply Committee, has received Dressing Table We desire to express our - heart those who sent the beautiful flowers to work. from Congressman Lonergan a Full Size Bed Matched in GRAF0N0LAS y. felt thanks to all the friends and and all who in any way by word or special mail bag containing a supply V1 ' Pure Felt Mattress from $15 to $350 neighbors who were so kind and deed, sought to lesson our sorrow The Stafford Worsted Co. of Government Bulletin No. SIS, Rich MP helpful to us during the illness and in the time of affliction. The Small Vegetable Garden. This Best Sanitary Spring after the death of our beloved wife • . Patrick Carey and family. Stafford Springs, Conn. Bulletin is issued by the Govern­ American ment Bureau of Agriculture and is Cane Seat Chair Walnut Columbia '• A.--Si the best guide for the amateur gar­ Cane Seat Rocker ;•:**$• dener yet published. Each copy of Records f-AV/'i the pamphlet was inclosed in a The construction and finish is equal to the most expensive suite The largest library of Rec­ ' • ".Vv7 franked envelope ready to be mail­ ; //A; on our floor. ords to be found in the city, ed without expense. every Columbia record cau Next Sunday evening at the M. E. be had here. J Church at 7 o'clock the second of the We Will Hold For . series of special addresses on the ONLY 10 SUITES Future Delivery general theme, "Present Day Prob­ :A3I lems and the Parables of Jesus" Refrigera­ Our Friday will be given by the pastor. The tors TRADING AT ADASKjg sec- theme of the evening will be "The of all styles, offers Warrior King, or Courage for Con­ op- any sizes and flict." portu n i t i e s AA! ALWAYS RELIABLE 'No Trespass" Signs prices from for saving $0.75 to $35. 234 MAIN ST. JUST ABOVE THE ARCH 346-348 MAIN STREET; SPRINGFIELD, MASS. For Sale At Press Office The art department at Wise, Smith & Company ife prepared to Largest Furniture House in Western New England. supply at a special discount all Red Cross, Navy League and others who are knitting things to keep our soldier boys warm next winter. All purchasers of yarn will be given free m ;<;A instruction booklets with pictures • ..TV-,; and official directions for making articles for army and navy men. On Friday evening of this week Priced at 6 o'clock, in the dining room of the First Congregational church, A Store of Specialty Shops the ladies of the benevolent society will serve a strawberry short-cake SIZES 2 1-2 TO 10 YEARS :'AH supper. The public is invited. v.:w The final smoker until the fall season of the Brussels Athletic Club was held last Thursday evening in A special pick-up of just 600 fresh, Brussels Hall, with an attendance of nearly 2o0 members. The pro- Steiger Days crisp, brand new suits from a maker of our best garments. JOHNSON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY V, They are new in every detail of style and fabric and BOOKSTOREa the beautiful colorings are Absolutely Fast 301 Main St., Springfield. DON'T MISS OUR INVENTORY MAY 18th and 19th At the prices quoted they offer you real savings of SALE. It opens Saturday the 19th. from 25c to 50c on each suit. The savings suggest Stationery, books, art goods, leath­ quantity buying and the small lot an early selection. er goods, desk and office supplies, novelties, toys, and much more, Owing to repeated requests from our Patrons all cut deeply. Write for list of 100 Boys' Haynes Quality 150 Boys Haynes Quality offers. Three floors and the growing magnitude of this event we have decided to hold our ;Ai Wash Suits Wash Suits Books, Stationery, Pictures. Annual "STEIGER DAY" celebration two days, Friday and Saturday Ai Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. A| 200 Boys' Haynes Quality 175 Boys' Haynes Quality May eighteenth and nineteenth to enable us to give them better service. Wash Suits Wash Suits 75 Boys Haynes Quality True Bros., Jewelers Wash Suits "The Jfiwel Store of Springfield" The values offered this year will be fully up THERE'S A DEMAND FOR IN- to the standard that has made "STEIGER DAYS" famous throughout The materials are Madras, Chambray, Linen, Kiddie EXPENSIVE GIFTS OF . GOOD New England. Our thousands of Patrons realize in this event the Cloth, Kindergarten, Renfrew and Rep, in the QUALITY. Supreme Merchandising Achievement of the year and we have made newest of Naval Middy, Tommy Tucker; Short We have them in silver, cut Russian, Oliver Twist and Junior Norfolk styles glass, jewelry, toilet goods, and preparations for a tremendous celebration. other lines; all made by firms of mm wide reputation for high grade work. We can meet the need of anybody who wants a good "STEIGER DAYS" Friday and Saturday'^ article at a fair price. May 18th and 19th •-» His St., Springfield, Auto Entrance, 6 Pynchon St.

'-*» i f i''.r v-' A AAA; •'A rA'-A:, v •' ''A-' A V, 'A ' : : J A- -• .;A .*AA;,> A 'A.A v'A - A;A; ^i-A'A; A'; . .A,' THE THOMPSONTniEvI»^pS,v THtTBSDAT; MAY 17*

5 I parish, Thorndike, Mass., has \ of­ should be transformed into a three- li fered plowed Manid and fertilizer to pound chick, in "tour months is being any of his parishioners wishing to distributed . widely by the - associa­ Renew the Plant gardens. tion. i£#xbies86r Albert'"; Michaelsen • .. -,,**•:N ••• mm So as to enable him i o accomplish file University of Chicago has Dr. Henry Charles Spiners of t~be more during his spare evenings, J. jyeqted a device to reduce to Chicago; his daughter, Alice and Don't let ill health any long-, minioium deafness caused by the H. Toffey of Thomaston-has had his garden wired for electric lights. , two German friends named Rotsctiild er rob you of life's pleasures. detpnations of heavy guns. ' It is a have been .arrested in Geneva, Get back your appetite, small alluminum valve which fits in Switzerland as German spies. the* ear, A spring keeps the valve Charles P. Taft, 19 years old, strengthen your digestion, open. to ordinary sounds, but hea.vy youngest Bon of Former President sounds automatically close' it. It Taft of Washington has enlisted as At the Shepard school in Chicago stimulate your liver, regu­ •will be triad out at^Fort Sheridan. a Pr*vate *-he artillery. Taft was last Saturday a bronze bust of late your bowels and im­ » • under age and it was necessary for Ottmar Mergenthaler, inventor of prove ybur blood by taking . \ • him to obtain the consent of his the linotype was unveiled. The ex­ Will Need ;• Junius Spencer Morgan, son of J. parents. Robert Taft, another son, ercises we're in commemoration of P. Morgan has joined the naval re- failed to obtain admission to the the sixty-third anniversary . of,, the serve as an ensign and has been as- army because of defective eyesight, birth of the inventor. SMF*' signed to the station at ^ Newport, PS* R.,I. Mme Schumann-Helnk, the oper- Credit for patriotic action is due -S'flK — latic contralto, has filed a suit for Jselw to Col. f. N. Lewis, U. S. A., invent­ M& 80,000 musicians in this $95,000 against the United Railways or of the Lewis machine gun^ who ssv?.s?i W- country and Canada attended the of St. Louis for injuries sustained has expressly waived his right to Their action is prompt and 22nd annual convention of the when a taxicab in which she was any royalty on Government orders American Federation of Musicians riding was struck by a street car thorough, and you soon feel for the guns, which amount now to their benefits. You will eat held this week in New Haven. It February 23. about $13,000,000. was the first £ime in fifteen years I — more, work better, sleep sound­ that the convention has been held in I The American Theatrical Hospital er, and feel new strength after the East. The opening day -was which has just opened in Chicago FRIEND'S ADVICE WAS VALU­ a short course of these depend- featured by a parade, headed by a provides a place where sick and in- mWM: ABLE TO SIRS. S. A. JESUP. able pills. They restore i m-: band if 200 pieces. ... digent people of the stage and other healthy conditions, and soon branches of the amusement field ife P. j. Oritiin of " St. Mary's may be cared for. It is said to be Thank goodness Tanlac has given It may mean the only institution of its kind in the ne relief from catarrh, and I cer­ Bring Health country.. " tainly am strong for the medicine," ays Mrs. S. A. Jesup, of 38 Wash- of your YOU NEED SHUR^ONS Energy n and After May 21 all horses in the * Ston ave., New Haven. L&rgeit Sal* of Any Medicina in the World. United Kingdom are to placed on "r had catarrh of the nose and Sold ETemrhere. In boxe*. 10c.. 25c, 1 rations. With the exceptions of throat, coughed a great deal and Satisfaction horses used for war and agricultural yould be all choked up in the morn- n work, or stallions used exclusively ii £* This catarrhal condition and AMERICAN AND GREEK IDEALS ASSURE r**; -jAj' for stud purposes and thorough-| swallowing of mucous impaired ion Good Crops A You want satisfaction quite .nM' • .-3 bred mares and foals, which are to my digestion aQd caused me to suf- as much when your glasses be allowed a limited amount of *er froin f=as and bloating after Venizelos Encourages the Greeks of • „ .J®: *" ^ 11 -t need repairing as when a J grain. The horses must be fed only mea's- I became nervous and did America to Support American ; Democratic Ideals as Sym­ s--.•••;%! new prescription is to be! hay, straw, bran and dried brewers' i110* sleeP weH all. _To encourage Home Gardening | "I got some Tanlac- on the advice bolized by the Star-, TO THE PUBLIC: % ' filled whether it is some] grains. ^ and to assist in maturing crops, of a friend and since using three Spangled Banner. , W- r' * 13i trifling defect to be correct- j, £ 5 fen'J ,bottles I am free from all traces of we will supply water for this purpose at the reduced . ' The twenty-eighth convention of;catarrh. My stomach is again in fev ' ec! or BROKEN LENSES& E. Venizelos President of the Pro­ rate of 20 cents per thousand gallons. " -• J 4 DUPLICATED we give thej the Royal Clan O. S. C. of the Unit- igood condition) and my digestion is visional Gpvernment of Salonica has '• kc, ed States and Canada will be held |fl j glad to praise Tanlac.' painstaking care and expert; ne> am addressed the following message to ' & V ?' in Hartford, Aug. 21, 22, 23 and 24. | The dropping of mucous inflames > the Greeks of the United States: workmanship that is so in-5 The Royal convention is held every stomach, kidney, liver and other This .means that we deliver at your faucet ONE HUN­ separably linked with this* You have expressed the unani­ two years and each Clan having jvjtal organs. Catarrh of the throat mous sentiment of all liberal Greeks under 500 members sends one dele- ' ften extends to the lung tissues, DRED GALLONS OF WATER FOR TWO CENTS, store. We gladly readjust 0 in repudiating tlie king, with whom gate and over 500, two. About 400 Catarrh of the kidney has been or approximately a barrel full for one cent, under suf­ all glasses without charge. I will be in attendance at the con­ since the tragic events of December known to cause Bright's Disease. the nation has once and for all ficient pressure for satisfactory use. vention, representing every state in Tanlac, the great reconstructive the union and Canada. served every tie. ' tonic, is especially designed to com- I congratulate you on your resolve Ibat these ills by its wonderful build- to devote all your strength to the 71 8 rate £ Hamilton & Jerome Co. j The American Poultry Associa-1 ing effect on the mucous membranes, noble task undertaken by the Unit­ TERMS'- " ke given during this*«ummer "Nxet to the "Worthy Hotel") jtion has begun a campaign to in- It attacks the very seat of catarrhal ed States. crease the meat supply of the na- affections. for the quantity of water used in excess of the 305 Main St. Springfield, Mass. In your distinguished President's tion by 100,000,000 pounds in four j Tanlac is now being introduced stirring and inspiring declaration, quantity of water used for the same period last year, months by raising chickens. A at The Thompsonville Drug Com- defining America's aims in the war, IF YOU N E ED VGli'A pamphlet declaring that an egg pany. the Star-Spangled Banner has be­ providing the mininum rate charge is exceeded. ; come the symbol of humanity's purest ideal. Devotion to such a cause is henceforth the duty and THIS RATE WILL APPLY ONLY TO CONSUMERS privilege of every free man. WHO HAVE PLANTED A GARDEN, or who have •gs' I am convinced that the Greeks of the United States, imbued with outside hose cock installed for watering or lawn this conception, will succeed in win­ sprinkling. ; •; • v ~ •" :..'... ' >•. ning the active and highly valued sympathy of the great American na­ tion. i VENIZELOS. —ureek National Herald. ,: b ; Wiped Out. - Jones had conceived a grudge against O'Connor and sought for a way to pay him out. "I say, O'Connor," he said, "you When You Buy a remember you told me you had hunt­ ed tigers in West Africa? Well, Capt. Smith tells me there are no tigers there." MAGEE RANGE "Quite right, quite right," said O'Connor, blandly. "I killed them YOU GET— all."—Chicago Herald. HONEY DISHES. . Oberlin Honey Layer Cake.—Take WANTED ALBERT J. EPSTEIN SMOOTH CASTINGS that are heavy two-thirds of a cupful of butter, LIGHT AND HEAVY TEAMING and fit perfectly. one cupful of honey, three eggs well Having opened a store at No. 48 PIANO AND FURNITURE MOVING; beaten, half a cupful of milk, two North Main St., I will buy and sell A SPECIALTY. £ cupfuls of flower and a teaspoonful Second Hand Furniture. Drop me a A SIMPLE DAMPER ARRANGE^ and a half of baking powder. Bake card and I will call. STORAGE WAREROOMS. . MENT, one movement of the damp­ in layers and fill with whipped cream NEATLY DONE HACKS FOR ALL PURPOSES? mixed with strained honey to sweet v.: By :• ; er throws the heat around five sides en. Office 'Phone 82-5. 110 Mais Street Honey Jumbles.—Chop fine a VINCENT PIEPEL EDWARD P. CROMBIE of the oven. Your fire is under per­ fourth of a pound each of citron and 48 No. Main St. Thompsonville, Conn. House 'Phone 182. 39 Central St. fect control day and night. candied orange peel, place in a dish Telephone 166 52tf Pearl Street, Thompsonville Thompsonville. and just cover with warm strained honey, let stand overnight in a warm THE MAGEE OVEN is remarkable. place. Beat two eggs, add a cup­ ful of sugar, then add the fruit and It is heated evenly and quickly be­ honey, a little salt and 2 1-2 cupfuls cause the heat circulates around five of flour sifted with two teaspoon ~.t. >,; m-'' - : fuls of baking powder, knead to a DECORATION i. . sides, in fact, everywhere but the smooth dough, roll out very thin and door. *4A distinctive Magee feature.'', cut in fancy shapes. Pumpkin Pie.—To a cupful of DAY * M:; pumpkin add a cupful of honey, two FOR COAL OR GAS, Gas attach­ eggs, a pint of rich milk, a teaspoon­ < fCvX. * Will Soon Be Here ful of ginger, a. grating of nutmeg, ments on Magee Ranges are distinc­ and a fourth of a teaspoonful of cin­ • »V?2 namon, salt, mix and fill a shell. AND NOW IS THE TIME TO tive. Large baking ovens, special Bake slowly. broilers, with large and convenient Butterscotch.—Take a cupful of • *?; SELECT THAT MONUMENT butter, two cupfuls of sugar, two boiling burners. Magee Gas Burners cupfuls of strained honey, a tea­ m to mark the spot where your consume a comparatively small spoonful of cinnamon; boil ten A}'se JH# loved ones rest. It is the last minutes; pour into buttered pans iZl-* act of appreciation by which and mark off in squares.—Ex. amount of gas. you can show the reverence in which they are held. , , GLASS OVEN DOORS, with cooking WHAT'S THE REASON? always in sight. You don't have to With some it may mean a ft Many Thompsonville People in Poor sacrifice, but the sense of com­ open the door, and let the cold air in, Health Without Knowing the y . ' fort a silent monument of love Cause. and esteem affords will repay. to see how your baking is progress­ There are scores of people who ing; especially desirable in cake bak­ drag out a miserable existence with­ 1 invite you to call and in­ out realizing the cause of their suf­ spect the many beautiful ex­ -if ing. fering. Day after day they are amples of refined monuments racked with backache and headache; suffer from nervousness, dizziness, on display in my show rooms MAGEE GRATES keep your fire day weakness, languor and • depression. at all times. and night and make your coal do Perhaps the kidneys have fallen be­ x,! hind in their work of filtering the double duty. blood and that may be the root of I Make a Specialty of Lettering the trouble. Look to your kidneys —assist them in their work—give : Work Executed in All A LARGE ASH PAN, heavily con­ them the help they need. You can structed, catches all the ashes and is use no more highly recommended Cemeteries remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. v easy to remove. v Below is grateful testimony from a sufferer 'in this locality. Mrs. R. E. Tripp, 34 Westland Abbey Memorial, Enfield Street, designed by McKimm, Mead & Open evenings till 9 o'clock • > y Put a Modern Magee Range in St., Hartford, Conn., says: "I know White, New York. Built and lettered by P. J. RogerB, 7,216 letters Doan's Kidney Pills are good and I cut on this beautiful m emorial after it was erected. If-interested, Write (or Circular Your Kitchen and Enjoy the Re* don't hesitate to recommend them dteimas. suits. to anybody who is troubled by back­ V'- V.' asS ache. I have used them and have found them excellent." , w If"'"1' ' r Price 50c at all dealers. Don't Sold By J. FRANCIS BROWNE Bimply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same ITHOMPSONVILLE, CONN. that Mrs. Tripp had. Foster-Mil- 77 PEARL STREET mMMim burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.— Adv. / PS0NVILLE PRE&S, THU&SIlAY SALE OF SUITS, MODELS AT EMPHATIC PRICE REDUCTIONS s INSTEAD OF WAITING UNTIL THE FIRST OF .TUNE, ASIS THE USUAL C USTOMWITH MOST STORKS, WE BEGIN RIGHT NOW TO MARK DOWN THE PRICES FOR WE KNOW OF NO OTHER WAY SO FFFFfiTTVP - I : V* IN REDUCING STOCK QUICKLY. BEAR IN MIND THE FACT THAT HERE,, EVEN AFTER THE MOST WONDERFULLY SUCCESSFUL SPRING SEASON WE WERE EVER P \TOM51) AV!TH EFFECTIVE r VBn YOU AVILL FIND A RANGEimvr.is OFow SELECTIONST^T/RinrrnA: tartjurLARGER ANDand BETTERRiBTTiflR THANthaw martMOST stopi^cSTORES STARTunpawn irnpTHE SEASONckidau WITHimmn AND„™. FOR THIS SALE WE OFFER VALUES THAT MERIT THE ATTENTION' ^-ivuKiiu OF FVERY wtiu, WOMAW * M PRECIATES STYLISH APPAREL AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. aJ JMilUA Ol1 EVERY UOMAN WHO AP-


'v.. --\ -'..ij


7 ? \ * , , j-1, 1 '%i , ' • •'V,ft T •>? . C $19.75 ' ' f'* " Included here are many copies of very high priced suits most of • Each a stylish suit and atfue bargain. No woman can afford Beautiful tailored and semi-tailored suits in all the approved , which are fashioned^on conservative lines. While such colors as gold, jf;#- to buy without seeing these garments. Such fasliion features as the apple green, and hedge are shown in wide variety, there is' a com­ colors and showing the very newest trend of the present mode. Such barrel silhouette, peg-top pockets and full circular models with fancy prehensive collection of navy blue suits in this assortment also. Sizes \ patched pockets are shown. Not a complete range of any one style materials as fine gaberdine, fine wool poplin, tricotine and fine serge 14 to 46. ... . but so many suits that you are sure to be Suited. Sizes 16 to 46. are shown in this assortment. Sizes 1G to 51. "? , 1 " ' ->!£•• . •' 1 Lf~Cl v- SILK CHIFFON TAFFETA AFTERNOON DRESSES THAT OUR COLLECTION OF STYLISH J -r PflPtf;'isl WERE PRICED UP TO $10.98 . , ^ Only seventeen dresses but each very smart and desir- . . $9.00 SILK CHIFFON TAFFETA AFTERNOON DRESSES THAT V Light Weight Coats . t I i- WERE PRICED UP TO $19.98 ^ IS IJY FAR THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE IN SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND gjjjc ^ress is always wearable either in summer or in winter and here is an oppprtunity to purchase one at way below original selling price- *••• ' Including coats featuring the semi-barrel or toneau and the full straight line silhouette, the peg- - $12.50 top effects have in many instances the new cone pockets also many are shown with the Spanish sash. All TAFFETA AND GEORGETTE CREPE AFTERNOON AND coats are full and wide and for the most part have large collars, some in sailor effect and others have deep r • • .. , STREET DRESSES WERE AS HIGH AS $37.50 pointed collars. •IP Including many dresses that are reproductions of The colors are beige, (which is the color the P. S. Navy paints its battleships,) sliaron rose, higher priced models, even the most particular woman will apple green, minuet, blue gold, and a wide selection of checks, plaids and navy blue. find a dress in this group. - $19.00 As for fabrics we offer fine wool velours, fine gaberdines, the best serges, poplins, Burella cloth, tweeds and fancy cheviots. ' f-rri-'iiv V i.H'-, j . • FINE WOOL SERGE DRESSES THAT WERE PRICED UP TO $10.98 . COATS THAT WERE AS HTGH AS $10.98 ARE Especially noticeable in this lot is a dress with full - ( NOW ... $8.98 pannel plaited skirt and bodice trimmed with self stitch- n ; COATS THAT WERE AS HTGH AS $19.98 ARE ery.~ There are many cither stylish dresses also at this NOW . . . $11.98 price. ^ "V : 'u- - $5.00 COATS THAT WERE AS HIGH AS $25.00 ARE /r . FRENCH SERGE DRESSES THAT WERE AS HIGH AS NOW . . . $13.98 ' $10-98 i'lfr" %> fi- ' '• OOATS THAT WERE AS HIGH AS $29.00 ARE pt Only 'thirty-eight dresses in this group, models and NOW ... $15.98 colors that are sure to please you., Some feature embroid­ WERE AS HIGH AS $32.50 ARE ery, others are trimmed with contrasting bands of taffeta. COATS THAT NOW $18.98 Navy blue is the predominating color. ./ - $10.00

,4r CHILDREN'S COATS, THAT WERE $7.98 $5.00 JvVcv • v. • • - Our Special Department For Women Who Require Goods • i Above th© Average Size. Checked materials and wool serges, sizes 6 to 14 ' Is showing stylish coats sizes 43 to 55 the equal years. Fifteen desirable models, each one fully lined. of which in style, ouality and value cannot be found in any other store in this city. Connecticut's The Store SMART SUITS FOR STOUT WOMEN. Stylish Separate Sport Skirts, they were priced up to $6.98 of Service Which in style and grace are superior to those you These stylish and practical skirts are shown in wool Greatest Store will see at much higher prices. The materials and work­ velour in a number of different color combinations and WISE, SMITH & CO. manship are of the best, allow us to show these to you designs. They are full wide sport models with separate and prove that the stout woman can buy her suits ready- belts, novelty patched pockets and gathered back. made.

sioners to widen certain portions of so that in case of alarm each may Meadow Club Members. Do what Patriotic. oOMERS have a clear course to fly. Bob you can to protect dear little Bob FEEDING HILLS School street. The meeting voted to Warden—'Have you ever been in SUBURBAN NOTES borrow the sum of ^.25,000 to ex­ White is perhaps the most valuable White.—Thornton W. Burgess, in tend the water system', and also that At a recent meeting of the Ladies' bird to the farmer that we have. "The Green Meadow Club," from any European jail? Prisoner—No! Special Town Meeting. Aid Society, Mrs. W. B. Scofield was The number of harmful insects and The People's Home Journal for At the adjourned town meucing the payrolls hereafter be itemized in My motto has been to see America the annual report with. the names elected vice-president to fill the va­ worms which he eats in the course April. first.—Star of Hope. AGAWAK held Friday evening in the Maple cancy caused by the removal from of a year is almost beyond belief. street school house hall it was vot­ and for what the money was paid for. town of Mrs. L. H. Baker. Added to this, he is the best destroy­ Chance for Plata Printers. Rev*. C. N. Ransom, a missionary ed to erect an addition to the pres­ er of weed-seeds we have. The lit­ ent school building, to provide san- The Civil Service Uommission tel- from Africa, spoke in the Congre­ Some Facts About Bob White. tle grsin lie eats is nothing compar­ gational church Sunday morning. He itaries for the Agawam school build­ HAZAHDYILLE ed with the help he is, and most of ' egraphs that there is an urgent need ! ings now that a sewer has been built Bob White is one bird who has I in Washington for plate printers in told of the work that he is doing In ; this giain is gleaned from the stub­ m the dark continent. and to take land for and erect a hose named himself. W hile in the north­ ble after harvest. Unfortunately, I the Bureau of Engraving and Print- house in Agawam Center. It was also Hazardville is well represented at ern states he is called Quail and in j ing and that 75 appointments are to Last Friday morning Andrew J. present in th army and navy by his flesh is regarded as a delicacy, Todd fell from a hay mow in his yoted that the selectmen take land e the south is called Partridge, he is and his method of lying to dogs, be made at once. The only examina­ to add to the playgrounds for the five young men, Dudley Renfrew is sufficiently different from the true tion required is a physical examlna- barn and was found in unconscious on the battleship Texas and Howard that is of keeping still until the condition. He had struck on his Mittineague and Feeding Hills Quail and Partridge of the Old hunting dogs can trail and find him 'ion and a sworn statement of the schools; also to instruct the select­ Barnes is on the battleship Kear- World to warrent a name of his pplicant's experience. Application head, cutting a bad gash near the sarge. Charles Stanley is in a cav­ and then bursting into swift flight eye. Dr. S. A. Lewis was called. men to petition the county commis- own, and this is now almost uni­ has made him the favorite target lanks (Form 10S0) ijjay be obtain- alry division of the army at present versally accorded him as Bob White d by calling at or writing to Room Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blodgett and at Plattsburg, N. Y. Daniel Gallant for the guns of hunters. The re­ family have moved to Springfield, from his clearly whistled notes in '45 Post Office Building, Boston or is in the light artillery, stationed at the spring. He belongs to the same sult is that he is rapidly being ex­ "rom Local Civil Service Secretary at Ot V Masfc. San Antonio, Tex., and Joseph Bor- V Warren Bodurtha is confined to order of birds as the common hen terminated and has practically dis­ any post office. Experienced plate ^Excloeivo ''Gibson'1 Feature*.StradlviU'- WANTED deau is in the infantry, stationed at and Grouse—the order of scratching ilufl arcliing-acieiitiflc Graduation from his home in Elm street with the grip appeared from some states. He will irinters are urged to fill out applica- \ thick cantor to thinners at rim. Tilted Ft. Ethan Allen, Vermont. birds. The little chicks are covered soon disappear wholly unless he is 'ions and send them at once to the nook permits high bridge with and stomach trouble. Forty girls for factory . work. L oxtenaion string holder. Kcin- Robert Barrett is entertaining with down when hatched and can absolutely protected by law. Every Civil Service Commission at Wash- )forced non«warpab!e noc*—ele­ The women of the Baptist church Working schedule 50 hrs. per week. his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lena B. Bar­ vated Guard-plate and finger are planning to serve their annual run almost from the time they leave farmer with Bob White on his place 'ngton, D. C. rest.bearing Easyscttaa. at feridre Adjustable overcome*strtaff Factory closes at noon Saturday all rett of Hartford. •haxpuiff. Memorial Day dinner this year.. the shell. If anything happens to should make it his personal busi­ John P. Sheern of Wickford, R. I., Mrs. Bob while setting, Bob will at Mrs. Martha Bennett and daugh­ the year Good pay, steady employ­ ness to see that no hunter is allowed Occasionally you find a man who Four lessons free ment and monthly bonus. Apply: passed Sunday at his home here. once assume her duties and care for on his land. It will be money in with every in­ ter will make their home with her Thomas F. D'Arsey, Jr., of Scitico the young when hatched, as faith­ would rather be wrong than not be daughter, Mrs. George Reed while his pocket. Here is work for Green strument pur GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, has joined the United States Cavalry fully as could their mother. Young president, but he will seldom admit i-hased. their new house is being built in and has gone to Fort Ethan Allen, Main street. ' Windsor, Conn. and old stay together until the fol­ i':# K^V ••''d.^i *K '-,'v\ ^'^'-;>^v;->!^-v^ 'i#.£v^^5H' af^ "3r^£*;;S|';V:

rp^p?pp:: W$^rf$tmmmi i^&i"?vvl i I '*j>S!!iw

. ; xjKft i 'r;i': -•;•.'&•-•• k'-«•?-isi^44"''^'''.'''feh®:;'.-A' Phone Number "Charter** 5200. Mail Orders Get Special Care. Ii>.v.'.

sap* -»5iS$V5 Smartly Tailored Stylish Suits in the Seasons Latest Models 7 : ' •••<, ••• —^ A ;••' . . '''^ r-1 " V-3' • ••' i".;''- =' / '"-V-'-^v •rf,\''>.-;

| lat Great Price Concessions WE ARE OVERSTOCKED and must unload $20,000 worth of new Spring and Summer Boots^ Oxfords and imiiinniiiiiiniiiiiiniiiuiiimniuiiniiniiiiiauiiiuui Pumps (right at the beginning of the season) at these unheard of pric^ The past cold jrmny weather forced i B B i^^^PAIlTICUIiAn ATTENTION CALLED TO FOUR HUNDRED TAILORED f; us to hold this—the greatest of all Shoe Sales. Sale Prices marked in plain figures. See our mainmoth win­ I'PAKD SPORT SUITS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES THAT COME TO YOU AT FUR-i: dow display, i • ^MTHUR PRICE REDUCTIONS. EVERY SUIT OFFERED IS FROM OUR REGULAR / • ^STOCKS, SOME REDUCED ALMOST HALF, SOME FULLY HALF, AND SOMK£« Every Pair Warranted Perfect Every Pair Subject to Exchange or Every Ptur Guaranteed to Give Mr1 iflMORE THAN HALF THEIR FORMER PRICES. MAKING IT WELL WORTH YOUult In Every Respect Your Money. Back for the Asking You Good Service jggim ^VVHIIiB TO PERSONALLY INVESTIGATE THESE OFFERINGS. THERE ARE inu®^ 11$ • ^.TOB OR CANCELLED LOTS, NO MAKERS ERRORS TO CL.9SE OUT FOR EVERT« />'•'•.' ' - P# II&5UIT IS FROM OUR OWN STOCK, AND WONDERFUL VALUES AS YOU WILL SBHW : : :r ; #§['•£&& i' ^ New Summer Men's $5.00 ' i'5«^ %pUPON EXAMINATION- THE BEST SELECTION NATURALLY FOR THOSE THAlf" : High Lace Gun Metal SB* ;;|P;COME FIRST. SEE THAT YOU MAKE AN EARLY CALL, YOU WILL BE WELL' m REPAID FOR DOING SO. BOOTS BOOTS aV.'r'TB _ii • ill Bednoed from Hedticea to THE NEW PLAIN TAILORED EFFECTS ARE WELL?%EPRESENTED$1? UM to— ALSO THE SPORT MODELS, IN FACT THE CORRECT STYLES ARE HERE F0R|S| s H :yyy'. I^YOUR CHOSING, ALL THE PROPER FABRICS, AND THE COLORS THAT ARE ' B $ .00 CJlN FAVOR

^1 MAlIi OBDEBS FtLI-ED—Bay by mail and avoid the bother and .ft One Lot 57 Suits worry of shopping. Slater's Is the largest shoe moil order house •fei! One Lot 132 Suits in Now England. . We guarantee free and safe1 delivery to your New -Eagrllsiii?^

$X5.00 Choice for $55.00 Choice for ,,v,.u Gan Metal, ; |NWhlte Kid, NEW PUMPS AND COLONIALS : ?#S' I Seasonables at Our Boy's Department Black Hand turned and welted soles, all vrlth leathers. All sizes and widths. S . In 6 to 16 year sizes, we are offering some Odd Pants in all wool mixtures, 5 TVTilte • and our $1.75 grade, for three days at $1.59 pair. : • Tops 3S5SS n H • For Boys 5 to 8 years, there are Plain Pants of Blue Serge, full lined, reduced . B Mm.. B • from $1.;>0 to $1.39 pair. From $1.25 to $1.10 and Corduroy trousers of regular • • $1.25 grade for $1.10 pair. They are all in full sizes, and made O. K. in every par- ' H asisi B ticular. • ii'V- ^ m / -r. x ''v.-n $6.00 ken's 5 Sweaters are Handy Garments, wo offer them for boys, Byron collar style, in • REDUCED Comfort shape ; • High Lace FROM <$!' Z ' V H ^maroon, old rose, old blue, tan and brown, kinds that were priced at $2.50 selling > 5 *6J00. Bl ' .^low at S—.25 each. A few Shaker Sweaters for Boys of 10'and 12 years, one grey,' • • • WALKING B ' one maroon, two tan color, worth today $6.50 each, our price but $5.00 each. ^ • BOOTS Reduced to-— m BOOTS &&0p: m > \ _ B'J.vs Iilue and Khaki Overalls in 7 to 15 year sizes. Some dandy Khaki Suits. B i Reduced • 3Jl '•Oyear sizes, long pants style, with removable buttons, at $2.50 each. Play .' B UI '-l!' !if>S'iMJ*V to— ,B : "i ' ®cout' Indian, and Cowboy style, always in stock, priced from $1.25 to $3.98 ' B Military Heel J, j 'yyty *• - eacn. bb • in • KEWPEE PUMPS • """ :• t.-iiAcg&'V * High or memun "f' heels. Of black 'White kid, black mat kid. ;.v, • HBBHHBBBHHBBBBEIBBIBBBIlHBCBBBBaBBBBBBiBBKBBaBBHHBHHBaBUBIBHBBBBIBBBBISU i kid, golden patent colt. • VA. brown, white -yj.•:• kid, Havana 1 brown, gray i&ilf and black kid with its j I'ytliian Sisters Whist. Mother's Day Observed. Special Meeting of K. of C.'s era venette tops to • •- wmf A whist party will be given by Mother's Day was observed in A special meeting of Washington matoh or Asnuntuck temple, Pythian Sisters, many of the churches in town Sun­ Irving Council, Knights of Colum­ contrast. iu Odd Fellows' Hall, Tuesday even­ day, and the pastors preached elo­ bus will be held in the council cham­ ing May 22, open to the public. ber, High street, tomorrow evening $p • 'i quent sermons appropriate to the Playing will begin at 8'clock and day. The simple tribute of wear­ at eight o'clock, at which Bro. Frank $6 White Nii-Buck and will follow the regular meeting of ing a flower buttoniere was carried J. Sherlock, Supreme Agent, will be ' : P'fi f. the temple. out by many. present to examine the books of the Washable Calf Pumps council. All members are urged to 1 be present, and it is very important that they should be. #> Mv'HHi BflBflflBBBBflBBflflBBflflBflBBBflflflflflBaflBflBflflBBBBflflBflflBBflBaSlB ENGLISH £ Splendid Work of Red Cross. Walking: and Sport Hazardvi e Ct s! At the meeting of the Red Cross S:-.. : William Stinson, " - - BOOTS G3 j Society Tuesday afternoon a "report ' M : WiW&f, Reduced from Successor- to the late William A. Smith in the of the work accomplished during $5.00 to the first month—April 14 to May bl&ok Plumbing and Hardware Business |15—were given. The report is SA sfr*' . . B •«•f •! . >:*•:-) • I will be pleased to have any of my friends call and look over j highly creditable to the ladies who I have given their time and efforts to (•'yj* my line of goods. Prompt service and the best of attention will be I the work and many ladies who- have They come in - V A ! NEW SPAT AND •, 5 given all work. I carry all lines of hardware and furnace utensils. j not joined the society should feel black kid, gun SEAMLESS PUMPS metal, white "vlipi s Trolley stops in front of store. Public Weighing Scales. • j obliged to do so, or to assist in some Hand, turned soles, all heel j way. The society has sent on i kid and black heights. Made in patent kid with white white kid and black mat kid. j headquarters at Hartford 36 towels, kid tops. ^ < * y j 94 handkerchiefs, 41' sheets, 54 a' Telephone No. 129-2, Thompsonville Div • ! shirts, 15 pajamas, 2 pair socks, G y/y j | pillow cases, 19 wash cloths, 18 Oeodymr Welt, i >! r. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBflBBBBflflBflBBBBBBBEflBflflflBBflBflfl j bandages, 19 tray cloths, 5 pillows. . ;laatber 17 bags, 20 needle books, 3 baby S£">«£;«>r M ,."rubb«r outfits, 3 convalescent robes, 1 IS ?• •ti.sole^ sweater; total 355• articles. The fol­ Oxford Oxford Ifeati and lowing contributions of money were Ties Young Men*!* reported: Girls Friendly /Society St. *3 96.60 O^onU The Latest Styles in Millinery Andrew's church, $10.00; Ladies' $10.00 ^ reduced i •>. , « : Aid Society St. Andrew's church, Hand Sewed Jr $ ' yr • J 'v':; <••• $i0.00; Woman's Relief Corps, V •>' -''w* . At Reasonable Prices $5.00; Majestic Theatre, $21.97; Boys' and Children's High Co* Boys* ana Summer Girls' Bntton Boots Girl* Ladies' Aid Society First Presbyter­ Whit* Reduced from White ..AT .. . ian church, $11.75; Fraternal Dance Boots CanTOi |*.S« to — Canraa High Im» Bntton and card party, $20.00; Friday af­ Reduced SIXM Boutt Hi to 11— $1.79 R«xlne*d ternoon tea, $6.00; a friend $1.00; All black from DAWES MILLINERY PARLORS total $85.72. The 7th grade of A. $1.59 or black *1.78 to 1atx« and y-y ' ':y^yy,\ \'i^:yM*•>*$. D. Higgins school made 1 doz. sheets KtxcuV " whits V : 374 Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and 3 doz. towels. The next meet­ and all (L79 whits ing of the society will be held Fri­ LYMAN BUILDING—Second Floor Take Elevator day afternoon at 2.30 . ALL PTew ^') "" r: flaS: 8tu* Shipment i ' ' " w> with turned or $6.50 Will Observe Baby Week. welted soles. Louts .; Dri TThltcomb or Cuban heels. 'Boys' & Girls' Ankle ;v;r ,1 *• -i&J The postponed local observance | Of black, white Wr Children'sShoes CuBhlon Sole of National Baby week will take i and all the net* Shoes for this up-to-date cof Strap Of pa tent. sale— place in the old Co-operative Store| ors and two colt, white v.-.'".- ;v'i room on Pearl street next Wednes­ tone effccts. Pumps top; patent $4 day and Thursday , afternoons, be­ Bench colt, ;ii" $3.00 • country needs it in circulation to carry on the war. especially invited and urged to at­ Reduced to— Colt. tend these meetings, but others who iSilStelfcs^v4iraisSi : > Don't spend less money, but spend it more carefully. | $8.00 Boys' 93.00 have the welfare and best develop­ School and Ua ISi'f ;4;iAvoid waste. ment of the child at heart will. -, be 4 l>rrw Shoes ARMY and young Bntton and cordially welcomed. • ' Scout 4 ||§MEN'$ S5.00 Be productive. Make your own clothes at home.' By lace. All toe Shoes If^NEW STYLE, Atty. Charles J. Fowler attend­ Shoes nh apes. He ii Sc'i the.use of Butterick Patterns you will be more smartly mM ducod to— (I j m ed the annual meeting of the Con­ >v;.fThIs Salo— ,«.TfSg ' •',% gowned than ever; and at the same time be serving your ^my Last Reduced to— necticut Independent Order of Odd Dark Browns, You know , 'f-/: • £||.C:;Countryv;^f f Gray and Silver Fellows, held in New Haven , yes­ Gray — Ivory W&--A what they Jp Little Men's s ' All tlie latest iParis sty1 es"are' h'erc "for your 'selection. terday. Judge Fowler , was elected Suedes. Top are, this M^aa of Black The Illustrated Instructions in each ^pattern, show, you to the office of herald. of cloth rtr $s.2o sale—: calf, Ko-ijo leather 'j^pjlGun Mi"'tal Brown. n.-M St'Jiool WJ "LlKht .j^1' '©fv Shoe it ..... T»««SP"' MEPCS 0% How's 1* I tuS- • s SH$1.59 Wo ofifar One Hundred PoU.irs R , M 1<\ J, cnEXKY^CO., Toledo, o; i®pv TTo, tlio '•nndersltruqd. havo ' k'nptvn P. - »T. Hand Clienoy tor the''last .'*0, yeiirai, «ud "believe Win perfectly honorable in all, biiQinc*#transactions j Sewed and flnjiuolniiy tible'"to entry out miy obligations made by,', his firm. • ; ' • >. y < NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. ' ' . v Toledo, .Ohio. A. FJ nail's Crttarrli Cure Is tnfcpn- internally, acting directly tii'wm tin? blood rnd mucous surfaces of 43 PLEASANT ST, THOMPSONVILLE, CT. the system. TcstlmoiilflU sent •frcc« Price Tfi cents yer bottle.