




I, Barry Needleman, being duly sworn, do under oath depose and state as follows:

1. I am a Director at McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, Professional

Association, which represents Public Service Company ofNew Hampshire d/b/a Eversource

Energy (“Eversource”) in the above-captioned matter. •

2. Eversource intends to construct a new I 15 kilovolt (kV) transmission line,

approximately 13 miles in length, between existing substations in Madbury, New Hampshire and

Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The proposed facility will be located in the Towns of Madbury,

Durham, and Newington, and the City of Portsmouth.

3 . RSA 162-H: 10 requires that Eversource, as an applicant for a Certificate of Site

and Facility, hold at least one public information session in each county where the proposed

facility will be located, at a minimum, 30 days prior to filing the Application with the Site

Evaluation Committee. In addition, the statute requires that no less than 14 days before the

public information session, the Applicant must publish a Public Notice in one or more

having a regular circulation in the county in which the session is to be held.

4. The Statute further requires that not less than 10 days before such session,

Eversource must provide a copy of the public notice to the chairperson of the Site Evaluation

Committee. ______

5. In accordance with the Statute, the Public Notice for the Rockingham County

Public Information Session was published in the New Hampshire Union Leader on April 3, 2015,

the Portsmouth Herald, a ofregular circulation in Rockingham County, on April 3,

2015, and Foster’s Daily Democrat, a newspaper ofregular circulation in Rockingham County,

on April 4, 2015. Copies ofthe Notices ofPublic Information Session for Rockingham County

are attached hereto as Exhibit A.

6. The Public Notice for the Strafford County Public Information Session was

published in the New Hampshire Union Leader on April 3, 2015, the Portsmouth Herald, a

newspaper ofregular circulation in Strafford County, on April 3, 2015, and Foster’s Daily

Democrat, a newspaper ofregular circulation in Strafford County, on April 4, 2015. Copies of

the Notices ofPublic Information Session for Strafford County are attached hereto as Exhibit B.



, Personally appeared before me this I day ofApril, 2015, the above-described Barry Needleman, and made oath that the statements contained in the withi,nffidavit are true and accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief. ( L/ \ Notary Pu1ic/JiistitëöflhëPEe My Commission Expires:


o,: MY ••tfl OOMMISSKN E EXPIRES %: MAR.30,2016 J ¾,,,f1AM?S’ — 2 — ttJ1HIflttt V 1fflIHXI ______

Page88. NEW NAMPSNIRE UNION 1EAEE Fay, 4tE 3, 2015 NotIces

Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice Legal Notice NORTOAGEES NOtIC! OP SELE NON7000EtN aNflCE or sac MON0000EEN CEYlON NP SALE ENAFEO%COIMfl, M0056AO!EN NOTICE OP MONCHESTER,NIl NP NENLPNNPENfl NPEE*L PNOPERNI N? REALPROtEINS NEW NANPNNINE NAtE OF NEAL PNOPENET ZNNWNNN*NDNP*DJNSTNENT II ““‘ U * .4 $:k Ny . SU 5 A SO MIdpW Fflth N.&sWgNMN. I vn,: A P.w I $0 Th,,fly. Ape I, INtl c;t’td .U Nt’ C! &I4 N N ;(W NNtIjq 5t (eO 1%t IN( 5’ EDEN PNNI :tN mtN:t NNL MdIc Ckb.n.N.. EltyfidI I.%-EIkt N.t 9.Ht (In tth N. by 5(.. N. PW.q NOON It Ntth L. 5t..b&,p. Pt- lqI..d N.Iq.NI C.!WWNN. 3 1)NNN t*IN *N4 P. Phj., Nd Nb.. 1:11 PM bN#I( rI FNaNNg Ifl OflUN)1 (N O(( M:o;(sI t, OLt F.çj’ O..k. Cp.dNIl.IISINE TNNNI0 MNfl’gNtNfl (N M&: PNSLIC NEONLWNANENNA ((((•(t(’ ,(; TN& ‘,.I, •!(1J4 C (,tNb((( (ff’t(N( S.I. Ul O:V 1((( 4 U7 .(:‘I Tb (h(((N :N ((5 CN((((((( (N Ek ‘N’S IkKN((((((( (jN ;. I INMN.NNI(.MNN. II 2CU NNU &:(( thU tN ;ItO. 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T,:,l h, A,,, l,kl r,.ii t(eA%.*l- o,N:vNI NU’k lANA N’01, ol:i og OhOllUEISl’llF. ((N riqoiniow.c, OFUUE,N20 OiO, lil l’llsTl((NIgl Cii ((IlIL OlIN l5 r’ Ul(, e 0’0N’&’ INl(lOUl.I1OIXNIUINIllil’lie.O ra’KNoseALmuorcoor.orN , ((II Ill l S P” ‘“ UOiiOVll.Uqi,llilthi ‘‘i’d l.((N’d I( l’: lllll ‘,ol (ON To,l(, : iSIOPO’lll.l7 lOll 4, P4 SIil,Ii Ott., ‘ Ript N NlllNNlit(ttoto.t(IsNIltNI,ON(,tR(;,stlt:t.t(dl,,,l,,llN,v,N’:,,,,:ft.,b’l(h:i,Ntl,ll.(((ie fl(INN(tk.lP,lNtN%NU(t(((.ItIMNOtWPlliflN(.l,l(C t((dI’tI)Nl.i(,l(ttddlt((tdttNi I(N(’lt(NI( (,, ,lel.,,,,li,1,t, NllO,t:I,,’.ttIOOt pN’ (‘(ti ,O.t.t,,l,,t,kIO ((( l.o,,oll,, ‘,i2(I(7,S..(’l.U.(p’,,(l((l(’l’.N t(((*ti.(’.(5dt(i,ItIU Oo&tt:ditllhlpp,Nt.Aiol dl.(*tNIIlUO.’ilUll5N(lOih( l’tllk.a5ll(ltllN:N’Ul?Ltl CNllNt NINOINI. (tiN ‘lllN(,N llt.lUOii55l.(Ilt::.l::lOoHN 20,,n’&:JltU A,. iOl(I1 p,lId l.IIllA(Ilt$.(NNOI.NNO p’Np.’t.NNt.h.’N.h tt t:ll PNNUNANNAN• ItNI Ik,,llN”d.vl.(lth(Ib’ ,Nt,N(l(li,.dl.’Ntl.N:dl(ilI’l,l( N PNNUNANOJNN :to IN ‘Nb:.l h,](l(5N UtO(t CtN(ly IIN,IUO:OIIINI’IONIOtCIII. it: S lSlChNt,tSL, . ltOU&b,l ‘N P,,NA,A,NN,N KNNANJ.4N11 13, INtl IWN 00th ‘tI .l, .“p’. 0 l.tlt’g I. ,,. O ;pl.’ ,tt.ltg U,.‘‘ 55 MN.N7,AjN11 19, 2015 ,. tI lç OLINIl N N,,tl,ll, NO “fl NILtUIII lllUi U,I,I ((‘il),:,ll’ 4’ .1 MttA*y.AptA 13, 2015 NINA ... rca: 707 £041 bk’ O’](l,.i,N INIp.. .1 &l:llU,bI41. ,.Z,t,l INtl 11(1 4t..O (N C’ 476 N.b.St.,ll(,,(lNhll(, S,l,.Otb’tNk’OI.’,lh,ttl lOOp... gIrl 7(,(t”’N .t’tI 1’””N ‘ pN O.s,’l;,. A’,,l 2.’.,UI1IS F.’q l..,’.t,(’.’(”’’(,lL’bl’,,h0,N, g((.l((’NI “t.(’ ..‘IhNN4NpN’NN %iltiliI,NlNNl((’.OtU(N lI(7li( Ni 74O,t4I$OtOl$l.,’,’7 ((,( (Nt N’ INNN(INA tNt IN 3UUNN:I?lE.loO,6l1d NN,. Nl pi’O’% NiO hlNt 1,7(0 Nil Oooo.tk C’iN N.N’Oo,p IUUl4A 7 1ONW,,I,tO,,.. ‘ 0,, ii LegalNotce S,l4’,k I 3ml7L,4 I 0 lid1 ‘ I ,:,,t,Ot’ A’, Y,,l, ., tIt 7((t (II NO :64‘A(&’, 5.41 11(11(71 (((tINt PlONl7ll’ I,o t MONENANEE’SNNTIEE NP j( I’ 5 Ofll.FS U0. CON ott 41y 0,”11”N F,’, ONINIU7 tU al’ N(7 ttb,d N A, NO.1 A 44 Mt0p o It (‘010 the C’ to tE REAL PROPEIfl “ ,o,ok .,orny .5 oll’p 610 N,tot St. ‘ moot oN44%N(Ool’1041(otoo:5 FNtt.” A(N((fl1NION’t’io’(I ,l,olAt,I.IltU0 A0l.,,,.,,.:,J tiAF’oo’.IOA’ tINtoP(p((Ntottto(NtpNto( t.OkO’:(tlOol.4’ON.lNN44O.:NOtl 0. ‘N 021% I So I IN. )0,U04 ,,,,,°ae °‘ °,, ppt U 4,31 Nt1 a A NNAN1I”II.No’’,ot4 I :o V.oiw O.kOlONTOINFO 000i’Nolle: Pt3slANTTIINoo’ 1104’0N00 ,,.‘oI 1 oJOo;,N,kto,,o’ , Jot,, 10, 414, .00 N I 0,110 V I N I.g, 1004 ‘on ii OLILTRIIT1N 01 U II oc I , ,, on, VT 1 0 00 11 0 N N 1 ten NNF I TI ° It ‘T Nfl 110 I o , I N 4 0 ((tiN I 41 0 OCt INNUCt001 0.0. 1’ ,, NI tiLt. 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IANINAN00NDO,’SAoAOA’ Adol..’Nl *1 Ftoo Al,“o N.(AJ AA.po’l ol Fo” T.:AA”AOA ,Ats,oin.A1,,.I,W,do,tllo ,,.,,,,,, ltbolyd: itA0AlAl”tAiN4’IAtA’7ASIS “‘N” OONAAN (ANtt”d p’N,loA.l OUAN A It. lOOt 4 7 .A(AN.lIA bOot A, (IA Ato, 4 N p(01t7A?F0b0.4IAi(I(:tAt’(’ANIO o,A.’,Ioth’ Oopoo N700BIN , Nodd”d , Ft U I A (4,N4,.A.AAN tot .i OENM PALE IF I I (000 ‘(A r AAIg(Uo’7A 00141,1. 700’ N. pt°otoo’vooAlti.q llA I:o A ‘AIFA’ ‘ TA.t,o,od 0500003 bA.0611’ to lot N N AAAIi’A’AAA7AAAANCAOAN’NLA “ A’t.lo’3AAoONt’.,A tOO P ‘o 1,o’l,It,’’.I.olo1.looA,,lt.oo1Al I’.’.t0.o.1.t,oAol.olltl((N’A1ol tN.tl.l’) NAott, t.o lit, 4., ‘N ,,AN,A lot ,o ho,3 Itooo’o,o’ 1AoAAI.,7oN0.1oo0o.oNt’o(.,.0,(( o,Ao,d Co tA:,.N!oll’lAl,,4N,A 000(3 0. N01004AI0404II)t’.A A.t,NAI t’;.:k to Itt (,.Oootr, ‘ N’OtF ‘Iok .o At (1,01 NA:,1.000’ A ,tf,A,otA,, t0000(’AAO’4000310 Al N I A AoA I 7 I 1 o N I A 1,No(l4,lA4AA 21,I,1!00001I1,0 oko’AlobO.log 070,’AA.’’lAoo A,o, .NOll,00I Tb It,tlo’tol ,l’t’.,l tout ,tU FEll ‘StAT OUt I1AV. 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I A AllA&’l Uook 0.16k 01(10 3 o lo (AlA . .O’IACIIUIA FOSlAUC °°° ‘Itt 7 ‘1000 00 A’N,AN “(IA’ 0*OA(IAA,,’Ad ((OAt. It.‘‘AIl(A ‘&N&:’IAANAAAAA AAON(AONA NAAO’.Ah.tdlANoll AI01000IF. ttl1l(AA’IAYOALC’lOAl(IAOYV(( ‘4 At.. A A OFopiA OJ A1 1 A A LegalNotice A Uot;oi.’ottooh OodoA.:pto.Af lb l,00I’AAAAtIV.’tho .A(.A AA(A. At’ otlo NA. oNA (A ‘.lrr t’ooNlo.I.eA.A.AAAONUO.lo.IN 1.06N (1(AANNIN4,AAN NANAI1 000 ..OIIA A Al(l(A I. l A A ..o. 1. MNNVNNNEE3 MIllIE NP SALE : .: llo!lAe.Ao.:ooAollo ., .I’1ili’’ , I . , :“.,‘ , ‘ NPEEALPNNPENTT , A 0 IA 0 00 I ,o II to A a, Th go, I I 00 4 1 I °°“ ii A 44 .A.oUiIUlAt AI..it:IIthlI5 IL100AAAOAIA. All‘IAI$JAIA.’ll . tOA.,I’A.IAI. oie1l(AIAANA601IAA.N’.AIAIA. I I 11051. ON I UI 0. Al I 4 I I I 01.6 flOtW 01 p o0I i oo.o ‘ N II I 0 0110 1 010 A AA H II A. 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I’oNIt;.AJl Tootol .01:111. lloO .AA.tA,l,414A000I:hl’000.t,000 t,t.qAlt.dttcN.ooA3;lotoh::ooA AAAIOIUhNN.A’INo:ANUlototo A7I000IN t1.too lNitNtS’IAI0011o 00000 Moo. ii .ott 04 O.OAAN A’oZN.l A”oggo ot1.oto.400101Acto6oyto toO Aooooto IA’ At.lAIAO ottto OAIJ’.A.OIOANA100I400N.I0I. ?EEMN EPS000 Oolp(4F 1A(’11001.A’A tAAt’ll(I.1.0l ltAlA tAt N04’Ul’ttOAtIIIOAtO lo.’AIIIAI0504 Oyh,l,t,oofto lc,tI.,to. oAto ‘01110A’oohttt AA,1,.o;l,I F,toTto,,,,t,I lotboFo i,otot .‘lc,Iot,It.oAtlc oloottlo, I.Ah.IIANA.piA0000 to lltIAoI.AIAOIAN’h’4001 ololto . P00.OOAP0101.AOAI7FOIJIIOOIAA 0°’. V A IN,,oty Ilo:,ho0 ‘too .:o,A 435 0:1.14 A. It: It NA A .‘U11.A10014101. dIlt4tAo 0,, fl’.NIIAAA 7.‘AlIt £‘lAIllOl.OAtA 0AAAtAO . 4( IodJyotOtTh AwoIAUIAooNA:.ltlo 041 AA.EAI N140otoI:llolAAi:,01’AAAIPoA’tAO,:IA 0000IlAItI,(,kIlt,10011,0100oIAAANN 00 .t(l7iI1 Icol0161IIIA,OIoA’O°IA, II:4,1,I.1NA:cA,ltlol1Ut,A0,lFtI t,o’oflloiood:It 000AOAI,N 4010. 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Aohot..JAtg TIttLoottIih. to I o. ot ‘44.1 Iho,,o *AtI.AA ho p.AAAIAU 001 00 ooU,o toA,b.O,t ‘..l., tt.!l ootA.3 obotoo oo &N.NIA4ANOIIAUto oNtNot.otNl to 110 moO i ho 401 OT ç1 ,]O4 L ltoiolt ‘i,’.oo’o oo.lo’. t’4...’: ii. ;,. o’oto .lo,ko A, I,t% 4 IOMONINT:10 rEcTA I0101hOOA A. Vt :A,I0174AAAIA4 IAIoA It .%t.’ t,ANiANi AOAAt( ‘tt,, IA’ 11.00th Ptt1o,l Nil I. lolA .o olo1ttyolAA’lçoA.NclAitAo Tho t1o tot 0410I100I.AA,01ALNo.0 toloAttlqo.t..t.ool::.oi’IU).oA Ao Aol A At t140IA01AAAAIh A,ioolooNooot.Alo,ooltottt. AtoIy A;o°U.’..JtltoAoli.A?A! AII,00101 .01410 I’ 030 to hA ‘1 ooooo’,t,ht.NOA.tco’’to’.t.tt 04111 tA’ .t’ttgotAttct.NJ’yttJ 00001001.N.INN010100011070IO1111 Nob II. UUIo IA003TOI ,lt.’N.oNtl000.001ll.’J 1l.look.IA,Tl.IAOAIAAAII.1,.oo ,thA,,l011000.tt,lL000 loOt,. oti .0,010. 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IA AAIAAI 0 lot 0.NIAAAO IAAy,oo1AIAU.. .0° PA flo lltN’O t Ott A %tIPANNN doofl’W.oo I FT Nt AtOll N,oot:., 01000114 AIAANUT0134 0, Io,010A05110,N,000000,IrAoUNOZ A’A.Io.,:,’AMAUAII p.g,,IN,,,’jNS_NE,,olIpIENljgl A’AlIooo,0400151 005010144 “IA,, NiAo llAA1101’otoNto‘tIOlt llAI no 1100 Pl.ooc I?sI( ON 101.1) j4y4. IA,’o, 17111)190 FAA Al IOAAA1I 001. 11 -4t1 A .11, 0 027:ApolA IUI IL Apol1. IA 71 WIAp0 ‘0 Itt ApolA IA IA 11:1 NIA A. 27 4A NI PortsmouthHerildIwwwscacoastonRnecom Fddav.AiriI3.2015 Al OBITUARIES Thomas ‘Skip’Heilmann Stiliman E. Matoft Dr. Melisa K1TERY POINT, with bisdogsMaddie CANTON, enjoyed visiting ,, ‘: . - Thomas “ . Mae and ?resIous Maine — Stiliman Quebec, Canada as (Lisa) Spradley Skip’ Heilniann, 62 . Rose. Skip lsoloved “MatS E. Matotl, . ‘, .,. .. 1 he was a descen of Haley Road Died Country Music and a resident of . dent of lhelroquois PORTSMOUTH stsdents on interna ! — (Lisa) •. , , on Tueday March - couldoftenbeheard Canton, passed . ‘ Indians and it was Dr. Melioa tlooal service trips, : 3t 2015 at Maine slnglngalong to his away at hisheme the home of Care- Spradley, 58, of • her famouu Cajsn ! MedicaLCenter in Tuesday, March . lyn’s relatives. He Colonial Drive catfish friea,andher ‘ 24th wIck his likedhetpingonthe in Portsmouth, ,, . color coordinated Born inWaahington, D.C by hiuloving wife Christine beloved wife, Carolyn at Old Canton School Activ N.H., died on ‘., outfits. on August 13, 1952he was a of Kittery Point, daughter his side. He was born on lttes Hoard. Hels survived March 27, 2015, . : In addition to her son of the late Thomas end Kim andheehusbandRobert April 14, 5927, in Con- byhislovingwife, Cars- aurrosnded by her parents, Llaaia sur loving femity. vtved by her partner, Judy Marianne CBrown ) I-tel- Cartoon of Ft. Levenwortli, cord, N.H., the son of lyn Doherty Matott of Imann. He was raised in KS, son Chad Heilmann of Faber Matstt and Agnes Canton; his son Michael Born on October 17, Arnold of Portsmouth, Marytand attending High Teoas,grandchlldrenfustm, (Matthews) Matott. He Matolt “Sptder of New 1956, to Charlotte, Nerth NH; her sister, Michelle Point High Schoot. He Jason and Joey, brothers grew up in the Ports- Harbnr,Maine;sonEalph Carolina, she was the Morrison, husband Bill proudly served his country Harry and his wife Regena mouth and Rye Beach, Matolt of Portsmouth, daughterofAlbertSprad- and their son Taylor as a member of the United of MD, Richard andhiu wife N.H. area. lie graduated N.H., daughter Dorothy ley(r.andShelby(Caudie) of Wooster, Ohio; her States Airforce in Avionics Tenet NC, and George and from Portsmouth Htgli MatottFerrariofHamp Spradley of Wooster, nephewMatthewMorrt nervinghtstastdutystatlon his wife Suzanne of NC, School In 1944 lmme- ton, N.H., grandson Ohio. son of Medina, Ohio; her at PEASE Air Force Base In sisters Susan Gray and her dtatety joining the US Steven Ferarrt of Hamp Liso attended her early sister Starr Spradley of Newington. hssband Shawn of NC, and Navy In which he served tonN.H., granddaughter, school years In Greens- Austin, Texas; her niece WhfleservfogaiPEASEhe Patricia and bee husband proudly from 1944-1953 Gina Ferrari of Hampton bore, NC. She went on Tiffany Rousell, husband met andlater in 1973, mar- Bill Penkala of MD, many He served in World War N.H., beloved daughter- to earn hoe Bachelor’s and Ryan and their children riedhislovingwifeChristine nieces and nephews. He was II in Iwo Jima, Oktnowo tn-law Maureen Redden Master’s degrees from Britt, and Bryson of Texas Woman’s Georgetowss, Texas; ( Simmons ) Neumann and predeceasedby his daughter (pow4 months), Nagas- Matott Beante” of Marl- Univer- her together they made their MelissaThibeeult in 2008. agi after the bombing, boro, Mass., adoring sity, and her Doctorate niece Amy Brows and son home and raised a family in Friends may visit with then on an expedition to granddaughters, Katie degree from Texas A&M Noah ofCarrollton, Texas; KitteryPoint. Skip’s family on Monday Anterctice. He was part andKeltieMatottofMarl University. her goddaughter Jordan SkipworkedatthePerts- from ]2-Z p.m. in the JS of the unit now called the born, Mass., much loving Lisa was a professor Csughlin of Athens, Ga.; mouthNavul Shipyardas on PelkeyFunora]Home, 12501d Navy Seals, Very shortly stepson Robert Dough- at Texas Christian Unt- her goddaughter Jones electrictanforoverthirlyfive Post Road, Kittery, Maine after his WWlf service, erty and his companion versity, Ohio Wesleyan Cosghltn of San Antonio, yearsretieingin 2007. 03904, where a fsneralwtD he was called Into the RnberiaBrownofCanton, University and Plymouth Texas; and many friends in He always enjoyed a good be celebratedat 2 p.m. bathe Korean War where he Maine.,muchlsvingstep State University. She also Dallas, Texos. conversation with friends, fsneral home wills the Rev. served on a hospital ship daughter Atison D. Merin heldthepesitionofEduca- Donations inLisa’s same walkIng, camping on Sebec Dr. Elizabeth Hoffmanoffi docked in Korea that the of Auburn, ME., end his tiosDirecterattheDallos may be made to Amy’s Lake at the family camp, he dating. Online condolences wounded were brought sister Lorraine Matott Museum of Natural His- Treat www.amystreat. dearly enjoyed time spent maybeleftbyvlsittngwww. tounttlthewarwas over. Show of Sarasota, Ftc., tory. Lisa was a gifted and org and Beacon Hospice with his grandchildren jspelkeyfuneralhome.com. He was alifetime member brother-in -law, Gary passionate educator who http:/fwww.beacoshns playtng at Mitchell School Careforthe Heilmannfamfly of DAy, American Legion Dougherty efCanton; and leaves alastingimpact on plce.com. playgreundoratsearhy Fort is entrusted tothe IS Peikey Pout 553, among others. many nieces end neph the thousands ofstudents A Celebration of l.,lsa’u Foster,healsolevedwulktng FuneralHome. Shortly after he returned ews. Predeceused by son she encountered during Life will be held in Mayin from the U.S. Navy, he Steven”Mouse” Matott, hercareer. Ohio. Date and location started working for the and former wife Barbara She willbe remembered to be announced at sister Public Service of N.H. Hopper. for her love of science date. at the Newington N.H. Funeral services with and nature, leading her Shirley Irene Thomas plant. He retirodas super- full military honors will fntendent in 1987 after be held at 10:30 am. on PORTSMOUTH - Shirley two eons. She is the daugh 35 years of service. He Aprilnth,2o15,at Canton ØPLEASE Irene Thomas, 85, of Cape terofthelateWilltamR. and then decided to go truck United Buptint Church, Carteret, NC., formerly L. Ruth Kellenbeck of Parts driving, long haul and Route soS, Cansos, Maine. THIS PAPER of Portsmouth, peacefully mouth. Sheis turvivedbyher local, moving to Maitso In Intorment wilt be held at passed awayThesday, March loovingdaughteeKuren Lynn 1990. On April 23, 1995 in a later date at Pinegrove ) 4, 2015. KettyofCape Carteret, NC., Canton, he married Care- Cemetery, Route soB, l.ogal Notice Born In Portsmouth, Karen’s husband Patrick, lyn Doherty. His primary Canton, Maine 04221. TOWNOF KITrERY PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE June 7, l29, Shirley was a grandson, Donald Kelly of interests were in sports, Arrangements by Finley devoted wife totsoe husband Honolulu, Hawaii, Donald’s especially NASCAR. He Funeral Heme, 15Church The Kittery been Council wilt hold a public hearing Donald andloving mother wife Giney and herprde and traveledto masyNASCAE Street, Livermore Falls, on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. In the Council to her children Robert, joy, groat granddaughter, races over the country Maine 04254. Carolyn Chambers, 200 Rogers Road on ordWtances authorizing Karen and Jeffrey. She was Claire Noelte Kelly. She is with Rusty Walloce being Doherty Matott may be bonding for captta( improvement projects, notto exceed empleyedbythePortsmouth also the “Auntie” of Gail his favorite whom he met crocked on 207 44so482 $3,079,832.00, ssbjectlo approvolalaTown referendum CommunttyHnalth Services AenThomes ofEliot, Mome, several times. His teoms or 207 441-7913. Men- ‘election to be held on June 9, 2015. as a homemaker and case along with othernteces and that he loved were the sages of condolence may assistant, frsms978to tg88, nephews. N.Y. Giants, N.Y. Yan- besent to; www.finleyfu Legut Nstlua When she moved to North Agravenide service wiibe kees, Boston Celtics, and neralhome.com. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA9ING Carolina. She was presto- heldinPortsmouthandwill Boston Drums, Ho realty Go May 7. 2005. at 0:05 p.m.. e SubcommiHeeet tha Site ceased by her husband and beannouncedatalaterdate. F.eatoa0u’cCemmOteetee the Stste at New Hanpst,lru wl held 0 Pt,ttx Heveno at the Nvvengtsv Tune, Hal Asditonum located at 205 NimbleHit Read, Newi’tgtoo. Nets Honepsiorn on the Request of SEA.3, lox. to. an Curmptiuefrom the Approval and Cortfixuto Provisions el NSA Choptet 102H, L.ealNst’re oqardlog ruocm NOTICE peuposed isprovevsentstsprepeeytuxated at 90 Shattuck Way, The Non Howpsh,e Coastal P’ou’am INHcPI Is reuisoiv the Newinston. New Hemputhre. ouv’.,. totos’Av8 octeties orsuuisto,ny wCl, Its ests,w,thta puliciss; . The Naliovel Ma’iva F;sheries Sarvica fhMFS is prspeain5 tI,e Leget Retina ierewiAscourIebRtyMeaoueaavdDotphioAImatiesMsevdo,eut. PU5LIC HEARING ON PROPOSAL uhleh includes Ameodwent 31 to the Fiahey Meea5eenent Plan LEGACFPUBCICNoTice IFUPI fanthsSvappw Omper P;shystth, NotCh Atlantic Region, BIGON PLANNtNO aOARD Amendment 9 te ha FMP for he Gulden Crab Fishary st the South TOWN OF STRATHAC AtIut;snsalan.avdA,,pud,etatethaFupts,theDd,*,;ewal,so ALL NuIlco it teenSy given hat a public Soaring uiO be held an Ape’l 5, 01 thu Atlantic. medily APPLIANCES Fishey on peoposal would acusuetabitty 2015 ot 7:00 PM at the Stratham thunixipat Ceota’, to Bunker H,lt measu,os In, sneppan ganupen species and 5sldnn nab, and ,suiae .Flar Avenue, Strothavs, NH to discuas a tormal aubutcisix,, .ppication to sommeciotend rcoca Scoot sector &Iscstinnatcrdolphi,,. . INSTOCK cmstwxt a S’Lxt subdvls,u’u suh,,itted by chautoutsce ut. PltiI;ps, NMFS s pepoc,,g to enenti the reaulalle,,s mple,’iontii,g the To,stsa vi Christepvre M. Philips Ron. T’uat, ft Patsiots Way, AtIant.uLueVAataTabeReduct;ov Pta,, (Plan). would %%%%%%%% Thepeopsaal and Last SiraB’atn NH. MW 7 Let 1, antI Catutryiuvestmeott. CCC,7 Cha,tos snoOty the eslstie9 PIes to udthess solely and sconemic renreens FURNITURE Orion, St,atl,ao Nit tsr 0,. properly txcaied at t2SR Pcntso,uutl, absad bythotohiog nasty. Au’eoue, Map 17 Lot t. The asana uuA vote te accept the opptixalioo . 11,5 U.s. M,,y Creps ot Eoi,,onu Is pops,e to make ,epuhs as complete, and a pcsbtie Seams en the meats el eta n’e,osol cC otto ssehlettyattt,elnlat a Hampton Ha,bo,. Thnpnsossnd scerk txltowbtseradistaty, ‘C,’ inset coarcsonslrue tIn5 sections 51 the IcIly that oem daeru5ed dut1n Hantcsee Sandy to p,s.sls,m condlions and autharued 25%OFF Tt,e Udt.d 5MtsaC,cdrson.,tatPrat.dlse aseroy fOun,tttiCase,RouteI trace C,,ute Tl,e deadtne for urSa,, ce,,,,nonts an the abose prepesats is Meuue,.e the 5etneixi xt .PsbtI, Caxcenet P.lxdteree5sptan.ttev Apal 7, 2nD. Fe, addtio,ulintsnnatls,, ptausecislttl,a NitCPereh ‘ teabteok, NH nt5lpuiOssetOittanxs,steaoltxrthecxnkieys.aedta Cupudnedalte ate at hltp:lldss.nh.soo/s,aenizallsn/ddsioosAuetcthc,nbfcoastal/ O5,,sc,tuodandNoetHaarrtur,NexHeepC*a puhic_notices.hlnt,encuntect Chaittiao W;It,ema at (en3)5590025 S 55L±. eu,ty,—me ct,cao Stutas rv,anenvtet P,utsxxen Ags,,cy pin rtw utOn;aeleu.W,ewnsBdea.nh.gsc -...... , aeqdlncewatetusae.t,t oustentyr I anenurxcdtodaysIwbsisu;isg ataoublioux,o,,sestpnisudte cc RopionsUon of SipuCcont Oftrsenius Ecty tx the Ceotdsy LanCti 5u,p5Cuvt 5.1. is’ LEGALNOT)CC G’oantand usa suet, vuv.ptuv. Nan Haopsrisa. the puquoss 0tt,aESo;i NOTtCEoPpuaucisrosuitsos seasoN to deny ceCaOtoocs xi Et’bS ,uoedpdoduo uoxotsenaey 55 u Roend of Ooclsv, bat ‘ussi .acvd is, 500 te Ope,s5u tied-I IOUtlued too.’‘v STATEOF NEWHAMPSKtRE Slit. Hsepshie. .lN. osa’aas cka-a iOU’CLThU pack,, ooe,nart panod 51 505 eon Of5t tstM we EVALUATIoNcocsseirrr up,;twst,,sets. Appliuetse,esePubttusebun. CunpaeyutNeerenn’pat,.n.dth/. Appltsettar 51 PobUc SaMoa Coeapany at Neo Hserp.hW. dIbIe SpocAtaly tW Is puOx xoevcant us, ha addSo, at t,4v5w,ooe Eoerseareeeser9yfsra Ceottilsute et Site and Peeittyferthe Coersouru. Cesrgotona CethOucto stBte assdFasditytaetha tu O;atst of Cwtacoarts xi tureen, coP, O,e New Han’sl’Is. Depoawsot CosatessOos ata NaerttS kCEteotrtsatTranaed;Coe Lisa ron Cenessaban efaNre liSkYEtouMu.IT,.neart..ioeUe.froseMadbery ot Ncto,uee.tal Oscionu lNHW) la.hcet O’nuadxatx Oaitt5 5M,,ded Madhenysukatattne 5 Podserouth sebatahas IS yowlis a poAsswavoe aavdocd taneronatosha he pwdotueos.a ot she eowadpatOu.t end LuceletOV-2. esthd &vlss Cenoury at New Hen,pshE,a d’s’o Erasmus En55 PurCu SeuS,. Canquny ut Sac tl.npd;es elsie tuess.cce tenth .saCIoubt, uwCaeieegt,esbean ac dxtecsd 5, uuxbotde,, and but’uck ,,‘un5udv veic. evws C,o IEuenucnss cC tcdd a puNs k’tcrr:tu, UU5,Iar. to Info,,,, 0,5 5anod tfcosoc’utT cO hold a pubiC etswatkse sosybo, tn l,,to’e, its gsnebu a,5 onutoabonttt,ascu,nUeRsRaNtepeveut and tedpytuttioetriCavifuat,, ,eeer,O a, svpte’nantatioe rt vateuboec ConSole an coMe p’ceadios tuu c tbe;i lhs SCutasst ouaty ct Ca tar a pxlxntat twtnata’Aiond ConSole on uth., y.,psots. Sued 01 Sda out PuHty5pptcusjon to eunetusi a ‘.rc’ 5acsniss,eIoe e Os abutS. os,tcb,a Utsee and t’se.tayl’Appteiorny le novatc;et U ran 0snsncsinele in ten iso1u,,;0 eseAs Ow,, tIe OCx ,cciccisnu ootwcw. no ceo coc,peevt, Seecuos man St See h,nn’puh,o. Pue’euccr Is croons’s to ouio a ‘ac an .epacCuo ot Oss .Pstn NHOtS Gexca’duax Manaarors,t Cove 0.01 kY;, Cpou;noteiy tO-out. Wswe;ssoo henbe, uqen e.;stln5 its k4nd; 555, UPP’,cn.OrIy to-nc). kreenccio’ he un,uan .,:ut.5 re, ebd’endodunduty 2013 o”duha’.goslet5e0t.swx,to,h. ,,lu.xds. F”uh sbbstOors In edoctcs,y ud PuCs,ecth a eracu ebebd;ty ot ha anus aubstatlors 9, huabay and vuesn,cuJ to snree ,nucbKy 01 es aesu ce tOO cl&Ors the xpy’uuvu hat ca ha uiiI,uedtodctr,n.o, 5,1 gwadc,ol., and he okeodyrsnsbitnsd elmtnsatyid Undue, 5.,,sjcC tyennessirdearanC c rh.uCyuuus0acs-J dwtncatyid cant epcC ecrrssuqd.,;,U,;tter Ctoi,u.p Cods t,sus [ceo SttudbOi en g,eocutoatc, ‘satwsian ,anpdt pours no Os OSCCCUCI. mn p’unsio cults, uti bstuutted thOr Tu,ces :5 psutacUca;and icppue toe a eate,setne0oe Oat grOb,,dcOU, estunaSo; Msdtc.eyD;e’nr. ,dN,u4s;u.ssdhectyotPcose.cctS. Thetecatr,,u Msdtc,y. Onlun,. and Nrc;;gtmundrI; ConrtPutereckTt;Ucac.k5ui Csowc;isaaruvucsu,,ercusisnctbeto5’tareppe.isentutyemerdaan,t aiourequce,, cutecete, cesseaCd cc. eyou .pprscretety urn nt. and A cure i EPAs SaC Esohavobue is Ss,.v5carl OCte,cca tso t, ho ,,,cu;s,,ofurs te ha scbs!ahees is,Mow ,y and Coidep CunCtJ Si,peclcoa Ste sod Pa Advut5u,aj,5 Sued. ntSwnv rcnUucuunnlsuontIunUAppten9aruqhshsNrcHutcu,.tyt,,rs.dcct,u tc,.’scsduo oitancnssKshepttuosunbussthsrtcunao,psynSuetcatuatbn tra ersod emend xl DoCcc1 nioro 0101 other teshnisad eoac,;uts CuearCtnc -scc’y.ss.s t02.tt:I0 aqudea the, an aprk.eavt tan a CesWssls Cunu,s,se tSEC USA 52.C:tO q cuUth Us an ,OtdcUr’ un a ConCuat. of&vso;dFcdtyt’ot;telan’.to,5p,dd.;t’durrutsuuscioclneuohrebnt Oolitew.Wcsuc*xsuotl.wudcabhstautxealdayoudthotugau,wgtuxalues Sd anoava Fas4stySCSiUIlust enupessnufervuls,, ssu’untn nads ucon:: The At,, iolens;.oy RuThtOcV Ut the PluS tlen’çdan Rwv Caracy 237-A ednwe 5, panpnsed es4ey oCt be bnshd. a rcwun. 35 dry. pen a a tIcg S. AØ,utc,. te Uccu’d,,no, eithth,, atatutr rumc’us ea ci we A,Lc,tc Avow,,, qua, ttavptan, Nw, lianqavie; Hoes. Maday. en,5 ,r. yh:a,cr.tn oreusdsc. uftnttn ccou Eu*,nerue u.S buSt are psOluutuwetlcocs5,s,, OucevcotTccetyfe,kutqts;s Thc,s utWedepu Wedtwstey, PAd.ry S.tOooucs upsclarulay, Occsd.uya:TvcuaoCtOO puEcisdunclos sesdanissSt.Utte’dCcduty(edddssoSoTccnsutMUdbcsy ad Ou’henI and ens pbbhS ;etces,•un usse, S flcnddnhse rc.nty cs Sot,ansI aud use tsctdc tnfunnstcr UUaisnn C Rudunysun (dcrty iv;tcOnotCuTu;d,ctNw.tn5coy.Jt5e C:tyOtPudss;usdh). Abut, srscur. tOo U.S. t.,,vcuooavut PwtrcI,c’, A5arcy 9w’utdc C,rln kuo,nts5ci 0 ‘N;kutsvothaTounotNou;v5lnsd,uttIuc,,yutpntv5oucI.At oac,sc’ar tc.’sc.nco sd ‘cent ‘,Su,e,USrdsrgod;,q seCwie;t and th. pNu cM Ccn,c.,sn ci vn.ertlntwn,at;on ,nOCdus sc p.ujut and 0’. p’*4u ui tsreue.lsvsloyO;uuupic F3dU. 5:005w ti 6:cOo.e;tcransypo:et,npqt t’dCetS.i uppartsOysothoc.eeuos,sns,.ts. Thosciouio’,,,r,ccus cuss-cu a Os bcsuct,rd cud tcosnsuecC 5seea5e a t’.nsu’y u the s.n.uc, 3 dee 5, ,uo’ds 51EPCs utosa eioeae nsa st St seru ,,;oee:tsu ufl.,ytC ethe.jioth t5eAsplsd5un. CentoantsshwMbsstocchxduee,,,oi5rdby5p,l3QthtOtd a’cJuvtelh. u4OeUcbnt.ttedtotho$EC ekCS,,ifltl,iAptd,(at;un. Thu Ocubeutcun tSu.ty pubtuk,5cn’ucu Thu Ot’cund CCdutytcSc hdcnctic UUs,n fs thU 5.ucen.t Asiobuty t”heo al ho I,eld en Ttcrsdey, ApS 23, COtStm t:OSPM tn 9:03 I’Mat Fwe,osis,terwub,we, tt’AeCcytr,utdnutOgc,thvsvt Dvexte.euwcthancp P,nes!,uObahald urWsth.oudsy. Apd 02. SOtSfann 7:COPM tU 5:00PM at to, Necdn5m Once tIeS eu,,;,,. sos te.nae 115 Reid. NsMn5sne. ottt,rCoakhlLa,CniScpses,dbtocpotact: OyCr,Rb,nHqb&tc,dd Cutrt,,la. 55 Ccnbu,r, 0,et,e,n. N.,/ttanp.bisr. NauuUeepueiss. Mc SeodoMdbcwRswes Phcor (ft tj5R-t0?7 TtsnpuNts afeenthnn eaneirn uS be d,cUy wenours by on Op..’ tune Thsps.iouObuerutth,sus&o,,uibedu’uCyp.mudedbyonoprcttuus.tnc 533Pt.lto ?O3PMu,Pnspiomt,rp,s,u,,tas.c,suisUououuuubleIup.v,Ids Oeqlcsst,CPAOuace4ecd E.nol. e,Can-s.rca.oeddoOnp.eapc .Cuesabcncuruccu5o,opuaM avadcscutenU 5 Ppst0ihvsSs,uos ObrUtC,U ran be d,nIn;I ts 0;a T,urceaelrn io’en,a&,. bc it Muacode oseexn.t aeo-rn0051oo Sce,daakud.dcOesesuce.n --.- ______

Fo3tesDattyDemocratwwitosterscom I Saturday,AprII4, 2015 Al OBITUARIES/NEWS Marie E. GOP2016 (Aries) Littlefield Walker’s Wisconsin stifi lagsnation injob growth By BroilReactand CHELMSFCRD, Mall. — AugustusAries sisters$bter Nicholasllccardl Marie E. (Aries) Litt)efield, Saint Theresa MarionAflen TheAssocialedPress 95ofChelmsfordMass. died andFteanor Mulvaney. 30, 2015. Monday, March Visiting hours Mon. 3 to MADISON,Wia. — Scott Retfredclaimsspecialist for 7 p.m. Funeral Tues. at 10 Walker has transformed harvard Community Health am. fromthe Onion Funeral Wisconsin politics, win- of Chelmsford. Eucha . Home 500 MiddlesexStreet, ning three elections infour nistic Minister St. Marys Chelmsford, with a funeral years and signinglaws that Church of Chelmsford. Mass at is am. at $5.Mary’s weaken unions, crippling a Widow of the tate William Church, Chelmsford. Burial key ally of the Democratic Lltttefleld; MuSher of WI)- in the Pine Ridge Cemetery, Party. 11amand his wife, JoAnne Chelmsfurd. Memorials But the likely Republican Littlefield of Harleysville, maybe made in hernameto presidentialcontender has Pa., ElainoMoreofOurham, CampPaul,39 ConcordRd., had less success changing N.H. and Marilyn and her Chelmsford, Mass. 05824 Wisconsin’s economy and husband, Christopher Bar- or to Circle Home Hospice, budget.The staielags in job wick of Crestwood, Ky. ; 336 Central Sleet, Lowell, growth aeditsbudgel faces Grandmother of 9; Great Mass. ol85z. Arrangemenss ashertfall. It’s srecoedlhal grandmotherofiz.Shewas by Golan Funeral Home complicates Walktr’s path the mother-in-law of the 978-251-4041. Guestbook beady primarystates ashe late DominickMoroandlnge at www.dolsnfuneralliome. aellshimselfas a reformer. Littlefield and the sister of corn. “Most ofhis activity was more politically focused than economically, job- COMBATGROUNDS creation focused,” said )ohnTorlnus, aMilwaukee buainessman and venture Russia’s role in capitalist who nevertheless praises some of Walker’s moves. “He was going to Ukraine seen shifting cancnntrate onjob creation with alaser-like focus and to training rebels he got distracted.” Wisconsin ranked 40th By NatallyaVaailyeoa addresalaalolnlsesalanofthe LeglslatsmIntheAseamblychambersSac, 13 althestale CapitalInMadi the Ukrainisn government in private soctorjobgrowth TheAsseciatedPress and the West have accused sun,W5, AS5OCIATCUPOO55PILEPHOTO for the 12 monllis nnthngth Moscowof waging an node- September, said the U.S. YENAKIEYEVE,Ukraine — dared war in Ukraine by Bureau ofLabor Statistics. Ata glance calls for cutting educatIon On a recent springmorsilng, sending thousandsof stoops Walker has called hiring Wiscxnslohas added prioate.sectorjobs at a Iswertaie moneyandborrowingmcre animportantvisitorwatched to fight with the separatIsts $1 In his state the “gold alan- than the nationalaverage since isly 2511— six moalhs after than billion to pay for Russtan-backedrebels con- and provldlngweaponry. Al dard” for measuring his roads. Theproposalhasrun duct infantry maneuvers In least6,ooopeople havebeen Walkor took uffiCe. Walker promised in the 2010 campulun that performance. ifeiecled his policieswnsld meale 210,000private sector jebs. intowidespread opposition, eastern Ukraine. kifiodoabothaides. Still, there are positive includingfrom Republicans, “The general Is very VlhdelheKremlinaclmowl Balsoly aboul 145,011sachjobs were created overhis IrsI economic signs Walker four years. Todd Berry, president pleased,” rebel commander edges that many Russians relies en to defend his of the WisconsIn Taxpay Ostap ChcrnytoldhistTeopa, have fought as volunteers, It record. Wssconssn’sunem- Following weeks ofpro- these savings arid about $2 ers Alliance, saId Walker’s referriagtothoSgureincam- ffrmlydenles sendingtroops ploymentratehasdropped inittalbudgees were respon ouflageenckcledbyguards. orarmthgeebels. tests, and the fleeing of bdlisnlnpersosalandcor’ from 8.1 percent to 5 per- Democratic slate senators psrate income tas cuts he sible, but the more recent Theman — &mostcertainly Separatist flghtersconfirm cent everhis time in office. for three weeks to try also signed intolaw. ones resemble those of his a Russian military officer — that clothing and ammuni to The state has seen ahigher block a vote, Walker got Still, thestateisn’tonffrm Democratic precedensor, becumealarmedwhenhesaw lion see amongsuppios they rate of new businesses Jim Doyle. twojournalisls approach. His receive from Russia. hisway.Thatdrama,aloeg fimaecialground. atartingthan the rest ofthe wiih Walker’s 2012 recall Lastynar, facing forecasts Berrysatdtheslate’slack entourage shielded him — Yea,ourbeoIheraaresup country and income growih victory andotherlawshe’o ofanearlydibilion increase luster jobs record shows forbiddingphotos — and the plyingus — youlmowwho,” for Wisconsin residents Walker overpromisedin the groupspedsffinamotorcade, one fighter who uses the signedlegalizing concealed in taxravenue, Walker and has exceeded weapons, requtring photo Republicans who control campaign, Governors, he the “general” safely inside nom do guerre Taicha saId average. noted, rarelyhaveasignifi a blackToyota SIN with no at a checkpoint In the town ID at the polls and last the Legislature passed an Per capstaincome growth month’s righl-to-werk $Boomilliontsx-rut pack- cant impscl onjob crealion. licenseplates. efKrasny Luch. Most rebels in Wisconsinesceeded per “Thissiowrate ofjobgruwth Nearly a year into the won’trevealtheirfullnames law, are cenlralinhiastump age. The state is on pace to capita American Income speechashepresentshim. collect only about half of is nothingnew,” Berry said. Ukraine conflict, theextent forfearofrctahaUonagainst growth. efMoscow’s direct involve- theirfamilies. selfas a man ofaction with the tax revenue previously Walker “wasn’t afraid a record of conservative projected,oxacorbalingiho —fellowScoltBauer on menthasbecomeclear:They Whenlhe townofDebalt to set big, bold goals to Twitter athllpa://twiller. maywearcamnuflsge,butthe aeve finally fell to the accomplishments. latestbudgetproblem. get Wisconsin back on M. Kevin McGee, an “We dug ourown hole,” csm/ohauerAP sad Nicks- Russians’presencehs eastern separatists on Feb. 19 after trsck, saidAshLoe Strong, laeRiccerdiathlips:// Uloainelshardlyinvisible. weeks of fighting over the economist at the Univer- said former stale Sen Mike apokeswoman for Walk- sily ofWiacoesin-Oshkouh, Ellis, a Republican, adding Iwilier.csm,NickRlccardi Allhesamelhne,Ihere has railroadhub, the truevictors er’s political group, Our beenalacticalshiftapparently werelonggone. said Wisconsin’s job per- ihathestlllilithksthefiscal American Revival. “The formance kept pace with picture is better than when aimed at minimizingRussla’s “Our friends helped us,” governor is now tskinghiu rntlilarypresencc,partofan said Andrei, a fighter who its Midwestern peers until Walkertook office. reformsdeaslhatledtolh,s Walker took office. Then Hcadinginlolhisyosrlhe fieIding’s effort to perauade the West fought in Debaliseve. Unlike economic success In Win- lolift economicsunclions. his platoon, whicliliad noth it fell behind. His theory state faced an $800 million OH Si Propane Co. conssn and sharing them Walker’s public sector shortfall just to continue Visits by The Associated tngnewerthanaT-72laaik,he nationally.” Press to training grounds saidtheRusslanshadmodern union moves, and ssbse- spessdingatthe currentlevel Heseily reliant on masu- quenthonefit cuts,shocked and $2.2 billion when state FUEL OIL like those near Yenakieyeve T-9os. Like other rebels, facturing, WisconsIn has and Interviews with dozens Androiwouldnot givehislasl those workers into cutting agencyrequests were taken perennially lagged the consumer spendiisg. into consideralion, Hisplan of rebels revesl thatRussian namobocausehlsfamilylives nation Injob crealion and armed forceu spearheaded inaUkralno-conlrollcd area. “What happened here often used fiscal tricks to changed the behavior of ‘°°‘° some ofthe major aeparat- Alexel, another fighter, paper over budget deficiis. 239 enough people in the state etaeeauaaais st offensives, then swiftly became animated when Walker vowed to change EasyPeytedgefPlaoaAvaiiabte withdrew. asked about Russians in the that it affected economic ‘“‘,““ C.Ito,K-l Ce,nsma Priei,ig that when he ran in 2010, growth,” McGeeaaid. emms”av.. More recently, as a shaky battle for Debaliseve: “I’m His most renowned move, Partomeath (603)436-2005 cease-fire Russians Other analysts question has taken hold, notgoingtohidett: lust six weeks into his first Dever (603)7424800 Russia haskept feworlroops werehere. Theywontinand that, noting that Walker’s tonnin 2011, was to curtail union changes didsave tax- Rathester (603)335-8003 in Ukraine but increased leftquickly.” public unioni’ collective rebel training, NATO and an Igor Sutyagin, a senior gpwwhlelo payers $3 billion in health n.surs esv. my 1-800-491-3194 independent London-based research fellow at the Royal bg dp n tt forcing them to pay more lating into more money in vwmW:mgm Th Ow 0 Russianscbolarestlmatethal United Services Institute in Oidetaaf200 oe mace forpensionnndhealthcaet people’s wallets. On the nallaes Russia has several hundred London, has spent montlss benefits, eesaive an additinnC2f off. military trainers In eastern collecting evidence of the trail, Walker emphasizes PC.mSdm Ukraine. RussianpresenceinUkraine, : Since hostilitlea began csmisgupwithanexhauslive LIGAL NOTICE LEGALNOTiCE around mid-April last year, listefcombalformalions. NoTIce OP PUBLIC INFORMATIONSESSION NOTiCEOPPUSUC INFORMATiONarsatos STATEOF NEW HAMPSHIRE STATEOPHEA HAMPSHIRE BITEEVALUAT1OSCOMMITtEE LeaI Natis. anr EVALUATIONCOMMITTEE Appisaten ef PaNjo 5a,dce Campaoy SI New Hampshire illS/a S5raetad MefrapaStan Plaeoiea Orgaia tics Eo,aos,ss EewarlcvaCndiOantu 01 BIn aodPadldy to, the PoIlcyCameilBeNMeesna and Ecensures Es,rgytar a Cartiftoata at BI, and PeniSsyfaethe Coxnkusliae of a New Is5kVElecRlcalWaesmimlon Wee PUBLICHEARIN5 Cacatesolise se a Naw 115 kV Eleslilcat Transmission line Rae, (cam M.dba,y5aknla5ax toPoHevosth Sabetssun Fnd,Appls7,2ols t.0O—It:OSAM Madbury Substation to Peelsssasth Bubatallac Public Santo. Cumpnoy at Neu Hat,,puhoe AC/a toe,nuuvs Ero,gy llr.fford ReaiunalP1annin Cammiaslan p,,SU, 5Os Cmp,vy cI 5,5 b’yO.I.c 0.50 Es,svs,rr Evs l’Euosflmbe’l alB ‘old a roUte ivtm,tollo, asCot’ to ivtopn Co tOOWakalield 55ee1, Salle 12, Hanm IA, Cnntacanae Rsaht.leNH iE,s’saoes3 505 held a Pr0e Hrwai,c msUv is ,.fsw, Cs uwxil mmd pubIC chest the Oe.seeast RollabStyP,plest and ha A,p5m5oo AGENOA mcI, ibmtth.,5eocu,stS.A,bIOeP,esaI avOtsA,pL,.a5mlma CoOS/ale to, e ceaisp.at. at so. ord Faoitly i’APpioattor’l to 000atuot a 1. InlredaoOann /Slsr.dFas5’yfAppl,&ls,’)Is,mevvl cue bancaaatoo line C ate Ssa,oant ,aiioo at Nao Hamp.hi,a. 2. elaeCem,na,,lealine. E’,esos,ee Is epndeg to 51:10a ecu lit kioroH (Oft, eppionlmately a. Pablo HmvRg IS kIIcssH 04. spp,sslvasC,j l5’vi. emm’.essv5y boO.ns •““°u 13m0, t,aby,iueIuo in. b.tuneo eutslC st’batabo,s I,, Madbs,y cod 3.1 201I-2e26 Stateo’adaTen Year “odn,,outfltu ennu,a rdOsCyatlhsusaed’eadyuovnbainedel.ulOaC T’anupmtasinn twtaroae,nevlPluo -Pvojael Li,linu.End at lfrdym.55&,,.d ilcvtmil sOd sd ww Cv ,apoly vme,,ihg dova,,d far mid iC mont me vapidly vcmenin damned fovposeoo ii,. Seacoast. PsbbsCoeo,,mtlflarisd PS”,, 5” C• 5acsuzz. Tl,a parmmd f.n.ll,y “H to kesmol,, l,e Ths,ss 0 TI,e p’spxs,d taSlOyjoal Os tuoatod A ho Tucota at Oladbtry Salary, 4. Anean leo si— Malls,, Required Mo5S/,y,,O,oO. ald Nesl”afsv. asS ha ClyvfPs/arsstl,. 7l,a t,ktyo.S eM Nsoiebynx. sod Cs CAy of PedwaruOt 11,. laOkft all dcc oqsivo so andercatar emsdtq at LItIe Say for appiortI,at,ty eta etc aod 4,1 Apiaru”o OO57-202t Staeeuido Too YearTustaps5atinn Civ aqo’. as ,sv/svsaS/ ssS/5 C LIESil tar ,pp’cCwzf etyv.ts s, lv impisuement Pian-Pqect UnIon vs4esailsr,to5,esoesfalim, H Made,Pr avlPs/arnrals mudifeiutlsiululha nubstviorutn Mndbo,yondfloeenouth. 4.2 Approon UPWP Bsdazl aod Soup. stWctk tcmss,saiflusvvslsesApplsatmtsth Oslsssecvpiltki Ef.ECiIs,, Euesotoe ml sour lIe IIa ApeS,aiop wOOlb. Nm, HampCtiis alt. 4.3 OreS StPO Min,Oen at Mach 20, 2515 Cevv,lUa ‘CEO’).ASS 152-5:10 ,,qosas cot as appears, ta a C.’lIccs tsduunoCammltasf5tC’5555tt2-H:tO,aquOesthilanappkeavslar Ce/IS/Cs at Situ cod Fasi5lphvld at lanesno. pubis zilomeatlso aensloo B. DIuoasnice 11amlul 51 Ct arC FmttyI’CJ stl.,t as- rsHs 0S/,,.stiss 1s ,sth vs.stty 5,1 CampS/la Client, Ssb’Cun’ntiltee so,,” II,, tuOty ,,5 U, torMeC, C . vvwvv. 50 poas 0, iv sect’ estoly sfio’a the outcsed tau/ly w.tibebcaled, at ao,iCmon, ““ev’d d. 35 days p/ar In 4mg Apylualias’. 0 auoardaoua ndth ha ilalula. 6. Preicol UpdaIe 1.1 fA,tat0o Appt,raisv. iv asssidama ste Ca statue tearusoso armhOd C. tus’anu,ce sill Ituld poOHulvtoooattnv In St,atS/,d 6.1 CIties, Ailvamy Committee ifo,yOiOs e,&ss v500tod Cosvy/’v0. di’alFalTsl ttlSdbs.y em eon/se Cosiy sbi, n&adaTi ttte Tames eltdodbuyacd Ot,thas4.odonepublelotumatOs e,2 PoCarniance H eanuars Update oil Omt.cv) asS ma eves vts,,rstlav z55Cu iv Rcskçhov Seamy &evic tlyamys coneS’ e 0000naham Cosyly CouI’adioathatun,, ofseioloalo, and Ata e.3 vCvdCgtTarm slN,,,vtv 50th, 0yvt emsesol).At emscecstvs. COyotPuearemOtl.Meuut,asssluv,Cun,uouoowipiosealiotermaliun 5.4 Pu’S o RidoTootke-Pmnt silO OneimuMy Tinuduig the plc(eul and ho pubIC all t,ava the oppodu,tty to e.B RadWeiCeg Coop Bob Janni So stvt5a0y Is PrrCde svfunis. lye UtOC fowoSev snOs,, ml by pine/c aceimoots. The pvhto Ctu’matrn sos/op suUOs tonsasibrd 7. 055., Eualnsan ,i,’,vv,b,dmat,, ,,;am’ ssdtoreseamo,Wgeewat.aOcosoCptnlthssssstaouhiohmillb. B, CliMe,,’; Fswm — Citicene onIOns itt be ,o0,t.esadts tt5ES alvgarte luOppleato, nonmiCed lotte StCalsou siththe/ppleatioq. the Stalled eino eootmuettles ate nOted so speC.’ owe on Th bttallo,d Caunty psbi’a nfar,eati atom co tn the brascaul She arplout mstt1t stIlls tnestisg’s eqesde. Stalemrntn minI Os I,rjest oil) bclt’ild cv ThoaCip 0cC 23. a015 too ZOOI’Mix lemledtothsee minulvo lekabihft Peajesl aribuheld oo Wudoesday, Apul 22. 2015 tom 705 PM to9:OOPt’fatOystvHeictIil. SOS/CS Cotale/a.S5Casthnn, Do/coy, H. Adinsmm.nt Reanunablaaeuonsudatioes1mpeoplau4Ihd.nabiittlana’eauCte Noxltneipsitin. Vh.pabyrcvtm”atio, ,y,,ts,, vOUb.dareyp,sd,d by “Opvt tlm,frsy, spec eqspnI. ivctodo a doscdptinv sllha accommodation you uS TispoWtvIolsn,ula,, ssnsiusdbndCes5Iypisocdsdbyoo0pvttFluusa 5:50 PM In 7:00 pM oPe’ p’csst ,.ps;sst.tves ci 0 maCiN. C from5:50 PM to 2:Ot PM Mere peijee ,ee,onevlalbies uS be uvulublr 0, flood rnCIIIdbiOas maul, doted an yes coo ytosne. Also inciuda. slc,xelo, ear000,Othco,otaat asS miss,qonOar way we cx’ contact yes ii we reM more .ntarmetios. Last nieute ptnold.IvtewsUonoovaayivthap,oplot audacco., qus.1tOvs. esquests ml be aoeeptad. hot may be I,,tposslblu to t,iLSeed at buenS ovuvet as d,eiHd 0 lOs T,coLvlaslae lrloeootalo Woe al amoS le veeOslvaffa,d.ara or caB em-usa-atm baO-52u5334 ncl,avsmis,Isplulntheoeesau,ssoom,

______It ______

dy 1.9) IL Iy dy jj E LL flI Iv LL I o IL1t j It i v 1I — t ii -;:IA LL 2tI IL (“LL Lit IIIL) HlI (IFI I’L ILL I!LC ‘.r) 1(9) , IlL fL L’J6LGI I€II ILIO VI ‘‘ILM I.LlI1 Vi ‘IdLP1J P110 ILL IPJ .J — L OWLVi IItPI:d ‘ I d 1. I . ‘4l.; t JUI I “6 ‘P In LINNII :.!v:r; •..4LI .1 IJ •Ij ., ti LILK,II.\VgJ :.i LLLL() .Wl OILIMI wi I.L: I’ 10 LT L IL P’L”LI [)(‘ -1141 ‘I IL L! j!’fl /)f/4 1.IVU : L:—IL)L) IiIl.IC) IWI L’ , pI’II ) T-L’’ ‘IL .I V XWIICU ‘Th’LIL ‘ PL’ ‘‘! I 14 1 A % lVL)LlJOI W\OUVL 1ViLri -I L P’Ifl I$V’LL .LPLI VI I4LPL’M I I’lO I ‘ ‘II PPI’I’ _ ,J IOl LLLf) 1 4 V I’L CI L 1 I II d tL$ 1 • LL L LL1.I% !p;, !) ‘I ‘ PU” 1 I”I j. . . —j I?,. LL 1L I . I I ‘ ‘I ii I I 1 I ,. J I II L I . !?LLLLp LL ‘I J . 1L)I I) •L 1P I’’’ L ; :L)L I L(1 )‘ “ LLj .., . ‘“i i•. p.’t): ) L, .I.’;L B1LI . ‘ %?.L.L i’ ‘.““ Ii L.J’I”LL IL .iLL;jL . ‘‘L! II I P ) LI I!L,q I U. L4 4 (IdI PI’IUI% :I.1:)1 PLP .1 A:! .(( L ))J )‘ ) “J’lCJL’ VVi .11 :ILI •‘ ‘‘1r V L.’!91.L *!PII •“.‘• I’ I .LIILIIfIVlSL. ri’’9lI . L l It’I ‘‘I I I I NI I] LII flI JL 9 I ‘1 PP 1 I II :L W PU1’ LI! v. •‘1.1’li)I)J’ ‘ I1’L ,, — ‘1• (I L d .)L $.W1CLI1ql ‘1.”’ *)L k1 U’ LL I ‘1j pL) ‘q ‘I I1’ “ILJ )L *1 )1 l l LÀ 1, *d ‘ • P’ ‘ 1” L } J$ •% j- pq p :q £ ‘tl1 ii 1lU Ilfl MILL I ,?q’; iL ] wg L l11 1 ‘ 111 - I,. I ‘P’ I ‘I I1’ •i • 1 1’I I •‘ L:..]?•.:L L) ‘4 ‘“IrQ In L’ i ) I” ‘ &LLL1I L’’.’ ‘1 )) I 1 1 P q I IL y L JJ’:L I I ] I II •1 iilLV “I ILPL) 21V O £L ‘I w.pr’:c)’ .I l’’L -UI I Id.’I v — rt r II P ‘V I LI ,. •: ,) ‘1 U -‘II Lt”(I ILLLJ!) I!l ( I j •‘ 1 •‘.- I! I I • , L . , i1I 1’ ‘‘I.1 y 9 I” L JLp 1. ILe’J i I .q’14 L.’’I .I’1.I I)’1t I Idp I’.P Ill L l L: Lq • r •n r ‘ ‘11 w 1 I I 1 I 11!1 l c I I L4.1 u I d% I C I c 1)Il. 1 (PI 1< I I LSV ø Ii’ ‘P . ‘P L 1 II’ •I’ !I P IIflL I’L-”I ! 1IL I I 1 l’ I I 1 £ Il II I Ill I I 1 I (1 p I p p I IJ • p I P fp pp’ I 1 II ) NI .I P .1N’lL II” LI :1 lL ‘N •‘PI aiv II:1 Il I$ ‘•‘ ‘a Ni ‘ II I’ • p)::))’;L;L 5)] lIL ITIitlIUi (kfIIIiII..Li II XLI l:PIL P VI’Il:I ,,, L.LII.i I’.’ L I L. ‘ I iiIl11A 1111 •I t1c NI £ ‘4 I 1”’ I I I 1 I W P Th PILL U F P N ‘‘IW .$ P II:{Iv:1:1Ii ILIVLN111411I ILVLI IV NIL II;) L.dI NV i!VL . I,I1ILI II :4:I:)IIIIL.iYI1111.1 lIlt P LLl t’a . LLLII )I L Iq I CL IWL I P Itt [lIlt IIL1 L It I U 01 V p P 1 lU. V :tIVV PILl 111311 II lIllSJlLlI)lj (TLCV.1LIS:uv SiSlVlll (1iL NIIIVI V •.1tt.. ItlL’ 1 IJIV IIa SItl JLVVIV 111111 tIIll llllll 1 •: I V Vll: I 031 P dII I P Il INdIt VI I I VIII Ill It IL PP P11IIll I It U 31W i ‘U lJ dLI VIII I l 1 I 1111L JIll U P Pill VJV I I I U JlJI It 1113]) 3,11 IILIM U. VI . VI IL 11 L .1 Il I 0 II 1 fl .. VII Sd 11 IV. ! IThIL I I II V A VII 01 L I V a li IVi L 111131 .IPPA 3111 VIII 3)1,1111111111.11 IINLIU3VIIIIVt’!113 LVII VIII l’tll1ILI V 3J1L11V 11113 LIV ,.V111 I’lL 1lIll l .‘ll’l)tll •Vl’ I tltl I1 314 GIlVIUt 31W P311113114(IJIVII 4’lt•1% 1311V111V1l.I13. 01 3V.113tl 1wt11:VII1IRIV:K14 P ll 1’ .Illl%.l.3ttl) 14l1. LhLNiV ._3 I V JI11II It 1113. dIll I 1 3U R L I I V 1 1 I ILL It j ‘ V jill I: •N V lt* 1111 “ I I 11 11111 VI p 1 V I fl 1 I c PI 1 4V I I 1 II ..i’p1ll%.llll1l:l.tlIlll1l 111 d 1’ 1plll3t1 ‘II 1lLll14 p11NV.ll ‘l1lP I3!I 11 :$13plll3l?:1t$l; It tlt V’14 V 111 WI ILl VIII Io •3 TPdV lI1 ‘j.) hI3V Ill I V Ni l1l ‘d NI t1)(V IVV IN I4l1 I llllllll VV1lllI,ill V lIt ‘Ill t-l.:;I LIV 1061-1 fl 5l ‘11111111 . VIVId NY Q111 0 tO IIV4V IILoll SI VH14IIIHW34jjl1Ip •l%l 3111’ IIVllp WV q I) 1l lIlt t1ltV1dltp14 V lttt j VIIII tlPll ‘V I%l •)1 :1%1)l •llt ll,tll,,l’ NVO•11 V S lPV V’P ‘- 3IVJIILI_14111111 II PNl Kt1( %VlllpllI1.l)lbl1P .n’v’llqd V tt,Lt’l LIII IL VII? ILIVI14II . )( fl141 1 I VII I3t1I1 I P I I I 1 .. VI” /LIP I V Rd I I w I P II 11’ ) I .1 1 I ‘V?d VVJI l NI I II I I ,, 11 A II Vl% ‘l’t1 L1 P1 I t.tI II LILVIVJ “ • VI’ N Il? tlI.l q I V” l1tl P131’ liLt tI .lttj VI :11 l.ll’1.? VI I I V hq I I I I H14 t V Vd _ I’lfl’V2 ll V I • 1 , 14 1 V I c I I I L I I £ I V SdVI ‘ 14 14 . V V 3 1 I 3M IJVS It 13l3 I , I UINW NO13VIVV I I ‘$ 1 I 1I 14 t I 11 ‘. I I ‘ V.t)l11•d Ip .‘Nt11 VII’ q 11 1l1IV ‘1 F” tllV 11110MN3B•U AVVN 01W UOO 3Jfl14l33alRl VlVd’li . 41111131411.13 1111111 CllIl.Nl I Ill 1111111lIp) ltl.11t4 V 13131 pl.qll.IIl13V l’UVIl1 N)tl . •34 •Il MVVW.I) 1,111 NIl 1 t.tV 11ltlll 114111111 3 Vl1l) 14. .111 V14IfV3C p ;‘ llN’1 IV I’ II I3lil I14) I 1 I1•?1•:.)) 3S t lll% lIt V 23.14 ‘Il Ii 1113111,J oJ VIOLfl3 VP V1 •1V33 W WI )ION .11 VtL1.q I7 I. Ill Pll1 :Lll%.V lO3lILOMV.2VV91WOW ‘p tIlt 3 Ill 11l VI VI III .V”j NIl lU It )IO Ie5ai . U3JOVdIY11U4Q 3’lVf N e,!ION I MMM 11 I ° P J I IVI iai V 1 I V P •V 11 a,io 1 L’ I7 I 1 i 14 Ic3’11t ‘Pl 111 PP V 13 LII I . LI •Il LI I NP I I1VV %\ CL 111111 ‘VIP 1% )PVd’l”VI II I • VS d VI V ltVI VII .113 ‘111VI4 VIVI4 lVIp 1P434J11 1111111114 LLV3dO)LdW24O 3 :d AWl 31 •V’111440IIVISIIIVVPJIIl’1l 1‘l1il III ‘VI l%VI’1IV Vt’]11II 1131 411VI13 1% VS 140VI11ON 3OVVI14OR. OILVlIOSSV 140V011WTh ll VI 1111111 VIl1 :.II VPI131I IWIVlI’11VJI ‘ZV)OI1VM1V3UJ NOIWI14OHVDVOlO tllVVIl Ifi VI VIII ‘I t : ‘9 VpVllt V1 IllIP 1 1IV%V WIIOIIVN ‘WVU3.l D11VI3O5V 9VIILOK 11D11Vl3OUV1VlO114VN 14’1Vl . I I IVI lIIl$ltll’VIlV I*II%11 1 P11111 tIlL P1 PIlVI lViiOllVM 1V1VIUd iwvg SVH14IlVOOWdt MOliVVIOSV VOYDIZOW — DIlll4’lZl 1111 t l IVIZI IVVI!1IIVIVI)V Z)1.D’V I’ “VU tILL 1 ‘VII IV IlIP PtNt ‘IV ‘IVOl1VZ1VZaQ31 Ill V 11111 VIII Il 1.111113111V ‘k’ IDIWI!pIV tq IlIllIllItlr IIDV3’LLVII ‘VI13 ‘V Vl14 VI $lP$lIllVI 131% ‘l?3 II 1401 LI II.)VIV VI4VI11) DIDl1lI ID .14 II t11 I’I V IV II ‘IV ‘P11 Il’l VVI l ‘VI II ‘1l VLl V’V VZ lVIIllI.I .lll : VIqD’VpI %lI Ill’ lltIl 1”‘Vl “VIII IL%N V VIII 1114 III’ 111111 P1111LIP 11111 Vlt:1Vllp lII% 1131V lIjI III Ill p11111111111113 Id p Ill :3.11 III Ill II111 IIVIVIII VI II LIII) IIII!1I tIIlI% .V’V VIII tVV’I I11111111 VIIVNIV’IIVIlIDIU’l.’flVll:I%VIIII Pll; I, 114PI VI II3II IIlll1’1llI ‘lI)lV IllII1l11 II1III)II’I 191 111111Ihit ID IVIIMZ 1IVII 14.111:11 11111 1VI ‘V I’VVI’’3 I1%IIVI1 IVI III l l’RVI III 1 1llllI1 VV .Vtl ‘1111 IIZIIIII’IIIV 11 IlLIlID 13111 14IlVp 114.’ll1I’11IV rn IlIl; lIlt £‘1 Ilt Ill I’ I l’V1 V1LL3 VI LIIIIIII3II 11 IVI IIIVII14VIII Ill II1ll1IIl)t41 314 ‘VII ‘‘Ill’ lIDI III 1 VI II ‘IV 111111431 l1tll’lI 1111 111’I’3 It.IJ pl1I*VI VI .IVI I!Il .111111111 II I’VI1 II ‘111IVIlIlID ;::I, III l III’ Il IIVI 1V1 V IllI Vtt llt’ I1VIVI 11111 II. VIlIl. I, .)t’VI VI l!l I?I. Il! ;I llIlldlVIl :14 VI ‘IVI’lI 3’ III .IIVIIW VI VII ‘It ‘l II 111 VII ‘1.1 I ‘tI Ill ‘VII IllVVI I) IIl Il’ 1I ‘ “S III’ VI I lIPID II It Il ) IlllL 1111II 1) IIt I IV VII ‘VI 1 VIllI ZIlIlIP II IIV’II IpIll 1111111 ‘11111.131 1 V 1 P141 II II llLI] 31 .III’VI lVIIIIVI II IpIq flI VII )V4VI VI “VI lIlt III 1,1 Il 11111)1 III1IL II 1VIIII 411111 IL 1111111 II I 3 lI IlIl VIl IlI 3 V’V III’ 111 ‘)Ill!II ‘l 111% III I’ 111411 14111111 I VI ‘rI %VII’V IVIlIV lI’ll.l11I III 14111L1Z11 III .1IPlIli II III 1 111.1 II) 11111111 I 11111 I lit l11 llI 131 l:IV 141 II V’IIV II III 1411 II Ill III II 111111! VI 1111 III )ll1l1.Ill:lI 111131‘1 II.’V’Il ‘V 1) lI1VI 11 1 Ii II tIlt ‘I VIII •V V1”t I”l l1IIIIII.IIl tlI’ ?1I:I,VI II 9 ‘VII 3I?’V ‘IIVflV11 LIV III 11111 Il1’I .VVIl. II II ‘VII ‘V 131 “V 1,111IJ ‘I3 1111 11111 1! III 14 (I PIIIIIVI’IUI’V I. 11111 411111 VIVI l’VI11’ I V II ‘ I tIll III k1V. 1111’.1 VII ‘lIlIIVI1Il lIlt llII)I lIVIV1VII l VIIII1I III .I’.;,III I,lII ‘II II 111113 II VIII II 111111.‘ql I’ 1111.] ‘VIIIIIII ‘%Ill 111111 VIP ‘V VIII III III 113 II.llji..t ‘1 4l1ll 311111.111 p 111111ll VI III VIlill II )II? I)1IIVI I1IIIVIl’ II1IVVII 4 Z1I1I. IlILIVI.-lI 114 .11411111.lVVIV3 V .1411VII lI1Ilp II I1I1V1 lII-lIIIIII114II1 IVIDI .)‘J l’ ‘VIII 111111 t 1 II. , 1111UI’)( .111111 I JI 11111 1.4 .VV. 1IIl1I ll’ipI IlIp 1111 flI$II ll’ I’1]IlIl lll’V V-lI 1 IIIIII1tIIlIIIIIl 11)111 VIII. —Ill’ VI lIIl I VIII II ll’1II II I I1VILIII 12 111111 _‘1111’ 14VIN11111 ‘lIIpl’I IIVVIIIV_ ‘111111 D I1DI III flVI 111,1 plI14 V IL’V Ill It’ll 1411) I:c I II’II II “IVI ‘VI III LIII! 1.13 III IlIlIl ‘IN V’IlI:I VII’ I’ 1111 ‘III IV) I1IIIZ II p11 t 11111111 1111 l.IIZ VII1INI IIIIl’IlI’II’ 4I1 ps IIli4IIIIIp3 V1LIIIlI•1IPlIl IIII 1111111111 Ill IIVI I’lId 111111I IIIID VIII Il 1PIV 114 1111)111.1 II VI’ III ‘IIlIII I %V1 ‘III I’III1I 1 1111 pI.IIIII 1 Ii 111(1IV VI VI 11411II II 141 IVI IVIIIIIII II; . t p. VVI.3. ‘111111JI 1 11 IVIItV 1tII1J)l’V DI111111 VIIpp:1 ill 1 ‘lIp 1q1i’ 11111l1II11 I.:IIlI.1qI Il’VII1 11111 P111 q ,p III 1111131,11 VI II II lIlVI1111111411,111II,1l1’111 rID II11IpILIllVIV% 1114 11,11: IlIl 111111111I LIIII Il’Il l I’ll “VP’ V.:l1l pIVIIIVVI IVIt’ll I .1111111111111111111LVII lIlt 11111111111 II1IIL Jll1IpIlIiIi I L’U14IL’ .113111%’ p111 11 11 flIL 1114 I VIVIVIIVI p1111tIIVII ‘ VL 113111311 II IIIIIIZ 113,111 Nt.IIV’ ItlIppill IlVI.’I1D III 11111 lIVIlPlV Ill 1111111111V ‘1113%1IL P1:l11ll l ‘11111II 11lIp1llD1’ IIl’II’l 113 VI’ IpI, VI 111 11111111 111111 11)111-1 11l3 VIII ‘ ‘11’ IllIll 4IIVIVV,IlIfltDLI14 lI11I1VlI3 I/Ill I3 IIIIVlIl I 1111111111 111 I,%VIVP’iI,VIl 11 NIVVV 11V1I’Il1INIIIV”ll N lIII’IV 11111,111 1 IIII’I 1114: ‘tIll V’I II V1IDV V)iI p.l 11111111’ 11111 1I ‘1 .l,,II’p.,I1 VIIII. 11411 II’ VV!II II III! ‘11n .“II” 131) VIP”VP “Il”I”’IVI 11111.14111.1 ‘“LIV V IV’ V”VP”Il” LIlVIL ‘V pI1lVII Ill 11II ‘I1 II VIII IVIP VII 1111111II.!11VI?l3 IIZq l’ 11111 p’IplI?I II •14IIVI,IIIZI 11311 1411’‘. 1”I’ ,l1,t1l,1111.’: pZ IIIIIIVIII lP1%11 IIIIIIIIIIIII1l11IMI.1113I1111141?IlII Pi’I” 1.111111111’4IlIl II’ 1111111‘VIII 1111111 1”’ I II( IN 11,1 11Ii’IIlI I I. 11411 1I1 II t’ ‘IVII (‘PIPl $1 11,‘III II VVIV 1* V):Ip p11111)1 II •V1lI’4I1IVI 1131 14111 14’ It’ll II VIIII1II%I1% NIP 114141 II I’ll’ lIIll1I.1IU 1ppIqlIfl1 pIVIIIIl1 1113 1 lIllIp V 1111 lIp II IIIfi3 1I1’I • 1113 II I%I ‘lll3)1II 11311 ‘3 ‘“P V NiVIlIVI p 111 lq PIIIVI) “I .II,V%I, 1.11111“1:’ “ Vt’ 11,11111 lII)t’14’V 111111lIp I IIIIJ .Iltp)IIIIl ‘I” tfItVIII) 1111131 p11111111111 ‘.33 II V l ‘Vi I! 1111111! 1lVul’VI I I” Zl’I ‘pIll “VIII IIII1I’VV) I11111’II 11111 II VIII) I’ll III.’ VIII II PlC I” I 11114141 ‘1 111111, 1113141111 111340 P1111141 I” ‘IVI 1II II’11%’ lIp V P11’1l’ll1 II I’rn”d.p V I ‘III III1111111’VII I’PVVIVl l’I.I*V1414L1P1DII1)IIlU 1 IISW. DIVIVI p: 31 IIIIIAI:I1’Il 11114113114 P111 .11VVIP4t I’YIi 1IIV11L31 P111111 VP ‘-“.4 VI IIll)I p I ‘I I’ IL P V LV I I P ‘VIII P1111 (1111,11’ 11 VI I; I 1111:’JI3 “I II” ‘II III) ‘IjI 1.111111 .111111,1 ‘I’ II “LI IIVI II 11111‘II I” I’IlI 11111 1111’.‘I II’t. ‘III P1 111111IItI,, 1111,1 1II’lIqI II’p11IIIIAIlIII)I VI *111111 111111 1,111 VI. p1 1114 II ZIZIVIVIIVVIVIJ,IWL VlIlI41114 tIll 1111 11111111%:: li3IpII IL tIl’1LIIIIIIIIV “I 1115 “I’ lIp V 31141 ‘VI V “IL IVI1’)III’11I1 I) ‘LIII ‘Ill II SII’V, IIIII3 VII qI’IlII 31111 VIllq’VIIIII’IlIIlI.t’ 14 III I..IIIVIp .111111111?P1114111 IIIIIIVII)I)Vt I’ll I ‘1tlIlIIl t,,I II1p.%IJ,VI 143.1111 £111111114111IJ 11111 41111%I l.VZlIÁtttl1 ‘IIII 14144111II II) 11111114111)111111VI 1 ;I DIII) 1111V IVIII4L lVl1I1 II 1311111111ll1lililllI II I’D IIIVIIII1P IpIlIVI I’VIV)1114 lIp 1111111 1L’ LI DIII: 11111 IV IGOPVOLtI‘‘VIl’III ‘VI’ ‘IIlIVIII ‘I’ILIIlIZIVILIlIVll!VI’l’I hIP 1111V ‘ I’IPI’I it’1 ‘VI11111 lL1%1lI.ll1__111’, I’ll V II IV .V VIII1IlI1lltLlIV 13 ‘III‘1111 II ILVI II I”ILI 1” II’ 111113 1 .I’ IIlllI’II I’ .VIIIIIVI I1IIV3IV ‘V 111*’1IIII)%V 1”II 11111.11 )Itl lIp II 1111%1111 111111111:11111 *h 46 SNZZL “V 11 1111) 111” 1”” ‘ 1 1111II I ‘III •‘lI’l Ii’. DIIIN).1111141111 V,1 VII IV “1111’11 II1NII1IIII3 ‘IlIlIlIlIl III, 111111tl VI 1111111,,’ III I,,’! 14 “1 ,I1,’ 1,111:111 141I’ldI.’ 1V1V11111 jV V 1t1191j V II P 1l I V I I II I A ;:‘ 1 11DV , I I 11 1111 14 Ills I’ ‘VIp ‘p •‘. 31 VI l:I’1I,Il11r:, ‘1flII.IIl”IVI “II ‘lIDIV tIll “‘VI ‘lIVI’ Ill l)I’lVI 1V.W1I ‘I11IVD$’lIt”VIIZIIVIPD 111411111 II ‘VI III’ 11111111 1 “1 . 1’ VI I’VIZ11.t1-V’V ‘I flIIIPI VpVIV11IlVIlll11tVI111 III rIll 11’) lIZ’ 111111 Ill I’I 111111!, ‘111111 pIIV ‘IIIIIII1I’ ‘Ill’” P ‘l t{VIi 31:14 “I” ‘l IllI 1 ‘ IV ‘‘V l’ll p’Il ‘V 1IIIIllII VlIlqlp’I11[LI LlDI’lll1II1lII 01131434 OP1IPI1PS lILt tIlt’ 3113 31113 ‘JII1l’%4’Vt.IVIIIIID41l’IlI ‘11 III’ I114PIIV1LI1IILL.IIUI’II1111 ‘IpI QZt IlsIll I VVIVII 11.11 II 1111 11D11111p 141111111141 IV” V31144’ 1’I.14V tIlt 114311 lIt. 01 13)113 I13’13113II.V3111 SIll’ 3’IWI’IIV P113VIPlI IV111.11‘I” Ii” ‘IIl1.II:’I I ‘11 ‘ 111111 V II,’Z:VI1 Ill DIII 1:111131 IV CVII] 2114111143(IVYlILVIP ‘3 01 lVflV3N VIII 1330. ‘ 111 VT1I1NO51131’KJ3IPDS3111 11113’ O1.1NiJ GPL11I3131 11111Vk)P ati ‘VIII 14 ? III 11 1131 4. JCV It “VII Ill I I 3 I4LLIV13IIVIV,.11I44111 Vi ‘11111 IAIIIVIJJL 3’ 3 33 III 141 I N’V’l ,1113 ‘114 V13 13 IV thlIl’1S11111 1314’ VI 1I ‘V 1313’V14VI343 ‘V11 11111111111ll1l% Xl ILV11J IlL IP3IV.UII 1.114NIIVI1II II11V’J 1.1114 3111 14313 141111111RI1I 13114 lIlt. 11143 14’LVJVV11111 IV 11111111111.11143lIP 331ViI 11411 111111131 VII VII N N 11141!, I14111.I14JW11It1I.1S14ILL.1411141 11111142111111411114II AVVhl.I 3111 ‘IY3IVUI1 LIV 143141113114QILIVI 1411114313 1114I1I14W.IIH UVLVI -3111411111 11341 24L1N314IW14 11 I ‘V r tL, I, V 111IV 41 %. IL ILL 3111 U. rI t ii 41 3 1144.. 3 9 V’JI’l 11111 WV IIII1IIIII:Itw 1.1 II Ill 111 01 111131 V 11111 10.1IVIL IICLI V.3l1IIIJIPl%tl1414ILM1ULI1II 1III,I11IIIIJ11IIPtII::1V:UUMILUII -111011lIlt IIDITLIILl.VLVIOJ 3111 0’ 3)14 4V Pt (VI VI IL S’ EVIl P114 VI 110. P V.11 VIIIV a I I I 0314 1 L 1111141 111113 *11111:141.114131:1111 -LII 11’1X II1IIVIM1I 11414 111 131sI114 tIll IWIILIIVIIW3IA L13I 11141 L1;VVHI’I3II:VW .311 1411 IVIII Ut 3111114 14111141110.1.VI11 1314 IV 14308 III3S 10,13 C.W 311141 lIlt 3311V1 V’VI111IIW)lP314 VI 1311111114 VVIIIVIIWII 1431 VI 11731134 VIII .W4i3Il’V113111 II IV till 31)11 1411111111 14ttP11ll 111114 1414 1111 Ph “I IPVII V 11111 33111411 ‘43111 :1111114:11111lIlt VI i\V.tiIIIl 11111V311I3114 13SI11314’IU3’IVI .11:3 IPI%’NI!tI ‘111111 I IlpIll IIV,t 1111V’u1 l 91’O)l .Il1,iV’ ‘l IVIJ tILT Il 1111 II 113 1144 ‘1p1114 1111114311111311114il 133.t03 4111 p’’ “L ‘Ill III1.I’1191,11 IllItI IDI11IP1VII “111111I 11” III ‘ZIPI V’ll U ; A -111 111.111141 V”UI 1111111 ‘54’] 111111114, 3411114 ‘lpVIplqItIVIp II 113 140431203&113&313I111011131 V‘i1 p”; 111)1IPZI t,,, III3.tllVI,3dVIqI1413q t NI’’ .11143 t1VIIlhit III 111 ‘VII l1,’V141Il1tjI)1IpZllllIPlIt1pII’13 1111111111V34114 1414LVIII 1133 11111 VI 14111111,11114 3111111.114 .‘%V3IVIV,lll1II114%’I)k19lI:IIIVII 11 111 II113j4V441VI11 113 ‘1 IIl1 111 III;: IVI?t1’31 113 II VI.1 141 1111ILI,ltltI3 V4 UUtAIrllIIIIIPVVIIIIAVl14!LVI1I Ill .11111131111111,1131lJ1l1’III”V” ‘, 11 1’Illl’Id 114 ll1:IVIIIIII Ill14 II) II’ItIVD ‘VIII1I’lllIt)IlpI III’ It14ZIIIL1DI I1tIll14 lfl It V 14 ‘II It 14 14 V,S_1I ‘V ‘11 It I ‘l1 I Ij, V 1 II ,, V r1 :1 :‘ p 11 lIt 1td:VIl 114 q” t u P11 I Z IV P 1 143 1 P “ PP IIjN4pI IV 11 I ‘ 1141 11111,1 ‘tIp 11111 ‘VI 1 Ill sI11ppttV’111dDl , , IIV ‘D9VlIq 3l’IlI I”Vl L1N ‘I tI’S -1IlII lIp. 1’ 1’1Il 1119 ‘V’ “VI 11111 ‘VI I’ P.t?VI11IVI’q14VI11114 I

PIVllI,’131I VIVIIIIIIII1WI 1 11 I’ V 11 ZIdCOIZI l ZtO ‘C i,,dv IIIIIII/IttIllil tIlt It t14 Iy’tt Ill’? ‘CI “IV .VD)Il VIII LI Iv It 14 1141 It 11111.111111,1 lIllVIIlllVLtqtJ 11311 ID Ill LI I’ VI 14)1 111111 11111 1I 131 11111 III 14,31113 VI lbI,I IIl lIe IVIII4 11111111 IIplD,J VI’lIy I’VI114 lIII.llV 11114 q p 1si ‘jll, 1 II 1 VI V VI V ‘‘II tI1 IIlI 1lJ lI1 ‘I 1,111111 1,11111114 IDI1IIIILIVI 1lD’lI11IIIId P1411)11 pID 111111114 11111111 151t11114 VII 1111111111114p1% %..111911’I 1 ‘V 1 I” “P ‘Vi “V I” I 111111 III Ill 111 IlIll 1V,ll IVPill It 11111 1.11411111111111 11 II ‘II, IVI1 tIll V’4 II IV I VU “II I*l’l V 1111 •I413”%V 11 1111111III ll)ID’ .11 II ‘Ill 1111111“1 1114 11111II lID 11111 P”p ‘;. ‘11111111 It ‘‘V ‘Ill! II II p1111 13 II l1I II PIII I’ II .l,,3p 1Il1.,l tIllIIIPUIII 191 I?lt1l,I I’llIcV 111113 II 11111 1I1I.l,L,IL1IIIIIIVIIII$l4ItlIIIIII 111111 ‘111311 II 111111141111t1t1314 11,1111114 3I3II114 11113)11 311 VI IIII).ILSIIIII1”l 111111114.4,11,114 11111VII” 11l PIll. III IlillIp LlII?DIl”lllltlIDI 11lI114 1111114 ct II IIIlp III: I.lLIlt..’IIt’ Ill V ‘1111 111111 , 11111 III I’”I’ 141111111 lIlll1IIVV 1111.11% ‘11111 VI” I’ .‘Il”I IlII11’I III, ltllII3lIt’ .11131111 1.11 I..l1l1.1I 1.11 LIII IP’14III .11111,1 lIIVIlII’ 11111 II .1,111111 1111111 11:111.1.14 11.11 11111 .1411,114 I”l’I’ ‘113’ I’ll “ ,t P 1 I’“I” ,:‘I II 1113 IlLIDJI. I Ill ‘ I” IIlIlD’V 111111 1 Ill •Vl14l)5 ‘1111111 31111,111 373 IIJIII14 .11:1,3,II,I1IlII l1IIl: III l1lIllIll II 113111. iiIIIPI 11111 V’1,’ll1III. lI1I 111111 C1,VII. 14 “P1 LVII llij It 111111 IIII’1 N 1‘V.111111,“II III ‘11111 1 IVII:114 111111‘P 11111 It1’4 ‘111411131 111111VI .fttt ‘VI LII 314 11 III: .1 11 ‘VI fl” I’’ “Il “V .“ II’P V”fl ‘I”II I’Ll1il ‘11411VII I)’’t’ IIIII.IIIIIP.1ll.I P12IVIII Ill V.IV It 11)311 III I 11131111111 114 1. 11111 31111113 pt1I,.q’It; . 11111111 114 NItID V “U IIIV’4 LIVI 113 II’1;t .I’lI1l ‘lInt V NIl)’ . .ZV1::1,1.IltllDr.ItIl 1111IpIplilIl 3111 III P’I)’’ pVI ‘I..’t’lI’lIVl P1III1I1VIIIIPIII1II.lII ‘ 1 III 11111’ ‘ ‘Ill’4111114 1111)11 II 111t1VIVIIIIV lll,,th11 p111 III 1 11111 .141 “11.1 11(11 1 V I I 11 111111.11 1111111 I 11 1111 .1 l I lIllIll ‘Ill ‘III’ I’lL Ill It ‘ “V” III I’’)’P ‘ lI1I “I LIII’ 11 ‘III II1llI1llI 1113 11,1,111 11 11114111114. 13 )‘•V*! ‘IVI’1Dll dl$ ‘t 111111111 1lILlllPlLJ 111t14133 ‘VII ti II. 1111 V14 1111111‘VI 111141114 114 1.111,11111141:1.11113 ItlIVIl 111II1I14 IIIIVI1IIV’V .13)119 III 141 I’ I 111 p LVI I I d I;q) ‘ 1’VID .111 II ç I V iI DV I II ‘ J Z’

1111111111131 II p11 11,113 1111 ‘ 1111 13 141 1’”1YVV 1%14,y111111141 111111111,1 1IVINIIIIII.IAIJ Ill 11)1111 IID;LI l,1111314,IIi P111111I 3911 1*11’ I, 111111VI P” IIIIIIIINIII1IIIIIIII 111111.141 14144OZd’JVZd3O 3I L1UZ1V1dVJV ZWI 14$VJOld 11131403311$ l4jV49j42yaZJO IWS 14j9i4 7V1131441VS M14144341V114414A11414 14014z11b14’s3bv14t1ow 30 1311014£.IVDVDIUOW 1142)11014ZV3DVD1ZQ 40 1311014S.VVV14MWVA 11423111414S.310V1411144N o 3l11ON L2oVOtZVW aJ!ON I7 e)!10N I7 )!0N J5J afl0N I5e7 e,!0N I7 a3IION J6O7 ia Z&d • VIOL‘CI!IdV ‘AQVIJ ‘IVOVIl NOIIIflVNIHS4WVH14311 Hcra1dIwww.seacoastonne,com FrIday,April3, 201S A7 OBITUARIES Thomas ‘Skip Hcilmann Stiliman E. Matoft Dr. Melisa MTFERY POINT, withhisdogs Maddie CAHTGN, enjoyed visiting l”t.3S9 : Maine - Thomas “ . Mae and Prescious Mains — Stiliman Quebec, Cenada as (Lisa) Spradley Skip” Hoilmase, óz Rose. Skipalsoloved raMatr g. Meioit, j,,. ‘ ,‘c he was a duncan- ‘ •f of Haley Read Died . s ‘ Country Music and a resident of I donluflhetroquols PGRTSMGUTH atadunts en interna — on Tuesday, March ‘ could offeube heard Cantun, passed Indians and ii wes Dr. MettuaiLiani .. tional oervire tripn, 35, 2055, at Maine singing along to his away at his home •. the home of Caro g%0dt1 B I b;ffhrl Cj in Tuesday, March . tyn’s relatives. He e%p 24th with his lihedheipisgunthy in Portsmouth, r;.,a . rotor ruordinated riw,..7 Rum in Washington, D.C. by his iovisgwife Christine beloved wife, Carolyn at DId Canton Schuol Artiv N.H., diod on outfits. on August 13, 5952he was a ot Kiitery Point, daughter hia side. He wan born on itiet Beard. tie is sureived Marrh 27, 2055, ?‘Z. In addition to her sun of the late Thomas and Kimaedher husbandRubert April 54, 5927, in Con- byhistuvingwifs,Caru surrounded by her parents, Liaa a uur leviog family. vived Marianne i Brown ) Hei- Carisonotyt. Luvenwueth, cord, H.H., the son of lye Doherty Matoti of bphar partner, Judy lmann. He was raised in KS, san Chad Heltmann ot Paber Matuti and Agnes Canton; his son Michael Burn on Grtober 7r Arnold of Portnmourh, Maryland attending High Tenas, graadchlldeenjussth, jMatihewnj Matutt. He Matutt uapiderrr of Henv tq56, in Charlotte, North NH; her sister, Michelle Point High School. He Jason and Joey, brothers grew up in the Porte- Harbor,Maine;ssnBatph Carolina, she was the Morrison, huoband Bill proudly seroed his country Harry and his wife Rugona mouth and Rye Beach, Matutt of Porismeuth, daughierefAlboriSprad- and their son Taylor as s member ut the Dusted ofMD, Richard and his wife N.H. area. Hsgraduated N.H., daughter Dorothy leyjr.andShetbyiCaudtui of Wonuter, Ohio; her States Alrfercetn Avionics TeriufmC, and George and from Partnmouth High Mutott Perruri of Hamp Spradiey of , nephew Matthew Morn servinghiutastdetyntation his wife Susanne of HC, Srhont in 5944 imme- ion, N.H., grandson Ohie. ten of Medina, Ohio; her at PRASEMr Force Base in sisters Susan Gray and her diatety joining the US Steven FerarrlufHamp Lisa attended her early sister Starr Spradtey of Hewington. husband Shawn of HC, and Navy In which he served tonH.H., granddaughter, arhuot yearn in Greeno- Austin, Teeaa; her niece Whfeueeobsg at PEASChe Patricia and her husband proudly from 5944-5953 GinaPerrari of Hampton bore, NC. She went on Tiffany Reuaeil, husband met and later in 1973, mar- Bill Penkata of MD, many He served in World War N.H., beloved daughter- ee earn her Bachelor’s and Ryan and their rhildren riudhiatoviegwifu Cheisilno niecus and nephews. Hewas II in Iwo lima, Ohinowa in-law Maureen Redden Manter’a degrees from Bnitta and Brynon ef Teeaa Weman’s I Simmons I Heilmann and predeceasedhyhis daughter 1PGW 4 mnnthsi, Hagas- Matstt “Bonnie” of Marl- Univer- Georgetown, Tenea; her tugother they made their MeiissaThiboauti inzonB. agi after the bombing, buro, Mess., adoring aity, and her Dortenate nteru Amy Brown and son home and raised a tamily in Friendu may visit with then an an expadiiiun to granddaughters, Katie degree from Texas A&M Noah of Cerreittoo,Teuee; Kitiery Paint. Ship’s family on Monday Antarctirs. He wan part andKettieMatuttofMart University. her goddaughter lerdan ShipworhodatihePorta- trom 52-S p.m. In the JS ofths unit new ratted the boru, Mass., math loving Lisa wan a prefcsuer Cuughlmn efAthenn, Ge.; mouthHaeal Shipyard as an PetkeyyaneratHomo, sz5Dtd Navy Seals. Very nhnrtty atepson Robert Dough- at Texas Christian Uni- her goddaughter lenica etectriciaeforoveethirty five Pout Road, Kittery, Mama after his WWIt service, erty and his companion vernity, Ohio Wenleyan Coughlin of San Antonio, years reliringmntony. 03904, where a fssnuratwfl he was called Into the RobertaBrownofCaatan, University and Plymouth Texan; and many friends be He always enjoyed a good be cotrbrotedatap.m. in sho Korean War where he Mains., nnuchlonlugntup State University. She also DaBan, Texan. conversation with friends, funeral home with the Rev. served on a hospital ship deughtor Atisnn D. Morin heldthepeuttieo efrdura- Dnnallenn thLisa’n tame wuihing, camping on Subec Dr. Eliaabesh Hoffman offl darhed in Korea that the of Auburn, MB., and his tloaDtrerturattheDatian may be made tu Amy’s Laho at the family camp, he dating. Gntine condolences wounded wore brought sister Lorraine Matntt Museum ofNatural His- Treat www.amynnreat. dearly enjoyed time spent maybeleftbyvisltingwww. to until the war wan over. Shaw of Sarasota, Pin., tory. Lisa wanagifted and org end Beacon Hoapice with hia grandchildren jupelkeyftsnerathomu.com. He was atifetime member brother -In -law, Gary pannienute edurutor who http://www.bearenhns playing at Mitchell School CarefortheHeilmaon family of DAy, American Legion Daughorty ufCantun; and leaven alanting impact en pice.rom. ploygrouedsratnoarbyFort Is entrusted In thejS Pothey Poat 153, among others. many nieces and neph the lbouaandu of students A Celebration of Line’s Poster, heatuotoved waihieg PaneralHome. Shertly after he returned ewa. Predecrauud by uon nbc enreuntered during Life wilt be held in May in from the U.S. Navy, he StevenrMuuse Matutt, herraneer. Ohio. Date and torattun started working for the and former wife Barbara She wilibe remembered to be enneunred at deter Public Service of N.H. Happer. for her love of arianre date. at the Newlngtun N.H. Funeral aurvires with and naeure, leading her Shirley Irene Thomas plant. He rulired as super- full military honors wilt intendent in 19B7 after be heid at io;3o am. on PORTSMOUTh — Shirley two suns. She is ihe daugh 35 years af servica. He AprOssth,20s5,atCanlon aPLEASE RECYCLES Irene Thomas, 85, of Cape Icr sfthelateWitiam B. and then derided to go truck United Baptist Church, Carteret, H.C., formerly L. Ruth KeilenbrrhofPuris driving, tang haul and Route ba, Canton, Maine. LI, THISPAPER of Purismouth, peacefully mouth. Sheisssrvivedbyher local, mavisag to Maine in Interment wilt be held at ti passedasvaymeadey, March lonvingdaughter KarenLynn t99u. Ga Apritz3, t995 in a later date at Pinegrove 4, nosy. KetlyofCapeCarterot,N.C., Cantan, hemurrivd Care- Cemetery, Raute tuB, Local Nutias Born in Portsmouth, Karen’s husband Patrick, iynDaherty.Hitprimary Canton, Maine u4225. TOWNOF KITPBRV PUBliC HEARINGNOTICE June 7, 5929, Slsirtey was a grandson, Donald Kelly of inturouta were in spurts, Arrangements by Finley drvsiedwifeiuherhusband Honolulu, Hawaii, Donald’s especially NASCAR. He Funeral Home, 55Church The Kioeny Thven Coseril wit hold a public hearing Donald, and toying mothor wife Ginssyandhurprde arsd IruvotedtumaopNAtCAR Street Livermore Falls, en Monday, April 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Coarrit to her children Ruberl, jup, great granddaughter, races over the country Maine e4254. Carolyn Chambem, aa Rogers Reed on ordinanres authorizing Karen and Jeffrey. She was Claire Hoeite Kelly. She is with RuotyWattare being Doherty Matutt may be bonding toerapitai improvement projerta, noi to euceed employedbythaPurlsmusth also thu “Auntie” of Gail hit favorite whom he met ronrhad on soy 441-04B2 S3,079,B32.OO,nabjentto appruvutut aTown roferendam Community Health Services AnnThomas ofeliot, Maine, several times. His 207 teams or 445-79t3. Men- etertion to be held an Jane B, 2015. rec.. as a homemaker and case along with other nieces and that be loved were the aageo of condolence may assislaal, fromsç7Btos9tf, eephews. N.Y. Glantu, N.Y. Yan- bnsentto:www.fieleyfe LanaiNotiae When she moved to Horth Agruvesideservire willbe keen, Boston Celtics, and nerathome.cum. NOTICe OF FUBLIC HSARtN5 Carolina. She was prede- held in Portsmouth and will Boston Brains. He really Or, May O, 2etu, at OTOp.m., a Osbnowwrtineat te,e Site ceased by herhusband and beannounced atatater date. fuatraber, Cawwbtee tar tin Onate at Nnu Hurenhire unit bald a Pabtin Hnsrno at ba NnoAeenm Teen Hoe Audiie’bie, ienaiad en nub NimbleHit Retd, Neevinetee,New Howenhireen Ba neqoennat urA-3, inc. Im ee raawvbue iran the Aperuiai and Cevinuate Praceruone at ROA Chapter luS.H, Lenat NaMe rnerrdhn vuaLic NO11Ct prapened irrnr macrev ste prepnneytbuated at tOO li,ottaot thay, The Nsu HanspsOfro Caastei Pruuuw NHCPi is roaw’,is Cu Nvveealee, New Hewpnnoeo. taOaniaa aasaitiaa a, canalatamy aitI, ta ar.ta,&auifa paliciec . The NaOaaal Me,ho Pisi’e,ies Bewior NMrn s papaaia Ou Lagat Notiaa OeaarioAacocotubtlyMaaswesaadraiplthAtarutmawradw.ut PuBLIcerentao on PBOFO5AL ,,hish ival,drs Awwdwwt 34 tu the Fiahary Mwaewrut Ptm LtoALIFuauc NOTiOB FMP)turthe RnwoerCeauaer Fabric atibe taioh Asiavtia erase. %)SAfl BIGON FLANNiNO aaARD Asorsdwmt a a hr FCIPtarttu Oside,, Crab rishay ata’a Own, TOBN OF SOCCOHAM MiannicBela, andNneadoainasatharn,nPnmthsnaipbnwamo ALL Nuerre in hereby lvvn thana pubeshuarina,de be held on Apad Ftshny at ha Aniusnia.The pnayusat nasid nudity a,aaaenrbiin0 APPLIANCES lb. auts at bun Phi an he mraoaw besnnioot to wnaawss tw svappe, frapeeioa ned crab, arC rwisu Cwten anew cii am uutdva ‘%,FJar Medals Macso, Broihaw. NH a dames a tomal nebrMieo, appbuahuer te cawwvriai w,lnr,nratiwoi smtw attaaaniarstardatvhi,,. INSTOCK a b-Lot mbifdsiv, Chrintoptur St. . NMFOispaaaasicataeroaudOnere5ataOovaiwpieuneuaou : eanatuet uheted by FliClian, rn,uieu en CheintnpnnnrSC. P1,11bpsNan. T,aat, nu Feirintu Ruo, aawni, LarseWhenetabefledauniaaPta’rtFtavi. Ttratnaaasai nmM ::: btratt,un NH. Mop t7 Let F, ned Cutdeyteaantwontn, LLC, yCCa,tou wedaynhr Pba 5u addwsa sanrny e,wawio andh:t rriev mu FURNITURE O,lm. Struttram NbC tan tea prepeny coated ar t2nR Fuvne,uuur ra’srd bohr Othiaa .nuaary. , bverar, Mpa F? Let t. The Caereulteere a aecnpt the apatrarlue ThU.O.AepaCo,uantnicaensnspwparuanaw,kenpar,u m uuwptoto, wif u eardif. hvarivu on Be andes at the nuoperal wit lathe nroCbcr0 annha trier nonnawpnostiarbw. Thrp’paasrd curb ldtauiwwadatehj. iuuutues eeuocurucnirq realism on be lennysCatnsre dawagvd thence Hunisucu Swdy 55 prwsturw uwdOwe arC oulburierd 25%OFF Theear.a ns.r.e enermeornane,r,.mO, Carrie The durdirra Carun, Ow’ uuuvants uo Be abuue pvpueata is eu,ita Lanaemnentranocrwd. —. Cue runraa Ba n.ifnriea ota Fobbcuuarraet Pa,iutre, an urnomerirn April 7. OatS. rar oddinterationavuabmReam debtOrMnCPweb ae.buab,NC etaiandieanraiear,uass Bueitetho reahrsoaerdieraeeaeena Sit, Cnnan hep://dra.nh,sau/wuaoiaaninu/ddaianafuasenp,r,wb/aeuananj aaN. . ore raaretwa ana teeth eaeerer, Neeasrnp.ora pobtir_vsiiurs.htw, en canOes Cndstlav maiiswa at IeO3isunmon = eenrru—tht oared Oatxs brumennat Prurolyn Ogsruy 010 DAt nnChr:snlae.swnnuunaadas.,nh.euu ..,.,.,.‘., :..“ apvlisrasnensbauaa.ne twrrwu5v. f an’rrww,itui.rj ‘1 uba.yuiraaieriniruunrrnrevciiatc a’,reg,nvior 0 nrucrurnn ihenmuen diO ne ma Crenry Lucre bnerdrnv his LCOALnones rnnw.aunme noinrs op eueuc 5CFORMATIONarawo nunur OFeueur unwuneaOauisn a doily uManierva ci rran rwna.dyuue,m, rerun aruruli an a Buure ci Orcire, n.e ‘us deed ii rum er O,ruuhle 0cC-n IOU.ilavi tme a BOATSornuw HAMFSHIRB Delano, ova-i puce. m, “CC’ruewunt ocui cAne, tre.n Ai rn tn sirs reetuanus CONMIU5N neaum,uatn. en epaliralrr, rfFubttu neCaroruwoaruNsnaarpasnara diSC. Assilsatiur Fubtia sewia. Csweaue utNee HawpNra Club. ntemeueair ure enanyir.g eric unwvmr 00 ce wietia, ef Eaaraaorre rwnao rw e Crwnlaate ut Rte rod vaoinuynarwe erussansrrrravnrra nraioaea rrtinr ardvaudaenwnbo tn Or. tsr if Oreur’rcavrn ut Ourim, nOr ha nm Ca,erraa’o trvaneeA rovnnmreou ,naNuenntbunsundn4o,arserrasio.Llrafroe Maaruv ur rrer.mr.’e.ut naruien Reurni Cabmu O.reniwwar Mate b?5n Madbwy ssbanantw naFunaarneantnssessaum enrOil C5 a rureewun. alaydad ruewerenbeu vu pwtartemrax of B, nevueryaThi.i FaCts 5a.,nu. Cuws.rrv an N,u hurru,Mr ewa 5w,au.,a r.rmn Fact, sanirs Cvnpury on N.u drupavir ebbs r,ur,..raa rrsuy avdanaoameioLwdalOa’aaniteinroewri,mit,a,nae,., rnu.,ervre,n aC beteeh n.enini.v cats. era is ernana it.osuara. ci bukn a n.d,wcl,, sarM. ru lw.. or aururd ruuiuu’.:s aC nun r.uUiaSlum-ear rrrdu, io 5.1.-u nra uruard iueaoai a’s w’ paUa aruulhanearuaeeuaaba.nyvruaunaeruapanaabwnuraccanyea aed hr poucu,d inarer.rifve on en or, ad Fauli5t’d,ohuai5uri to uurabaun a ‘err burmnariautur rr nba to CreneC rileavumlea, banad en banurun rife. un tear vanosbie. rumauca a rruseaha nobyrd a em eruua.nrrfurursrurnrur.orrrr.ruvew.r,r,,,,,.pac.onuu,na.u.,, eaaroe.alnrelar.ewsurtn[tOturbeena,eroifs.uar ‘ne rzur,uv rib kirydi OrbO.aparoriwdriy aura beururiur t.ra barrerre rriank.o nt unur:,rpan.ao.ruhrrr.’nrh narrine rarwuuc.r he urrurr e,iai.u eriure’i nienurnutleaaiuhu.mnhrihruea’anrwin.icne,wer,kceuv, br brabban Famruuh re ,eeabapa an un auras eubuassm er Neaum curd Padrrusd, nr ocur rd,rbM en a. ama aiberhuen ad waiu Iretoy uabti,n B, arneeyh rhar eu Ca‘Mesa to vru,ran nv pn,e.Cuuran abmdyurverhrrdrbrnhudu.morarnurrpau1uurra,rdmamn0 drsid’runnbaiuraddwneeainidaedvaarnb,rwhe?leerraarrrdtur Chareap Laidn trace hum atileri, era uuauare eaeureriw route Ca leaurad. Ova nba Fume rubuuunhrsr,ruae.Thrwurusrdbrdwurlornmr.n,d:rrs,Trur.sar ricer w pupaaaa achy eel banuard ir d H r.mteiOua; are scout er a earnrrhaevv Ore. nmvduea raarrauoe MrdbsruOunran,au55rrrrsnuruerbr5.nuruunPonv.rr,,rTn.rhrauI MaaNan ThrOne. maNordrvar. a.,drh, rdyarreneruenh. Thenec%rynd Oayrwapawaraair4urevdeurd .bmpar,rcar, ,duuanrrururuuautbVbaeabnurwr.m,,ururdrurur.aud enaangukaarrendrwrtweearrhaunbre. A ueoo et even Bat traaerniiurr en Mtatrart aeern,un COO) te tee Craiday iwlbt F’wee’ue Brcaner, Aecrurare,, name, eu.ehr Eiu’arcrrcud na OnbvotroinuiueavaMaenmpayia en eden ru’reuuwrdSaur.rnnrirrCpanu.rnur,.dn.rb.rsuuHurrp,bbrbnrru,a,.drw mue brarearuaru, or uped wre tluiaue den we. sCeniC ecirmeus CenrrhnraeSeCl Itoh OC4C a reqarrarher a erifvau ncre calieeeia ratairs a tar Ma au uuierda iv ‘rAw m Ca PM u.S ewe Cawrdnaa mmci. so’snua.e:na.aburen Os au ,md:cau na ecerrnur,ne rh*uuane.guierearnraAa’Meta’Sweeeyaree.uieaeogi,ri0.,: advra be oruruava taeCry era be rucarear a a rMrveev as aan ruin is ln. Are Ctuo.nehu ,paeniipa a ho Sorb Mourn. p,eeylenny, nyu corn Or prrpasaa furarr nil be ward. an 25 days . w,rruw ours ide5 ha arØranm. a aeuurdmrr eM neeeaua riw,eeus erinhdd we ‘Muir borne, nun’ Curvier. Sn. rnen,ew,, eluee: nAaA0. eaharena Cuerntyevur;oe he Thdmndn, rrbtey,h5rcneit Sn, leruey. Slowiur em minrt000 mO,u,bmauarr oeuue.nureanrw raurv Fcush eaeb:ru uabiurcsranurecrurdytrrubdr.a ou TbrwaanMadbo urd Oe’ieel we a.. ebir nonweaum seas,. eveauiaban reere v’; rr:d &d.rr) cud ur. maru ‘burr, abuuan, iw v Fmbhrau “n lrriiei.aiearveeernaedeoro,ar,du,aureurvcruruubrbh,aaeh,racer. ma en. r n i,unrantd Pr.Anituu Aniy Renlia Ce’). manse or Ourtubi.rannrmurarnaubrsnwraru nbrCrnncnvunrmut3. Maaur scum. ri.eav,reearnrrraerowweaei,ar,r,eevaneur,aumdrrueeM PurroBenneue,nireteaeeew,Faur,Ar,,a,,e.Thaeeyue, Onto ruu.r.urumnrsrrnw.,urmrmudr.unnrp4.,d ad in.. uk* ,urC bevmn,eeyd suarcrirvru .aedeqrwaivanruu’ivi.rFva ,reriu,eA;icie a ,iaeet,ern,,e, ci rib’, eheaptaa,a r.duelOnrOraru. Ca haruclbri ard Euesuurca usooruns a hcura&,n ,r u. aesaur. urun, re.y.rnfreiire,eve CCGdeouud.ri’,an,ur. Cuonrmtarruuiabcnneoarkndurerneandby4raatereala mi,snrtrrha c.ribrsr.b.rrownnunurtrcd, ‘ju nnriaopnuranur. ba Reeietere Cur...tyiertieeieviMe nraia.rruOreboeeemrearabaib i’,Oval al be rude en CiCaay, brad ac,mrs hue n.m vu no em ru a renm,iuwwena,, earn’S, teylaecioeteiareifn:a.ebvrrnr.rn,rem,y FrusunuS Orbdd 0, rvaauraao. era 22.nuns ‘,., em FM a 5:cOOn,ra, ri. Nau’.vouuo leer met Cauiubcre. ms ares era Crud. bo..hgnw. rrurrCesihytniel Mmcii Oreueuci: Therrauc nra Odrrui,Cirnrnrha. Sb Cu.u.m. u.*urr.Nmbnurru,hir. .rcuewi,r.rau.n,rrw Fives lutrlrrBnuri 0 Cpu v.a rarur-cta.vacn,c. Orepawn irna.wnnirrmrurr al be drwnh wruCare by ru n,r.w Mare laoebrr nueurrbeu,arureletar.veyeyc.rraar..aeq,,,,ee.urec,e neeeariep,uaurr.aer,ae. r atutb nl000aemvrdebeeweau,rwanwu’ru,urrarueurar,iarepv.eno eaaeer e,rvenurrraa r-.y.t. wden.renua.aae.icO,r,ari nPasloieuebqcea htedCodr neMOO-t ______

Fostei•s DailyDemocratIwwwJosters.comsaturday,ApI42o15 A7 OBITUARIES/NEWS Marie E. GOP2016 (Aries) Liftiefleld Walker’s Wisconsin still lags nation injob growth ByScalt Baueraed CHELMSFORD, Mass. — AuguslusAricssisterssister Nkhe(asRiccard) Marie E. (Aries) Litt1efieId SaintTheresa, MarionAllen TheAssoc(atedhess 95OtChelmsfordMass.dled and Eleanor Mulvaney. Monday, March 30 2015. Visiting hours Mon. 3 to MADISON,Wis. - Scotl Retired claims specialist for 7 p.m. Funeral Toes. at to Walker has transformed HarvardCommunityHealth am. from theflolan Funeral Wisconsin politics, win- of Chelmsford. Eucha- Home 106 MiddlesexStreet, mngthree elections in four ristic Minister St. Marys Chelmsford, with a funeral years andsigninglaws that Church of Chelmaford. Mnssatua.m.atSt.Mary’s weakenunioss, crippling a Widow of the late William Church, Chelmsford. Burtal key ally of the Democratic Littlefleld; Mother of Wil- In the Pine Ridge Cemetery, Party. Ham and his wife, JoAnne Chelmsford. Memorials But the likely Republican Ltttlefield of Harleyscille, maybe madeinher name to prtstdentialcontender has Pa., Elaine More ofDurham, Camp Paul, 39Concord Rd., had less success changing NH, and Marilyn and her Chelmsford, Mass. 01824 Wiscanain’s economy and husband, Christopher Ber- or to Circle Home Hospice, budget. Thestatelagslnjob wick of Crestwood, Ky.; 336 Central Steet, Lowell, growth and ilsbudget faces Grandmother of 9; Great Mass. 01852. Arnangoments ashoctfalt. It’s a recordthal grandmotherofizShewas by Dulan Funeral Home complicates Walker’s path the mother-in-law of the 978-251-4041. Guestbook in earlyprimary states as he late DominickMore andlnge at www.dolanfuneralhome. sells himselfas a reformer. LittlefieM and the sister of mm. “Mostofhls activity was more politically focused than economically, sb COMBATGROUNDS creation focused, C said John Torinus, a Milwaukee businessman and venture Russia’s role in capltoltst who nevertheless praises some of Walker’s moves. aHe was goIng to Ukraine seen shifting concentrate snjob creation wilh a laser-like focus and to training rebels he got distracted.” Wisconsin ranked 40th ByNatatipaVuiiyeva addresstoaiotelwsilsn sftbe Legislalarelnthe Assembiychanabenian. 13althestate Capilol in Mad)- the Ukrainian government in privalesectorjobgrowth the AssodaledPass and the West have SOn,WtsesSoCtAttsPREssFtLt PHOTO accused for the 12 months ending In Moscowofwaging an node- September, saId the U.S. YENAXJEYEVE,Ulmaine—dared war in Ukraine by Bureau ofLsbor StatIstics. Ata glance calls for cutting education On a recent springmorning, tondlngthoueands of troops Walker has called hiring moneyandbonowingmore unimportant visitorwatched to fight with the separatists Wisconsinhas added prloate-seclorjsbs at a lowerrale in hts state the “gold stan- than she nalionalaoeeage slnceiuly 2011— sb months after than ft billion to pay for Russian-backed rebels con- andprovidingweapomy. At dard’ for measuring his roads. Theproposalhas run duct infantry maneuvers in least 6,ooopeopiohavebeen Walkerlook olhce. WoikerpromisedInthe 2050campaIgnihal performance. ifelected his policIes would create 250,050private sectorlobs. intowtdespreadoppositien, easternUkraine. kdled anboth sides. StIll, there are positive including from Republicans. The general is very WhilethoKremlthaclmowl Sut onlyabout 145,000suchjobs were created seer his trot economIc signs Walker tour pears. Todd Berry, president pleased,” rebel commander edges that many Russians relies on to defend his of the WisconsIn Taspay OstapChernytoldhistroops, have fought as volunteers, It record. Wisconsin’sunem Followingweeks of pro- those savIngs and about $2 ers Alliance, said Walker’s neferrlnglolhefigunehtcam- flrmlydenios sendingtroops ployment ratehas dropped isitialbudgets were respsn euflage eoctzctedbyguacds. or armingrebels. tests, and the fleeing of billion topersonal and cor from 8,1 percant to Sper- Democratic state senators Income tate cuts he sible, but the more recent Themes — almostcertahsly Separatist fighters conflnn poratt cent overhis time in office. for weeks ones resemble those of Isis a Russian military officer — that clothing and ammuni three to try to alsosignedisstolaw. The state has seen ahtgher block a vote, Walker got StUI,thestateisn’tonfixm Democratic precedesoor, becamealarmedwhenhesaw tionareamongsuppties they rate of new businesses JimDoyle. twojoumalists approach. His receivefrom Russia. his way. That drama, along financial ground. starting than the test of Ihe with 2012 Laslyear,facingforecasts Borryoaidthestate’stack entourage shielded him — “Yes,ourbrothersaresup Walker’s recall countryand incomegrowtb victory and ofanoarly$lbibvnincrease luster jobs record shows forhtddingpholos — andthe plytngus — youknowwho,” otlserlawshe’a for Wisconsin residents stgnedtegattztng concealed in lax revenue, Walker and Walker overpromisedinthe groupspedoffthamolorcade, one fighter who uses the has exceeded the national campaign. Governors, he the “general° safely Inside nom de guerre Tatcha said weapons, requIrIng photo Republicans who control average. ID at the polls and last the Legislature passed an noted, racelyhsve sstgnffl a blackToyota SUVwith no at a checkpoint in the town Per cspltatncome growth cant Impact onjobcreation. licenseptates. of KrasnyLuch, Most rebels month’s right-to-work 6800milbon tsx-cutpack tnWiuconslnexceeded per law,arecentralinhisstump age. The state is onpace lo 5Thisstowtateofjobgeowth Nearly a year into the won’treveallheirfuUnames capita AmerIcan Income is 001hingnew,a Berrysaid. Ukraine conflict, the estent forfear ofretelietionagaimt speocttashepresentshim- collect only about half of growth. aelf as a man ofuction with the tax revenue previously ofMoscow’s directinvolve- thefrnamilies. Walker ‘wasn’t afratd —foltaw$cottBsaer on menthas becomectear:They When the town of Debalt a record of consorvative projected, esacerbatingthe to set big, bold goals to accomplishments. lateatbudgetproblem. Twitter sthtlpar//twitfer. maywearcamouflage,butlhe seve finally fell to the get Wisconsin bark on com/obsuerAPaed Wtcho Russtans’presoecein eastetn separatists on Feb. sg after M. Kevin McGee, an “We dug our own hole,’ track,” saidAshLee Strong, economtst at the Univec- said former state Sen Mike lsoRiccsrdist htlpa:// Ukraineishardly invisible. weeks of fighting over tha spokeswoman for Walk- twilter.com/NickRiccsrdi Althesasnotinte,tbrre has railroad hub, thelnie victors sity ofWtsconsin-Oahkosh, Ellis, a Republican, adding Cr’s political group, Our said Wisconsin’s job per- that hestilllhinks the flocal beenatacticalshift apparently werelonggone, Ansertran Revival. “The aimed atminimizing Russia’s formance kept pace with picture is better than when “Our friends helped us,’ governor Is now taking his militarypresence, its Midwestern pears until Walkertook office. part ofan said Andrei, a fighter who reform Ideas lhatled tothts effort topersuade the West fought in Debaltseve. Unlike Walker took office. Then Headinginto thin year the FieIUing’s economic success in Wis it fell behind. His theory: state faced an $800 million to lift economic sanctions. hisplatoon, whichhad noth constn and shoring them OH & Pesapane Co. Visits by The Associated hsgneworthanaT-y2tank,he Walker’s public sector shortfall just to contInue training nationally.” union moves, and subse- spendirgatthecurreselevel Press to grounds saidtheRusslanuhadmodere Heavily reliant onmanu like those near Yenakieyeve T-Qos. Ltke other rebels, quentbenefitcsts,shocked and $2.2 billion when state facturtng, Wisconsin has those werkerstnto cutting agencyrequeslnwere taken and interviews with dozens Andreiwneldnet givehistast perennially lagged the of rebels reveal that Russian nomebecause hisfamilylives coesumerspesding. into consideration. Hisplan natton In job creation and “What happened here armed forces spearheaded inaUkcaitso-controlled area. often used fiscal tricks to some of the mafor separat- Alexel, another fighter, changed the behavior of paper over budget deficits. enough in the state wsanswaeaw 2.39 1st offensives, then swiftly became animated when peeple faayPayBudg,,tPlaooAvailabls Walker vowed to change m withdrew. asked lhtltfftd )aO’ CallIerK-tKe,aseva about Resstanstn the Hiat when he ran in zoso. athr.J5,5ten P,ieit,a More recently, as a shaky battle for Debaltaeve: “I’m geowth,” McGeesaid. His most renowned move, CCt#5l5 vnt-ronvas. aPHonna Pertsmosth 603)438-2005 cease-fire has taken hold, notgoingtohideit: Russians Other analysts question just sts weeks Intohis first that, noting that Walker’s A1.elld,atitans,Anby Dover (603)7424800 Russiahaskopt fewertroops werehere. Theywent in and leon lozost, wus to curtail araoass 5 in Ukraine but increased leftqulckly.” h gsddsaotaa Rochester 603)335-6003 public unions’ collective payers $3 billion in health te wa., o ‘aova..5 Otter. Cit, rebel training. NATOandan lgor Sutyagin, a sentor bargainingpowecwhuleslso 1-800491-3194 independent London-based research fellow at the Royal dpni t t forcing them to pay more more money in n5te*te na tT RussIan schotarestimatethel United Services Institute In lattnglnto Orders sf200 aatanseemar.! for pensionand health care people’s wallets. On the Russia has several hundred London, has spent months benefits. rename as eddktanat2gsO. military trainers in eastern collecting evidence of the trail, Walker emphasIzes t.flaraine. Rmsianpresence inukraine, Since hostilities began comlngupwithanexhaustive LEGALN0wa around mid-Aprillast year, list ofcombatformations. NOTtCE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION 5tS5tON NOTICE OFPUBLICINFORMATtONSESSION STATEOPNEW HAMPSHIRE 5tATf OFNEW HAMPSHIRE ems EVALUATIONCOMMITTEE seen EVALUAtIONCOMMITTEE LeealNettee Apptoatiae at PubEs Cassius Gampany at New Hawpshlre d/b/a Apoilcallon nthsbilcsemics CanpanyofNewHn,npshfr. Rb/c Steaf1ad Matrapottas Piaeettg Oeenizetles Enosaasroc Eeanqufor sCsHiOeb/. 51 505 cad Fmltdyla. lbs Puitsy CumesisanMeedeg sad Euanaeurca Emrgy far a Cntffinate eI aft, aed Fauittytarthe CessbuotloeafaNso l15kV5tecMoaITkeanlssIenU,a punt_Iceremas Ganslrsetian as a Nnw115 kVElectrIcal Panemtsslee Unefram Now Madbaw tsbstaCne Is Partss,nstl, SubslaSas Fsiday,Apel 17,2015 um—11eaAM Medbury sabstatlae ta Partsnnseth SubstatIon PaSte Sonora cetopany vi New llttvpshi,e dR/a Eonrsuwea sleaffordReaianMNaenO,aGammiasian tne,gy hteb Senos Cnvpvy ol Na. Herpski,c dAte Eovans’on teaR (Ean,svnt’oe’) teN hold a pabSt AIc,t,,otjo, amAss to vIew ha fOOWakaCCd NH Itwet, Salts U, Ceebeorca Seem IA, Serhautar, (‘Enasnsnsa bald a p.tea kIewsisa senAw 15 Clew lb. awna nre’alpsklia abval ha 50000551 flcEakbly Pw)ecl and ta Apphcalioo

. AGENDA pA5oabaui Saaroes RAcbteyproselan5jfs heSeasonfos CaRleale Iv, a CeACnata of Ste. end fso;My (Applivation’( Is esnshsol a 1, ksteaduuttans al SIn and FuetettepoUselw a ,esslnssl a rO Soer’Osslse N’s 5’ es ono banswlaaso tv. in eta Soweasl re5lnn SI Nw, Hunopsetee. 2, SesftCwsmaotostlens tawsotacs a propsaing Ia Sate a eta 110 kdsev5 555 apptsotealdy 3. Public Haurtea 115 samoatsP) aenstewatde U-oils Saesenesiw tea bknoec .rtis-q 13-nt5s tna’aotisslos lns balwees eeIslivg ssbalolena A Madbuty end 3.1 2017-2026Sides-aCe Tee Yo& Podevvalv Is onsoca beabtely sO ha west dt.ady suest,anad olatoloct 1ba,upwtatteslmpnoemoetPs -Psqeot Usilna-End of akwdyuwhned dstekC add ad nun Ste napdtp kooasln doneardlw gAd end ,voolthe optey .vooadv5 dntvwtdlw posoostlto Oeseussl. PuiIa; Cecc,tPod P550 e St Lareonat Tha pnspossd wily ne ba ksefad ., in Tow, *1 TIte neoposod tacO/v we be lurotad to SI lawns of Medbony. Otoben. 4, AcUonitsa, tat- MaSon Required Madbo,D,do.en.w,dNerd,nen wdlhsCiyolPwlnenslh.7IoIw..Lysse end Nureaton. end ha Cite A Podsvr.olh. Ow Iocity sd Ass eqsna 4.1 Appease 20t7-202eSlalooide Tee YaanTrsaspo,5aties alanwqu’ssw.nedwna?rreraaseg&LiIluOsyfon eppnmonalofyonsvlraed an wtdcrneelns u’vndva01 lISts cay or .lflptsetvatcly ate ole and Impwcee,wI Pho-Prqrut Lintsg ewh0a1iwa taths tebsaeenseusawtesrdpaeseos.Ah. wns5laaliwtstn the titbslv500sln Mndbwynvd Podsotouth. 4.2 APPSOVOUPWP eudgat sod Scope of fink sas,o.eordlsws, IIsftuAppieCiecn0hS.lsmHarpseCa$1a esakete Eawsw,’o• ‘/5 lanc lIe Its ApØivativn sOW lbs Nsa Hanpstr;,. SOc EnaIasItoyCswwI,eOfSEc.5Sk1t2-H: l5aqtAnasIhalsnpIiyanIlny 4,3 OsoSMPOMinutes sfMosrh 20, 2015 Caronilas 500j. MA itO-H 10 ‘rsonns5sf an .el-ka’,If o’ a CelItete N. Di acm; Ian How (a) sI5.Ia ste Fadlyhted alirsal sea elmotahus sessw 5 soOt wanly CeRhneteolSilsandFateblyhnldatleoalnnapoolehsnnatiwsssslnn eM in 5_I Complete Sirens Ssb-Cooco’tloe a0eothnp,aesdlsnJlyaJkrtnsa,d aloonseont, 55 days ptlo In oath osenlyubwetho peposedlacHoy aS belovaled aSa 30 days pAw Is Ibntj tha Applealion. lv aaowdavoa nith ho atalotn. a. Pretest Updata *ta tea epp5yeltw. In,aoewdsar wIlt eta eats’s. Lonsocea sltttd ws l tmnssatnse nS hold ante pabol inlunnaban session o Straffoto 6.1 Cdizrsf Meanly Crmosittoa puMa tettetnekan uadae a sOeffssd Canady(knJad5ttlaToataatMtakuy county CorlSuutltarewvn orMndbwyand 6,2 Portcnvasre Fleasaras Updates and (Satan) sad tee pabEa letneewiet teased Paakehan Cteaty So,hantlatOenettottHolnlenra,iun t esseolo otRaskehens Counly(ntthndkt5lhuTunsn c’ Nnacpan and One 6.3 Sense Oyoays H’Skdda me Tear 01beaetoc aed ha Cty 01Pwtsne.oalh).AtcanS aenson. citynfPcesnouthl. Al neOnursula,, prceynl indonnatlvo 6.4 Pe,k n RiduTaslkit-nlut ‘,uk Coonsacity cvntwau al rngv,dna lbs and the paulo etC taos the 6,5 RaiWo1dng Goup ]afln) wAves uypentsnoly to ob Ste eppstvenp Is oAa. senctonts. lIne punt yfornalon antis, si to pnnvid. vnonucls. Tha pvhlle lrtnwsloo sasstw b/i b. l’nvsubcd 7. 011,5, a5I5555 O,..sykad and Ean.stwe, nS amson, loSt raats slwae.ys sI5 ti and tansannnn,vsand 5tvn,ats a SOhstoipt ol Ike seesaw slAsh a-Alha 5, cieaes’ Funsm - Giuws resiAna 55 sabntlsd Is Ito sac elf tfadpydtatae. sabontOsdloths sec sot wthlha Appbr.avnn. the SI,atfosd regius communiSts a’s knifed to oeco en speak lto SsAAnhaan Conntysnsbtn nluntalan s.swn 1cell.. Sesonasl Edthttp ths nub)qct nsatte slthis rnsafisg’e ogceda. Statenserle shall be The Steallod County PONt tdan,ttatia a,ssiot ton Its Saaaeasl ‘tajOd Oni SO tAd an ThsssdCy.Api 23. 2015 ton, Tel l’M Is 055 P1.1sI RskabdIyPta).oI noebo hddntWodneodayAp/l22. 20155mw 7:00 PkI tmmtedtathroe mrtutrs. H.n5Asdasete. NitrIde t 5aaçw taw, 255 lid Road. Neoinonw. Nate tuOOOPM as OysnnrRnss,HigISohodhCoteIate., S5CouOAncflctltsw, 5. A4swnea.et Hans Hwnpslttc. leasu,,abtsacsu.nsnadatisnstsaaaeutauithdtahleiatarsuslas hshl.kn nlen.tkw susdonwlbsd,udypssssdcd byet0p.etteonssfrw upon Includea dnsc’iptisn ollIns oceomnnadatian yastoS bctnnhtvtelontuusn scsstwtwlhedfrevllytocundndbysn Opnvllnnosn teluenl. Sac P1.1to 700 PM nines p.sjaat ,sp.eonstatiaes ad onaddon tn ptneidr to hoe, 5:30 PM In COOPM odnene n*to snptnentodmws oIl beayathIte. Is need including as mock doted as pont nan ptonoidn.Also edada a sfstnnainoowrnesayteerarmnatasdunsae,qoastlo,s. way we coIn uentaol yesit we need mona Intenwatien. Last ,elnnvde odds intnswatlcnnonntning the psojerl endonsoon qn.nlivns. taqoests wit be aooepted. hat nay ha lncpesslbla to hi. Swd an Oo.stionns eon be doeelsd Is the Ttanswlsalen Intvwcljvn Un. at s,,naitto wpuSshaflued.atg.crcsi sus-asa-asee neTtatwisAwIAoRsaosounswon, oei-t20-Sa34 enT,ansnroslunteta5aasnaenoa.oen’. ‘—,.,,..-