PORTLAND DAILY JUNE ~ PRESS. ^ESTABLISHED 23, 1802-VOL. 39. FATT7'1LAND’ MAINE. MONDAY _ — — MORNING, * SEPTEMBER * * a. 1900 | nmir /^kl__ .i. ^*—1 i CLASS MAIL MATTKIL ( ■ IV. I I K T H R E R Hr^r R NT F„ Q — —, >vm u« encouraged to 11J1L IV oL I ILIV. in Pt persist their [ present uml the muzzle of a 1 policy rifle sticking out from the powers will have the whole trouble to heavy growth, discharged his revolver lay marksmen enjoyed a rest thresh over REIGiV today. The again every two or three OF TERROR several times in that direction. As soon shooting will be resumed at the years. I different believe that all of the as possible he went to govern- the shore and as ranges tomorrow and ments are morning it is ex- impressed with this truth and soon as he took his paddle in his pected that the week there I believe most hand, during will ?stion Should of them realize that a deli- his Eastern having dropped revolver, another shot be some high class done nite and shooting In the permanent settlement of the came from an unknown source. This several contests which are to be decided. status of and the time Be Ef posed Of. foreigners establishment he was not able to return the The ranks of the of shot shooters were consid- n freedom of trade are more to but pressed toward K..® important 6hore, being in hopes erably augmented today by tne arrival of cr them now than the to flnu hi6 _ acquisition of terri- Still would-be assassin. regulars and stato iu militia men who are R? tory. Prevails Parts of When he reached shore I «<; and examined entered In the Interstate matches in the lhls '*1 has been a the ground he could find deliberately planned nothing but the programme, It is now certain that there movement on the part of the Chinese prints of a moccasin and a will be no iraissioner Rod hill luzou Island. discharged International contest for the te government to fecial expel all foreigners. The cartridge. He was ablo to trace the Cars Palma or centennial tracks ■Passenger Crushed in Terrible trophy, as the Cana- decrees printed In the several miles, dians will ^ irvicwed. Imperial gazette andflinaliy learned through not send a team this year. prove this. The movement has the tracks on the been prac- ground that the would- Among the arrivals today were Lieut. tloally successful since In be assassin had followed every foreigner him up river in a Collision on Sumner Paine, battery A, 1st regiment the interior has been to seek canoe, followed up the shore Road, obliged until he Reading Massachusetts Heavy Artillery; Captain refuge In the came to a favorable VV E treaty ports. The Imperial spot from which he Lombard of battery 13; Serge; nb fired the shot. government merely utilized the Boxers as Natives Cole, Cornorals Smith,Thresher, Goddard Accuses Chinese Gov’t convenient Dare Not Be A wind accessories to Its schemes. strong was blowing at the time and Private Tom Anderson and Sergeant ‘‘Ihe relief of Pekin the attempt to murder Is merely an In- him was male Major W. D. Huddleston, all of Boston, of Treachery. cident of the Friendly to Americans. and the canoe was crisis. The really important pitching badly. This, Mass. work remains'to be it is thought, was the Thirteen Hale done. Marquis Ito, only thing that Persons Were Killed Sergeant of Light Battery A with the saved ether probably best informed man alive on Templeton’s life. Had the bullet men is expected to morrow and the eastern struck him it would have New politics, said to me that the pres- passed through and Englanders will take part In the ent was the his skull as the Over greatest crisis In the history would-be assassin was at Thirty Injured. regimental and company teams contests. A Mad© to1 such Is Systematic Attempt of and that all eastern short range. well represented and preceding the questions sank Into significance beside it. lempleton has not the remotest idea Philadephians are in high feather Expel Foreigners. Are who the over the victory of Willliam civilized nations to yield to the Any Withdrawal of Troops Will guilty parties are, and cannot Deveaux Chinese think of who has EoulKe, in the shoot for the Wimbledon conceit of their own superior- anyone hatred enough cup His ity?” Have Terrible Results. against him to prompt a deed like that. yesterday. work on the 1,000 was The have formed a yards very fine and all the more cred- Mr. Kookhill and other officials In guides combine among itable from the like themselves, and promise will Excursion Train fact that he has had no 1900 the Associated Shanghai the public are utterly they try to Runs Into Milk (Copyright by Press.) discover the practice at such a ignorant of the oourse of diplomatic and guilty party, long range. In last September a.—Mr. William year s shoot Foulke was a Shanghai, military events In contestant bub £Pekin. The consuls he Woodvtlle Kockhlll, special commission- Train at could not find the in hl3 first of the various governments have sent Hatfield, Pa. target erof the government to in- FLEET AT BAR HARBOR. five shots, frequent telegrams to their respective vestigate and report on conditions in ministers bat have been unable to get More China, in an interview with a representa- Insurgents Active Arrival of replies. It is suspected that the official Admiral Farquhar’i Ships tive of the emphasizing messages are tampered with between There. the of the harmonious action Recently. importance Shanghai and Che Foo. Reports Are As To Waitt and Bond’s of the powers as a measure of self de- ConUietingr Responsi- The attitude of the southern viceroys in Bar fense, said: Harbor, September 3.—The United protecting foreigners commands confi- States cruiser N ew York, the ot For “If the Chinese government is able to flagship bilily Disaster. dence in their good faith and negotia- the North Atlantic break the concert of nations and to squadron, Hear Ad- BLAGKSTONE bring tions will probably be conducted through miral Norman about a on the of H.I'arquhar, commander disagreement part any them. There is a financial panlo In in chief, anchored in the outer in such a w harbor government ay as to secure Chinese business circles here. Probably In west of Bar at one o'clock this relaxation of the demands. all Spite of War Island More Harbor, CICAR my joint J an factor is Important the money rate afternoon after a day and night run in to foreigners In China may as well pack Philadelphia, Pa., 2.— which is now 88 per oent per month. The Than clear from September Botlilehem. With fifteen doctors and leave. Prosperous Ever. weather, Newport. The flag- Thirteen op and passengers killed and over thir- half a dozen trailers are trying to get^ the ear of the ship was the nurses a special train was The “This is the accompanied by auxiliary ty others is the J L&sattmsg very best opportunity to officials. injured appalling record sent from gunboat Scorpion, Lieut. Commander Bethlehem but before it settle for all time the status of a rear-end collision between an of foreigners .La excur- reached the scene Hung Chang still remains In Nathan Sargent. The other com- .of the wreck it was If that ships sion train and a milk train on Wo Lonetre is China. matter is not settled the Beth- signalled to return Shanghai. He Is thoroughly discredited prising the squadron to arrive tomorrow to Bethlehem as a lehem branch of the and but is Intriguing to get the to are the Philadelphia special carrying nearly all the foreigners , indiana, Massachusetts, this injured Beading railway morning at Hat- had started for the in the vw&rtea. quarrel among themselves. Today he Kentucky and Kearsarge. The later ship hospital at that fleld, Pa., 27 miles north of this city. told American and English (Copyright 1900 by the Associated arrived at Northeast Harbor place. On the run from Hatfieled to the diplomats Press.) yesterday The killed are: Known that the Russians had and is now anchored in hospital three of the died. Everywhere. promised to with- Manila, September 2.—The peace com Southwest Har- Miss Annie injured Great Sherry, 21, South Bethle- trouble draw from Pekin of the missions bor. The U. S. S.« was experienced m the regardless poli- announcement of its assump- Dolphin, now on sur- hem. keeping relatives QUALITY cy of other nations. His statement is not tion of vey duty off the new away from the inju red on the power yesterday has met with Lamoine, coaling liobert Miller, 21, Soutn Bethlehem. believed, on the contrary it Is station live train so that the doctors thought childish comment at the hands of thb miles north of this place also Bichard gathered from COUNTS. that he Is as- Bachman, South Bethle- probable simultaneously the 22, near Hatfield could attend the Spaniards and foreigners who may join squadron here. Hear Ad- hem. to the I suring Russians that the Americans jealously wounded. and .British have sneer at the miral will order all his The special train arrived at promised to withdraw. new arrangement. A ma- T’arquhar vessels William. South to Ehret, 22, Bethlehem. Bethlehem at 11.30 and LI HUNG SEES FRENCH jority of the islanders desire and anchor outside Bar Island, the was met by fully CONSUL. peace leaving Ira Ehret, 20, brother of William, South the inner harbor clear for the 5,000 persons all clamoring to a bit I.—Li resumption of business under the guests, the Bethlehem. get Shanghai, Septembr nung Chang of news of the wreck or Americans but are so cowed British squadron, which is to trying to learn visited the consul they by a expected Joseph Mordaunt, Sguth SCHOOL French this morning 22, Bethlehem. whether loved ones were SHOES. long series of murderous atrocities and arrive Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. among the vic- a Charles Allentown. and had long interview with him. The Mclionlgle, tims. The news destruction of The reading room, stores and of the wreek had property by their armed hotels, Thomas Bay, Allentown. We have subject matter of the conference has not are reached Bethlehem at 8 o’clock good wearing shoes, just countrymen that they dare not actively cottages gay with British and Ameri- Miss Mamie and been Kaelin, 14, Telford. like the thing for and divulged. show their A cans flags. Bear Admiral John H. spread wild-fire. All the people Boys Girls, being feelings. genuine reign of Godfrey Kaelin, father of Mamie. of the town were at the strong, serviceable and comfortable. terror Is exercised by Insurgents and Upshur (reti red), and the resident com- William gathered station FI11ED AMERICANS OUT. Blackburn, Ambler. and It was with ladroces over mittee, are for great difficulty that the ^ peaceful country folk In completing arrangements Harold Eandls, Hatfield. These MORRIS eh Airs are excellent the injured were removed to order to collect the revenues and recruits reception to the officers of both the waiting $1.00 Wfcolog chairs but are so comtort- t Askermann, Philadelphia. they The War On ambulances and other vehicles I Lonl’a Troops Running their operati as require and widespread squadrons. account of the small The which can shoes for sble and soothing to every part ot the t seriously injured: buy good children. See I In quarters for the ball at the conveyed them to the All * that < I i Things at Tien Tstrn. vengeance is wreaked the vicinity of Kebo Valley John hospitals. our shoes for (I body you’re apt to doze before Bavid, Philadelph ia, engineer of the $t,ti5 Misses' wear. club on the during day people from • I _ towns. Wednesday night, function Allentown, you’re finished the first chapter. i garrisoned { xcurslon train, skull critical. Our Boys’ shoes are fine trades at will not be fractured, Gatasaqua and other came I You can secure all of the public. Only those invited places pouring this comfort with ( Any change policy involving Albert J. fore- as are (Copyright the Associated Press.) will be Wagner, Philadelphia, into Bethlehem and $1.50, Youths’ shoes at (’ the nap for d j 1900, withdrawal of the United States admitted. There has been a thick confusion reigned accompany lug | troops uan excursion train, contusions of ches $1/25. Tien via fog off shore all This throughoat the day. The second section , Tsin, August 29, Taku, August without substituting for them an ade- day. may delay t nd legs. the of the excursion made Ladies’ I i d0.—The Germans have demand- offensive is certain arrival of the other vessels. up of persons Spring Ilcel Shots formally quate force, to result Wilson Crossland, South Bethlehem, from towns other than Bethlehem and are tho trade of a life time FIVE DOLLARS i ed for themselves all the and in fearful retaliation at the cf ---- t at $‘2.00. buildings expense aggagemaster of milk head iace- train, Allentown, left after the first ij I grounds of tho of the United the friendlies. T he approaching patria- 1 ated. section, j camp ODELL but was 11 Of course wo have no AT THE HEAD. flagged before it reached Hat objection to 2 1 States, that these will be tion of the volunteers tends to Influence Michael J. pay more a explaining Tighe, Allentown, legs field. As It could not 11 your ing money for better 1 get through on needed the German forces soon the situation unfavorably. rushed aDd burned. CENTER & chair, if you Want to. by large account of the blocked 11 1 In Northern Lu2on the tracks, it was re- to arrive. As the American lies in status quo Abraham MCDOWELL, 11 We have them all the way up the line ! camp The Probable Transue, Jr., South Bethle- turned to Bethlehem and 539 is weli maintained. But in South- Republican Ticket In there was great Congress St. to lwemy fire dollars. the German cencession the demand will fairly j. em, deep scalp wounds, back and inter- ! | f . 'ejoicing at the narrow of FOOTWEAR FITTERS. ern conditions are far from satis- al escapes its be a new injuries. 11 Very Respectfully. probably complied with and iccupants from a catastrophe. factory. Life there is not safe outside the Mrs. William camp for the United States troops will Burkhardt, South Beth- The coroner of Montgomery garrisoned towns. Karely does a day S AT-Alntrn AT V o m L 1 ahem, lniured intornaliv county be established outside the wLeua. ana city. without an encounter between th 0 eariy spent; the Frank pass consensus of here Miss Uertude South Beth- i P. Tibbetts & Orders received from di- opinion tonight makes Burkhardt, entire day at the scene. He at once Co., Washington States and the 8 di- United troops insurgent lehem, both broken. \ up fhe Republican state ticket as follows: legs rected the removal o£ rect that the American be the dead to JLans- 5,000 troops or ladrones resulting In casualties. Ther 3 John W h a t a t For B, lielchley, South In- 4 and 6 Free St. governor,Benjamin, Odell, Jr., Bethlehem, dale, a short distance south of Hatfield. divided between rekin, Tien Tsin and are 18, 000 troops in tnat district. Tin 5 ^ of Orange; for lieutenant ternally Injured. He Taku for the winter. of governor,Tim- promises a vigorous investigation Abundant supplies activity the enemy increased las ; L. Miss Carrie othy Woodruff or Kings; for comp- Bachman, chest crushed. into the horror. UseptldS&Mlpx,+*%***%, -ffc are now There is evidence HAT ^ arriving and all that is necessary month. that the in William W. H. tro.ler, J. Morgan of Erie; for Kosenberry, jaw broken and in- There are have come into conflicting stories as to the have when is being rapidly forwarded to Pekin. It is surgents possession o: of satisfaction you you know secretary state. John T. ternally injured. for the understood that and wish McDonough responsibility accident, one ver- it becomes a here United States Min- new rifles that they to annihi- of The wrecked you,—has tailor-made Albany; for state engineer, Edward train consisted of ten day sion is that the ister Conger insists that Li engineer of the excur- effect and is from Hung Chang late some small’Americangarrlsons. Con- A. Bond of for coaches and was the first undeniably the right DOTTERY shall bo allowed to to Pekin for Jefferson; attorney gener- section of a sion train hai been warned at proceed ditions in the Visayans continue virtu Souderton, shape. a al, John C. Davies of for large excursion made up of from conference. Oneida; state people the station above that a Hatfield, milk bat a self SCOTLAND. ally unchanged. John ±\ Jaekel Bethlehem and Allentown to satisfaction when treasurer, of Cayuaga. Atlantic train was a few minutes you the for the ahead of him. Nevertheless imports Iasi So far as obtainable City. are sure you paid what THE WEATHER. tonight, because Another is that the train only you ~-1 and a half were thar story despatch- quarter greater over some sections of the This section carried those ought to pay for a hat with platform, there only people er s office in was quality during any equal period of the Philadelphia at fault' Spanish is still debate, the resolutions have been who lived in Bethlehem and Allentown The that will not Here’s a lot of trainmen refused to talk of the acci- disappoint. Highland Pottery regime. The internal revenue collection and left the deoided upon which will first, indorse Union depot in Bethlehem dent. Fifteen The Fall Styles in and Soft landed. Not tho Dutch than made hundred tickets had been Derbys just heavy is a third greater by . the at 6.05 a. m. 35 strongly administration of President I exactly minutes behind sold for the excursion Hats are for you. due an honest to the seashore and ready sort,—its more tho weight of fine This is to system of ac- the milk train, MoKinley,vigorously upholding the estab- The latter train con- it was to have been the last of the season, to a of porcelain. These counts, lack favoritism and to im- sisted of H. quaint shaped jugs, lishment and continuance of the gold two milk cars and two passen- Wellington Kosenbery of Hansiale, enforcement of the law. a representative of the IKE HATTER, mugs, cups and teapots, with their partial The mil- standard. ger coaches and had Pennsylvania stopped at every was authorities will turn over legislature on the milk train. He nut brown and old under- itary $6,000,000 a station on the road from 197 Middle Street yellow Second, strong endorsement of the Bethlehem en had his jaw broken and was also J to the inter- Mexican commission and this will route to glaze, their witty proverbs inscribed government policy in and Porto Philadelphia. At 5.54 the milk nally injured. His condition is serious. A. he in Geo. Coffin, M’g’k. probably expended pnhlio improve- Rico and a train drew thereon, aro as delightful to the eye, statement that the Philip- up at the milk platform at ments, notably In harbor developments, as aro the tales and of Burns pines are ours by every right and that Hatfield and in less than two ALL DONE BUT poems commission will minutes, VOTING. The lirst organize if the to the mind, it can be called expansion then the special excursion train, running at in the with municipalities provinces, the in New York state the rate of 35 miles an The Washington, September 2.—Forecast party is for expansion. hour, crashed into Vermont Campaign Ended Satur- a central DROWNING idea of establishing civil gov- an of the rear of the milk train. and Local Third, indorsement the admin- The locomo- day Night. for Monday, fair warmer. during the next may be a pleasant death, but few look ernment eighteen istration of Theodore as tive the two ready Roosevelt gover- plowed through passenger for such pleasure. Still., there are showers or thunder storms and cooler months. REAL BURBANK, DOUGLASS & nor of New York. coaches and crushed them as If they were Montpelier, pleasures that'seme never look fur, so lose CO., Monday night or Tuesday, fresh souther- Twelve Americans two Vt., September 2—The much happiness. including cap- Fourth, an endorsement of the egg shells—the milk oar in legisla- immediately close of the campaign in Vermont came with 242 Middle St. ly wiuds. tains and two lieutenants have been ture of 1900, specifically calling attention front was also badly wrecked. Four per- last »AL, the two night with political gatherings in be Boston, 2.—Forecast: Fair killed during past weeks. to the tax rate of 1,96 the sons, Godfrey his September mills, solution Kaelin, daughter nearly every and town in the city state. lifh BAGB 10e AT ALL weather Monday and probably Tuesday; of rapid transit for New York, the Mamie, Harold Landis and William GROCERS. T XI J3 pro- Tuesday will be election day, and the to fresh winds. ATTEMPTED murder. tection of 's water Blackburn on the car of the light southerly supply, passenger result is anxiously awaited by the leaders (TALK. Ho. 280.) hours of milk were almost LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. shortening labor, reform in train, instantly killed of the two great parties. tenement houses and there were CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK Unknown Mai* Trie* to Slioot n Guide sweat shops, the Fortunately very few passen- Both NO INDICATIONS. Portland, Sept. 2, 1900. —The local Republicans and Democrats have erection of consumptives gers on this train. la Maine Woods. hospital, protec- worked out to its final act an elaborate Glasses are no of Maine. weather bureau records the following: longer considered an Portland, tion of the forests, improvements to the The excursion train was a picture of of 8 a. m.—Barometer. 30 30.3; thermome- plan campaigning, through flag rais- indication of age. That time has 100: agricultural land. indescribable horror. The locomotive ter, 68; dew point, 68; rel. humidity, 1.—An ings, platform addresses and distribution past. Rots of children wear glasses of Bingham, September attempt non-committal was a mass of bent and broken iron and direction of the wind, W; velocity Fifth, plank regarding of literature. constantly, while to murder Herrnon a many elderly people CAPITAL, the wind,3 ; 6tate of weather, foggy. Templeton, guide the that there is now be- firmly held the bodies of its engineer $100,000.0(1 canals, saying This year the canvass has not been wear none at all. Glasses are 8 in.—Barometer. thermome- in the Moosehead lake is ted simply p. 80.130; region, repor ing made a preliminary survey author- and firemen beneath its great weight. quite as vigorous as that of four years worn to correct defects, or weakness ter, 70; dewpoint, 64; rel. humidity, 81; who have recently come to Behind the Surplus and Undivided by sportsmen ized by the last legislature for the pur- engine six of the ten cars the of Profits, $33,000,011 direction of the wind, SW; velocity of the The ago, although Democrats have done a the eyes, no matter what the age. this alleged attempt was made were also a mass of 10; state ol' clear. place. pose of accurately determining the cost of wreckage. The first amount of It is wind, weather, but larger work. The national true, of course, that nearly every Solicits tho accounts of Banks, Mer- several days ago, not until now their and car was broken in two and the Maximum temperature, 74; minimum enlargement that the Republi- other committee sent in outside normal to have and the facts been made speakers, but eye ought assistance {a,,tUe Firms, Corporations temperature, 66; mean temperature, 66; have publio. can will not favor five cars were thrown on their and is to party any large expen- sides, generally speaking, the details of the In close work, after the of Individuals, prepared fur- maximum wind 12 S; is one of the best known age rorty- velocity, precipi- Templeton diture unless it is certain that as a completely demolished, Nine Bish its tho facilities result persons campaign plan were worked out five, but normal are scarce. patrons tation—24 hours, 0, in these In by local eyes toul guides regions. addition to of the of their were killed In the first two cars and the liberal accommodations. enlargment capacity, the The senatorial and Every person should wear lenses WEATHER a he is a committees. fighters, just OBSERVATIONS. being guide game warden. He condition of all ciasses of the others in these coaches were people and badly ihe license issue will enter into the bal- as soon as will add to the com- so In efforts they The agricultural department weather has been vigilant to stop all section of the state will be maimed. As soon as the crash a materially came, lot to some extent. The fort or whenever it Is to do Inteiest on that he has incurred legislative fight injurious Paid bureau for 2, taken at 8 the enmity rose from the smashed cars Deposits. yesterday, Sept. poaching improved. terribly cry ivas the of without them. I will be to ad- of the in the precipitated by candidacy glad p. m., meridan tune, tho observation for of some guides section he is an endorsement of ind those who had not been Sixth, the national injured William W. Grout and vise you at time to work in. Jongressman any regarding your his section being given in this order: licensed ticket. luickl/ crawled from the cars and went SPECIAL department for savings. Republican lormer Governor William P. eyes, I want you to ask me any state Dillingham Temperature, direction of wind, state of The returning sportsmen that of to the assistance of the injured. interviews and Invited. Although nearly every politician Many 'or United States senator. questions about them. I will make a Correspondence weather: Templeton was on the west branch of the in ivere down the prominence Republican state politics pinned by wreckage and The it Is understood do careful examination of your eyes and the Republicans CULLEN Penobscot during week, and as he is the has been nad to be freed the liberal use of axes. C. CHAPMAN, President. Boston. 76 degrees, SW, dear; New here, day strangely devoid by lot on the of tell you whether you need or to make figure receiving plurality glasses York, 76 degrees, S, clear; Philadel- wished rapid progress, was pad- of conference, the only gathering of lead- With three or four exceptions, the dead THOMAS H. EATON, Cash ier. 10,000 which they secured four years not. 76 Washing- his canoe. When a short ers being one held to discuss a h ago phia. degrees, S, clear; dling distance roug were killed instantly the others on 78 80 draft of the dying tnd in their loss, the Democrats count -- ton, degrees, SE, clear; Albany, proposed platform. A. M. DIRECTORS: from the shore he heard a loud report of ;he to the All WENTWORTH, degrees, SW, clear; Buffalo, 83 degrees, So far as can be learned, the full ticket way hospitals. the In- ;heir gain. aud then felt a CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, SETH L, LARRABEE, SW, clear; Betroit, 78 degrees, S, clear; a rifle, peculiar sensation has been decided upon, and it Is Inti- ured were first taken to a shed at the St. of his head and mated that there Practical ■M. STEADMAN. PERLEY P. Chicago, 74degrees, SW, cloudy; Paul, at the back a pain in his tonight will be an fatfleld station and the dead were re- RIFDE SHOTS COMPETE. Optician, bURNHAVI, 66 degrees, NW, clear; Huron, Bakota, unanimous endorsement of Mr. Woodruff back. J uoved to a barn. Messengers were sent Sea N. J 2.—After M. EDWARDS, JAMES F. HAWKES 66 degrees. NW, clear; Bismarck, 66 de- for a third rerm as lieutenant governor Girt, September 5A6 1-5J Congress St. He dropped flat In the canoe in which 1 io ™ S. OSGOOD ADAM P. LEiGHTON, grees, NW, cloudy; Jacksonville, 78 de- even if he fails to acquiesce, prior to Wed- the nearby villages for a physician and 1 ;wo days' firing on the ranges of the New W been and M jjJTtt grees, E, cloudy. he had standing as he saw the nesday. i relief train was telegraphed for from Jersey Rifle association, the military and * act In concert with Russia with a view WELDINGS. THE LITTLE WONEER. to a settlement and that tnerefore it is PREPARING FOrIlIGHtT probable will follow Russia and Jimmy Michael Regains Lost Laurels SAVAGERY. DAVIS-MITCHELL. PALACE BILLIARD withdraw her troops from Pekin.” and Wins Others. HALL, West Newtield, Maine. September 1, i 900. One of the prettiest home weddings Pearl Philadelphia, Pa September 1.—Jim- Cor. Congress and Sts. OFFICIALS RETICENT. * f the season was solemnized at high Kruger and Steyn my Michael today regainel the middle Have Moved Still May loon, August 29th, at West Newtield, Empress Said to distance cycling chamDionship by defeat- * laine, where Miss Grace Cummings Farther Frpm Pekin. Leave ing Johnny Nelson in a 25 mile motor L. D. Country. Javis and Pred Carlton Mitchell were MATHIS, Prop. paced race on the Woodside park track of Washington, September 2.—As far as mited in marriage by the Rev. W. P. Awful Stories Russian this afternoon. Michael finished about a can be ascertained there were no im- _ j Cottage. Th8 bride, one of Newfield’s i airest daughters, a graduate of G. N. S. quarter lap ahead of Nelson in 89 min- portant developments in the Chinese in China. 98 and a student at the JJoston conserva- utes and 10 seconds, breaking the world s Cruelly situation here today. The officials main- ory of music, was becomingly gowned in In record of 39 45 made by Nelson on the Fourth in the World. tained unusual reticence. In diplomatic Pretoria They think the War Is ! vhite muslin and carried a large boquet Largest Nel- >f sweet peas, Miss Gertrude Davis was same track about two weeks ago. circles the that none of opinion prevails About Over. naid of honor and wore pale blue and son s time for the 25 miles today was reached a the a of U. of the great powers have as yet • vhite, groom graduate 19.31 3-5. Nelson leal at the finish'of the The Finest ot Electric in New d. 1900, is at present principal of the Display Lights . final determination as to the course they first mile but was soon passed by Michael _ i iigh School at Port Pair field, Maine, 2.34 will pursue. i dr. Arthur Wescott of Portland was who finished the second mile in 4-5, Billiard i jest man. The was We Do More Business than any other Hall in (ho An bit of information re- ceremony performed beating the world’s record of 3 16 1-5 Natives Killed in Pure interesting jn the lawn beneath an arch of evergreen the came previously held by McFarland. Up to Now States. gaidiug the Empress Dowager to Boers Can It If i tnd clematis, after the ceremony a brief England Prolong thirteenth the riders did not display Wantonness. Washington today. It was to the effect ■eception was followed by a wedding break- mile, ast. Mr. and Mitchell left amid the that the British government had reoelved Wish. Mrs. much speed but Michael lowered pre- They ihowers of congratulations and rice. The the was vious best record for thirteen miles, word that Empress going from jresents were numerous and beautiful CROWDS TURNED AWAY EACH WEEK. 2.10 4-5, held crossing the tape Tyan Eu in the province of Shansi to L’he groom’s gift^was a pin of enamel by Nelson, in 20 04 3-5. He also made a new record which she had fled after her md gold. place escape for 15 miles, 28.03, lowering Nelson’s pre- from to Hainan Fu. Fu is Pekin, Tyan ROOSEVELT IN CHICAGO. vious record of 23,27. farther away from the Chine se capital. Force of Boers British Destroy 2.—Governor SATURDAY GAMES. DAY and Murder Chlgago, September LABOR Robbery, Ravishing Train. lloosevelt arrived In Chicago today. He Boston, September 1.—Nine singles, PRINCE MADE REGENT. Supply was met a committee by representing a double and one error in the third and a chance to visit one of the most Brilliantly on Wand. about 160 labor uni. under whose aus- will give you L'ghted Common Every Of- ns, netted the St. Petersbuig, September 2.—The he is fourth innings of today’s game pices to speak at Electric Park to- Billiard Parlors in the world. ficial Messenger published the following morrow. An understanding was arrived Bostons 10 runs. Umpire Swartwood at despatch dated Pekin August 20, from by which the program, as far as Gov- had a lame shoulder and retired at the Setember 1.—Mr. and ernor Roosevelt is concerned, is to be car- M. Do Giers: Pretoria, Kruger end of the fifth Inning. Freeman and the Russian Minister, fled out as announced. The Governor Mr. have gone to Barberton. It is the Attendance SIGN IN MAINE “There is an unconfirmed rumor that Steyn will make the first address In the after- Garrick finished game. SEE THE LARGEST ELECTRIC believed that they are for noon so as to reaoh the 6000. The score: Prince has been preparing enable him to Cliing appointed regent The is train for where he is to make flight. general opinion that the Saratoga, 005B0000 x—10 Children and but is afraid to return unless the foreign a speech on the Boston, Bayoneted war is now very near the end, but September 6th, opening New Icork, 0001 01 00 0— 2 will his Ten New York state. His west Tables in the envoys guarantee liberty. should the Boers construct campaigning 20 of the Finest World. Men Drowned. strongholds ern campaigning tour will then be be- Batteries, Dineen and Clark; Hawley Old dignitaries remaining in Pekin have con- in on or the bush the veldt, elsewhere, gun, consuming praotically six weeks. and Grady. X resolved to the sequently petition diplo- and begin a system oi raids the British BAL.LY HOO BFY AGAIN. MADE CROKER MAD. BROOKLYN WON THE RUBBER. mats in the interest of an amelioration would require further large supplies of Brooklyn, 1,—Brooklyn won New 1.—Bally Hoo of the situation to invite Prince Ching to horses. New York, September 1.—Richard September York, September Croker the rubber in the series of five games and. “Tod” Sloan duplicated their return to Pekin and to give explan- Ceneral Buller moved fourteen miles was filled with wrath yesterday Bey with Philadelphia today by outplaying success in the futurity one week ago, by ations.” northwestward along the Bydenburg and the man servant of the Tammany as the visitors in all departments. McGin- winning the Flatbush stakes today, the Which Are Almost Too road and crossed the Cjocodile river to leader, well as the attaches of the Reports Democratic nlty was in rare form and the fielding feature of the card at Sheepshead bay. ACCEPTS GEORGE FRED’S CHAL- Badfonteln. He found the Boers concen- club, wore long faoes. A was that there was a behind him was of the sensational order. Tommy Atkins, the odds on favorite,was Horrible to Relieve. LENGE. trating in the Crocodile mountains. story published plan Attendance 2000. The score: second and beaten a head at A force of Boers under Commandant forming to depose Mr. Croker from the only and, W. the was the best Richmond, September 1.—Gov. M. Ehron broke through the British lines leadership of Tammany Hall, backed by Philadelphia, 00001010 1—3' weights, unquestionably of West who Brooklyn, 00121010 x—5 horse in the race. Atkinson Virginia, picked and captured and burned a supply train John P. Carroll and Van Wyck. An unfortunate incident marred the up the gauntlet thrown down by George at Klip river station, taking 35 prison- “It’s rot,” said Mr. Croker, wrathful- i'ici icn, jjci miuiuu auu xuvx aiiauu, McGinnlty and Farrell. event which had a direct bearing in the Fred Williams of Massachusetts, in his ers. Brabant's horse proceeded thither, ly. “Such nonsensical stories really outcome. four horses started and Portland speech, said, tonight: recaptured all the prisoners and drove makes me feel like never saying a word WON IN THE TENTH. Only the race was conceded to be a duel be- (Copyright 1900 by the Associated Press.) “If the Republican state committee the Boers into the hills. Col. Plumer for publication.” Pittsburg, September 1 —McCreery Street Commissioner tween the Whitney and Keen candidates, Taku, August 30, via Shanghai, Sep- of Maine sanctions my act I will be dispersed a small commando under Com- Cleaning Nagle, won the game in the tenth when two who ifi a ■man nf hftrmi lfi»n hnilrt waa Bally Hoo Bey and Tommy Atkins. tember 3.—The Chinese in the Pei Ho pleased to accept George Fred Will- mandant Pretorius east of Plnaar’s river, men were out by scoring Ruchey with more were sent off on the second break 26 a number of angry than the Tammany leader. a They ■valley are paying dearly for the folly of iams’ I have the capturing Boers, wagons two-bagger.The feature was Schriver’s challenge. questions to a start and Smile and Hoo and a of cattle and His name had been mentioned as one of good Bally their Along the river and in mv nop.kp.t which Mr Williams was quantity rifles. poor throwing to second base, allowing government. made the but not more the men who were lighting to depose six stolen bases. Attendance The Bey running, the roads travelled by the foreign troops asked to and those are the 4,100. answer, than a separated the four for the OUR EXHIBIT THE GOLFERS. Croker. He said: score: length between Tien Tsin and Pekin an orgie I want him to to. I questions reply “I have never talked with Patrick H, first half mile. At this point Sloan took or and destruction continues with looting don’t know what in Pittsburg, 100000000 1—2 showed in —OF— political etiquette Miss Frances A. Grlscom Is tire New Keahon or one else about such a his mount back so that Smile much useless of any St. Louis, 010000000 0—1 slaughter unoffending the North is a in regard to accepting The man who invented the front a neck before Tommy Atkins, who inhabitants. Champion. subject. and but in home in the Batteries, Philippini Sohriver; same distance before Alard challenge, my South- story should write a tank drama and was the The conditions prevailing leave little Young and Criger. aud we never let such an opportunity then fall in the water some ac- Scheck and Bally lloo Bey. They came ground for the favorable comparison of Shinnecook Hills Golf Cub, Southamp- night by cident. If CHICAGO WON TWICE. into the stretch necks with Smile NEW FALL GOODS that apart civilized warfare with Chinese methods. pass.” ton, L. I.. September 1.—Miss Frances fellow came to Harlem A Maine said: I would like to duck him in the Chicago, won on the rail and Bally Hoo Bey on the and murder are so prominent republican C. Grlscom of the Merlon Cricket club river.” September 1.—Chicago Kobbery, ravishing is the finest wo have ever shown. We “The state committee The story of the asrainst Kichard two well deserved games from Cincin- outside. When straightened out and al- common that every responsible person Republican will, of Philadelphia, won the women’s fight have a man of taste could Both were con- most at the last a bad mix everything » without a Gov. Atkinson all Croker is said to have been started nati, today. games hotly furlong pole one meets contributes stories from per- doubt, give golf championship of America today, by desire for friends of the new tested and it was not until the last man up occurred which fortunately did not re- sonal observation. the latitude in the world. The Gover- defeating Miss Magaret Curtis of the Tammany leader, Patrick H. to injure John F. was out that the game was safe. Garvin sult in a serious accident. Smile swerved Fires are started daily although the nor is no bully, bluffer and braggart. Essex club, Boston, by 5 up and 4 to Keahon, Carroll, held [the visitors down to three hits in out and Bally Hoo Bey bore in on the shelter will be much needed if the troops His handsome, manly face shines with play Miss Grlscom’s play was the best Fall Suitings and A few days before the primaries, John the iirst and Menefee secured the decision other two and for a second the crowd on are to hold the country during the win- southern honor. He is a gentleman in she has done in the whole champion- F. Carroll sent for several politicians in in the second on account of excellent the grand stand held its breath expecting ter. The soldiers are having ‘‘fine sense of the word. No better ship, and Miss Curtis, who was general- every the seventh district and asked them to Attendance The scores: to see if not down in a back fielding. 3000. one, all, go heap. Overcoatings. sport” in using natives who creep man could be ly expected to win, after her defeat of side with picked to make Williams James W. Boyle in the faction- This did not but the favorite to their or to work in Miss was no al (First Game.) happen houses, attempt take back water.” Hoyt yesterday, match, after fight. A few politicians agreed to The first of the new with John was knocked out of his stride. Spencer the Helds, as targets. The Russians are the hard strain of the week, for Miss comply F. Carroll’s wish. Chicago, 00010000 1—2 Others refused and informed ex-Alder- had to pull np losing three, or four the chief actors in this style of conquest RETURNING IN STEERAGE. Griscom’s experience, this being the Cincinnati, 00000010 0—1 man Keahon that Mr.Carroir was work- the time the tangle was FALL TKOUSEKINGS but the French are fourth time the latter has lengths. By remarkably conspicu- , September 2.—Owing to the triea for the ing against him. After his victory ex- Batteries, Garvin and Donahut; Hahn and Kahoe. straightened out Sloan had rushed Bally ous, considering their small numbers. westward honor. Miss Grlscom is one of the best Alderman Keahon is said to have sought are always to be seen here. unusually heavy passenger Hoo to the front and was the the some way to revenge himself on Mr. Bey settling We search for the and From the beginning the conduct of traffic as well as to the interruptions in exponents of round swing with a (Seoond Game ) best Belect Carroll, and the publication of the story down and him out with hands Russians has been a blot on the cam- fine follow and on riding goods of undoubted style and merit for sailings, owing to Fne Hoboken disaster, through form and of Carroll’s to Kichard 02001021 x—6 gattempt depose Chicago, and heels. our customers. When Pekin was the of paign. entering correspon- and to the chartering of passenger steam- easily superior her 17-year- Croker, was spread for that purpose. Cincinnati, 01 100002 0—4 When Spencer'got Tommy Atkins going dents of the Associated Press saw Cos- ers the German for use In old antagonist. She is the daughter of by government THE Batteries, Menefee and Donahue; Phil- he set sail for the with CASE OF MRS. MAYBRICK. again, flying leader sacks smash down Chinese women Chinese waters, many American citizens Mr. Clement L. Grlscom of the Ameri- lips and Kahoe. Our i?Isidc to Order who was some three or four lengths in the butts of their guns and pound their have recently b8en compelled to take can Navigation company and is about 21 (Copyright, 1900, the Associated Press.) FORT PEEBLES. 14; CUMBERLAND front and with and rode a heads until dead. whip spur they wire TheJCossacks steerage passage in returning to the years old. She fully deserved her vic- , September 1.—A re- 13 tangible CENTRE, final finish. Foot foot the would old desperate by pick up children barely United States. tory. sult of the recent visit to Mrs. Florence A of ball very exciting game was Atkins up until It CLOTHING to hold them the ankles trains from game Tommy crept enough walk, by The physicians of the North German Morning Southampton Maybrick at Aylesbury prison of l)r. at Cmnberland Centre on played Satur- was only two lengths then one and beat out their brains on the in a number of length, pave- Lloyd steamship company have Insisted Drought large people who- Clark Bell of New York, the prisoner’s afternoon between the Fort is day strong then a neck, but the finish line was too acknowledged by smart dressers to be ment. Russian officers looked on without upon all these to meet the had come to see the finals between MIbs counsel, and a representative of the As- vaccinating Preble team and the local club.The former close and amidst the wildest excitement absolutely perfect. a protest. While Genei*al Chaffee was Curtis and Miss Grlscom. The sociated was a ex- requirements of the United States laws. fact that Pres3, the discovery of team started in with a rush and Secured The goods in our display are not the judges were passed with Bally Hoo watering his horse at a stream under the an for the first time since the hitherto unknown celled in or in the Recently American filed strong ob- champion- letter from the late a lead in the first two beauty quality by any big Inningsowing Bey a head in front. Alard Scheck was wall of the Russians found was the Baron of city. Tung Chow, jections with Mr. Henry W. Diedrich, ship inaugurated champion Russell Killowen, Lord Chief to the wildness of pitcher Jenkins who would come from third a length and a half away. Spencer a feeble old man hidden in the ex- States outside the Justice of mud, United oonsul at Bremen, wbo Metropoli England, to Mrs Maybrick, gave three bases on balls and hit two tan district did not seem to abate the in- claimed a foul but it was not allowed, al- his nose, and him out by his to his in cept dragged wrote Washington for instructions, terest of the reaffirming belief his client’s in- batsmen.This with two hits and sev- Metropolitan players, for the only iiiiuugii Liit? Btcv>ttiUh iilku mi iuur juuitHjrb queue Shouting gleefully they impaled meanwhile forbidding the physicians in attendance was large and the had nocence and vigorously declaring his eral errors the players con- gave Fort boys seven runs, in the stand hat ore their decision. him on their General Chaffee a of enthusiastic giving REUBEN K. bayonets. question to vaccinate Americans in the following admirers viction that she had been unfairly con- After this the Cumberland stead- OYER, who around the course pitcher The feeling was divided as to who was remarked, ‘‘That is not war. It is brutal on the tramped in the demned. steerage ground that the law was This^letter^has since been made ied down and a hot sun and applauded vigorously and pltohed fine game. Ray responsible between Smile and Bally Hoo murder.” intended to the basis for a new apply to immigrants only. without partiality every good of memorial praying nor the first baseman the play big being only Bey and it looked from the stand as if Merchant Tailor, Amerloan officers at Taku, days aftefr either contestant. for Mrs. so Maybriok’s release,and strong man who could do much 1 VALOIS DEFENDS PECK. with him, th< both were to bl ame. the was saw Russians Miss Curtis was a favorite In the morn- partly fighting finished, is Mr. Bell’s belief in the force of this local men batted and 375 FOR ing and several wagers were made at finely gradually The Ocean handicap went to Voter in E, bayonet children and throw old men into New York, Spetember 2 —Among the document that a copy of it has been sent odds of 8 to 5 that the Boston would crept up but could not quite pull oui > the on the French line girl personally to Sir Matthew White Rid- fast time. Rush, the favorite, with Near Foot of St. river, clubbing them to death when passengers steamer La win the Her Exchange championship. opponent, of state for home de- ahead, One feature of the Cumberlant L Tmiralne whlrh arrlvori fmm Hum ley.the secretary the Sloan up, was beaten off, showing no I they tried to swim. The Russians killed making a good score did nrvrfcnient,. Jit; Ills Rummer hnma In iVnrhh yesterday, are the rour Burnell brothers all lini » TELEPHONE S12-4. not seem to Miss Curtis boys speed at any part of the journey. septldtf women who knelt before them and day was Arthur V alols, United States up in the long umberland, accompanied by the request and the indications were young players. The following Is th< 1 begged for mercy. commissioner of the Paris exposition, game that one that he give It his earliest consideration. The summaries: or the other of the players would be able Mr. Bell score : lie defended Commissioner General started for the continent to- The Flatbush, seven furlongs, Bally WESTBROOK. Peck to defeat her opponent in less than the day, more than satlslied with the effects Innings 123456789 Hoo 3 to 2 and 1 UEKflANY IN. from the cabled that he had acted full 18 holes. The rlav w:w u, Bey, 12U, Sloan, to 3, UIVES charges of his visit to England. Be has not anti and there was Fort Prebles, 25001330 0—p 15 to discourteously to state representatives at warm, nothing in the only succeeded in seeing his client for won; Tommy Atkins, 115, Spencer, The Presumpscot baseball team of 1885 A Shanghai Report that War Lord Will conditions to warrant the O. Centre, 03132002 2—1 i the In expectation of the first time since her 20 and 1 to 4, second; A lard Scheok, and the of the exposition. speaking of the story other than incarceration, 115, Presumpscots present day Withdraw From Prklu. good play. but has since secured for Struck out by Jenkins, 10; by Bow Mrs May brick 30 to 1 and 4 to third. Time were the in a of base- that Mr. Peck had secretly worked to three base Burns, 1, contestants game HITCHCOCK WON. an interview with her mother, Baroness dura, 4; hits, Kaynor 2, Bow 1 26, Smile also ran. ball afternoon. had a London, September 3, 4 a. m.—The prevent Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Poter Koues. The dlsoovery of the Bussell dum 1; two base hits, Moulton, Jenkins Saturday They R. publication of the text of the Russian Palmer from being decorated by the Newport, I., September 1 —Finals lettBr is regarded as important, not be- Eli Burnell; passed balls, Bartlett 1, P The Ocean, handicap, one mile, Voter, large audience to watch the contest. The for the cause Burnell 1. proposals has intensified rather than French government, he said: President’s cup in the Newport many people doubted his sincerity, 130, Spencer,3 to 1 and 6 to 5, won; Vul- young team went into the field without Golf tournament were but because it is couched in such terms diminished the entertained “That is for I know how played, today and vain,113, Burns. 7 to 1 and 5 to 2, second; a friend and returned with all the honors suspicion by impossible as to preolude of his be- THE WlMBBETON CUP. resulted in the of any question Martlmas, 114, Boland, 20 to 1 and 8 to England of Russia's proceedings. The such things are done. The name for the victory Charles Hitch- lief that she was unfairly tried. Mrs. of the day. For seven Innings the game of Point Judith Sea Girt, N. J., 1.—Tfc< > 1, third. Time, 1.39 2—5. Kamara, Cha- rupture of the European concert is con- legion of honor are handed in and passed cock, Jr., and Yale, who Maybrick’s frlands say Ur. Clark Bell September was close and exulting. In the eighth and feels the influence of Wlmbleton was won Wil of Belle sidered as an fact. on their merits. I know that Mr. Peck defeated C. Tiffany Richardson of Shin- mysterious oppo- cup today by rentus, Knight Rhodes, Kush, ninth the element accomplished Opin- sition innings younger somewhere, which hinders a suc- liam D. Foulke of the lilfli > of and Musette also ran. ions as to the the names of Mrs. necook and Harvard by a score of 4 Philadelphia Lexington onto Welch and batted out six differ, however, way in presented Manning, up cessful result. The late Mr. Bayard evi- jumped and 2 to The match association from a field of thirteen com which the powers will now group them- Mrs. Potter Palmer and Michael De play. was for 36 dently felt this when h& declared the THE WINNER INJURED. runs, winning the game, name and hon- Foulke's score was 140 selves. for the order. As to holes and at the end of the case had reached the end of petltors. out o ors with the score 10 to The 60ore Young there being morning diplomacy, New 1.—The World 8. by and ambassadors also met a the same York, September The which criticism over so round Hitchcock was 2 up. The subsequent possible 150, score which woi Daily Telegraph expresses being many representa- play it. But omorrow will William C. Whit- innings: many recent evidences of leni- the last but five less 6ay: regret that President “has tives from the United and the in the afternoon was very close, but the cup year that he rec 1835, 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0-8 McKinley States, ency toward the prisoner Incline her ney's Bally Hoo Bey, who won the Flat- Yale man ord for the made Farrow o f 4-10 committed the United States to follow difficulty of all with Invita- managed to add two more friends to believe that her incarceration cup, by lbOO, 10200012 supplying bush stakes at was cut holes to his credit, winning in the 36th will not be several Dr. W Sheepshead bay, teams were as follows: the Russian lead" tions to entertainments, all that I can prolonged. Washington years ago. The made up considers, howe^fer, hole. Hitchcock has —- down and not run thus won tw o G. Hudson of C 4th may again this sea- lb; that will throw in her lot with say is that here always is trouble when a tournaments company, regiment 1885, Webb, p; Harmon, c; Morton, open in succession, Narra- son if ever. who caused the tn- SLAUGHTER OF DEERS BEGUN. N. G. N. with a score of McJoynt, Russia and will be reluctantly followed big enterprise like the exposition, is gansett Pier and N#wport. J., 129, wai | Burnell, 2b; Gilman, 3b; MoLellan, ss; while the jury to Bally Hoo Bey,was suspended for France. under way. There are Bangor,September 1.—The game season second, third place was fillet l Spring, If; A. Smith, cf; West, rf. 1900, by certainly many VARDON AND of FINDJUAY., in Maine Hotart the remainder the meeting. Foxhall The Times feffs it officials from this to the opened today. Under the li- by Captain] Tuttle, A. D. C. Gilman, p; McKenney, c; Shaw, lb; perfectly clear, says, country exposi- Mass Keene Sloan with Allston, September cense law 1st charged fouling that neither honor nor the tion.” l._Harry residents may kill one deer, to brigade staff, N. J., with a score o f Stanford, 2b; Walker, 3b; Anderson, ss; interests of Vardon met his old Atkins opponent, Alec Find- be 92 and Tommy and declared ho would will her to consumed at the camp where killed, points allowance of 18 for using Mann, If; Kivers, cf; Bryden, rf England permit follow Rus- in a 36-hole lay, exhibition match on the the not start another horse at the meeting sia s It trusts CRONJE DOING WELL. upon payment of a fee of ?4, and non- military rifle, making in all Hi ) J. W. Burnell daslres to example. that Germany Allston links Manager today and as usual won residents The and tried to scratch Voter in the Ocean will refuse to leave Pekin. have the same privilege upon points. fourth man was Captaii ( arrange a game with any 6trong amateur out 5 and 4 to but was too New York, September 2.—The British by up play. The course of Walter F. handicap late. Sloan Most of the other ex- payment $0. This Is the second year Whittemore, Co. C, 4th N. G. team in tne satte. morning papers is a short steamer one of the one, 2,063 yards, and both of the with 87 charged that the accident was a jockey’s press similar views. Masconomo, Hogan pro- September license law and It is re- N. J,, and an allowance of 1! The water in the Presumpscot river iessionals had no in to beat him. line of difficulty the as a for conspiracy Li had a conference steamers, arrived today from beating garded success, for while no more using the military rifle whicl ( was low while were Hung Chang long of 39. Vardon yesterday repairs South Bogey went further and deer yesterday with Mr. William Africa, stopping on the way at St are killed than before the passage of brought his total up to 105. Among being made at the mill. morning lowered the record both for 9 and 18 holes the the THE FOX HUNTERS. Is Woodville U. S, com- Helena and St. Lucia. The Masconomo law, the stato gets something for its others who contested were Major G Mrs. Frank Brown street, Rockhill, special going out in the afternoon in 33 and Libby, took out to South in game. B. first District of to re- missioner. Africa a cargo of sup- coming in 32, and it is lively that Young, regiment, Co Newport, K. I., September 1.—The sec- critically 111 and Is not expeoted his score of 65 will The duck Earl Li’s party is said to be at plies for tlio British from St. stand for some time. shooting season also began lumbia, 80, handioap 18, total 98. ond fox hunt of the Boason under the di- cover. jubilant army John, The scores were: the present aspect or affairs. N. B., and has been engaged today. rection of the Monmouth County club The September meeting of the West- aboufcthree EXPERIMENT STATIONS IN 1IA WAI! [ The Shanghai correspondent of the months in that service. (Forenoon.) with P. F. Collier for master, took brook aldermen will be held this even- Returning home THE PEERLESS ALABAMA. place Times Washington, September 1.—Dr. E. C, thl s afternoon. The meet was on Indian wiring yesterday says: the Masconomo stopped at St. Helena to Vardon—Out, 35; in, 35;'total, 70 ing. Washington, September 1.—The of “Li has received a tele- Findlay—Out, 36; in, 86; total, 7± Navy Stubbs the Agricultural avenue near the Third and a doz- A of the Democratic city com- Hung Chang make a few to her While Department Beaoh, meeting repairs engine. Department has rec9ived a letter from from the Chinese minister in Ber- has returned from a trip to Hawai l en riders but the number was mittee will be held this at the gram there Mann visited (Afternoon.) started, evening Captain the camps of who comman lin that is Captain Brownson, wjll d where he went to the somewhat reduced the asserting Germany prepared to the 33; investigate agrlcul before “kill.” rooms of the Westbrook Democratic Boor prisoners. He saw General Vardon—Out, in, 32; total, 65—135 the Alaoama when she goes into com- tural conditions of the island. As a Flnylay—Out,37; in, 36; totals, 73—145. re The run was made across stiff country, club. Cronje and Col. Sbeele and other notable mission October that the 10th, saying big ending at Bull’s farm. The Westbrook Democrats will hold an A Congressman prisoners. Captain Mann says there are BRIDGTON SENSATION. ship made a magnificent run betweeen TO CBEANSE THE SYSTEM at Several ladies followed the hounds and open air meeting Wednesday evening 4,000 Boer prisoners at St. Helena. Philadelphia and Boston, On this They Bridgton, September 1.—There was lots long Effectually yet gently, when costive oi Miss Greta Pomeroy took the brush while which Joseph E. F.Connolly of Portland are well cared for and are made of excitement in town this trip she averaged fifteen knots and when to very com- morning be- bilious, permanently overoome habltu Mrs. Adolph Ladenburg, who also rode, will speak on local issues, paying partic- fortable. He visited the cause of the arrest of Clerk the heavy sea abated, the ran al to various camps William Mc- speed up constipation, awaken the kidneyi > was not far behind. One of the first rid- ular attention to the conduct of business o and said that the Cormick of the new sixteen knots. and liver to a prisoners are not in any Bridgton hotel for healthy activity, withou' : ers at the kill was fyoung Robert GoolBt, at the sheriff’s olllce. restricted liquor selling. He was irritating or to [ who has practically recovered from his in- the way beyond confining them to arraigned before Stops tile weakening them, dispe The Cleaves ltillos will entertain Justice Cougli received at Brookline in the certain limits. A Corliss, found headaches, oolds, or use o f jury spring. number are daily guilty and fined and works off tlie Cold. fevers, Syrup members of Co. B., Portland today. $50 and costs and thirty in A large number of spectators followed visitors to the days jail He Laxative Figs, made by the California * club and are very sociable. appealed. Bromo-Qulnine Tablets cure a cold Fig Syru] the hunters as far as they were able in Mrs Nelson Shaw Is at the Maine Eye iu oue clay. Bo Cure, Bo briee 25 cents. Co. bay. carriages and automobiles. and Ear infirmary for treatment. IN MAINE. THE BELONGED PRAIRIE here. is one Of the handsomest shirks of u hind that her The ever came into Portianri Prairie will sail 1*. Fernald j She all about noon from^PortlandT Ror Drowned lit Goes »o Sea Thl« yesterday who saw her and proceed ,|(0(enaut j Noon With N*v«! at once to se a Miscellaneous. the 2^?~ where she , will remain m MISCELLANEOUS. Reserves. WkpMi.., an. until Crs'av wnen sue will pufc into The ^ The U. S. S. Prairie leaves Portland l0r September 1.—A despatch from Prairie arrived in sometime On tMeg*t P»ctlce’ Manila* port about noon Fridas ???*^ 01 yesterday about one today with the Saturday that Roy L. Fernald, of o’clock and Portland di she will morning jj0jloannounces anchor dropped vision. Lieutenant H. agajn go to sea off M. Bia-elo-or * again for United States volunteers, be- Bug Light She came here 1 another ,jje 26th irom evening that he practice ancl Newport to take the Maine | expected, to ta t will return to Winterport, Me., was drowned naval this cruise the PortlandPortia Trg jDginSin reserves on a entire sometime river this week's cruise. The complement of 2° Sunday afternoon. Superior morning. Prairie division which is 16 th