w* r ,r ^ ff !? r» s c s ‘ s s • i' 'f?wS® Clear, very cold again to­ l ^ f ? night; low zero to 10 below. To­ ■ | r| e w m-' 'll Mhl 1 6 , 0 9 5 morrow partly cloudy, contin­ iK hAl K ^ Manchester— A City o f Village Charm ued cold; high kbout 20. -- JLS ? |p liPg : ?-||l VOL. LXXXX, NO. 91 (TWENTY PAGES) I 4 ?s ' Is l?lir ! %IPes I 5* t SM I F ff® MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1971 (Clnzeified AdveitWng «■ Page 17) PRICE TON C3ENTS i "41 if I f h i 1 g®| • f I el, ' ? I - •. ] ' fti ' K it ' I |Pw| ^ __ t h i llsl' i lil 5?i fflll iiSS s S2 ii&E®-§S522S9*29 22 ^Rf 2?7 922 9222522929 993:9 * 29a S' 999?99a9299*9 ' §£ lEt? 9 ‘S-Ip I iRp § 5299§9999999. 0‘ S? w 3S§ai^.i;§^§-3g *» “ r? ?s, ei S.t M 8 » « 8 » 8 ? * U.S. Air Strikes Aid jaftJsSpiSpL.sagapftB'atPSaSUiiftSff Mass Kidnap Bid ® f l | S P =|S " S S S o ^ I p I r Fires Kill«a. 23 Children & 3 « ^ 2 -? c r t o-§ p S'! S? I ° 2. I o ^tfgg&n>n> « o “ i l F . i Cambodian Attempts Ends in Shooting “ ieS"W” E’£-E»Sp[D g.0‘g!Lg-.„{T3 ^0';°g g - ^ ff B e P P e P !f I i 2^!s! la® 1^ :0 35 S 'e t E '" ' k b ?- BBjNNBjTTSVILJLB, S.C. (AP) tol ahd $12 from Oiavis they « t f m o To Reopen Highway H a -ftp* -f^ r |f||t < Sh * — “We're gotn^r to get all the herded all six members of the ON HIGH rich people, every damned one *"‘® ‘*‘® "'‘"“"'s «“<1 “ ed U.S. and Toronto g ’fi g ft 9°- 4, Cambodia (AP) — American heli- "g- I ' ?PS copter gu «. i S ft i. 3 5 s . at least three a i r strikes today in of -em, and then they-re going S I f t g l f f - b ' ? 5 | ? ' ^ 9 l 2 9 l § i ? 3 ” g;Sn «S SS §1“ ^S995|Sg^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS support o f Cambodian troops trying to reopen this key toj^ve to deal with ua.” chUdren-JDon, 10, and d ^ L - R R P B 8 S • overland supply route to the sea. " ^ayne Chavla, me o« eight ters Suzanne. 9, and m w n ^* Seventeen children rang­ 8 88 6 8 8 88 a it 8 8 8 8 8 Ground unlta advancing cau------=------peraons abducted in this UtUe -n,» kidnaners then drmre to ing in age from six weeks Uoualy Highway 4 called ‘ own In northern South Caro- the l ^ ^ n l ^ ^ y to 14 years and the young ® 2|f Si9|p|g|5f dSi |» Ilf ^S||M p8| Is w mother of three of them V - g g B^cawacP.ISB j_o‘|g|g!' I ” a^?'*B» S Og«^ 9 »r rs». ThiS^iS began Saturday ___ _ 0,. died Sunday and early to­ l^J ® s9 l : » l s= I ss£t'sr’.is;.s,.‘u,'ss; one “““ of manded to see her 'husband. »»"•■ day in fires in New York, O » f 1 ? I I p M v i . • «-iisg:s NU PazB, 60 miles southwest of ' till^ti||-^sf is?iffyi Phnom Penh. Five Cambodians men carrying guM ^jT^b,Xe™*”r ‘’ *" (^lorhdo and Massachu­ 'Ea-i-s «;!^ p Z?5;i3..Sefftoa'y-vCtS’ rt®*® o pQs*2.aS*9'M E^9- 3 " I i were wounded before three Co- w * th e ^ L ^ f n v i ^ mlUtant Uterature Mrs Lindsay* was knocked to setts. Six more youngsters u. a - m.^45 2-52® £S - ..• 3 P « 3 s *1 3 8 Os&2.e • £ ’ , • CSobra gunahlpa returned td "was like an automatmi, a ro- Francis LtUiders found her ma)ie a second strike against a standing in front of the buUdlng suspected enemy mortar em- ***** he could not disobey an order.’ ’ screaming hysterically, “Pleaae placement during the Cambo­ God help me! Help me get my dians’ lunchtime. ’Troops dined 77>e psychiatrist, Dr. Albert M cG overn M akes H is B id babies out!” 88 on rice and dried fish as they f^'*®™®- testified out of Uie They found the door had awaited the action. hearing of the jury. ’Hie trial locked ae she left but niey Tni»,.sto>.iu ... j Jmlge was to make a decision F or ’72 P residency O fficial Im n ^ toly after the se^nd later on whether the prosecution broke It down and thOy got the T"®**^ has an equal right to have'Cal- WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem- drawal------from ------Southeast Asia. other occiqMWte out. Then Lan­ iSnSrJl^LlM ®*‘**S I®***^.' “ ****■ *ey examined—a procedure that ocraUc Sen. OeMge 8. Me- Eariler this month he stepped ders forced his way into the burning apartment and crawled n« aro^ their c^Srin^'■flZ'cooking fires, '**“’*' weeks.”*®**“ *^® ^ ® °«* Govern, son of a prolrie ^ preach- ^ torm commission to of aavoid p ^ any re- on the floor looking for the chil­ ^ f^ e d to make LaVeme. who is senior nsv- ®‘^’ “ ® early-blrd presl- conflict of Interest with his proi- dren. « ^hfatrist of New Tork UnlvJJS- **“ **"‘ ®‘^ P” **"' ‘ <1®'‘ “ ®1 campaign, He was unable to find them. clearto SM thT*ii BeUevue Medical Center, *«*»« . *» ^peal to America’s His announcement Umlng Is “We did try, we did what we U l - - | „ ' 3^ , r — on their fuselages s™“ « said Calley considered his supe- ".’’ seen in part as an attempt to could. We did get eome out but we Just couldn’t get to the ha,- li-f 2 9 9a9229 9 92'22289 2292§2999 922i9229 99 The thlrdlorBtrtte failed to “ ®<“*» “ -n&e kind of campaign I in- 5®’®,*®*' stowl^ In early presl- ! . ! / ) r sUence enemy mortars and P4 ® *®***®*^ figure. tend to run will rest cn candor P*?*® ***®* P*** *’®‘ Ues,” KUey said later hU-y(kce Phantom fl^iter-bombers were Calley, 27, is on trial for the and reason,’’ said the South Da- "J*™ ®“®“ unannounced candl- breaking. «n 88 called in by the ground com- P^^nieditated murder ot at least Icota senator, a strong liberal ” ®® ^ IMmund fl. Mus- “Landers ritowed great cour­ niander. It waa unknown wheth- civilians. There had been ex- and early critic of the Vietnam ™ ^ Maine, the Democratic Fireman David Salletti warms his hand over the steam from four cups of cof­ age. He emaehed through a J H f i i S f s s | | p s I I I ^ S I I K|^|a m m m if « | f |if p sjg H ep the flghter^bombars were U- *«nsive testimony In the two- war. “That kind of campaign frontrunner. fee as he takes break from manning the nozzle of a. hose at a fire in Beverly, i^ass door and burned his right lo M by Americans or ^fiet- >nanth-old trial that Medina, the takes time. And that is vdiy I In his statement McGovern Mass., ^arly today. Spray from the hose has frozen not only on his coat and hand trying to get to a bedroom [ t if faa namsss company c 0 Ul i KsBipoog Medina,” LaVeme said. “He entrant to the 197£ presidential . ,J.'I believe the pel4 of this Security Strict three of her chUdren, Christy, 4, Cambodian troops assured revered him as a father Image, race, made his announcement in coimtry are tired of the old rhe- Barbara; S, and Kim, 3 months; | o | g z IZ(/) . - I I n ^ K r M f i " s * f . J 5 ? ( ^ 1 U correspondents that the enemy *^spf- Medina could do no letters to hundreds of newspa- torlc,” he said. “Rather, they and three Bagley chUdren, TVa- is still holding Plch NU Pass, ^vrong. It waa part and parcel of per editors and 276,000 potential a way out of the wUder- J. I .J-¥ ?P f5ils? - »ii I - J J ' - : J !?■ cey, 4, Larry is months, and ogSS “2n9|:|^|soS ft9 99f9§ R9 9 R99 l i t deqUte the premature com- behavior.” campciign contributors. He also ness. But If we who seek their Second Day of Deliberations Carrie, 6 weeks. " I o 5 niand announcement of its “re- 9- **® described Capt. Medina scheduled a television address tmst, trust them; If we try to In Beverly, Mass., shortly aft­ l i i i lisle's II capture.” ®s a father figure? in his home state of South Dako- evoke the ‘better angels of our er midnight today, 6-year-old C&mbodlan ground units en- ■*• *f® co*»ldn’t tell me that as to for 6 p.m. BIST. nature,’ the people wUl find Sharon Caron died when a fire £ 3 l S m *?■ g ^ the enem f in another ® ^ , He sought the Democratic '^ y ” Starts for Tate Trial Jurors swept a three-story, four-family shmp fight after the last air The psychiatrist ^ d that Cal- nomination in 1968 as a stand-in He said he is running “be- ^ 1 I I By Linda Deutsch , . j .j, j . structure. Other reiMents of the v S l \ W strike, with the enemy doing J®y ^ f*®i'sv- assassinated Sen. Robert F. cause I beUeve deeply in the panel Is deciding whether and their notes on nearly six wooden buUdlns’ esmnMi ^iP l|i|i|^l Associated Press Writer Charles Manson and three worn- mUUon words of tesUmony, Ju- m — I f w s m I 2 3 * * ! ^ I ' most of the shooting. At last disorder and that he was Kennedy, but drew only a hand- -American promise ■ and can no 'en codefendanta are guilty of rors are examining toe case m v nre n/nUiS. k i®*^^?**’ I ' I s 5 | | I 1 ? L I | o ' | 3 g l| report the Cambodians had re- P®,^**^ ®*"®' u u .. ful of votes on the baUot that longer accept the diminishing » = ^ 2 50 l*ra*oP-S f e g - S ' a s r.3 I I LOS ANGELEIS (AP) — The first-degree murder and con- against toe 86-year- i m I troops, vdto 1,600 Vietnamese in „j jy, evidence of his ®**^ **®* epoken on hundreds of self-interest . .. .’’ Instead, he amid strict security measures. vear-old riri it contained a doll Sm i t H ^ ^ 1 3 - 3|o||E:§g8E|ft^Elpgoffa-. ®^2§- o ” ®*iSIfZi. ®**® pushing southwest killer of belmr capable ®°*4®8® campuses, and now vowed to “try honestly to con- Everyone entering the HaU of anj «.= cb^hinp KrecJ>rv?“". s» p ^ g ^ a^ P" S' ? » ? ? S Ei 2! |999?G7l||s « lUghway 4 in an effort to ^ committing such a crime ’’ 326 ^student groups and front our problems in all their Justice was searched. A special . van h t oi *u ... ------*™* oeen break the two-monto enemy hold LaVeme said "It is incompatl- ®® 3a«»lty groups working for complexity, and sUmulate toe booth was set up at toe door for sheriffs cars foUowed Houten, 21, are toe other a fire In toe chimney Saturday on Phnom Penh’s tally overland Lt CaUev I **‘® nomination. search for solutions.’’ women. The line for men had *3'® **"® bringing Jurors from defendants. evening but they thought It was ■tmnlw ___ a A lUlUW. „ , t,_-a *u^ -.-.aj i . ____ _ .. . fh0) A «tCK N* About 8,600 South Vietnamese unsuccessful Hatfield-McGovern tion. Sunday. script, which Is several thou- and smeUed smoke. She roused s f t l l f t j s a ” |£> ..4 0 (D 1 I H a t |a|g.„,>. A W ■ 1 “ 3 ? 88 8 88 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 rangers and armor, backed up (See Page Eight) amendmmt to force U.8. with- (See Page Eight) ’The seven-man, five-woman P § C 4 p " 3 » (T ^ to ^ g B »» „ E ft’s.'2 Using 297 pieces of evidence pages long. the others from their beds but o S* ^ ^ 3- P" ° ft r» rPS s9?s$ss$SeMe¥5PwSS.PaswS3Maaaaasa3aasss»>$ by 4,000 Cambodian troope are If toe Jury returns a first-de- the flames prevented from f SE & « 2 «J-_ & S>§ I " d • M 3|ig™ advancing northeast on High­ gree murder verdict, toe same getting downstairs. ® A< ' 9 I 2. ®a» s fSg. £■2 g 1 way 4 from Kbmpong Som In a Jury would decide toe penalty. She said she Jumped from a i « S-^E pincers movement which now L » either life imprisonment or second-story window Into toe p*> >-* o _ » a o. I is estimated to be about S 1 ° ^ p | | 20 death, at a subsequent hearing. ®>>®w below and begged toe oth- o 9 ' :| E.S g III mUes apart. Between toe two If toe verdict is secemd-degree ®™ to frilow but they were too 5 S O' ^ S S' < 3H Ca I ? ^ / New York’s Housing, Transit Patrolmen i r rfo 3. m q ft g '^3 ... p l | l - * B forces is the garrislon of Kom- murder, the sentence automati- scared. m ® n p p. o e2 S o a ® ^ § Q . poeg Sella manned by about cally would be five years to life. ^Vlto temperatures near 20 be- 1,000 Cambodians. It is sur­ | | S -i ^■2. c g g g “ i f t f ' f r f n | it('i;|! __ _ low, she ran 100 yards UuouKh ™ i ® o S ^ & E<§ a .* ■ i f jsP»'" W 'i i 1 % rounded by enemy and under LOS ANGELES (AiP) — Ju- deep snow to a neighbor’s house 2- ff 2 2 .. E constont harassment, although iw In the Siiarcn Tate murder to get help. Prle Chief Howard s s I s d Back City Police in Sympathy Walkouts P I ? & f l s l j | ^ ! l - 9 f t S - « ? 2? 2 2a9222 -9 29 G29|9G299f29292921,9992 92 o n -9 g o 0 2 9 |Soggg^gggggSg£gggg go not under riege. trial have Uved together dorml- Wehmer said that Iby the time Accounts of witnesses differed AM oi «4 NEW YORK (.AP) — ’Talks (See Page Eight) (See Pago Eight) 88 - 8 i admed at ending the strike by II m 8 a|| |ft81 lli|||iSf 8sf |I|S I 1 i d outs spread among transit and Activist Attorneys Launch w ,r t o r ? ! ^- o-g' a,4| ^ ® s i housing polrolmen. Won’t Take To add to toe city’s labor State Court Reform Drive kluElB Kj 1' f I*f fls^ ,, .. woes, 1,600 teamsters struck 3 fii>& il■Ps I s I Sunday, cutting off most of toe By DON MEIKLE mon Pleaae Court; Chief Judge 2 S ® Associated Press Writer g o ■ sS |! New Term fruit and vegetable sui^ly. A John J. Daly of the Cbcult 2 « 'S - i; iiif' ip f ri * I strike by telephone repaiimen HARTFORD (AP) — A gro«v Court; and Norman K. Panells <*9.5^ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. of youthful activists In the Con­ efkl$&&aj|||?|t6||99999?l||fa29|29 99 g R ill |9999§R99§?|||& 9 g Rg? 9 gRg G and InstaUers entered its second of Brldg;eport, who Is president (AP) — Secreto^-General U week with no sign of abreak. necticut Bar Association has of the bar asaoctatlon. ■ M S P K K f* • Thant declared today he has no launched a drive tor major re­ I The Transit AutbMlty said ‘The bar association itself has S 8 intention of serving beyond the that about 26 per cent of toe forms in toe state's court system. not yet token any posltian on expiration of bis present term at transit police fMce, which pa- the recommendations of f 2S3p8ff ||f|sE?|s PI ||>?83 pi R|||| the end of 1971. trols subway stations and Peter L. Costas of Hartford, <»w„ one of the leaders of toe group A Cb. Thant, now In Us 10th year as trains, refused to work Sunday secretary-general, made the says some of the reforms may The atmosphere in the Oen- in a rix)W of sympathy with the be considered “radical.” But, in enti Assembly la apparently re­ statement in response to a ques­ walkout by city patrolmen. ceptive ot the Idea of tolrly aig- - '?2 SfHftt ip l h 4 tion at a wide ranging news an article In the current lame ’Ihe Housing Authority said at of toe Connecticut Bar Journal, nifleant court reforms. Gov. I ll, 4 8^1 ._ . _ ._, conference. He wlU be 62 Fri­ least 60 houring patrolmen as­ he asks': “ Can anyone deny that Tliomas J. Mesklll, a lawyer I !if III m i » r f S b m day. signed to projects In Brooklyn hlmaeU, has urm^ creatian o f i f f l i H : I* S sill* “4 5 8b t 11 ’’I radical changes are required to I He had these additional com­ staged sympathy walkouts late Improve the present Judicial a new appellate court between f 5 "* i"wS^ f I'-'iH ?"!*E ^ o> ments on international issues: Sunday night and early today. system?” the Siqperiar and Supreme ^ ^ ¥ H He does not fSvor parUclpe- Detectives, senior uniformed -Associated with Costas In the Courts, merger of the Court of if5Ei9i?5lB7 i f i i i i EliE|?ils * E?il|S F gIgIg 9? 9r§ ll tlon of ^he or the officers and probationary pa­ reform drive is Jon O. Newman Common pleas wlto the 8iq;>erior Soviet Union in any peacekeep­ trolmen continued meanwhile to of West Hartford, former U.S. Court, and removal of- Judges' ing force in the Middle East. .wwk 12-hours shmia to provide Attorney- and onetime aide to power to appoint prosecutors. fti *«• AAA A*8«8 He believes that Britain and essential police servlcas. PoUoa Sen. Abraham Rlblcoff. Some legislative leaders have li'f! 8 *88 i 8 8 8 i i s 8 8 i8 8SS 888 France might {day ouch a role, CommlWoner Patrick V. Mur­ Ooatos, Newman, et al, hosted voiced similar Ideas. m % E| i ; ® Q a & |i||3S|8sS||98|S||§§i|sS^^S|i8s|S§§SS|§§siSS§ but that it would be unwise to phy said they could probaUy a recent off-the-record meeting Costas goes a.good deal fur­ S s i *■! I C 2 «g put the two super powers In a sustain toe effort ‘‘tor “several with leading Judges, lawyers ther, urgtog a simplified two- 1 s ^ mlUtazy position In such a sensi- more days.” and laymen looking forward to tier court structure oompooed S tlva part of the vroild. Some hrip waa provided a a fuU-scale “Citizens’ Confer­ only of a trial court and an ap- ence” to April. '5 i- ? ? 5 a@ ? I He denounced acta of terror- ftxoe of 68 men from Uto federal peals court; and aboHsfament ot -Among those present were lam and ‘ ‘hooliganism” sudi as Executive Protection Service In the probate courts and Jovanlle iiSi III State Supreme Court Justice courts. have occurred against toe So-' Washington. Tliey were de­ - l i a f ,m John P. Oottqr, the court sys­ One of Ooataa'a key prrqwaala ? t f H T t p F r * [ Viet and Egyptian mlosimia to ployed to protect Soviet. aCfices, tem's chief administrator; CSiief toe United Nations, and declar- Transit Police who refused to go on terday. A group of them, right, confers with the is a bipartlaan commlaatcn to 1 1 ^ i r a measure necessitated ' 1^ a Judge Alva P. LolseUe of the patrol in sjrmpathy with regular patrolmen in a pay commander of their district. About 25 per cent of screen Judges for appototment E (Bee Page Bight]| Superior Court; Chief Judge A. [I “ “t as .A . V (See Page Twa) dispute with the city, gather at a district office yes-' the force refused patrol. (AP Photo) §99|99 99*999§ 99 9§ 9 §§9§9§9§^99S§90^§9 Frederick Migiione of the Oom- (See Page Btgkt) vr 1 7 ■V^ ■. ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONJJ., MONDAY, JANUARY* 18, 1971 PAG E TH REE PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1971 may fluctuate with the stock used for rocket engines on Lunci' Fumes Kill Man, Business Mirror market or the cost of living. Lunar Vehicle 16, the unmanned spaceship that ( 1 STOM RFA PIIOLSTKHIV; Housing, Transit Patrolmen Sheinwolfl on Bridge returned from the moon in Sep­ The variable annuity concept Two Overcome involes .some risk, because the Back for Check tember with lunar samples. F v.',^ (, . ... Inflation’ s'^Tag Ignored funds often are invested in The total distance covered so PAWLING, N.Y. (AP) — An EtERMnurmBU Join NYC Police in Walkout TOURNAMENT PlAY " MOSCOW (AP) — Lunokhod far by the ' lunar vehicle Pi o!*'t ’ d b ; Scotchgard NORTH stocks, but many individuals 84-year-old Justice of the peace Broiled to order and served with baked potato, Texas ^ “THE WAY 1, the Soviet moonrover, was amounts to 3,593 meters, or (Continued from Page One) S00,0(X> youngsters an unexpect- Bjr AUFRED 8HEINWOli> # A K 10 6 planning for their retirement died Sunday night and his wife toast and crisp green salad with your choice of dressing. ’ In Considering Incomes 11,787 feet, the report said. series of recent anU-Saviet Incl- ed vacation, O A84 feel the risk Is , worthwhile., if steeredPback to its mother ship and brother-ln-la'w were over­ Swindles are ^ more important Tass said lainokhod has over­ I HEARD r r m dents. Members of the CSiicago 0 QJ85 By JOHN CUNNIFF wage Increase for all industries, they at least have a chance of today in a check oUtty naviga­ come after carlxm-monofdde come several craters more than fumes seeped into their house There continued to be no ap- Teachers Union, wdiich repre- in tournaments than at rubber * 6 4 xTMir as extracted from 2,819 agree- o u ^ ttin g Inflaticxi. tion system and m^euverabili- 20 meters In diameter and with from an automobile located in parent Increase in crime. Mayor senta about 80 per cent of the bridge. It isn’t necessary to WEST EAST NEW YORK (AP) — With in- nj^nts studied by The Bureau of ^^® Institute of Life Insur- ty, Tass reported. by John ^rubor ‘I L '' slopes of 15 degrees steepness. a garage below. I John V. Undsay said ’’the city 25,000 public school t^ e ru , ^ 0 oppoaents out of 4 843 b 972 flation underlying almost all oth- National Affairs, Inc., was 27.7 snee reports that the number of “ The purpose of- this was to BiSETEmAS The moongvehlcle Is powered Dead Is Fred Lakes, vdio has is secure, the city is safe." overwhelmingly approved Sun- (? 175 K Q 10 6 3 check the precision and reliabil­ er problems of the nation today, cents an hour, or 6.6 cents high- groups which set up variable by solar batteries that are re­ teen a Justice of the peace for ; PubUc schools, which were day a new two-year contract overtrick at rubber bridge; O 94 10 6 2 ity of the navigation and driving o here- is a brief r e ^ r t ^ how er than 1 9 ^ e m e n t s ^ p l ^ plenished by opening the top of 40 years. His wife, 79-year-old cloeed for l>r. Martin Luther «5aUln«r tor a 16 per cent wage the other players would resegit 4b AQ752 * 93 the lunar vehicle,” the Soviet the vehicle and exposing the Ida, and brother-ta-law, Van was King’s birthday Friday when t>oost over two years. The two- tbe waste of time. But over- SOUTH Americans are dealing with this For construction, however, nrevlou news agency said. I'm continuing with my dis­ tone-color. “FYeischutz" cardinal sin of economic man- the median was 90.6 cents, and ^ batteries to the sun’s rays. Vess Ventom. 74,' were treated, cussion of some of the things a the first of these and was pre­ the wildcat strike took fuU eU- tricks are the heart and soul of ♦ QJ5 total of 227,(X)0 Americans Tass said the experiment was “®®'"®*‘*' ‘be increase over settlements in a 840 vari- at St. Francis Hospital in ’ critic looks for and by ladilch he miered in 1821, six years before feet, are open today despite the airreement w4,inti tournament play, sntk many on C? 92 done “with great precision" tills may sound preposterous, made a year earlier was 20.3 during a regular communica­ 4-H Founder Dies Poughkeepsie and released:, Judges when preparing a re­ Beethoven’s death, thirty years lack of poUce protecUon, tJnd- peached^^jT tltirtt^ prod- has won h championship 0 AK73 CARINDA, Iowa (AP)—Jessie A K J 10 8 but It was uncovered by Survey cents. The big increase contta- j^ yesta^ equ ities s^clT as tions session from 12:30 a.m. to The„ Pawling Fire Deptg*ment view. We were on singers last after Mozart’s burial. say announced j. , w Rirhirrt t nninv **7 homswoggUng his oppo- Field Shambaugh, 89, a prin­ was called to the scene where week, and we’re still on them, Where Mozart needed only 80- South Weft North T ^ ^t®®**®- A n oth ^ 140,7l)0 were In 4:46 Moscow time. f m ^ e C h lc i^ ’s t ^ h ^ r e amoii^ ® 80-point ovettrick slty of ^W gan and relied re- developed in 1967, as Judged by Luna 17, the mother ship’ from cipal founder of the 4-H clubs attempts to re'vlve Lakes failed. so far as I’m concerned. Hiere odd players in his orchestra, talks with representatives o the highest nald In anv ti^ when the contract was never In 1 0 Pass 1 A cently by Dr. George Katana. BNA figures. which Lunokhod began Its lunar In the United States and a long­ State police said Lakes ap­ is a great deal to know about Welber needed about 60. His patrolmen, firemen and saidta- n a tlo ^ metnmoUtan duM c **®“**- Today’s h««d. I^yed by 2 A Pass 3 time national advisor to 4-H parently left his car running in SOFA or TWO CHAIRS FROM singing. AUPass director of its Economic Behav- a review of the recent record -Even greater numbers are travels Nov. 17, Is incapable of g^icntly, musical effects in the tionmen, all of whom have be«i gclKx,| systems ^ Angeles expert Edwin Kan- 3 NT groups, is dead. the garage and a forced-air scene lor Program. of ^age increases for all Indus- expected to become evident once taking the eight-wheel moon ve­ Please understand that I’m "wolfsglen’’ scene are