w* r ,r ^ ff !? r» s c s ‘ s s • <D 1^00 m o»«4 *«*t* ^ -e is liili 8 8 8 8 tie S Average Daily Net Press Run i ‘ s « * ife i - _____ • The Weather ^ I I I ^ eII g !^S«iis3f|sSs|S|S| jS | S | | VVarThe Week Ended Jeawtiy t, 1071 »a Ifsp' 28i-t>i' 'f?wS® Clear, very cold again to­ l ^ f ? night; low zero to 10 below. To­ ■ | r| e w m-' 'll Mhl 1 6 , 0 9 5 morrow partly cloudy, contin­ iK hAl K ^ Manchester— A City o f Village Charm ued cold; high kbout 20. -- JLS ? |p liPg : ?-||l VOL. LXXXX, NO. 91 (TWENTY PAGES) I 4 ?s ' Is l?lir ! %IPes I 5* t SM I F ff® MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1971 (Clnzeified AdveitWng «■ Page 17) PRICE TON C3ENTS i "41 if I f h i 1 g®| • f I el, ' ? I - •. ] ' fti ' K it ' I |Pw| ^ __ t h i llsl' i lil 5?i fflll iiSS s S2 ii&E®-§S522S9*29 22 ^Rf 2?7 922 9222522929 993:9 * 29a S' 999?99a9299*9 ' §£ lEt? 9 ‘S-Ip I iRp § 5299§9999999. 0‘ S? w 3S§ai^.i;§^§-3g *» “ r? ?s, ei S.t M 8 » « 8 » 8 ? * jaftJsSpiSpL.sagapftB'atPSaSUiiftSff U.S. Air Strikes Aid Mass Kidnap Bid ® f l | S P =|S " S S S o ^ I p I r Fires Kill«a. 23 Children & 3 « ^ 2 -? c r t o-§ p S'! S? I ° 2. I o ^tfgg&n>n> « o “ i l F . i Cambodian Attempts Ends in Shooting “ ieS"W” E’£-E»Sp[D g.0‘g!Lg-.„{T3 ^0';°g g - ^ ff B e P P e P !f I i 2^!s! la® 1^ :0 35 S 'e t E '" ' k b ?- BBjNNBjTTSVILJLB, S.C. (AP) tol ahd $12 from Oiavis they « t f m o To Reopen Highway H a -ftp* -f^ r |f||t < Sh * — “We're gotn^r to get all the herded all six members of the ON HIGH rich people, every damned one *"‘® ‘*‘® "'‘"“"'s «“<1 “ ed U.S. and Toronto g ’fi g ft 9°- 4, Cambodia (AP) — American heli- "g- I ' ?PS copter gu «. i S ft i. 3 5 s . at least three a i r strikes today in of -em, and then they-re going S I f t g l f f - b ' ? 5 | ? ' ^ 9 l 2 9 l § i ? 3 ” g;Sn «S SS §1“ ^S995|Sg^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS support o f Cambodian troops trying to reopen this key toj^ve to deal with ua.” chUdren-JDon, 10, and d ^ L - R R P B 8 S • overland supply route to the sea. " ^ayne Chavla, me o« eight ters Suzanne. 9, and m w n ^* Seventeen children rang­ 8 88 6 8 8 88 a it 8 8 8 8 8 Ground unlta advancing cau- --------------------- =----------------- - peraons abducted in this UtUe -n,» kidnaners then drmre to ing in age from six weeks Uoualy down Highway 4 called ‘ own In northern South Caro- the l ^ ^ n l ^ ^ y to 14 years and the young ® 2|f Si9|p|g|5f dSi |» Ilf ^S||M p8| Is w mother of three of them V - g g B^cawacP.ISB j_o‘|g|g!' I ” a^?'*B» S Og«^ 9 »r rs». ThiS^iS began Saturday ___ _ 0,. died Sunday and early to­ l^J ® s9 l : » l s= I ss£t'sr’.is;.s,.‘u,'ss; one“““ of manded to see her 'husband.»»"•■ day in fires in New York, O » f 1 ? I I p M v i . • «-iisg:s NU PazB, 60 miles southwest of ' till^ti||-^sf is?iffyi Phnom Penh. Five Cambodians men carrying guM ^jT^b,Xe™*”r ‘’ *" (^lorhdo and Massachu­ 'Ea-i-s «;!^ p Z?5;i3..Sefftoa'y-vCtS’ rt®*® o pQs*2.aS*9'M E^9- 3 " I i were wounded before three Co- w * th e ^ L ^ f n v i ^ mlUtant Uterature Mrs Lindsay* was knocked to setts. Six more youngsters u. a - m.^45 2-52® £S - ..• 3 P « 3 s *1 3 8 Os&2.e • £ ’ , •<!»3 § a ^ ajrBw e « s3.5 g" s g c 0.• bra gunsfalps arrived to strafe t o - h ^ *® the ground and with her 6-year- and a mother d i^ in a Tor­ } s l | § » enemy positions with fragmen- house gathering up victims and aon. David forced Into the a - M a a | s I H t f onto blaze. - o G g c 8 5 8 0 I r & s • taUon rockeU, cannon rap- ^“"slng them into the "Chavis „fni^ ^Sfwhe Authorities in Lawrence, fs53^ I I I f j Id-flrlng mlnlguns *'*“*' Camb«Uan soldlera were family’s Volkswagen him "'i? . famUy. &*2.r£ !?oai 5iS=°i4S*.f5 "• g “■” F | g ? o I f I 2 Mass., said a fire that killed ’’ GO effecuvely ^®-0®<». h« said. ^ e eJI^S^^derat the seven persons Simday apparent­ s l f l l ?592a222?29l9|^i 2*22f 22| |22^? iflg^ 2? 9 = 2 2 ^o | | | I t 9 2 9 2 9 2 ? ? QtooffQCr^ T^p^oieoATrDeanA 2 8 2 |2 f 2 9 | ? ftg stlUed enemy ^ 4 7 rifle flro but toS^pjac^r^^’TyanS'l^^ ^* ly began when Mts. Sandra the Cambodian advance halted place only 60 yards from exchange of gunfire. there one was home Yaun, p i, spilled grease onto the for lunch at the entrance to Plch (See Page Eight) One of the kidnaped women, NU. ... j. Lindsay was forced to stove as she was frying a steak. g E! the wife (rf stole^n. John Und- accompany the two men to the TTie grease exploded and I l f ! ' N l ,?i i ? » f ? | i Although the Oambodiait com­ say, was criUcally wounded, as house next door, the home of n ^ ^ ^ 3 J t * | l IIINP! mand had announced the recap­ flames spread from the'kitchen I I S i WM one of the abductors. ^rmer state Rep. James P. s « i l i ture of Plch ini Pass early to­ Two men were arrested. ^ee to the rest of the apfurtment that S- w «■ <s N- « * she shared with her slster-bi- day, troops reached only a Psychiatrist ’Hie al^ cU on s l^gan at the Mrs. Lee answered the door 2 - a 2 - ® <1 li a s a i l ® . small hUl maridng the begin­ law, Mrs. Laura Bagley, who I! s M I &<? home of ^ v ls ^ Bennettsvllle ^nd the men forced their way ffaSg i l f i i ; - - ! ning of the pass late in the aft­ barber. Dina Chavis, 18, an- jn was asleep. | S < 5T S* ^ S s^2 S'&i ~ e t» 0 ernoon. Hie pass Is about seven Calls Colley swered a kn^k at the ^ r and and his 10-year-old dau^- kbs. Bagley awoke to hear o ® “ Mrs. Yaun cry: “’Ihe place is I ^2.- *®^ fidW miles long. It winds throug^i the WM met by men wlto guns, ter were watching television In on flrel ’The place la on fire! ilic; «3 a * a 3 * | i '" |e I t a ^ ^ l p i Elephant Mountain Range C h a v is ^ d ot the men the basement and the men went which is held by an estimated ^Robot-Like’ conunanded, ,„ “., Don’t nobody down there, Get Help!” Mrs. Ba^ey tan 2,000 North Vietnamese and Viet from the three-story tenement 1 • I■» i.M «•< ■||l' Pri move, or we’U blow your head According to llndsay,' who E, i l l . ' I I L ■ S. o- Cong troops entrenched In heav- FT. BEOnflNG, Ga. (AP) — off. ' I l l s In her bare feet In eight-degree a 5 i Uy fortified positions command­ At My Lai, a psychiatrist said After the kidna^rs took a |ris- (See Page Nine) temperaturee. I fi i i S i 4 l l ' fa « m P pft"— s m i l ing the roadway. today, U . WlUiam L. Calley Jr. Patzxdmen Jamee KUey and o> CSobra gunahlpa returned td "was like an automatmi, a ro- Francis LtUiders found her ma)ie a second strike against a standing in front of the buUdlng suspected enemy mortar em- ***** he could not disobey an order.’ ’ screaming hysterically, “Pleaae placement during the Cambo­ God help me! Help me get my dians’ lunchtime. ’Troops dined 77>e psychiatrist, Dr. Albert M cG overn M akes H is B id babies out!” 88 on rice and dried fish as they f^'*®™®- testified out of Uie They found the door had awaited the action. hearing of the jury. ’Hie trial locked ae she left but niey Tni»,.sto>.iu ... j Jmlge was to make a decision F or ’72 P residency O fficial Im n ^ toly after the se^nd later on whether the prosecution broke It down and thOy got the T"®**^ has an equal right to have'Cal- WASHINGTON (AP) — Dem- drawal------------------ from ----------------------Southeast Asia. other occiqMWte out. Then Lan­ iSnSrJl^LlM ®*‘**S I®***^.' “ ****■ *ey examined—a procedure that ocraUc Sen. OeMge 8. Me- Eariler this month he stepped ders forced his way into the burning apartment and crawled n« aro^ their c^Srin^'■flZ'cooking fires, '**“’*' weeks.”*®**“ *^® ^ ® °«* Govern, son of a prolrie^ preach-^ torm commission toof aavoid p ^ any re- on the floor looking for the chil­ ^ f^ e d to make LaVeme. who is senior nsv- ®‘^’ “ ® early-blrd presl- conflict of Interest with his proi- dren.
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