Leaders Agree
' A-'5*': A V S E 4 ^ OAILS ClBOOLAnON. f n tke Month of Jnly> IMS SVnoenct of D. & Weather H a rtfird M' 5,159 Caondtjr, probaUj, ebo^en tonight Member of tiw Andit Bnrean and Saturday; alowl^ rleiBg temper* of carenlntfoni. atore, Sator^y. VOL. Ln.. NO. 267. (CaaaaUled Advertlalns on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11,1983. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS «»- Cuba In Grip Of Politieal Strife CONSUMERS PROTEST ■4’ LEADERS AGREE STATE MILK PRICES Join Restaurant Owners and NATION CONTINUES hdependent Dealers in BUSINESS UPTURN Indict Hartford Man His Own Political Organiza tion Sobmits Plan That Hartford — Suggest Con For New York Murder sumers’ Strike. Mercantile Review Says President Step Down m That Extension of Retail New York, Aug. 11 — (AP) —& It was understood that Tersao- Favor of General Alberto Hartford, Aiig. 11.—(AP)— A Lawrence J. Kelly, 26 of 100 Buck wich and Kenefic bad appeared ^ committee of codsumerE. today join ingham street, . Hartford, Conn., ana witnesses before the Grand Jury Trade Is Growing Wider. that returned toe indictment. j Herrera, Present Secre ed with restaurant owners and inde Eldward F. Moran. 22, of 694 Main Dr. Sylla, who was 60 years old, j pendent milk dealers in protesting street, Stamtord, Conn., were m- was found strangled in his fashion tary of War— Violence agfainst the increcuie in milk prices dieted today on charges ot first de able Elast 90tb street apartment j New York, Aug. 11.—(AP)— The gree murder in the death ot Dr. to the State Milk Control Board. July 24.
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