Monocot Nursery Seed List 1995-96

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Monocot Nursery Seed List 1995-96 Seed List 1995-96 MONOCOT NURSERY `Jacklands', Jacklands Bridge, Tickenham, Clevedon, Avon BS21 6SG England. Only the Narcissus pages are included here. All the seeds offered in this list have been harvested this year from plants growing in the nursery or from plants in their native habitat. Reference is recommended to:- The Bulb Book' by Rix & Phillips, 'Dwarf Bulbs' and 'Larger bulbs' both by Brian Mathew or 'Bulbs' by Grey-Wilson & Mathew for descriptions and/or illustrations of most of the plants listed here. All species are prefixed by a letter and number. Please order by the letter and number only. Those prefixed 'A" are .50p per packet ` B' are 1.00p per packet ' C' are 1.50p per packet `DI are 2.00p per packet The difference in price is not an indication of quantity or rarity, either in the wild or in cultivation but the ease with which good seed is obtained. The number of seeds in each packet is not given but is in my opin- ion sufficient to sow a four inch pot to allow for two years growth before potting on Though good stocks of most of the species listed are available inevitably some will be in greater demand than others and consequently will be exhausted before all orders are filled. It will be a considerable help to me if custom- ers include a few alternatives on the order form, particularly if several 'CI or 130 items are requested. This will minimise the work involved in refunds and therefore enable me to keep prices low. Alternatively and preferably, customers may choose to endorse their cheque 'Not to exceed X number of pounds', X being the anticipated maximum cost of the order, but please leave sufficient space for me to fill in the correct amount. Packing is padded envelopes mailed first class in UK, airmail overseas. Payment must accompany all orders. Orders over X25 will be packed and posted free. Those under this amount please add a further 75p to cover this expense. Cheques and postal Orders to be made payable to M.R.Salmon. Payment preferably in Stirling. Other currencies or overseas personal cheques please add 20% to cover bank conversion charges. 2 S2 AMARYLLIDACERE. Al Habranthus andersonii A2 andersonii Cutler 4/41 Argentina B3 iI gracilifolius 94 II robust us D5 Hannonia hesperidum S.F.273 Morocco, Tamri BE Leucoium aestivum B7 Leucoium autumnale v.oporanthum MS. 1061 Spain, Vilches B8 autumnale v.pulchellum A.B.S.4428 Morocco, Ifrane B9 trichophyllum B.S.409 Portugal, Coruche B10 trichophyllum B.S.449/1 Portugal, Samora Corriea C11 Narcissus albidus v. occidental is S.F.15 Morocco, Tamri alpestris MS.840 Spain, Serra d'Oriel at S.B.L.270 Morocco, Amizmiz C14 albidus ssp.kesticus S.F.70 Morocco, Val du Kest Wit D15 at S.B.L.270 Morocco, Azegour D16 11 bicolor B.S.448 Spain, Aoiz-Burguette C17 bicolor B.S.402 Spain, Candelario ,, C18 bulbocodium ssp. conspicuus S.F.391 Spain, Ubrique C19 bulbocodium ssp.genuinus 5.F.101 Morocco, Tahanoute B20 bulbocodium ssp.mairei A.B.S.4519 Morocco, Mt Tischka C21 bulbocodium ssp.obesus MS. 451 Portugal, Grutas de San Antonio A22 or bulbocodium ssp.obesus Hort. C23 11 bulbocodium ssp.tenuifolius S.B.214 Portugal, Gaviao C24 Si bulbocodium ssp.viriditubus S.B.204 Portugal, Entre los Rios C25 11 bulbocodium ssp.viriditubus MS.411 Spain, Herrera it* B26 bulbocodium ssp.viriditubus MS.448 Portugal, Malvierra C27 bulbocodium ssp.viriditubus MS.453 Portugal, Castel° Branco B28 H bulbocodium ssp.vulgaris MS. 412 Spain, Don Rodrigo 929 fl bulbocodium ssp.mixed C30 Narcissus cantabricus sspicantabricus S.F.395 Spain, Ardales B31 11 cantabricus ssp.cantabricus MS.424 Spain, Sierra los Filabres D32 .. cantabricus ssp.eualbidus S.F.354/2 Morocco l Monte Tazzeka C33 .. cantabricus ssp.monophyllus S.S.120 Spain, Brazatortas C34 Pt cantabricus ssp.monophyllus S.F.385 Morocco, Bab Berrehed C35 .. cantabricus ssp. monophyllus B.S.416 Spain, Mt Horcan C36 11 cantabricus ssp.monophyllus MS.558 Spain, Puerto Maestanza C37 LI cantabricus ssp.monophyllus MS.657 Spain, Puertollano (....,--- C38 ,, cantabricus ssp.monophyllus S.L.432 Spain, Tahal C39 II cantabricus ssp.monophyllus B.S.457 Spain, Mt Horcan C40 .. citrinus ssp.belinensis MS.579 France, Labouheyre i, C41 citrinus ssp.belinensis B.S.391 France, Landes D42 YI citrinus ssp.citrinus MS.567 Spain, Puerto Urbassa C43 n citrinus ssp.citrinus MS. 577 Spain, Almadoz C44 11 citrinus ssp.graellsii MS.399 Spain, El Cuadron D45 3 citrinus ssp.graellsii MS.401 Spain, Rascafria C46 PI cordubensis MS.434 Spain, Ubrique C47 Pi elegans ssp. elegans A.B.S.4301 Morocco, S. Tangier 1 41i-e„1.-B48 PP fernandesii. MS.449 Portugal, Samora Correia C49 .. fernandesii S.S.105 Spain, Toledo-Arges C50 ., fernandesii MS.414 Spain, Antequerra B51 3 fernandesii MS.660 Spain, Aldequemada B52 .. fernandesii MS.547 Spain, Priego de Cordoba 1.;1 D53 ., hedreanthus MS.543 Spain, Puerto de Tiscar D54 11 hispanicus ssp.bujei MS. 853 Spain, Cabra la Nava Mt D55 H hispanicus ssp.pinetorum B.S.470 Spain, Sierra de los Nieves C56 ,, humilis ssp.humilis S.F.14 Morocco, S.Tangier D57 41 humilis ssp.mauretanica S.F.268 Morocco, Et Twine C58 .. jonquilla B.S. 420 Spain, Tamurejo A59 it lobularis Trade 4 D60 Narcissus longispathus S.S.134 Spain, Alcaraz D61 luteolentus S.S. 127 Spaln, San Lorenzo C62 nobilis ssp.primagenus MS.905 Spain, Tarna D63 pallidiflorus ssp.pallidiflorus B.S.442 Spain, Noarre B64 pall idiflorus ssp.pallidiflorus B.S.482 Spain, Oroquieta B65 H patiid florus ssp.paIlidiflorus MS.576 Spain, Pto. Velate DEL pallidiflorus ssp.macrolobus S.5.103 Spain, Pto. Urbassa B67 papyraceus Spain, Grazalerna 068 papyraceus ssp.papyraceus S.B.L.48 Morocco, Fez-Ouezzane B69 papyraceus ssp. papyraceus PB. Portugal, Algarve C70 perez-chiscanoi MS.560 (previously sent out as N.obvallaris) D71 redinganorum MS.434 Spain, Almansa C72 requienii ssp.requienii (assoanus) B.S.481 Spain, Val de Anso D73 requienii ssp. minutus MS. 570 Spain, San Juan de la Pena D74 romieuxii ssp.riffanus B.8928 Morocco, Riff -7 C75 serotinus S.L.192 Greece, Pelops. Ralamata A76 serotinus PB. 141 Crete, B77 serotinus MS.813/1 Crete, Mallia-Mohos B78 serotinus S.F.169 Morocco, Moulay Boulaza A79 serotinus S.F.257 Morocco, Taztot A80 11 serotinus S.F.278 Morocco, Mohammedia B81 serotinus ssp.grandiflorus MS.493 Spain, Estepona E82 serotinus ssp.grandiflorus S.L.457 Spain, Linares-Arquillos A83 serotinus ssp.grandiflorus S.F.298 Spain, Villa Martin B84 serotinus ssp.orientalis S.L.487 Greece, Sounion B85 If serotinus ssp.orientalis MS.740 Crete, Pachia Amos D86 tazetta ssp.grandicrenatus PB. 103 Italy C87 triandrus ssp.pallidulus B.S.405/1 Portugal, Travanca de Lagos B88 triandrus ssp.triandrus MS.915 Spain, InciniIlas CB9 triandrus ssp.triandrus PB.376 Portugal, C90 viridiflorus MS.500 Spain, Sancti Petri C91 Narcissus vi-idiflorus MS.639 Spain, Pto-Cabrito C9'2 viridiflorus MS.498 Spain, Algeciras C93 zaianicus S.F.379 Morocco, DulMes C94 zaianicus S.F.371 Morocco, Souk el Had C95 zaianicus S.F.377 Morocco, Aguelmouss D95 zaianicus S.B.L.82 Morocco, Oulmes D97 zaianicus var.albus S.B.L.85 Morocco, Oulmes-Tiddas C98 bulbocodium genuinus x albidus S.B.L.268 Morocco, Azegour C99 bulbocodium gerruinus x albidus S. b. L. 255 Morocco, Ourigane A100 mixed species from all sections C101 Nerine filamentosa C102 filifolia B103 Pancratium maritimum Tunisia C104 Sternbergia lutea v. angustifolia S.L. 469 Greece, Corcyrian Cave C105 11 lutea v. sicula MS.977 Italy, Monte Stella itit C106 lutea v. sicula MS.981 Italy, Altamura-Corato D107 sicula v. graeca MS.802 Crete, Lato PRACEFIE D108 Arisaema anatolicum C109 Arisaema flava B110 Arum concinnatum (A. albispathum, A.nickelii) B111 concinnatum NL. 1234 Iran D112 " dioscoridis S.L.570/1 Turkey, Silifke Gulnas B113 italicum S.F.336 Morocco, Benzu D114 pictum DI15 11 purpureospathum PB.49 Crete D116 Biarum bovei S.B.L.199 Morocco, Maaziz - Khemisset C117 14 carratracense S.F.236 Spain, Carratraca /9 13498 Ranunculus cortusifolius Canary Isles, Tenerife 0499 asiaticus S.L.18 Jordan, Zai C500 Tropaeolum ciliatum C501 tricolorum Notes Species marked 0* following site details indicates a name change. If you have previously had seeds with this collection number - correct name. Iritials of collectors of original plants or seed which appear in my lists:- MS. Myself, Mike Salmon S.F. M,Salmon l Mark Fillan S. B_ M.Salmon, John Blanchard . L. M.Salmon, Dr. Ehris Lovell B_ S. Peter Biro, M.Salmon S.B.L. M.Salmon, P.Rird, C.Lnvell JCA. Jim Archibald P.B.S. J.Prchibald, J.Blanchard„ M.Salmon E.S. M.Salmon, Claire Salmon PB. P. Bird Li Dr. C. Lovell BM. Brian Mathew M.T. B.Mathew, J.Tomlinson A.C.W. S.Plbury, M. Cheese, J.Watson C_ M. W. M. Cheese, J. Mitchel, J. Watson C.E.H. P.Christian, D.Elliot, F.Hoog PF. Paul Furse Pol. Oleg Polunin H.M. D.Haselgrove, S.Martinelli VH. V. Heywood Mar&W, J.Macphail, J. Watson TFH. Prof.T.Hewer B.S.B.E. Bowles Scholarship Botanical Expedition (B.M.E.) The Mon of Nursery, established over thirty years, specialises in bulbous and tuberous-rooted plants. Over 2000 species and varieties are currently grown though some, because of their rarity or difficulty, in very small numbers. If you do not see in my lists the special plant you want - send me a request list - l might just have it. Visitors are welcome between 10am and 6pm weekdays, also weekends - if you let me know that you are coming, when you will have the opportunity to purchase plants that are unlikely to be listed.
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