
OPEN The ISME Journal (2017) 11, 2781–2792 www.nature.com/ismej ORIGINAL ARTICLE Phylogenetically conserved resource partitioning in the coastal microbial loop

Samuel Bryson1, Zhou Li2,3, Francisco Chavez4, Peter K Weber5, Jennifer Pett-Ridge5, Robert L Hettich2,3, Chongle Pan2,3, Xavier Mayali5 and Ryan S Mueller1 1Department of Microbiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA; 2Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA; 3Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA; 4Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA, USA and 5Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA

Resource availability influences marine microbial community structure, suggesting that population- specific resource partitioning defines discrete niches. Identifying how resources are partitioned among populations, thereby characterizing functional guilds within the communities, remains a challenge for microbial ecologists. We used proteomic stable isotope probing (SIP) and NanoSIMS analysis of phylogenetic microarrays (Chip-SIP) along with 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequencing to characterize the assimilation of six 13C-labeled common metabolic substrates and changes in the microbial community structure within surface collected from Monterey Bay, CA. Both sequencing approaches indicated distinct substrate-specific community shifts. However, observed changes in relative abundance for individual populations did not correlate well with directly measured substrate assimilation. The complementary SIP techniques identified assimilation of all six substrates by diverse taxa, but also revealed differential assimilation of substrates into protein and ribonucleotide biomass between taxa. Substrate assimilation trends indicated significantly conserved resource partitioning among populations within the Flavobacteriia, and classes, suggesting that functional guilds within marine microbial communities are phylogenetically cohesive. However, populations within these classes exhibited heterogeneity in biosynthetic activity, which distinguished high-activity copio- trophs from low-activity oligotrophs. These results indicate distinct growth responses between populations that is not apparent by genome sequencing alone. The ISME Journal (2017) 11, 2781–2792; doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.128; published online 11 August 2017

Introduction within marine microbial communities interact and drive ecological processes. It is well established that heterotrophic marine Parallel lines of inquiry have examined microbial microbes have a critical role in global carbon cycling, diversity across environmental gradients (that is, remineralizing carbon via heterotrophic respiration spatial, temporal and resource gradients) by quanti- and transferring phytoplankton-derived organic car- fying community and population-level changes in bon to higher trophic levels via secondary microbial 16S rRNA gene, metagenomic, metatranscriptomic production (Whitman et al., 1998; Azam and and metaproteomic data. Taxonomic surveys have Malfatti, 2007). However, models of marine micro- revealed structural shifts in microbial communities bial systems have yet to progress substantially ‘ ’ that correlate with physical and biogeochemical beyond black box approaches that quantify whole- gradients (Morris et al., 2012; Dinasquet et al., community processes to more complex models of 2013), as well as annually recurring resource ecosystem processes, which incorporate community gradients defined by biotic and abiotic factors, structure and functional understandings of indivi- including vertical stratification, upwelling events dual microbial taxa (Ducklow, 2000; Yokokawa and and phytoplankton blooms (Fuhrman et al., 2006; Nagata, 2010). This progress is currently limited by Treusch et al., 2009; Gilbert et al., 2012). Structural our understanding of how diverse populations changes in the functional repertoire of marine microbial communities have also been identified across spatial scales, including transitions in carbon Correspondence: RS Mueller, Department of Microbiology, Oregon metabolism along depth profiles (DeLong et al., State University, 226 Nash Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. 2006) and along a transect from higher-nutrient E-mail: [email protected] Received 8 February 2017; revised 18 May 2017; accepted 1 June coastal to a more oligotrophic oceanic gyre 2017; published online 11 August 2017 (Morris et al., 2010). Placing these results within the Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2782 framework of niche theory (Whittaker, 1972), these assimilation of six 13C-labeled substrates (glucose, studies suggest that specific adaptations or ecologi- starch, acetate, lipids, amino acids and protein) of cal strategies of distinct microbial populations importance to heterotrophic marine microbes enable successful exploitation of environmental (Geider and Roche, 2002; Kirchman, 2003; Nagata, niches. 2008) by planktonic microbial populations in surface The application of transcriptomic and proteomic sea water sampled in Monterey Bay, CA. By approaches to characterize in situ gene expression combining this substrate assimilation data with has enabled the development of hypotheses con- metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequen- cerning the ecological strategies of these diverse cing, we were able to examine the accompanying populations. Analysis of microbial transcriptomes shifts in taxonomic composition of this coastal taken from southeastern US coastal waters identified marine microbial community during these micro- gene expression patterns among coexisting popula- cosm incubations. tions, suggesting that ecological strategies fall along a Although previous studies have examined changes continuum between slower growth coupled with in both microbial community structure (Gómez- metabolic specialization to faster growth and higher Consarnau et al., 2012) and function (McCarren metabolic diversity (Gifford et al., 2013). et al., 2010) following the addition of high- and low- A study of North Sea waters (Teeling et al., 2012) molecular-weight DOC substrates, the combination of examined the role of phytoplankton blooms, and, in SIP and sequencing approaches in this study enabled turn, the temporal release of different resources, in direct comparisons between substrate assimilation shaping microbial community structure with com- and relative abundance shifts, and allowed us to bined taxonomic, functional and environmental address several questions concerning how best to observations. Principal findings included early define functional guilds within these communities. In bloom abundance and carbohydrate utilization other words, do related populations assimilate the enzyme expression by Flavobacteriia, mid and late same substrates, and are taxonomic assignments bloom increases in Gammaproteobacteria popula- indicative of functional guild membership? Do rela- tions, and the post or pre-phytoplankton bloom tive abundance shifts determined by DNA-sequencing dominance of Alphaproteobacteria. Several meso- approaches consistently reflect direct substrate assim- cosm studies of induced phytoplankton blooms have ilation measurements? And finally, are discrepancies explicitly examined the turnover of bloom-derived between substrate assimilation into ribonucleotide (DOC), which includes and protein biomass indicative of underlying meta- substantial amounts of carbohydrates exuded during bolic mechanisms that differentiate the environmen- rapid bloom growth, as well as protein, amino acids tal growth strategies of populations? and lipids that are released as cellular debris as blooms collapse (Norrman et al., 1995; Biddanda and Benner, 1997; Myklestad, 2000; Meon and Materials and methods Kirchman, 2001). Taken together, the results of these studies indicate that microbial community structure Sample collection, processing and incubation is influenced by both the concentration and type of Surface water was collected from Monterey Bay (36° substrates that are available. Therefore, defining how N 53.387′–121°W 57.257′, ~ 10 km from shore; substrates are partitioned among discrete popula- Supplementary Figure S1) on 14 October 2013 while tions is a prerequisite for relating community on board the R/V Rachel Carson as previously structure to biogeochemical cycling. described (Mueller et al., 2015; Bryson et al., 2016). The use of stable isotope probing has emerged as a The ⩽ 1.5 μm fraction of cells was incubated in acid- powerful technique for linking biochemical func- washed and rinsed 10 l polycarbonate carboys tions to specific populations within complex micro- amended with ~ 1 μM final concentration of 13C- bial communities. Traditionally, this technique has labeled substrates (498%13C) in triplicate: amino utilized density-based separation of light, unlabeled acids, protein, glucose, starch, acetate and lipids and heavy, labeled, RNA and DNA to identify (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA, 426199, 642878, substrate-assimilating populations (Dumont and 389374, 605336, 282014 and 426202). To determine Murrell, 2005). Recently developed techniques uti- the necessary time for quantifying substrate assim- lize mass spectrometry to quantify stable isotope ilation while also minimizing potential cross-feed- incorporation into rRNA or newly synthesized ing, incubations were carried out for 15 and 32 h. proteins, offering advantages in throughput and Because 13C label was detected after 15 h (see sensitivity. Chip-stable isotope probing (SIP) quanti- methods below), this study presents data primarily fies isotopic labeling of rRNA hybridized to a from the t = 0 sample and 15 h incubations. Incuba- microarray (Mayali et al., 2012, 2013, 2014). Proteo- tions were held at constant temperature close to the mic SIP utilizes exhaustive database searching to ambient water column (19 °C). Cells from replicate identify peptides and quantify their isotopic enrich- microcosms were concentrated in parallel on 0.2 μm ment (Pan et al., 2011; Hyatt and Pan, 2012; Wang polyethersulfone membrane filters, which were et al., 2013; Bryson et al., 2016). In this study we transferred to sterile 15 ml tubes, immediately frozen utilized Chip-SIP and proteomic SIP to describe the on dry ice and subsequently transferred to a − 80 °C

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2783 freezer for long-term storage. Formaldehyde-fixed spectra data against the non-reduced metagenome and SYBR Green-stained cells were counted with a database. Under these conditions all labeled proteins Guava Technologies (Hayward, CA, USA) flow identified were also identified in unlabeled searches, cytometer as previously described (Tripp et al., suggesting a low rate of missed protein detections by 2008; Tripp, 2008). using a reduced database (data not shown).

16S rRNA gene amplicon analysis Proteomic SIP analysis PCR amplicon libraries of the v4 rRNA gene region Label frequency and average enrichment values were were amplified from DNA extracts of all microcosms calculated for each set of proteins assigned to a taxon (Mueller et al., 2015) using dual-indexed 16S primers at a specific rank, as previously described (Bryson (Kozich et al., 2013). Resulting amplicons were et al., 2016). We considered substrate incorporation to sequenced on the Illumina (San Diego, CA, USA) be detected if a peptide spectral match (PSM) was MiSeq platform at Oregon State University’sCenterfor labeled, that is, if it was identified with ⩾ 2% 13C Genome Research and Biocomputing as previously content. Label frequency was defined as the relative described (Bryson et al., 2016). A more detailed frequency of labeled PSM to total PSM for a set of protocol is available in the Supplementary Methods. protein identifications assigned to a specific popula- tion, that is, the proportion of identified mass spectra that were labeled. Accordingly, this metric quantifies Metagenome sequencing, assembly and annotation the extent of de novo protein synthesis for the DNA extraction, metagenome library construction population. Average enrichment was defined as the and sequencing were previously described (Mueller average % 13C content of all labeled PSM that were et al., 2015; Supplementary Methods). Metagenome detected for a set of proteins assigned to a specific abundances for predicted coding sequences (CDS) population. As such, this metric quantifies substrate were determined by mapping non-redundant specialization. Relative substrate assimilation values sequencing reads back to the contigs using Bowtie for taxonomic bins were calculated as the proportion 2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012) with default of labeled PSM multiplied by the average % 13C settings and calculating the average coverage for enrichment for PSM of a bin divided by the sum of each locus using the bedtools coverage tool (Barnett this value for all bins in a sample, that is, the et al., 2011). Relative abundances of operational proportion of total detected substrate assimilation taxonomic units (OTUs) detected in the 16S rRNA within a replicate. To enable comparisons across amplicon libraries were highly correlated with 16S substrates, it was necessary to standardize to the mean rRNA gene abundances that were assembled using and s.d. of the observed average enrichment values for EMIRGE (Miller et al., 2011) from the metagenomes sets of proteins assigned to different genera (or higher (data not shown). taxonomic levels if level assignments were not available) within each treatment. Hierarchical cluster- ing and heatmaps of standardized average enrichment Peptide mass spectrometry, identification and database and label frequency metrics (data in Supplementary construction Tables S1 and S2) were performed in MeV (Howe Protein extraction, digestion and mass spectrometry et al., 2010). Significant levels of average enrichment analysis followed previously reported protocols were determined by comparing the observed average (Bryson et al., 2016; Supplementary Methods). This enrichment for a population to the values obtained procedure utilized SDS lysis and trichloroacetic acid from 1000 random samples of labeled spectra from precipitation of proteins, followed by cleanup and the entire set of labeled PSM obtained for a trypsin digestion on centrifugal filters, and finally metaproteome. Values were determined to be sig- Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology nificant if they were equal or more extreme than 95% was used for the liquid chromatography tandem of values obtained from the randomization test. mass spectrometry measurements using an LTQ Significant average enrichment values are identified Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, with ‘*’ in Supplementary Table S1. Other statistical Waltham, MA, USA) (Washburn et al., 2001). tests were performed with the scipy stats and skbio Peptide identifications are available under the PRIDE python libraries. archive PXD002641. The final database used for SIP searches (60 006 CDS) was constructed from all CDS with at least one Chip-SIP analysis peptide identification in regular (that is, unlabeled Probes were designed for 16S rRNA gene OTUs search mode) Sipros searches of each metaproteome commonly found in coastal Pacific Ocean samples against the 391 847 CDS from the full metagenome (Supplementary Table S3) using ARB (Ludwig et al., assembly and a reduced database consisting of 2004), as previously described (Mayali et al., 2012). 181 704 CDS from only high metagenome coverage Duplicate RNA samples were extracted, fluores- contigs. To ensure support for our reduced database cently labeled, fragmented and hybridized as selection approach, test Sipros searches in labeled previously described (Mayali et al., 2014), and mode were performed comparing subsets of the secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2784 microarrays hybridized with 13C rRNA was per- treatment group distances were significantly differ- formed at LLNL with a Cameca NanoSIMS 50 ent from random (permutational analysis of variance, (Cameca, Gennevilliers, France). A more detailed pseudo-F = 14.0, P-value ⩽ 0.001). Replicates from protocol is available in the Supplementary Methods. both the acetate and lipids treatments were the most OTUs were considered significantly isotopically structurally similar to the original community, enriched if the slope minus two calculated s.e.’s whereas the remaining treatments were more distant was 40 and if the slope was significant based on a t- from the t = 0 community. score statistic (t = slope/s.e.) with a P-value of o0.05. In addition to serving as the basis for a metapro- Data are presented for the average slope from two teome search database, analysis of metagenomes biological replicates. The for from pooled replicates from each treatment group representative 16S rRNA genes was generated by revealed the underlying taxonomic composition of aligning sequences with Muscle (Edgar, 2004), the initial and end-point communities (Mueller selecting conserved sites with Gblocks (Talavera et al., 2015; Bryson et al., 2016) complementing the and Castresana, 2007) and constructing the tree in analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicon libraries. FastTree (Price et al., 2010) with default settings. Assessment of relative abundances for dominant taxonomic lineages (Figure 1b) was based on both the recruitment of metagenomic reads to the assembled protein-coding sequences (CDS) and Results rarefied OTU counts (Supplementary Table S5; Substrate-specific shifts in microbial community Supplementary Figure S2). Whole-community pro- structure files showed that the acetate and lipid treatments High-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene most closely resembled the original sampled com- amplicon libraries and whole-community DNA munity, whereas communities from the glucose and facilitated comparisons between the initial microbial starch treatments and the amino acids and protein community in the sampled surface water (t =0)and treatments were most similar to each other, respec- end-point communities (t = 15 h), allowing us to tively (Figure 1b). determine how the six substrate amendments influ- Comparisons of relative abundances for OTU enced community structure. Total cell counts counts summed at the order-level indi- increased by an average of 2.6-fold across all cated significant differences for 35 orders across all treatments, with the highest increases in the starch treatments (Supplementary Table S5). Examination and glucose treatments, 3.9- and 2.9-fold increases, of the relative abundance shifts for specific popula- respectively (Supplementary Table S4). Principal tions within the six treatments allowed subsequent coordinate analysis of pairwise community distances comparisons between these community dynamics between rarefied sample OTU counts from 16S (Figure 1b) and substrate assimilation, as measured amplicon data (Figure 1a) indicated reproducible by the SIP approaches. Metagenomic and 16S rRNA population shifts for each substrate addition; within amplicon data showed that

Figure 1 (a) Principal coordinate analysis plot of pairwise distances between rarefied sample OTU counts. (b) Stacked bar charts depict the relative coverage of predicted coding sequences (CDS) by metagenomes from the T = 0 and each substrate amendment. The taxonomy color key indicates the order-level classification or class level, if the order was unclassified. ‘Other’ refers to low-coverage or unclassified CDS.

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2785 generally decreased in relative abundance across all Po0.001). The average % 13C enrichment of labeled treatments, except for the amino acids and acetate peptides detected in the amino-acid treatment was treatments (Supplementary Figure S2). The Alter- significantly higher than the other five treatments omonadales order increased in coverage across all (t-test, Po0.01; Figure 2; Supplementary Table S4). treatments (Supplementary Figure S2), indicating a Thirty-one populations (defined at the genus or general rapid growth response to incubation condi- broader level of taxonomy) assimilated substrate in tions as has been previously reported (Pedler et al., all six treatments, suggesting a broad ability of the 2014). Notably, these observed relative abundance dominant members of the community to assimilate increases were highest in the protein and amino the classes of DOC substrates tested. This was acids treatments, both of which contain organic evident by the similar richness of community nitrogen. Conversely, oligotrophic marine Gamma- members with detected substrate assimilation across (Cho and Giovannoni, 2004), includ- all treatments (Supplementary Figure S3). Although, ing SAR86, SAR92 and other Cellvibrionales the number of taxa for which substrate assimilation populations generally declined in relative abun- was detected above background levels indicated dance across all treatments (Supplementary widespread utilization of the added substrates, a Figure S2). The Flavobacteriales order generally comparison of relative substrate assimilation increased in relative abundance in all treatments indicated substantial differences between individual and increased significantly in the starch and glucose taxa (Supplementary Figure S4). These relative treatments (Supplementary Figure S2). substrate assimilation data are based on the combi- nation of two factors: the % 13C enrichment of labeled peptides per taxa (average enrichment, an Substrates differ in whole-community assimilation indicator of resource specialization) and the propor- As amplicon sequencing revealed significantly tion of labeled peptides (label frequency, an reproducible substrate-specific population shifts, indicator of de novo protein synthesis activity). For we hypothesized that community structure may example, of all the detected label in the metapro- have been shaped by population-specific substrate teome for the starch treatment, nearly 70% was utilization, and further evaluated this using SIP accounted for by Flavobacteriaceae proteins enrichment of peptides and rRNA. We identified an (Supplementary Figure S4). In the acetate treatments, average of 22 915 peptides and 4087 proteins in each nearly 60% of the total detected label was found in of the 21 metaproteomes (Supplementary Table S4). proteins. Detection of labeled peptides in each of the six treatments produced distinct % 13C enrichment profiles (Figure 2) with significantly different aver- Substrate specialization is taxonomically conserved age enrichment values for the whole-community Our observation of clear biases in substrate assimila- metaproteomes (analysis of variance, F = 15.75, tion patterns by diverse taxa across all treatments (Supplementary Figure S4) prompted us to investi- gate whether trends in resource partitioning were more similar among related populations than expected under a random null model. Correlation scores for pairwise comparisons of average enrich- ment values were significantly higher among related taxa at the class rank than would be expected for random taxonomic assignments (permutational analysis of variance, Pseudo-F = 14.4, P-value ⩽ 0.001). This correlation analysis also demonstrated significantly different variances between classes (Levene’s test, statistic = 6.2, P-value = 0.003), with less variance within the Alphaproteobacteria than within the Flavobacteriales and the Gammaproteo- populations (Figure 3b). As previously shown in Figure 2, the six substrates were assimilated at different levels of % 13C enrich- ment, potentially due to existing substrate in the samples or biological differences in assimilation efficiency. Thus, to compare substrate assimilation by individual taxa, relative to other taxa, regardless of individual treatment effects, it was necessary to standardize average enrichment values within each Figure 2 (a) Histogram of highly labeled (% 13C ⩾ 4) PSM. Total area of bars represents the average proportion (n = 3, error bars ± s. sample (see Materials and Methods). Hierarchical d.) of all labeled PSM within each bin. The range is from 4 to 99% clustering of these standardized enrichment values enrichment in 3% increments. divided taxa into four groups based on average

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2786

Figure 3 (a) Clustering of taxa by relative incorporation of labeled substrate into proteins. The heatmap depicts standardized % 13C enrichment, indicating a population’s average enrichment relative to the other populations in each treatment. The color scale indicates z-scores: − 2 (blue); 0 (black); and 2 (yellow). The distance scale for hierarchical clustering indicates Pearson’s correlation scores for standardized values. Taxonomy of protein bins is assigned up to genus level when possible. Class-level taxonomy is indicated by the following colors: Alphaproteobacteria (red); Gammaproteobacteria (green); Flavobacteriia (blue); and others (white). (b) Pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficients of average enrichment values for populations within the three most abundant classes represented in a.

enrichment trends (Figure 3a). In addition to identi- protein treatment and accounted for most of the fying significant trends in substrate assimilation variability seen in pairwise correlation scores for the across all treatments, the quantified average enrich- Flavobacteriales (Figure 3b). ment values for individual populations were com- Gammaproteobacteria populations demonstrated pared to the expected values from random samples less highly correlated average enrichment values than of labeled PSM from the whole-community meta- the other two abundant classes suggesting divergence proteomes. These analyses revealed how these of resource utilization strategies within this broad substrates are partitioned in these communities and taxonomic group (Figure 3b). Oligotrophic marine the interpopulation variation for the three dominant Gammaproteobacteria clades, consisting of SAR92 class level taxonomies found in these samples. and OM60/NOR5 clades of the Cellvibrionales order Proteins assigned to genera or higher taxonomies along with SAR86 and other unclassified Gammapro- within the Flavobacteriales order formed a highly teobacteria, were among the populations with correlated cluster with average enrichment values significantly high % 13C enrichment in at least one among the highest of the starch treatment commu- lipids treatments (Supplementary Table S1), averaging nity (Figure 3a). These included proteins assigned to 3.9%, 8.0%, 5.6% and 4.8%, respectively, compared Formosa, Myroides and Flavobacterium that had to the whole-community average enrichment significantly high average enrichment values (3.3 ± 0.19%). In comparison, , Pseudoalter- (Po0.05; Supplementary Table S1) in at least one omonas and genera from the Alteromona- replicate from starch treatment. The exception to this dales order assimilated amino acids at significantly trend was proteins assigned to Owenweeksia, which high average enrichment (Po0.05; 35.7%, 41.3% and had significantly high average enrichment in one 23.6% respectively) in addition to lipids.

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2787 The third dominant order, comprised of Rhodo- bacterales populations, was among the most abun- dant at the time of sampling and had significantly high average enrichment in the glucose, amino-acid and acetate treatments. However, some intra-order variability was observed as proteins assigned to the and had significantly high average enrichment in all three lipids treatments (Supplementary Table S1). These two genera plus Sulfitibacter, and genera had signifi- cantly high enrichment values in many of the treatments, with the notable exception of the starch treatments. Although raw average enrichment values were positively correlated between Pelagibacter and these Rhodobacterales populations (Figure 3b), it did not have high average enrichment values relative to the other populations in any of the six treatments.

Substrate preference and availability influence activity In addition to measuring substrate specialization, proteomic SIP data can indicate de novo protein synthesis activity through quantification of ‘label frequency’, the relative frequency of labeled versus total PSM for a population. Pairwise Pearson’s correlation coefficients for label frequency values indicated that trends in de novo protein synthesis activity followed substrate specialization patterns and were also significantly more similar between related populations than random (permutational analysis of variance, pseudo-F = 8.9, P-value ⩽ 0.001). Indeed, within treatment measures of label frequency and average enrichment were highly correlated (average Pearson’s r = 0.58, s.d. = 0.22, n = 18). However, related populations did exhibit heterogeneity in terms of the magnitude of protein synthesis as quantified by label frequency values. This was evident from the hierarchical clustering of populations based on label frequency z-scores (Supplementary Figure S5A). Genera within the Rhodobacteriales, which were abundant at the time of sampling, and the , which exhib- ited rapid relative abundance increases during the incubations, were consistently among the most active populations (Supplementary Figure S5A). Flavobacteriales populations generally had the high- est label frequency in the starch treatment, and the Flavobacterium genus demonstrated much higher activity than others from this order. Populations of Figure 4 Phylogenetic tree of rRNA sequences used for Chip-SIP Gammaproteobacteria from clades within the Cellvi- microarray probes and accompanying heatmap depicting 13C brionales and SAR86 along with Methylophilales (a enrichment values (average of two replicates) for combined probe member of the ), and Pelagibacter- sets. Taxonomy is indicated by the color key. Names for Chip-SIP iales (a member of the Alphaproteobacteria) had low probe sets are indicated in Supplementary Figure S6. overall protein synthesis activity across all treatments (Supplementary Figure S5A). Although populations of Alphaproteobacteria exhibited the Chip-SIP identifies substrate-assimilating populations most correlated resource specialization patterns at high taxonomic resolution (Figure 3b), they also exhibited the greatest hetero- Population-level substrate assimilation patterns were geneity in terms of protein synthesis activity also measured in rRNA pools. Out of 390 taxa (Supplementary Figure S5B) among the three abun- represented by probe spots on the microarray, dant classes. Chip-SIP identified 72 taxa with 13C enrichment in

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2788 at least one treatment (Figure 4; Supplementary relative abundance increases and significant Figure S6). As observed in the proteomic SIP results, substrate assimilation in the amino-acid and protein glucose and amino-acid treatments had the most treatments. Populations of , with widespread assimilation across 16S rRNA-targeted previously reported slow growth rates (Rappé et al., taxa, 40 and 39 out of 72, respectively. Starch was 2002), were abundant at the time of sampling, but the third most widely assimilated (32 out of 72 taxa), exhibited neither increased relative abundance nor followed by the protein treatment. Among the taxa high average enrichment values for peptides across with 13C-enriched rRNA, members of the Flavobac- all treatments, despite significant numbers of labeled teriales order (Figure 4), primarily from the peptides being detected in all treatments. Flavobac- Cryomorphaceaea and Flavobacteriaceae families, teriales abundance and assimilation were positively were highly enriched with 13C from the starch correlated in the starch treatment, but in the glucose treatment, similar to the trend in the proteomic SIP treatment, an increase in their relative abundance data. Gammaproteobacteria from the SAR86 clade, was not accompanied by significant glucose assim- the Cellvibrionales and Alteromonadales order, plus ilation. Conversely, Rhodobacterales populations other unclassified clades were enriched with 13C accounted for the highest amount of detected from amino acids, glucose and to a lesser extent substrate assimilation in their proteomes but exhib- starch. Rhodobacterales taxa were 13C-enriched in ited negligible shifts in their relative abundance. the amino-acid, glucose and protein treatments. 13C Oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria had low label from protein assimilation was also detected in label frequency (the proportion of newly made 13C SAR116 Alphaproteobacteria, as well as in the peptides relative to the total pool) and generally SAR406 clade, Deltaproteobacteria, Epsilonproteo- decreased in relative abundance across all treat- bacteria and Flavobacteria. Lipid assimilation was ments, yet were among the most 13C-enriched in the only detected in a SAR406 and a deep SAR11 taxa, lipid treatment. while acetate assimilation was only detected after The differences observed between these popula- 32 h of incubation (see Materials and Methods) in tions may suggest different life strategies. In the case rRNA hybridized to one Rhodobacteraceae probe set. of Rhodobacterales, these populations are actively Similar to the proteomic SIP data, class-level group- incorporating substrate, but it is not translating into ings of probe spots had significantly higher within- rapid growth as seen for the Alteromonadales. In group Pearson’s correlation coefficients than random another example, genomic data would predict wide- groupings (permutational analysis of variance, spread glucose utilization by diverse populations in pseudo-F = 3.1, P-value ⩽ 0.001). Although the our samples. However, the combined SIP and detected trends in substrate assimilation were more metagenomic approaches allowed us to distinguish similar for taxa at the class level, comparisons between the responses of Flavobacteriales popula- between closely related populations within order- tions, which rapidly increased in abundance, and level taxonomies revealed some variation in sub- Rhodobacterales populations, which allocated this strate assimilation. Glucose, starch and lipid assim- resource into biomass without a similar increase in ilation was detected for a deep ecotype of SAR11, relative abundance. These observations suggest that whereas as surface-associated ecotype was found to the role of substrate utilization in population be highly enriched only in amino acids. Within the dynamics is more complex than can be predicted Flavobacteriales order, there were two populations by genomic data or revealed by relative abundance that exhibited higher assimilation of glucose than metrics alone. This apparent lack of correlation starch. And finally, within the Rhodobacteriales between relative abundance shifts and substrate order, there was some variation in the assimilation assimilation patterns may result from the fact that of amino acids and glucose. populations within a complex microbial community can vary in their growth efficiency and rates (Roller et al., 2016) and the inherent challenges of linking Discussion relative abundance changes to absolute changes (Nayfach and Pollard, 2016; Props et al., 2016). In This study utilized metagenomics, 16S rRNA gene addition, unmeasured substrate in natural samples sequencing, proteomic SIP and rRNA Chip-SIP in a may support growth that would not be measured by combined assessment of resource partitioning among SIP approaches. sympatric populations of coastal marine microbes. Indeed, interpretation of SIP data, while powerful, Metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene sequence can also present challenges, as substrate assimilation libraries indicated distinct structural changes in the may be affected by biological factors relating to the sampled community that accompanied each sub- uptake (Kirchman, 2003), physical factors, including strate addition. However, the relationship between the concentration of similar substrates in the substrate assimilation and population dynamics was sampled sea water and the accessibility of each often inconsistent. Relative abundance data from substrate (Nagata, 2008), or flux (Chubukov et al., sequencing libraries and substrate assimilation data 2014) of specific substrates into amino acid and from proteomic SIP data were the most consistent for RNA. To address this latter issue, we evaluated how populations of Alteromonadales, which exhibited label incorporation into protein and rRNA was

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2789 differently quantified in the biomass of populations (Mann et al., 2013; Xing et al., 2014). Specialization as measured by the two SIP approaches. Amino-acid for lipid assimilation was observed among and glucose assimilation were the most highly low-activity members of the Gammaproteobacteria, detected in both peptides and rRNA, indicating including populations from SAR86, SAR92 and broad and efficient utilization and assimilation by OM60/NOR5 clades, as well as fast growing popula- diverse populations. However, detection of isotopic tions of Alteromonadales. This observation for enrichment was less widespread for the lipid and SAR86 confirms an earlier hypothesis for lipid acetate treatments with Chip-SIP compared to pro- utilization based on genomic analysis (Dupont teomic SIP, suggesting lower overall incorporation of et al., 2012). In addition, metatranscriptomic studies the 13C label from these compounds into nucleotides have identified the importance of fatty acid and subsequent de novo-synthesized RNAs than into metabolic genes within populations of - amino acids and de novo-synthesized proteins. This nales and Alteromonadales (McCarren et al., 2010; may indicate differences in the sensitivity of the two Gifford et al., 2013). techniques; with proteomic SIP one has the ability to Overall, these patterns in community resource quantify isotope incorporation for multiple peptides partitioning confirmed prior observations of popula- independently, whereas in Chip-SIP all 16S rRNA tion dynamics made during phytoplankton blooms molecules are hybridized to a single probe spot. (Teeling et al., 2012; Buchan et al., 2014). Signifi- Alternatively, the allocation of specific substrates cantly similar substrate assimilation trends were into biomolecules may vary depending on where a identified at the class level, implying evolutionary substrate enters pathways of central carbon metabo- conserved ecological strategies among related lism. Increased cellular concentrations of acetyl-CoA populations. Furthermore, these results suggest that from direct utilization of acetate or beta oxidation of functional guilds within marine surface waters can lipids could result in the preferential flux of these be defined at deep branching taxonomic lineages, substrates into the tricarboxylic acid cycle and confirming predictions based on genomic data amino-acid biosynthesis pathways via the anaplero- (Martiny et al., 2013). Flavobacteriales are observed tic reaction sequence of the glyoxylate shunt (Sauer to increase when carbohydrate stocks increase, and Eikmanns, 2005; Gottschalk, 2012), and the indicating a tightly coupled relationship with the subsequent redirection of other unlabeled carbon release of this DOC type from primary producers. sources to the synthesis of carbohydrates and Gammaproteobacteria populations emerge later in nucleotides via gluconeogenesis and the pentose bloom timelines when proteins and lipids are more phosphate pathways (Chubukov et al., 2014; Wolfe, likely to accumulate as unhealthy phytoplankton 2015). This explanation is further supported by the begin to leak or lyse. It is also evident that different opposing trend observed among Gammaproteobac- lineages within the Gammaproteobacteria exhibit teria populations, which showed higher glucose ecological strategies that separate oligotrophic clades assimilation measured by Chip-SIP (Figure 4) than with lower biosynthetic responses to nutrient avail- by proteomic SIP (Figure 3). ability from copiotrophic clades of Alteromonadales The substrate assimilation trends we measured that rapidly respond to nutrient replete conditions. revealed evolutionary cohesive ecological strategies Alphaproteobacteria populations also showed among related populations and divided the micro- distinct responses to nutrient additions. Whereas bial community into distinct guilds. Rhodobacterales the Rhodobacterales populations generally exhibited populations exhibited a preference for low- significant protein biosynthesis with the addition of molecular-weight monomers: acetate; glucose; and low-molecular-weight compounds, this response amino acids (either directly or as products from was not observed for Pelagibacterales populations extracellular hydrolysis of whole proteins) (Nagata, that also assimilated these substrates. These findings 2008). This order demonstrated a more generalist fit with prior observations of relatively stable lifestyle than other populations, supporting prior population sizes for Pelagibacterales throughout genomic observations for these clades (Newton et al., phytoplankton bloom cycles and the observed bloom 2010). Pelagibacterales populations exhibited similar responses of some Rhodobacterales populations to trends in resource assimilation as the - phytoplankton blooms (Buchan et al., 2014). ales, but were less active overall in assimilating The general trends identified in this study for substrate into protein biomass. Resource partitioning relatively broad taxonomic groups may reflect the between these two abundant Alphaproteobacteria choice of substrates used in these experiments. More populations may be better described in terms of distinct DOC molecules, such as specific amino competitive advantages under diffusion-limited oli- acids, fatty acids, specific aromatic compounds or gotrophic conditions given our observations for organic sulfur compounds, such as dimethylsulfo- substrate assimilation. Flavobacteriales populations niopropionate, may be less conserved at finer displayed a distinct advantage in assimilating starch. taxonomic scales (Martiny et al., 2013). While the These findings confirm prior genomic observations presence or absence of specific genomic-encoded for Flavobacteriales taxa, which have identified high metabolic pathways may account for some variabil- numbers of enzymes for extracellular binding, ity in activity between closely related taxa, the hydrolysis and transport of complex carbohydrates evolutionary fine tuning of individual microbial

The ISME Journal Marine microbial resource partitioning S Bryson et al 2790 strains to substrate concentrations or environmental Acknowledgements parameters, such as temperature and salinity, may be of greater importance. Indeed, fine scale variation in This work was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Marine Microbiology Initiative (Grant Id: the specific growth responses of taxa within the GBMF3302). This research used resources of the Oak genus to a single class of carbon substrate has Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. Oak Ridge National been attributed to the gene copy number for a Laboratory is supported by the Office of Science of the US specific enzyme, rather than its mere presence/ Department of Energy and managed by the University of absence (Hehemann et al., 2016). Determining how Tennessee-Battelle, L.L.C. for the U.S. Department of individual populations respond to substrate Energy. Work at LLNL was conducted under the auspices availability under various environmental conditions, of DOE Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344; where Chip-SIP such as resource concentration or temperature, method development and NanoSIMS lab operations are requires utilization of techniques that quantify provided by award SCW1039 from the DOE OBER activity, such as the SIP approaches presented here, Genomic Science Program. We thank the crew of the RV Rachel Carson, the Monterey Bay Research Institute, the that cannot be assessed using more conventional lab of Stephen Giovannoni and the Oregon State University genomic-based inquiry. Center for Genomic Research and Biocomputing. Prior work has demonstrated that at low resource concentrations substrate specialists are the most active (Sarmento et al., 2016), suggesting that this specialization is driven by competition for limited resources. 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