Underwater Cultural Heritage in Oceania ccoverover UUnderwaternderwater CCulturalultural HHeritageeritage iinn OOceaniaceania Edited by Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Egger and Vidha Penalva All underwater cultural heritage sites in this book have been chosen for their historic interest. There may however lay more representative and signifi cant sites in the waters of the territory encompassed by this publication. UNESCO’s choice was made without any claim to do complete justice to the heritage concerned, even if it aspired to do so. This publication was funded by UNESCO, the Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology - AIMA and The Society for International Cultural Exchange, Japan. Reproduction may be allowed, providing that no changes are made and appropriate mention is made of the source. Please contact UNESCO Paris for authori- zation. This document should be cited as: © UNESCO, 2010. Underwater Cultural Heritage in Oceania. Layout by: Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Egger, Vidha Penalva de Almeida Document Code: CLT/CIH/MCO/2010/150REV Contact: UNESCO Section of Museums and Cultural Objects Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection The Society for International Cultural Exchange, Japan of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 1, rue Miollis – 75732 Paris cedex 15, France Tel. +33 (0) 145684406 Fax +33 (0) 145685596 Email:
[email protected] www.unesco.org/en/underwater-cultural-heritage Cover page: SSSS SeveranceSeverance, Australia.Australia. TThehe ttwowo mmastedasted ssailingailing yachtyacht tthehe SSeveranceeverance ssankank ooffff LLadyady EElliotlliot IIslandsland iinn tthehe GGreatreat BBarrierarrier RReef,eef, Australia.Australia. TThehe SSeveranceeverance iiss relativelyrelatively uundamaged,ndamaged, ssomeome remainsremains ofof itsits sailssails persist,persist, wwichich hadhad beenbeen riggedrigged inin reefedreefed positionposition inin a vainvain attemptattempt toto minimizeminimize thethe dragdrag iinn thethe heavyheavy stormstorm thatthat sanksank it.it.