Overview of Corporate Financial Reporting CHAPTER 1
cc01OverviewOfCorporateFinancialReporting.indd01OverviewOfCorporateFinancialReporting.indd PagePage 1-11-1 19/01/1819/01/18 2:232:23 PMPM f-0157f-0157 //208/WB02258/9781119407003/ch01/text_s208/WB02258/9781119407003/ch01/text_s CHAPTER 1 kevin brine/Shutterstock Overview of Corporate Financial Reporting Dollar Store Business Is No than $420 million from issuing shares, and it had more than $2.9 billion in sales that year. Small Change Company management is continually looking for ways to increase sales and reduce costs. It recently increased the max- When Salim Rossy opened a general store in Montreal imum price of items from $3 to $4, widening the number of in 1910, he fi nanced it with his earnings from peddling suppliers it can use and boosting the types of products it can items like brooms and dishcloths in the countryside around carry. “Customers are responding positively to the off ering,” Montreal. By the time his grandson Larry took charge in said Neil Rossy, who took over from his father Larry as Chief 1973, S. Rossy Inc. had grown into a chain of 20 fi ve-and- Executive Offi cer in 2016. dime stores, with most items priced at either 5 or 10 cents. In Shareholders and others, such as banks and suppliers, use 1992, the company opened its fi rst Dollarama store, selling all a company’s fi nancial statements to see how the company has items for $1. Today, the business, now called Dollarama Inc., performed and what its future prospects might be. Sharehold- is Canada’s largest dollar store chain. It operates more than ers use them to make informed decisions about things such 1,000 stores in every province and now sells goods between as whether to sell their shares, hold onto them, or buy more.
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