PLAN: 04 CASE NUMBER: 09/04228/FUL GRID REF: EAST 447491 NORTH 447032 APPLICATION NO. 6.150.66.C.FUL DATE MADE VALID: 05.11.2009 TARGET DATE: 31.12.2009 CASE OFFICER: Mr Graham Brookfield WARD: Marston Moor

VIEW PLANS AT: http://tinyurl.com/ydjrb8j

APPLICANT: O A Watson & Son

AGENT: Savills

PROPOSAL: Siting of 8 holiday lets, formation of access track and landscaping (Site Area 0.69 ha).

LOCATION: Manor House Farm The Avenue Wighill Park North LS24 8BT


SITE AND PROPOSAL The site is situated within Wighill Farm which is an arable and sheep farm on the edge of Wighill village. The site is a field to the west of the existing farm buildings which contains a large pond. Wighill Hill Manor, which is a Grade II Listed Building, is situated to the south east of the site. The field is used for grazing sheep. The farm also caters for caravans all year round with 5 caravans licensed under the Camping and Caravanning Club. These caravans are sited on the field which is the subject of this application. The farm also holds annual caravan rallies. The applicant has indicated that the field is 2.88 ha in size and the site 0.68 ha.

The proposal seeks consent for 8 timber lodges which would be targeted towards the luxury end of the tourism market. The lodges will conform to the statutory and legal definition of a mobile home and will be sited on either concrete raft foundations or where ground conditions permit on concrete strip foundations. The proposal seeks to diversify the existing farm business so as to provide an additional income stream for the farm. This would secure the jobs of existing farm employees and provide a livelihood for other members of the family to enter the farm business.

MAIN ISSUES 1. Policy/Principle 2. Impact on the Landscape 3. Impact on the setting of the Listed Building 4. Residential amenity 5. Highways



Parish Council WIGHILL

DCS Arboricultural Officer No objection. No trees would be harmed by the proposals and new tree planting is proposed.

Landscape Officer Comments awaited.

North Wharfe Internal Drainage Board Details of how surface water and foul water will be managed. Conditions recommended.

Local Plans Policy See assessment of main issues.

Yorkshire Water Water supply can be provided. Should be referred to Environment Agency and Local Authority's Environmental Health Section for comment on private treatment facilities.

NYCC Highway Authority No objections.

H.B.C Land Drainage No objections.

Environment Agency No comments received at time of writing report.

EHO Contaminated Land Contamination is highly unlikely to have affected the site, further investigation of the site is unnecessary.

RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY PPS1 Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development CSSG2 Core Strategy Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits PPS06 Planning Policy Statement 6, Planning for Town Centres PPS07 Planning Policy Statement 7, Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPG15 Planning Policy Guidance 15, Planning and the Historic Environment GPGPFT Good Practice Guide on Planning for Tourism RSE6 The Yorkshire and Humber Plan Policy RSSE6, Sustainable Tourism RSE7 The Yorkshire and Humber Plan Policy RSSE7, Rural Economy CSJB1 Core Strategy Policy JB1: Supporting the District economy CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact LPTR04 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy TR4, Camping and Caravan Development - Site Characteristics LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment


REPRESENTATIONS WIGHILL PARISH COUNCIL - No comments received at time of writing report.

No other third party representations have been received at time of writing report. Any received prior to Committee will be reported to Members.


ASSESSMENT OF MAIN ISSUES 1. POLICY/PRINCIPLE - In order to promote a sustainable pattern of rural development in those areas of the countryside outside the Green Belt, Policy SG3 of the Core Strategy supports sustainable rural enterprises, including tourism and farm diversification. Policy JB1 of the Core Strategy supports the development of sustainable holiday tourism throughout the District and its enhancement as a year round activity. Policy JB1 also supports the rural and agricultural economy and its diversification.

Policy E6 of the Regional Spatial Strategy promotes development of sustainable tourism in the region. Policy E7 of the Regional Spatial Strategy provides guidance on the rural economy and lends support for rural diversification schemes which bring 'economic, social and environmental benefit'.

PPS7 requires that Local Planning Authorities be supportive of well-conceived farm diversification schemes for business purposes that contribute to sustainable development objectives and help to sustain the agricultural enterprise, and are consistent in their scale with their rural location. In respect of holiday chalet developments in rural areas PPS7 requires that Local Authorities carefully weigh the objective of providing adequate facilities and sites with the need to protect landscapes and environmentally sensitive sites. Local planning authorities should support the provision of other forms of self-catering holiday accommodation in rural areas where this would accord with sustainable development objectives.

Policy TR4 of the Local Plan states that proposals for all caravan, holiday chalets and camping development will be considered against a number of criteria. In respect of access to informal recreation opportunities the proposal, is in an area with opportunities for walking and cycling. The proposal will have limited access to local services. While the site is adjacent to the settlement of Wighill this site is not identified as a sustainable settlement by Policy SG2 of the Core Strategy. Wighill does however contain a public house and has a limited local bus service. The site is however well placed for other large settlements, with and Tadcaster being close by. However realistically access to these settlements would be by car due to the very limited local bus service. For the reasons detailed below the development is not considered to have an adverse impact on visual or residential amenity or the character of the countryside. Subject to conditions, the chalets would be sympathetic to the environment in terms of their design, materials and colour.

The Governments 'Good Practice Guide on Planning for Tourism' states that the provision of essential facilities for visitors is vital for the development of tourism in rural areas and that tourism can be a key element in rural and farm diversification, and support important rural services and facilities

In principle the location is considered to be appropriate for the level and type of development proposed. While market towns and villages should be the main focus for tourism activities, as indicated by PPG6: 'Planning for Town Centres', this proposal is catering for a very specific market, those wanting a tranquil rural setting. Due to the scale of the proposal then it would not threaten the viability of nearby service Centres. It could be seen to support the existing limited local services, including the reopened Public House. The scheme can be considered to represent farm diversification and would support local tourism. As such in principle the proposal has Policy support subject to site specific issues.

In respect of the requirements of Policy EQ1 of the Core Strategy the applicant has indicated that the proposal would not accord with the requirements of this Policy as the lodges are pre-manufactured buildings which comply with the standards for mobile homes. The will be built to BS:3632 which is the British Standard for Residential Park Homes.

PPS7 requires that the quality of the agricultural land be taken into account alongside other sustainability considerations when determining planning applications. Little weight in agricultural terms should be given to the loss of agricultural land in grades 3b, 4 and 5. The applicant confirms in their supporting information that the land is Grade 4 agricultural land. In addition only part of the field will be used with the rest remaining as grazing land.

2. IMPACT ON THE LANDSCAPE - Policies SG4 of the Core Strategy and HD20 of the Local Plan of the Local Plan require that development makes a positive contribution to the spatial qualities of an area. In relation to proposed holiday chalets, Criteria 4 of Policy TR4 of the Local Plan requires that sites should not have an adverse effect on the visual amenity of the area or the character of the countryside.

The applicant has submitted a landscape and visual assessment. This states that the rising landform to the south will screen views from the south and south west, the existing hedgerow and tree planting along the northern boundary will partially screen views from the north and further scattered planting provides additional screening i.e. at Walton Wood, The Wilderness and along the Avenue. Wighill village and roadside planting along Wighill Lane form a screen from viewpoints from the east. The lodges are single storey in height and have been arranged in an unregimented layout so that they would fit with the informal farmyard environment.

Efforts appear to have been made to construct a development that is respectful of the landscape setting and designed to be of a reasonably low impact and of modest scale. The Landscape Assessment shows there to be limited views of the site from surrounding view points. While the development may be glimpsed from outside the site, particularly in winter when many of the trees would have lost their leaves, these views would generally be long distance views. Additional planting would be required, as recommended by the landscape assessment, in the hedgerow to the North of the site to help screen the development.

While concern is raised about the linear nature of the development and its intrusion into open countryside, moving the development closer to the farm buildings and Manor would disrupt the setting of these buildings and may be harmful to the residential amenities of properties on the edge of the village. Permitted Development rights would be removed, including the right to enclose the land surrounding each lodge. This would ensure the field still remained open in character.

Due to the development being of modest scale and its limited visibility from outside the site then the proposal is not considered to have an adverse impact on the landscape to the detriment of the existing landscape character.

3. IMPACT ON THE SETTING OF THE LISTED BUILDING - Guidance on works to and development effecting the setting of a Listed Buildings is contained in Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: 'Planning and the Historic Environment'.

There are two Listed Buildings close to the site, Wighill Manor Farmhouse and School House. The closest being Wighill Manor Farmhouse. The School House is located at the entrance to Wighill Park. The proposal will have limited impact on the setting of this building. The key views of Wighill Manor are from the access drive. The site is not considered to form an important aspect of the setting of the Manor. As such and due to the minor form of the development and its distance from the Manor the proposal is not considered to be harmful to the setting of this Listed Building.

4. RESIDENTIAL AMENITY - Policy SG4 of the Harrogate Core Strategy 2009 requires that existing residential and general amenity be protected and where possible enhanced. Policy HD20 of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2001 (as altered, 2004) requires that new development respects the privacy and amenity of nearby properties.

Some of the properties on Church Lane will be able to obtain views of the lodges. Of the houses concerned, Vermont is the closest property This property would however still be 160m from the closest Lodge. The site and the rest of the field is currently used for holiday touring caravans. Due to the distance from the development, existing activity and screening the proposal is considered to have limited impact on the amenities of the occupiers of Vermont or other properties along Church Lane. The land surrounding the site is in the applicants ownership.

5. HIGHWAYS - Access to the site is through the existing group of farm buildings. This access is currently used for caravans accessing the licensed caravan site. While there will be more than likely be an increase in traffic resulting from the change of use this increase is not considered to be detrimental to Highway Safety. Comments have yet to be received from the Highway Authority.


In principle the location is considered to be appropriate for the level and type of development proposed. Due to the scale of the proposal then it would not threaten the viability of nearby service Centres. It could be seen to support the existing limited local services, including the reopened Public House. The scheme can be considered to represent farm diversification and would support local tourism. Due to the development being of modest scale and its limited visibility from outside the site then the proposal is not considered to have a significant adverse impact on the landscape to the detriment of the existing landscape character. As such and due to the minor form of the development and its distance from the Listed Buildings the proposal is not considered to be harmful to the setting of this Listed Building. Due to the distance from the development, existing activity and screening the proposal is considered to have limited impact on the amenities of the occupiers of Vermont or other properties along Church Lane. While there is likely to be an increase in traffic resulting from the change of use this increase is not considered to be detrimental to Highway Safety. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the requirements of the Development Plan and there are no material considerations that warrant setting aside Development Plan Policies.

CASE OFFICER: Mr Graham Brookfield


That the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:-

1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 3 years.

2 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and or shrubs and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and no development shall take place until the Local Planning Authority have approved a landscaping scheme; such scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required.

3 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority.

4 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions, outbuildings or means of enclosure shall be erected without the grant of further specific planning permission from the local planning authority.

5 No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a Scheme for the provision, implementation and maintenance of a regulation system has been approved by and implemented to the reasonable satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Internal Drainage Board for any surface water and foul discharges. The rate of discharge would not be expected to exceed that of a "Greenfield site".

6 Samples of the materials it is intended shall be used externally in the construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be started before any such approval. Thereafter the approved materials shall be used and retained and maintained for the life of the development.

7 The proposed units shall not be used for any purpose other than holiday accommodation and shall not be occupied for periods exceeding one calendar month at a time by the same occupant(s) and shall be not be used as permanent residential accommodation.

8 The site owner/operator shall maintain an up to date written register of the names of all owner/occupiers of individual chalets on the site and of their main home address and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the local planning authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 3 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 4 5 To prevent pollution of the water environment. 6 In the interests of visual amenity. 7 The provision of permanent residential units would be unacceptable in this location. 8 To ensure that approved holiday accommodation is not used for unauthorised permanent residential occupation

INFORMATIVES 1 Any watercourse adjacent to and/or affected by this development is not maintained by the North Wharfe Internal Drainage Board. The responsibility for the continued maintenance of any such watercourse and its banks rests ultimately with the riparian owners. 2 Under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991 and the Board's Byelaws, the prior written consent of the Board is required for any proposed works or structures in, under, or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of any watercourse. 3 Any new outfall to a watercourse requires the prior written consent of the Board under the terms of the Land Drainage Act 1991 and should be constructed to the satisfaction of the Board. 4 Under the Board's Byelaws the prior written consent of the North Wharfe Internal Drainage Board is required prior to any discharge being made into any watercourse within the Board's District.