September 9th, 2018 | 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Organ Prelude Festival . . . . Benton Price Opening Welcome and Announcements: Pastor DeWayne * Call to Worship Iva Arneng One: All God’s children, look about and see the faces of those we know and love. Many: We see neighbors and friends here, siblings and companions and a community of kindred hearts. One: All God’s children, look about and see the faces of those we hardly know. Many: We see strangers, sojourners, forgotten friends and ones who need an outstretched hand. One: All God’s children, look about and see all the images of God assembled here. Many: In me, in you, in each of us, God’s Spirit shines for all to see. One: All God’s children, come! Many: Let us worship together. * Passing of the Peace Pastor DeWayne * Songs Your Grace Is Enough Scripture Reading: Genesis 9:8-17 Iva Arneng Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him, “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you, and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the domestic animals, and every animal of the earth with you, as many as came out of the ark. I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” One: May God bless the reading of the word. All: Praise be to God. Hymn of the Day Children of the Rainbow Promise Recognition of AGC Volunteers Morning Message The Days of the Future Hereafter Pastor DeWayne * Gathering Song I Cast All My Cares Upon You Offering/DUO Recipient RECLAIM Pastor DeWayne Offertory Standing On The Promises …….. R. Kelso Carter * Doxology: All: Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God above ye heavenly hosts. Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.

* Please rise as you are able

2 Communion Liturgy Pastor DeWayne The Invitation and Sursum Corda One: God be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts. All: We lift them up to our God. One: Let us give thanks to God. All: It is right to give thanks and praise to our God. One: It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere, to give thanks to our Sovereign God, who through the great teacher and prophet, Jesus, brought good news to the poor, proclaimed release to the captives, recovered sight for the blind, and let the oppressed go free. Therefore, in the company of each other, those who have gone before us, and those around the world who cry out for liberation, we declare in praise: All: Holy, Holy, Holy, God of boundless mercy and unending love, How majestic is your name in all the earth! Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God; Hosanna in the highest. Words of Institution One : Glory to God, in whose image we are made, in whom we live and breathe and have our being, and who is present with and among us, forever and always, All: Thanks be to God as we gather together to meet you, to share your meal, to celebrate your love, and to become strengthened to serve you and our neighbor. Hallelujah! Communion Songs I Will Sing Praise The Potter’s Hand Bond of Love Prayer of Thanksgiving Pastor DeWayne * Benediction Pastor DeWayne One: Go in God’s grace; love with Christ’s mercy; bask in the Spirit’s blessings. All: We go to share the love and grace we have found. Amen. * Closing Song Today is the Day Postlude Stomp ______

* Please rise as you are able

3 Scripture Through Music Mon, Sept 24th Next Sunday, September 16th

The Hospitality Ministry welcomes everyone to 7pm join in for a time of gathering, visiting and What does the music of Aretha Franklin, enjoying an amazing meal served in Ackerman Wynonna Judd, Josh Groban, Charlie Puth, Hall (Downstairs) and also in the Andy Grammer, John Legend, and Cher have Chapel (main floor) in common with Meredith Andrews, Kelly Carpenter, Amy Grant, Matt Maher and other So, stop by, give a twirl, have some comfort Christian musicians? Well, to find out, you’ll food and chat, laugh and love along with the want to attend an interactive thought and faith entire AGC community! provoking session where we will explore “Scripture Through Music.” You’ll never listen to music the same way again!

Come Join The Choir!

Choir rehearsals happen at 8:00 AM in the Chapel.

The choir is open to all and we are always looking for new voices. If you have questions, please see Mike Haase, Minister of Music.

See you on Sunday Morning!

4 Calendar See what’s going on this week! September 9 - September 16, 2018 DUO Fund Sunday // 8am - Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) The Do Unto Others Fund is our way of reaching // 8:30am - Adult Sunday School out past the walls of All God’s Children and (Ackerman Hall - Gathering Space) providing our support to organizations making a // 9am - Full Music Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary) difference across the world. The DUO fund recipient this week is: // 10am - HOMECOMING! Worship Celebration! (Sanctuary) RECLAIM - RECLAIM works to increase access // 11:15am - Community Gathering - A Social Hour to mental health support so that queer and trans (Ackerman Hall & Chapel) youth may reclaim their lives from oppression in all its forms. Reclaim partners with youth ages 13 – 25 // 11:45am - Praise Singers Rehearsal (Sanctuary) who are marginalized because of their gender Monday identity, gender expression and/or sexual // 7pm - NA Recovery Meeting (Ackerman Hall) orientation. In addition to providing excellent care for youth, our vision is to change the landscape of Tuesday access to care for queer and trans youth. We do // 7pm - AA Support Group (Ackerman Hall) this through deep practitioner development, training, education and outreach, and community // 8:15pm - Twin Cities Trans & Queer AA Support partnerships at the intersection of gender and racial Group (Ackerman Hall) justice. Wednesday // 6pm - Praise Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) // 7:30pm - NA Support Group (Ackerman Hall) Thursday // 11am - Thursday’s Table - Meals for People in Need (Ackerman Hall) // 5:30pm - NA Support Group (Ackerman Hall) // 6pm - Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (Conference Room) Inspire // 7:30pm - AA Support Group (Ackerman Hall) Saturday allgodschildrenmcc // 10am - Recovery Ladies of the Lakes NA Support Group (Chapel) allgodschildrenmcc Sunday // 8am - Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Chapel) @agcmetrochurch // 8:30am - Adult Sunday School (Ackerman Hall - Gathering Space) // 9am - Full Music Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary) // 10am - Worship Celebration! (Sanctuary) // 11:15am - Community Gathering - A Social Hour and Meal! (Ackerman Hall & Chapel) // 11:45am - Praise Singers Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

5 Looking to Join Up with an AGC Team? Have an interest to help out? Below find all the people that are responsible for bringing AGC’s ministry to you each day. We are always looking for talented people to bring new ideas and help us be a beacon to the world.

EXECUTIVE TEAM Della Linse & Nona Savino Hospitality Team/Thursday’s Table Coordinators Rev. DeWayne Davis [email protected] Senior Pastor [email protected] Eric Sayre and Todd Price Praise Team & Band Accompanist Mike Haase Darren Beecher Director of Music and Worship Arts Technology & Worship Production [email protected] [email protected] David Coleman Roben Williams Office Administrator Lead Usher [email protected] [email protected] Kyle Williams BOARD OF DIRECTORS Director of Information Technology [email protected] Rev. DeWayne Davis Brent Suther Kathy Barclay Kim Crosley Director of Facilities Management Stephanie Meredith [email protected] Travis Allen Wally Swan William Breitrick Will Murray Sexton [email protected] MINISTRY LEADERS AND VOLUNTEERS LAY DELEGATES Terrie Crosley Doug Beck Kenn Carlson Membership & Outreach Coordinator [email protected] Darryl Drozdik Communications Team Coordinator [email protected] Paul Herzberg Call for Applications Worship & Community Care Team Coordinator Apply Today to Serve [email protected] on the Board of Directors Kenn Carlson Recovery Ministry The 2018 Board of Directors Nominating [email protected] Committee is currently seeking qualified Rev. Steve Robertson candidates to nominate for election to the AGC Volunteer Clergy & Community Care Board of Directors. Applications are available in the narthex and are due on September 25. Any Will Murray questions may be directed to Travis Allen or any Young Adult Ministry (Revolution) Coordinator other member of the nominating committee. [email protected]

6 In Need of Prayer If you or someone you love is in need of special prayer, enter that request into the black pew pads located at the end of every aisle and the AGC community will include them into our special prayers for this week.

Prayers of Prayers of Health & Healing Support

Sandy Drozdik • Diondre M. Wallace and Family • Jan Rainey & Family • Doris Hall & Family • Patrick Hendricks • Jacob Groves, Family • Josh Gerome Johnson • Nadine Robinson, Mom, & Jai • + David McCullough • Wanda • Janice Gaslin • Marcell McCullough • David & Josh Belazny • Scott Nancy, sister-in-law of Steve Robertson • Lee Brostrom & Corey Johnson • Jay Scott & Daughter Samelson Evette Scott • Todd Beardmore

Reading for Reflection Inspiring words of wisdom from individuals whose lives and witness empower us.

“Despite our imperfections, God chooses you and me. Despite our failures, God chooses you and me. Despite your past, despite my past, God chooses us. Despite our sinful present, God chooses us by making it clear that there is plenty good room. Despite our shortcomings, God makes room for us. Jesus has the capacity to embrace those who have been rejected. His ministry gives comfort to those whom we might think should be excluded. It is good that you and I are not God. If you and I were God, we would limit the number of those who could get salvation. Some of us would only have a heaven that includes people just like us and excludes those who are not like us. It is good that you or I are not God because we would be too limited in our ability to include folks whom we don’t like . . . the gospel challenges you and me to move outside our historical and cultural identity and embrace God's call to inclusiveness” —Rev. Dr. Larry D. Pickens

Community Prayer

Good God, Mighty and Holy One, thank you for this place of Scripture Readings our Godly heritage, where many of us first encountered you as radical and unconditional love. We remember this place of For the week of Sept 2 - Sept 8, 2018 our family of believers, where many of us first became a part of a family of God. We remember this place of our liberating fellowship, where many of us first sat at Your welcome table. Scripture Readings have moved to your May this hour be a time of thanksgiving and renewal. Let us inbox! remember that we stand in a long line of inspiring people whose energy and faith have served your kindom through this To receive these scripture readings via church. Teach us to be grateful for the gifts you offer to us, and may we live and serve together in the spirit of Christ. In email, Visit: the matchless name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

7 The 2019 MCC General Conference will be held in beautiful Orlando, Florida from July 1 - 5.

The conference will kick-off with a special 50th Anniversary celebration party. The conference will feature excellent worship services, a business meeting to elect our next Moderator, a Day-long spiritual retreat, educating workshops and plenary sessions, a giant resource fair, and so much more.

To register go to:

Info: contact Mike Haase or email [email protected]

Community Birthdays For the week of Sept 9- Sept 16

09 Jean Zimmerman 13 Harold Klein 09 Yem Nguyen 15 Kyle Hook 10 Kara Erstad 16 Allen Ronnenberg 12 Kevin Maloney Designate AGCMCC and Amazon will donate for you! -

Please consider making All God’s Children the beneficiary of this amazing gift and keep the All God’s Children MCC good news coming! 3100 Park Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407 phone: 612-824-2673 email: [email protected]