ERC Contact Information: Education Resource Center 563-556-2580 X214 or X210 [email protected] [email protected] Lent DVD studies

Forgiven: The Transforming Power Of Confession - Study Sessions (3 Discs) DV 31528.1 YA, A 193 min. © 2016 Augustine Institute Forgiven explores the grace and healing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God's love. By looking at God's revelation of His mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examination of the Rite itself, this program communicates God's invitation to each one of us to come experience His indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In addition to a fourteen-minute bonus session for children on how to make a good confession, the program includes five sessions: Where Are You? (31 min.), An Encounter with Mercy (26 min.), The Rite Explained (33 min.), Biblical foundations: Sin, Mercy, and the Sacrament of Confession (65 min.), Answering Common Questions about Confession (38 min.). (Includes Leader Guide and Study Guide, English and Spanish language track for sessions 1-3 and children's bonus session) (Also available: DV #31529 - Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession - Bonus Sessions) Mass, The (4 DVDs) DV 31617.1 A 145 min. Barron, Most Rev. Robert E. © 2018 Word On Fire Catholic Ministries Walk through the Liturgy with Bishop Barron and be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. See how the Mass brings us out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm; how it resonates with a call from God and a response from his people, the Church; and most importantly, how we are intimately joined with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist. You will understand how to fully, consciously and actively participate in the source and summit of the Christian life. (Includes six 25-minute sessions on two DVDs, bonus DVD: Eucharist, bonus DVD: Heroic Priesthood, Leader's Guide and booklet: Why Stay Away?: Encountering Heaven on Earth) Conversion: Following The Call Of Christ DV 30389.1 YA, A 120 min. Barron, Rev. Robert E. © 2006 The Message Shop "Follow Me," Christ says to Matthew. He is also calling each one of us into a deeper relationship with him. Rev. Robert E. Barron presents six stories of true conversion for use in adult faith formation sessions or as a "retreat-on-disc." These are Biblical stories of people just like us who were called to become better than they were before. Includes Bartimaeus, The Rich Young Man, The Calling of Matthew, Jonah, The Woman at the Well, and Journey of the Magi. Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues DV 30536.1 YA, A 112 min. Barron, Rev. Robert E. © 2007 The Message Shop Rev. Robert Barron presents the Seven Deadly Sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship to God and to one another, and the Seven Lively Virtues that offer healing to our sin-sick souls and set us on the right path to salvation. Rev. Barron draws from Dante's writings where the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven stories of Dante's Mt. Purgatory. This retreat-on-disc presents a message of hope as it examines pride and humility, envy and admiration, anger and forgiveness, sloth and zeal, avarice and generosity, gluttony and asceticism, lust and chastity. Included are seven programs, each 15-20 minutes. Untold Blessings: Three Paths To Holiness DV 30316.1 YA, A 126 min. Barron, Rev. Robert E. © 2005 The Message Shop The greatest calling for all of us is to be a saint. Our ultimate path to holiness is full of untold blessings. This DVD for use in adult faith formation sessions or as a "retreat-on-disc" paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of Jesus Christ. A total of six twenty-minute presentations covers the three paths: Finding the Center, Knowing You're a Sinner, Realizing Your Life Is Not about You. St. Peter: Icon For Lent DV 31223 A 180 min. Dolan, Most Rev. Timothy M. © 2007 Eternal Word Television Network Set your love for God aflame in this six-part series of Lenten meditations. Discover Peter: sinner, saint, and the first Vicar of Christ. He is presented as a model for loving Jesus, a model to whom we can relate in our failures and aspirations. These reflections on Peter emphasize the role of prayer in our lives and reference the Gospel readings for the Sundays of Lent and Easter. Kingdom Of Happiness: Living The Beatitudes In Everyday Life (2 DVDs) DV 31597 YA, A 210 min. Kirby, STL, Rev. Jeffrey F. © 2018 Saint Benedict Press Featuring teaching videos by Rev. Jeffrey Kirby and powerful profiles of normal people living out the Beatitudes in heroic ways, Kingdom of Happiness will not only inform participants about the Beatitudes, but also show them the way to living the Beatitudes and achieving true happiness in a world that offers fleeting pleasures in place of that true happiness. (Includes eight segments on two discs, Study Guide, and book: Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life.) Journey Through Scripture: Genesis To Jesus (5 DVDs) DV 31686 A 255 min. Leonard, Matthew © 2019 St. Paul Center For Biblical Theology In this study, you will discover the basic principles for reading Scripture, survey the principal covenants that God made with his people, and learn how each of these covenants points forward to — and is fulfilled by — Jesus Christ and his Church. You will see a panoramic vision of salvation history and their place in this story. Disc I:Reading Scripture with the Church - This session is about why and how Catholics should read the Bible, and how the Mass is precisely the key to reading Scripture from the heart of the Church (24 min.), The Old and the New - The Scripture is one unified story marked by covenants in the Old Testament now fulfilled in the new Testament (23 min.) Disc II: Covenant with Creation (20 min.), Fall from Grace (22 min.), A New Beginning (26 min.) Disc III: Our Father in Faith (28 min.), From Egypt to Sinai (29 min.), Wandering in the Wilderness (20 min.) Disc IV: Rise of the Covenant Kingdom (21 min.), Features of the Kingdom (28 min.) Disc V: New Moses, New Covenant (20 min.), The Kingdom Transformed (22 min.) This program includes twelve sessions on 5 discs and study guide.

February 3, 2020 Page 1 EC=Early Childhood, P=Primary, I=Intermediate, J=Junior High, S=Senior High, YA=Young Adult, A=Adult AD=Audio Disc, BK=Book, BR=Reference Book, CD=CD, CR=CD-Rom, DV=DVD, GM=Game, KA=Kit, OA=Online Activity (for participant), OC=Online Catechetical Presentation, OL=Online Link, OR=Online Resources and Reference, OT=Online Tool, OV=Online Video, PO=Poster, VC=VHS, VS=Hispanic VHS Lent DVD studies

Fourth Cup And The New Passover, The DV 31683 A 63 min. Pitre, Brant © 2018 Catholic Productions, LLC This presentation shows how the Jewish Passover is the key to understanding the Eucharist as both a meal and a sacrifice. By seeing the Last Supper through Jewish eyes, you will learn how Jesus transformed what would have otherwise been simply a Roman execution into a Passover sacrifice — the new Passover of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. You will discover the answer to the following questions: What was Passover like at the time of Jesus? What exactly did Peter and John do when they went into Jerusalem to prepare the Passover? Why were the Passover lambs crucified in the shape of a cross? Why were four cups of wine required for every Passover? What were the stages of the Passover and how do they correspond to the Mass? What psalms did Jesus sing at the Last Supper and how do they reveal the mystery of his Passion? When did Jesus finish the Last Supper and drink the fourth Passover cup? Jesus And The End Times: A Catholic View Of The Last Days (4 DVDs) DV 31628 A 325 min. Pitre, Brant © 2016 Catholic Productions, LLC In this detailed Bible study on the end times, Dr. Pitre brings clarity and precision to the confusion that frequently surrounds the doctrine of the end times. You will discover the meaning of Jesus' prophecies of tribulation and the coming of the Son of Man, the reason Jesus prophesied the destruction of the Temple and how it relates to the End of the World, the meaning behind much of the symbolism in Revelation, the false doctrine concerning the Protestant belief in a secret "Rapture" and why this is dangerous, the Biblical teaching about the coming of the Antichrist, the Catholic understanding of the Final Judgment and how we will be judged, and the beauty of the teaching of the New Creation which is our hope through the Resurrection of Christ. This study includes four eighty-minute sessions on four DVDs. Jesus And The Jewish Roots Of The Eucharist DV 31589 YA, A 55 min. Pitre, Brant © 2016 Catholic Productions, LLC Dr. Brant Pitre shines the light of the Old Testament and ancient Judaism on the words and deeds of Jesus to reveal the amazingly Jewish roots of the Eucharist. Using his in-depth knowledge of Jewish messianic expectations, Dr. Pitre shows how the hope for a New Exodus and the coming of the Messiah really proves that Jesus did intend to give us the Eucharist; and it is nothing less than the gift of Himself, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Explore the Eucharist as the New Passover, the New Manna from Heaven, and the mysterious New "Bread of the Presence." Jewish Roots Of Holy Week, The: Seven Last Days Of Jesus (2 DVDs) DV 31600 A 96 min. Pitre, Brant © 2017 Catholic Productions, LLC What did Jesus choose to say and do on the last seven days of his life? Dr. Brant Pitre takes his knowledge of the Jewish roots of Christianity and uses it to unveil the mysteries of the most sacred and solemn week of the entire year: Holy Week. In two presentations you will discover answers to the following questions. Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did Jesus curse the fig tree on holy Monday? What is the hidden meaning to Judas' betrayal of Jesus? Why is this day called "Spy Wednesday"? How did the disciples prepare the Passover for Jesus? What is the meaning of the blood and water that flowed from Jesus' side? Why did Jesus rest in the tomb? Where did Jesus' soul go on Holy Saturday? Why did Jesus rise on the "first day of the week"? Jewish Roots Of Jesus' Death And Resurrection, The DV 31587 A 58 min. Pitre, Brant © 2016 Catholic Productions, LLC This Bible study takes two aspects of the ancient Jewish Law: the daily "perpetual sacrifice" known as the Tamid and the weekly day of rest and worship known as the Sabbath and shows how Jesus truly fulfilled both of these Jewish feasts in his passion, death, and resurrection. Learn about the Jewish liturgical year, the "perpetual sacrifice" of the Jewish tradition, why Jesus was crucified at three o-clock, what the Jewish people were praying for in the Temple at the time of Jesus' death, and how Jesus fulfilled the Jewish Sabbath. Follow Me: Meeting Jesus In The Gospel Of John - Disc I DV 31461.1 YA, A 68 min. Sri, Edward © 2016 Ascension Press Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of this kind of personal friendship with Christ. Presenter Edward Sri offers unique insight into the Gospel of John as well as thoughtful reflections on modern applications of the themes. Following a two-minute introduction, Disc I includes In the Beginning: Jesus at the Center (John 1:1-18) and Come and See: Becoming Disciples (John 1:19-2:25). (sessions 1 and 2 of 8, includes participant workbook and leader's guide) Follow Me: Meeting Jesus In The Gospel Of John - Disc II DV 31462.1 YA, A 66 min. Sri, Edward © 2016 Ascension Press Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of this kind of personal friendship with Christ. Presenter Edward Sri offers unique insight into the Gospel of John as well as thoughtful reflections on modern applications of the themes. Disc II includes At the Well: Our Deepest Thirst (John 3:1-4:42) and Believe in Me: Trust and Surrender (John 4:43-6:71). (sessions 3 and 4 of 8, includes participant workbook and leader's guide) Follow Me: Meeting Jesus In The Gospel Of John - Disc III DV 31463.1 YA, A 66 min. Sri, Edward © 2016 Ascension Press Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of this kind of personal friendship with Christ. Presenter Edward Sri offers unique insight into the Gospel of John as well as thoughtful reflections on modern applications of the themes. Disc III includes Encounter Mercy (John 7-9) and The Law of Self-Giving (John 10-12). (sessions 5 and 6 of 8, includes participant workbook and leader's guide)

February 3, 2020 Page 2 EC=Early Childhood, P=Primary, I=Intermediate, J=Junior High, S=Senior High, YA=Young Adult, A=Adult AD=Audio Disc, BK=Book, BR=Reference Book, CD=CD, CR=CD-Rom, DV=DVD, GM=Game, KA=Kit, OA=Online Activity (for participant), OC=Online Catechetical Presentation, OL=Online Link, OR=Online Resources and Reference, OT=Online Tool, OV=Online Video, PO=Poster, VC=VHS, VS=Hispanic VHS Lent DVD studies

Follow Me: Meeting Jesus In The Gospel Of John - Disc IV DV 31464.1 YA, A 66 min. Sri, Edward © 2016 Ascension Press Jesus calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of this kind of personal friendship with Christ. Presenter Edward Sri offers unique insight into the Gospel of John as well as thoughtful reflections on modern applications of the themes. Disc IV includes The New Commandment and Life in the Spirit (John 13-17) and It Is Finished: A Dying and Rising Love (John 18-21). (sessions 7 and 8 of 8, includes participant workbook and leader's guide) No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ's Passion (2 DVDs) DV 31642.1 YA, A 190 min. Sri, Edward © 2019 Ascension Press Filmed on location in the Holy Land, this biblical pilgrimage reveals Christ's amazing love for us. Edward Sri guides you through the last hours of Christ's life. You will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. Every step of the way, Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ's suffering and death. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God's immeasurable and unconditional love. (Includes 6 sessions: five sessions on the Passion and one bonus session on the Resurrection) Who Am I To Judge? Responding To Relativism With Logic And Love (3 Discs) DV 31578 YA, A 225 min. Sri, Edward © 2016 Augustine Institute In this eight-part study, Edward Sri uses stories and the wisdom of the saints to unpack the Catholic moral worldview. He equips us to talk about morality in a world that no longer believes in truth and bombards us with messages of "Be tolerant!" and "Don't judge!" This study will help you engage relativism, appealing to both the head and the heart. Session titles include Don't Impose Your Morality on Me; Recovering the Basics: Virtue and Friendship; Real Freedom, Real Love; The Lost "Art of Living"; Engaging Moral Relativism; "I Disagree" Doesn't Mean "I Hate You"; Exposing the Mask: What Relativism Is Often Covering Up; What Is Truth? — Common Questions about Moral Relativism. (Includes eight 30-minute segments on 3 DVDs, Leader Guide, Study Guide, and the book of the same title)

February 3, 2020 Page 3 EC=Early Childhood, P=Primary, I=Intermediate, J=Junior High, S=Senior High, YA=Young Adult, A=Adult AD=Audio Disc, BK=Book, BR=Reference Book, CD=CD, CR=CD-Rom, DV=DVD, GM=Game, KA=Kit, OA=Online Activity (for participant), OC=Online Catechetical Presentation, OL=Online Link, OR=Online Resources and Reference, OT=Online Tool, OV=Online Video, PO=Poster, VC=VHS, VS=Hispanic VHS