announcements church missions & benevolences Please write to encourage them, and pray for them. Welcome Visitors - Please take a moment to complete the Visitor Welcome card THE WORSHIP OF GOD located on the back of the pew in front of you and place it in the offering plate as it Local Missions Sunday, June 4, 2017, 10:50 a.m. is passed. If you are looking for a church, we invite you to make Grace your church RUF – Mississippi State University home. If you are from out of town, we hope you will worship with us whenever you Brian Sorgenfrei – Campus Minister, RUF MSU (
[email protected]) are in the area. Matthew Roelofs – Intern, RUF MSU (
[email protected]) Prelude Allie Harmon– Intern, RUF MSU (
[email protected]) Church Wide Luncheon Honoring the Sorgenfrei Family – Next Sunday, June Wilson and Callie West – Covenant Theological Seminary Greetings and Announcements 11, we will have a luncheon after church honoring Brian Sorgenfrei and his family. Starkville Pregnancy Care Center (
[email protected]) (Visitors, please fill out a Welcome Card and place it in the offering plate.) The church will provide chicken, rolls, and drinks. We are asking members of the Deacons’ Fund * Trail Life USA * Mission Sundays * Casserole Kitchen small groups to bring the following sides: Allison/Nolen Group - desserts; Regional Missions Choral Call to Worship: “Worship Christ the Risen King” v1 Heard/Craven Group - salads; Turnage/Joe Group - desserts; Clayton/Thomas Covenant Presbytery (
[email protected]) Group – side dishes. If you are not in a small group, please choose one of the sides Palmer Home for Children (
[email protected]) Rise, O, Church, and lift your voices, Christ has conquered death and hell.