
International Journal of Pure and Applied Volume 79 No. 1 2012, 47-55 AP ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version) url: http://www.ijpam.eu ijpam.eu


E. de Amo1 §, M. D´ıaz Carrillo2, J. Fern´andez S´anchez3 1,3Departamento de Algebra´ y An´alisis Matem´atico Universidad de Almer´ıa 04120, Almer´ıa, SPAIN 2Departamento de An´alisis Matem´atico Universidad de Granada 18071, Granada, SPAIN

Abstract: In this paper we prove that the discontinuity of any bijective from [a, b[ to [c, d] is infinite. We then proceed to give a gallery of examples which shows that this is the best we can expect, and that it is possible that any intermediate case exists. We conclude with an example of a (nowhere continuous) bijective function which exhibits a dense graph in the rectangle [a, b[ × [c, d] .

AMS Subject Classification: 26A06, 26A09 Key Words: discontinuity set, fixed point

1. Introduction

During our investigations [1] concerning on the application of Ergodic Theory of to generate singular functions (i.e., their derivatives vanish everywhere), we came across a from a closed interval to another that it is not closed: c : [0, 1] −→ [0, 1[, given by (segments on some intervals): (n − 1)! n! − 1 1 c (x) := x − + n n2 n + 1 1 1 1 1 which maps 1 − n! , 1 − (n+1)! onto n+1 , n and c(1) = 0. h h h h c 2012 Academic Publications, Ltd. Received: April 19, 2012 url: www.acadpubl.eu §Correspondence author 48 E. de Amo, M.D. Carrillo, J.F. S´anchez

Such a function provides very interesting properties as: i. c preserves arithmetical properties for x;

n n n ii. for composition c := c ◦ ···◦ c and for all x, the (c (n))n has an associated density function (a.d.f.) which is a singular function; and iii. this function c allows us to show an example of a non measurable Lebesgue set.

After this finding, we asked ourselves if there were other examples of bijec- tions f of this explicit nature given by a formula and if their properties had been studied or not. The literature we have read up to this moment is richer from the theoretical than the exemplary point of view (see [2] and [3]): a. such a function f will never be continuous on all its domain of definition; b. explicit examples of such bijections f are not exhibited

After this stage, questions concerning the nature of the set D(f) of points where f is not continuous arise in a natural way. Some interesting facts that are well known with respect to this discussion (see [2]) are the following:

(α) If f is monotonic, then D(f) is a denumerable set (and, conversely, for each denumerable set A there exists a monotonic function f such that A = D(f)).

(β) There is no f such that R\Q = D(f) (it is a consequence of the Baire Category Theorem).

(γ) There exists f for which D(f) is the Cantor Ternary Set.

(δ) For any f, D(f) is a denumerable of closed sets (D(f) ∈ Fσ for short), and conversely, for all E ∈ Fσ, there is some function f such that E = D(f). (Moreover, if the set E is closed, then the function f can be taken bounded.)

(ǫ) The set D(f) is of first category (i.e. it is a denumerable union of sets M ◦ such that M is empty) if and only if f is continuous at a dense set. DISCONTINUITY SETS OF SOME INTERVAL BIJECTIONS 49

A simple and basic fact grows up among all these ideas, if f is a bijection: clearly D(f) 6= ∅; but, what more can be said concerning its size? We give a simple but, at the same time, complete solution in the sense that we prove the following: i. For each bijection f : [a, b[ −→ [c, d] , the set D(f) is infinite. ii. There are bijections f, g : [a, b[ −→ [c, d] such that on the one hand D(f) is denumerable and on the other hand D(g) = [a, b[ .

As a colophon, we introduce an example (the 8th) which flirts with the classical, but always up-to-date, idea of -filling (see [4]): we carry out (of course, very far from the situation D(f) = ∅, now f will be nowhere continuous!) a bijection from [0, 1[ to [0, 1], such that its graph is dense in the unit square [0, 1]2. Moreover we propose an Open Question to investigate whether a bijection f : [a, b[ −→ [c, d] exits or not, such that the set D(f) is denumerable and has derivatives at a finite of points.

2. The Result

Elementary topological techniques in Real Analysis show that one-to-one and onto continuous mappings between intervals on the real line R are homeomor- phisms; i.e. f and f −1 are continuous bijections. (Such a function is forced to be strictly monotonic.) A first consequence of this fact is that if one of the intervals is open then the other one is open too. Thus, we have the following and well-known fact: Fact. There are no continuous bijections from [a, b[ to [c, d]; i.e. these intervals are not homeomorphic. Let us denote by D(f) the set of points where f is not continuous (or discontinuous), i.e. D(f) is the discontinuity set of f. We are interested in its size. We will consider, without loss of generality, bijections from [0, 1[ to [0, 1]. Let N denote the natural numbers, i. e. the set Z+ of all positive . Firstly, we prove that for such bijections the set D(f) is infinite. Theorem. No continuous bijection exists from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] but a finite number of points, i.e.

{f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] | f bijection and D(f) finite} = ∅. 50 E. de Amo, M.D. Carrillo, J.F. S´anchez

Proof. By Reductio ad absurdum, we suppose there exists a bijection f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] , that is continuous but at points in a finite set. Let us denote the set {x0,x1, ..., xp} := D(f) ∪ {0}. We have no loss of generality if we consider the lexicographic (n

{f (Ik) : k = 1, 2, ..., p + 1} of (nonempty and) pairwise disjoint open intervals, i.e.

[0, 1] \ {f (Ik) : k = 1, 2, ..., p + 1} = {y0,y1, ..., yp,yp+1} .

But this yields a contradiction: it is impossible that {f (x0) ,f (x1) , ..., f (xp)} and {y0,y1, ..., yp,yp+1} to be equipotent sets.

3. A Gallery of Examples

Among infinite sets, denumerable ones are the smallest. The next example presents a particular f that will be the smoothest we can expect to encounter. Example 1. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] having (a con- stant) derivative at each point but a denumerable set in [0, 1[. Let f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] be given by

1, x = 0 1 N f(x) :=  x, x ∈ ]0, 1[ \ n+1 : n ∈  1 n o  1/n, x ∈ n+1 : n ∈ N  n o This function is one-to-one and onto. Moreover, it is continuous on ]0, 1[ \ 1 n+1 : n ∈ N , because the local character of continuity. The same goes for n o ′ 1 derivability. In fact, f (x) = 1 for all x ∈ ]0, 1[ \ n+1 : n ∈ N . Furthermore, 1 n o f is discontinuous on each x ∈ n+1 : n ∈ N ∪ {0}. The way to define the functionn f in Exampleo 1 suggests a suitable method to find an explicit bijection from [0, 1] on [0, 1] ∩ (R \ Q) . The rest of the paper is devoted to exhibiting more examples showing that many intermediate cases are possible. DISCONTINUITY SETS OF SOME INTERVAL BIJECTIONS 51

In the above example f ′ ([0, 1[ \ D(f)) splits to one point. This idea is very far from being the paradigm. Example 2. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] such that for all r> 0 there exist x ∈ [0, 1[ such that f ′ (x)= r. Let f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] be given by

0, x = 0 f(x) := n n−1 n−1 1 n−1 n N ( [n (n + 1)] x − n + n+1 , x ∈ n , n+1 ,n ∈ i i Easy calculations show that, for each natural n:

n − 1 n 1 1 f , = , n n + 1 n + 1 n     n−1 n (in particular, one-to-one) and each one of the families n , n+1 : n ∈ N 1 1 ni i o and n+1 , n : n ∈ N is a collection of mutually disjoint intervals and ni i o +∞ n − 1 n +∞ 1 1 ]0, 1[ = ∪ , and ]0, 1] = ∪ , ; n=1 n n + 1 n=1 n + 1 n     thus, f is one-to-one and onto from [0, 1[ to [0, 1]. n−1 n Moreover, this function has derivative at each point x ∈ n , n+1 ,n ∈ N, and satisfies i h n − 1 n f ′ , = ]0,n[ . n n + 1   We omit small modifications in f, for the sake of simplicity we omit them, which would allow us to obtain a bijection such that {f ′(x) : f has derivative at x} = R. Example 3. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] such that it is continuous but a denumerable and dense set in [0, 1[ , and it has no derivative at any point in [0, 1[.

Let us consider the sequence (an): 1 1 3 1 3 5 7 1 3 2n − 1 , , , , , , , ..., , , ..., , ...; 2 22 22 23 23 23 23 2n 2n 2n that is, 2n + 1 an := − 1, ∀n ∈ N, 2E(log2 n)+1 52 E. de Amo, M.D. Carrillo, J.F. S´anchez where E denotes the integral part of a :

E(x) := max {p ∈ Z : p ≤ x} .

(The set {an : n ∈ N} is dense in [0, 1[.) Let f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] be given by

x, x ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N} f(x) := 1, x = a  1  an, x ∈ {an+1 : n ∈ N} The method of definition, already used before in Example 1, shows that this function is one-to-one and onto. Moreover, D(f)= {an : n ∈ N} ∪ {0}. We will only prove that there are no derivatives of f at any point a ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N}. On the one hand, with fixed but arbitrary a, if x ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N}, x 6= a, then f(x) − f(a) lim = 1. x→a x − a On the other hand, if we consider x = 0.x1x2...xn... with infinite binary expan- sion (i.e. the set {n ∈ N : xn = 1} is infinite), then we will consider (bn) the sequence on truncations of x given by

bn := 0.x1x2...xn−1xn with xn = 1. (We can rearrange it if necessary.) Hence: n−1 f(x) − f(bn) bn − f(bn) 1/2 =1+ ≥ 1+ n = 3. x − bn x − bn 1/2 Moreover, f ′(0) does not exist either, such as it is expressed by

5 3 f n − f(0) 3 5 1 3 f n − f(0) 2 = / = 3/5 6= 1/3= / = 2 . 5 2n 2n 2n 2n 3 2n− 0 2n− 0 Similar arguments show that f ′(x) does not either exist when x is a rational with finite expansion. If we consider f(x) := 1 − x, when x ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N} (instead of the other definition), then f has no fixed points and D(f) = [0, 1[ (see Example 7). Open Question. Does a bijection f exist from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] such that it is continuous but an infinite denumerable set in [0, 1[ having derivatives at points of a finite set? DISCONTINUITY SETS OF SOME INTERVAL BIJECTIONS 53

Example 4. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] such that it is continuous on a finite of [0, 1[ having derivatives at each point. Let us denote the following denumerable sets:

{an : n ∈ N} := {x ∈ Q : 0 ≤ x< 1/4} {bn : n ∈ N} := {x ∈ Q : 3/4

{xn : n ∈ N} := {an, bn : n ∈ N} {yn : n ∈ N} := {αn, βn, γn : n ∈ N} .

With these previously fixed , let us define

x, x ∈ (R \ Q) ∩ [0, 1[ f(x) := x2 + 1 , x ∈ Q ∩ [1/4, 1/3]  4  yn, x = xn,n ∈ N  If we rearrange the initial sequences in a suitable order ( on N), then f is continuous at 1/2 with derivative f ′ (1/2) = 1 and D(f) = [0, 1[ \{1/2}. Example 5. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] such that it is continuous on a finite subset of [0, 1[ having no derivatives at any point. The function f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] given by

1, x = x1 > 1/2 x , x = x = n+1 ,n ∈ N f(x) :=  n n+1 n+2 x, x ∈ (Q \ {x : n ∈ N}) ∩ [0, 1[  n  1 − x, x ∈ (R \ Q) ∩ [0, 1[   1 1 is an elementary sample. Note that f 2 = 2 = limx→1/2 f(x) and the deriva- tive at 1/2 depends on going to by rationals or by irrationals:  lim f(x) = 1 6= −1 = lim f(x). x→1/2 x→1/2 x∈Q x∈R\Q 54 E. de Amo, M.D. Carrillo, J.F. S´anchez

Example 6. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] which is discon- tinuous everywhere (with fixed points).

Let us consider a strictly increasing sequence of rationals (xn) such that 1 =: x

1, x = x1 = 1/2 x , x = x ,n ∈ N f(x) :=  n n+1 x, x ∈ (Q \ {x : n ∈ N}) ∩ [0, 1[  n  1 − x, x ∈ (R \ Q) ∩ [0, 1[  Showing the desired properties for f is a funny Calculus exercise. Example 7. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] which is discon- tinuous everywhere (without fixed points). We return to the scheme in Example 3. If we modify the given function in the following way: f(x) := 1 − x, when x ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N}, f(a1) := 1/4, f(a2) := 1, f(a3) := 1/2, and it remains equally defined otherwise in {an : n ∈ N,n ≥ 4}, then f has no fixed points and D(f) = [0, 1[ . (Note that we are forced to this surprising definition because if we do not change f on the sequence, then bad luck would play against us f being contin- uous at a3 = 3/4. Check it yourself!) Example 8. There exists a bijection f from [0, 1[ to [0, 1] whose graph is dense in [0, 1[ × [0, 1] . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Let us consider the sequence (rn) given by 2 , 22 , 2 + 22 , 23 , 2 + 23 , 22 + 23 , ..., that is 1 1 1 1 rn := + + + ... + , 2α1(n)+1 2α2(n)+1 2α3(n)+1 2αk(n)+1 where n = 2α1(n) + 2α2(n) + 2α3(n) + ... + 2αk(n) (think of the binary expansion for natural numbers). This sequence is dense and uniformly distributed in [0, 1[ . On the other hand, we consider the sequence (an) in Example 3 once more. Let f : [0, 1[ −→ [0, 1] be given by

1 − x, x ∈ [0, 1[ \ {an : n ∈ N} f(x) := 0, x = a = 1/2  1  rn, x ∈ {an+1 : n ∈ N}  DISCONTINUITY SETS OF SOME INTERVAL BIJECTIONS 55

(hence, f has no fixed points.) In this context, we can prove that for each rectangle [a, b] × [c, d] ⊂ [0, 1[ × [0, 1] there exists n ∈ N such that (an+1, rn) ∈ [a, b] × [c, d] ; i.e.,

{n ∈ N : an+1 ∈ [a, b] , rn ∈ [c, d]}= 6 ∅.

For the given interval [c, d] , there exist naturals α1, α2, ..., αk such that:

k k 1 1 1 , + ⊂ [c, d] ,  2αj +1 2αj +1 2αk+1  Xj=1 Xj=1   and for elements of (rn) belonging to this interval, we have:

k+n′ k k+n′ 1 1 1 rn = = + 2αj +1 2αj +1 2αj +1 Xj=1 Xj=1 j=Xk+1 ′ (where 0 < k+n 1 < 1 ) with j=k+1 2αj +1 2αk+1 ′ Pn = 2α1 + 2α2 + ... + 2αk + 2αk+1 + 2αk+2 + ... + 2αk+n .

(Here, in fact, αj = αj (n), for all j.) But we can consider subsequences aσ(n) ⊂ [a, b] such that α ′ σ (n) = 2α1 + 2α2 + ... + 2αk + 2αk+1 + 2αk+2 + ... + 2 k+σ(n) and hence, ′ ′ k+σ(n) k k+σ(n) 1 1 1 f aσ(n)+1 = = + = rσ(n). 2αj +1 2αj +1 2αj +1 j=1 j=1 j=k+1  X X X


[1] E. de Amo, M. D´ıaz Carrillo, J. Fern´andez-S´anchez, A study of a general- ized Salem’s function, Submitted. [2] N.L. Carothers, Real Analysis, Cambridge (2000). [3] M. Garc´ıa Marrero, et al., Topolog´ıa, Volume I, Ed. Alhambra (1975). [4] H. Sagan, Space-Filling Curves, Springer-Verlag (1994). 56