Board Rehires 21 Teachers Without Funds to Pay Them by JA C K ROGERS the Former Board President
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BE COMMUNITY MINDED W EA T H ER OUTLOOK TH U RSD A Y & FRID A Y - Chance of showers SATU RD AY & SUNDAY - Sty? Ifilla ito (Utm w Partly cloudy - high In 70's, Io w sln50's SERVING HILLSIDE & NORTH ELIZABETH V O L. 52, NO. 28 T H E HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, M AY 6,1978 Board rehires 21 teachers without funds to pay them by JA C K ROGERS the former Board president. In another controversial act guidance position. ers of Mrs. Rose Stahnton When contacted by the at the April 28 meeting, the Sources close to the Board over the past few months. The Board of Educatlpo. has TIMES,Tony Panarese disput Board failed to rehire an told the T IM ES that the move M rs. Stahnton, now principal decided to offer 21 non- ed Flannery's remarks about elementary school guidance to save M ellon's job did not of George Washington School tenured teachers contracts the rehiring df the teachers. counselor when a motion was garner a majority because the and acting principal of Calvin for the 1976-77 school year What w e 're talking about is inadvertantly reworded and Board is holding the position Coolidge, reportedly wants to even though it may have to the first three weeks of school defeated by a tie vote. open for Calvin Coolidge vice switch permanently to the fire them In the fall if funding In September, which is usually According to the agenda for principal Stanley Rubin, if Coolidge job. is not made available by the reserved. for orientation and the April 28 meeting, a motion M r. Rubin is not selected for Sources state that Rubin has State. review work by the teachers. that guidance counselor the principal's job at his declined the George Washing The Board agreed to rehire I doubt that any upheaval will Joseph Mellon would "not be school. The Calvin Coolidge ton principalship and would the teachers at Its April 28 take place If you switch teach offered" a contract for the principal's post has been a rather return as a guidance meeting over the strenuous ers at the end of September," coming school year was to be bone of pontentlon between counselor if he is passed over objections of Board member Panarese stated. acted on by the Board. When backers of Rubin and support for the Calvin Coolidge job. Michael Flannery. The vote "I'm optimistic that w e're Board member Sandy Tasch was 6 to 2, with Flannery going to get funding for the requested that the vote on and Dr. Robert Parker casting 21 positions. If we don't, the Mellon be separated from two negative votes. Trustee job market will be the same other educators also named in Robert Conway did not attend for these teachers in Septem the motio, the motion was the meeting. ber as it is now. The whole reworded to state that Mellon Flannery claimed that the state's in the same predica "would be offered" a contract. Board was being unfair to the ment, with everyone cutting When the vote resulted in teachers by hiring them with back rather than hiring," he a 4-4 tie, parliamentary pro out any assurance that the added. cedure dictated that the Tax Assessor Sam Katz receives a plaque commemorating his years of service to the township money to fund the positions motion had failed and that from State Senator Alexander J. Menza. Katz was honored at a testimonial dinner at Temple will be available. The 21 teachers involved are: Mellon would not be retired. Shomrei Torah on April 28. (Photo by Ralph Rlccardi.) "You can 't keep people Charles Ashback, Karl C. "If the motion had been hanging on a hook for three Baasch, Edward S. Biiinsky, worded differently, the man months," declared Flannery. Salvatore M. Buccellato, would have been rehired," Board member Anthony Lynn E . Chalmers, Dorothyf. Board attorney Sanford Mes- Committee goes public Panarese defended the rehir- Everett, Evelyn F. Gulnta, kin conceded after the meet Ing of the teachers by stat Christine Haun, Robert ing. ing that the Board had to act Hinshalwood, Michalena M rs. Tasch had asked for LORETTA ANDRUKITE in order to keep the teachers Icklan, Cynthia Jones, JoAnn the separate vote on Mellon from looking for other jobs. Kraeutler, Cynthia L. Lordi, because she felt that the re with police contract offer "For the children's sakfe, we Eileen A. McSweeney, Karen tirement of guidance counsel Trainor to seek can't afford to lose These Meyer, Frank Valliere, Mary or Evelyn Schuelor should teachers," said Panarese. AnnVitefll, Virgin!* S. Vitale, have saved his position. The In a surprise move at Tues first. Santagata agreed tp, tute same in the event there In an Interview with the J6raldine H . W are, Peter Board had previously decided com m ittee seat day night’s meeting, the postpone the issue until next (s no additional cost. HILLSIDE" TIMES, Flannery Weiss, DianeE. Zapata. to eliminate one elementary Township Committee voted to week when the mayor promis 10. Dues deduction as agreed elaborated on his contention make public its latest contract ed that Dorf would not accum upon. that the rehiring of the teach- Mrs. Loretta Andrukite, h is candidacy," she continued, offer to. the Police Depart ulate more working time in 11. In the event a police offi vers "defies business sense," Hillside Republican Chair "and his honest straight m ent. the interim. cer of New Jersey is killed in and will cause "chaos" in the Two 14-year-olds man, has announced the forward approach will be a "W e ’ ve gotten no response The text of the offer releas the line of duty, a police car school system. selection of Edward Trainor welcomed advantage in muni from the PBA to the offer. ed by the Committee, details will be provided, if available, "We have to give the teach of Miriam Place as Republican cipal government. We are T h is stalemate is disrupting of which were published in in the discretion of the Chief to ers 30 days notice if we let arrested for drug use Candidate for Township fortunate to have a man of our town and causing diffi the H ILLSID E T IM ES two off-duty police officers who them go. This means that if Committee. his caliber as our candidate culties with other departments weeks ago; reads as fojlows: desire to attend. they work one day in Septem In announcing the decision for Township Committee." now.negotiating with the Com 12. Rules and regulations for ber and we don't get the Six local teenagers, includ On the same night, three of the Screening Committee, M r. Trainor has been a resi m ittee," stated Commissioner 1975 the government of the police funds to keep them, we will ing a pair of fourteen-year-old other minors were arrested Mrs. Andrukite said, "The dent of Hillside for 16 years. Louis Santagata, who made 1. Salary increase of six (6%) department of the Township of have to pay therp for two girls, were arrested last week with T H C in their possession job of the Screening Commit He was educated in St. Char- the motion to air the cpntract per cent effective January 1f Hillside will be reviewed and months work. Thus we will be on drug charges. in Conant Park. tee was not an easy one, with le's Grammer School, Wee- proposal. 1975. the Association will be given forced to spend approximately T h e two girls were taken to many interested, qualified quahic High School in Newark On M ay 1, a 20-year-old was The motion was apprbved 2. One (1) additional compen an opportunity for an input. $42,000 and also cause a Elizabeth General Hospital by applicants. They felt that Ed and is a State Certified Real taken in an incoherent state by by a 4-1 vote, with Mayor satory day off to be taken in 13. The Township Committee great upheaval for the child the Hillside Ambulance Squad possessed that certain some Estate & Insurance Agent Wovsaniker objecting. Wov- 1976. will agree to the submission ren in November," Flannery on Friday night after they the police from the Sunset thing, however, that would from the Professional School Lanes bowling alley on Route saniker explained that he feels 3. Weapon maintenance al of a referendum to the Town explained. were found unconscious by lead our party to victory in of Business in Union, N. J . the Committee should con lowance of sixty ($60.00) dol ship voters in November Although he feels that the friends at the home of one of 22. The youth had consumed November." Before going into real estate a large dose of an animal tran su lt with its attorney before lars. which referendum shall be to staff must take second place the girls. The youngsters had "Ed 's sincere interest in the full time, he was employed by quilizer, commonly referred to going public with the, offer. 4. Increase of clothing allow the effect that: "Should a to the needs of the children taken TH C , a synthetic der welfare of our town and its the Seal test Company in Township Attorney Albert ance from $275.00 per annum patrolman receive a higher and the taxpayers, Flannery ivation of hashish. as "angel dust". residents will be an asset to cont. on page 3 Parsonnet was not present at to $300.00 base pay that a fireman?" expressed concern over the the meeting.