Lanarkshire Council
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AGENDA ITEM No. l.ll.......-3 North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : !jthFebruary 2008 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE !jthFebruary 2008 Page Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation No 6 N10710044510UT UK Select Property Residential Development Grant Partnership Carradale Crescent Broadwood Cumbernauld 12 N/07/00755/FUL Gladedale (Central Construction of 175 Houses Grant Scotland) Ltd. and Flats Smithstone 5 Cumbernauld 20 N/O7/01902/FUL A. G. Barr Plc Erection of a 50 metre High Grant Wind Monitoring Mast Mollins Road Cumbernauld 24 N/07/01904/FUL Mr. & Mrs. Gilmour Erection of a Conservatory Grant 18 Rannoch Lane Moodiesburn 29 N/07/01976/FUL Mr. D. McLeod Extension to a House Grant 16 Glen Orchy Place Cumbernauld. 34 C/06/01202/OUT NHS Lanarkshire Re-Development of Former Grant NHS Hospital for Residential Use (In Outline) Incorporating the Retention of FaCade of Hospital Building at Alexander Hospital, Blair Road, Coatbridge 43 C/07/01088/REM Mr & Mrs B Hopkins Erection of 14 Grant Dwellinghouses at Request for Site Glengowan House, Visit & Hearing Gowanbrae, Caldercruix 50 C/07/01417/FUL Mr James Lannigan Construction of Refuse Dwellinghouse at 1 Airdriehill Street, Airdrie 56 C/07/01530/OUT Banks Residential Development (in Refuse (P) Developments outline) at Land North of Greenhill Industrial Estate, Coltswood Road, Coatbridge 62 C/07/01532/0UT Banks Residential Development (in Refuse (P) Developments outline) at Land at Blacklands, Hollandhurst Road, Gartsherrie, Coatbridge 2 68 C/07/01540/FUL North Lanarkshire Demolition of 126-130 Main Grant Council Street and Construction of 8038 m2 Five Storey Public Building for NHS Services and North Lanarkshire Council (including Bank, Registrars Office and Public Library) at 126 -130 Main Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3BJ 79 C/07/01605/FUL North Lanarkshire Formation of Tiered Car Grant Council Park (Ancillary to Proposed Request for Site Development at 126-130 Visit & Hearing Main Street : Planning Application C/07/01540/FUL) at Land to South of High Coats Flats, Main Street, Coatbridge 89 C/07/01777/FUL Mr and Mrs A Eyles Side and Rear Extension to Grant Dwellinghouse at 21 Golfview Drive, Drumpellier, Coatbridge 94 C/07/01804/FUL T-Mobile (UK) Ltd Installation of 12metre High Refuse Telecommunication Mast and Associated Equipment Boxes at Land at East High Street, Airdrie 100 C/O7/01810/FUL Mr & Mrs A Two Storey Side Extension Grant Anderson to Dwellinghouse at 15 Rochsoles Crescent Thrashbush Airdrie 105 C/07/01832/FUL Swinton Group Change of Use from Class 1 Grant (Shop) to Class 2 (Insurance Brokers) at Unit 21, Quadrant Shopping Centre, Main Street, Coatbridge 110 C/07/01875/FUL Link Group Ltd Construction of 20 Grant (P) Dwellinghouses & 16 Two Storey Flats at Chapelhall Primary School Gibb Street, Chapelhall 117 C/O7/01888/FUL Mr Thomas McClure Two Storey Development Grant Comprising 6 Flats Request for Site Land south of 56 Lauchope Visit & Hearing Street, Chapelhall 126 C/07/02032/FUL T Mobile (UK) Ltd Siting of Telecoms Mast at Grant Land North Of 103 Cairnhill Road, Airdrie 3 131 S/07/01295/FUL Mr & Mrs D Wilson Erection of Two Storey Refuse Extension to Side of Dwellinghouse 57 Lincoln Avenue, Uddingston 136 S/07/01361/FUL Newhouse Construction of Office Grant Investments Building The Nursery Bungalow, Motherwell Road, Newhouse 144 S/07/01494/FUL lan Telfer Construction of Replacement Grant Dwellinghouse Mill House Allanton Mill, Old Mill Road, Shotts 150 S/07/01 6861F U L N LC Environmenta I Change of Use From Car Grant Services Park to Landscaped Bed Car Park at Witcutt Way, Netherton 156 S/07/01805/AMD Transform Schools Extensions to Approved Grant School (Amendment to Previous Permission S/05/02029/FUL) St Ignatius' Primary School And Wishaw Academy Loch Park 161 S/07/O1890/FUL Anthony Smith Erection of Two Storey Grant Extension to the Side of Request for Site Dwellinghouse Visit 28 Morris Crescent, Cleland 166 S/07/0195O/FUL Mr G Bavaird & Mr R Subdivision of Public House Grant Codona for use as Betting Office 21 Muir Street, Motherwell 172 S/07/01964/FUL Mr Connelly Erection of a Single Storey Grant Extension to Side of Dwellinghouse 17 Hillfoot Gardens, Uddingston 177 S/07/01986/FUL Mr Mohammed Change of Use from Shop to Refuse Fast Food Ta keaway/Restauran t 7 Stewarton Street, Wishaw 4 182 S/07/02048/FUL Punch Taverns Ltd Subdivision of Public House Grant and Change of Use to Create a Bookmakers 259 Netherton Road, Wishaw C/07/01530/OUT If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Contrary to Policy) C/07/01532/0UT If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Contrary to Policy) C/07/01875/FUL If granted, Section 69 Agreement required, refer to Scottish Ministers (Council Interest) 5 Application No: N/07/00445/OUT Date Registered: 19th March 2007 Applicant: UK Select Property Partnership Clo Knight Frank LLP 120 Bothwell Street Glasgow G2 7JS Agent Knight Frank LLP 120 Bothwell Street GlasgowG2 7JS Development: Residential Development Location: Land Adjacent to Broadwood Business Park Carradale Crescent Broadwood Cumbernauld Ward: 2 - Cumbernauld North : Councillors Chadha, McCulloch, Murray & O'Brien Grid Reference: 272642 673813 File Reference: N/07/00445/OUT Site History: Development Plan: Cumbernauld Local Plan 1993 : Business & Industry Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: West of Scotland Archaeology Service (No Objections) Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Comments) Scottish Water (Comments) Strathclyde Police (Comments) Representations: None Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 28th March 2007 Recommendation : Approve, Subject to the Following Conditions :- I. That the development hereby permitted shall be started, either within five years of the date of this permission, or within two years of the date on which the last of the reserved matters are approved, whichever is the later Reason:To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 6 -!Am n 7 2. That before any part of the development starts, a further planning application shall be submitted to the Planning Authority in respect of the following reserved matters:- (a) the siting, design and external appearance of all buildings and other structures; (b) the layout of the site, including all roads, footways, and parking areas; (c) the details of, and timetable for, the hard and soft landscaping of the site; (d) details for management and maintenance of the areas identified in (c) above; (f) the design and location of all boundary walls and fences; (9) the phasing of the development (h) the provision of drainage works (i)the disposal of sewage; Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to consider these aspects in detail. 3. That within three years of the date of this permission, an application for approval of the reserved matters, specified in Condition 2 shall be made to the Planning Authority. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 4. That BEFORE any works of any description start on the application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, a comprehensive site investigation report shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. The investigation must be carried out in accordance with current best practice advice, such as BS 10175 : 'The Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites' or CLR 11. The report must include a site specific risk assessment of all relevant pollution linkages and a conceptual site model. Depending on the results of the investigation, a detailed Remediation Strategy may be required. Reason: To establish whether or not site decontamination is required in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of future residents. 5. That any remediation works identified by the site investigation required in terms of Condition 4, shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. A certificate (signed by a responsible Environmental Engineer) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that any remediation works have been carried out in accordance with the terms of the Remediation Strategy. Reason: To ensure that the site is free of contamination in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of future residents. 6. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and for the approval of the said Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the drainage scheme must comply with the requirements of the publication titled 'Drainage Assessment : A Guide for Scotland and any other advice subsequently published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) or the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish Working Party (SUDSWP). The post-development surface water discharges shall ensure that the rate and quantity return period unless it can be demonstrated that a higher discharge is necessary to protect or improve the aquatic habitat. SUDS shall still be provided even where discharges are proposed to public sewers notwithstanding any conditions imposed by Scottish Water. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater and in the interests of the amenity and wellbeing of existing and future residents adjacent to and within the development site. 8 7. That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of Condition 6; shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in so far as is reasonably practical. Within three months of the construction of the SUDS, a certificate (signed by a Chartered Civil Engineer experienced in drainage works) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans.