Res Life Axed Amid Controversy
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" " " n v NOV ' - ^ ^;^ ^SJ*M Student Newspaper of Humber College Vol. 21 iHi KSDAV, NovKMiJKk 26th, 1992 No. 12 /?OB/iv Yomc (middle) TEACHES A STUDENT ONE OF THE FINER POINTS OF THE ART OF KUNG FU AT HIS Toronto CLUB. See Story Page 11 Res Life axed amid controversy by Alan Swinton evening. Thompson said from students, a survey Hancock wrote a memo to and Bret C. Duquette the meeting went well and was handed out to the 21 Saulite infonning her of his dis- Res Life has decided floor reps, 17 of which pleasure. His memo stated, "It Residence Life, Students' upon a course of action. were returned. Tammy seems you (Saulite) have difficul- Association Council Saulite defended her Gonyou, vice-president of ty understanding your role of staff (SAC) and the administra- decision on the grounds Res Life was not given a advisor, your role as Director of tion arc baffled by a recent mea- that residence government survey until she com- Residence - realizing the students sure taken by Aina Saulite, the had become ineffective. plained she had not are the sole reason for the exis- director of student Under the plan, the received one. Res Life tence of your ... Certainly stu- residences. I job She issued a memo last Friday Res Life president and president Ryan Langlois dents should have input on how stating 'Res Life Council will vice-president positions was in Vancouver and did Ihcsc changes should occur. cease to exist in its current state." will cease to exist. "I'm Dave Thompson Ryan Langlois not receive the survey. Copies of his memo were The six-page letter circulated not altogether sure what Both described the survey given to administration. carried out these changes suggest- to Res Life council members indi- their positions represented," questions as "loaded." Hancock said Res Life needed ing Saulite may have rushed the cated that following a survey, Saulite said. Langlois said that almost half changes to become more efficient, process in attempting to integrate research and personal opinion, The memo indicated that resi- the respondents did not agree with but was surprised by the action changes without input from those Sauhte has decided to redesign the dence needed a "programming Res Life's current meeting fonnat taken. most directly affected, the stu- residence government into the board" designed for such duties as which uses formal and complex dents. new Residence Event Planners "social events, parties, excursions rules. He said he did not like them Giroux, vice-president of The REP Committee will be Roy Committee (REP Committee). No and orientations, etc." Saulite either, but that does not mean they educational and faculty ser- composed of floor representatives copies of the memo were distrib- indicated residence did not need a were not acceptable. Neither vices said, "What the students are "Hall - and headed in a biweekly meeting uted to administration or SAC. Council" model "a legisla- Langlois nor Gonyou was basically saying is that there't by a chairperson. The memo did Administration became aware tive and administrative body" informed that the results of the a consultafion process and (they) which not mention either the Res Life of the memo only after Doris decides policy and acts as a survey were going to be used to want to ensure that there will be." president or vice-president or des- Tallon, assistant to President political voice for students. redesign student government in Giroux could not speak on ignate who the chair will be. "Clearly, a Hall Council is not residence. Robert Gordon, received a copy Saulite's memo in great detail. "I Saulite was on holiday after the something which College it from Coven reporters. Humber "I think would have been think they need to flag the prob- needs this time," memo was released and was SAC president David at Saulite said in better if council had dealt with lem and the problem should be unavailable for comment. Thompson said Saulite did not the memo. certain problems we had," said discussed with the people action against "It was done to pull them back SAC took the Langlois. have the right to dissolve Res involved. Hopefully there will be change by temporarily removing on track," she said. said support- Life. "As far as Fm concerned, I Gonyou she was a resolution that makes sense for the computer purchased by SAC ive of Saulite's initiative don't recognize what Aina's done. at first. everyone," he said following a for the residence. to Rod Rork, vice- "When I first read it (the sur- I recognize the democratically- According meeting with Rork. "We didn't buy (the computer) president of administration, vey) and first heard about it from elected government of residence, Rork said any concerns that for administration to control, we Saulite had full authority to make Aina, I thought it was appealing, he said. students have regarding the sur- bought it for these decisions and considers the the students," said said Gonyou. But upon closer Res Life members met with vey will be discussed at the REP Hancock. changes to be minor ones. He did, inspection she found the survey to Thompson and SAC vice-presi- meeting to be held on Sunday in In a move to to gauge opinion however, question the way she be unrealistic. dent Dennis Hancock on Monday residence. Equine students take Humber music department Basketball Hawks fly by administration to task. blow their own horn. Sheridan. Page 3 Page 9 Page 11 2 Thursday, November 26th, 1992 Coven Rosy future for growing Articulation program 'A Bachelor ofArts degree doesn't cut it anymore' by Pat McCauUy Humbcr College Humber sitting in on courses that you'll stay inside." which is still being developed. and Arthur Marcclino Highlights of Articulation interest them. More than 3(K) high school and Charles Stock, head of the include high school students sil- Joy Atkinson, Co-op Director college educators recently attend- North Albion Collegiate A rapidly expanding Humbcr ting in on college courses, teacher at Bosco, said a general Bachelor ed a symposium on Articulation. InstituteEnglish Department, saidt project will help to pave the rocky education of college/high school of Arts degree "doesn't cut it any- It included lectures to help iden- the Articulation program is an road of transition from grade 1 connections and college entry more." tify the needs and predicaments of idea "who's time has come." to college. level testing of basic literacy and "When you have an under- senior high school and post sec- "In my 30 years as a teacher, Articulation is a two-year-old math skills. standing of what goes on outside ondary students. we've never had such close con- province-wide partnership Articulation's co-ordinator your door you're more inclined to The symposium was an oppor- tact with community colleges," between high schools and col- Susini said the program's objec- go out the door," said Atkinson. tunity for educators to give input said Stock. "I see nothing but a leges to establish secondary tive is to give high school stu- "If you don't know what's there ... to the Articulation program. rosy future for Articulation." school curriculum directly related dents a glimpse of college acade- to college. mics and student life, as well as a The program gives high school YES spared funding cutbacks preview of entrance requirements. students insight into the by Hugh J. Francisci "The Federal Government academic ability. The program academic It makes things smoother for planned to cut funding to the teaches clients skills requirements of college, while students "exploring college as an had that they After escaping planned fund- in of 1992," need to help their lives. also giving them a rare opportuni- option, as well as what kind of program May said improve ing cuts the future is now bright "Thankfully, "Budgeting, life skills, per- ty to sample a program of interest program and career options are Allan. these cut- before signing up. for Youth Employment Skills backs did not occur and YES has sonal grooming and how to con- available in the college stream," "It nice in Canada (YES). its duct themselves in a job inter- would have been said Susini. expanded programs and ser- high school if teachers had a YES, an organization that vices." view are prominent features of As part of the Articulation pro- wider range of possibilities for helps disadvantaged youths pre- the program," said Allan. gram, students from Don Bosco YES has four agencies across students," said Sheila Susini, pare for the work world, has in Halifax, Clients can get a high school Secondary School in Etobicoke, Canada Vancouver, articulation coordinator for expanded its programs and ser- diploma through YES. After spend four days a week at Winnipeg and St. Catharines. vices. "A disadvantaged youth is completion of the program there Until now, the program pro- someone who has dropped out of is a follow-up and clients are vided academic upgrading and school and cannot find a job," directed towards services that life skills training for disadvan- said Allen. "In some cases, they will help them find them work. taged youths between the ages of have had drug or alcohol prob- "Statistics show that 80 per 16 and 24. lems and are looking for a new cent of YES graduates do find have opened our "We now up direction in their lives." jobs and have that job one year THE CUE age limit to include people over later. Many of our graduates do "They are disadvantaged BILLIARD & CAFE the age of 24 who are unem- go on to further education at the because they have a lot of things ployed and on welfare," said college level or going against them.