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Alumni Demonstrate Teaching Excellence Radiation Therapy: Current Preparation and Future Needs

Alumni Association Debbie Coutts, (Respiratory Therapy ‘76) Annual Report Clinical Instructor, Credit Valley Hospital First Recipient of Michener’s Clinical Teaching Award of Excellence 2004 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/13/05 11:22 AM Page 2 What’s in Alumni Give Back! Welcome to also play a critical role in clinical teaching the second issue include Sally Ciona and Ruth Thompson this Issue of the new (both Chiropody ’00) as well as Doris Michener 222 Gorthy (Radiography ’89). Michener 222 is The Michener Magazine for We are also pleased to bring you a Institute’s publication for alumni Alumni & Friends. Following the release of number of other features in this issue the last issue, we were encouraged by the including Radiation Therapy: Current and friends. many positive reactions we received on the Preparation and Future Needs from new design and content of your magazine. Michener’s Research Department; a profile 3 President's Message We've incorporated many of your sugges- on long time faculty member Susan tions in this second issue and will continue Dunington (Respiratory Therapy ’83 & Staff Profile 4 to add more information and features of Anaesthesia Technology ’97); a profile on 5 Clinical Coordinators interest to alumni and friends in the com- one of Michener’s outstanding students Demonstrate Teaching ing months and years. Corrine Rixon (Diagnostic Cytology ’05) Excellence In this issue, we explore the great con- and the 2004 Annual Report from tributions that our graduates are making Michener’s Alumni Association. 10 Radiation Therapy: towards the education and careers of In these pages, you will also find the Current Preparation and Michener students. As Michener Clinical information to keep you up to date on what Future Needs Coordinators, some of our graduates are your former classmates are up to and let 11 Professional Development helping to educate the next generation of you know about some of the great changes highly skilled applied health care practi- taking place at Michener. 13 Faculty Profile tioners. Every day, these dedicated alumni So please stay in touch with us. We 14 Student Profile provide their valuable time and expertise on welcome your letters, feedback and sugges- the job as they supervise Michener students tions for the new Michener 222. Just drop 15 Alumni Association who are completing their clinical place- me a line at [email protected] Annual Report ments. In recognition of the contributions of 17 From Michener Archives our Clinical Coordinators, Michener creat- 19 Michener News ed the Clinical Teaching Award of Excellence in 2004 and we are proud to fea- Missing Links 20 ture Debbie Coutts (Respiratory Therapy Ken Aucoin 22 Alumni Happenings ’76) as the first recipient of this award. Editor, Michener 222 Other graduates featured in this issue that Director, Development & Alumni Affairs

Privacy Policy We respect your privacy and keep all per- sonal information strictly confidential. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. From time to time we contact alumni to JOIN THE ALUMNI offer the benefits of our affinity programs or BOARD OF DIRECTORS! inform them about alumni happenings, fundraising opportunities and/or events. If at any time you wish to be removed from a Get involved in your Michener Alumni Association! We are looking for Michener/TIMT particular type of mailing or communica- graduates that are interested in helping us build our alumni programs and special tion, simply contact us toll free at 1-800- events as a member of the Michener Alumni Association Board of Directors. Meetings 387-9066, ext. 3229 or by email at alum- [email protected]. Please allow 15 business are held six times a year at The Michener Institute and members can participate either days to allow us to update our records in person or by teleconferencing. Play an active role in your association! We are looking accordingly. For a copy of Michener's privacy policy please contact Michener's Privacy for representatives from a variety of years and programs that can devote a few hours a Officer at [email protected] or at the month to our association. phone number above.

ON THE COVER: Michener’s First Recipient of Call 416-596-3101, ext. 3390 for more information the Clinical Teaching Award of Excellence 2004 Debbie Coutts, (Respiratory Therapy ‘76) The Michener Alumni Association’s mission and purpose can be found on our web site Clinical Instructor, Credit Valley Hospital at www.michener.ca/alumni with Michener student Sabrina Astrologo, Photo: Dodge Baena

2 Michener 222 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/13/05 11:46 AM Page 3


It is my pleasure once The conclusion reached from these The Michener Institute for Applied Health again to welcome you realizations is that Michener must have Sciences is the only publicly funded post- to this edition of both the agility and ability to respond to secondary institution in dedicated to health education. Founded in 1958 and Michener 222. I’m change quickly and strategically. located in downtown , Michener's sure you’ll enjoy the As a first step in that process we have now unique combination of theory, laboratory news, the insights and the profiles on what identified a new brand or “set of marching” instruction and clinical education pre- is happening here at Michener and what’s orders. Don’t be surprised if you start to see the pares health professionals to meet the up with our Alumni. I thought that for my following quite a bit over the coming months: growing demands of Canada's health care contribution I would try to fill you in on Michener: Best Experience/Best system. Michener's expertise in applied some of the corporate developments in the Education! health science education is nationally and last few months. To address this challenge we have also internationally renowned. We serve over As a number of you may be aware, last developed five new strategic responses 900 full-time and 4,500 continuing educa- year with the direction and leadership of our which we call: tion students with more than 20 academic Board of Governors, Michener adopted a new • The People Strategy offerings to meet the changing needs of mission statement which reads as follows: • The Academic Innovation Strategy our health care system. “The Michener Institute (Michener) • The Knowledge Transfer Strategy Michener 222 enhances the health of individuals and • The Quality Strategy The Michener Institute’s Michener 222 is communities in and beyond • The Resource Innovation Strategy published twice a year for Michener through the advancement of applied health Over the next months we will be aligning Alumni & Friends by the Development & sciences and associated professionals. all our corporate policies, our administrative Alumni Affairs Office. Michener is a centre of excellence for policies and our academic policies to reflect the advancement of applied health sciences the reality of our mission, our “marching Editor – Michener 222 education.” orders” and our strategic responses. We Director, Development & Alumni Affairs This mission has re-established the truly believe that by doing so we will be in a Ken Aucoin path for Michener and has assisted in the position to move positively and appropriately revitalization of the organization. But per- into the future. Manager, Annual Fund & Stewardship haps most telling, it has helped us recognize There will be plenty of opportunity for Susan Bloxsom that there are some very compelling reasons the Michener Alumni and community to Development & Alumni Affairs Assistant we must be prepared, in the future, to do get involved with the transformation that is Jessica Walsh things differently than we have in the past. underway and I not only encourage your Why? Simply stated: individual participation, but in fact truly Advertising Inquiries: 416-596-3101, ext. 3375 • We require more resources than the look forward to it. or [email protected] government can give us – the funding In the meantime, please enjoy this issue of currently provided restricts us to a Michener 222 and stayed tuned to what’s hap- Design: VACACOM Printing & Design training role, which precludes growth pening at your alma mater! Your continued to an academic and research institution input and feedback is essential to our success. Photography: Dodge Baena, Tim Chipman, • Competition for funding, market Sally Ciona and Ruth Thompson. share, students, clinical sites and staff is constantly increasing © The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences • Our scope must increasingly be global, ISSN 1712-3275 Michener 222 (Print) but our funding is provincially limited Published, April 2005, The Michener • Education is lifelong learning, not just Paul A.W. Gamble DrPH Institute for Applied Health Sciences entry to practice President and CEO Address: 222 St. Patrick Street Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1V4 Advertise in Telephone: 416-596-3101, ext. 3229 Toll Free: 1-800-387-9066 Michener 222 Magazine Fax: 416-596-3159 Web site: www.michener.ca Target your message to an influential group of alumni and key decision makers Member: The Canadian Council for the in the applied health sciences sector. Advancement of Education Contact Jessica Walsh at (416) 596-3101, ext. 3375 Publication Agreement Number 40007048 or email [email protected] Spring 2005 3 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:44 PM Page 4


ith his personable manner and facility for logical thought, Donald Bartlett has worn many hats at Michener. His latest W one – that of Michener’s new Clinical Education Officer – looks made to measure.

After 17 years and several job titles at Newfoundland in St. John’s, he found work Michener – and seven years of clinical expe- as an aide at the Janeway Child Health rience before that – Donald Bartlett hardly Centre (now the Janeway Children’s Health needs anyone to show him the ropes around and Rehabilitation Centre). campus. So when he was asked last February “One year, the people at Janeway said to step up to the newly minted position of ‘would you like to study respiratory therapy Clinical Education Officer, Bartlett slipped in Toronto?’ Bartlett recalls. “I said ‘yes’ and into the role with perfect ease. they sponsored me to attend the program at programs throughout the country. In the “Over the past 17 years here, I’ve had a Michener.” last 10 years, he has volunteered as a survey number of roles in academic and on the After graduation, Bartlett joined team member with the Canadian Medical support side,” says Bartlett, who graduated Janeway’s respiratory therapy department, Association. He was also the first national from Michener’s Respiratory Therapy pro- where his role as an RT included working as chair for the Council on Accreditation for gram in 1981. “All of this is second nature part of the transport team. Respiratory Therapy Education. to me really, so it’s easy for me to walk into “We would travel around Newfoundland “I look at where I’m a good fit,” he this role and pull it together.” and Labrador – by fixed-wing aircraft, helicop- says, “and where I can get a sense of satis- Bartlett’s new position is a crucial com- ters, ambulances, and even a boat once – to faction and be challenged by what I do.” ponent in Michener’s ongoing drive for bring critically ill newborns and children from His new role will certainly deliver both. “Best Experience, Best Education.” As the smaller hospitals in the area to Janeway,” In the face of ongoing labour issues at hospitals Clinical Education Officer, Bartlett is now says Bartlett. “There's no better way to test throughout the province, nurturing relation- the primary link between Michener’s aca- your decision-making skills and confidence ships with clinical sites – while keeping the demic sector and the various clinical sites. than when you're in the middle of nowhere paperwork and logistics all nice and organ- He is responsible for, among other things, and you have a critically ill child to keep alive.” ized – will be both a breeze and a challenge. ensuring that signed legal affiliation agree- In 1984, Bartlett left Janeway to work And that’s just fine with Bartlett. ments are in place, tracking placements for at the respiratory therapy department at St. “I’m really enjoying my new job,” he students, keeping Administrative Clinical Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto. But even says. “I’d like all our clinical coordinators to Handbooks up to date, and resolving issues then, Bartlett knew the job would be a step- know that they can to look to me for assis- that affect clinical education. ping stone to where he really wanted to go. tance with respect to their role as educators. In short, how and what Bartlett does in “I wanted to end up at Michener so I And from an administrative point of view, his job will have a direct impact on the could teach other people and use my back- they can be assured that there is a direct link quality of clinical experience Michener stu- ground as a healthcare professional to do between them and Michener.” dents can expect during their placements. that,” he says. This may sound like a huge burden to place Bartlett got what he wanted. He joined on someone’s shoulders – unless of course Michener’s Respiratory Therapy faculty in QUICK FACT that someone happens to have Bartlett’s 1988 and from there worked his way up as Most of Michener's academic pro- facility for organization, logical thought, Program Director and later as a Division grams include clinical experience in and communicating ideas in a way that is Director. His career at Michener has been partnership with at least one of more both diplomatic and crystal-clear. long and varied; he has also worked as than 150 clinical partners in Ontario Bartlett has been involved in health Registrar and in Academic Scheduling. and across Canada. care for all of his adult life. While earning a Bartlett has also been actively involved Source Michener 2003-2004 Annual Report degree in biology at Memorial University of in the accreditation process for allied health

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Clinical Coordinators Demonstrate Teaching EXCELLENCE

he Michener Institute These outstanding individuals teach and supervise Michener students as they complete their clinical salutes the hundreds of placements – the final stage of their diplomas and dedicated professionals who degrees before they enter the workforce. Clinical coordinators are a critical part of our Tcontribute daily as clinical students’ educational experience. They mentor and coordinators in hospitals and inspire Michener students to make a difference in the future of our health care system and improve other health care related facilities the health of all citizens. In this issue, we are across Ontario and beyond. pleased to highlight just a few of these outstanding individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching.

Debbie Coutts (Respiratory Therapy ’76); Ruth Thompson and Sally Ciona (both Chiropody ’00); Doris Gorthy (Radiography ’89).

Spring 2005 5 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:44 PM Page 6 Debbie Coutts Students’pet

eloved by her students, Debbie Coutts, a clinical coordinator at Credit Valley Hospital, has become the first recipient of BMichener’s Teaching Award of Excellence. B Y M ARJO J OHNE

Debbie Coutts looks 30 years back to her How does Coutts account for such it might be “a fun job,” Coutts applied and clinical placement in Hamilton, Ontario, high praise? won the position. Five years later, she and sees her instructors dismantling equip- accepted the job of Clinical Coordinator at ment so she could understand, inside and “Oh, I told them to say that,” she quips. Credit Valley Hospital. out, how they worked. But jokes aside, Coutts attributes her suc- “It was exciting,” Coutts recalls. “The She remembers the constant drilling, and cess as an educator to a teaching style that hospital had only been open for three years, the insistent push to always “think, think, encourages students to learn by thinking so I could really customize the program to think.” She also remembers one of the first for themselves, researching problems, and how I thought it could work.” things her instructors said to her: “There is looking beyond their textbooks. Among other innovations, Coutts no such thing as a stupid question.” As her instructors at the hospitals in introduced a comprehensive orientation “I had wonderful instructors who chal- Hamilton did with her, Coutts quizzes her program that gives students the lay of the lenged me to think outside the box,” says students every step of the way to ensure land so they can easily find their way Coutts, who graduated from Michener’s they truly understand what they are doing. around at Credit Valley. She also ensures respiratory technology program in 1976. But she also makes it clear that the Q & A that students are given assignments relevant “They were my earliest role models.” sessions are a two-way channel and that her to the scope of their placement. Today, it is Coutts who is the role students can ask her anything. After more than two decades as an edu- model for aspiring therapists. As the After all, adds Coutts, “there’s no such cator, Coutts feels as enthusiastic about her Clinical Coordinator, Respiratory Therapy thing as a stupid question.” work today as she did when she first got the for the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga While they're heaping praise on her, Clinical Instructor post at St. Boniface. Her just west of Toronto, she mentors the stu- Coutts’ students might also want to thank passion for helping others spills into her dents who come to the hospital each year for her younger brother, who struggled with personal life, too; Coutts and her 17-year- their first taste of clinical reality. asthma through most of their childhood. As old daughter have gone on mission trips to Last year, Coutts received a particular- she observed the RTs who took care of him, Nicaragua, where they helped refurbish a ly sweet apple from her Michener students: Coutts began to nurture the idea that she, local church. Coutts has also visited they nominated her for Michener’s new too, might become an RT one day. orphanages and a pediatric hospital in the Clinical Teaching Award of Excellence. In “It’s a profession where you can make an Nicaraguan capital of Managua. September 2004, Coutts became the immediate impact on patients’ lives,” she “That really opened my eyes to what we award’s first recipient. says. “You walk into a patient’s room and see have compared to what they have – which is “I can honestly say that if I had been them in severe respiratory distress. You give very little,” she says. “Even monitoring placed at any other clinical site, I would not them oxygen and see them getting relief equipment was a total luxury to them.” be the RT I am going to become because I within 10 minutes – it’s instant gratification.” While her students may consider would not have been taught by Debbie After graduating from Michener, themselves lucky to have had her as a men- Coutts,” one student wrote in her letter of Coutts worked as a respiratory therapist for tor, Coutts insists that she is the lucky one nomination. “I can think of no one who a number of hospitals, including the – lucky to be doing what she’s doing today, deserves this award more than she does,” Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital in southern and to have had the opportunity to teach Another student wrote: “She is a fan- Ontario, the Montreal General Hospital, “absolutely wonderful students.” tastic teacher and I am extremely lucky to and the St. Boniface General Hospital in “What is really neat is when the lights have been able to spend my clinical year at Winnipeg. go on in their eyes and you see that they’ve Credit Valley learning from her.” In 1983, St. Boniface posted an open- got it,” she says. “That’s one of the best ing for a Clinical Instructor. Thinking that rewards of this job.”

6 Michener 222 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:45 PM Page 7 Ruth Thompson and Sally Ciona Giving interns a foot in the door


“ e share the same friends at Michener, but when they graduat- so proficient at the procedure, by the time she mind,” jokes ed in 2000, they parted ways. Thompson did leaves, it only takes five minutes. a short summer placement at Rouge Valley “Every once in a while we do a high-five Sally Ciona Centenary in Toronto before being recruited victory dance in the office because somebody about the rela- to the Ottawa clinic by Seifali Patel, another gave a good answer. We like to celebrate those W 2000 Michener chiropody graduate. Then a little things,” Ciona says. tionship she has with fel- year later, Thompson was on the phone her- Thompson says teaching students the low Michener grad, Ruth self, recruiting Ciona who was then working ins and outs of her trade also helps her learn in a private practice in Brampton. and develop too. Thompson. “If Ruth was there, of course I had to be “It’s kind of cheesy, but you do know there,” says Ciona now. more about yourself. It’s that old adage, if you And with their love of the profession, a wicked Ciona also admits that she was also teach you get to know the material a lot bet- sense of humour and willingness to pass along intrigued because there were rumours at the ter,” she says. what they learn, Ciona and Thompson are time that Michener students would be Both grads say The Michener Institute chiropody interns’ dream mentors interning at the centre and she wanted to be gave them a firm education in what it means Most people go on vacation to get away part of that. to be a top-quality teacher. They say the facul- from their colleagues. But Sally Ciona and Today Michener students intern between ty they studied under made all the difference. Ruth Thompson, both Michener chiropody 36 and 40 weeks, while Thompson oversees “They were always pushing for continu- graduates from 2000 who work as chi- their education, showing them how to deal ing education, trying new things and learning ropodists at the Ottawa Hospital’s Total Foot with everything from peripheral vascular dis- more,” says Ciona. “That really inspired us Care clinic, do the unthinkable. They spend ease, diabetes and severe arthritis, to ingrown because we seem to be picking up that torch.” their vacations travelling together. A lot. toenails and corns. The clinic employs three That means ongoing professional devel- In fact, the duo says they found it diffi- full-time chiropodists, one biomechanist and opment is important to Thompson and cult to find a photo for this story, not because one shoe and orthotic technician. Ciona who are both completing the they didn’t have them lying around, but none “A lot of times patients will come here as International of the shots seemed, well, appropriate. a last stop before amputation. We try to at least Interdisciplinary Wound Care course this “We have a lot of photos of us together prolong the time they’ll have with their legs,” year. It’s been a long year juggling patients, that we love, but there’s none in the clinic. It’s says Thompson, who is also on Michener’s interns, travel and courses, but they say the more like, ‘Hey, this is us whale watching! Or Advisory Committee for Chiropody. hard work is worth it. this is us camping!’” says Thompson. The Total Foot Care Centre is a good “The students benefit from the extra When Thompson isn’t acting as clinical place to intern for students who want to studying we do because what we learn, we’re coordinator for Michener chiropody students jump in and learn quickly. also teaching. It’s been good all around,” says at the clinic, which is considered a high-risk “This is a fairly busy clinic,” says Ciona. clinic, managing foot and limb salvage as well Thompson before Ciona interjects with, “It’s as wounds, she and Ciona tour the trial by fire!” QUICK FACT Maritimes, ski Lake Placid or soak up rays in But it’s also a fun experience for 100% Percentage of Chiropody Cuba. And they can’t seem to stop smiling. Thompson and Ciona to watch the students Michener grads that were successful “Oh we have fun all the time. This isn’t gain confidence over the year and begin to in their Provincial and/or National just for show,” says Ciona. “We’re constantly question what a doctor or nurse has ordered. Certification Examinations laughing.” A student who may have taken an hour to Source: Michener Fact Book 2004 And for good reason. The two were reduce a callus in September, eventually gets

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sk Doris Gorthy, clinical coordinator for the PACS pro- A gram at Credit Valley Hospital, how she juggles three kids, Michener interns and a whirlwind career in Doris Gorthy management, and she’ll tell you what it takes. Problem solving skills. Flexibility. And, Commitment to the next generation oh yes, having fun.


There was a time when Doris Gorthy beginning to spring up in hospitals across “I like to be involved in the profession. couldn’t stock enough of her business cards the country, The Michener Institute, along There are so many different avenues you to keep up with the demand for them. with experts such as Gorthy, saw the need can take once you get your professional des- When Gorthy first started working for for more a formalized education and devel- ignation,” she says. Mississauga’s Credit Valley Hospital, it was oped PACS administration certification. Gorthy cheerfully admits that she hasn’t one of the few hospitals in Canada using a Michener students now take three online seen a patient in over 10 years, but that PACS (Picture Archiving and courses to learn the basics, administration doesn’t mean she has turned into a computer Communications Systems) program, and and more advanced skills. At the comple- geek. Gorthy stays busy liaising with the everyone wanted to know more about how tion of these courses, the students attend a hospital’s IT department, trouble shooting it worked. one-month clinical component where they for physicians, project planning and over- Gorthy showed them how to use the can put their new set of skills to the test. seeing clerical staff. computer to manipulate x-rays online so “They usually come in scared and And if her life isn’t already busy enough, multiple users could view the same image, wide-eyed,” says Gorthy. “And then when at the end of the day she goes home to her adjust shading, flip, rotate and even save the they leave they’re saying things like, ‘Wow, three young children and husband, George data so it could be published later. that was actually a lot of fun.’ So it’s very Gorthy, another 1989 Michener Radiological Compared to a simple piece of x-ray film, rewarding in that respect.” Technology grad who went into the busi- the possibilities were endless. It was no Gorthy says being the clinical coordi- ness side of PACS and works at Siemens, wonder why the interest was so high. nator also has other perks. She is able to the medical equipment manufacturer. “For the longest time, we would have network extensively, add her own unique While they’ll sometimes bounce ideas two or three hospitals coming through every perspective to the dialogue and continue off each other about PACS, Gorthy says week. I could have spent the whole day learning herself. It’s a formula that has they do try to maintain one rule at home. replying to people’s questions,” she says. worked for years. Her own career path has “We refuse to talk about PACS at din- Now five years – and a couple of boxes been anything but linear. After graduation, ner. We have enough kids’ stuff to talk of business cards – later, Gorthy says she’s as Gorthy worked as a x-ray technician at about,” she says. busy as ever. But instead of answering other Toronto’s Western Hospital and quickly hospital’s queries, she’s fielding questions from moved into 3-D reconstruction before QUICK FACT her students. Gorthy is the clinical coordinator becoming Western’s radiological technology at Credit Valley Hospital for its PACS pro- clinical coordinator. In less than five years, 52 Total enrollment at June 30, 2004 gram, and a 1989 graduate of the Michener’s Gorthy went from being a student to teach- in Michener's PACS (Picture Archiving Radiological Technology program. ing students, before leaving downtown & Communications Systems) Program Because there was so much interest in Toronto in 1999 to move to Credit Valley Source Michener's 2003-2004 Annual Report. PACS, and numerous PACS positions were Hospital, just west of the city.

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Michener Graduates PROUDLY DISPLAY YOUR SUCCESS! Choose a beautiful a You have a choice of b quality frame to dis- the following frames: play your achievement c a Brass frame with polished or with pride! Your diplo- matte finish, complete with mat. d ma or certificate will be b Black Metal matte finish, complete with mat. professionally framed e and ready to hang. The c Bass Wood frame, complete f with double mat. official crest and shield of d Briar Wood frame, complete Michener is inscribed on all with double mat. mats. All mats are acid free. e Mahogany Wood frame, Payment must be made by cheque or complete with triple mat. credit card. Proceeds support the ongoing f Mahogany Wood PLUS activities of the Alumni Association. with suede mat and gold fillet.

Reserve your diploma frame now by completing the order form below (please print)

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QTY Michener Diploma Frame (diploma 81/2” X 14”) After August 22/05 Advanced Order SAVE TOTAL a Brass, polished with single mat $85.00 $65.00 $20.00 a Brass, matte finish with single mat $95.00 $75.00 $20.00 b Vogue Black Metal, matte finish with single mat $95.00 $75.00 $20.00 c Bass Wood with double mat $115.00 $95.00 $20.00 d Briar Wood with double mat $130.00 $105.00 $25.00 e Mahogany Wood with triple mat $150.00 $125.00 $25.00 f Mahogany Wood PLUS, with suede mat & gold fillet $190.00 $165.00 $25.00 QTY Michener Certificate Frame (certificate 81/2” X 11”) a Brass, polished with single mat $55.00 $45.00 $10.00 c Bass Wood with double mat $65.00 $50.00 $15.00 PLUS Shipping and handling in North America* $18.50 $18.50 (for those not picking up their frames from graduation or The Michener Institute) per frame per frame Subtotal Order Online at www.michener.ca/alumni PLEASE NOTE: Your order is not com- plete until you have received an email GST (7%) Fax Order to: (416) 596-3159 or confirming your order. To pick up your Phone Development & Alumni Affairs Office at frame at graduation or at The Michener PST (8%) Institute you MUST present your con- TOTAL (416) 596-3101, ext. 3375 or 1-800-387-9066 firmation. No exceptions.

* Items not picked up at Graduation Ceremonies or from The Michener Institute will be shipped by courier within 4-6 weeks of Graduation. Shipping and handling charge applies to shipped orders only. * Frames are also available for Charles Sturt University graduates and can be ordered online. MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:45 PM Page 10 Radiation Therapy: Current Preparation and Future Needs

B Y S HERRYL D IZON, RESEARCH D EPARTMENT adiation Therapy is The report provided information on the tinue to see an ongoing demand for number of funded positions and vacancies Radiation Therapists. In light of this devel- both a dynamic and dating back over three years (2002-2004) opment, respondents estimate a mean loss demanding profes- which helped determine longer term of 6 staff per facility over time. sion with an ongoing trends. Net attrition, gender/age profiles, The report identified that 80% of the R and projections were also provided in the workforce are female, potentially the reason need for human resources. labour market report. The response rate was maternity/paternal leaves of absence were 100% with a total of 10 Ontario regional reported as fairly high (48 staff). The report cancer centres participating. The compiled also identified that the 31-35 age group The Michener Institute is the only educa- data shows a total of 659 funded positions represented the highest number of staff in tional institution that offers a program in and, while the numbers of filled positions any age group within the study population. Ontario to prepare Radiation Therapists for have been increasing over the past three While the female:male ratio is 4:1 in the practice and, in 2004, Michener graduated years there is still a vacancy rate of 9.7%, overall study population, it is noticeable 64 students from the Radiation Therapy representing a total of 64 vacant positions. that the female:male ratio in the 46-50 age program, representing a retention rate of Included within the attrition rate are a range increased to 6.7:1; this increase is pri- 90%. The three-year joint program with number of factors, the highest of which is marily due to a large decrease in the num- University of Toronto/Michener is offered the number taking maternity/parental ber of males when compared to the female as a Degree and Diploma and it is also leaves of absence (48 staff) and staff moving population within that age range. offered as a Degree in combination with from one position to another within the Demand for Radiation Therapists is pro- for four years. province (23 staff). Although they were the jected to grow to approximately 135 new Through this program, students learn to highest factors of attrition, and played a sig- positions per annum for the next three years. effectively treat cancer patients using cut- nificant role in determining the attrition All position types (full-time, part-time, con- ting-edge technology. Radiation Therapy is rate, they were not included in the overall tract, casual) are accounted for in the calcula- an exceptional career; it offers students an net loss of personnel. tion, with respect to vacancy levels, net attri- opportunity to interact with patients, pro- How do staff vacancies affect patient tion, and the projections from our respon- viding them with continuous care, and to care and wait times? Survey respondents dents. The rationale for anticipated growth work closely with doctors and other health indicated that, while the quality of care has in the number of available positions have care professionals. With new cancer treat- not been affected, access to care has been been identified as: an increase in workload in ment centres opening, there will inevitably the greatest impact. Equipment had to be terms of changes in treatment delivery, an be an increase in demand for these profes- taken offline due to staff shortages, result- increase in the number of patients due to the sionals. Are we, as an educational institu- ing in patient wait time increasing and new aging population, and new purchase/use of tion, meeting these demands for human patients having to wait even longer. It was equipment. The importance of the informa- resources in this field? At this time, when also reported that there was difficulty in tion presented above cannot be overstated; to the population is aging, and new technolo- recruiting for term positions, with part time ignore this would not do justice to the needs gy is being developed, how will the profes- staff having to work full time hours to cover of the patients, nor to the healthcare sion manage the inevitable increase in these shortages. In addition, extending providers who require the resources to pro- demand? Most importantly, what is ahead operating hours was necessary to meet the vide necessary services. If the needs of the for this profession? demand for routine services. This could field are not being recognized and met, this Recent research examining health pose a problem for staff that have no time will pose a growing concern, primarily for human resource needs has shown signifi- to receive training on new equipment and patients that need treatment, but also for the cant shortages of staff in various health pro- procedures and are unable to rotate to other Radiation Therapists. fessions; with Radiation Therapists, this is areas of the department. It is also likely that truly the case. The Research Department at there will be movement in personnel due in Radiation Therapists in Ontario: Provincial Labour Michener completed a labour market study part to three new cancer treatment centres Market Analysis and Human Resource Study, of Radiation Therapists in the fall of 2004 . opening, with the result that we will con- The Michener Institute, Toronto, 2004.

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Research at Michener Michener Offers New Online The Research Department at The Michener Institute comprises of a small group of individuals enthusiastic Patient Educator Program about research and with expertise in the following areas of research methodology: quantitative and qualitative data analysis and interpretation, survey research, instru- Interested in enhancing and ment design and development, and program & individual expanding your career in patient assessment and evaluation. education? Can’t find the time away from family and work? If you are comfortable with email and Research Projects: have access to high speed internet AQMP (Academic Quality Management Program) then Michener can assist you in Key Performance Indicators (Student Satisfaction, realizing your career goals. Graduate Satisfaction, Employer Satisfaction, and Michener is proud to announce the start of the Online Graduate Placement Rates) Version of our COPD (Chronic Michener’s current COPD Student Demographics Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) program is also still available for Needs Assessments Educator Graduate Certificate those who prefer to learn in a face- Program. Michener has modified to-face environment. Scholarships Labour Market and Human Resource Studies on its acclaimed COPD Educator cur- are also available for both programs Michener-trained professions riculum and reformatted it to pro- including: the Boehringer Educational research projects vide you with the same interactive Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd./Pfizer learning experience while reducing Canada COPD Patient Educator Research as a resource the number of live workshops to Scholarship and the GlaxoSmithKline Patient In addition to the above projects, the Research better fit your busy schedule. As a participant in the Online Educator Scholarship. Department provides Michener staff/faculty with rele- COPD Educator Program you will In addition to the COPD vant data collection and analysis to meet the program communicate and learn with a Educator programs, The Michener needs. For example, the Research Department provided small group of peers nation-wide Institute also offers outstanding a program with an analysis of student satisfaction by through an interactive virtual envi- patient education certificate pro- cohort. The Research Department also performed a ronment. Michener’s expert facili- grams in Diabetes, Asthma and labour market study needed urgently by one of our pro- tators have translated existing Lamaze Childbirth. Through these grams, and scored a 100% response rate a month earli- workshop activities into the online programs, Michener’s Centre for er than our service standards! format while maintaining the same Continuing Professional Education degree of learner interaction that is has become a centre for excellence the heart of the current program. in patient education programs in Work in progress: As a student you will be required to North America. Nuclear Medicine Labour Market participate in only one-day skills- For information regarding the Anesthesia Assistant Needs Assessment based workshop and evaluation ses- patient educator programs and sion. What better way to demon- scholarships available, please visit our Several Educational Research Projects in collabora- strate your effective teaching skills website at www.michener.ca/ce or tion with Michener staff and faculty, including a than in a live simulated environ- contact Student Services (416) Telepathology project, Practice Pattern Analysis of ment? You will be able to complete 596-3117, toll free at 1-800-387- Genetics Technology and other projects examining the program in only one year! 9066, or [email protected]. clinical education.

What’s next: Radiological Technology Labour Market Magnetic Resonance Imaging Labour Market REUNION ALERT Medical Laboratory Technology Labour Market Rad Tech '75 - 30 Year Reunion!

Michener (TIMT) Radiological Technology Class of 1975 is planning a STAY IN TOUCH! 30 year reunion in September 2005 at The Michener Institute.Anyone The Research Department conducts labour from this graduating class/year is encouraged to get in touch with market studies on your profession! Have your organizers Marie Craven Turner at [email protected], Joanne say by keeping us up to date with your current Reinhardt at [email protected] or Michener's Alumni Affairs contact information. Email your address/contact Office at [email protected]. We are trying to locate all graduates changes to [email protected]. from this group to invite them to this event.

Spring 2005 11 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/14/05 9:54 AM Page 12

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Upcoming Continuing Education courses

IMAGING Mammography: Dealing with Legal Issues, Difficult Views & Obscure Pathology (RA7063-01) September 10, 2005 Demonstrating Pathology: Image Interpretation Series - Abdomen September 17, 2005 Nursing in Radiology and the Imaging Department (IG718-01) October 22, 2005 Musculoskeletal Imaging Symposium (IG900-01) November 11-13, 2005 Osteoporosis and Where We Stand! - 2005 November 12, 2005

LABORATORY SCIENCES Introduction to Human Genetics (GE806-01) Wednesday Evenings: April 6 to June 22, 2005 Introduction to Molecular DNA Techniques (MG501-01) June 6-10, 2005 Basic ECG Interpretation (EK703-01) June 18 & 25, 2005 Urinary Cytology Workshop October 15 & 16, 2005 A Theoretical and Practical Demonstration of the Use of Flow November 5, 2005 Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Hematologic Malignancies Not Just Anti-K November 12, 2005 Update on Thin Layer Preparations for Gynecological and Non-Gynecological Samples November 19, 2005


Advanced Cardiac Life Support (RS810-01) June 18-19, 2005; October 22-23, 2005; & November 12-13, 2005 ACLS Recertification (RS812) June 18-19, 2005; October 22-23, 2005; & November 12-13, 2005; Fundamentals of Critical Care Support (RS820-02) June 4 & 5, 2005 Asthma Educator Program June 2 – 5, 2005; & October 22 – 25, 2005 COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Program June 9 – 12, 2005; & October 22 – 25, 2005 Diabetes Educator Program June 2 – 5, 2005


Canada’s most recognizable brand is now an exclusive supplier of Michener Wear

HOODIES, BABY-T’S, T-SHIRTS & MORE! Visit the Michener Alumni website at www.michener.ca/alumni to order great Roots® merchandise available or stop by the Development & Alumni Affairs Office on the 5th floor at Michener or call (416) 596-3101, ext. 3375 to purchase your new Michener Wear items. MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:45 PM Page 13



aculty member and alumnus Susan Dunington helps students think critically and strive for excellence on their path to becoming dedicated Fhealthcare professionals

“I have never been the kind of person who responsible for setting up their could stay put. Once I’ve mastered some- anesthesia department. Soon, she thing, my personality is to try on new began lecturing at Michener, even- things, new skills. I always want to move tually leaving Credit Valley to forward.” become a full-time faculty member That’s how Susan Dunington accounts at Michener because, says for her impressive journey from respiratory Dunington, “Once things were up technologist to researcher and educator at and running, I wanted the next Michener Institute. opportunity to evolve.” Dunington graduated with a Diploma More than 16 years later, in Respiratory Technology from Michener Dunington estimates she has taught in 1982, at a time when, she explains, “The close to 1,000 — or nearly one in role of a respiratory technologist was very six — of Canada’s practicing Respiratory this helping students complete the program, technically focused and hands on — things Therapists (RTs). Asked what she enjoys but adding to their level of professionalism like setting up equipment for intubating most about teaching, Dunington replies, by training them to consider, “How often and troubleshooting ventilators.” “Seeing those light bulbs go on, when they do I reflect on my daily practice? To what However, it was also a time when the say, ‘Oh my goodness, now I get it.’” extent does that reflection lead to an profession was being accorded greater Despite helping students reach those improvement in my practice? Did I com- responsibilities and decision-making roles. “ah ha” moments, Dunington and her col- municate effectively to, or anticipate a Capitalizing on this development, leagues found — once the Respiratory result appropriately for, a patient? Did I Dunington secured a job at Toronto Therapy program was extended to three negotiate the best plan of care possible?” Western where she was one of the first RTs years in 1994 — that some were neverthe- Looking back on the unexpected jour- in Ontario to assist anesthesiologists full- less struggling during their final-year clini- neys her career has afforded her thus far, time in the OR. cals and dropping out of the program. The says Dunington, “Among my most awe- Her responsibilities quickly expanded. reason was that, “To do well in a clinical some was my visit to India in 2000, when Says Dunington, “Once I earned peoples’ setting required — but our curriculum was Michener sent me to teach at a cardiac hos- respect, and with my instigation to do not formally providing — the reflection, pital.” That experience, along with her visit more, I found myself controlling a budget, anticipation, negotiation and other skills to Alaska last summer, has brought her clos- planning and coordinating between the that make up critical thinking.” er to a personal goal to visit every continent chief of anesthesia, anesthesiologists and While Michener addressed this issue since, as a person who loves to travel, she sales people. From that, they began giving with some success, Dunington wanted to believes that: “It’s also an opportunity to me teaching and research roles.” better understand and help address this meet my commitment to always move for- Counting respiratory students, resi- issue. Completing a master’s in leadership ward.” dents of anesthesia and colleagues among and training at Royal Roads University in those she taught at Toronto Western, Victoria BC, she researched the level of crit- QUICK FACT Dunington noted, “The teaching came nat- ical thinking required by the profession urally to me. There are a lot of teachers in and, consequently, the additional compe- 100% Percentage of Respiratory my family, going back hundreds of years, so tencies Michener needed to emphasize. Therapy graduates employed within I guess it’s in my genes.” “Now,” Dunington notes, “We are three months of graduation from After four years at Toronto Western, looking for, and encouraging, critical think- their program at Michener Dunington moved to the then just-opened ing skills from semester one — things like Source: Michener Fact Book 2004" Credit Valley hospital, where she was reflection and communication.” Not only is

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STUDENT PROFILE Corinne Rixon A perfect four


er 4.0 GPA has circulate flyers on the human papilloma received the Government of Canada virus (HPV). The flyers, which Rixon has Volunteer of the Year award. The accolade earned her half a distributed at her own expense in a number acknowledged the twins’ contribution to dozen awards, three of Ontario universities, informs young Habitat for Humanity. of which she earned women about the risks and prevention of Rixon intends to sign up again as a volun- H this sexually transmitted disease. teer with Habitat once she finishes her studies. last year at Michener. But “During my first placement at MDS But instead of working in the organization’s Corinne Rixon is more than Laboratories, I noticed that we were diagnosing supply store as she has done in the past, she young girls – some as young as 13 – with now wants to tackle the much tougher job of just an intelligent brain; her HPV,” recalls Rixon, who holds an honours building homes for families in need. philanthropic projects are degree in biological science from the “I always maintain that it is better to give . “That got me thinking than receive,” says Rixon, “and have found that scoring her high marks too. about doing something to educate young life is more fulfilling when I’m helping others.” women on HPV so they can make Rixon is also looking forward to working Corinne Rixon’s childhood was rich with informed decisions.” full-time in the field of cytology. Last lessons in art, swimming, figure-skating, Rixon is quick to point out that Her October, she began her seven-month-long gymnastics, karate, golf. But the lesson that HPV campaign was not a one-woman show; clinical placement with the London Health had the greatest impact on Rixon and her Eileen McDonald, an instructor at Michener, Sciences Centre in London, Ontario. siblings was one taught by her parents. gave Rixon “a lot of help and guidance.” “They taught us the importance of having Rixon was also lucky to get help editing So where does she go from there? a strong work ethic in anything we did,” and distributing the flyer from a person who “Wherever I can find a job,” says Rixon. says Rixon, who graduated this year from knows her and her work almost as well as “That could be in a hospital or a private lab Michener’s advanced diploma program in she does: her identical twin sister, Victoria. – anywhere where I can continue to learn. Diagnostic Cytology. “When I got my first “She’s in the same program as me at I’ve always been a very curious person and job, my dad said ‘you have to work hard at Michener and we also took biology together this field allows me to ask a lot of questions .” this.’ And through university, I worked two at the University of Windsor,” says Rixon. Given her record of academic excellence jobs to put myself through school.” “In fact, our (grade point) averages are very and civic involvement, Rixon would have Rixon’s hard-working ethic, combined similar.” flourished at any educational institution. But with her innate intelligence and driving The HPV flyer was not the first time she’s glad she found her way to Michener. curiosity, has not gone unrecognized – or Rixon has worked to help others; she has “At Michener, you're placed right from unrewarded. Since 1998, she has received been volunteering since 1999 for such the beginning into such a welcoming learning half a dozen awards and scholarships, three organizations as Habitat for Humanity, environment where the teachers are so of which she earned last year at Michener. Canadian Red Cross and the Erie Wildlife supportive and totally passionate about Rixon’s perfect grade point average of 4.0 Rescue, where she took care of injured what they do,” says Rixon. “I think won her the Dr. Hugh Curry Diagnostic racoons, deer, foxes and even vultures. Michener helped to shape me into the per- Cytology scholarship and the Dr. Clarence Rixon also helped raise funds for son I am today.” Redekop Memorial scholarship. Transition to Betterness, an organization in “It was a shock,” Rixon says of her awards. Windsor, Ontario, that works to make hos- QUICK FACT “I feel very honoured to have received them.” pital stays more bearable for cancer patients 100% Percentage of Diagnostic Michener also gave Rixon its Zonta by transforming their rooms into cosier, Cytology Michener grads that were Club of Toronto Diagnostic Cytology homelier spaces. successful in their Provincial and/or scholarship in recognition of her efforts to Like her academic achievements, National Certification Examinations advance the health of women. Last year, Rixon’s philanthropic efforts have not gone Source: Michener Fact Book 2004 Rixon took it upon herself to create and unnoticed. In 2000, she and Victoria both

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Alumni Association Michener Alumni Association Annual Report Board of Directors

B Y C AROL D. MARTIN, BSC, MLT, ART, FCSMLS(D) Chair, Michener Alumni Association Board of Directors (2003-2005) Executive

Sean McCluskey he Alumni Association is an active group of individuals Nuclear Medicine Technology ‘92 who serve in an advisory and supportive role and are Chair Teresa Salzmann, committed to helping Michener create opportunities for Chiropody ‘90 Tlifelong relationships between graduates and the Vice Chair Carol Martin Michener community. Below are a few of the activities and Charles Sturt University ‘99 accomplishments of the Association over the past 16 months: Past Chair

Members The redesign and re-launch of Michener 222 Magazine for Alumni & Friends with a greater emphasis on alumni achievements and activities. Stephen Chu Chiropody ‘06 Improved management and tracking of Michener’s list of graduates through the purchase of a new Student Member software database. Iris-Ann Edwards Medical Laboratory Science ‘78 The new Dr. H. Allen Gardner Memorial Award in Genetics Technology was created with a Josefina Fisilovici fundraising campaign lead by Alumni Board Member Lynn Yawney. Histotechnology ‘77 A new Graduation Package was developed and distributed to new graduates to welcome each of Jane Hilton Medical Laboratory Science ‘79 them to the Michener Alumni Association. Each package contained information about services Karyn Holowaty and benefits for graduates. Respiratory Therapy ‘05 Student Member A new recruitment package was prepared for graduates who are interested in joining the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Michelle Lau Radiation Therapy ‘02

The Alumni Association sponsored a professional development seminar for graduates entitled Hollin Ng “Handling Difficult Conversations” as well as sessions for current students on “Interviewing and Radiation Therapy ‘02 Resume Writing.” Christine Nielsen Medical Laboratory Science ‘97 The Alumni Association sponsored the first Alumni of Distinction Awards recognizing one indi- Tracy Scott, vidual in 2003 (Lindsay Campbell, Medical Laboratory Science ’69) and three individuals in Respiratory Therapy ‘97

2004 (Betty Ann Clark, Medical Laboratory Technology ’70; Rossana Magnotta, Medical Andrea Wilson, Laboratory Science ’73; and Neena Kanwar, Nuclear Medicine ’81). Respiratory Therapy ‘07 Student Member Members of the Board of Directors raised money for the Alumni Association Scholarship that is Jennifer Woodbeck available to graduates and/or their children. Two awards of $500 each were distributed. Respiratory Therapy ‘02 The Michener Alumni Association conducted a successful graduation framing program for new Lynn Yawney Medical Laboratory Science ‘75 graduates and sold Michener branded clothing and merchandise to support alumni programs and Cytogenetics ‘89 services Ex-Officio The TD Meloche Monnex Student Alumni Award of $750 to support students in their final year was created with the support of Michener’s long time affinity partner TD Meloche Monnex. Ken Aucoin Dir., Development & Alumni Affairs

Susan M. Bloxsom A full copy of the latest Alumni Association Annual Report is available from the Development & Mgr., Annual Fund & Stewardship Alumni Affairs Office by sending an email to [email protected]. Secretary

Spring 2005 15 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:45 PM Page 16

Help Us Honour Michener Alumni Association our Graduates! Who we are and what we do. ALUMNI OF

he Alumni Affairs activities of The Michener Institute began in DISTINCTION 1997 with the creation of the organization’s first Alumni Association of The Michener Institute for Applied Health 2005 TSciences. A constitution was drafted that outlined the role of the association in engaging Michener graduates in the life of the institution. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

This is your opportunity to honour the graduates of Michener (and its precur- The Alumni Association’s Alumni Benefits sor the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology) who have excelled in their purpose as identified in and Services careers and have demonstrated com- its constitution is: mitment to their communities. We invite A FREE subscription to the Michener 222 you to nominate individuals that you To provide lifelong relationships among Alumni Magazine. members and an ongoing connection to feel are deserving of this special Free listings in the “Alumni Happenings” The Michener Institute. award. section of the Michener 222 Alumni To assist in the continuous develop- Magazine. ment and growth of The Michener Criteria: Send us an email to [email protected] Institute and the Association A graduate of Michener or the if you are trying to contact one of your for- Toronto Institute of Medical To unite members and students and mer classmates. Technology. foster a sense of pride in, and commu- Preferred group rates on insurance from our nity with, The Michener Institute. A graduate who has brought alumni affinity partners Meloche Monnex honour to Michener through To build partnerships and act a resource (www.melochemonnex.com/michener) or for faculty, administration, students Canada Life (1-800-387-0649). significant achievement in and employers. his/her career and/ or through Volunteer opportunities! Join the Alumni outstanding service to Michener To act as ambassadors advancing the Association Board. and/or his/her discipline and/or interests of The Michener Institute and Exclusive membership to The Michener the healthcare community. enhance its prestige in local, national, Institute’s Learning Resource Centre – and international communities Is respected by his/her peers includes borrowing privileges for books, To participate in raising funds and journals, CD-ROMs, videos, slides and and/or is an ambassador for encourage alumni financial support more. Just $50/year. For more information Michener and the community. through gifts, endowments, scholar- call (416) 596-3123 or visit www.michen- ships and/or student aid. er.ca/lrc Awarded annually in November, the To provide a voice for issues and con- Invitations to Michener events throughout Alumni of Distinction Awards offer cerns in the health and education sec- the year such as the Career Fair and Open an exciting opportunity, not only to tors and secure representation where House honour some deserving people, but appropriate. also to call the public's attention to Trying to hire a Michener student or recent the vital role Michener/ Toronto To develop and promote services and graduate? Send us your job posting and we other opportunities for members that will circulate them to members of the Institute of Medical Technology grad- will support and benefit them. Michener community. uates play in Canadian health care. To facilitate opportunities for members Enjoy 24 hour access to Michener’s fitness Deadline for 2005 submission: to participate in career days, job fairs, facilities starting from the low price of JULY 29, 2005 reunions, graduations, research and $180/year. For more information email us at employment opportunities, etc., both Nominate a Michener graduate for our locally and internationally. [email protected] annual Alumni of Distinction or visit our web site at Awards....and much more! www.michener.ca/alumni

16 Michener 222 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 17 Remember When? From the Michener archives

Spring 2005 17 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 18

Michener’s first Annual Fund campaign was a success with over $40,000 in donations for stu- dent scholarships and other initiatives. We are 2004 Michener extremely proud of our Alumni and friends for being so generous. Gifts to support the Michener Annual Fund can be made online at www.CanadaHelps.org keywords: “Michener Annual Fund Institute”, by phone at 416-596-3101, ext. 3375 or by mailing your cheque to We Asked and You Gave! Thank You! Development Office, 222 St. Patrick Street, Rm 548, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1V4.

Thank You! To Donors to the 2004 Annual Fund Campaign from April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2005

Leaders Circle Malcolm & Meredith Rudolf James Gerlach David N. Nykolaychuk ($1,000 or more) Silver William Gowman Raymond T. Okamoto WWR International Wanita Gray Kathleen Olden-Powell Ken Aucoin May Louise Griffiths- Anne Margaret Oldham Lindsay Campbell Friends Club Turner Jennifer Grace O'Neill Tim Colfe & Cecelia ($100 - $499) Mary Hansell Alfonso Jennifer Payton Cheryl Lyn Harrison Anne Raby Gwen Dubois-Wing Nagina Abbasi Walter S. Hawrylyshyn Patricia Anne Redpath- Edward Street Radiology Minda Agpalo Robert N Heath Plater Associates Shaheed Ali Chris Helyar Sharon Reid Dr. Paul Gamble Apple-Med X-Ray and US Ingrid Hoehne Monica Anne Reilly Gamma-Dynacare Applied Imaging Medical Laboratories Terrence Hsia Susan Ritchie Jeanine Louise Baker Jonathan & Claudia Anthea Mary Hurtubise Vernon Robertshaw Gilles Blouin Gardner & Family Linda Hutchens- Susan Robertson Karen Breen-Reid Zita Gardner & Family Richmond Margaret Cathy Robinson Sheldon I. Bumstead Michael Garvey Pheodora Hutchinson Gillian & David Ronald Burns Michael Hertzman & Joel Maureen Johnstone Rosenberg & Family Cynthia Welton (left) receives her 2004 scholarship from Ulster & Family Erin Butash Brian F. Kain Catherine Mary Paula Burns, Chair of Therapeutics. Dr. Winston Isaac Cherilyn Carman James Kerr Rowlands Dr. Renate Krakauer Jeanette Heather Harry Joseph Kleiman Anthony Sanfilippo Carpenter Dr. Andrew MacRae & Angela Korwan Kathleen Genita Sayeau " Margaret Anne Carter Family Gail Langley Tracy Scott s a scholarship recipient at Gary Cassidy A Rossana Magnotta Marie-Claude Larose J. Bradley Sinclair Cara Chambers Michener, I am truly grateful for the Bill D. Martin Joan Laurie Colin Small Ellen Charkot support that helped me to complete Michener Students Rick Leiskau Carolin Smart Joyce Clitheroe Michener Students Daina E. Lougheed Peter Snodgrass my Respiratory Therapy program. I Council Debbie Cohen-Benudiz Robert MacKenzie Wendy Sutton am currently completing my clinical Jennifer O'Leary Cook (Canada) Inc Lynda Marie Major Karim Taher The Orthotic Group Elaine Cooper placement and expect to graduate in Debbie E. Maki Moreen Tapper Dr. Mary Preece Cameron Craft 2005. I am very excited to begin my Carolyn Anne Maloney Judith Thorel Dr. Diana & Mr. Roy Christine Marie Cursio Carol Diane Martin John Traill professional career in health care and Schatz Stefan Cwikowski Julio Martinez Dr. Murray Treloar want to thank everyone who gave Diane & Gary Shiffman Trent Dark Vickie A. Mee Amit H. Trivedi The Zonta Club of Toronto Raymond Decarie and continue to give donations to Michener Alumni Peter Vandierendonck Susan Dunington Association Vivianne Vatavalis support Michener students like Chair’s Club Jeanette Fabris-Brimble Shaun Milo (in memory of myself.” ($500 - $999) Basile Vatavalis) Gloria Fess Carol Ann Minshall Linda Rosanne Flatt Jessica Walsh Catherine Cragg Christopher Molloy Peter Fong Andrew Wannan Cynthia Welton Drax Image Inc. Brenda Monahan Kim Suzanne Frederick- Lai Ling Wat Respiratory Therapy ’05 John Hardy Carol Morgan Reid Diane Williams Drs. John & Margaret Keith Morley Robert Gardner & Terry David T. Williams MacAulay Sandra Elizabeth Murphy Salnick Lynn Yawney TD Meloche Monnex Chantal Newby Anna Georgiou Thank You! 18 Michener 222 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/14/05 9:57 AM Page 19

MICHENER NEWS Important Michener’s Michener Program Dates to Chiropody Program Facilitator Named Remember: Michener has announced a one-year sus- Educator of the Year pension of the Chiropody Program intake beginning in Sept. '05. During this time, July 29, 2005 Michener will work with stakeholder com- Claire Lightfoot, Michener Diabetes Deadline for Nominations for 2005 munities, including Chiropody alumni, to Educator Program facilitator was named Alumni of Distinction redesign the curriculum to better reflect the Diabetes Educator of the Year by the competency profile for the scope of practice Canadian Diabetes Association at the CDA September 20, 2005 of Chiropodists in Ontario. A one-day con- Conference in Quebec City in October The Michener Institute Annual sultation is currently being planned by 2004. LifeScan Canada Ltd., a major cor- General Meeting Michener. To receive an invitation, please porate partner of Michener’s Diabetes The Michener Auditorium contact Lori Socket at [email protected] Educator Graduate Certificate Program, is or (416) 596-3101, ext. 3062. the sponsor of this annual CDA award. November 23, 2005 In addition, the Ontario Society of Claire facilitates workshops in from 5:00 to 7:00pm Chiropodists is holding an Information Vancouver, B.C., is a program tutor and Student Awards and 2005 Alumni of Forum to be held on Friday, June 17, 2005 author of one of the Michener program’s Distinction Ceremony from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Villa Colombo, 40 learning modules. Another facilitator and Schatz Hall, The Michener Institute Playfair Avenue in Toronto. Speakers include tutor, Joan Erickson, Naramata, B.C. was Paula Burns (Michener); Felecia Smith awarded the Distinguished Diabetes November 17 (evening) & 18 (day), 2005 (College of Chiropodists); and Barbara Hall Educator Section (DES) Volunteer Award for Michener Open House (Ont. Ministry of Health). Info: 905-567- her contributions over the years to the DES 3094 or toll free 1-877-823-1508. of the CDA. October 1, 2005 Michener Graduation Ceremony Metro Toronto Convention Centre Michener Trivia Contest! April 5, 2006 Michener’s Career Fair WIN For more information call a new 416-596-3101 or Toll free 1-800-387-9066 Michener Wear hoodie! Contest Winner! Go to www.michener.ca/triviacontest, select your answers to five multiple choice trivia questions and hit the “submit” button. In the case of multiple winners, names will be put into a draw to establish the final winner. Enter now to win! The five questions are:

The winner of the photo trivia contest in 1. In what year did the first graduation of Michener students (formerly the last issue (Fall 2004) of Michener 222 known as the Toronto Institute of Medical Technology) take place? was Medical Laboratory Sciences faculty 2. What percentage of Michener students have either completed their member Nancy McBride. An honorary university degree or have some university or college education before mention to Kim Sutton for “most creative” entering into their Michener program? entry! To read Nancy McBride’s winning submission on how one of Toronto’s finest 3. What is the name of the person who was awarded Michener’s first found themselves parked on Michener’s Honourary Diploma? front stairs one nice sunny day go to 4. How far does human blood travel per day on its journey through www.michener.ca/alumni. Special thanks the body? to our contest judge Eileen Crane from 5. What year was the Michener Alumni Association formed? Michener’s Centre for Continuing Professional Education!

Spring 2005 19 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 20

Please help us update our alumni records in anticipation of our Missing Links upcoming 50th anniversary!

Cardiovascular Perfusion Class of Jane Marie Duyvestyn 1978 Jennifer Nash 1993 Rumina Ramzanal Kassam 1982 Rachelle Hodinka 1993 Debra Ann Maves 1991 Danny Yu Wong 1978 Cathy Lynn Irvine 1981 Anita Philips 1993 Alexander Kotzeff 1982 Chantal Landry 1993 Bonnie Anne McMaster 1991 Michael Cornelis Maas 1980 Marguerite Challis 1982 Aniz Ahmed 1997 Dianne Lait 1982 Michelle A. Doughty 1994 John Francis Morton 1991 Nancy Ruth Slater 1980 Pearl Jade Toy 1983 Francis Ramses Alvar Tan 1997 Bohdan Maxymiw 1982 Salima Keshvani 1994 Lillian Grace Novachis 1991 Harold Eckhard Entz 1981 Lorie Elizabeth Colvin 1984 Lavern Bourne 1999 Susan Elizabeth Near 1982 Jeff A. Mainland 1994 Helen Lorraine Ouellette 1991 Bill Francis O'Reilly 1981 Karen June McNeil 1984 Dorotea Lombardi 1999 Sofiya Yovanic 1982 Camellia A. McEwen 1994 Steve Polgar 1991 Graham Walsh 1981 Jane Elizabeth Cox 1985 Tracey Sanders 1999 Mary-Jo Bathe 1983 Georgette Morrison 1994 Jenny Lynne Stark 1991 Christopher James Assad 1984 Lynda Anne Wilson 1985 Amrita Saini 2000 Martin Goldstein 1983 Mehjabeen Furreedan 1996 Donna Gale Wood 1991 Leslie Wayne Dodman 1984 Marion Nell Byce 1986 Julie Agnew 2002 Stephen Lourie 1983 Shenaaz Hamir 1996 Richard Chung 1992 Gilbert Romeo Joseph Lavallee 1984 Phyllis Laderoute 1986 Ursula Mullane 1983 Liisa Neff 1996 Joseph Correia 1992 Wifred John Swyer 1984 Martina Vesely 1986 Medical Laboratory Class of Paula Spencer 1983 Trudi Wood 1996 Richard Dobis 1992 Michael Bryan 1985 Marilyn Calman 1987 Technology Murray Davis 1984 Tracie Draffin 1997 Dayna Goossens 1992 Guy Michael Ferraccioli 1985 Rajan George Bhatti 1988 Sharon L. Wilson 1975 Ivana Dunn 1984 Kane Szeto 1997 David Jose 1992 Stephen James Harwood 1985 Karan Anne Danaher-Legat 1988 Elizabeth Helena Kerkmann 1978 Richard English 1984 Melissa Harding 1999 Daryle L. Leder 1992 Theodore Lakis Zombolas 1985 Barbara Lynn Holtman 1988 Carolyn Joan Kelley 1980 Lori Higgins 1984 Danielle Maurier 1999 Marciano Torres 1992 Said Dhaif Allah 1986 Leena Rangnekar 1988 Heather Dell 1981 Elizabeth M. Jermey 1984 Lisa Samek 1999 Rita Brzeski 1993 Colin Hawksmith 1986 Jennifer Cardoso 1991 Catherine Anne Wainwright 1981 Sandra Lea Johnson 1984 Hung Tan 1999 Brian Devenyi 1993 Denis Mantei 1986 Tung Hung Cohen 1991 Jennifer Mei-Fong Au-Fong 1983 Douglas William Keiller 1984 Maribel Chung 2001 Tracy Moore 1993 Harry Mickelson 1986 Anar Lakhani 1991 Sandra Vella 1985 Nancy Kramer 1984 Daniel Hahn 2001 Stephanie Saumure 1993 Anita Poniecki 1986 Naji Al Dosari 1992 Leanne Armstrong 1986 Penny Lewis 1984 Ryan MacDonald 2001 Lesley Willox 1993 Charmaine Smith 1986 Preetha Amirtharaj 1993 Bobbie Tracey Blackwood 1986 Jean Poirier 1984 Stephanie Morrison 2001 Heather R. Baryliuk 1994 Lorrie Graf 1988 Colleen Clarke 1993 Silvana Torchia 1988 Ann Webb 1984 Rania Arabi 2002 Stacey L. Hembruff 1994 Douglas Ronald Hadfield 1988 Nadia G. Stocco 1993 Maria Ierrasi-Amenta 1991 Marla Widdifield 1984 Kearin Nadia Javed 2002 Andrea Miller 1994 Theresa Jackson 1988 Patricia Tellis 1994 Sylvia Hargittay 1998 Barry George Baker 1985 Catherine Costa 2003 Lori L. Paton 1994 Laura Marie Mastromatteo 1988 Roberta Crowther 1995 Gail Hunninck 1985 Christina Zia 2004 Rebecca Skrinjaric 1994 Reid McCormick 1988 Laurie Grierson 1995 Nuclear Medicine Class of Elizabeth Michelle Johnson 1985 Sharry Smit 1994 Hazrat Mohamed 1988 Beverly Walter 1995 Technology Kelly Keilty 1985 Radiation Therapy Class of Jocelyn Stocco 1994 Abdul Ghomraoui 1989 Brenda Johnson 1996 Patricia Ashforth 1975 Julianne Marie Lucas 1985 Lin Lu 2002 Linda Strumos 1994 Chris McCudden 1989 Laurel Sakaluk-Moody 1997 Katherine Bradley 1975 Gregg Parker 1985 Tara Nicole Musgrove 2002 Kiran Takhar 1994 Carolyn Patricia Wark 1989 Michael Budge 1975 Gregory Pritchard 1985 Chelsea Field 2003 Pamela Burns 1996 Peter Downey Allen 1990 Diagnostic Cytology Class of Karen Ruth Conley 1975 Sharyl Rundle 1985 Danitra Suraiya Maharaj 2004 Julianne Burr 1996 Patricia Anning 1990 Ata Farrokhzadi 1983 Sherry Ellison 1975 Darren Scott 1985 Christopher Haromy 1996 Patricia Anne Cohen 1990 Patricia Jean Hales 1983 Sheila Jeanne Ferguson 1975 Gerrard Silagan 1985 Radiography Class of Arun James 1996 Dianne Noel 1990 Linda Elisabeth Johler 1983 Christel Francis 1975 David Michael Slater 1985 Laura Bamsey 1990 Michael Kampen 1996 Heather Colleen Slader 1990 Liane Jean Merrett 1983 Wendy Heuts 1975 Paula Slater 1985 Dawn-Ann Bennett 1990 Steven MacKinnon 1996 Zoltan Ferenc Szlanko 1990 Rhona Catherine Morgan 1983 Alana Matson 1975 Lesley Tilley 1985 Doris Broughton 1990 Sandra Truscott 1996 Lila Allen 1992 Marcia Negin 1983 Selven Nursoo 1975 Paul Tremblay 1985 Michael Cukoff 1991 Sandra Almeida 1997 John Fedoryshyn 1992 Colleen Strong 1983 Stephen Palmer 1975 Leah Anne Young 1985 Kim Marie McDonnell 1991 Paul Michael Bochsler 1997 Jeff Merkley 1992 Janice Christine Baur 1984 Janet Melina Pollard 1975 Betty Budicky 1986 Raul Conde 1992 Carman Osbourne 1997 Christina Squires 1992 Stephen W. Cutts 1984 Donald Rickard 1975 Eugeniusz Dworecki 1986 Jennie Junta-Sharpe 1992 Joanna Witek 1997 Rene Alie 1995 Patricia Ann King 1984 Don Talley 1975 Hilary Evans 1986 Angela Parker 1992 Shelly Cormier 1998 Ronald Rodden 1995 Doreen Marley 1984 Susan Yaffe 1975 Kimberly Foley 1986 Frederik Meyering 1994 Neda Mahim 1998 Douglas Salt 1995 Christine Frances Ti Prowse 1984 Dean Boose 1977 Lucia Girardi 1986 Bilal Dimassi 1996 Jill Turner 1998 Andrea Corrigan 1997 Marie Gustafson 1985 Gary Brook 1977 David Scott McLaughlin 1986 Margaret Adsetts 1997 Tracy Walsh 1998 Alan Daly 1997 Rakhshinder Parmar 1985 Denyse Brousseau 1977 Rebecca Moynan 1986 Sara Assor 1997 Stephanie Davies 1999 Philip Fernandes 1997 Rhonda Williamson 1986 Aldo Covelli 1977 Lorelei Rak 1986 Kelly L. Bradshaw 1997 Ross Freedman 1999 Chantal Lachapelle 1997 Linda Louise Bissett 1987 Peter Hogendoorn 1977 Sandra Sherrard 1986 Li Beng Khaw 1998 Dean Della Ventura 2000 Darryl Lem 1997 Shelley Burton 1987 Naila Kassam 1977 Joanne Marie Shewan 1986 Jennifer Lambie 2000 Kristin A. Dinsdale 2000 Brian Henley 1998 Janice Hunter 1987 Zulfikarali Lalani 1977 Janice Stephenson 1986 Mei Sheung (May) Liu 2000 Catherine Forsythe 2001 Christine J. Hay-McKay 1999 Nikolaos Veriotes 1987 Ben Miadovnik 1977 Anne Gloria Arsenault 1987 Antoinette Craig 2001 Ashley Smith 2001 John Fraser 2000 Pamela Gutcher 1988 George Ntoukas 1977 Tania Carew 1987 Galina Shteynberg 2001 Tiffany Labadie 2003 Melanie Picard 2000 David Lee 1988 Julie Page 1977 Roberta Caron 1987 Ana Valenzuela 2001 Jennifer Scott 2003 Christopher Douglas 2002 Lisa Shelley 1988 Katherine Lucille Richmond-Cox 1977 Michael Hearty 1987 Jennifer Wood 1988 Andrew Rivett 1977 Annette Jansson 1987 Radiological Technology Class of Ultrasound Class of Chiropody Class of Monique Gauvin 1989 Darlene Patricia Wailes 1977 Michele Alane Johnston 1987 Lena Bell 1990 Sheena Margaret Gordon 1990 Dolores Maria Ventura 1985 Carol Lloyd 1989 Heather Wharram 1977 Mary Elizabeth Obercian 1987 Andre Sabongui 1990 David James Leigh 1990 Gabriela Bolzonello-Crosby 1989 Edythe Marlatt 1990 Edward Cheung 1978 Margaret Elaine Prins 1987 Sheri Lee Stewart 1990 Jadwiga Reiss 1991 Mary Ellen Kennedy-Mitchell 1989 Lidia Pawlisz-Siek 1990 Gail Kaill 1978 Sandra Stern 1987 Frederick Lennox Cameron 1991 Anne-Marie Messier 1994 Nancy Kukucska 1989 Yury Borisovich Brandt 1991 Judith Katz 1978 Christine Young 1987 Debbie DiLella 1991 Ilknur Gunes 1996 Joseph La Voie 1989 Katharine Marjory MacLeod 1991 Gary Morrissey 1978 Linda Bjorkman 1988 Mircea-Gheorghe Gorun 1991 Firoozeh Nooraini 1996 Carol Lorraine Maitland 1989 Deborah Anne Proctor 1991 Paul Purves 1978 Cheryl Chase 1988 David Nelson 1991 Liisa Neff 1997 Jeffrey Wilson 1989 Peter Slobodzian 1991 Richard Ross 1978 Harold Hyungil Kim 1988 Thomas Tai 1991 Sara Assor 1998 Monique Haslip 1990 Sunita Tayal-Gupta 1992 Paula Maria Wilson 1978 Minna Johanna Manerus 1988 Jagjit Dhanju 1992 Li Beng Khaw 1998 Kelley Johnston 1990 Paula Wilson 2000 William Brown 1979 Sue Sarlos 1988 Cromwell Leach 1992 Sangeeta Minhas 1998 Steven McGillivray 1990 Badry Kashefi 2001 Peter Corcoran 1979 May Aung 1989 Verinderjit Jitey Assi 1993 Amanda Sharpe 1998 Catherine Pluta 1990 Imrana Ashraf 2003 Monica Eppinger 1979 Pamela Douglas 1989 Nathalie Machabee 1993 Sonia Welsh 1998 Monika Reiter 1990 Iris Gayne 1979 Arturo Garcia-Uceda 1989 Abed Tabesh 1993 David Mahloko 2001 Audrey Young 1990 Genetics Technology Class of Zora Kriz 1979 Donna Melody McDonald 1989 Lishan L. Yao 1993 Jabulani Sibanda 2001 Pamela Brown-Vezeau 1991 Ghazala Bhatti 2000 Donald Kurl 1979 Karim Jafferali Ratansi 1989 Carla D. Brown 1994 Matlhomola Tsagae 2001 Mike Doherty 1991 Donna Maybury 2000 David Gerry Laffradi 1979 Edwina Mary Dena Thomas 1989 Nella Condari 1994 Svetlana Ovchinnikova 2002 Ian Wilson 1992 Kevin Macdonald 2001 Karen Moffatt 1979 Gillian Tao-Yin Wan 1989 Allison Livingstone 1994 Syed Shafiqui Alam 2003 Stephanie Burns 1993 Carolyn Mains 2001 Monika Pannozzo 1979 Catherine Clark 1990 Jacqueline Ehlert 1996 Kimberley Cadham 2003 Tracy Kyle 1993 Vanessa Warwick 2001 Donna Reid 1979 Shawn Fitzgerald 1990 Amanda Sharpe 1996 Rezaul Ameen Ferdousee 2003 Dawn-Marie Ascott 1995 Fariba Bozorg 2002 Parvin Abdulali 1980 Edward Nitz 1990 Monika Sitarz 1996 Debashish Ganguly 2003 Greg J. Lawrence 1995 Farrah Norton 2002 Robert Chamberlain 1980 Lori Phaneuf 1990 Hanna Warren 1996 Assma Hashmi 2003 Sylvia Kovari 1996 Karen Persad 2002 Daniela Filice 1980 Michael Randall Bruns 1991 Sangeeta Minhas 1997 Nazmin Hossain 2003 Anamelva Revoredo 1996 Andrew Deck 2003 Jacqueline Ann Hutton 1980 Eileen Elizabeth Burns 1991 Kathleen Cornick 1998 Nurul Islam 2003 Natasha Glodon-Lewis 1997 Shamaila Rahman 2003 Sandra Kodama 1980 Douglas Edward Clinton 1991 Denise McBain 1998 Sarwat Jabeen 2003 Steven-John Harris 1997 Catherine Maklak 1980 Mary Dalipaj 1991 Sung Kyu Huh 1999 Humayun Kabir 2003 Vanessa Pontet 1997 Medical Laboratory Science Class of Janis Elizabeth Phillips 1980 Jason Christopher Leroux 1991 Anna Tiro 1999 Rakibul Hassan Matin 2003 Cristol Smyth 1998 Karen Campbell 1989 Dawn Pray 1980 Leeza Anne Mathew 1991 Christine Wojtusiak 1999 Shailendra Kumar Mitra 2003 Katherine Avraam 1999 Kathy Lee 1989 Samira Shivji 1980 Nicola Barbara Mathias 1991 Fahmida Nutan 2002 Mohd. Toufikul Muneem 2003 James Beard 1999 Shirley Szeto 1989 Marylou Soluk 1980 Lisa Marie Sharpe 1991 Ying Ying Du 2003 Shahidur Rahman 2003 Mueen Mahmoud 1999 Monique Von Wiedner 1989 Ellen Sonshine 1980 Zeinul Reumtulla Somani 1991 Devjani Sanyal 2003 Bahirathan Vivekanantharajah 1999 Shannon Colleen Walsh 1989 Yolanda Steenhof 1980 Aisha Farukh Hussain Syed 1991 Respiratory Therapy Class of Debby Sisson 2003 Marcy Cowan 2000 Cheryl Bronstein 1990 Jyotika Badiani 1981 Julia Agro 1992 Frederick Cashin 1990 Valeriy Strokach 2003 Ann-Marie Dennis 2001 Andrew Crosbie 1990 Sherry Carpenter 1981 Roxanne Forget 1992 Andrew Cheeatow 1990 Jagadish Proshad Agarwalla 2004 Susan Hall 2001 Valentina Konstantopoulos 1990 Tasnim Habib 1981 Lolita Fortin 1992 Sharon Ho 1990 Makhsudul Alam 2004 Omar Qureshi 2001 Teresa Pui-Shan Lau 1991 Janet Hofstee 1981 Salima Ladak-Kachra 1992 Deena Severin 1990 Jahanara Arzu 2004 Adnan Rayan 2003 Robert Sharp 1991 Partricia Lynn Kolesar 1981 Robert Lim 1992 Pamela Shaw 1990 Rezina Ashraf 2004 Karen Thompson 1991 Monica Augusta Phillips 1981 Karen Mross 1992 Michael Titchner 1990 Tandra Biswas 2004 Cytogenetics Class of Susan Czarnik 1992 Wendy Zalucki 1981 Brian Pavlich 1992 Paulette Vautour 1990 Bibhuti Bhushan Das 2004 Virginia Frances Cuttress 1973 Shirley Fung 1992 Ronald Burke 1982 Marlene Rohrer 1992 Terry Cooke 1991 Akramul Islam 2004 Hope Marian Anderson 1974 Linda Wakenhut 1992 Tamara Ann De Sousa 1982 Albert Ter-Tovmasyan 1992 Mary German 1991 Golam Sarwar 2004 Jane Margaret Cass 1974 Faisal Wallani 1992 Sharon Marie Henderson 1982 Melissa Bromley 1993 Kumudini Michele Hollis 1991 Sufia Sultana 2004 Maureen Colgan 1978 Kathy Anne Lambert 1993 Alan Peter Iskiw 1982 Ripal Gandhi 1993 Gilbert Ka Chun Kcomt 1991 Marcus Duncan 2004

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Spring 2005 21 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 22 Alumni Happenings

The Perfusion Team end us your at the Montreal announcements Children’s Hospital: and we’ll print First in its class! Its three clinical perfu- S them to let the sionists were at the top Michener community of their graduating class and received the top know what’s happening mark at their certifica- with our graduates. Email tion exam in 2000, 2003 and 2004. to [email protected] The Clinical Perfusion Department at the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH) of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) is proud to announce that neonates up to adolescents afflicted with its latest addition to the team Mr. congenital heart disease, necessitating Armindo Fernandes (Cardiovascular open-heart surgery. In addition, the team Perfusion ’03), received the Alec Thorpe is trained and has the equipment to per- award at the Canadian Cardiovascular form and assist with neonatal and pedi- Congress in Calgary on October 26th atric extracorporeal life support, research, 2004. This award is granted annually to mechanical ventricular assist device the top result in the national certification implantation, cryoablation for arrythmo- examination of the Canadian Society of genic pathways, platelet gel, peri-operative Clinical Perfusion. Furthermore, Mr. autotransfusion and neonatal/pediatric Patrick Nellis, Respiration Therapy ’01 Fernandes received the gold medal in heart transplantation. As a matter of fact, And his wife, Tanya Melykuty, became the 2003 for academic achievement from the last month, the first neonatal heart trans- very proud parents of a little girl, Nicole, Michener Institute’s Cardiovascular plantation in the province of Quebec was born September 19th, 2003. Perfusion program. The Perfusion Team’s conducted at the MCH. The pediatric Patrick is currently enjoying working as other two perfusionists, Mr. Eric perfusion team also provides and receives a Respiratory Therapist in the operating Laliberté (Cardiovascular Perfusion assistance from its colleagues at the adult room at University Health Network. He has ’99), Chief of the Clinical Perfusion clinical sites of the MUHC. been trained and certified to provide con- Department, and Mr. Christos Calaritis The MCH Perfusion Department is scious sedation as part of an Anesthesia (Cardiovascular Perfusion ’02), also proud to be an accredited pediatric train- Assistant role at UHN where he is also a received these two awards in 1999-2000 ing center for the Michener Institute member of the Allied Health Research and 2002-2003, respectively. We are also Cardiovascular Perfusion Program. The Committee. Patrick has also completed the very proud to mention that the MCH per- team is regularly involved in many in-hos- Anesthesia Technology program offered by fusion team was named the Canadian pital, local, regional, provincial and Michener and in the fall of 2004, he co- Perfusion Team of the year 2002 for their national committees that promote the car- chaired the UHN United Way Campaign, outstanding patient care provided for little diovascular perfusion profession in which raised over $130,000 for local social miracle, Émile Jutras, first Canadian child Quebec and in Canada. and health programs. Since the fall of 2003, to receive a pediatric mechanical heart; On this Centennial celebration of the Patrick has been teaching on a part-time The Berlin Heart. Montreal Children’s Hospital, everyone basis with Michener’s Access and Options The MCH is a tertiary pediatric car- can be proud of the accomplishment of Program for Internationally Trained Health diovascular center serving the province of this exceptional perfusion team. Care Professionals and recently joined the Quebec and occasionally receives referrals board of the Respiratory Therapy Society of from other Canadian provinces. Submitted by The Perfusion Team of the Montreal Ontario as Chair of the Anesthesia The MCH perfusion team is trained Children’s Hospital Assistants Special Interest Group. to perform cardiopulmonary bypass on

22 Michener 222 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 23

Congratulations The Michener Fay-Meling von Moltke Pao, Jasmine Sufi and Ellice Yang, all Acupuncture ’04 Institute Alumni Association Scholarship award recipients of 2004, Are proud to announce the opening of their Kathleen Olden-Powell (Respiratory Therapy new Acupuncture Clinic at Yonge & ’80) & Tracy Scott (RespiratoryTherapy ’97). Eglinton in Toronto, ON. They offer relax- The $500 awards were presented to Kathleen ing amenities, natural therapies, attentive and Tracy at Michener’s Student Awards and service and clinical excellence in promoting health and well-being. Come see us! Alumni of Distinction Ceremony on Mika Nonoyama, Respiratory Therapy ‘97 AcuHealthCentre: 2401 Yonge St, Suite November 24, 2004. Kathleen also received Married Tim Bishop August 28, 2004 in #214, Toronto, ON M4P 3H1 the $750 TD Meloche Monnex Alumni Toronto. They first met on a blind date on the www.acuhealthcentre.com • www.acupao.com Scholarship. rear entrance steps of The Michener Institute. contact: [email protected] and Additionally Mika is now working on her PhD [email protected] Joseph Perri, Medical Laboratory at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at Science (MLS) Class of 2005, the University of Toronto. Was selected to receive a $500 scholarship from the Canadian Society for Medical Kim Chrisztopulosz, Genetics Laboratory Science (CSMLS) through their Technology ’03 student scholarship program. The award Was recently featured in an article published recognizes Joe's academic achievements, his March 15, 2005 in the ‘Era Banner’, a leadership qualities, potential for success in Metroland Community newspaper in the profession, and his community activi- Ontario. The article wrote of Kim’s impres- ties. Joe is currently completing his clinical sive accomplishments including her many year at Lakeridge Health Corporation in fundraising efforts for breast cancer. To read Tracey Darlington, Respiratory Oshawa. On behalf of everyone at the full article, please visit the website: Therapy 1996 and Rajesh Sharma, Michener, congratulations, Joe! www.yorkregion.com. Respiratory Therapy 1994 Are delighted to announce that they were married on August 21, 2004.

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Spring 2005 23 MI1155_Mich222_spring05.qxd 4/12/05 3:46 PM Page 24

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