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421136 1 En Bookbackmatter 229..393 Appendix A Formative Elements for Wisconsin Soils in Soil Taxonomy Taxonomic level Formative element Meaning Orders -alf Alfisols -ent Entisols -ist Histosols -ept Inceptisols -oll Mollisols -od Spodosols -ult Ultisols Suborders aqu Aquic conditiions (wet) fibr Fibric organic materials (least decomposed) fluv Floodplain hem Hemic organic materials (intermediate in decomposition) orth Central concept psamm Sandy textures sapr Sapric organic materials (most decomposed) ud Udic soil-moisture class (never dry for >90 cumulative days or >45 consecutive days) ust Ustic soil-moisture class (dry for >180 cumulative days or >90 consecutive days) Great groups Alb Contains an albic € horizon Arg Contains an argillic (Bt) horizon Dystr Base saturation <60% Endo Saturated from below Epi Saturated from above Eutr Base saturation >60% Fluv Floodplain Fragi Contains a fragipan (Bx) horizon Gloss Contains a glossic (E/B, B/E) horizon Hapl Minimum horizon development Hum Presence of organic matter Pale Excessive development Psamm Sandy texture Quartzi Quartz-rich Sphagno From Sphagnum mosses Ud Udic soil-moisture class (never dry for >90 cumulative days or >45 consecutive days) (continued) © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 229 J.G. Bockheim and A.E. Hartemink, The Soils of Wisconsin, World Soils Book Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52144-2 230 Appendix A: Formative Elements for Wisconsin Soils in Soil Taxonomy (continued) Taxonomic level Formative element Meaning Subgroup Aeric Aeration Alfic Contains argillic (Bt) horizon Aquertic Intergrade with Aquerts Aquic Aquic conditions Aquollic Intergrade with Aquolls Arenic Sandy materials 50–100 cm thick Chromic High chroma Cumulic Thickened epipedon Dystric Low base saturation Entic Least developed of a great group Fluvaquentic Intergrade with Fluvaquents Fluventic Floodplain Fragic Contains a fragipan (Bx) horizon Glossic Contains a glossic (E/B, B/E) horizon Haplic Sequentially the last subgroup within a great group Hemic Hemic organic materials Histic Histic properties Humaqueptic Intergrade with Humaquepts Humic Presence of organic matter Inceptic Intergrade to Inceptisols Lamellic Presence of lamellae (fine-textured bands) Limnic Presence of a limnic layer Lithic Bedrock with 50–100 cm of surface Mollic Contains a mollic epipedon Oxyaquic Seasonal high water table Pachic A thick epipedon Psammentic Intergrade with Psamments Terric Mineral layer within 50 cm of surface Thapto A buried soil Typic Central concept Udollic Intergrades with Udolls Ultic An argillic horizon with 200 cm of the surface Umbric Presence of an umbric epipedon Vertic Presence of cracks Appendix B Soil-Forming Factors, Wisconsin Soil Series Soil series Area Soil depth Drainage Slope Parent material Parent material Vegetation (km2) class class (%) (surface) (subsurface) ABBAYE 11 MD MWD 1–70 Till L/ss bedrock Bedrock NHW-H ABSCO 236 VD MWD 0–3 Alluvium, S, L Alluvium Mixed hardwood forest ABSCOTA 2 VD MWD 0–6 Alluvium S Alluvium Wet hardwoods ACKMORE 64 VD SPD 0–5 Alluvium Si Alluvium Prairie ADDER 23 VD VPD 0–1 Organic/alluvium S Alluvium Marsh grasses, sedges ADOLPH 84 VD VPD 0–2 Mantle L/till L Till Marsh grasses, sedges ADRIAN 507 VD VPD 0–1 Organic/outwash S Outwash Marsh grasses, sedges AFTAD 53 VD MWD 0–12 Glaciolacustrine L Glaciolacustrine NHW ALANGO 0 VD SPD 1–4 Glaciolacustrine C Glaciolacustrine Mixed forest ALBAN 66 VD WD 0–30 Glaciolacustrine L Glaciolacustrine NHW ALCONA 47 VD WD 0–70 Glaciofluvial L Glaciofluvial Mixed forest ALDO 25 VD MWD 0–3 Outwash S Outwash Mixed forest ALGANSEE 166 VD SPD 0–4 Alluvium S Alluvium Wet Mixed forest ALLENDALE 153 VD SPD 0–12 Outwash S/glaciolacustrine C Glaciolacustrine Mixed forest ALMENA 435 VD SPD 0–6 Loess/Till L Till Mixed forest ALPENA 34 VD SED 0–50 Glaciofluvial L Glaciofluvial Mixed forest ALSTAD 2 VD SPD 0–4 Till L calc Till NHW ALTDORF 48 VD PD 0–2 Loess/till C Till Wet hardwoods AMASA 9 VD WD 0–70 Outwash L/S Outwash Boreal AMERY 991 VD WD 1–45 Till SL Till Mixed forest AMNICON 374 VD MWD 0–15 Till C Till Boreal ANGELICA 119 VD VPD 0–2 Till L Till Boreal ANIGON 259 VD WD 0–25 Outwash S Outwash Mixed forest ANNALAKE 152 VD MWD 0–18 Glaciofluvial L Glaciofluvial Mixed forest ANNRIVER 101 VD VPD 0–2 Loess/alluvium L/outwash S Outwash Mixed forest ANTIGO 1242 VD WD 0–30 Loess/alluvium L/outwash S Outwash NHW ANTON 14 VD MWD 0–15 Till C/glaciolacustrine L, S Glaciolacustrine Mixed forest ARBUTUS 1 MD ED 2–6 Alluv S/igne and meta bedrock Bedrock Mixed forest ARENZVILLE 464 VD MWD 0–5 Alluvium Si Alluvium Oak-savanna ARGONNE 23 MD MWD 0–15 Till L Till NHW (continued) © Springer International Publishing AG 2017 231 J.G. Bockheim and A.E. Hartemink, The Soils of Wisconsin, World Soils Book Series, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52144-2 232 Appendix B: Soil-Forming Factors, Wisconsin Soil Series (continued) Soil series Area Soil depth Drainage Slope Parent material Parent material Vegetation (km2) class class (%) (surface) (subsurface) ARLAND 291 MD WD 1–35 Till L/ss bedrock Bedrock NHW ARNHEIM 203 D PD 0–1 Alluvium L Alluvium Wet mixed forest ASHDALE 210 D WD 0–20 Loess/residuum LS Residuum Prairie ASHIPPUN 12 VD SPD 0–6 Loess/till L Till NHW ASHKUM 223 VD PD 0–3 Colluv/till SiCL Till Marsh grasses, sedges ASHWABAY 94 VD MWD 0–45 Outwash S/till C Till Mixed forest ATTERBERRY 5 VD SPD 0–6 Loess Loess Prairie AU GRES 384 VD SPD 0–6 Glaciofluvial S Glaciofluvial Wet mixed forest AUBURNDALE 208 VD PD 0–3 Loess/till L Till Wet hardwoods AUGWOOD 13 VD SPD 0–3 Outwash S/till GLS Till Mixed forest AUSABLE 13 VD VPD 0–2 Alluvium S Alluvium Wet hardwoods AZTALAN 94 VD SPD 0–6 Outwash L/lacust C, Si Outwash Prairie BACH 26 VD PD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine Si Glaciolacustrine Wet hardwoods BADRIVER 181 VD SPD 0–3 Till C Till Boreal BALMORAL 1 VD MWD 0–3 Alluvium Si, L/outwash S Outwash Prairie BANAT 1 D SPD 0–4 Mantle L/S calc Mantle Mixed forest BARABOO 113 D MWD 2–60 Loess/qtzite bedrock Bedrock Oak-hickory BARREMILLS 43 VD MWD 1–6 Loess Loess Prairie BARRONETT 98 VD PD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine Si Glaciolacustrine Wet hardwoods BARRY 32 VD PD 0–3 Till L Till NHW BASCO 53 MD WD 2–30 Loess/pedised. C/ss residuum Residuum Oak-savanna BATAVIA 11 VD WD 0–12 Loess/outwash L Outwash Oak-savanna BEARPEN 43 VD SPD 0–3 Loess/alluvium Si Alluvium Oak-hickory BEARTREE 2 S VPD 0–2 Alluvium L/mudst bedrock Bedrock Mixed forest BEAVERBAY 46 VD MWD 2–30 Loess/alluvium L Alluvium NHW BEAVERCREEK 26 VD WD 1–15 Alluvium KL Alluvium Oak-hickory BEECHER 7 VD SPD 0–6 Mantle L/till CL Till Oak-savanna BELLECHESTER 3 VD ED 12–90 Colluv, resid S/ss bedrock Bedrock Prairie BELLEVILLE 0 VD VPD 0–2 Glaciofluvial S/till L Till Wet hardwoods BELLEVUE 336 VD MWD 0–3 Alluvium Si Alluvium NHW BERGLAND 8 VD PD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine C Glaciolacustrine Boreal BERTRAND 7 VD WD 0–35 Alluv Si/alluv S Alluvium Oak-hickory BESEMAN 472 VD VPD 0–1 Organic Organic Marsh grasses, sedges BIGISLAND 5 VD SED 15–45 Alluvium S/till L Till Mixed forest BILLETT 55 VD WD 0–20 Alluvium L, S Alluvium Oak-savanna BILLYBOY 97 VD WD 0–3 Alluvium Si, L/outwash S Outwash NHW BILMOD 32 VD WD 0–3 Alluvium L/alluvium S Alluvium Oak-hickory BILSON 133 VD WD 0–20 Alluv L/alluv S Alluvium Oak-hickory BJORKLAND 9 VD VPD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine S/C Glaciolacustrine Marsh grasses, sedges BLACKRIVER 15 VD MWD 0–6 Alluv Si/outwash S Outwash NHW BLOUNT 7 VD SPD 0–6 Till CL Till Oak-hickory BLUFFTON 13 VD VPD 0–2 Alluv L/till L Till Wet mixed forest BOAZ 52 VD SPD 0–3 Alluvium Si Alluvium Wet hardwoods BOGUSCREEK 1 VD WD 0–3 Alluvium Si/outwash S Outwash NHW BONDUEL 71 MD SPD 0–3 Till L/dolo bedrock Bedrock Mixed forest (continued) Appendix B: Soil-Forming Factors, Wisconsin Soil Series 233 (continued) Soil series Area Soil depth Drainage Slope Parent material Parent material Vegetation (km2) class class (%) (surface) (subsurface) BOONE 617 MD ED 1–90 Residuum S/ss bedrock Bedrock Oak-pine BOOTS 35 VD VPD 0–2 Organic Organic Wet conifers BOPLAIN 15 MD ED 0–60 Outwash S Outwash Oak-pine BOREA 11 VD SPD 0–3 Till C/glaciolacustrine L, S Glaciolacustrine Mixed forest BORTH 47 VD MWD 0–6 Glaciolacustrine C/S Glaciolacustrine NHW BOWSTRING 266 VD VPD 0–1 Organic Organic Marsh grasses, sedges BOYER 398 VD WD 0–50 Till S, L/outwash S Outwash Oak-hickory BRAHAM 0 VD WD 6–30 Eolian S/till L Till Mixed forest BRANDER 18 VD MWD 0–3 Loess/outwash S Outwash NHW BRANSTAD 4 VD MWD 2–20 Till L calc Till NHW BREMS 339 VD MWD 0–8 Outwash S Outwash Mixed oaks BRENNYVILLE 1 VD SPD 0–6 Loess/till L Till Mixed forest BREVORT 79 VD VPD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine S/L Glaciolacustrine Wet mixed forest BRICE 2 VD WD 2–6 Eolian S, L Eolian Prairie BRIGGSVILLE 102 VD WD 0–20 Glaciolacustrine C, Si Glaciolacustrine Mixed hardwood forest BRILL 102 VD MWD 0–6 Loess/outwash S Outwash Mixed forest BRIMLEY 3 D SPD 0–6 Glaciofluvial L Glaciofluvial Mixed forest BRINKMAN 44 VD MWD 2–12 Loess/residuum C Residuum Oak-hickory BRODALE 7 VD ED 6–90 Residuum L/ls bedrock Bedrock Prairie BROOKSTON 130 VD PD 0–3 Till L Till Mixed hardwood forest BROWNCHURCH 58 VD WD 12–35 Alluvium L/Si Alluvium Oak-hickory BROWNSTONE 6 MD ED 0–15 Eolian S/ss bedrock Bedrock Mixed forest BRUCE 4 D PD 0–2 Glaciolacustrine L, S Glaciolacustrine Mixed forest BURKHARDT 182 VD SED 0–30 Alluvium L/outwash S Outwash Prairie BUSHVILLE 1 VD SPD 0–6 Outwash S/till L Till Mixed oaks CABLE 340 VD VPD 0–2 Loess/till L Till Wet mixed forest CADIZ 38 VD MWD 2–12 Loess/till SiCL Till Mixed hardwood forest CALAMINE 9 D PD 0–12 Loess/residuum calc shale Bedrock Marsh grasses, sedges CAMPIA 57 VD WD 0–25 Glaciolacustrine Si Glaciolacustrine NHW CAPITOLA 707 VD
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