1 Anti-Semitism in History and Literature Fall 2015 Instructor: John Hoberman Office: BUR 322 Class Meetings: TTH 2:00 – 3:30 Classroom GEA 114 Office hours: MWF 9:00-10:00 Email:
[email protected] August 27. 1. Introduction to the Course: Basic Concepts The Major Western Racial Doctrines: Anti-Semitism Anti-Black-African Racism Other Major Themes: Imagining the Normal Human Being Racial Folklore as Doctrine and Medium of Transmission Talking About Jews: What Counts as Socially Acceptable Speech? Imagining the “Jew” Can Jews Be Racists? 2 September 1. 2. Ancient and Modern Resentment of Jews: 1. “The Globalization of Antisemitism,” Forward (May 2, 2003). 2. "Corpus Christi Controversy," Forward (April 23, 1999). 3. “Ward Refers Writers to Bible” (2001) 4."A 'Christ-Killer Slur Stirs Rightist Tussle in D.C.," Forward (April 27, 2001). 5. “Syrian’s ‘Christ-Killer’ Charge Threatens” (2001) 6. "What's Taught, Learned About Who Killed Christ," New York Times (April 29, 2001). 7. David I. Kertzer, “The Modern Use of Ancient Lies,” New York Times (May 9, 2002). 8. "Right Rallies for 'Christ-Killer' Pundit," Forward (May 4, 2001). 9. "Fired Scribe Says 'Christ-Killer' Conservative Is Sorry," Forward (July 6, 2001). 10. “Billy Graham Apologizes to Jews For His Remarks on Nixon Tapes,” New York Times (March 3, 2002). September 3. 3. Are the Jews a “Race”? 11. Ashley Montagu, "Are 'the' Jews a Race?" in Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race (1974): 353-377. September 8, 10. 4. Early Christian Origins of Anti-Semitism 12. Léon Poliakov, "Anti-Semitism and Early Christianity," in The History of Anti- Semitism, Vol.