Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Susanne Yuk Ping CHOI (Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Sha Tin, NT, Hong Kong, Tel No: 852 39436632, email: EDUCATION 1998-2002 D.Phil. in Sociology, Nuffield College, University of Oxford 1997-1998 M Sc. in Sociology, Nuffield College, University of Oxford 1996-1997 MA in Comparative Labour Studies, University of Warwick 1989-1993 BA in Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong MAJOR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 08/19-present Co-director, Gender Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS), CUHK 08/14-present Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 08/14-7/15 Vice-Chair, Department of Sociology, CUHK 08/16-09/17 Vice-Chair, Department of Sociology, CUHK 08/11- 07/15 Director/Co-Director, Gender Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS), CUHK 01/12- 07/13 Director, Pearl River Delta Social Research Centre, Department of Sociology, CUHK 02/2010-07/11 Associate Director, Gender Research Centre, HKIAPS, CUHK 08/11 – 07/13 Associate Director, Centre for Chinese Family Studies, HKIAPS, CUHK 08/02 – 07/14 Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK 01-07/02 Post-doctoral research fellow, Centre for Health Research, School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Gender, Sexuality, Family, Migration, Sociology of Justice, Work, Violence against Women, Social Movements AWARDS AND HONORS 1. 2018 Best Book Award, RC31 (Sociology of Migration), International Sociological Association (for the book Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China). 2. Research Mentorship Award 2018, Social Science Faculty, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 3. Research Excellence Award 2016-2017, Social Science Faculty, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 4. Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2016, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 5. Exemplary Teaching Award 2016, Social Science Faculty, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 6. RGC-Fulbright Senior Scholar Award (Hosting Institution: Department of Sociology, Harvard University) (2013-2014) 7. International Partnerships Development Programme for 2013-14. 8. Young Researcher Award 2012, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 9. HaSS Faculty Visiting Fellowship Scheme 2008 (Newcastle University) 10. Sino-British Fellowship Trust Fund for Staff Development (University of Newcastle) 11. Hillel Friedland Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa (Jan-Dec 2002) 12. Nuffield Studentship, Nuffield College, Oxford University, August 2001-Dec 2001. 13. John Swire Nuffield Scholarship (full scholarship to pursue D.Phil at Nuffield College, Oxford, August 1997-July 2001) LIST OF RESEARCH OUTPUTS Research Monograph 1. Choi, S.Y.P. & Peng, Y. 2016. Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China. California: University of California Press. 179 pages. (Recipient of International Sociological Association’s RC31 (Sociology of Migration) 2018 Best Book Award; Reviewed by American Journal of Sociology, Gender and Society, Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, The China Journal, Pacific Affairs, Sociological Research Online, Current Sociology, Nan Nu, 婦女研究論叢, 知識份子 etc.) Chinese Translation published in 2019 by SDX Joint Publishing Company (2nd. Edition published in 2020) Edited Volumes 2. Choi, S. Y. P., & Cheung, F.M.C. (eds.) 2012. Women and Girls in Hong Kong: Current Situations and Future Challenge. Hong Kong: CUHK HKIAPS Research Monograph Series. 340 pages. Chinese version entitled ‘The Other: Hong Kong Women’s Status and Challenges’ (她者: 香 港女性的現況與挑戰) was published by the Commercial Press. 3. Choi, S.Y.P. & Fong, E. (eds.) 2017. Migration in Post-Colonial Hong Kong. New York: Routledge. 166 pages. Journal Special Issues Edited 4. Choi, S.Y.P. Yeoh, B. and Lam, T. 2019. Situated Agency in the Context of Research on Children, Migration and Family in Asia. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3): 1-6. 5. Fong, E., Verkuyten, Choi, S.Y.P (Two special issues edited.) 2016. Migration and Identity: Perspectives from Asia, Europe and North America. American Behavioural Scientist, 60 (5-6) 559-770. SSCI and CSCI Journal Articles 6. Choi, S.Y.P. and Lai, RRS. Forthcoming. Birth Tourism and Migrant Children’s Agency: The Double Not in Post-Colonial Hong Kong. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 7. Choi, S.Y.P. and Lai, RRS. Forthcoming. Sex Work and Stigma Management: The Role of State Policy and NGO Advocacy. The China Quarterly. 2 8. Choi, S.Y.P. 2020. When Protests and Daily Life Converges: The Space and People of Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement. Critical Anthropology, 40(2): 277–282. 9. Choi, S.Y.P. RRS. Lai., JCL. Pang. 2020. Gender Irrelevance: How Women and Men Rationalise Their Support for the Right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 45(2): 473-496. 10. Chiu, JTY. & Choi, SYP. 2020. The decoupling of Legal and Spatial Migration of Female Marriage Migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (14): 2997-3013. 11. Lai, RRS. & Choi, SYP. 2019. Premarital Sexuality, Abortion and Intergenerational Dynamics in China. Modern China (published online before print, corresponding author. 12. Choi, S.Y.P. 2019. Migration, Masculinity, and Family. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45 (1):78–94. 13. Choi, S.Y.P. 2018. Masculinity and Precarity: Male Migrant Taxi Drivers in South China. Work, Employment and Society, 32(3): 493–508. 14. Chiu, J.T.Y. and Choi, S.Y.P. 2019. Frequent Border-Crossing Children and Cultural Membership. Population, Space and Place, 25 (3): e2153. 15. Choi, S.Y.P. & Luo, M. 2016. Performative family: Homosexuality, marriage and intergenerational dynamic in China. British Journal of Sociology, 67(2): 260-280. 16. Choi, S.Y.P. 2016. Gender pragmatism and subaltern masculinity in China: Peasant men’s responses to their wives’ labour migration. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(5-6): 565-582. 17. Cheung, A.K.L. & Choi, S.Y.P. 2016. Non-traditional wives with traditional husbands: Gender ideology and husband-to-wife physical violence in Chinese society. Violence against Women, 22 (14): 1704-1724. 18. Choi, S.Y.P. 2016. Children and migration in China (Commentary). Asian Population Studies, 12(2): 131-134. 19. Choi, S. Y. P. & Cheung, A.K.L. 2016. Dissimilar and disadvantaged: Age discrepancy, financial stress, and marital conflict in cross-border marriages. Journal of Family Issues, 38 (18): 2521-2544. 20. Choi, S.Y P and Luo, Ming. 2015. Theories and perspectives on rural to urban migration in China, Xuehai (CSSCI journal), 2: 96-104. 21. Choi, S.Y.P. & Peng, Y. 2015. Humanized management? Capital and labour at a time of labour shortage in south China. Human Relations, 68(2): 287–304. 3 22. Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, A.K.L., Cheung, Y.W., David, R. 2014. Bring the subjective back in: Resources and husband-to-wife physical assault among Chinese couples in Hong Kong. Violence against Women, 20(12):1428-46. 23. Cheung, Y.W., Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, A.K.L. 2014. Strain, self-control and spousal violence: A study of husband-to-wife violence in Hong Kong. Violence and Victims, 29 (2): 280-299. 24. Peng Yinni. & Choi, S.Y.P. 2013. Technologies of power and resistance: Mobile phone use among factory migrant workers in south China. The China Quarterly, 215, 553-571. (equal author) 25. Lui C.W. & Choi, S.Y.P. 2013. Not just mum and dad: The role of children in exacerbating gender inequalities in childcare. Journal of Family Issues. 36 (13): 1829-1853. (equal author) 26. Choi, S.Y.P., & David, R. 2012. Lustration systems and trust: Evidence from survey experiments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. American Journal of Sociology, 117 (4): 1172-1201. 27. Choi, S. Y. P., Cheung YW., Cheung A.KL. 2012. Social Isolation and Spousal Violence: Comparing Marriage Migrants with Local Women. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74 (3): 444-461. 28. Choi, S.Y.P. 2011. State control, female prostitution and HIV prevention in China. The China Quarterly, 205, 96-114. 29. Choi, S.Y.P. 2011. Heterogeneous and vulnerable: The health risks facing transnational female sex workers. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33 (1):33-49. 30. Wong MC, Tsoi KK, Ng SS, Lou VW, Choi S.Y.P., Ling KW, Chan FK, Griffiths SM, Sung JJ. 2010. A comparison of the acceptance of immunochemical faecal occult blood test and colonoscopy in colorectal cancer screening: a prospective study among Chinese. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 32(1): 74-82. 31. David, R. & Choi, S.Y.P. 2009. Getting equal without getting even: Retributive desires and Transitional Justice in the Czech Republic. Political Psychology, 31(2): 161-92. 32. Choi, S.Y.P. & Ting, K. F. 2008. Wife Abuse in South Africa: An imbalance theory of family resources and power. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23 (6):834-85. 33. Choi, S.Y.P., Chen, K.L. & Jiang, Z.Q. 2008. Client perpetrated violence and condom failure among female sex workers in south western China. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (The Official Journal of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association), 35(2): 14-146. 34. Sung, J.J.Y., Choi, S.Y.P., Chan, F.K.L., Ching, J.Y.L., Lau, J.T.F., & Griffiths, S. 2008. Obstacles to colon cancer screening in Chinese: A study based on health belief model. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 103, 974-981. 4 35. Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, Y.W. & Jiang, Z.Q. 2007. Ethnicity and risk factors in needle sharing among intravenous drug users in Sichuan Province, China. AIDS Care, 19(1):1-8. 36. 37. Choi, S.Y.P. & Holroyd E. 2007. The influence of power, poverty and agency on condom negotiation among female sex workers in Mainland China. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 9(5): 489-503. (Fifth most cited article ever of the journal as of 30 June, 2016) 38.
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