Compositio Mathematica 107: 143±175, 1997. 143 c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Three formulae for eigenfunctions of integrable SchrodingerÈ operators GIOVANNI FELDER and ALEXANDER VARCHENKO ? Department of Mathematics, Phillips Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3250, USA; e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]. Received 28 November 1995; accepted in ®nal form 15 April 1996 Abstract. We give three formulae for meromorphic eigenfunctions (scattering states) of Sutherland's integrable N -body SchrodingerÈ operators and their generalizations. The ®rst is an explicit computa- tion of the Etingof±Kirillov traces of intertwining operators, the second an integral representation of hypergeometric type, and the third is a formula of Bethe ansatz type. The last two formulas are degen- erations of elliptic formulas obtained previously in connection with the Knizhnik±Zamolodchikov± Bernard equation. The Bethe ansatz formulas in the elliptic case are reviewed and discussed in more detail here: Eigenfunctions are parametrized by a `Hermite±Bethe' variety, a generalization of the spectral variety of the Lame operator. We also give the q -deformed version of our ®rst formula. In the scalar sl N case, this gives common eigenfunctions of the commuting Macdonald±Ruijsenaars difference operators. Mathematics Subject Classi®cation (1991): 17B65, 82B23, 14J99 Key words: Integrable models, Ruijsenaars models, Bethe ansatz 1. Introduction Let g be a simple complex Lie algebra, with a non-degenerate ad-invariant bilinear ; ) h h g form ( , and a ®xed Cartan subalgebra .Let be the set of roots of . 2 e 2 g For each let be a corresponding root vector, normalized so that (e ;e )= 1.