WICHITA EAST HIGH SCHOOL SPIRIT SQUAD 2019-2020 DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS Informational Packet Congratulations on your decision to tryout for the East High Spirit Squad! I hope this will be a fun and rewarding experience for you. This application packet will provide you with information pertaining to the requirements, responsibilities, cost, and time involved in the program. If you have any questions, please contact the coaching staff via email. Coach Blanton, Head Coach:
[email protected] Coach Golden, Asst. Coach:
[email protected] Coach Brittain, Asst. Coach:
[email protected] 1 Tryout Information Tryouts When: April 2-5, 2019 Where: East High Small Gym Time: 3:30-5:30pm Everyone will be given a tryout number. You will be scored by your tryout number throughout the week, with a final evaluation (in groups of two or three) on the last tryout date. Throughout the week, you will be judged on POTENTIAL as well as TECHNIQUE. Although, the first few days are more of an informal scoring, you will be making your first impressions on the coaching staff. You will be evaluated informally or formally every day. One of the most important factors I am looking for is attitude. Are you on time? Do you come prepared? Dressed appropriately? Do you follow directions the first time given? Are you putting 110% into the tryout every day? Does your positive attitude set you apart from others? Do you help others rise to a higher level? Are you KIND to others? Cooperate with the coaching staff? These things go a long way. What to Wear For all days of tryouts, please wear all black (fitting clothing is preferred for ease of movement).