EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF M/S. MIDWEST GRANITE PVT LTD Sy. No: 103/P, 59/P & 55/5 (P), Extent of 10.761 Ha RL Puram Village, Chimakurthy (M), Prakasam (D), Andhra Pradesh Project Proponent Environmental Consultant M/s. Midwest Granite Pvt. Ltd M/S. Pridhvi Envirotech (P) Ltd., Sy. No. 103/P, 59/P & 55/5 (P), NABET Accreditation S.No.118 RL Puram (V), Rev 80 date 10th September, 2019 Chimakurthy Mandal, Plot No.184/C, Lawn House, Prakasam District, A.P. 4th Floor, Vengal Rao Nagar, Ph: 9989506858 Hyderabad-500038. Email:
[email protected] Ph: 040-40179770 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] SUBMITTED TO ANDHRA PRADESH POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD PRAKASAM Proposed Black galaxy Granite Mine of M/s. Midwest Granite Private limited . Extent:10.761 Ha At Rajupalem Lakshmi puram Villages, Chimakurthy Mandal, Prakasam District, A.P. Draft EIA Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Granite is an important building material used from ages in our country. There is huge export potential for raw and polished granites. The Black Galaxy is Indian black granite, with a great market demand. This is a very unique type of black granite due to its abundant number of silver flakes. These are from a specific mineral and give this granite an unique and beautiful look The Black Galaxy is a black colored granite, with a deep black colour, thin to medium grain and clear signs of gold and silver shiny flakes. This is a well-known black granite from India, famous for its uniform and deep black colour, as well as its silver shiny flakes.