Journal De La Société Des Océanistes, 148 | 2019 Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism? 2
Journal de la Société des Océanistes 148 | 2019 Filmer (dans) le Pacifique Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism? Tanna : romancer la kastom, éluder l'exotisme ? Margaret Jolly Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/jso.10513 ISSN: 1760-7256 Publisher Société des océanistes Printed version Date of publication: 15 July 2019 Number of pages: 97-112 ISBN: 978-2-85430-137-3 ISSN: 0300-953x Electronic reference Margaret Jolly, “Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism?”, Journal de la Société des Océanistes [Online], 148 | 2019, Online since 01 January 2021, connection on 15 March 2021. URL: http:// ; DOI: This text was automatically generated on 15 March 2021. Journal de la société des océanistes est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International. Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism? 1 Tanna: Romancing Kastom, Eluding Exoticism? Tanna : romancer la kastom, éluder l'exotisme ? Margaret Jolly Dedicated to the memory of Jacob Kapere and Mungau Dain My thanks first to Martin Butler and Bentley Dean for their fascinating film and for agreeing to my long interview with them after I had sent an early draft of this essay. That and our email correspondence was a crucial source of corrections, additions and new insights. I am especially indebted to Martin since the interview was only a couple of months after the loss of his beloved partner, renowned journalist and barrister Liz Jackson. My heartfelt thanks also to Hari Simon, Siobhan McDonnell, Mitiana Arbon, Richard Reid, Rachel England and Tim Rowse for conversations about Tanna and to Mitiana, Siobhan, Tim, Monty Lindstrom and Chris Ballard for comments on an early draft.
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