Bob Fitzsimmons

Name: Alias: Ruby Birth Name: Robert James Fitzsimmons Born: 1863-05-26 Birthplace: Helston, Cornwall, Died: 1917-10-22 (Age:54) Hometown: , New Zealand Stance: Orthodox Height: 5′ 11½″ / 182cm Reach: 71½″ / 182cm Record: click

The first triple titleholder in history, Bob Fitzsimmons won the world , , and championships in a career that spanned 27 years. As a young man, Fitzsimmons worked as a blacksmith, and his punches held the power of an iron hammer hitting an anvil. He defied age, consistently fought larger men, and was crafty and resilient in the ring.

Born in , Fitzsimmons moved to New Zealand with his family as a small boy. School was a luxury and, before long, Fitzsimmons went to work as a carriage painter and in a foundry. His interest in boxing heated up when he entered an amateur boxing tournament supervised by visiting Hall of Famer . Weighing just 140 pounds, Fitzsimmons knocked out four larger opponents and won the heavyweight division of the contest.

In 1883, Fitzsimmons moved to Australia, where his first recorded professional bouts took place. Over the next seven years, he posted a record of 15-5, with six no-decisions. In 1890, he travelled to America where three bouts earned him a chance to fight world middleweight champion (The Nonpareil). Fitzsimmons proved to be more than Dempsey's equal and, after a vicious battle, he knocked the champion out in the thirteenth round.

Fitzsimmons defended his middleweight crown just once before aiming at the heavyweight title. He knocked out fellow contender in one round in 1896 and, later that year, delivered an eighth-round wallop that floored heavyweight . Referee , the former lawman, called the punch a low blow and disqualified Fitzsimmons, to the dismay of most observers, who thought the punch was fair.

In 1897, Fitzsimmons faced heavyweight champion James J. Corbett in Carson City, for the title. The balding, spindly-legged Fitzsimmons (John L. Sullivan called him "a fighting machine on stilts") did not look like a potential heavyweight champion. He was 34 years old, to 2

Corbett's 30, and weighed sixteen pounds less. Corbett landed seriously damaging blows for most of the fight. Fitzsimmons was bleeding badly, but his blacksmith's arm won him the fight in the fourteenth round when he slammed a paralyzing blow into Corbett's solar plexis, the nerve center just below the breastbone. Corbett went down with a horrified gasp, and Fitzsimmons took the title. He wore the crown for two uncontested years before losing it to James J. Jeffries, who knocked him out in the eleventh round.

Fitzsimmons continued boxing and in 1903, at 40 years old, he knocked George Gardner down four times in twenty rounds to win the light heavyweight title. He lost the title to Jack O'Brien in 1905, but continued to fight on and off for the next nine years. He lost a two- round knockout to in one of his last fights. In retirement, Fitzsimmons toured the vaudeville circuit before becoming an evangelist.

19 June 1910 That Solar Plexus Blow

Robert Fitzsimmons v James J Corbett 17 March 1897

articles for a fight for the championship of the world between the title holder James J. Corbett. and the middleweight champion, Robert Fitzsimmons, were signed a few days before Christmas, 1896. The promoter of this battle, which was fought in Carson City, Nev., was Dan Stuart, of Texas, who had demonstrated his ability in affairs of this sort. Stuart was known the country over as a square man, who always was anxious to make good his word, and with him at the head of affairs the followers of pugilism rested in full confidence that the contest would be in every way above suspicion.

One of Stuart's close friends was a man who for more than thirty years has been interested in all classes of amateur and professional sport and who today is known the country over as one without a blemish upon his reputation. To this man Stuart went one day early in January, 1897 and asked him if he would undertake to place $50,000 in wagers on the Corbett-Fitzsimmons battle, the money to be furnished by Stuart.

"That is too much money to bet on this fight, Dan," said his friend. "When two such men as Corbett, and Fitzsimmons get into the ring- either one is likely to be returned the winner. Fifty thousand dollars is a lot of money to risk on a contest of this kind."


"I will not risk the money," said Stuart, "unless I am able to make certain arrangements that I now have in contemplation."

"Fifty thousand dollars could not be bet," replied his friend, "without attracting much attention. I don't know what you mean, Dan, but, of course, the Inference is bad. I never have had a shade the best of it, and I don't want the best of it. If I bet $50,000 on this fight my friends would know it, and I would be suspected of employing methods that I do not like. Then if your connection with the wagers were established—and I don't see how it would be possible to keep It secret—It would look very bad for all of us. I wish you would get somebody else to place your money,"

Stuart replied that he knew of no other man who could place $50,000 without attracting a lot of attention that -would be harmful to the fight and distasteful to himself. "Why don't you try Pittsburg Phil (George E. Smith)," responded his friend. "I had thought of him," said Stuart, "but I am not acquainted with him. Of course, he is just the man to place this money if he could be persuaded to do so." "I will be very glad to see that you meet him," responded Stuart's friend. "If you will name the time and place I will bring you together." This was agreed upon, and Dan Stuart and Pittsburg Phil were brought together. What arrangement was made between them cannot now be told. Both men are dead, and what they knew of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons battle died with them.

Pittsburg Phil was In San Francisco a few days before Corbett and Fitzsimmons came together. That city was in a tumult of excitement, and betting on the result of the fight was free. In the poolrooms, which then flourished in an open manner, Pittsburg Phil took the Fitzsimmons end of the wagers at 1 to 2. So much did he bet that the odds gradually shortened, until two days before the fight 7 to 5 was the longest price that Corbett's adherents would offer. Phil then went to Carson City, where he repeated the methods he had employed in San Francisco. In a poolroom owned and managed by Corbett's brother, Phil wagered a large fortune on the chances of Fitzsimmons, and again he forced the prices to shorten materially.

The Fight

The first six rounds of the battle were all in favor of Corbett. The sixth round found Fitzsimmons apparently a beaten man. Not once, however, did Pittsburg Phil falter. A the ringside, even at the moment when Fitzsimmons seemed about to sink to the mat helpless, he stood covering every dollar of Corbett money that was offered. The friends of the champion knew that all he had to do was to continue forcing the fight and Fitzsimmons must fall before his onslaught . To their surprise, Corbett betrayed bad judgment, and instead of going in to strike down his battered opponent, he stood away and gave Fitzsimmons time to recuperate his strength.

There was in Carson City the last few days that preceded the battle a man who was and continued up to the time of Stuart's death a close personal friend and business agent of the fight promoter. This man believed Fitzsimmons had no chance to whip Corbett. and wagered a large sum of money in accordance with his views. Two days before the battle he retreated from his position and bet so much money on Fitzsimmons that at the conclusion of the fight he was a heavy winner. 4

When Corbett went down to defeat In the fourteenth round he fell in such a manner as to take him almost out of focus of the picture making machine. Raising himself on his hands, he twisted around so that he faced the lens. His face then took on an appearance of intense pain. Apparently he was unable to gain his feet during the count of ten. As the fatal word "Out!" was spoken Corbett sprang to his feet with as much strength as he had shown at any time during the fight and declared an Intention of whipping all who were in the ring.

There had been bad blood between the heavyweight and middleweight champions for several years. More than one attempt to bring them together had failed. Corbett, it seemed, was more willing than was Fitzsimmons to test their relative merits. Finally, however, the two men agreed to fight to a finish under the Marquis of Queensbury rules for the heavyweight championship of the world and for a purse of $15,000. all of which went to the winner. George Siler of was agreed upon as referee.

Stuart picked Carson City as the scene of the fight, Nevada having enacted legislation favorable to glove contests. Corbett established his quarters at Shaw's Springs, having in his camp various celebrities of the prize ring, among others. James J. Jeffries, then known mealy as a husky young boilermaker but now as the one unbeaten champion of champions. Fitzsimmons began training in Cook's Grove, his brother-in-law, Martin Julian, being in charge. Both pugilists during their period of training displayed freaks of temper and peculiarities that were beyond the power of their friends to understand. At all1 times Corbett was sullen, fretful and disagreeable. Fitzsimmons acted like a crazy man. He was frequently seen tramping barefooted through the snow.

At times he would joke in a hysterical manner other times he would have moments of sullenness equal to those of Corbett. Previous to his battle with Jackson, Sullivan and Mitchell, Corbett had been pleasant and confident of success. In Carson City he seemed to dread the approach of the day of the fight. That he was afraid of Fitzsimmons no one believed. It may have been that he 5

was afraid of the battle. Finally as the sun was mounting toward its zenith on March 17, the two men were brought together in the ring at the open air arena outside Carson City.

There were the usual preliminaries and introductions. One feature of the battle that marked a precedent was the presence at the ring side of Mrs.Fitzsimmons, wife of Corbett's antagonist. When the men were called to the center of the ring to receive final instructions from the referee Corbett advanced and held out his hand to shake with Fitzsimmons. The offer was refused, Fitzsimmons backing away, shaking his head and muttering "No." Then the ring was cleared, the gong sounded, and the two gladiators began one of the most remarkable battles the prize ring has known.

Corbett, as in his preceding fights, was a picture of muscular strength and agility. He was trained to the hour, his flesh hard and white as marble. The only bad feature of his appearance was to be found in his face, which was drawn and rather heavily lined. He showed evidences of worry. Fitzsimmons, never an object of beauty, shambled about the ring on his thin legs, which knocked together at the knees and spread apart like the prongs of a bent hairpin. His large lands dangled from his long arms far below his thighs. A sneering smile did nothing to improve his facial beauty.

As their hands came up Fitzsimmons made his attack. The only effect was to enthuse Corbett, so that the blood, forcing its way to his cheeks, gave to him an appearance of greater vitality. Corbett maneuvered so as to keep Fitzsimmons with his face to the sun. The Cornishman assumed the aggressive and swung violently with his right and left. Corbett dodged and the two men came Into their first clinch. They parted at a word from the referee, and Fitzsimmons took up his pace, following Corbett around the ring. Suddenly the champion halted, pushed his way forward and handed Fitzsimmons a hard right and left to the head and ribs. Fitzsimmons countered with a left, then landed without force over Corbett's heart. All that could be said of the first round was that the two men were feeling each other out, Corbett using the greater caution and showing the better judgment. 6

Corbett Seems Invincible.

Coming up for the second round Corbett immediately changed his tactics and demonstrated his willingness to exchange blows. He drew Fitzsimmons forward, brushed aside his left lead and then swung a heavy right blow to the temple and clinched. Fitzsimmons was angry. He endeavored to force Corbett away, and when they finally broke the Cornishman was in Corbett's corner, where he was kept for a full half minute by the champion, who landed half a dozen blows, none of which, however, was damaging.

Fitzsimmons finally fought his way out of the close corner, Corbett giving ground, but doing much the better work in the leads. Half a dozen times Corbett jabbed Fitzsimmons head back with a light left. Suddenly he shifted his methods, dipped his shoulders and shot in a heavy left to his opponent's stomach. Fitzsimmons, hurt, tried to clinch. Corbett pushed him off, repeated his tactics and drove a second hard left hand blow to Fitzsimmons stomach. Again Fitzsimmons fell into a clinch, and they were swaying together when the bell rang.

They met in the third round in the center of the ring. Corbett, standing straight, stepped in close and swung a damaging left to the stomach. Fitzsimmons drove his left for Corbett's head, but the blow was ducked and they came to a clinch, Corbett showing that he possessed the greater strength, pushing Fitzsimmons about with ease. Nevertheless the Cornishman was willing to force matters and he drove the champion back to the ropes, taking in payment a hard left hand blow to the face. Immediately after that Corbett came back with his right and caught Fitzsimmons under the jaw, and as the Cornishman raised his guard Corbett sent a hard left to the body.

Fitzsimmons was eager to clinch, and as they came together gave Corbett a short arm jolt to the head. No damage was done and Corbett more than evened matters up by letting his right fall heavily on his opponent's kidneys. The body blows were distressing Fitzsimmons, a fact that did not escape Corbett's attention. He started in to demonstrate his superiority over his opponent, and he had little difficulty in accomplishing his object. Corbett exchanged rights to the ribs and then sent two hard punches under the heart, getting away without a return. The round belonged to Corbett beyond a doubt. Those who predicted his victory were confident he could not be defeated.


Corbett took up his victorious march again in the fourth, which Fitzsimmons opened with an attempt to take the lead. He forced Corbett for a few seconds and received a smashing left in the face for his pains. There was a clinch and Fitzsimmons goaded Corbett in the ribs, to which the champion responded with a light right to the jaw. Fitzsimmons smiled but backed away, Corbett following rapidly after him. Corbett danced in and out and snapped a hard left to the chin. Fitzsimmons was angry and swung wild, falling out of position. Corbett took quick advantage and landed the heaviest blow of the fight up to this time on Fitzsimmons right ear. It was a distressing blow and Fitzsimmons did not steady himself for several econds. Then he led with his left and clinched.

Corbett was the master of the situation, and as he forced his opponent away he jolted one of his eyes with his right. Fitzsimmons made no attempt to conceal his distress. He rushed into a clinch and endeavored to best his opponent at infighting. But at this he found Corbett right at home with a knowledge of wrestling that was surprising. Corbett was playing with Fitzsimmons much as a cat plays with a mouse, and as they broke away he rapped his opponent with a hard right to the heart and, immediately stepped forward, whipped his right into the ribs with all his force. Swinging Fitzsimmons half around, he drove his left to the jaw, and working his arms like piston rods, repeated the blow. Fitzsimmons staggered as he went back to his corner, while Corbett showed absolutely no sign of distress. Julian and his other seconds worked hard over Fitzsimmons during the minute's intermission and sent him out for the fifth round somewhat refreshed.

Fitzsimmons rushed and ran into a left jolt to the chin that caused him to clinch. Corbett drove a heavy right to the region of the heart and Fitzsimmons arms fell to his side. A second blow to Fitzsimmons body seemed to wake him up and he landed a heart punch that failed to do much damage.

The best that could be said of Fitzsimmons was that he took his punishment with great gameness. At every point of the game Corbett was demonstrating his superiority. In the clinches with his forearm against his opponent's throat he forced his head back, and then as soon as free, drove his fists through to the body or to the face. Fitzsimmons was bleeding freely, a fact that caused the spectators to clamor for a knockout. Twice Corbett jabbed Fitzsimmons on the nose with his left and the Cornishman was almost ready to take the final nap. Then came a sharp admonition from Corbett's corner. Delaney, grasping one of the ropes of the ring, leaned with his head far forward toward the two contestants.

"Jim, Jim," he shouted, "take your time! Don't let him fool you"

This cry from his corner for a moment seemed to anger Corbett. He stepped back, looked at Delaney, and then rushed forward and in quick succession landed two lefts and a right, jarring Fitzsimmons from the top of his head to his feet. Fitzsimmons, attempting to drive in a punch to the heart, fell into a clinch. His eyes were half dazed and he was so distressed that his breath was hissing through his teeth. Mrs. Fitzsimmons had sprung to her feet and was shouting instructions to the men who were seconding her husband. As the bell sounded and gave to Fitzsimmons another chance she sent a messenger to his corner and told him to change his method of fighting. 8

Corbett stood in the middle of the ring, showing no distress. He walked to his corner without a mark on his face and without a red spot showing on his body.

Fltzsimmons came up for the sixth round still showing the effects of the punishment received in the earlier sessions. His first move looked as if he were willing to lose the fight on a foul. He rushed to a clinch, threw his forearm across Corbett's throat, and, exerting all his power, forced Corbett's head back until some at the ring side scared that his neck would be broken. The referee sprang forward and parted the two antagonists, while the cry of "Foul!" went up. Siler evidently thought no great damage had been done and motioned for the men to get into action.

Corbett was enraged, and with his first lead got Fitzsimmons with a heavy right to the chin. They clinched and as they broke away Corbett again sent his opponent's head back with a fearful right uppercut. Fitzsimmons was dazed and Corbett had no difficulty then in landing a second right full on the mouth, spattering Fitzsimmons blood all about the ring. Again Delaney sprang to his feet and again the warning cry was given:

"Take your time. Jim! Don't be in a hurry!"

As he shouted Corbett drove in a right and left to the face. Fitzsimmons was too weak to make a fair defense, and he was utterly unable to assume the offensive. All he could do was to save himself in the clinches. When he was forced to break he stood with his legs apart, assembling all his strength to keep his feet.


The Mysterious Warning.

Corbett landed a right to the chin and Fitzsimmons fell to the floor. He rested on his knee while again came the mysterious warning from his corner to take his time. These suggestions were beyond the power of the spectators to understand. Fitzsimmons, unable to protect himself, apparently could have been knocked out at my time Corbett wished to land the final punch. Instead of taking advantage of his long lead Corbett kept away. He drew back whenever an opening presented, landing only the lightest of punches. Fitzsimmons clinched and hugged and Corbett made little effort to force him off. When the round was nearly over Fitzsimmons again began to swing his fists, but was unable to give force or direction to his blows. Corbett laughed at him, but stood without malting an effort to do damage. Then the gong sounded and Corbett walked to his corner, apparently the most discouraged man in the" house. Those who saw victory ahead for him failed to understand his attitude.

Fitzsimmons came up for the seventh round, dazed and weak, and though it appeared certain that Corbett must win one of Fitzsimmons backers stood at the ring side taking every dollar of Corbett money that was offered, asking no longer odds than 10 to 6 for his wagers. When the men advanced for the seventh round a different Corbett was seen. Up to that moment he had been able to handle Fitzsimmons much as a man handles a boy. Yet in the seventh Fitzsimmons drove, him all around the ring. He was forced against the roped whenever they bumped together. His blows, that had been well timed and accurately placed, lacked power and precision. Just before the round, ended Corbett apparently came to his senses and for a. moment showed a flash of his earlier ability and sent in some smashing blows.

The eighth round was a repetition of the seventh, except that Fitzsimmons came to the front much refreshed, Fitzsimmons fought as if the advantage were all his. Corbett contented himself with straightening his left and jabbing Fitzsimmons in the nose. On one occasion the two men exchanged words in the ring that were understood by no one but themselves. Corbett, apparently enraged, met his opponent with a right hand blow that flattened his nose. Then he forced matters and placed two lefts to the face and a hard right under the heart. Fitzsimmons weakened and clinched and then again assumed the aggressive, though he did little damage to his opponent. Corbett contented himself with a defensive attitude.

Just before the ninth round closed Fitzsimmons covered with blood and leg weary, received a hard blow on the chin. He tell against the ropes and Corbett drew back his right to send in. what might have been a decisive blow. Fitzsimmons hands hung by his sides and he was utterly unable to protect himself, when from Corbett's corner came the cry, "Look out for him, Jim. he's shamming! He isn't as weak as he looks!" Corbett smiled in derision at his opponent, but made no further move until the bell sent them to their corners.

Fitzsimmons opened the tenth round in a determined manner. Corbett dodged a heavy, left and Fitzsimmons stumbled to the ropes. As he turned Corbett stepped in and drove his right to the ear He had full swing for the blow, but there was no force behind it. Fitzsimmons clinched and they were in the middle of the ring when they broke. Corbett waited and Fitzsimmons swung a failure 10

for the face. Corbett countered on the nose and Fitzsimmons again clinched. As they broke Fitzsimmons tried a left jab for the ribs, but Corbett stopped it with his glove and laughed.

Punches Are Stingless

In the meantime Fitzsimmons was not being punished severely and his strength was returning to him. Corbett showed no, desire or ability to distress his opponent. He landed at will, but there was no sting to his punches. Clinches were frequent in this round and Fitzsimmons made good use of his left, which reached Corbett's head repeatedly, but, so far as the spectators could see, did little damage. There were some who judged from Corbett's lack of force that he was tiring, but he went to his corner without a falter being noticed in his stride.

Fitzsimmons turned up for the eleventh round as if he realized that victory was assured. He drove Corbett about the ring, inflicting little punishment and taking a few left blows to the face and rights to the body. Once Fitzsimmons hooked Corbett on the chin. The champion seemed to become enraged, and, bracing himself, drove first his left and then his right to Fitzsimmons face, spattering the blood in every direction. This surprised Fitzsimmons and they clinched. In the break Corbett drove his right to the ribs absolutely without return Again Fitzsimmons seemed to be at the mercy of Corbett. and Delaney shouted: "Jim, look out for that right." 11

Corbett kept away until Fitzsimmons had recuperated. Then in the last ten seconds of the round he landed on Fitzsimmons face at will. They were In a clinch as the bell Sounded and Corbett apparently was the much the fresher of the two.Corbett opened the twelfth round by feinting. Fitzsimmons was ineffective in his leads and Corbett poked his left to the nose as he pleased. Fitzsimmons was bleeding. Corbett then drove a heavy left to the body and took a jolt on the chin In return. They clinched and Corbett landed two more right handers to the jaw as they separated, Fitzsimmons head rocking heavily. Corbett was again taking a long lead and his friends were confident he could end the fight when it pleased him. Corbett, who had missed hardly one of his blows, swung a terrific right uppercut just before the gong ended the round. The blow missed Fitzsimmons face by a full foot, and there were those in the arena who expressed the opinion that the blow had not been well intended.

Fitzsimmons always regarded the thirteenth as his lucky round, and he hustled out of his corner as if he expected to settle matters. Corbett drove a hard right to the heart and Fitzsimmons slowed up. That lasted only for a minute, however, and the Cornishman then began to drive Corbett before him around the ring. They sparred rather cautiously and then Corbett was forced against the ropes. Corbett scored repeatedly but with no force. A moment before the gong Corbett made a swing -that landed a right uppercut and two, lefts, all three blows reaching Fitzsimmons' face,covering him with blood.

As the men came to the middle of the ring for the fourteenth round Corbett placed a hard left on the mouth, shaking Fitzsimmons thoroughly. The Cornishman rushed and received a second blow of the same kind. These two blows seemed to damage the giver more than they did the receiver. Fitzsimmons passed an overhand right that caught Corbett on the ear. They clinched and Fitzsimmons worked Corbett clear across the ring. Fitzsimmons landed two heavy blows on the chin, neither of which distressed Corbett Then the champion stepped forward, crouching slightly. Fitzsimmons straightened up and drove his left to the body, catching Corbett hard directly under the heart. Few of those around the ring saw; this blow as it was actually delivered. Fitzsimmons fist after landing continued in a half swing and caught Corbett on the jaw. Corbett fell to his knees and as he did so Fitzsimmons landed another left to the jaw. There were cries of 'Foul!" of which the referee took no notice, Corbett gradually toppled over until his hands rested on the floor. Then with his left hand he grasped the flesh over his heart. It was at this moment that Corbett. who was half out of focus of the camera, reached forward with his right hand and caught one of the ropes. Then he swung himself around directly facing the camera. He was in this position when counted out.

No sooner had the word been uttered taking the championship from him than Corbett was on his feet. He threw both hands in the air above its head, then rushed over to where Fitzsimmons was standing near the ropes. His brother, Joe, caught Corbett by the arm but Jim easily freed himself, and, dodging past others in the ring, struck Fitzsimmons, who was waving two small American flags. There was plenty of force in that blow. the blow that his-friends thought might have been delivered in any round after the fifth. Fitzsimmons fell to the floor and his friends were compelled to carry him to his corner and place him in his chair.


Siler raised his voice above the din at the ring and shouted "Fitzsimmons wins!" Tears coursed down Corbett's checks. "I'm not licked," he said. "I am strong and full of fight. I am willing to fight on if he is willing. The championship is his. The bets have been won. Know I want to show which is the best man. This is a tough deal, boys." Deputy sheriffs cleared the ring and Corbett and Fitzsimmons were brought together to shake hands. Corbett then admitted that he had been whipped, but said he was sure he was the better man. He asked Fitzsimmons for a return fight, and Fitzsimmons responded: "I will never fight again."

W. A Brady, who had acted as Corbett's manager, issued an immediate challenge to Fitzsimmons for a return fight for $10,000. Fitzsimmons merely smiled and shook his head. In order to stop misunderstanding it should be said that the very great majority of those who saw the fight and the great majority of those who have discussed it in private and public have not doubted that the battle was honestly fought, honestly lost and honestly won. There are many, however, and among them some of the best judges of pugilism in America, who believe that Corbett could have won the fight in the fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth rounds. Although Fitzsimmons fought many battles after winning from Corbett he never would consent to give his old antagonist a return match.

Fitz v Jeffries Newark Daily Advocate 1899 –10 June

'Fitzsimmons, is "dead." The "next door" to a Licking county boy, James Jeffries, who was born just over the Licking county line, has won in a contest for supremacy in pugilism of the world. Long live the newly arisen champion. When Fitz measured his length upon the platform and Referee Siler stood over him counting the seconds there was a subdued roar like the approach of a tidal wave. When the last second had been counted and "Lanky Bob" failed to arise, the roars developed into a mighty yell of mingled, triumph and "vexation. In that last blow delivered by Jim Jeffries, fortunes were won and lost. He made for himself fame and a name. When the referee announced that Jeffries had won 10,000 spectators became hysterical in the excitement. Men climbed up; jumped over the ropes and surrounded the fighters. Some with words of praise and others with expressions of condolence. I never saw such a scene of wild excitement as there was much betting and money seemed as plentiful as peanuts and was as little thought of.




Promised to Visit His Old Home

After the Big Fight.

The people of the little village of Carroll, Fairfield county, are overjoyed at the result of the Jeffries-Fitzsimmons fight in New York last night as it was three miles from that little village that Jeffries first saw the light It was there that he spent his early boyhood days and though he was a little shaver not more than six years old when he left with his parents for the west eighteen years ago, he is remembered by all the older residents of the town and vicinity.

Even at that early age Jeffries was interested in pugilistic affairs and was quite expert as a boxer for a little fellow. The relatives of the now champion of the world are among the most refined people of that vicinity, prominent among whom are the Kistlers, Mrs. A. B. Kistler being the big fellow's aunt. Upon a recent visit to Fairfield county Jeffries and his brother "Jack" promised to return to the boyhood home, providing Jim was successful in the contest with Fitz. Jeffries was inNewark about the same lime that he visited Fairfield county, having stopped off to visit his relatives here. Mr. Orren Ingman's wife was an aunt of Jeffries, while Mr. Enfield. the carpenter of North Fourth street, and Mr. Joseph Jeffries who lives midway between Newark and Hebron, are Jeffries'uncles.

Jeffries' father in , is an itinerant preacher, and one of his beliefs is that no minister should accept compensation for his services. Fortunately the possession of a farm in the west enables him to carry out his theory and yet live comfortably.

Jeffries made many friends In Newark upon his recent visit by his quiet unassuming manner. There is none of the braggadocio so common among fighters, about him. He is a cordial and great big good fellow.


Says Jeffries Outfought and Outpointed

Fltz all Through.

Cincinnati, June 10.—Harry M.

Weldon -wired from New York:

" Jim Jeffries outfought and outpointed and finally knocked out Robert Fitzsimmons in the arena of the Coney Island Athletic Club tonight.The end of the mighty antipodean, who since his arrival in this country has been phenomenally successful, came in the eleventh round. It was a complete rout. Fitz was on his back unconscious when the fatal 10 was tolled off by Referee Siler. Indeed, he did not regain his full senses for 10 minutes after he sustained the blow that brought about his downfall.

Fitz's downfall came after 11 of the fastest rounds ever fought by . Not only was it one of the greatest fights in the history of pugilism, but it occurred in the presence of the largest crowd that ever -witnessed a pugilistic event anywhere.

Fitzsimmons told the master of ceremonies that his weight was 157 pound. Jeffries said: "If he claimed he only weighs 157 pounds you can announce my weight at 148 pounds."

The men shook hands at 10:24, eastern time.


Story Telling How Fitz Was Put to

Sleep ln Big Fight.

New York, June 10.—At the arena of the Coney Island Athletic club James J. Jeffries, the young giant of the west, defeated Robert Fitzsimons, the world's champion in two classes, in eleven rounds of whirlwind fighting. He came to the ring a rank outsider, and left it the acknowledged master of the man he defeated. He was never at any time in serious danger, and after the size-up in the early rounds of the contest took the lead. He had the Australian whipped from the ninth round.

It was acknowledged that Jeffries would have an immense advantage in weight, height and age, but the thousands who tipped and backed his opponent to win were sure that he was slow, and that he would in that respect be absolutely at the mercy of the past master at the science of fighting that he was to meet. He proved, on the contrary, that he was just as fast as the man he met, and beat him down to unconscious defeat in a fair fight. He is a veritable giant in stature and marvelously speedy for his immense size. 15

Less than a year ago he appeared in New York, a great awkward, ungainly boy. Today he is the lithe, active, alert, trained athlete. The men who prepared him for his fight worked wonders with him. The transition since he appeared last has been little short of miraculous. At 24 he has defeated Robert Fitzsimmons, Tom Sharkey and , and if he cares for himself he will probably be able to successfully defend the title for many years.

Both in Fine Fettle

The defeated man was just as good as when in Nevada he lowered the colors of the then peerless Corbett. He was just as active, just as clever, just as tricky and just as fearless of punishment. He went unfalteringly to his defeat He was the aggressor even at moments when he was bleeding and unsteady, and when stunned by the blows he received he reeled instinctively toward his opponent He was fighting all the time and punished his opponent, but found him a different opponent than any he had met and a difficult man to fight.

Jeffries fought from a crouching attitude that was hard to get at He held his head low, his back was bent down and his left arm was extended.He kept Jabbing away with the left and found no trouble in landing it. It was there that his superior reach told.That giant arm served as a sort of human fender to ward off danger.

The men fought before an orderly crowd of 9.009 persons, and stood up in a great beam of blinding white light It was like a thousand calciums, and It showed their great white bodies in strange relief. When the blood came it was of a more intense red than usual.There was not a suggestion of interference from the police and the contest was pulled off without a wrangle.

The Start.

The great house filled very slowly, and it was after 9 o'clock before the police had to bestir themselves and clear the aisles. Fitzsimmons' entry into the ring at 10:95 o'clock was made the occasion of a rather theatrical demonstration. Julian was first and then came the fighter. Jeffries was next in the arena, and, like his opponent, got a demonstrative reception. Fitzsimmons looked lanky and thin, but his skin was clear. his eye bright and his step elastic.

Jeffries looked sturdy and massive and seemed a little nervous.He got the worst of the assignment corners for the great lights shone into his face and he blinked at them in a nervous sort of way. Referee Siler looked colorless and ill at ease.

There was no trying delay to the ring, and the big gong sounded out Just as soon as he men had been presented and gloved. When they squared of Jeffries looked 50 pounds to the Good. the opening round was a tryout pure and simple, and not a single blow of any effective nature was landed.

The second round began in a businesslike way, with Jeffries trying his left. Fitz then took a turn, but was short. Just as the round closed Jeffries downed Fitzsimmons with a hard straight left on 16

the jaw. The champion came up slowly In a dazed sort of way and reeled toward his man. The crowd cheered Jeffries, but the gong ended the round. Fitzsimmons rallied in the rest and was aggressive again in the third. He was bleeding but fighting viciously. He made the pace, but it was the Californian's round. The fourth was fast, but not decisive.


Fitzsimmons made his best showing in the fifth. He began the round with a punch that opened Jeffries left eye and sent a little torrent of blood coursing down his cheek. He forced Jeffries against the ropes, but the Californian slipped away from him. He made Jeffries hug again, but when the round ended Jeffries was back and fighting viciously.

Fitzsimmons was the aggressor in the sixth, and that, too was his round. He tried all of his tricks with left and right, but was unable to place them right. He closed with a strong right uppercut, but that, too, was blocked.The seventh might be said to have been Fitzsimmons', but he did no particular damage with his punches.

The eighth saw the beginning of the end, for Fitzsimmons never regained his balance after that round. Jeffries began the round with a straight left on the face that again brought the blood out of his opponent's mouth. The Cornishman staggered against the ropes, but came back for another facer There was fear in fitzsimmons' corner and Julian yelled to Fitzsimmons to be careful. Fitzsimmons planted one of his lefts on Jeffries' jaw and staggered him against the ropes. Fitzsimmons looked like a beaten man. 17

The ninth was all Jeffries. He sent the Australian's head back with a series of lefts put his right on the body and avoided any serious punishment. Fitzsimmons kept pressing forward all the time, however, but was unable to find his opponent.

The tenth was in reality where the fight ended. Jeffries rushed his opponent and downed him with a left swing. Fitzsimmons seemed out and there was a moment of the wildest excitement. Julian ran along the side of the ring and sprinkled water on his fallen idol. At the end of seven seconds Fitzsimmons staggered to his feet, only to go down again. He was up again andJeffries poised himself for the finish. He shot his left to the body and tried for the head with his right He was calm and collected, but the time was too short.


Again did the gong come to the aid of the man who was then going, staggering and dazed, to certain defeat. There was a frantic effort to revive the champion of champions, but he was clearly gone and his seconds could not restore him. The fate-like gong clanged again, and the old fighter wobbled out to meet the sturdy young Hercules who awaited him. It was as courageous and gritty as a dash up to the firing line in battle, but it was hopeless.They were together. It was a splendid moment and full of all that dramatic intensity that characterizes a tragedy. Jeffries was as fresh as at the start.

There was a moment of sparring and the giant arms of the Californian shot through the air. It was left and right and over. Fitzsimmons, limp and unconscious, dropped to the floor. Jeffries stepped back, for he knew the force he had put behind his terrible blows. The timers called off the seconds that counted out an old ring hero and heralded another, but nobody heard them. The crowd was on its feet howling. There was a rush for the ring; but scores of bluecoats barred the way. 18

Ten seconds are short, and when the tenth had come there was a new roar of excitement to welcome the victor. Julian, Hickey, Kenney and Everhardt gathered up the prostrate man. He was still in a trance. They carried him to his corner and a little blood oozed from his mouth as his head fell forward on his chest. The new hero crossed the ring and shook the hand of his rival, after which he was surrounded by his friends, who hustled him from the ring and into his dressing-room.

What the Principals Say.

Jeffries himself was surrounded by a host of friends, who congratulated him on his well won honor. In response to several Inquiries the new champion said: "Fitzsimmons fought a good and game battle and hit me harder than any man whom I have been up against He can whip Sharkey in two rounds. I would gain nothing by meeting Sharkey again, but am willing to meet any man in the world in whom the public has confidence, and there need be no fear of my quitting the ring for the stage."

Fitz had only partially recovered from the shock of defeat and occasionally murmured, "How did I come to fight him?"

The Fort Wayne Sentinel – 11th June 1910

WITH John L. Sullivan the fourth period of fistic history comes to an end. His defeat of Kilrain, the last championship battle under the prize ring rules, was the logical climax of pugilistic science as developed with those rules.

The modern period of pugilism dates from the appearance of James J. Corbett, who under the Marquis of Queensberry rules, devised entirely new methods and principles for the sport Corbett stands as the first great master of the present 'school of boxing, corresponding in influence and importance with "Dan" Mendoza, who furnished traditions and formulas for the earlier school.

Stepping aside from the course of the heavyweight championship, mention should be .made of one of the most remarkable battles in pugilistic annuls which intervenes, In point of time, between the Sullivan-Kilrain and Sullivan-Corbett fights.

The meeting between "Jack" Dempsey and Robert Fitzsimmons first brought public attention to the man who afterward proved invincible until crushed by the biggest and, as held by some, the greatest heavyweight of them all. It is valuable as illustrating the early achievements of the conqueror of Corbett and the marvelous courage of a plucky little fighter who was matched far out of his class.


UNREMITTING labor, twelve hours of It In the day, fashioned the gawky fighting machine that was Robert Fitzsimmons, gave him his massive knobs of muscle where he needed them and trained his spindly frame Into a tower of strength. The smithy was his first gymnasium and the hammer his apparatus. Born in Cornwall June 4,1862. he began to pound the anvil as soon as he could top it.

Having emigrated to New Zealand, he made his first appearance in the ring at a tournament to determine the amateur title of the colony held at Timaru, In 1880, under the management of "Jem" Mace, the former world's champion. The incredulous spectators saw a tall, quiet man with a slight stoop, a homely, pleasant face of clerical cast and an altogether awkward and un businesslike makeup slide Into the fray and put away four men In succession apparently by sleight of hand. In the following year he entered again at the same place and polished off five contestants in a night, among them the Maori giant, Herbert Slade, the much vaunted (.opponent of John L Sullivan at a later date.

The commonly accepted view at the time, and a view that persistently cropped up for years afterward in regard to Robert Fitzsimmons, was that his achievements stood for a mistake. Those little given to analysis preferred to wave him aside as the ephemeral product of favorable conditions and blind chance. It was natural that it should be so. Of all fighters who ever stood within the squared circle he was undoubtedly the least spectacular In the eyes of observers who did not understand how to appreciate his cunning and his consummate skill. He stepped a few paces with an opponent and lo, the man was out and none could tell the manner of it. Whereupon the undiscerning many cried upon luck while the wiser few spoke of masterly strategy and unequalled fighting equipment.

To boxing followers schooled in admiration of the older type of pugilist Robert Fitzsimmons was no more the figure of a fighter than was David to the Philistines before he smote them. Tradition decreed that a boxer should be a stalwart, beefy, rock ribbed and builded specimen, with a pair of flailing fists and ''' unlimited capacity for bard knocks. The bigger and tougher and stronger he was by so much he approached the popular fancy more closely. Even shifty fighters were at least supposed to be constructed with some regard to symmetry .

But what possible connection could exist between this thin, stooping, knock kneed Individual with his deprecating, good natured smile, shambling gait, top heavy Body and unimpressive pose, and the brawny hero of fistic art who crushed His adversaries in a whirlwind of ruthless fury. Clearly, none at all, and the world Of pugilism was slow to accept repeated proof that the slam bang operator had about as much Chance with the “Lanky Bob “as the thrashing oak with the electric fluid of the clouds.

An Amazing Man

The methods of Fitsimmons,, at bottom were peculiarly his own. No other could Imitate them because no other who ever lived was built on quite the same architectural Lines. It was no infringement upon the fame of James J. Corbett to say that if that astute master had remained in 20

the obscurity of peaceful pursuits Fitsimmons would have stood as the leader and innovator in

Modern pugilism. As it happened Corbett exerted a dominant influence upon the Raw honed Cornishman. When Fitzsimmons fluttered the New Zealanders, and for some years afterward His style was crude and primitive compared with his later showing. Not until Corbett’s tactics had been developed and demonstrated did Fitsimmons , benefiting by The example, become the marvelous scientific genius of the ring.

To emphasis the pugilistic abilities of Fitzsimmons had there growth, before all, In the man astonishing physical construction . If handsome is as handsome does He was a beauty , but only by wrench of metaphor. His build was planned distinctly for service, utilitarian to the last degree. There were his famous legs, crooked pipe stems in design. The good old athletic term of "manly grace" would have to suffer considerable stretching to include the lower limbs of Fitzsimmons. They were almost painfully thin and they splayed out from the knees like the props of a tripod. What nobody counted on, when he first appeared, those legs, with the generous allotment of feet made a perfect hitting foundation, bracing the body and. forming a firm base of operations.

Above the waist .Fitzsimmons was the combination of the best points of twenty champions. His upper structure resembled nothing in the world so much as an ace of hearts, tapering to a waist that a cloak model might envy, and spreading Into a magnificent chest and massive shoulders, padded deep with muscle. The line of the shoulders ran smoothly into arms of phenomenal length and power. His neck 21

was short, solid and strongly set, supporting a small head that could have withstood quite as much pounding as the smith's own: anvil. His height was five feet, eleven and a half, inches. In his early career he fought at about 150 pounds, later up to 170 though usually at 165.

No other feature of his makeup so definitely marked the fighter as the arms. They were steel levers wrapped in layers of wire cord that showed in Bunched and rippled masses beneath the skin and holding within them A force which independently exerted meant a stiffer punch than an Ordinary boxer could produce with every ounce of him hurled into action. Much of the Cornishman’s prowess lay just here, before all else he was a jolter , and He jolted like a trip hammer. Every opponent who fel before him went down with a punch That traveled less than a foot. early observers of Fitzsimmons had great difficulty In discovering and identifying that swift almost invisible knockout shot which accountsFor frequent confusion as to just how the result had been accomplished. Instead of packing It up, hauling away and launching a smash in time honored fashion, he sent over what Looked like a simple tap to those quick eyed to see it at all. Apparently he had made No effort. His adversary promptly collapsed and the watchers wondered .Meanwhile that tap Meant a blow thrice as dangerous as John L Sullivan’s most ponderous slogging swing.

Fitzsimmons at his best was never brilliant save to the understanding of the initiated. While he was eminently a scientific boxer at the height of his career.his craft was not obvious to the general public. He was no show fighter. Graceful maneuvering, tripping steps, noble attitudes And harmony of motion were things of little moment in his scheme .just as Every unnecessary bit of weight was eliminated from his build where he could Spare it and added to the part where he could use it.

To those familiar with his methods there was something wonderfully fascinating About Fitzsimmons in action. His weird." ungraceful gait, swift, sure, with a little noiseless shuffle; his half crouching almost lazy posture; his inimitable trickinsss; his short- dazzling feints: his terrific speed on offence; his skilful luring of the enemy into beating himself and his unsurpassed accuracy of aim and judgment made up a style that was almost uncanny in its baffling effectiveness.

A Born Fighter.

Representing In all his fighting characteristics the economy of efficiency, Fitzsimmons was one of the few men in the annals of pugilism who were unmistakably born to their calling. Such was his aptitude that if boxing had not been known in his day he must have invented it. The same simplicity and deadly directness that equipped him physically for the ring was carried out by his personal qualities. He was quite without fear. His Interests were few and simple He had a wholesome pride In his clean, sound body. Debauchery or excess of any kind never appealed to him. He was made for fighting and he knew it.

After the preliminary triumphs is New Zealand Fitzsimmons next bobbed to the pugilistic surface In Australia, where he continued to advance steadily, If slowly, in fame and Importance 22

He was not trumpeted, but by a gradual process of elimination be came' to the front. He won all

his fights up to 1890 downing a dozen of the best men in his class., and the sporting public still doubting, still unwilling to admit that here was a really great boxer , grudgingly conceded him his place. His first defeat was at the hands of “Jim” Hall, a setback that he afterward reversed, and in the same year came to the united states. After winning from “Billy” McCarthy in San Francisco he knocked out Arthur Upham in . the last event made a great stir amongst American fight followers Who declared that here , at length , was a fitting opponent for "Jack" Dempsey Holder of the middleweight title.

Dempsey was the phenomenon of the time in pugilism.he had appeared in the ring At twenty one and had swept through the ranks of the lightweights and With meteoric brilliance and astounding success.in 1884 he had beaten George Fulljames For the lightweight championship of America . ( boxrec has this down as a fight with Billy Dacey )

unable to find material for further conquests at his usual weight of 135 pounds he went after the next division climbing swiftly to the top. It was nothing for him to take on three fights within a week.


"The Nonpareil" was one of the nerviest, most courageous and startling figures in fistic history. he was regarded by many as a second “Tom” Sayers. It was predicted for him that, like the lightweight English marvel who upset Precedents and wrested heavyweight honors from the best of his Contemporaries. Dempsey would capture everything In sight. For several years he dogged Charlie Mitchell with challenges, and made that artful dodgers life something of a burden to him in finding excuses. Disappointed here, Dempsey did not consider John L. Sullivan beyond the clutch of his ambition and there was considerable talk of a match between them

When Fitzsimmon’s loomed up as a possibility through his defeat of Upham "The Nonpareil Jumped at the opportunity to meet the Cornishman. Dempsey was a rough, and ready fighter of great natural hardihood and unlimited pluck. In science he was as good as the general run of the day, but he depended for success upon his endurance and plain "scrapping" abilities. He bad been trained, like Sullivan, as a bare knuckle boxer and he never took kindly to the padded gloves. Fitzsimmons was only too ready to meet an opponent of this kind, one whose defeat would mean enormous prestige owing to his great reputation, and -whose calibre, as the invader conceived, was small for the mighty noise he had made.

The fight was obtained by the Olympic Club of New Orleans which offered a $12,000 purse, $11,000 to the winner and $1,000 to the loser.the men to weigh no more than 154 pounds at the ringside five minutes before the call of time. five ounce gloves were to be used, Marquis of Queensberry rules to be followed.

The Great Battle

On the evening of January 14, 1891, some four thousand persons were packed in the amphitheatre of the Olympic Club, seated on four sides of the twenty-four foot ring, which was 24

protected by a barbed wire fence from impromptu Interruptions and further guarded by a squad of police. The ring Itself was furnished with padded posts and a floor of packed sand. The gathering Included most of the prominent sporting men of the country and in the crowd were many well known members of the profession, Including "Tom" Allen, former champion; "Jake" Kilrain. "Mike" Cleary and Corbett. The Contest Committee of the club had chosen Colonel Alex Brewster for referee and Toby Duffy was timekeeper.

Just after nine o'clock Fitzsimmons appeared In the Hall with Carroll and O'Connell. his seconds and Robinson, his bottle holder. At stripping he stood in garnet trunks supported by a white sash and black fighting shoes. Dempsey followed him, in black tights, with a red belt and white shoes, and the crowd gave them an indiscriminate and hearty welcome.At weighing in the Cornishman tipped the beam at 150 ½ pounds, and the “Nonpareil” at 144 pounds. There had been much dispute about Dempsey’s weight and an unofficial report was sent out that he weighed 150 pounds. Four days before the battle he weighed 137 pounds and the seven ponds he took on before entering the ring did him little good.

On entering the ring the men looked each other over with appraising glances for some minutes and then Fitzsimmons crossing to his adversary’s corner offered his hand. Dempsey wrung warmly, while the crowd cheered the incident as a promise of clean sport and manly forbearance between the two.As they stood together the disparity in height was made evident.Dempsey being no more than 5ft 8 ½ to the others scant 6ft .Fitzsimmons won the choice of corners and of gloves.At half past nine o’clock the bell sounded for the first round.

They advanced to the center for the handclasp and stood on guard an instant, when Fitzsimmons moving quickly on his feet led lightly with the right, brushing Dempsey's jaw and getting away. Dempsey hopped from side to side, loosened up with a few light ones, and suddenly threw himself Into an impetuous rush, slugging right and left as he came. The wary Cornishman shuffled away before the attack, covering himself perfectly and blocking every swing while giving ground. Dempsey, apparently bent upon instant results forced his man to the .ropes and came at him with a dash and vim that brought roars of applause from his friends in the house. The little fellow cut loose with a rattling succession of drives and swings, keying up the pace.

The rally was watched with the tensest Interest and was considered a fair test of the almost unknown visitors ability Dempsey's attack was characteristic. By this means he was accustomed to take the upper hand from the start, bewilder his man with a dazzling display of speed and strike a winning stride. But something seemed to have gone wrong with The “Nonpareil's" calculations. The tall, gaunt Cornishman had retreated according to specification only to come to a stand and resolve himself into a stone wall of defence. Dempsev pounded at him repeatedly with his right but the blows slid from the other's guard and suddenly Fitzsimmons, with a lightning shift of tactics went upon the offensive himself.


In The Ring

The swift sparring that followed kept the house in ecstatics. with ever increasing force and confidence as he measured the strong and weak joints of his man. always the first care of a methodical strategist. Fitzsimmons tapped and swung and drove in a burst of aggression that overlapped Dempsey’s own. The champion in his turn gave before it reluctantly and they moved slowly about the ring in a whirl of fists until the tap of the gong.

Fitzsimmons glided out of his corner at the signal for the second round and went after Dempsey In his own corner feinting right and left and tapping right. The Nonpareil ducked and forced in with a ripping right smash to the face.Having begun so well he came on in a rush to be met with a snapping jolt to the body that threw him back on the defensive.

By another of his smooth effortless transitions the Cornishman went hard upon the aggressive once more, working right and left rapidly and shifting ground frequently whenever Dempsey sought to make a stand or rush in. He got some bruising clips to the ribs but while pressing on after Dempsey around the ring he gave the champion another opportunity. Dempsey sprang in 26

with his straight drive to the face, landing prettily, but he was slow at recovery and Fitzsimmons countered hard to the neck, this simple, battering facer proved to be Dempsey’s one effective bit of artillery, such as it was, against his adversary's clever blocking and confusing play.

Fitzsimmons began now to force the pace consistently driving the champion away time and again with long distance jabs and thrusts. This was particularly galling to Dempsey, who was accustomed to give ground to no man. But try as he might he could not get past that terrible reach or find a point in that muscle-corded armor where he seemed to make the slightest impression. Worried out of his corner around into that of his opponent, he made a desperate stand and slammed back viciously. Fitzsimmons, always cool, always smiling, met every delivery with wisy moves of his long arms and bored in persistently, landing at intervals a lightning jolt that sent Dempsey once more upon his retreat Just before the bell the Cornishman whipped over another stinger to the neck It was Fitzsimmons' round all the way.

If the Inevitable was not yet generally recognized It was at least evident that Dempsey had a most serious problem on his hands. He had made absolutely no impression upon his ungainly opponent thus far and his supporters looked to see him start something in the third round. Fitzsimmons was after him promptly and when the champion, rushing, refused to be beaten back, they clinched in Dempsey's corner.

At the breakaway Dempsey ran blindly into one of the padded posts. Fitzsimmons was after him In a flash achieved his bewilderment with rapid feints and taps, and, suddenly lashing out with a snappy hook with the right to the point of the jaw, lifted the little chap clear of the floor and sent him down. The crowd yelled In astonishment. No one in the ring had ever been credited with the ability to handle "The Nonpareil" in such a manner.

Dempsey was up quickly, but the Cornishman gave him no opportunity to recover. He was no more than on his feet when the cyclone burst upon him. Fitzsimmons let out the top notch of his speed and was all over his man in an Instant, smashing repeatedly to neck face and jaw.Dempsey had no chance ever to attempt a return. He backed away, arms crossed before his face, and attempted in vain to save himself in a clinch as Fitz rained blows at will until the bell checked the bout.

The champion irritated beyond all measure by the complete failure Of his tactics tried hard to take the lead in the fourth round and swung viciously. Fitzsimmons seemed to fade away around the blow and in the next wink was pounding Dempsey’s jaw. The champion was driven back into his own corner, where he rallied and as the Cornishman came on jammed through left And right to the face. Fitzsimons returned the compliment instantly with a hard jolt To the neck and let himself out with a volley on the head and face .Dempsey could make no stand against the blinding delivery and backed away. Fitzsimmons was hot on the trail and the puzzled spectators saw the fight degenerate into a running race, the Cornishman apparently landing at will and Dempsey unable to make a return. Dempsey tried to check in Fitzsimmons corner and in the rally The Cornishman’s right forearm levered up with a smash to the mouth that covered the champion with crimson.at the gong demsey was being driven all over the ring. 27

Dempsey’s Defense

In the fifth round Fitzsimmons led for the body and followed. Dempsey to the ropes where he hooked heavily to the jaw and mouth. The Nonpareil made a desperate stand and In a terrific spurt had a shade the best of it getting sharply to the neck. But such form was nothing more than a flash Dempsey and the calm, implacable Cornishman pressing him again the next minute. In a fierce rally Fitzsimmons landed his famous Body blow just above the heart. It was a short arm jolt landed with crushing force And Dempsey reeled stumbled into a clinch and slipped to the ground. He was up again with an effort and managed to stand his adversary off until the gong.

Dempsey once again attempted to stem the tide at the opening of the sixth round but was met with a hard facer. sharp in fighting followed Fitzsimmons having the Best of the exchanges .then Dempsey hopped away, jumped in with one of his one effective maneuver throughout the fight feinting he rammed twice to the neck with his right hand And came on with a magnificent left drive that caught Fitz fairly on the throat .The tall fellow taken by surprise seemed all abroad for an instant and it looked as if Dempsey was about to come into his ownat last.

But the check was brief, before Dempsey could take the advantage Fitzsimmons was in the fray more fiercely than ever, out boxing Dempsey at every move and snapping up his terrific jolt over the heart at the bell.

At the call of time Fitzsimmons was fresh and without a scratch, while Dempsey showed crimson about his mouth and bruises on his left Jaw. The Cornishman opened the seventh round which was to prove the definite turning point, If such a one sided affair could be said to have a turning with a light lead to the stomach. Dempsey swept through an opening with two rapid clips to the ribs and shot over a neat facer. The last blow ruffled Fitzsimmons somewhat and he launched into his fastest pace, beating Dempsey back to the ropes and landing a hail of blows to the face and neck. Dempsey was hopelessly out of it and tried to throw himself into a clinch. The Cornishman drove him away, but he came back and managed to hang on. At the break he clinched again and repeated the operation successfully several times. Fitzsimmons wriggled away from his man, whipped through a wicked uppercut that sent Dempsey down at the ropes. When the Nonpareil staggered up again and rushed, Fitzsimmons met him with hooks and short swings all over the face, and at the bell the champion was covered in crimson.

From this point the feature of the battle was the unprecedented display of dogged courage on the part of Dempsey. Having made almost no showing on offence, he was now to play the beaten But indomitable fighter in a way that has made his name synonymous with pluckiness. Fitzsimmons went.to his corner at the opening of the eighth round and they milled, but Dempsey was too weak to inflict any damage. The Cornishman peppered him at will, finally swinging right to the neck and following with a left uppercut that Dempsey helpless and weaving against the ropes. At the end of the round the champion was being, fought all around the ring, badly bruised and wounded.


Near the End.

In the ninth round Dempsey tried desperately and repeatedly for the neck, but could not land and was met with a series of smashes to the mouth "The Nonpareil" took to hanging on to avoid punishment until Fitzsimmons, pushing him away, ripped his face. Dempsey clinched again and again and managed to get through the round without much punishment, though unable to deliver returns.

Fitzsimmons went after his man In the tenth round as if to make an end, leading to the neck. Dempsey tried to clinch and the tan fellow fought him away with a heavy right hook to the Jaw. The champion was able to stagger into a clinch and on the break was harried all around the ring, until a flashing uppercut to the Jaw sent him to his knees. On rising Dempsey was plainly helpless. Fitzsimmons forced him and shot another uppercut to the jaw just as Dempsey was falling into a clinch. Dempsey slipped to the floor, dragging Fitzsimmons with him. When they joined again the Cornishman could do just about what he pleased and floored Dempsey with a third uppercut. The bell saved "The Nonpareil."

Dempsey's friends were now anxious that he should quit, and Fitzsimmons, whose disposition was always mild and free from cruelty, was quite willing to spare the game little fellow. But the champion would not hear of such a thing and the crowd cheered him to the echo As he prepared to continue.Some of the Dempsey cheering veered to the Cornishman at this point, As well it might, for the tall fighter showed the utmost forbearance and sportsmanship. By belligerent method he could have put Dempsey out anywhere after the ninth round, but he contented himself with Sending his opponent down and urging him to give up.Early in the eleventh round he sent Dempsey through the ropes. The champion got up and Fitzsimmons put him down again.

“Stay there Jack, your beat” said the Cornishman. “Dammed if I am.You’ve got to knock me out” said Dempsey and scrambled up, only to fall before an uppercut and another. The Nonpareil was in fearful shape, drenched in crimson, cut and slashed and half blinded. But he got to his feet once more and once more Fitzsimmons landed a stinging uppercut to the point of the jaw .Dempsey fell with his head on the lower rope, and again Fitzsimmons urged him to stay there, and again he got doggedly to his feet. The gong intervened and Dempsey was carried to his corner by his attendants.

The twelfth round was simply a further display of Dempsey's bulldog grit. Fitzsimmons went to his corner and put him down four times with right uppercuts. "The Nonpareil" scarcely even made a pretence of raising his hands. But he would not give up The last knockdown looked like a settler and Fitzsimmons walked away from him to his own corner watching the cheering crowd curiously. Suddenly a shout brought him around In surprise and there was Dempsey, staggering blindly across the ring at him. The bell prevented more trouble for the little man.

In the thirteenth round Dempsey, dazed, helpless, Fitzsimmons walked up to him and Dempsey tried to guard his neck and face, wincing In spite of his nerve Fitzsimmons tapped him twice to the mouth and sent him reeling to the ropes with a jolt to the ribs. As he leaned, panting, the Cornishman hit him on the jaw and he went down, full length. lying there, exhausted, covered 29

with crimson and smeared with the dust of battle, the brave little gladiator raised himself painfully on hip and hand, but sank again. Twice he tried to lift himself and twice he sank. Then he covered his face with his hands and the watchers knew that the battle was over because he could not summon the strength to stand. Fitzsimmons, receiving the plaudits of the crowd, was without a mark upon him. He and Dempsey were the best of friends until the untimely death of the Nonpareil in 1894.