Portland Daily Press : May 25,1868
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. FMMUhed Jan, 1862. Fol. r. aa, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1868 Term. _PORTLAND, 25, $8.00 per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND i» DAILY PRESS published BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. pyery day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. 1 Printer* _WANTED m/self undeserving the confidence that the Exchange, Exchange Portland. Street, Just and Intelligent people N. A. POSTER, Proprutox. FARRAR & DAILY PRESST Imposed upon we ADAMS, IVo. S. In this Term* Dollars a In advanoe. great responsibility, and a Bight year ^ irl Wanted* PORI 'LAND unworthy 4 cents. place honorable if for Single copies AND SIMILIA 8IMIL1BD8 OUKANTUR. among men, any fear CARRIAGE SLEIGH GIRL 0( public THE MAINE STATE is at the IMPEACHMENT A WANTED to do general house- reprobation, or lor the sake of se- PRESS, published "work In a small same at a MANCVACTCBEBN, family. place every Thursday morning $2.00 year, Or Good Monday Morning, May 25. 1868. curing popular favor, I should the availably in advance. reference required. disregard Gone and Furniture Gone Down l A)'!'ly at the COUNTING ROOM OF THE DAILY Humphrey’s Homoeopathic Specifics, dntictione of Noa. 16 and 18 Portland Street. Up, PRESS. my judgment and my coneci- Rates of Advertising.—One inch oi space, In May 22-dtl PROVED, trom the most ample experi- ence• an entire Nassau. length ot column, constitutes a “square.** HAVING A LARGE STOCK OF HAVEence, success; Simple—Prompt- Effi- §1.50 first week. 75 Market and Wagons on cient, and Reliable. They are the only Medicines per square daily cents Tier Express constantly Situation Wanted.
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