[email protected] These notes are free to use by anyone learning or teaching photography. 1. Choosing a camera - there are 2 main types of compact cameras A) Point and Shoot Camera (some have interchangeable lenses most don't) - you view the scene on a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, some cameras also offer viewfinders. B) Single Lens Reflex (SLR) - cameras with interchangeable lenses let you see the image through the lens that is attached to the camera. What you see is what you get - this feature is particularly valuable when you want to use different types of lenses. Digital SLR Camera with Interchangeable zoom lens 1 Point and shoot cameras are small, light weight and can be carried in a pocket. These cameras tend to be cheaper then SLR cameras. Many of these cameras offer a built in macro mode allowing extreme close-up pictures. Generally the quality of the images on compact cameras is not as good as that from SLR cameras, but they are capable of taking professional quality images. SLR cameras are bigger and usually more expensive. SLRs can be used with a wide variety of interchangeable lenses such as telephoto lenses and macro lenses. SLR cameras offer excellent image quality, lots of features and accessories (some might argue too many features). SLR cameras also shoot a higher frame rates then compact cameras making them better for action photography. Their disadvantages include: higher cost, larger size and weight. They are called Single Lens Reflex, because you see through the lens attached to the camera, the light is reflected by a mirror through a prism and then the viewfinder.