hed s ater W om c hat W a L ke

to the S t e w a r d s o f t h e uide G B ellingham of City

A Spring 2007 Lake Whatcom is the source of drinking water to some 95,000 people in Whatcom County, including the 82,000 served by the City of Bellingham. The health of this tremendously important resource is declining, and at a pace that is faster than expected.

Local governments are working hard to study the lake and make wise decisions about its future. We have made Lake Whatcom protection efforts a top priority for 2007, and will consider rigorous steps to This report is dedicated protect our lake. These steps will include protecting to the memory of more undeveloped land in the watershed, improving Bellingham City Council stormwater treatment, and helping watershed member Joan Beardsley, residents become better stewards of the lake. who helped initiate its creation before her death on March 12, 2007. Joan Protecting Lake Whatcom is our responsibility, was a long-time Bellingham not one we should leave to our children or resident, a much-loved grandchildren. There is no magic wand, there’s just and respected educator, us. We know the lake is changing, and for each day, and a thoughtful, engaged each month, each year we delay, it will take another community leader. May her day or month or year to bring our lake back to passion for the environment health. Let’s get the job done. and public service continue to inspire us all.

Tim Douglas Mayor of Bellingham Nootka rose (Rosa nutkana) is native to Washington.

working together t o p r e s e r v e a n d S t e w a r d S o f T h e

Why is the City publishing this report? WHAT’S INSIDE 4 How has Lake Whatcom changed? ake Whatcom, precious on its northwestern shoreline. Our city community treasure and thrives on the drinking water we draw 6 Is our drinking water safe? drinking water reservoir, spans from the lake and are responsible for several jurisdictional boundaries delivering to 82,000 residents. And our 8 Why is the City of Bellingham buying land? — the City of Bellingham, city prides itself as a national leader What is government doing? How can I help? LWhatcom County and the Lake Whatcom in environmental stewardship and 10 Water and Sewer District. innovation. 11 Construction and boating laws As the health of Lake Whatcom declines, Human activities along the shores and Lake Whatcom map and facts on the surface of Lake Whatcom have a city residents have a special responsibility 12 profound impact on the lake, and these to preserve this resource. City officials What do federal and state rules require? three jurisdictions have teamed up over are calling on Bellingham residents 14 the years to study, to manage, and to for support of continuing and new What is the Lake Whatcom TMDL? protect it. This partnership is essential to government programs, and changes in 16 individual actions, to protect the lake. the long-term health of the lake and we 18 Why is Bellingham treating stormwater? appreciate the dedication of our agency partners and the citizens they represent. This report is designed to help you Is Bloedel Donovan stormwater treated? understand the challenges we face as we 20 Yet the City of Bellingham has a special work together to preserve and enhance 22 Is it safe to eat the fish? Swim? responsibility to Lake Whatcom. Our city Lake Whatcom. has for decades hosted dense population 23 Resources, contacts, credits 24 What’s in a name? t o p r e s e r v e a n d e n h a n c e L a k e W h a t c o m How has Lake Whatcom changed?

akes change slowly. that fail to meet water quality of dissolved oxygen. oxygen have become even spread past the intake pipe for standards. That listing, required more dramatic, and more Bellingham’s water supply in Only in the past under the federal Clean Water Phosphorus flows into the lake widespread. All four of the Basin 2, past Sudden Valley, decade or so has the Act, triggered a mandatory from sources including stream major algae groups have and all the way to the south quality of the water water quality improvement bank erosion; exposed soil from increased, but the most end of the lake. Lin Lake Whatcom started to plan. (For details, see pages construction, landscaping and striking increase has occurred change noticeably, in response 14-17.) logging; lawn fertilizers; leaves in cyanophyta, known as Lakes change slowly. We aren’t to more than a century of and grass clippings; pesticides; blue-green algae (although yet seeing the full effects of development on its shores. Lake Whatcom was listed pet and wildlife droppings; cyanophyta are actually the phosphorus we’re allowing because of low levels of failing septic systems; sewage bacteria). to flow into the lake today. The Washington State dissolved oxygen, which are the spills and leaking sewer pipes; The full effects of today’s Department of Ecology was result of an explosion of algae and phosphorus-based soaps, The changes started adjacent phosphorus loading — on concerned enough about algae growth. Phosphorus carried detergents and chemicals. to the most urbanized parts dissolved oxygen levels and growth in Lake Whatcom, into the lake by stormwater of Lake Whatcom, the algae growth — won’t be seen in 1998, to place the lake on runoff is the primary cause of Since 2004, the growth of Silver Beach and Geneva for years to come. the state list of water bodies the algal growth and low levels algae and the drop in dissolved neighborhoods, and have Water quality has declined throughout the lake and is getting worse

Summer Algae Density Bars show range of sample counts of cyanophyta (blue-green algae), per liter, May through October. Dots show medians (half of samples were higher, half lower). ������� Site������ 1 ������� ������� ������� ����������� Site 1 (Basin 1) ����������� Site 2 (Basin 2) ����������� Site 3 (Basin 3) ����������� Site 4 (Basin 3) ������Site 3 Site 2 ������ ��� ��� ��� ��� ��������������

��� ��� ��� ��� ������� ������ Site������� 4 �� �� �� ��

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������� �� �� �� �� Median������ ������� �� �� �� �� Source: Dr. Robin Matthews, Institute for Watershed Studies, Western Washington University � � � � ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������

4 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m R ob in M atthews

Human behavior changes slowly, too, sometimes as slowly as lakes. What’s wrong

It’s hard to change our habits with algae? — what we build, the sort of Decaying algae deplete yards we plant, how we get around town, how we care for oxygen supplies needed by our pets, how we clean our fish and other aquatic life. cars, what kind of boats we use. Algae also cause water to 100 micrometers taste and smell bad, and But Lake Whatcom is changing. can cause health problems. If we want to slow or halt the lake’s changes, we will have to quicken the pace of our own. what do I need to know about algae, dissolved oxygen and phosphorus?

Water quality has declined throughout the lake and is getting worse When too much even more algae growth, natural levels of growth. phosphorus is introduced accelerating the depletion Human activities are Dissolved Oxygen in July and August into a water body like Lake of oxygen in the lake. increasing phosphorus Whatcom, some plant levels in the lake. Scientists Dissolved oxygen, measured at Site 1 at a depth of species, such as algae, Low oxygen levels cause can’t tell us which 12 meters, in milligrams per liter of water. experience explosive sediments on the bottom of activities are loading the growth. Overgrowth of the lake to release mercury, most phosphorus into � algae can cloud water, which is then absorbed Lake Whatcom, but we blocking sunlight from by fish, and phosphorus, know sources include: � other plants and aquatic which stimulates the • Stream erosion. life, killing them or growth of even more algae. � limiting their growth. • Exposed soil from Phosphorus is a naturally construction, landscaping and logging. � ���� When algae die, they sink occurring nutrient, found in to the bottom of the lake water, soil and air. It helps • Lawn fertilizers. � and begin to decompose. stimulate plant growth • Leaves and grass clippings.

��������������������� Bacteria feed on the and is essential for animal • Pesticides. � decomposing algae and and plant life. You may consume oxygen in the recognize it as a common • Pet and wildlife droppings. water. The bacteria deplete ingredient in fertilizer. � • Failing septic systems. ������ the supply of dissolved • Sewage spills and oxygen needed by fish But there can be too leaking sewer pipes. � and plants. In addition, much of a good thing. ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� dead algae create more Naturally balanced levels • Phosphorus-based soaps, nutrients that fertilize of phosphorus promote detergents and chemicals. Statistically significant trend lines

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 5 Bellingham City Limits Is our drinking water safe, even though the pollution is getting worse? es. Bellingham has Bellingham’s drinking water is safe, but algae growth in great drinking water. Lake Whatcom is making our water less appealing and is requiring more expensive treatment to keep it safe. The drinking water the City of Taste and smell Agency — 80 parts per billion. YBellingham pipes to about Our drinking water usually tastes But late summer levels started 82,000 people far exceeds great; in fact, it has even won rising around 1998. The highest federal safety standards. Every awards for taste. Some customers detected sample — 49 parts per year, the City mails to every tell us the water tastes different in billion — was collected in 2004. water customer a Consumer warmer months. In late summer, ConfidenceR eport, as required when algae growth is at the Switching to a different by federal law. That report highest in Lake Whatcom, algae disinfectant is not the solution, must include Water Quality and tiny fungi can give off non- because alternatives to chlorine Monitoring Results, which toxic but smelly chemicals that may also create harmful is a table showing how the can cause unpleasant tastes and byproducts and can’t fully treated water that reaches odors in our drinking water. Also substitute for chlorine. Instead, HOUSING UNITS BUILT your home compares in late summer, our drinking in April 2005 the water treatment to maximum levels of water might smell like chlorine, plant added a new treatment S I N C E 1 9 6 0 contaminants set by even though the City has not chemical to the pre-filtration the U.S. Environmental changed the level of chlorination process. 0 Protection Agency. in decades. The chlorine smell is Adding a different polymer 1-10 caused by a reaction between the Bellingham also meets a higher chlorine used in treatment and boosted the power of the 11-25 water quality standard, set by the algae in our source water. coagulants, so organic matter 26-50 Partnership for Safe Water, an would form larger clumps and the Health plant’s filters would catch more 51-100 alliance that includes American Water Works Association and the The more algae there are in organic matter before chlorine is 101-250 U.S. Environmental Protection our source water, the more added to the water. By lowering 251-500 Agency. Bellingham voluntarily the algae react with chlorine the concentration of algae leaving joined the Partnership. This during treatment. This reaction the filtration step of treatment, higher standard limits the causes byproducts, including we lowered the amount of For a long period of time, the overall quality concentration of particles larger trihalomethanes (often called chlorination byproducts. of the water in Lake Whatcom appeared to be than two microns left in our THMs), which increase cancer impervious to our impacts on its shores. This drinking water after treatment. risk. The level of THMs in September levels of THMs tend period is over. Bellingham’s drinking water has to be highest, but by 2006 the never approached the Maximum September averages had dropped Contamination Level set by the below every September average U.S. Environmental Protection since 1997.

6 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m v id S che rr e r D a

However, this approach of the amount of organic material using a polymer to boost left in the water. Examples coagulation has its limits, and include membrane filtration, if algae density in the lake in which less organic matter is continues to increase, THM present when chlorine is added, levels are likely to increase so less THM is produced. again. Another approach is to use Expense alternative disinfection If algae and other organic methods such as ultraviolet matter in the source water light or ozone, which reduce continue to increase, the amount of chlorine Bellingham will be compelled necessary, thereby reducing to upgrade our treatment the amount of chlorine system. byproducts, including THMs.

Our in-line filtration plant was The cost of upgrading our built in 1968. It has since been drinking water treatment computerized and improved system to handle smaller in many ways. In 2007, the particles is estimated in the original clay underdrains will millions of dollars, depending be replaced with stainless on the technology selected. steel, to allow more room for LOWER THM LEVELS additional filter materials. Water treatment professionals talk about the three-legged �� Our current filters remove stool that supports high- Adding a new polymer to the City’s particles larger than 2 microns. quality drinking water: method of treating drinking water, �� Of those, the City’s target Protect source water, optimize in 2005, is thought to be how is to leave no more than 20 treatment and take care of an upward trend in disinfection particles per milliliter of water the distribution system. The �� byproducts was reversed. (which matches the target of money we spend to clean up ����������������� September average levels Partnership for Safe Water). Lake Whatcom, our source �� water, can postpone or reduce of trihalomethanes (THMs). Newer systems, employing the cost of upgrading our The federal limit is 80 parts per billion. different treatment techniques, system for treating drinking �� are capable of removing much water. Source: City of Bellingham smaller particles and reducing � Department of Public Works ��� ������ ��� ��������� ��� ��� ��� ���������������

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 7 Bellingham City Limits Why is the City of Bellingham buying undeveloped land in the watershed? ecause science individuals. It is estimated that the watershed will be fully built indicates that these protections are preventing out in about 12 years. preventing property the construction of 1,273 houses from being developed in the watershed. • Although 2,519 acres are is the best way to protected, some of these parcels Bprotect Lake Whatcom. But enormous challenges remain: are not permanently protected ������ from development. ������ Natural forest cover is the best • Under current zoning, about means of protecting water 3,208 more single-family Bellingham’s Lake Whatcom quality. This finely balanced houses could be built in the Watershed Property Acquisition system, with its canopy of watershed, on 5,552 acres of Program has played a major trees, shrubs and groundcover, undeveloped land. At the current leadership and financial role in can slow rainwater and filter rate of construction — about the partnerships that have been pollutants. Because forests 270 homes per year — the forged to protect watershed land. are essential in providing a remaining developable land in continuous supply of clean water, control of the land How watershed land is protected from development is one very effective way THE PROTECTION CHALLENGE to achieve beneficial, Protected by Acres enduring results. City of Bellingham Lake Whatcom Watershed Property Protected from development Acquisition Program ownership 773 2,519 acres As of March 1, 2007, a total of 1,273 potential housing units 2,519 acres have been protected City of Bellingham Lake Whatcom Watershed Property Acquisition in the Lake Whatcom Watershed. Program and Whatcom County joint ownership (Whatcom Land Trust conservation easements on all 405 acres) 405 Potential development That’s about 31 percent of the 5,552 acres land in the watershed that’s City of Bellingham ownership for parks, greenbelts, stormwater 3,208 potential housing units zoned for development but detention, drinking water facilities, etc. 259 remains undeveloped, or about C ity of Bellingham conservation easements with private entities 104 8 percent of the total land in the Whatcom County ownership 318 watershed. Development of the watershed Washington State Department of Natural Resources ownership, creates a four-fold challenge, from: with Whatcom County management plan 139 This has been accomplished 1. Land disturbance through the efforts and Whatcom Land Trust ownership, with Whatcom County easement 2. Loss of forest cover financial contributions of the a nd management plan on 212 acres 349 3. Urbanization and increased City of Bellingham, Whatcom W hatcom Land Trust private conservation easements 75 impervious surfaces County, Sudden Valley Sudden Valley Community Association ownership through joint 4. Contaminants from daily activities Community Association, Lake purchase and donation by City of Bellingham, Whatcom County Whatcom Water and Sewer and Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District 60 District, Whatcom Land Trust, Sudden Valley Community Association ownership 37 Washington State Department of Natural Resources and generous TOTAL 2,519

8 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m C it y o f Bellin g ham

Progress Report: City of H O W C A N I H E LP? Bellingham Lake Whatcom Watershed Property Respect the natural Acquisition Program • features of watershed properties. The City of Bellingham began a program to purchase land in • Donate or sell your Lake the Lake Whatcom Watershed Whatcom Watershed in 2001, in order to protect property to a protection our drinking water source. The program, or place a program is financed by water conservation easement usage fees. A single-family residence pays $5 a month, on your land. which is included in City water bills. • Sell or transfer development rights to As of March 1, 2007, the other properties outside program has been involved in the watershed. buying approximately 1,178 acres of land, with purchase prices totaling about $16 million dollars. Whatcom County, Whatcom Land Trust and generous landowners LAND IN THE WATERSHED assisted in these protections. The program was also involved How it’s used now, what’s protected and what could be built with partners in protecting an additional 164 acres, through ��������� The land inside the entire of Bellingham, its partners conservation easements and ����� ����������� Lake Whatcom Watershed and generous individuals covenants. ������� ����������������� equals 31,127 acres and have protected 2,519 ����� ����� includes 4,007 developed acres from development, Altogether, this program has ��������� acres. Under current through land acquisitions, participated in the protection ������������ �������������� zoning, about 5,552 more conservation easements and of 1,342 watershed acres. This ����� ���������������� acres could be developed. covenants. ������������� acreage is about 53 percent of ���������� This development would the protected land in the Lake ����������� ����� �������������� add about 3,208 single- It is estimated that these Whatcom Watershed. ������������ ������� ����������������� family houses. protections are preventing ����� ����� construction of about ������������ The efforts and financial 1,273 housing units in the �������������� contributions of the City watershed.

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 9 What else is H O W C A N I H E LP? government doing? educing the Key local efforts • Direct as much rain • Keep contaminants pollution entering to date include: water as possible out of the lake. The Lake Whatcom toward soil. If we can stormwater treatment • Conducting ongoing lake direct phosphorus into the system is spotty, so and protecting our and tributary testing. drinking water ground, it will be used by whatever spills in the need the combined efforts of • Protecting watershed land microorganisms and won’t watershed — including from development through government — from the local end up polluting the lake. detergent and motor oil purchases, conservation Direct rainwater toward soil — may wash into the lake. to the national level — and the easements and lake-friendly by directing downspouts If you use a motorboat, people who live in, work in or management of properties. toward vegetated areas, or refill oil and gas away from visit the watershed. We can’t depend on • Lake-friendly zoning. installing rain barrels. Build the water and be prepared government actions alone to walkways or driveways with to mop up spills. Don’t Bellingham City officials • Permit rules that encourage protect Lake Whatcom. We low impact development. materials that let water wash your car on a street or have made protecting and will only solve the pollution seep through. Keep and driveway. Maintain cars and enhancing Lake Whatcom • Stormwater treatment. problems of Lake Whatcom their top priority, and expect maintain healthy trees and boats, so they don’t leak. • Upgrading and extending through the actions of the to consider rigorous actions shrubs on your watershed sewer systems. thousands of people who property — they help soak during 2007 and beyond to live in, work in, visit or drink Tread lightly in the • Regulation of construction, up water. Consider protecting • ensure this vital resource is water from the watershed. watershed. Leave your boating, septic systems undeveloped watershed land preserved. car at home by walking, and fertilizer use. to ensure it will never be It might be easier if there riding a bike or taking the • Watershed protection built on. The City of Bellingham, were some big villain bus. Paddles, oars and sails education. Whatcom County and the dumping bucketsful of toxic are better choices for the Lake Whatcom Water and • Programs that help waste into the lake – but • Obey environmental lake than boat engines. For Sewer District have a long- residents install lake- there’s no big villain here. laws. Phosphorus-containing motorized boats, choose standing partnership to protect friendly landscaping. The lake is overloaded with fertilizers are prohibited the cleanest engines Lake Whatcom through the contaminants because a little in the Lake Whatcom possible, and practice Lake Whatcom Management State and federal here and a little there adds up Watershed, with limited preventive maintenance. In Program. efforts include: to a lot. exceptions. On construction the woods, stay on trails to • Financial and technical sites, follow erosion control protect vegetation. Clean support for local programs. Lake-friendly practices are rules to prevent muddy up after your pet, even in • Lake-friendly management suggested on various pages runoff, and don’t leave any your own yard. Learn how of logging. of this report, as well as dirt exposed when prohibited to discourage geese from on web sites of the City of by wet-season laws. Obey living on shoreline property. • Environmental legislation. Bellingham and our partners septic tank inspection laws. Learn other stewardship • Enforcement of in the stewardship of Lake Follow boating rules. Don’t solutions from the web environmental, health Whatcom. Are the lists pump contaminated bilge site of the Lake Whatcom and habitat laws. too long? Just follow four water. Don’t use empty land Management Program, guidelines: as a dump. www.lakewhatcom.wsu.edu.

10 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m H O W C A N I H E LP? Why does Silver Beach have special development rules? o protect Lake continue to be captured by by Oct. 1 must be covered to Whatcom and its trees and absorbed into the prevent muddy runoff. tributaries. ground, instead of adding to the stormwater flowing into Lake • The maximum fine for The rules limit the Whatcom. Impervious surfaces construction violations is Tsize of new construction near — most concrete and asphalt, as $1,500 per day. Lake Whatcom, and limit the well as roofs of houses, garages time of year when land can be and sheds — prevent water • Footprint rules limit how much cleared or left bare. from being absorbed into the of a lot can be covered with ground underneath. So limiting impervious surfaces, such as If you clear a piece of land, it the size of the footprint of new pavement or roof, and pervious Why are some boat engines can yield up to 1,000 times as construction is an effective systems, such as uncovered much sediment as it did before way to limit its impact on Lake decks and masonry pavers. The restricted on Lake Whatcom? limit for each is typically 15 being cleared, so limiting Whatcom. Benzene is a harmful compound responsible for a disproportionate percent of a lot or 2,000 square major excavation to the drier found in gasoline. The U.S. loss of fuel discharged into water feet, whichever is greater. times of the year is effective What is the Silver Beach Environmental Protection Agency bodies compared with other However, lots smaller than in preventing phosphorus- considers benzene at any level engine types. Ordinance? the zoned minimum size are laden soil from reaching a risk to human health. Other • A law adopted by Bellingham restricted to 15 percent. Lake Whatcom. Too much scientific studies have shown For motorized watercraft, better City Council in January 2001. phosphorus flowing into Lake petroleum pollution harms choices are four-stroke engines • Permission to exceed the Whatcom is causing algae to aquatic life. and direct fuel injection two- • The rules apply to all of the footprint limits may be granted grow, which lowers the quality stroke engines. They use less Silver Beach Neighborhood, if native vegetation is retained of our drinking water. City of Bellingham water gasoline and less oil, and they except for a small portion where or planted, or by agreeing to monitoring has detected benzene reduce fumes and noise. Better stormwater doesn’t flow into keep another watershed lot Most of Bellingham’s Silver at extremely low levels in its yet, use boats powered by your Lake Whatcom. undeveloped. Beach Neighborhood is in the treated drinking water and in muscles or the wind. Lake Whatcom Watershed, untreated Lake Whatcom water. which means that when it rains, • Construction rules limit the To protect the health of everyone amount of exposed dirt stormwater flows toward ditches Studies conducted by the E.P.A. who depends on Lake Whatcom from excavation or land or creeks that empty into Lake indicate carbureted two-stroke for drinking water, Bellingham clearing to 500 square Whatcom. When stormwater engines discharge 25 to 30 City Council and Whatcom feet during the wettest flows across bare land on a percent of their fuel, unburned, County Council have restricted time of the year, from construction site or impervious into the water when operated at the use of carbureted two-stroke Oct. 1 to April 30. surfaces like asphalt driveways, full throttle. These engines are boat engines. Large excavations the water picks up phosphorus not completed and other pollutants. The operation of all carbureted two-stroke engines is prohibited on the portion of Lake Whatcom inside Bellingham City limits (except those meeting The more that vegetated 2006 or later Environmental Protection Agency emission standards). On the rest of Lake Whatcom, restrictions will take effect in 2009 and 2013. areas remain on each newly developed lot, as well as existing — City of Bellingham Ordinance 2005-06-045 lots, the more stormwater will — Whatcom County Ordinance 2004-042

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 11 • Holds about 250 billion Lake Whatcom Facts, 2007: gallons of water. • The drinking water source • The Lake provides drinking • About 10 miles long and just for about 95,000 residents water for the City of over a mile wide at widest of Whatcom County, Bellingham system, Lake point. about half the county’s Whatcom Water and Lake surface about 5,000 population. Sewer District, several • acres, with 8 percent inside smaller water districts and The City of Bellingham Bellingham. • associations, and a few withdraws water from Basin hundred homes that draw About 30 miles of shoreline. 2 through a 1,200-foot • water directly from the lake. wooden pipeline that leads • Average elevation 314 feet to Whatcom Falls Park. above sea level.

12 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m • About 36 tributaries (many • About 15,000 people live not year-round) flow in the Lake Whatcom into the lake, augmented Watershed, in about 6,500 by water diverted from homes (as of March 2007). the Middle Fork of the The legal maximum lake . • level was established at • Drains naturally into 314.94 feet by Whatcom via County Superior Court Whatcom Creek. in 1953. The City of Bellingham controls lake Lake Whatcom Watershed • level by a control dam at the about 56 square miles head of Whatcom Creek. (36,000 acres), with about 3 percent inside Bellingham. S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 13 Bellingham City Limits Do federal and state laws require we clean up Lake Whatcom? es. Cleaning up Lake the process is described in that Whatcom County will then Whatcom has become section of the Clean Water have to operate programs and/or more than just a good Act. Lake Whatcom was listed set regulations to meet those idea. It is required because of low levels of dissolved goals. In other words, Ecology by the federal Clean oxygen. will require results, and local YWater Act — adopted in 1972 — governments will determine and state laws. Implementation Based on that listing, Ecology how to achieve those results. of these laws has been slow, but began working on a mandatory The requirements will include the delays are about to end. water quality improvement plan timelines for year-by-year aimed at returning the lake actions. The U.S. Environmental to natural levels of dissolved Protection Agency was sued in oxygen. The plan will limit The overall goal will be that no 1996 because Washington’s the amount of phosphorus more phosphorus is discharged polluted waters were not flowing into the lake, because into the lake than would be being cleaned up fast phosphorus is the primary cause discharged under natural enough. As a result of of Lake Whatcom’s low levels conditions — without human NEW HOME BUILDS that lawsuit, the E.P.A. of dissolved oxygen. Ecology impact. The target level selected and the Washington will set the phosphorus goals. by Ecology is the phosphorus State Department of The City of Bellingham and discharge from Smith Creek, Built 2000 - 2006 Ecology entered into an which flows mostly through Built 1990 - 1999 agreement that requires Ecology commercial forest land on the Built 1980 - 1989 to produce plans to clean up north shore of Lake Whatcom polluted waters on a schedule. and is the cleanest of the Lake’s Built 1970 - 1979 tributaries. Built 1960 - 1969 Ecology expects to complete, Built Before 1960 probably in 2008, a plan that will Ecology has a new tool to ensure limit the amount of phosphorus compliance. The goals are now that can be discharged into Lake Have your car washed included in permit requirements Whatcom from its tributary commercially, because the for stormwater systems in urban creeks and ditches that collect wastewater will be treated. areas. stormwater. If you must wash it yourself, do it on the lawn or gravel, Under Federal rules that went In 1998, Ecology listed Lake where wastewater will seep into effect in February 2007, Whatcom among the state’s into the ground. And don’t a stricter discharge standard water bodies that failed to meet use phosphorus-containing now applies to any stormwater water quality standards. This list detergent. conveyance (including roadside is called the 303(d) list, because ditches) owned or operated by

14 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m A nna T h or da r s o n

factories). These stormwater conveyances must for the first time obtain discharge permits from Ecology that will limit phosphorus discharges.

For “non-point sources,” the standard of compliance remains less strict: a reasonable assurance the pollution reductions will be made. Non-point sources include stormwater that enters the lake or a tributary without ever entering a stormwater system owned or maintained Pick up pet waste, even in by a city or a county. This your own yard. stormwater can originate from any location, including a private driveway, a store Bellingham or Whatcom parking lot, or a stormwater County, whether they ditch owned by Sudden Valley are inside Bellingham, in Community Association Phosphorus is the culprit Bellingham’s Urban Growth (because it is private). Areas or in any urbanized area Based on studies conducted by various scientists, Washington State Department of Ecology in the watershed (including Achieving the targets Ecology has already determined: Sudden Valley). These will set to reduce the amount • The dissolved oxygen • The greatest increases in • Some of the increase components of the public of phosphorus entering Lake problem is caused by phosphorus-loading to the is because stormwater stormwater system flowing Whatcom will require action increases in phosphorus lake come from the most reaches creeks faster in into Lake Whatcom are now not only by governments entering Lake Whatcom developed areas. developed areas, causing designated as “point sources” but by the people who live with stormwater. erosion. • Some of the increase is of pollution (the longtime in, work in or visit the Lake • There are few choices for because in developed • It’s necessary to lower the designation for specific sources Whatcom Watershed. removing phosphorus areas precipitation amount of phosphorus of pollution, for example once it is in the water. carrying contaminants entering Lake Whatcom, enters streams that flow so the sooner we start directly to the lake without doing so, the better. getting filtered through phosphorus-removing soil.

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 15

What is the Lake Whatcom TMDL? uring the summer Once that maximum load commercial forestry, and from of 2007, the is determined, Ecology will non-point sources such as the Department allocate portions of the load homes and other development of Ecology is to 23 geographic areas of surrounding particular creeks. expected to release the watershed, so the sum of The required reductions in Da Total Maximum Daily Load the loads doesn’t exceed the phosphorus won’t be measured study for Lake Whatcom. This maximum allowed. directly, because it’s too variable, michael hilles study will include a scientific but by a yet-to-be-determined Joan Vandersypen, a scientist with the Institute model that will determine where Within each geographic area, surrogate. for Watershed Studies at Western Washington pollution needs to be reduced, known as a sub-watershed, University, programs an automatic sampling and by how much, in order allocations of the allowed The TMDL will set the goals pump to collect a sample every 90 minutes from a for the lake to have sufficient amount of phosphorus will be for how much needs to be stormwater treatment system, in August 2001. dissolved oxygen. further divided into how much done, and where. The City phosphorus can be discharged and Whatcom County will After public comment, based from the Bellingham stormwater be required to set regulations What is a TMDL? on this study Ecology will system, from the Whatcom and/or operate programs to meet The letters stand for Total Maximum Daily Load. A develop a TMDL report, which County stormwater system, from those goals. TMDL is a mandatory water quality improvement will identify where pollution plan. The “load” in TMDL refers to the amount of a needs to be reduced and by how Future development pollutant a water body can receive without violating much. After E.P.A. approval and levels will affect what will state water quality standards. A TMDL is a plan, an more public participation, an be required in already amount of pollution, a document and a process that implementation plan will be developed areas involves public comment. readied. The scientific model that will All TMDLs have five main parts: The Lake Whatcom TMDL be the basis of the TMDL will determine the amount of allocations will calculate the • An identification of • An allocation showing phosphorus that can be loaded, amount of phosphorus loading the type, amount, how much pollution or discharged, into the lake Don’t use fertilizer that in three ways: and sources of water each source will be without lowering the oxygen contains phosphorus. pollution in a particular allowed to discharge. • Under natural conditions. levels below natural levels. water body or segment. • A strategy to meet these Direct rainwater into the • Under conditions in 2002, when • A determination of how allocations. ground, where phosphorus Natural levels are estimated water samples were collected. much the pollution can be absorbed and used by • A monitoring plan to by modeling oxygen levels in needs to be reduced or plants, instead of letting it make sure the water is the lake when natural levels of • Projected as if the entire eliminated to achieve flow directly into stormwater getting cleaner as the phosphorus are present — that watershed is built out in the clean water. ditches, creeks or Lake same way developed areas have TMDL is implemented. is, the levels of phosphorus prior to human activity. Whatcom. been built until now.

16 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m Read more about lake-friendly practices at: C it y o f Bellin g ham www.lakewhatcom.wsu.edu

Much more phosphorus is To the extent the City and discharged from developed the County prevent future areas than from natural residential development areas. So if the more than — by property acquisitions, 3,000 additional homes zoning changes, incentives allowed under current zoning or other regulations — less are built, they will add effort will be needed to reduce significantly to the amount phosphorus loading and of phosphorus that is loaded preserve the health of the lake. into the lake.

We’re not starting from scratch

The City of Bellingham has already put into effect many programs and regulations that will satisfy goals Ecology is expected to include in the Lake Whatcom TMDL, although some of these programs and regulations It’s the law might need to be expanded or improved. Examples are: Carpool, bus, bike or walk to reduce pollution from motor — Whatcom County No person shall apply any No commercial fertilizer of Ordinance 2005-038 vehicles. commercial fertilizer to any type shall be applied • Protecting watershed land residential lawns or public when the ground is frozen. from development. — City of Bellingham Ordinance 2005-06-044 properties within the Lake Whatcom Watershed, either No person shall apply, • Teaching residents lake- • Offering incentives to liquid or granular, that spill or otherwise deposit friendly gardening decrease motor vehicle use. is labeled as containing commercial fertilizer techniques. more than 0% phosphorus on impervious surfaces. • R efitting stormwater or other compounds Any fertilizer applied, • B anning fertilizers containing treatment systems with new containing phosphorus, spilled or deposited, phosphorus. technology that targets such as phosphate, except either intentionally phosphorus. when applied to newly or accidentally, on • Educating pet owners to pick established turf or lawn impervious surfaces shall up animal waste. • Street sweeping. areas in the first growing be immediately and season. completely removed.

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 17 Watershed boundary Why is the City of Bellingham treating stormwater? ���������������������� ������������������ e depend on alter natural stream and wetland Since 2001, Bellingham has been stormwater processes. This changes or refitting stormwater systems and drainage systems. damages fish and wildlife habitat, building new ones in order to This network of and overloads bodies of water like attempt to remove phosphorus. So ditches, pipes, Lake Whatcom with nutrients, far, despite the use of state-of-the- ���� culverts and creeks keeps water including phosphorus. art technology, results have been from flooding our roads, yards disappointing. Measurements ������� and the buildings where we live, The City of Bellingham have not shown City stormwater work, go to school or relax. completed construction of its first systems to be effective at lowering stormwater treatment system in the concentration of phosphorus We need this stormwater 1992. Since then, the City has downstream of filtration. system because we have added spent about $1.4 million building impervious surfaces to the earth stormwater treatment systems in However, recent retrofits have ���� ��� ����� — that is, surfaces that don’t its highest-priority area: the Lake shown promising early results. let water seep through. In the Whatcom Watershed. Spending In addition, bioswales and other natural environment, rainwater will reach about $2 million when treatment methods that infiltrate is captured by soil and plants and watershed projects planned for part of the stormwater into the slowly released into creeks, lakes 2007 and 2008 are completed. ground are presumably taking CITY stormwater TREATMENT and bays, or into the atmosphere. advantage of the soil’s natural The more we replace nature’s Bellingham’s first stormwater ability to absorb phosphorus. Stormwater facilities stormwater system with buildings treatment systems were designed and paved surfaces, the more to capture bacteria and solids Nevertheless, the City continues Treatment areas completed 1992-2006 runoff is channeled into the (including mercury and other seeking stormwater treatment Treatment areas planned by City 2007-2008 stormwater drainage system. metals), to prevent them from systems that can be proven to flowing into Lake Whatcom. They remove phosphorus. One forward- Areas where stormwater is not treated by City Stormwater runoff has two are effective at capturing bacteria looking method the City uses is Untreated area drains to Whatcom Creek unintended consequences: and solids — important goals for to install cartridges containing (therefore lower priority for stormwater treatment) the quality of our drinking water, filtering materials. Like water • It carries pollutants, including the health of fish and the overall filters in your home, these filters phosphorus, from lawns, exposed cleanliness of Lake Whatcom. are replaced at set time intervals. By the end of 2008, the City of Bellingham will be treating soil, roads, parking lots, and The filtering materials used in stormwater collected from 321 acres in the Lake other developed land into our But the threat to Lake Whatcom these systems are currently being Whatcom Watershed. This includes 56 percent of creeks, lakes and bays. from phosphorus would not be improved by manufacturers to the City’s portion of watershed land draining toward Lake understood for several years. better target phosphorus removal. Whatcom. (The 321 acres include 56 acres outside City • During the wet season, And the technology to remove Scientists working for the City Limits that are in Bellingham treatment areas. These 56 the volume, peak flow and phosphorus from stormwater is are also experimenting with duration of the runoff increase acres are not included in the percent calculation.) still in its infancy. Bellingham phosphorus-absorbing materials dramatically. The high volumes is one of many communities for use in other stormwater undercut and erode stream searching for effective methods treatment systems. banks, widen stream channels, to remove phosphorus from deposit excessive sediment and stormwater.

18 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m C it y o f Bellin g ham

The City follows “best management practices” H O W C A N I H E LP? required by the Washington State Department of Ecology, • Have your car washed which are updated whenever commercially, where better stormwater treatment sudsy water is not methods are developed. released untreated. Bellingham is ahead of most communities of our size in • If you must wash your the state, having adopted the own car at home, wash it Ecology stormwater manual on a porous surface like and substantially meeting a lawn. all recommendations of the Puget Sound Action Team’s • Scoop the poop! Don’t management plan. leave pet waste to decompose. Meanwhile, federal and state regulations leave us no choice: • In your yard, allow as We must limit the amount much water as possible of phosphorus reaching Lake to soak into the ground Whatcom. But since we cannot instead of running off in depend on current methods polluted torrents. of removing phosphorus, we must focus on preventing • Channel rainwater into a phosphorus from reaching the rain garden, where it can CAN STORMWATER BE TREATED AT HOME? stormwater ditches and creeks soak into the ground. that flow intoL ake Whatcom. Collect rainwater in Yes. We can direct In 2007, the City of • Constructing porous • walkways and driveways rain barrels and use it stormwater into our Bellingham plans to build This means the bulk of the yards, to harness the soil’s at least five residential that reduce runoff by for outdoor watering responsibility for phosphorus natural ability to absorb stormwater retrofit projects, allowing water to seep to activities. reduction must fall on residents phosphorus and other for homeowner volunteers the ground underneath. of the watershed and people Use porous cement or pollutants. in the Lake Whatcom who work in or visit the • • Installing rain gardens that pavers, which let water watershed. These will be watershed. Government and The best way to reduce the demonstration projects filter pollutants. environmental organizations soak through and into the ground. amount of phosphorus to illustrate small-scale can provide education and reaching Lake Whatcom stormwater treatment • Increasing other vegetated support, but individual actions Rake leaves and needles is to reduce the volume methods that may include: landscape features. will determine how much • off sidewalks and of stormwater runoff, and phosphorus continues to flow • Amending soils to increase driveways, to keep them every little bit counts. • Collecting water from into Lake Whatcom. phosphorus absorption and out of the stormwater gutters to use on lawns or retention. system. gardens.

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 19 How is stormwater being treated at Bloedel Donovan Park? gain and again and to the lake’s most accessible boat snowberry. These Pacific again. launch. Unfortunately, some Northwest native plants were boaters deposit motor fluids selected because they can thrive Redundancy was and other contaminants in the in very wet soil and very dry the key word parking lot when they ignore the soil. They are adapted to our guiding the City’s Public Works prohibition on dumping bilge weather and resistant to local Department in designing a water. pests, minimizing the need stormwater project for Bloedel for fertilizers or pesticides. David Scherrer Donovan Park. Since no single Now, 99 percent of water These plants get some of their A Washington Conservation Corps crew weeds and removes stormwater treatment method running off the parking-lot nourishment by absorbing litter from the rain garden near the Bloedel Donovan has been shown to be effective asphalt is treated to remove nutrients carried by stormwater Park boat launch, in March 2007. The curb cut allows at removing phosphorus, water contaminants before they reach runoff. stormwater runoff from the parking lot to enter the rain flowing off the Bloedel Donovan Lake Whatcom. garden, where plants and soil capture pollutants. parking lot is guided through The rain garden near the boat a series of systems, so the Four types of systems launch catches parking lot runoff cumulative treatment prevents were built: that can’t be guided toward any as much phosphorus and other other treatment system. An award-winning project contaminants as possible from Rain Gardens: The Bloedel Donovan stormwater project reaching Lake Whatcom. Two clusters of bushes and Filter Cartridges won the American Public Works Association’s groundcover are doing double Two underground vaults filled Charles Walter Nichols Award for Environmental This project, constructed in duty — adding beauty to the with 18-inch-diameter filter Excellence in 2005. The project cost about 2003, won the American Public park and harnessing the natural cartridges were also installed in $123,000. It was funded by the City of Works Association’s Charles processes of plants and soil to the park. Any stormwater that Bellingham Storm and Surface Water Utility, Walter Nichols Award for capture pollutants. Two rain exceeds the upper rain garden’s with a small grant from Puget Sound Action Environmental Excellence in gardens were installed, one capacity overflows into the filter Team, which is responsible for implementing 2005. The award application was near the park’s Electric Avenue cartridge system. In the lower Washington State’s environmental agenda for aptly titled, “Getting Less from entrance and the other near parking lot, a berm was built to Puget Sound. The engineering staff of Public a Lot.” the boat launch. Much of the divert stormwater away from the Works designed the water quality system. Several stormwater runoff from the lake and into the cartridge vault. city departments and Washington Conservation Before the project was built, parking lot flows downhill into Corps assisted with construction. stormwater running off the one or the other rain garden. The cartridges are packed with parking lot at Bloedel Donovan As water seeps slowly through material designed to absorb Park flowed directly intoL ake specially constructed mulch, soil contaminants. Like filters in your Whatcom, carrying with it and gravel layers, pollutants are car, these cartridges are replaced automotive fluids, animal waste filtered out. at regular intervals. That lets the and contaminated water from City try new materials, as the boats. This three-acre parking Plants in the rain gardens science of stormwater treatment lot is the largest in the Lake include yellow monkeyflower, advances. The original perlite Whatcom Watershed. It serves black twinberry, Nootka cartridges have been replaced hundreds of vehicles a day, rose, kinnikinnick, evergreen with a mixture of perlite, zeolite including many that haul trailers huckleberry and common and granulated carbon.

20 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m Tor e Ofteness

So far, measurements indicate the cartridges are not effective H O W C A N I H E LP? at removing phosphorus, despite manufacturer claims • Walk or ride your bike to they would be. The City will Bloedel Donovan Park. continue to install the best filtering materials as they • Or catch a WTA bus. become available. Bloedel Donovan is only a 15-minute ride from Sand Filter Bellingham’s downtown A sand-filter structure was station, with buses designed to capture stormwater leaving 25 minutes after runoff from Electric Avenue, the hour. For details, call the arterial street bordering 676-RIDE(7433). the park. Pipes transport stormwater runoff from the • Boaters are prohibited roadway toward the filter, from dumping bilge where sand particles trap some water at Bloedel Donovan pollutants. Park. InfiltrationG alleries • Bring your dog to the Two infiltration galleries take park to help chase away water cleaned by the other geese. The park is an three systems and direct it off-leash area daylight into the ground. Infiltration hours from Oct. 1 to April Filter cartridge cutaway galleries are rows of buried 30, and from dawn to 10 pipes with holes that release a.m. from May 1 through water into the soil, where Sept. 30. Stormwater enters an phosphorus can nourish underground vault, where it flows plants. One gallery was • Always pick up after through cartridges that are packed installed near the playground your dog. with filtering material designed and swimming area, the other to remove pollutants. Cartridge near the boat launch and replacement occurs approximately picnic area. After construction, annually, or when the material topsoil was replaced and becomes plugged. Replacement replanted as lawn, so the may easily include new and infiltration galleries operate improved filtering materials for without disrupting the better removal of pollutants, such functionality and beauty of as phosphorus, as such materials the park. Contech Stormwater Solutions Inc. become available.

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 21 Can I eat the fish Is swimming in from Lake Whatcom? Lake Whatcom safe?

Yes or no, depending on the type Children are most at risk for Yes. It is safe to swim in Lake Bacteria: The City of Bellingham of fish, your age and whether the effects of mercury. Pregnant Whatcom. monitors the water at Bloedel you are a man or a woman. women, those who are breastfeeding Donovan Park weekly in warm or who are planning a future Blue-green algae: Local health weather. High concentrations of Mercury has been found in Lake pregnancy may pass mercury officials have not seen enough of bacteria have not been found since Whatcom smallmouth bass and contamination on to their children. the toxin-producing type of algae in 2003, when beach closures were yellow perch, and in Lake Whatcom to harm swimmers necessary. In 2002 and 2003, the in other Whatcom County lakes. or pets. Although some of the algae City closed the Bloedel beach several Mercury can affect the development growing in Lake Whatcom can times because of high concentrations of the nervous system, which produce toxins, concentrations have of E. coli bacteria, but not the can result in learning disabilities been too low to be of any concern. dangerous type of E. coli that is often in children. In adults, mercury If blue-green algae are present in a associated with undercooked meat. can also affect the heart and the high enough concentration to create a DNA testing implicated Canada immune and reproductive systems. problem, there is typically the tell-tale geese as a significant contributor appearance of a bluish or greenish to the fecal pollution at the swim paint-like material on a lake’s surface. area. If any beach must be closed for Lake Whatcom Fish Advisories If this is ever observed, give the City’s health reasons, signs are posted and From Whatcom County Health Department and Washington State Department of Health laboratory a call, at 676-7689, so announcements are made online and scientists can determine if there’s a in local media. Smallmouth Bass Largemouth Bass Yellow Perch danger to swimmers or pets. Swimmer’s itch: Lake Whatcom Women of Do not eat. Don’t eat more than Don’t eat more than typically does not have a problem with childbearing age two meals* per month. one meal* per week. swimmer’s itch, the common name for a rash caused by a parasite that thrives Children younger Do not eat. Don’t eat more than Don’t eat more than in shallower lakes. than age 6 two meals* per month. one meal* per week. Protozoa: The Bellingham drinking Other people No restriction. No restriction. No restriction. water lab monitors the intake for giardia and cryptosporidium. These * Meal size ranges: One ounce for a 25-pound child, three ounces for a 70-pound child, parasites enter lakes and rivers through six ounces for women weighing less than 135 pounds, eight ounces for larger adults. sewage and animal waste, and cause gastrointestinal illness. Although There is no detectable concentration of mercury in levels in 2006 were not detectable, and Bellingham’s drinking water, or in Lake Whatcom. the risk of exposure is considered to be very low in Lake Whatcom, exposure Mercury is found in the tissue of large are eaten by their predators, all is still possible by drinking untreated fish because mercury concentrations the way up the food chain to large lake water. increase at every step up the food fish. Concentrations of mercury in chain. Mercury present in a lake or large, older fish can be many times creek is taken up by bacteria, which concentrations found in insects near are eaten by their predators, which the bottom of the food chain.

22 C i t y oB f e l l i n g h a m resources

The City of Bellingham is online at www.cob.org. The Public Washington State Department of Natural Resources Works Department, which can be reached at 676-6850, is implements the Lake Whatcom Landscape Management Pilot in charge of the City’s drinking water, sewer and stormwater Project on about 15,000 acres of state forest trust land in the systems, and coordinates environmental programs. The Lake Lake Whatcom Watershed. Read about the program on the Whatcom Watershed Advisory Board, a citizens group appointed DNR web site www.dnr.wa.gov (search “Lake Whatcom.”) by the mayor that advises the City regarding the watershed land acquisition program, meets 7 p.m. the third Thursday of every Washington State Department of Health Office of Drinking month, in City Hall. Find out more online or at 676-6961. Water is online at www.doh.wa.gov/ehp/dw, or call (800) 521-0323.

The Lake Whatcom Management Program is the joint effort Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife of the City of Bellingham, Whatcom County, and Lake Whatcom is online at www.wdfw.wa.gov, or call the Bellingham Water and Sewer District (formerly Water District 10) to protect Lake office for freshwater resources, 676-2146. Whatcom as the source of drinking water for about half the residents of Whatcom County. Its web site www.lakewhatcom.wsu.edu is the Many local non-profit organizations contribute most complete source for local stewardship solutions. Find to the health of Lake Whatcom, including: tips about septic systems, lake-friendly gardening, cars, boating, — Whatcom Land Trust, which protects land from development, Canada geese, construction, hobby farms and pet waste. The and is online at whatcomlandtrust.org, or call 650-9470. program’s pamphlet “Boatnotes: A handbook for boaters on Lake Whatcom” summarizes environmental regulations for — RE Sources, which helps residents actively safeguard our boaters and suggests dozens of lake-friendly practices. For a copy, environment, and is online at www.re-sources.org, or call 733-8307. call Bellingham’s Environmental Resources office, 676-6961. — Sustainable Connections, which promotes the Whatcom Watershed Business Pledge, and is online at www.sconnect.org, or call 647-7093. Whatcom County is online at www.co.whatcom.wa.us. The — Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA), which is Public Works Stormwater Division coordinates tasks identified working with the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and Whatcom County to through the Lake Whatcom Management Program, and can be develop a Lake Whatcom Native Kokanee and Cutthroat Trout Conservation reached at 715-7450. Environmental health issues are handled by and Recovery Plan, and is online at www.n-sea.org, or call 715-0283. the Health Department, which can be reached at 676-6724.

Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District (formerly Water CREDITS District 10) is online at www.lwwsd.org, or call 734-9224. Design: Aaron Logue, Credo Graphics Institute for Watershed Studies at Western Washington Writing, research and data presentation: Emily Weiner University monitors Lake Whatcom under a contract with the Maps based on data provided by City of Bellingham. City of Bellingham. Reports are online at www.ac.wwu.edu/~iws. Special thanks to City staff Chris Behee, Clare Fogelsong, Heather Higgins-Aanes, Washington State Department of Ecology is online Janice Keller, Dick McKinley, Joy Monjure, Bill Reilly, Lance Rexroat, Geoff Smyth, Kim Spens at www.ecy.wa.gov. For background information on water and Peg Wendling; and to Jeff Hegedus, Steve Hood, April Markiewicz, Robin Matthews, quality improvement plans and specific information about Lake Barbara Ryan, Gordon Scott, Shannon Sullivan and Joan Vandersypen. Whatcom, search “TMDL.” The Ecology web site will announce Printing: Premier Graphics on New Leaf Reincarnation Matte, manufactured with Greene-e® opportunities for public comment on the draft plan for Lake certified renewable energy, 100% recycled fiber, 50% post-consumer waste, and processed Whatcom, or call Ecology’s Bellingham field office, 738-6250. chlorine free, the use of which saved an estimated 7 fully grown trees, 1,468 gallons of water, 3 million Btu energy, 321 pounds solid waste, and 543 pounds greenhouse gases. Calculations based on research by Environmental Defense and other members of the Paper Task Force. © New Leaf Paper

S t e w a r d S o f t h e l a k e 23 What’s in a name? stablishing the name We’ve been calling it “Lake “Lake Whatcom Whatcom” or “The Lake” for Reservoir” was so long. “The Lake” sounds a top goal when like a place for swimming, Bellingham, fishing, boating and relaxing. EWhatcom County and the Lake Whatcom Water and When we say “The Reservoir,” Sewer District adopted the what do we think of first cooperation agreement doing? When we hear “The on lake issues in 1992. That Reservoir,” is it an unpleasant agreement said establishing reminder of something we’d the name “Lake Whatcom rather not think about? Reservoir” was an affirmation of the goal of developing Perhaps, just sometimes, we management principles can start to use the word for the lake and watershed “Reservoir.” Perhaps we can consistent with a drinking say to our children, “This water reservoir environment. glass of water comes from the Lake Whatcom Reservoir.” Or Bellingham City Council’s perhaps we can say to each official goals for 2007 include, other, “Let’s not wash our car “Protect and improve the in a place where the sudsy quality of drinking water in the wastewater will flow into the Lake Whatcom Reservoir.” Lake Whatcom Reservoir.”

Lake Whatcom Reservoir. Perhaps calling it “The Does it sound too goofy to Reservoir,” just sometimes, will say? Does it sound too much help us protect the drinking like a political agenda? water source for 95,000 people.


ELLI F B NG O H Y A City of Bellingham T M I C 210 Lottie Street

W A N S O Bellingham, WA 98225 HINGT