Behavior of the Hottest Chili Peppers in the World Cultivated in Yucatan, Mexico
HORTSCIENCE 53(12):1772–1775. 2018. Naga (Purkayastha et al., 2012). ‘Bhut Jolo- kia’ was considered one of the hottest in the world; in 2007, it was registered in the Guin- Behavior of the Hottest Chili Peppers ness Book of World Records with 1,001,304 SHU. Later, the ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’ in the World Cultivated in variety, originally from Trinidad and Tobago, occupied that place in the Guinness Book of Yucatan, Mexico World Records with a pungency of 2,009,231 SHU (Bosland et al., 2012). Cur- Liliana S. Mun˜oz-Ramírez, Laura P. Pen˜a-Yam, Susana A. Aviles-Vin˜as, rently, the ‘Carolina Reaper’ variety, de- Adriana Canto-Flick, Adolfo A. Guzman-Antonio, veloped by the U.S. company PuckerButt and Nancy Santana-Buzzy1 Pepper in South Carolina, is recognized as the Unidad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, Centro de Investigacion most pungent in the world, with 2.2 million í · SHU (PuckerButt Pepper Company, 2013), and Cient fica de Yucatan A.C., Calle 43 No. 130 32 y 34, Merida, Yucatan, is registered in the Guinness Book of World CP 97205, Mexico Records. Taking into account that the Peninsula of Yucatan is known to distinguish the Haba- Additional index words. Capsicum, HPLC, pungency, capsaicinoids, Scoville heat units nero pepper for its high level of pungency, our Abstract. The Yucatan Peninsula is recognized as the center of genetic diversity of proposal was to evaluate, under the conditions Habanero peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq.), which can be distinguished from those of the region, the pungency behavior of three cultivated in other regions of the world by their aroma, taste, and—most of all—by their varieties internationally known for their high pungency.
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