

Sri AmmaBhagavan Foreword 2018-01-19 Darshan: Ekam -Drop all paths -Thou art That -Temple -Ekam :general information from Wikipedia Foreword

I found this video on March 1st,2018. At that time, already 40 days has passed from original Darshan had done. Soon I made transcript and Japanese translation. After that I noticed it is very useful to make it a little e-Book. When this Darshan was given? YouTube title is "Sri Amma Bhagavan's interaction on inauguration of EKAM (The ONENESS FIELD) on 19-JAN-2018". But as usual, no date information is found in the video. Bhagavan says, "It has taken 28 years since the birth of the phenomenon of the Golden Orb to arrive at this point." Oneness phenomenon began in 1989, so timing is just begining of 2018. Darshan setting is very simple. background is white wall only. It seems Sri Ammmabhagavan sit outdoor or near open space. Birds sing constantly. Some handclaps in the beginning so there were audience but not so many people. Audio is very well. under natural daylight, 3 or so cameras were settled. Nothing decorate, nothing unnecessary. YouTube channel that contains this video is run by a personal devotee. This is ordinary Indian style. So this is not O&O Academy's promotion video.

This is a critical message. Perhaps Bhagavan suggests that 2012 Awakening was failed, or not so, world wide awakening is now in very difficult situation. As you now, we are in the crucible ofgreed capitalism, political brute, religious crazy, foolish racism, meaningless wars, and unnecessary poverty. And more, environmental pollution, climate changes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions are now destructive. For example, Japan shall ruin by radioactive pollution caused by Fukushima Catastrophe 2011, but her government and industry never give up nuclear power. Of course Japan locates at midst of Ring of Fire. We are rushing into doomsday. Only solution is worldwide Awakening.

By introducing Ekam, Sri AmmaBhagavan intend to generate a powerful conscious filed of awakening covering across the planet. For that, it requires large scale about 8000 people to rise the level of human . Can we make such a meditation? Please listen to Sri AmmaBhagavan's latest message. Thank you.

For understanding, some documents from past Darshans are added. -Drop all paths excerpts from 2014 Darshans. -Thou art That from Felicity's blog and 2013-11-12 Dubai Darshan -Temple from Felicity's blog -Ekam general information from Wikipedia 2018-01-19 Darshan: Ekam

Sri Amma Bhagavan's interaction on inauguration of EKAM (The ONENESS FIELD) on 19-JAN-2018

EKAM is a Divine Powerhouse for fulfilling Heartfelt Desires.It is a sacred field for Dissolving problems and obstacles. EKAM is a sacred well spring and sanctuary for seekers to move into higher states of awakening.it is a portal to transcendental reaims in consciouness. EKAM is a cradle to world transformation. Visit www.ekam.org ------Transcript Debra Apsara Reminder of true Freedom and Discovering our Path from Sri Bhagavan 2018 Transcript of Sri Amma Bhagavan Interaction of Inaguration of Ekam:

Welcome to the Oneness Family! For having come all the way to Ekam on this auspiscious day of the opening of Ekam.

It has taken 28 years since the birth of the Phenomenon of the Golden Orb to arrive at this point. It has taken 28 years. And this is a very very auspicious occation. Ekam was first conceived by Sri Amma and myself years ago with the purpose of brining about Oneness among the people of the World and also to connect humanity to the Divine. That has been the main purpose of Ekam. Though we have other reasons as to why Ekam was built. Now we had this Vision. It was Sri Krishnaji and Sri Preethaji who along with like-minded people from India and from the rest of the World made this into a . So today we have it there, and Ekam will start moving into the direction it is expected to move.

Now, what is special about Ekam is: Ekam is the Abode of the Golden Orb. The Deekshas received here would be extremely powerful and should help you receive all that you are seeking for. It shall be indeed very very powerful. That is what is very special about Ekam. It being the Abode of the Golden Orb and the Deekshas being extremely powerful.

As you meditate at Ekam in large numbers , you have to come in large numbers and meditate here together, if you could do that you would achieve tremendeous growth in a very very short time. Not only that, you would be helping humanity also to grow quite fast. Now, as all of you know, humanity is going to face a lot of problems in the coming years, so if Ekam could be flooded with people, and it would create a total field of Oneness, that was the plan, that would happen at Ekam. If people come and meditate at Ekam we would create a field of Oneness across the planet. And this Oneness could help humanity face the problems confronting it. That is why it is so important that you come and meditate at Ekam.

Now, what happens when you meditate at Ekam? While meditating at Ekam, you would discover Your Path, and you would discover Your Truth. In the spiritual realm, things are very different.

If you go deep into the spiritual realm you would discover that the is very different from what you imagined it to be, or what science tells you it is. So also, you are very different from what you think you are, what you understand in terms of philosophy, psychology and science; you are not that at all. Deep into the spiritual realm, it is very very different. You and the Universe are interacting moment to moment. The Universe is creating you from moment to moment. And you are creating the Universe from moment to moment. The Universe is no thing ”out there” . It is dying every moment, it is taking birth every moment. You are dying every moment and taking birth every moment. The Universe is creating you and you are creating the Universe. This becomes your reality. In such a situation , you will be able to clearly see, that there are no absolutes in this Universe. That there are no absolutes in the spiritual realm. So, there is no such thing as ”THE Path”, or the ”Absolute Path”. If there are 7 billion people on this planet – there are 7 billion paths. Each one of us has his or her own path. You would discover Your Path. Only Your Path could save you. No other path, however great that could be, that is not going to help you, because it is not your truth, it’s not your path. Similarly, truth also is not absolute. There is no absolute truth in this Universe. Becasue the Universe is not absolute, you are not absolute. It’s living and dying every moment. Dying and coming back to life, dying and coming back to life. Nothing is absolute out there. Everything is changing. Therefor you would discover that ”this is my path”. That is why when you go throught the meditation, you would discover: ”oh my , this is my path, and you would discover: this is my truth.

So Ekam is there to help you discover Your Path and Your Truth. Once that happens, that is the first step, and that is the last step. All opposites becomes one. There is no more the good and the bad – they become One. There is no more the right and the wrong – they become One. There is no more the divine and the profane – they become One. All opposties become One. They are just the One. That becomes a Living Reality. It’s not a concept, it's a Living Reality. It is then that you discover what Freedom is. It is then that you discover what True Liberation is. Its then that you discover what the immesurable is. Its then that you discover what true living is. Its then that you discover that you are All that Is. It is then that you discover that you are the One . That you and the Divine are One. All things become One. All opposites become One. You discover you are the One. The One that is. You are that. That you would discover as a personal reality by following Your Path and by following Your Truth which you have to discover. So this is the journey of discovery . Meditating here is a journey of discovery which will take you to that point.

So now, it all depends on how open-minded you are. If you come with a closed mind, then you might not make the progress. Now, if you discover Your Path and Your Truth , all the Paths that you have followed or you have known , all the Truths that you have known as concepts must drop down like dry leaves. Not that you become free of them – that is not being free at all. But they must drop down automatically like dry leaves . As you meditate at Ekam , the Abode of the Golden Orb, that would happen to you . All the concepts, all the views, all the conditionings – which is you – you are nothing but your conditioning – you are nothing but your views – your believes – your ideas – no matter how great they are – how wonderful they are – but still it is not true to you – its not yours – it’s only a concept. As you begin to see all this , they would drop down of their own accord . At that point you are left with no path and no truth. That is when you discover what is exactly your path and what is your truth . And once you have gotten there – everything is only automatic.

So now, on this journey , Sri Krishnaji and Sri Preethaji would be helping you to move and to make Ekam to achieve what it is suppose to achieve. It is meant for transforming the individual and for transforming humanity . Humanity must take the next leap. If we go on living like this we would destroy ourselves , as well as all living beings on the planet. Unless we become a new generation of human beings – totally different from what we are – now that is not a very difficult task at all . Not that the whole of humanity has got to come here, it has been designed to accommodate about 8 000 people . If collectively you would meditate , then you would see the taking place, the Mirale of Transformation. Of not just the individuals who come here , but of people spread across the planet, there will be spontanious awakening . Awakening would take place , and people would automatically get connected to their Divine .

The Divine is personal. It’s not ”THE Divine” , it is Your Divine. Like Your Path – Your Truth – Your Divine. You get connected to that Divine. And once you get connected there is no stopping at all. And this would happen automatically to people who may not even come here. They could be in the North Pole or the South Pole, still that could happen to them because we would be creating a Field, and you would make it possible . So by coming here, you are contributing to the growth of humanity, and for saving all living things on the planet. Becuase soner or later , the way we are living , with the self being so very pre-dominanat , and we being so very self-centered, we are bound to destroy this planet, as problably it has already happened in the distance past. As probably it has already happened to several other planets. So we are heading in that direction. Look at the world and you would see that. There are some good thing also happening , but you see as a whole we are moving towards disaster. So unless there is a transformation in our consciousness , in the way we perceive thing and the way we experience things , we can not say how long we would be able to survive. I can not tell you much more about those things because I am an optimist , I am not a dooms day prophet , but still things are in our hands . We could still bring about a dramatic shift in human consciousness , besides also helping solve those mundane problems . Both should be handled. We have to handle our worldly problems, as also things concerning the other world . We can not be fully steep into this world , but that is important, we must also be concerned about higher levels of consciousness, of what the human potential really means.

So Ekam would take care of – if I can use some Indian words: ”Eham” and ”Param”. That is This World and the Other World. By Other World we mean Transcendental States of Consciousness , that should be taken care of. As also our worldly needs like finances, health, relationships – all this is also a must. Both will be taken care of by meditatating at Ekam. So, I think that this auspicious day should help you to move along quite fast on this journey. You All! (Ammas ) -Drop all paths

2014-06-14 Austria Q10: Dear Bhagavan, How can we overcome hollow traditions and support the independent and the autonomous in me so that all will find the knowledge of the one truth and its one source of love? Thank you Bhagavan. A10: The basic teaching of Oneness is that there is no path to truth or to the ultimate. Only if you give up all paths you will discover your own path. It is only your path which could take you there. Everyone's path is unique. If you follow any path there is no for you. This includes Oneness also. If you make Oneness into a path there is no hope for you. You could however try your various paths. But then you must come to the realization that no path can take you there. That is the turning point. You must throw out all paths. That is the first step. That is the last step. Thats why the vision statement of Oneness is to set man totally free. That freedom is Awakening. That freedom is living. Otherwise you are merely walking corpses. You are only existing, you are not living. You must drop off all paths. Nobody followed any path and got there. There is no such path. Because every human being is unique. What works for you would not work for another. Oneness aims at freeing you from all paths. That is the true meaning of Oneness. Also Oneness liberates you from a judging, punishing God. Such a God does not exist. Unless you create such a God. That is why you have to create your own personal God. That is the God who could help you. But if you depend on a God who is going to judge you, who is going to punish you, who is going to dictate terms to you, there is no hope for you. Because such a god does not exist. That God is a figment of your imagination. God and man are two ends of the same reality. The divine is unmanifest. It is nameless. It is formless. It is you who give it a name, you who give it a form, you who give it qualities. Then the divine manifests as light or as a golden ball or as any form. When the divine manifests we call them God. It is all in your hands. So Oneness liberates you from a controlling, tyranical, punishing God. Oneness liberates you from God, Oneness liberates you from all paths. That is why the vision of Oneness is to set humanity completely free.

2014-06-22 Italy A9(Excerpt): The other is you all want to be enlightened. That cannot happen as long as you follow a path or a teacher. Initially you must do window shopping and then choose the path which suits you. Then go deeply into that path. Then, like a dry leaf, that path must drop down, that teacher must drop down, all paths and all teachers must be gone. Only then you will know your path. That moment you are enlightened. As long as there is a path or a teacher, enlightenment is not possible. If you make Oneness into a path or Amma Bhagavan your teachers, there is not hope for you. Oneness has a built-in time bomb which will explode and Oneness itself will drop down. That is your moment of enlightenment. Hence these changes.

2014-09-29 Germany Q1:Beloved Bhagavan, Recently we learned that each of us has to find our own path. Please, Bhagavan we need clarity? Thank You Bhagavan. A1: Initially something happens in your life and you become a seeker. Then you do window shopping and finally select a path which suits you. Having selected a path you must persevere in that path. There comes a point when you realize you are not going anywhere. Then the path drops. At that moment you would realize your path. When all paths drop down, only then you discover your path. Every human being is unique, everyone’s is unique and everyone’s path is unique. If you follow somebody’s path, you’ll not go anywhere. Where you go also is unique. Nature does not duplicate. It does not mean you throw away any path. You persevere in any one path. And then the path automatically drops. And everything becomes very clear to you. This applies also to Oneness.

2014-12-14 Germany Q1: Dear Bhagavan, how can I find my way and follow my heart in my daily life with all its challenges? Thank you, Bhagavan. A1: You cannot discover your path or follow your path, until you drop all paths. When we say ‘drop all paths’, it does not mean you simply drop it like that. You must follow any path intensely, until it drops off. Only at that point of time, you truly discover your path. And the moment you discover your path your heart naturally follows that. -Thou art That http://the-oneness-blessing.blogspot.jp/2009/03/bhagavan-what-is- enlightenment.html

Q: What is the omniscient statement. Who is the experiencer behind every experience? Bhagavan: "The greatest contribution of India is that the exeriencer, the experienced and the experiencing are one and the same. It is an illusion to see the division of the experiencer and as separate as the object being experienced and the act of experiencing. Once you are enlightened, you would see that it is the mind, which is creating this strife, you would see that the observer, the observed and the process of observing is one and the same. There is no one observing the tree, what is there is merely the experience of the tree. There is nobody looking at the tree, you are inseperable from the the experience of the tree, that is why we say " Thou art that" However that does not belong to the realm of the mind, that has to be experienced."

Q: Would you please clarify to us the meaning of the word oneness? Bhagavan: "There are several degrees of oneness. Let us first look at oneness within ourselves. Right now, you are not an individual, you are divided within. You are a crowd inside. You are the son or daughter of so and so, the father, husband or friend of so and so, you are the employer or employee of so and so - there are so many beings inside you that are all the time talking - and again there is the conscious and the unconscious self, your authentic and inauthentic self - all having a dialogue all the time. You are that dialogue. When the dialogue shuts down, you become all one inside. Alone means all one. There is no division. At the next level you would find oneness with all human beings, at the third level, you would discover you are one with the earth, tree, water, sky. When you are one with nature, you would discover you and the universe are one. Ultimately you would discover you are one with god, you would discover you are God. I intend to take you step by step to the final oneness."

Q: Bhagavan, you speak about Oneness. What exactly is Oneness? Bhagavan: "Man suffers alienation from his fellow human beings, nature and God; worse still from himself. To avoid this misery he has created varied forms of escape like going out to parties, reading books, watching television, gossiping etc. He has become an expert of managing suffering. Unless this fundamental issue is handled, there cannot be a massive transformation in the way we live and the way we experience life. That is why, inspite of the French revolution, the American Revolution, the Russian revolution and many others, the world has not made any progress in terms of peace and happiness. The root cause is that man is divided within and without. When this sense of division vanishes all problems in the world - religious, social, economical, political - would dissolve. Oneness starts basically inside oneself; this can be affected through a process of individuation. Man is divided within and he is a stranger unto himself. We do not love ourselves in the first place let alone loving others. We are constantly divided between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the perfect and the imperfect, the should-be and the should-not-be. When we achieve Oneness at a fundamental level, this conflict ceases. Then there is an inner silence, which remains undisturbed by external factors. This silence is not the opposite of noise. That is inner Oneness. This Oneness then extends to the world at large, to nature and finally with God. The ultimate vision of the Oneness Movement is to make man one with God."

2013-11-22 Dubai Darshan Q6: Sri Bhagwan, please explain the difference between Physical Amma Bhagwan, Satyalok Amma Bhagwan, and Antaryamin Amma Bhagwan.

Sri Bhagwan: So for this you must understand Amma & myself, we are not ‘physical’ Amma Bhagwan. We are only ‘Avatar Amma Bhagwan', that’s all. We can give you a Blessing, we cannot do things; this is done by ‘Paramatma Amma Bhagwan’ who are becoming physical to you, in your homes or in the chambers. That is the Paramatma Amma Bhagwan who actually do things. Now, we are only some kind of Guides and we are blessing.

So you should now get to the Paramatma Amma Bhagwan, who become physical to you. They would be helping your with all your affairs, totally and completely. They would be taking care of your spiritual growth, everything. And in case they become physical to you can be sure that when you die you could be going to Vaikunt or Satyaloka above. That’s where you will be going. to go there, it means you have got your visa to go there, it is very physical. Now, with the help of this Paramatma Amma Bhagwan you can go to the ‘Purushottama Amma Bhagwan’. That is another Loka (realm) where they exist, physically exist, much more real than this Loka. But you cannot get there without the help of the Paramatma Amma Bhagwan. So you should request them, ask them to take you there. When that happens, you could actually visit that Loka. And you could see Purushottama Amma Bhagwan there, or you could see Purushottama Rama, or Purushottama Krishna, Purushottama Christ, whatever is your , or whatever God you are worshipping, that is the God you would be seeing in that Loka.

Now, with the help of that Purushottama, let us say Amma Bhagwan, if you get close to them, build up a bond with them, then with that help, you could go to the ‘Jyoti’ (Divine Light). The Jyoti is much beyond. The Jyoti is like a billion Suns put together. But that Love or , you cannot imagine. You could even get there. And then, when you get to the Jyoti, with the help of the Jyoti, you could go to the unmanifest Bramhan or what in the we call: ‘Om’.

Now for example electricity we have no idea about it all. But when it manifests as heat, light, motion, or electromagnetic waves, then we know Oh yes, there is electricity. But when it is unmanifest, we have no idea about it. That Om or Bramhan is the unmanifest. That is the ground from which everything starts. In the it is said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.” And God said, “Let there be Light”. That Word only is Om, that is the Bramhan, that is ‘The One’ of . That manifests as Light. We start the Moolamantra with Om, and that Light is ‘Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma’. That is the Moolamantra, it says, “Om, Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma” … that becomes the Purushottama, that Light becomes the Purushottama. And therefore we say Purushottama. That Purushottama becomes the Paramatma. That why the Mantra says, Paramatma. And that Paramatma has created the Avatar, so we say, Bhagavati Sameta Bhagavate Namaha. That’s what you are reciting every day without knowing what it means!

But now, when the Lord becomes physical to you, you should ask, “Please take me to the Purushottama”. And when you get there you must ask, “Take me to Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma”. And when you go there you can say, “Take me to Om or Bramhan”. So you could go there. And that’s where you will finally reach. So step by step you can go, it all depends on you. If you want to be one with the unmanifest God, you could you could go there and when you go there you will realize that you only are that God, in the beginning you see, the Avatars you see, then you see the Paramatma, then you see the Purushottama, then you see the Light.

But when you go into Om, the Bramhan, you only are that! You alone exist! You are everything! There is nothing else. You are only that sublime God, the highest God, the God of . That, you only are that! All this is only a journey towards that. Suddenly you discover you only are that. Then you say, “Tat TvamAsi” – Thou Art That. Or “AhamBrahmasmin” – I Am That Bramhan. So all these teachings from the Upanishads, they become reality to you. So AdiShankara got there. People like Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya, Namdev, Chaitanya, all these people – Christ, Nanak, all of them went up to the level of Purushottama. The Alvaars, the Nayanmaars. They could have gone above if they wanted to, but they wanted to stay there, that’s what they preferred. Some went into the Jyoti, like Ramalingaswamy who said, “Arul Perum Jyoti, Taniperum Karunai”. So they went there, and people like AdiShankara went beyond Jyoti into Bramhan.

So it is all a matter of discovery, it all depend upon you, where you want to go. But you must start with the Paramatma who becomes physical to you. That is the beginning of the journey. Once it happens everything is automatic thereafter. It depends on your passion and your seeking. -Temple http://the-oneness-blessing.blogspot.jp/2009/03/bhagavan-oneness-university- golden-city.html

Q: Bhagavan, what is the Oneness University? Bhagavan: "Oneness University can be considered as the university for universities. It exists to make one into a true human being. Every human being has to be enlightened. Every human being has to be God realized. This University exists to help people become enlightened and God realized. The function of the University is not only to give an understanding of the human mind, human consciousness and life itself but also to bestow the state of enlightenment or Oneness. Seekers are not only given the state but are also empowered to transfer this state to others. One is fully empowered to help others become enlightened. The effort is to create a new humanity which would has discovered Oneness."

Q: Bhagavan, how would the temple you are building affect the whole of humanity. Bhagavan: "This temple that we are building has a special kind of structure, built on a very special place. That is after 64,000 people are enlightened, thousands of them would come there, sit there and meditate. So when that happens, let us say out of the 64,000 who have made it, six or seven thousand people would be meditating in those halls and, the remaining would be giving Deeksha in the world. So their Deeksha would be very powerful, because these groups are meditating here. Then after sometime this group would go out and, newer group would come in. So it is like the power generator, with so many highly enlightened people, all in the same hall. That is why, it is a pillar less hall, with a very special design. So as you keep meditating, it is like power supply, which goes into the people who are giving Deeksha outside and helps mankind to become enlightened very fast. So, this temple is being specially built for the specific purpose of enlightening mankind."

Q: What is the significance of the Golden City? Bhagavan: "There are certain energy lines flowing on the earth called grid lines. These are like latitudes and longitudes. These grid lines can be measured by a special instrument known as the Laker antenna. We have done a lot of work on this and have found out that if your rotate at 33 times per second, then you become enlightened. We have also discovered that by making the grid lines vibrate, we can make the chakras rotate at that particular speed. After scanning a number of places, we have discovered this place- the Golden City and some of the major gridlines are surfacing from this place. It is here that we are building the temple. This structure can hold 8000 people. When 8000 people will start meditating continuously in turn, (?) the grid lines will start vibrating not just in G.C but across the globe, as the energies will rise due to the power generated by meditation. These grid lines will in turn affect the chakras taking you into different states. And also the Golden City, otherwise called as Global city, is constructed totally according to the Vaastu that was revealed by me. This would enable me to hold the auspicious energies and negate the negative energies, so that it becomes easy for me to increase my grace thousand folds as the energy level of a place is very essential for grace to come. So let us say you are in Beijing and the vibrations are set in motion here, in Beijing you will start getting experiences and then whatever should happen will start happening. Then, whether you like it or not you will become enlightened. So, to make this happen we are building the Golden City. I want all of you to come and meditate there once it is completed."

Posted by Felicity at Friday, March 13, 2009 -Ekam :general information from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekam

Ekam (Tamil: , "the supreme oneness") is the term used in Akilathirattu Ammanai, the holy book of the of , to represent The Ultimate Oneness. In Thiruvasakam-2 it was stated that it was from this Ekam that all objects, including the separate Godheads, Devas and , of the universe formed. As per Akilam, this state of ekam is beyond the consciousness and derived to beyond the state of changing and is the extreme state in which the whole universe exists.

In Saivism, Ekam is used commonly to refer to the oneness of God, but in Ayyavazhi the basic oneness is separately symbolized to be supreme and ultimate beyond all God-heads and powers.

The Ekam is said to be the supreme as well as the ultimate self from which the whole cosmos formed. This formless attribute is said to be defined from the human point of view. But this formless Ekam, without losing its constant and formless nature, is present inside all things in the universe. That is, it remains as infinite within every finite, formless within every definite form. It is the supreme absolute self in which all the substances of cosmos shares their . The derivations of Ekam in Ayyavazhi scriptures are sometime close to the pantheistic form of theology. In the mythology of Ayyavazhi God-heads such as Siva, are said to be the godheads who have power to rule this Ekam, varying from time to time, Siva until Kaliyuga and Vishnu from the starting of Kaliyuga. There are separate quotes in Akilam for focusing Siva as well as Vishnu as capable for position. But, still the Ekam is addressed beyond these god-heads.

But when Vaikundar, is jailed in Singarathoppe, he says "I am the one who created the Ekam and the one who is omnipresent everywhere". By this, the theology reveals Vaikundar (God) as beyond the attributes of Ekam, which moves the theology of Ayyavazhi more towards .

Other understandings Ekam is for "one, single, solitary" (neuter gender), as a noun meaning "unity". In , it refers to akin to that of in Advaita philosophy and Smarta theology.