BECKERMET WITH THORNHILL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk Low Lonnin Cottage Mrs P Kirby Gosforth 019467 25555 Cumbria e-mail -
[email protected] CA20 1ER MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27 TH JUNE 2012 AT THORNHILL SOCIAL CLUB 1 Present: E Matthews (Chair), C Boothroyd, J Oliver, A Rishworth, P Manning, S Caddy, S Meteer, J Powe (acting secretary), C Winrow, K Cook. Apology: P Kirby Absent: J Mackay 2. Sam Meteer declared a personal and prejudicial interest, for payment to be made to him, in item 5 (Accounts) on the agenda. 3. The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. 4. Public Participation - no members of the public present. 5. Accounts (1) Sam Meteer left the meeting for the appropriate part of this agenda item. (2) It was resolved that the following payments be made: Clerk - salary £255.00 travel £15.00 internet £8.00 expenses £76.65 £353.65 (Noting that ‘expenses’ includes £60 to C Winrow for flower tubs) Cost of work carried out - reimbursed to S Meteer £43.32 Thornhill Social Club - rent £20.00 Insurance £703.03 Egremont Today - advert £22.00 Npower – electricity for Thornhill FC £6.09 (3) The following ‘Incoming’ payments were noted: Thornhill Football Club - electricity £13.52 St Bridget’s - following closure of accounts £15,186.65 Not included in bank figures (4) Bank statements as at 31.06.2012 Community account £2,496.76 Business money Manager 764 £22,021.43 Business money Manager 772 £2,368.16 5 Accounts (cont’d) (5) Budget update (revised - see note below) - to be circulated to Councillors ahead of each meeting.