Appendix A – Silviculture Report

Bybee Vegetation Management Project

High Cascades Ranger District, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

/s/ Jason Herron Date: May 5, 2011 Jason Herron, Silviculturist

A-1 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

I. Background The High Cascades Ranger District of the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest considered the current needs of various watersheds for vegetation management, restoration and road management, and implementation of land management direction. The Bybee project planning area is located within the Upper Rogue River Watershed between Crater Lake National Park on the east, Highway 230 on the west, Highway 62 on the south, and Forest road (FR) 6535-900 on the north. Within the project planning area, vegetative conditions of all stands were evaluated to identify “candidate stands,” stands that could benefit from needed and appropriate silvicultural treatments. The Bybee project planning area was chosen for treatment because there is a need to treat diseased conditions and thin stands to provide for fire, insect, and disease resistance and release for increased tree growth. Additionally, much of the Bybee project planning area is allocated to the Matrix land allocation— which specifically calls for programmed timber harvest for both forest health and timber production. The area also includes the Foreground Retention and Big-Game Winter Range management areas, which allow for management activities that maintain or promote the scenic and big game values of the area.

II. Introduction A. Bybee Project Planning Area The project planning area for the Bybee Vegetation Management Project is approximately 16,215 acres and is located on federally managed lands within the Upper Rogue River Watershed. Figure A-1 shows the Bybee project planning area. The legal description of the Bybee project planning area:  sections 13 and 24-26, Township 30 South, Range 3 East;  sections 6-30 and 33-36, Township 30 South, Range 4 East;  sections 7 and 18, Township 30 South, Range 5 East; and  sections 1 and 2, Township 31 South, Range 4 East, of the Willamette Meridian. The area is essentially a gently sloping plain with some deeply incised pumice canyons from the eruption of Mount Mazama covered by a fir-dominated mixed conifer forest in an assorted mix of patch sizes and stand conditions created by clearcutting, shelterwood cutting, and selective cutting over the past 50+ years. There are few natural openings or early seral forest conditions.

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Figure A-1. Bybee project planning area B. Proposed Action and Alternatives The only candidate stands considered for treatment are those in need of some form of silvicultural intervention to support continued development into healthy, biologically diverse, and fire resilient forest and to meet Northwest Forest Plan objectives. These were further assessed concerning whether they could be treated in compliance with the Rogue River National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan Standards and Guidelines, as amended. If so, they were carried forward into the first draft of the proposed action and named the “Bybee Vegetation Management Project.” These vegetation treatments were then assessed and modified to minimize adverse resource impacts as much as possible, creating the final version of the proposed action. For example, all stands that met the Forest’s definition of high quality northern spotted owl habitat (261 acres), designated owl 100 acre core areas, and areas within the 300-meter protection buffers around current northern spotted owl nest sites were removed from consideration to minimize adverse effects to the local population of the northern spotted owl. Fully functional, disturbance-resilient, late seral or younger stands within the project planning area that are not in need of treatment for disease, fuels reduction, or growth would not be treated.

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1. Alternative 1 (No-Action) Alternative 1 identifies and describes the current conditions of the physical, biological, social, and economic environments within the Bybee project planning area. The term “no-action” means no change to present conditions; the current set of previously authorized restoration and management activities would continue, with none of the proposed activities under the action alternatives occurring. Under this scenario, no project activities would take place, and the resulting environmental effects of no-action would be compared to the environmental effects of permitting the proposed action, or another alternative to go forward. Alternative 1 is not designed to address the stated purpose and need.

2. Alternative 2 (Proposed Action) This alternative would treat approximately 3,622 acres with a variety of silvicultural treatments. The proposed treatments include a combination of silvicultural methods within individual units to account for variations in stand conditions and to meet multiple objectives. The total of these treatments would yield an estimated 45 million board feet (MMBF)1 of commercial volume that would be offered in multiple timber sales over a period of several years. The silvicultural treatments proposed under this alternative include:  Free thinning (2,881 acres) – The removal of trees to control stand density and favor desired tree , using a combination of thinning criteria without regard to crown position.  Overstory removal (438 acres) – Trees constituting an upper canopy layer are cut to release trees or other vegetation in an understory.  Shelterwood with reserves (106 acres) – A two-aged regeneration method where during harvest shelter trees are retained after regeneration has become established.  Group selection (106 acres) – An uneven aged regeneration method to establish and maintain multiaged structure by removing trees in small groups.  Group selection and free thinning (91 acres) – A combination of the group selection and free thinning treatments described above. Riparian Reserves would be treated following the project design criteria (PDCs) designed to achieve Aquatic Conservation Strategy (ACS) objectives. Overly dense, at-risk young forest (up to 80 years old) within Riparian Reserves would be thinned and/or underburned to increase their resistance to loss from stand replacing wildfire and to improve conditions for more rapid development of larger trees and forest. Root-rot pockets may be treated where the disease threatens long-term attainment of ACS objectives. A combination of logging systems would be utilized to harvest the trees: tractor, or other ground- based systems, would be used on approximately 3,381 acres, or 93 percent of the treated area. Skyline systems would be used on approximately 207 acres, or 6 percent of the treated area. In addition, one 34-acre unit, or 1 percent of the treated area, would be harvested using a helicopter. Alternative 2 would also enact the following vegetation management actions: 467 acres of natural fuels treatment units; construction of 12.9 miles of temporary roads (in 28 segments), 8.8 miles of which is located on an existing road template; decommissioning of 5.4 miles of existing system roads (in 21 segments); and implementation of several other post-harvest treatments.

1 MMBF – This is a measure of how many 1000’s board feet would be harvested from the Bybee project planning area under each alternative. For example 45,000 board feet per acre is described as 45 MMBF.

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3. Alternative 3 Alternative 3 would treat approximately 2,990 acres with a variety of commercial and non- commercial silvicultural treatments. The proposed treatments include a combination of silvicultural methods within individual units to account for variations in stand conditions and to meet multiple objectives. The total of these treatments would yield an estimated 34 MMBF of commercial volume that would be offered in multiple timber sales over a period of several years. The silvicultural treatments proposed under this alternative include:  Free thinning (1,928 acres) – The removal of trees to control stand density and favor desired tree species, using a combination of thinning criteria without regard to crown position.  Free thinning (retain patches for hiding cover) (500 acres) – Similar to the free thinning treatment above, except modified to maintain hiding cover patches, dense areas of second growth.  Mechanical girdling and precommercial thinning (365 acres) – Mechanical girdling (or band girdling) is where a broad band of bark is removed all around a living bole, with some sapwood or without, so as to kill, or at least, weaken the tree. Precommercial thinning is the removal of trees to reduce stocking (tree density) to concentrate growth on the more desirable trees.  Group selection (106 acres) – An uneven aged regeneration method to establish and maintain multiaged structure by removing trees in small groups.  Group selection and free thinning (91 acres) – A combination of the group selection and free thinning treatments described above. Riparian Reserves would be treated following the PDCs designed to achieve ACS objectives as described above for alternative 2. A combination of logging systems would be utilized to harvest the trees; tractor, or other ground- based systems, would be used on approximately 2,501 acres, or 95 percent of the commercially treated area. Skyline systems would be utilized on an additional 124 acres, or 5 percent of the treated area, under this alternative. Alternative 3 would also enact the following vegetation management actions: 467 acres of natural fuels treatment units; construction of 9.4 miles of temporary roads (in 23 segments), 7.8 miles of which is located on an existing road template; decommissioning of 5.4 miles of existing system roads (in 21 segments); and implementation of several other post-harvest treatments.

4. Alternative 4 Alternative 4 would treat approximately 2,915 acres with a variety of silvicultural treatments. The proposed treatments include a combination of silvicultural methods within individual units to account for variations in stand conditions and to meet multiple objectives. The total of these treatments would yield an estimated 10 MMBF of commercial volume that would be offered in multiple timber sales. The silvicultural treatments proposed under this alternative include:  Low thinning (thinning from below) (941 acres) – Controls stand density through the removal of trees from the lower crown classes to favor those in the upper crown classes (a category of the tree based on its crown position relative to those of adjacent trees).  Low thinning (retain patches for hiding cover) (500 acres) – Similar to the free thinning treatment above, except modified to maintain hiding cover patches, dense areas of second growth.

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 Precommercial thinning (1,474 acres) – The removal of trees to reduce stocking (tree density) to concentrate growth on the more desirable trees. Riparian Reserves would be treated following the PDCs designed to achieve ACS objectives as described above for alternative 2 and 3. A combination of logging systems would be utilized to harvest the trees: tractor, or other ground- based systems, would be used on approximately 1,380 acres, or 98 percent of the commercially treated area. Skyline systems would be utilized on an additional 24 acres, or 2 percent of the treated area, under this alternative. Alternative 4 would also enact the following vegetation management actions: 467 acres of natural fuels treatment units; construction of 2.3 miles of temporary roads (in 5 segments), all of which is located on an existing road template; decommissioning of 5.4 miles of existing system roads (in 21 segments); and implementation of several other post-harvest treatments.

III. Existing Vegetative Conditions Past land use activities and fire suppression have had the largest influences on shaping the existing vegetation in the Bybee project planning area. According to agency records, 8,660 acres (53 percent) of the project planning area has had previous harvest entries (figure A-2). The landscape in the project planning area is nearly all forested. A small amount of the project planning area (less than 0.5 percent) consists of wet meadows and bare ground. The bare ground is a result of steep incised canyons that are naturally unstable and have landslides frequent enough to prevent forest establishment in some areas. The forested areas contain a mix of forest types, stocking levels, and habitat types across the landscape. The Forest’s existing vegetation layer was used to analyze the current condition of the project planning area.

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Figure A-2. Previous harvest entries in the Bybee project planning area

The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest’s existing vegetation layer was created through computer-automated delineation using eCognition software and populated with data derived from the gradient nearest neighbor (GNN) models produced by the Interagency Mapping and Assessment Project (IMAP). Forest stands with homogeneous forest types and structures were delineated across the entire Rogue River–Siskiyou National Forest based on aerial imagery using eCognition software with a minimum stand size of 5 acres. These delineations are periodically updated to more accurately reflect actual conditions based on site-specific aerial interpretation and/or ground verification. The stands (polygons) were originally populated with data summarized from the GNN raster (pixilated) data by using the most commonly occurring value within each stand. Non-forested stands were assigned general ecological types (agriculture, urban areas, lakes, etc.) and contain no forest attribute data. Initially, some areas were incorrectly identified as forest or non-forest, and an effort to correct these errors has been made. As a result a number of forested stands also do not contain forest attribute data, although their ecological type attributes correctly reflect their forested condition. The plot data used in the GNN models comes from a variety of sources: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Periodic and Annual plots, USFS Region 6 Current Vegetation Survey (R6-CVS), USFS Region 5 Inventory (R5), Bureau of Land Management Current Vegetation Survey (BLM- CVS), and Bureau of Land Management Fire Effects Monitoring and Inventory Protocol (FIREMON) plots. This plot data was imputed to assign attribute conditions across the landscape based on Landsat Thematic Mapper data using direct gradient analysis and nearest neighbor models.

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The data derived from this method is appropriate for mid-scale, broad watershed-level, planning efforts and is typically not sufficiently accurate for site-specific uses on its own. The data is summarized here at the stand-level because it is currently the best data available, and this is the level at which management actions are implemented. Though the data should provide appropriate information at the watershed level and appropriately guide planning efforts, it is recognized that specific site locations (stands) may not be sufficiently accurate at this scale. The proportion of a watershed or broad project planning area in the given forest condition(s) should typically be appropriately represented, even though specific stands may be insufficiently accurate. The data presented in this existing vegetation layer needs to be ground-verified at the stand-level before stand silvicultural prescriptions are written. As stand-level information is gathered, the data provided here will be verified and the existing vegetation layer updated to reflect the most current and best-available data. For more information about the GNN method and data, please refer to the following website that provides further information and documentation: Analysis of the existing vegetation data reflects the following attributes in the Project Planning Area: A. Forest Type Forest type describes a stand based on the dominant species. For this analysis, the dominant species is described based on the basal area (BA)2 of current vegetation. The description may contain one or two species. Stands are split into conifer dominant (BA hardwood proportion less than 20 percent), mixed hardwood/conifer (20 percent ≤ BA hardwood proportion < 65 percent) and hardwood dominant (BA hardwood proportion 65 percent or greater). Mixed stands have the top conifer and top hardwood species listed (top equals species with the most BA). For conifer and hardwood dominant stands, if the top species accounts for more than 80 percent of the total conifer or hardwood basal area then only the top species is listed, otherwise the top two species are listed. Species codes are from the 2000 database. A full list of codes for tree species of Jackson and Douglas counties in Oregon can be found in attachment B to this report. Table A-1 displays the most abundant forest types found in the project planning area, and figure A-3 shows the forest types in the project planning area. Table A-1. Forest types – Bybee project planning area

Percent of project Species code Common name Acres planning area PSME / ABCO Douglas-fir / white fir 3,895 acres 24 percent ABCO / PSME white fir / Douglas-fir 2,530 acres 16 percent PICO lodgepole pine 1,770 acres 11 percent PSME / TSHE Douglas-fir / western hemlock 688 acres 4 percent PSME / PILA Douglas-fir / sugar pine 666 acres 4 percent PICO / ABSH lodgepole pine / Shasta fir 657 acres 4 percent ABCO / ABSH white fir / Shasta fir 540 acres 3 percent PIPO / PIMO3 Ponderosa pine / western white pine 499 acres 3 percent

2 Basal area is the total cross-sectional area (square feet per acre) of stems at breast height (4.5 feet). This is another means for determining stand stocking and competition levels in stands.

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Percent of project Species code Common name Acres planning area PSME Douglas-fir 469 acres 3 percent PSME / ABSH Douglas-fir / Shasta fir 406 acres 3 percent PICO / PIPO lodgepole pine / ponderosa pine 341 acres 2 percent ABCO / CADE27 white fir / incense cedar 319 acres 2 percent ABCO / TSHE white fir / western hemlock 315 acres 2 percent Other N/A 3,080 acres 19 percent

Figure A-3. Most abundant forest types in the Bybee project planning area B. Stocking Levels Stocking levels are indications of growing-space occupancy relative to a pre-established standard. For this analysis, stocking levels are based on relative density index (RDI) in terms of percent of the maximum stand density index (SDI)3 per species for southern Oregon.

3 Stand Density Index (also known as Reineke’s stand density index) – Maximum number of trees per unit area with a given average diameter. The maximum varies with species and values can be calculated for combinations of numbers of trees and sizes. This Max SDI is used to analyze the stocking of stands relative to the biological maximum that a site can theoretically support. Mortality due to competition typically begins to occur far below the maximum SDI. It is a measure of stocking, but also a good indicator of competition occurring on the stand level.

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A list of maximum SDI values per species can be found in attachment C to this report. RDI values have been classified into the following five categories based on research by Drew and Flewelling (1979): non-stocked (RDI less than 9 percent, typically not considered a forested stand, could be different ecological type, result of management, or land use); understocked (RDI 9 to 19.9 percent, crown closure not achieved, usually no intertree competition dependant on spatial distribution); low stocking (RDI 20 to 34.9 percent, trees not fully utilizing the site, beginning of crown closure and onset of intertree competition); full stocking (RDI 35 to 55 percent, site fully occupied and stand growth optimized but individual tree growth begins to decline); and overstocked (RDI greater than 55 percent, onset of density related mortality). Figure A-4 shows stocking levels in the project planning area and table A-2 displays the stocking levels. Table A-2. Stocking levels in the Bybee project planning area

Stocking level Acres Percent of project planning area Insufficient data 111 acres 1 percent Non-stocked 273 acres 2 percent Understocked 845 acres 5 percent Low stocking 3,376 acres 21 percent Full stocking 6,087 acres 37 percent Overstocked 5,522 acres 34 percent

C. Wildlife Habitat Wildlife habitat reflects the forest structural values associated with the management of several wildlife species. Structure is an important characteristic to describe and evaluate forested stands. Because stand structure is a strong attribute in determining wildlife habitat, the structural classes have been developed to specifically reflect habitat requirements associated with MIS and threatened/sensitive wildlife. Grass, herbaceous, shrub, seedlings or sparse vegetation is forage habitat for deer, elk, and American marten and non-habitat for northern spotted owl, pileated woodpecker, and cavity nesters. This was determined by selecting the Anderson et al. (1976) land cover classification types: agriculture lands, range lands, and shrub or meadow wetlands. To determine other habitat types, forested stands were subdivided based on quadratic mean diameter (QMD)4 in inches of the dominant (DO) and codominant (CO) trees and percent canopy cover (CC). Sapling/pole: 3 to <11 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC is forage habitat for deer, elk, and American marten and non-habitat for northern spotted owl, pileated woodpecker, and cavity nesters.

4 Quadratic mean diameter – This equation takes the sum of the squared 2 values (xi ) and divides by the number of samples (n), then takes the square root. This average therefore gives higher weight to larger trees. The difference between this and an arithmetic mean is slight in small diameter, even aged stands. With higher stand variability and larger trees, the QMD tends to be higher than the arithmetic mean. This average is used because most of the silvicultural research and growth and yield models use QMD for several practical reasons. For more information, reference the paper below: Curtis, R.O. and D.D. Marshall. Why Quadratic Mean Diameter? USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

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Sapling/pole: 3 to <11 inches DO-CO QMD; ≥40 percent CC is hiding habitat for deer and elk, forage habitat for American marten, and non-habitat for northern spotted owl, pileated woodpecker, and cavity nesters. Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC is forage habitat for deer, elk, and American marten, non-habitat for northern spotted owl, and low quality habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO-CO QMD; 40 to 70 percent CC is hiding habitat for deer and elk, forage habitat for American marten, dispersal habitat for northern spotted owl, and low quality habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO- CO QMD; ≥70 percent CC is thermal/hiding habitat for deer and elk, forage habitat for American marten, dispersal habitat for northern spotted owl, and habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Large trees: >20 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC is forage habitat for deer and elk, den/rest habitat for American marten, non-habitat for northern spotted owl, and low quality habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Large Trees: >20 inches DO-CO QMD; 40 to 60 percent CC is hiding habitat for deer and elk, den/rest habitat for American marten, dispersal habitat for northern spotted owl, and habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Large trees: ≥20 inches DO-CO QMD; ≥60 percent CC is optimal thermal/hiding habitat for deer and elk, den/rest habitat for American marten, nesting, roosting, and foraging (NRF) habitat for northern spotted owl, and habitat for pileated woodpecker and cavity nesters. Table A-3 displays the wildlife habitat types found in the project planning area; figure A-4 shows the wildlife habitat types. Table A-3. Wildlife habitat types in the Bybee project planning area

Percent of project Wildlife habitat Acres planning area Forest – no data 95 acres 1 percent Grass, herbaceous, shrub, seedlings or sparse vegetation 43 acres 0 percent Sapling/pole: 3 to <11 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC 489 acres 3 percent Sapling/pole: 3 to <11 inches DO-CO QMD; ≥40 percent CC 4,552 28 percent Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC 77 acres 0 percent Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO-CO QMD; 40 to 70 percent CC 2,501 acres 15 percent Medium trees: 11 to <20 inches DO-CO QMD; ≥70 percent CC 2,191 acres 14 percent Large trees: >20 inches DO-CO QMD; <40 percent CC 30 acres 0 percent Large trees: >20 inches DO-CO QMD; 40 to 60 percent CC 236 acres 1 percent Large trees: >20 inches DO-CO QMD; ≥60 percent CC 6,001 acres 37 percent

The high occurrence of fir dominated stands as well as a high occurrence of fir in-growth in older natural stands and high densities are likely a result of fire suppression across the landscape. Historical fire intervals would have created a disturbance regime that would favor more fire resilient species, stands that are less dense, and ecosystems that are more fire adapted.

A-11 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Figure A-4. Wildlife habitat types in the Bybee project planning area D. Natural Disturbances Natural disturbances have also played a role in shaping the existing vegetation in the project planning area. These disturbances include wildfires, insects, and diseases. Beetle epidemics, root diseases, and blister rust were all observed in scattered areas across the landscape. In most cases, root diseases were isolated smaller patches with the exception of a few stands that were mostly or completely infected with Armillaria root disease or a combination of root rot pathogens. In some of the overstocked stands, it was observed that previous beetle infestations had already killed many of the pines that existed within the stand. It is likely that more disease will be discovered when more detailed examinations occur during implementation. A map delineating mortality areas caused by insects and/or diseases by year since 1980 can be found in figure A-5. The following section describes insects and diseases known to exist within the Bybee project planning area. Refer to the Fire, Fuels, and Air Quality Report, attached as appendix D, for a discussion on fire history.

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IV. Insects and Disease Pathogens and insects affect forest conditions throughout the Upper Rogue River Watershed. In particular, laminated root rot (caused by the fungus Phellinus weirii), Armillaria root disease (caused by the fungus Armillaria ostoyae), Annosus root disease (caused by the “S” strain of the fungus Heterobasidion occidentale), dwarf mistletoes (Arceuthobium spp.), white pine blister rust (caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola), Douglas-fir beetle (Dendroctonus pseudotsugae), mountain pine beetle (D. ponderosae), western pine beetle (D. brevicomis), pine engraver beetles (Ips spp.), and the fir engraver (Scolytus ventralis) are currently influencing stand structure, stocking, and species composition in many stands. These agents will continue to affect stand development and succession into the future. While mortality in some stands may be attributable to a single pathogen or insect, it is more common to find several pathogens and insects working together in complexes. Unlike density-related mortality, but not completely unrelated to stocking, insects and disease can not only cause wide mortality in over-stocked stands but can also significantly affect moderately and fully stocked stands. Their impacts are greatly influenced by the tree species composition, host ages, and history of other disturbances such as fire, wind, or timber harvest. Insects and pathogens affect ecosystem functions and conditions by physically altering or killing their host trees. This leads to changes in forest species composition and successional pathways, influences tree size, canopy cover, and stand structure, changes wildlife habitat, affects nutrient cycling, and influences fire behavior. Insect and pathogen activity in the watershed has increased since the turn of the century as a result of fire exclusion, introduction of exotic organisms, and extensive management activities. Most important forest effects contributing to insect and disease interactions have been increased stocking levels, changes in species composition, soil disturbance and compaction, creation of wounds and stumps, and lack of coevolved resistance mechanisms.

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Figure A-5. Mortality areas caused by insects and/or diseases since 1980 A. Root Diseases Based on current mortality, the two most significant root diseases occurring in the Upper Rogue Watershed are Armillaria root disease and laminated root rot. Annosus root disease is also common; it frequently occurs with Armillaria root disease in those stands where true fir stumps are present or where true firs have been wounded. Black stain root disease, caused by Leptographium wageneri is present in small, scattered pockets of Douglas-fir. With the exception of black stain, all of these root diseases are considered to be diseases of the site; inoculum may remain viable in the wood of infected roots for 20 to 50 years. The fungi that cause root diseases grow on or within root systems. They move from tree to tree by growing across root contacts or via root grafts. Their spread rates are slow, averaging one to 2 feet per year. New infection foci of Annosus root disease are created by spore infection of freshly cut, untreated stumps or recently created wounds that expose sapwood. Bark beetles are commonly associated with root disease-infested trees. Root diseases are affecting forested stands in the Upper Rogue Watershed in several ways. Root diseases are causing: 1) substantial openings in older stands that are devoid of mature susceptible hosts and are regenerating with susceptible conifer regeneration, resistant conifer species, hardwood shrubs or some combination, 2) mortality of scattered individuals of preferred species or size classes, 3) small scattered openings in young plantations where a variety of species are affected, or 4) no current impacts due to insufficient time for fungal colonization of hosts surrounding infested stumps; however future impacts are anticipated.

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1. Laminated Root Rot Laminated root rot occurs throughout the project planning area. Disease infection extensively decays roots of susceptible host trees and either causes windthrow or mortality by destroying the tree’s ability to take up water and nutrients (Hadfield et al. 1986). Although timber volume losses caused by laminated root rot are most conspicuous as tree mortality or windthrow, tree growth may also be reduced for several years before tree death (Bloomberg and Reynolds 1985; Thies 1983). Laminated root rot occurs in scattered pockets ranging in size from less than one acre to several acres where Douglas-fir and white fir in all size classes are killed. Laminated root rot affects all conifers; however, individual species vary in their susceptibility. Douglas-fir and white fir are highly susceptible and are readily infected and killed. Other true firs and western hemlock are often infected but rarely killed. The pines and incense cedar are considered tolerant, and are seldom infected and almost never killed. All hardwoods are immune. Root disease-created openings may be colonized by susceptible conifers that fail to reach large size as they are killed in turn, by less susceptible conifers that maintain the fungus on the site or by hardwood trees and shrubs that are immune and foster the slow disintegration of inoculums in infected conifer root systems.

2. Armillaria Root Disease Armillaria root disease is commonly found throughout the project planning area. White fir is particularly susceptible, being readily infected and killed. No clear hierarchy of susceptibility exists for other species in the watershed. In some locations, western white pine and ponderosa pine are affected, on other sites Douglas-fir and Shasta red fir are. The disease is often associated with trees under stress or where human caused disturbance is evident. Recent droughty periods and overstocked stand conditions resulting from fire exclusion have weakened individual trees, making them less capable of resisting invasion by the fungus and thus more susceptible to infection. A. ostoyae readily colonizes stumps created by logging and trees that die from other causes. These infested stumps may then act as food bases from which the fungus colonizes living trees. Soil compaction from ground based equipment can also exacerbate existing conditions. Off-site plantings are particularly vulnerable to infection and mortality. Within the Upper Rogue Watershed there are areas of extensive ponderosa pine plantations that were established from seedlings brought in from throughout the Pacific Northwest, Montana, and Idaho. These areas are often referred to as “off-site” pine plantations because their seed sources are generally not well adapted to local conditions. In these plantations, mortality caused by Armillaria root disease has been extensive. Armillaria root disease affects hosts in all size classes.

3. Annosus Root Disease Heterobasidion occidentale is common in the project planning area; the fungus can be found fruiting in scattered white fir and western hemlock stumps. It is more common to find H. occidentale in association with Armillaria root disease and it is speculated that H. occidentale infection predisposes trees to infection by A. ostoyae. It has also been found that levels of infection and mortality are much greater in true fir stands that have been entered more than once than in stands that have not been entered or that have only been entered once. It may be that Annosus root disease in the watershed has not developed sufficiently for large areas of tree mortality to occur and/or that Annosus root disease effects are being masked by other agents such as bark beetles and Armillaria root disease before its signs become obvious.

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4. Black Stain Root Disease Black stain root disease can be observed causing mortality of small groups of younger Douglas- fir, particularly trees in plantations that are less than 30-years-old. It is predominantly associated with roadsides, skid trails, landings, with trees growing on compacted soils, recently cut thinning stumps, and slash. Black stain is spread long distances by root-feeding bark beetles and weevils that are attracted to low vigor trees. Once established in the root system, black stain root disease can spread quickly to other trees via root grafting and contact. Susceptibility to black stain root disease usually decreases on a site once the trees reach 30 to 35 years old. However, it is possible to find black stain in older trees under stress. B. Bark Beetles Bark beetles, such as Douglas-fir beetle and the fir engraver are commonly associated with root disease-infected trees. Both these beetles are typically secondary agents that are attracted to trees weakened by overstocking, drought, root disease, injury, or fire.

1. Fir Engraver Beetle The fir engraver completes one generation per year. Winter is passed in the late larval or pupal stage, and adult beetles fly and initiate new attacks between June and September, with peak activity in July and August. All sizes of trees can be attacked and killed by the fir engraver.

2. Douglas-fir Beetle Pockets of mortality caused by Douglas-fir beetle averaging less than one acre in size are found scattered throughout the project planning area. The Douglas-fir beetle normally breeds in weakened or down trees. In certain instances when down or weakened host material is abundant, beetle populations can build to high levels and nearby healthy trees may be attacked and killed. Outbreaks are sporadic and usually of short duration, subsiding after 2 or 3 years. The Douglas-fir beetle has one generation per year. Adult flight usually takes place in the spring or early summer. Those insects over-wintering as adults will be the first to fly in the following spring, and may re-emerge, fly again, and establish a second brood in late June or July. Douglas- fir beetle usually attacks trees greater than 10 inches DBH in southwest Oregon.

3. Pine Bark Beetles Pine bark beetles have been and are currently active in the Upper Rogue Watershed. Mountain pine beetle has recently killed scattered large-diameter sugar pines and western white pines throughout the watershed. Western pine beetle and mountain pine beetle are associated with mortality of large ponderosa pine. Both these beetles are typically associated with large old trees and/or overcrowded stands. Scattered lodgepole pine mortality caused by mountain pine beetle is visible; however, no major outbreaks are current. Attacks by Ips spp. have resulted in topkill of larger pines and mortality in scattered pockets of sapling and pole-sized trees. In the Prospect-Union Creek (Highway 62) Corridor survey, extensive data were collected related to bark beetle mortality in pine species. Overall, 7.5 percent of all pines greater than 20 inches in diameter had died by bark beetles during the approximate period of 1990 to 1995. When data on the largest trees were examined, the survey indicated that 12.5 percent of all pines greater than 50 inches in diameter had died.

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Trees attacked by the pine bark beetles are generally killed. In the endemic situation, the beetles attack trees that are under stress due to competition with other trees, weakened by pathogens, or are otherwise debilitated. Periodically, large-scale outbreaks can occur and infestations can extend into stands of healthy trees. The ecological effects of pine bark beetles differ depending on the pine host being considered. In lodgepole pine, the mountain pine beetle is the key agent responsible for recycling older stands. When a lodgepole stand is about 100 years old, the mountain pine beetle infests the largest trees and within a 3 to 4 year period, may kill nearly 80 percent of the trees in the stand. In ponderosa pine, the mountain pine beetle is generally associated with fairly young trees (75 to 100 years old) and acts as a thinning agent in denser stands. The western pine beetle serves as a key mortality agent for ponderosa pines weakened by the effects of old age, drought, diseases, or competition with other trees. Since larger trees are generally preferred, the western pine beetle can dramatically alter the character of a forest that comes under attack. Pine engravers are associated with logging slash and windthrown material. Pines broken or knocked down by snow may favor conditions for Ips bark beetles. On occasion, beetles can spread from this down material into standing trees and can cause significant tree mortality, especially in thickets and young recently thinned stands. Tops of large trees may also be killed. The mountain pine beetle has one generation per year. Adult flight occurs between July and September, with eggs laid beneath the bark immediately after the tree is colonized. The eggs hatch within 10 to 14 days and larvae begin feeding in the cambium. The winter is spent in the late larval stage and pupation occurs in the spring or early summer. Pine bark beetles are generally associated with trees under stress from such factors as competition with other trees, infection by dwarf mistletoe, root disease organisms, or other pathogens, or infestation by other insects. During drought periods, all of these factors become more important, and mountain pine beetle activity is at its greatest. In lodgepole pine, stands are highly unstable when they have 90 to 100 trees per acre that are greater than 9 inches in diameter. Second-growth ponderosa pine stands are likely to be infested when growth rates of co-dominant trees are less than ¾-inch in diameter for the last decade. The western pine beetle completes two generations in one year. Adult beetles fly in early June and late August. Pine engraver beetles can complete several generations in one year depending on the temperature. Adults emerge from their over-wintering sites in late April and fly in search of fresh slash or windthrown material to lay eggs. New adults are ready to emerge and fly by the end of July. If this second generation does not find fresh slash or windthrown material, it is likely to infest standing trees. The second generation is completed by mid- to late-September. Some new adults over-winter beneath the bark of their host while others emerge and fly off to hibernate in the forest. C. DWARF MISTLETOE

1. Douglas-fir Dwarf Mistletoe Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe is commonly found throughout the project planning area. It can be found in both overstory and understory trees in multi-layered stands as well as in single-storied stands. Severity levels are high in many locations.

A-17 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe is a native, parasitic, seed-producing that infects Douglas-fir. It is an obligate parasite, requiring a living host to survive. Once the mistletoe plant is established, an incubation period of 2 to 5 years elapses before the young shoots appear, although a swelling at the point of infection usually proceeds shoot production by a year or more. Dwarf mistletoe plants begin to flower 1 or 2 years after the initial shoots appear; they are insects and wind pollinated. Fruits mature in one year. Dwarf mistletoe spread occurs both within and between trees. It disperses most effectively from overstory trees to smaller trees of the same species. Thus, spread tends to be most efficient in multi-storied stands of the same host tree species. Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe infection results in growth loss, topkill, distortion, mortality, and predisposition to infection and attack by other agents such as A. ostoyae and Douglas-fir beetle. The growth reduction and mortality associated with dwarf mistletoe can lead to radically different forest structures, densities, and productivity levels in infected stands than in uninfected stands on similar sites. As examples, a small tree that is severely infected with mistletoe is unlikely to survive and grow into a large tree; stands of small trees that are severely infected will not grow into large tree dominated forests; a large tree that is severely infected has a significantly decreased life-span. The length of time it takes for dwarf mistletoe to actually kill a heavily infected tree varies depending on a number of factors including the tree size, vigor, the species involved, and whether insects, particularly bark beetles, are attracted to the tree. In general, trees are usually killed within 10 to 15 years once they become heavily infected throughout the crown. On a stand level, stands will typically increase by one infection level (6-class Hawksworth dwarf mistletoe rating system) each decade without management intervention and have high reductions in growth occurring with moderate infection levels (3 to 4). Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe infection often results in the production of very large “witches’ brooms” which are tight bunches of elongated branches. These brooms act as sinks for host food, diverting resources away from the uninfected portions of the trees. Witches’ brooms are commonly used for nest sites, roosting sites, and cover by a number of bird and mammal species.

2. Other Dwarf Mistletoes The impact of dwarf mistletoes on hemlocks and true firs is similar but reduced when compared to the impact previously described on Douglas-fir. Infection levels within trees must be very high before growth reduction and increased mortality are seen. Brooms tend to be smaller. These hosts are very decay-prone and stem infections caused by dwarf mistletoes often facilitate colonization by decay fungi. As such, breakage is often associated with larger infected trees. Dwarf mistletoe-infested stands are generally more flammable than healthy stands due to the large amounts of fuels arising from the accumulation of dead witches’ brooms, fallen trees, and live brooms in the lower crowns. Branches with pronounced witches’ brooms are more flammable than normal branches because they are larger, more resinous, and persist longer. Because of these fuels, normally nondestructive fires can become stand-replacing fires in stands heavily infested with dwarf mistletoe. Large brooms contribute to fire hazard by creating ladders of fine fuels from the ground to the crowns. Historically, wildfire has been the most important single factor governing the abundance and distribution of dwarf mistletoes. Wildfires are frequently effective in limiting dwarf mistletoe populations because trees usually return to burned sites much faster than do dwarf mistletoes and tree species distributions are typically more varied creating natural breaks between infection centers.

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D. WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST In the project planning area, white pine blister rust high hazard locations where high levels of mortality occur are found on large flats or streamsides where moist conditions generally prevail or on saddles or ridgetops where fog and clouds linger in the fall. Higher elevation sites in the watershed are particularly vulnerable and the long-term survival of wild type five-needle pines is questionable in these locations. White pine blister rust is a branch and stem canker disease of five-needle pines. Damage includes topkill, branch dieback, and branch and stem cankers that eventually lead to girdling and almost always leads to mortality directly or indirectly by predisposition to attack by other agents, including bark beetles. C. ribicola is exotic; it has not coevolved with its hosts. The fungus is native to Asia but was introduced to British Columbia via Europe in 1910 on a shipment of seedlings. It then quickly spread throughout most of the range of five-needle pines in the West. It is a major killer of regenerating five-needle pines and makes reestablishment of wild populations of these species on high hazard sites difficult or impossible. In many areas, the only natural hosts remaining in high hazard areas are large trees that have had their tops and numerous branches killed by the fungus. Trees in this condition are frequently predisposed to infestation by mountain pine beetle. The life cycle of the fungus is complex and involves five different spore forms. The fungus is an obligate parasite and requires an alternate host typically in the genus Ribes, the gooseberries and currants (paint brush, Castelleja, and lousewort, Pedicularis, are also alternate hosts). Although there is no pine-to-pine infection, the disease can move from pines to Ribes shrubs in the spring and then back to pines in the fall. The distribution, frequency, and association of the hosts, as well as micro and macroclimatic conditions are important factors in the spread of the rust. Dense populations of Ribes increase the probability of spreading the infection to other pines.

V. Consequences of Alternatives A. Consequences of Alternative 1 (No-Action) Alternative 1 identifies and describes the current conditions of the physical, biological, social, and economic environments associated with the candidate stands and various analysis areas. As suggested by the NEPA, a no-action alternative is included and analyzed as a benchmark against which the proposed action and other action alternatives can be compared. Under this scenario, alternative 1 (no-action), would not authorize any vegetation management and other connected or associated actions to obtain the purpose and need for the Bybee Vegetation Management Project. Alternative 1 would not implement the Rogue River National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, as amended. The no-action alternative should not be confused with a baseline. Whereas a baseline is essentially a description of the affected environment at a fixed point in time, the no-action alternative for this analysis assumes that other things would happen to the affected environment, particularly in a dynamic, changing forest ecosystem over time. How this ecosystem could change over time without the proposed management actions is discussed below and more fully in those sections of this EA that describe potential consequences for no-action.

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1. Overall Stand Conditions and Forest Health If no-action is taken, growth rates of trees would continue to decline, and natural processes that affect tree vigor and changes in stand structure would continue. Tree mortality occurring within known root rot pockets would continue. Many stands are currently overstocked; site resources are being fully utilized and tree competition is apparent. High tree density increases competition for water, nutrients, and light. The effects of overstocked stands include decreased growth, increased rates of tree mortality, higher risk for insect and disease attacks, and higher risk for stand replacing fires. Areas affected by root rot would not be regenerated with planted native seedlings. Without thinning, dense stands would remain at current stocking levels. Overly dense stands result in lower growth rates, smaller individual tree size, or both. High densities also increase competition which results in stressed conditions decreasing the overall health and vigor of the stand. As previously discussed, stressed and overstocked conditions increases the occurrence and impacts of most tree pathogens. Overly dense stands also increase the risk of damage from wildfires. Without group selection treatments, pockets of root rot infestations would continue to spread at current rates. Because natural regeneration in these pockets is often problematic, these areas would not likely develop large mature trees. The most likely scenario is that susceptible species would seed into these openings, grow for several years, and then die back as their roots come into contact with infected root systems from the residual trees. As the root disease spreads and kills trees, snags and downed wood levels would increase dramatically which can increase beetle problems and create problematic fuel loads. In the absence of this treatment, the stands would also retain their current age class distribution. Group openings also allow for the regeneration of species that are more shade intolerant, such as the pines, which would not be very likely without this treatment. Without shelterwood with reserves treatment, these stands would die and likely regenerate with the same susceptible species. In this case, the trees would grow for a few years until they contract the fungus and die back. This is the same as described for the root rot pockets, only over a larger area. Without overstory removal treatment, the young trees growing below mistletoe infected overstory trees (of the same species) would become heavily infected with mistletoe. This would result in a slow growing and deformed stand of trees that would likely die before reaching maturity.

2. Commodity Outputs and Reduction of Fire Risk Alternative 1 would not provide a sustainable supply of timber products and would not contribute to the probable sale quantity (PSQ). Alternative 1 would not change the risk to forest resources from high-intensity fire. B. Alternative 2 (Proposed Action) Alternative 2 (proposed action) would authorize vegetation management and other connected and associated actions to obtain the purpose and need for the Bybee Vegetation Management Project. Alternative 2 would implement the Rogue River National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, as amended.

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This alternative is designed to address and maximize attainment of the purpose and need outlined in chapter I to improve overall forest health, while providing for a sustainable yield of commercial timber and other commodities, and reduce the risk to forest resources from high- intensity fire.

1. Overall Stand Conditions and Forest Health

Free Thinning To meet the need of lowering stand density, free thinning is proposed in this alternative to create residual stands that have variable density (gaps and clumps for diverse horizontal structure) and trees of different size classes. The intent of this type of thinning is to create a stand that has a more natural appearance and retains or promotes vertical structural diversity by leaving trees with varying crown positions (as opposed to a grid like spacing of similar sized trees). This treatment is designed to reduce tree densities in stands that are in the overstocked or at the high end of fully stocked levels. The obvious direct effect of this treatment is the removal of trees from forested stands as well as a change in the structure of these stands. Stocking levels are indications of the growing-space occupancy relative to a pre-established standard. For this analysis, stocking levels are based on relative density index (RDI) in terms of percent of the maximum stand density index (SDI) per species for southern Oregon. RDI values have been classified into the following five categories based on research by Drew and Flewelling (1979): non-stocked (RDI less than 9 percent, typically not considered a forested stand); understocked (RDI 9 to 19.9 percent, crown closure not achieved, usually no tree competition dependant on spatial distribution); low stocking (RDI 20 to 34.9 percent, trees not fully utilizing the site, beginning of crown closure and onset of tree competition); full stocking (RDI 35 to 55 percent, site fully occupied and stand growth optimized but individual tree growth begins to decline); and overstocked (RDI 55 percent or greater, onset of density related mortality). High tree densities result in lower growth rates, smaller trees, and competition induced mortality. Tree growth and size are highly correlated to stand density. Expressed in terms of relative density5 (Drew and Flewelling 1979), imminent competition-related mortality begins to occur at a relative density of 0.55 and overall stand yield or production begins to decline. Individual tree competition actually begins around 0.25 relative density and stands reach the lower limit of full site occupancy around 0.35. Stand-level growth is maximized at relative densities between 0.35 and 0.55. This is because there are more trees per acre so stand growth continues to increase even though individual trees grow at decreasing rates. At this relative density level, there is still competition between trees and individual tree growth is slower and individual tree size is smaller. Thinning under the proposed action, to the upper levels of low stocking or lower levels of full stocking (0.30 to 0.40 relative density) would increase stand growth rates, reduce competition mortality, and help promote the development of large diameter growth in individual trees. Under free thinning, trees would be removed by commercial timber harvest to the greater of the two following scenarios in Matrix Management Strategies: (1) 25 to 35 percent of maximum SDI (between the lower level of full stocking and upper level of low stocking) or (2) canopy cover thresholds for the current northern spotted owl habitat of the stand. Canopy cover would be reduced as a result of this treatment.

5 Relative density – Using Stand Density Index, relative density is a ratio between the observed numbers of trees per unit area (SDI) to the maximum number of possible trees per unit area (max SDI).

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To prevent adverse effects to the northern spotted owl, thinning would not reduce dispersal or NRF habitats below 40 percent canopy closure and 60 percent canopy closure respectively. The exception being two units totaling 83 acres which are proposed to downgrade habitat in this alternative. The vertical and horizontal structure of stands would also be directly affected by this treatment. As trees are removed from the stand this would change the spacing of the trees and the distribution of the canopy structure. Figure A-6 is a visual representation of actual data collected from Bybee unit 19 before and after free thinning. Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS)6 modeling was used to virtually reduce the stand to 40 percent canopy cover by thinning evenly across the 5 to 18 inches DBH size classes. Stand Visualization System (SVS) post processing was used to graphically display the results for example only.

Before After

Figure A-6. Stand Visualization System graphic – unit 19 before and after free thinning

Thinning treatments would indirectly affect stand dynamics over time as they would influence forest health issues (insects and disease interactions), growth rates, stand development, individual tree development, resiliency to wildfires, and diversity (structure, genetic, and species). Many forest pathogens are intensified by high tree densities. High tree density increases competition for water, nutrients, and light which results in stressed conditions that decrease the overall health and vigor of the stand. Stressed conditions resulting from overstocking increases the occurrence and impacts of most of the tree pathogens found in the project planning area. High stand density and poor growth were positively correlated with high susceptibility to Douglas-fir beetle (Negron 1998; Weatherby and Thier 1993) and in high density stands, younger trees are attacked and killed in addition to older ones (Furniss et al. 1979). Western pine beetle damage is strongly associated with low stand vigor, regardless of its source (Keen 1950; Miller and Keen 1960; Whiteside 1951). Stress on host trees influences susceptibility to Western spruce budworm (Carlson and Wulf 1989; Filip et al. 1996; Powell 1994). Armillaria root disease has a tendency toward greater tree mortality for stands with high density (Filip et al. 1989). The ability of laminated root rot (Phellinus weirii) to infect and colonize roots is not correlated with tree vigor (Goheen and Hansen 1994). However, increased levels of susceptible species at high densities have increased the occurrence and spread of this root disease. Thinning treatments under the proposed action would decrease tree competition and increase health and vigor. This would reduce some of the pest and disease problems previously discussed.

6 Forest Vegetation Simulator is the primary model used in Forest Service silvicultural diagnoses and available at:

A-22 Appendix A

Group Selection Group selection harvesting is an uneven aged regeneration method. The purpose of uneven aged management is to promote and maintain an even distribution of age cohorts7 within the stand throughout rotation. This single entry is the first step in the full cycle of uneven aged management. Group selection has been proposed in this project planning area mostly for the purposes of treating disease areas and promoting desired regeneration. To continue uneven aged management would require multiple future entries to create new age cohorts in small groups throughout the rotation of the stand. This is not being proposed at this time and would need to be assessed in future planning efforts. This treatment is proposed as a method to treat or slow the spread of root rot pathogens, promote more shade intolerant species where appropriate (such as aspen, black oak, and pine species), and create a new age class within the stand. The direct effect of this treatment would be the removal of trees in ¾ acre patches for a total of up to 20 percent of the entire stand. Openings are to be targeted toward, but not limited to, root rot pockets as this is the main purpose for this treatment. These openings would be planted with species that are less susceptible to the pathogens resulting in small scale (patch) forest type conversions. Thinning may occur between group openings while maintaining the average canopy cover needed to prevent adverse effects to the current northern spotted owl habitat. Laminated root rot infestations, and other root diseases, have large impacts on the landscape. As the fungus spreads and kills adjacent trees, openings are created. These openings expand about 30 centimeters (1 foot) per year on average (Bloomberg 1984; Childs 1970; Nelson and Hartman 1975) although actual increases are significantly less gradual. When infected trees die, the pathogen continues to live saprophytically in large infested stumps and large roots for as long as 50 years (Childs 1963; Hansen 1976; Hansen 1979), making natural regeneration problematic. Therefore, the site would not likely develop into a healthy mature condition, at least not for a very long period of time. Harvesting these areas and planting with appropriate species would accelerate the process of returning these areas to healthy mature conditions, while providing the opportunity to increase local species diversity. Root rot causes pockets of mortality that continue to spread and remain on site until treated or naturally regenerated to less susceptible species. This cycle causes large amounts of stressed living trees and dead (standing and downed) wood over long periods of time. For this reason, Phellinus weirii and other root diseases provide a continuous source of favorable host material for beetles between those times when conditions are favorable for epidemics (Thies and Sturrock 1995). Additionally, beetle epidemics may be exacerbated by high tree densities. Reducing the frequency of root rot pockets may indirectly reduce losses associated with beetle epidemics. Group openings are limited to ¾ acre to prevent adverse effects to spotted owl populations. This size limit is often too small to fully ‘treat’ root rot pathogens (i.e., harvest all susceptible trees in and around root rot pockets and conversion to less susceptible species). Larger infection pockets may be slowed in only one direction by placing the opening along one side and conversion to less susceptible species would be started to the extent possible during this treatment cycle. Group selection harvesting for the purposes of removing diseased trees and preventing or reducing the spread of pathogens would directly and indirectly reduce the number of current and future snags.

7 Cohort is an age classification; a group of individuals of the same age, recruited into a population at the same time (Smith 2000).

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However, snags associated with root rot pathogens do not have much value for wildlife habitat functions because the infected root structure does not allow them to function as a standing structure for long (see Appendix F – Terrestrial Wildlife Report and Biological Evaluation). Snags would be retained or created to meet Forest Plan standards and guidelines.

Shelterwood with Reserves This treatment is proposed under this alternative to capture volume and quickly regenerate stands that are mostly declining due to one or more root pathogens. The direct effect of this treatment is the removal of most trees from the stand and conversion of species by planting. As described in attachment A, this treatment is a two-aged regeneration method. Some scattered trees would be left as shelterwood reserve trees to meet Northwest Forest Plan green tree reserves (GTR) standards. Leave trees should be species that are non-susceptible to the present pathogens when available. This treatment would directly affect the stand structure by immediately moving the stand from a mature decadent stand to a mostly regenerating stand (grass/forb/shrub/seedling class). Although this is a direct effect of the treatment, this would occur naturally in these stands except over a different time scale with different regeneration patterns. Regenerating stands create habitat that provides browse for deer and elk has been identified as being limited in this project planning area (refer to Appendix F – Terrestrial Wildlife Report and Biological Evaluation). The indirect effect of this treatment is the establishment of a forested stand that is more resistant to the pathogens that would have much better chances of developing into a mature stand more quickly. As discussed previously, root pathogens are retained on the site for up to 50 years after the host trees die or are removed. Therefore, natural regeneration is problematic. Planting non- susceptible species would successfully establish regeneration and allow the stand to shift from a regenerating stand into a young forested stand and on to a healthy mature stand over time. The residual trees would be retained into the next stand, which would create a two-aged forest. These remnant trees would provide structure, large green trees, future snags, and large down wood.

Overstory Removal Overstory removal is proposed under this alternative to reduce the impacts from mistletoe infections in stands previously harvested by the shelterwood method. These stands are typically sapling sized trees approximately 20 to 30 years old with an overstory of scattered individual shelter trees (usually of the same species) that were retained during the previous harvest. Some of these remnant overstory trees are infected with mistletoe which threatens the health of the developing stand and would have adverse impacts to land management objectives. Overstory removal is proposed to remove those trees with mistletoe infection by commercial timber harvest. Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium douglasii) and hemlock dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium tsugense) were the types of mistletoe observed in the units proposed for overstory removal. The direct effect of this treatment is the removal of large (usually over 30 inches DBH) residual shelter trees. Removing these overstory trees would reduce the remnant trees in the future stand as well as large snag and downed wood recruitment. Some of the overstory trees would need to be retained to meet green tree retention objectives outlined in the Northwest Forest Plan. The trees that are retained should not be infected with mistletoe, or should have non-susceptible species in the understory adjacent to them.

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Commercially harvesting large trees within 20 to 30 year old understory trees would also cause some physical damage to the young trees. Damage to the younger trees would be limited by designating skid trails and requiring directional felling to concentrate damage in smaller areas. Damage to the younger trees should not reduce stocking to unacceptable levels. Precommercial thinning of the understory would be needed in conjunction with the overstory removal. The precommercial thinning should remove the most severely mistletoe infected young trees, remove trees damaged by harvesting operations, favor non-susceptible species, and increase growth rates. Light mistletoe infections in fast growing, young stands would have insignificant impacts to tree growth and stand health. Precommercial thinning would directly reduce the number of trees per acre to appropriate stocking levels. This would indirectly increase growth rates, reduce competition stress, and alleviate some mistletoe impacts.

Planting Planting is an artificial reforestation method by direct planting of nursery grown seedlings. Seedlings would be grown from seed acquired from the appropriate seed zone for the location. Planting would occur in group openings and shelterwood units to ensure that adequate stocking of desired species is achieved in a timely manner. Planting has the direct effect of adding seedlings to the regeneration areas. Most of the regenerated areas coincide with root pathogens and thus non or less susceptible species would be planted on those sites. In this situation, the species planted is very likely different than would naturally seed into those areas due to the current existing vegetation as influenced by fire suppression. Therefore, a direct effect of planting would be small-scale species conversions. The species of trees planted would be of native origin as well as a naturally occurring species for the site.

2. Commodity Outputs Alternative 2 (proposed action) would enact 3,622 acres of commercial silvicultural timber harvest treatments (in several separate timber sales), on 78 units; contributing approximately 45 million board feet (MMBF) of commercial timber volume to the PSQ.

3. Reduction of Fire Risk Thinning and other silvicultural treatments also have the potential to directly affect fire intensity and have indirect effects on resiliency to wildfire and fire severity. Over the last 100 years, western forests have become overly dense with accumulated fuels, making them susceptible to high fire severity (Covington and Moore 1994). High severity fires generally kill the existing overstory, usually over a large area. This is detrimental to many objectives within the project planning area. If harvest created slash is treated or removed, thinning can reduce the intensity of wildfires by decreasing canopy bulk density, raising crown height, and reducing fuel loading from mortality caused by competition, insects, or disease. This is done while simultaneously increasing favorable species composition, residual tree vigor, and ability to survive fire-related stresses. Changing fire regime condition class in every stand may not be appropriate (e.g., high quality owl habitat). However, creating fuel breaks, reducing fuel loading, and reducing susceptibility to high fire severity over large areas can make landscapes more fire resilient (Agee et al. 2000; Finney 2001; Weatherspoon and Skinner 1996). Refer to the Appendix D – Fire, Fuels, and Air Quality Report for a complete discussion on this topic.

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C. Alternative 3

1. Overall Stand Conditions and Forest Health

Free Thinning The effects of this treatment are the same as described in alternative 2. Eleven units (518 acres) were dropped in this alternative for additional spotted owl habitat protection, to protect big game thermal cover, and to reduce the amount of new temporary roads and associated impacts. This alternative has also been modified slightly to maintain all current northern spotted owl habitats. This modification would increase the residual density in the two stands (176 acres) that were proposed for habitat downgrade in alternative 2, and would reduce adverse effects to the northern spotted owl. Additionally, a design element was added to 10 units to retain larger patches of hiding cover for deer and elk.

Group Selection The effects of group selection treatment are identical to alternative 2.

Mechanical Girdling For alternative 3, this treatment was designed to meet the same objectives as the overstory removal treatments in alternative 2. The effects of this treatment are similar to those described in overstory removal effects in alternative 2 with the following exceptions. This treatment would kill by girdling mistletoe infected trees and leave them on site instead of removing them commercially. Consequently, this treatment would decrease the number of green overstory trees and increase the number of snags compared to the current condition. Trees may also be killed by removing the top by explosives if this method is more appropriate for wildlife values. This treatment also differs from the overstory removal treatment in that the young regenerating stand would not be damaged from commercial harvesting of these overstory trees. However, the girdling treatment would still be followed by precommercial thinning of the understory to appropriate stocking levels as in the overstory removal treatment. This alternative would retain mistletoe in the overstory for longer durations than alternative 2 as girdled trees die (a process that can take 7 to 10 years in healthy conifers; although here it would be expected to occur faster). This would likely increase the rate of mistletoe spread and severity of infections as compared to alternative 2, though it would reduce spread and severity of infections as compared to taking no-action.

2. Commodity Outputs Alternative 3 would enact 2,990 acres of commercial silvicultural timber harvest treatments (in several separate timber sales), on 64 units; contributing approximately 34 million board feet (MMBF) of commercial timber volume to the PSQ.

3. Reduction of Fire Risk The effects of this alternative regarding reduction of fire risk are the same as described in alternative 2.

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D. Alternative 4

1. Overall Forest Health and Productivity

Low Thinning In the units identified for commercial thinning, this alternative replaces free thinning with low thinning. To meet the need of reducing stand density, low thinning (otherwise known as thinning from below) has been proposed in this alternative to create residual stands that retain and promote trees in the larger size classes by targeting for removal only those trees in the smaller size classes starting with the smallest commercial sized trees and moving up in size classes until the desired objective is achieved (the objective is the same as described in alternative 2). The direct effect of this treatment differs from free thinning in regards to stand structure. Promoting larger trees means removing more of the smaller trees which would result in more simplified vertical structure. In terms of density and canopy cover, this treatment would be the same as, or very similar to, the free thinning described in alternative 2. Likewise, the effects would be very similar in regard to increasing tree growth and vigor and reducing the occurrence and severity of insects, disease, and wildfires. However, as described in attachment A, this treatment would reach the desired stocking levels by removing trees in the lower crown class only. Therefore the effects to stand structure would be different than those of the free thinning described in alternative 2. Figure A-8 is a visual representation of actual data collected from Bybee unit 19 before and after low thinning. FVS modeling was used to virtually reduce the stand to 40 percent canopy cover by removing trees starting at 5 inches DBH and increasing the diameter of trees to be removed until that target was achieved. SVS post processing was used to graphically display those results for example only.

Before After

Figure A-7. Stand Visualization System graphic of unit 19 – before and after low thinning

As displayed in the graphic from this modeling exercise, thinning from below would remove most or all of the lower canopy class and retain most of the trees in the upper canopy class. Since the smaller trees are being removed, the average tree diameter would increase. All other effects are similar to those described in alternative 2.

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Precommercial Thinning As recommended though public comments, precommercial thinning has been proposed in this alternative to replace three commercial treatments in the proposed action. In alternative 4, precommercial treatments replace all shelterwood treatments and overstory removal treatments; as well as commercial thinning and group selection treatments in undeveloped areas. Stands proposed for overstory removal in alternative 2 and overstory treatment by mechanical girdling in alternative 3 also included precommercial thinning treatments. This alternative differs from these alternatives in that precommercial thinning is the only activity proposed in these units. Younger cohorts of these stands are overstocked and precommercial thinning would reduce densities to the desired levels. Precommercial thinning in the stands identified for shelterwood treatments in previous alternatives is a proposal to treat the root diseases without commercial removal of overstory trees. In a few stands, there is very little non-commercial sized material and precommercial thinning is not applicable. Some stands have entered the stand reinitiation phase and do contain non- commercial sized trees. In this case, precommercial thinning could target species for removal that are most susceptible to the root disease(s) currently affecting the stand and promote the least susceptible species. However, in these stands there are very few non-susceptible species available to accomplish this objective. The species that are least susceptible to the root diseases (pines, cedars, and hardwoods) are more shade intolerant and therefore do not compete well when the dead and dying overstory remains creating a shaded microclimate. Precommercial thinning activities that promote susceptible species would not have any value because those residual trees would eventually be infected by the root disease, become weakened, and die. As discussed in other alternatives, this would promote the overall growth of the stand and individual trees, reduce competition stress and mortality, and promote the healthiest trees of the desired species. The intent of the overstory treatments in the previous alternatives was to reduce the effects of mistletoe on the developing stand. Overstory trees that have mistletoe infections would be a continuous source of mistletoe seeds that would infect the younger trees and/or intensify current infections. Young trees growing in this scenario would become deformed, have very poor growth, and would eventually die from severe mistletoe infections before reaching maturity. Precommercial thinning can reduce these impacts when the thinning can promote species that would not be infected by the species of mistletoe in the trees above them. For example, if the overstory tree is a hemlock that is infected with hemlock dwarf mistletoe, precommercial thinning that removes hemlocks from the understory and promotes other species would eliminate or reduce the problems associated with that infected overstory tree. Species that are not susceptible to the species of mistletoe in the trees above them have to be available in the understory for this to be an option. In instances where non-susceptible species are not available to promote as the leave trees, precommercial thinning would not reduce the impacts from mistletoe infected overstory trees. Commercial thinning and group selection proposed in the previous alternatives has been dropped in 20 of the units (1,083 acres) in this alternative due to the undeveloped character of these areas. It was recommended that precommercial thinning be the only treatment in these areas. Some of the stands are in advanced stages of stem differentiation and therefore have very few non- commercial sized trees in the understory. In this case, precommercial thinning is not an available option. In stands that do have non-commercial sized trees, precommercial thinning can be applied but would have little value in meeting the objectives of promoting residual stand health and growth, reducing the occurrence and intensity of insects and disease, and removing forest products from Matrix lands.

A-28 Appendix A

Precommercial thinning in these types of stands does have some limited value in reducing the threat of high-intensity wildfire by reducing the amount of ladder fuels. For this purpose, non- commercial sized trees would be reduced to a spacing approximately 20 by 20 feet to 40 by 40 feet similar to the natural fuels treatment units.

2. Commodity Outputs Alternative 4 would enact 915 acres of commercial silvicultural timber harvest treatments (in several separate timber sales), on 63 units; contributing approximately 10 million board feet (MMBF) of commercial timber volume to the PSQ.

3. Reduction of Fire Risk The effects of this alternative regarding reduction of fire risk are the same as described in alternative 2. E. Cumulative Effects Past effects have been evaluated by analyzing the current condition of the landscape. Several projects are currently proposed that overlap with the Bybee project planning area. One is the Cascades Managed Stands Project, which authorizes commercial and precommercial thinning in young dense stands that are 80 years old and less. In the project planning area, there are potentially 66 units that could be treated under the decision for this project totaling approximately 1,317 acres. Thinning under both the Bybee Project and Cascades Managed Stands Project in the Bybee project planning area would increase stand growth rates, reduce competition mortality, and help promote the development of large diameter growth in individual trees. In addition, both projects would cumulatively affect the Bybee project planning area’s resiliency to wildfire and fire severity. If harvest created slash is treated or removed, thinning can reduce the intensity of wildfires by decreasing canopy bulk density, raising crown height, and reducing fuel loading from mortality caused by competition, insects, or disease. Other projects include ongoing cattle grazing, recreation activities, non-native plant treatments, and ongoing road maintenance.

VI. Comparison of Alternatives Alternative 2 would provide the most commercial timber volume (45 MMBF) with the most density reduction and disease control treatment acres. Alternative 3 would provide less commercial timber volume (34 MMBF) and disease control treatment acres than alternative 2, and the second most density reduction treatment acres of the action alternatives. Alternative 4 would provide the least commercial timber volume (10 MMBF), the least amount of density reduction treatment acres, and no disease control treatments.

A-29 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Table A-4. Comparison of alternatives by forest health and timber products objectives

Objectives (treatment and Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Alternative 4 outputs) (no-action) (proposed action) Density reduction in highly stocked stands 0 acres 3,079 acres 2,627 acres 1,443 acres (thinning and group selection) Disease control (group selection, overstory 0 acres 742 acres 562 acres 0 acres mistletoe treatments, and shelterwood with reserves) PSQ volume generated 0 MMBF 45 MMBF 34 MMBF 10 MMBF (commercial treatments)

A-30 Appendix A

Literature Cited Agee, J.K., B. Bahro, M.A. Finney, P.N. Omi, D.B. Sapsis, C.N. Skinner, J.W. van Wagtendonk, and C.P. Weatherspoon. 2000. “The use of shaded fuelbreaks in landscape fire management.” Forest Ecology and Management 127: 55-66.

Anderson, J.R., E.E. Hardy, J.T. Roach, and R.E. Witmer. 1976. A land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data. Geological Survey Professional Paper 964. A revision of the land use classification system as presented in U.S. Geological Survey Circular 671. United States Department of the Interior, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Bloomberg, W.J. 1984. A ground survey method for estimating loss caused by Phellinus weirii root rot. III: simulation of disease spread and impact. Inf. Rep. BC-R-7. Victoria, BC: Canadian Forestry Service, Pacific Forest Research Centre.

Bloomberg, W.J. and G. Reynolds. 1985. “Growth loss and mortality in laminated root rot infection centers in second-growth Douglas-fir on Vancouver Island.” Forest Science (31): 497-508.

Carlson, C.E. and N.W. Wulf. 1989. Silvicultural strategies to reduce stand and forest susceptibility to the western spruce budworm. Agriculture Handbook No. 676. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service, Cooperative State Research Service.

Childs, T.W. 1963. “Poria weirii root rot.” Phytopathology 53: 1124-1127.

Childs, T.W. 1970. Laminated root rot of Douglas-fir in western Oregon and Washington. Res. Pap. PNW-102. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station.

Covington, W.W. and M.M. Moore. 1994. “Southwestern ponderosa pine forest structure: changes since euro-American settlement.” Journal of Forestry 92(1): 39-47. In: Silviculture and ecology of western U.S. forests. (Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press).

Curtis, R.O. and D.D. Marshall. Why quadratic mean diameter? USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR.

Drew, T.J. and J.W. Flewelling. 1979. “Stand density management: an alternative approach and its application to Douglas-fir plantations.” Forest Science 25(3): 518-532.

Filip, G.M., J.J. Colbert, C.A. Parks, and K.W. Seidel. 1989. Effects of thinning on volume growth of western larch infected with Dwarf mistletoe in northeastern Oregon. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 4(4): 143-145. In: Suggested stocking levels for forest stands in northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington: an implementation guide for the Umatilla National Forest (1999). Technical Publication F14-SO-TP-03-99. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region.

Filip, G.M., T.R. Torgersen, C.A. Torolf, Parks, et al. 1996. Insect and disease factors in the Blue Mountains. In Jaindl, R.G. and T.M. Quigley (eds), Search for solution: sustaining the land, people, and economy of the Blue Mountains. American Forests, in cooperation with the Blue Mountains Natural Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.: 169-202.

A-31 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Finney, M.A. 2001. “Design of regular landscape fuel treatment patterns for modifying fire growth and behavior.” Forest Science 47(2): 219-228.

Furniss, M.M., M.D. McGregor, M.W. Foiles, and A.D. Partridge. 1979. Chronology and characteristics of a Douglas-fir beetle outbreak in northern Idaho. General Technical Report INT-59. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.

Goheen, E.M. and E.M. Hansen. 1994. Tree vigor and susceptibility to infection by Phellinus weirii: results of field inoculations. In: Proceedings, 8th IUFRO Conference on Root and Butt Rots: 1993 August 9-16; Wik, Sweden and Haikko, Finland. IUFRO Working Party S2.06.01. (Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), 45-51.

Hadfield, J.S., D.J. Goheen, G.M. Filip, C.L. Schmitt, and R.D. Harvey. 1986. Root diseases in Oregon and Washington conifers. R6-FPM-250-86. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Forest Pest Management.

Hansen, E.M. 1976. “Twenty-year survival of Phellinus (Poria) weirii in Douglas-fir stumps after logging.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research 6:123-128.

Hansen, E.M. 1979. “Survival of Phellinus weirii in Douglas-fir stumps after logging.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research 9: 484-488.

Helms, J.A. 1998. The dictionary of forestry. The Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, Maryland. 210 p.

Keen, F.P. 1950. “The influence of insects on ponderosa pine silviculture.” Journal of Forestry 48(3): 186-188.

Long, J.N. and F.W. Smith. 2000. “Restructuring the forest: goshawks and the restoration of southwestern ponderosa pine. “ Journal of Forestry 98(8): 25-30.

Mazurek, M.J. and W.J. Zielinski. 2004. “Individual legacy trees influence vertebrate wildlife diversity in commercial forests.” Forest Ecology and Management 193: 321-334.

Miller, J.M. and F.P. Keen. 1960. Biology and control of the western pine beetle. Miscellaneous Publication 800. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service.

Negron, J. 1998. “Probability of infestation and extent of mortality associated with the Douglas- fir beetle in the Colorado Front Range.” Forest Ecology and Management 107: 71-85.

Nelson, E.E. and T. Hartman. 1975. “Estimating spread of Poria weirii in a high elevation mixed conifer stand.” Journal of Forestry 73: 141-142.

Powell, R.A. 1994. “Effects of scale on habitat selection and foraging behavior of fishers in winter.” Journal of Mammology 75 (2): 349-356.

Thies, W.G. 1983. “Determination of growth reduction in Douglas-fir infected by Phellinus weirii.” Forest Science (29): 305-315.

Thies, W.G. and R.N. Sturrock. 1995. Laminated root rot in western North America. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-349. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

A-32 Appendix A

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1990b. Rogue River National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Rogue River National Forest, Medford, Oregon. Available online at:

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 1994b. Record of Decision for Amendments to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Planning Documents Within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Oregon. Available online at:

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010. “Recovery Action 32 habitat evaluation methodology, version 1.3.” Medford Bureau of Land Management, Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, USFWS Roseburg Field Office.

United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 2008. Recovery plan for the northern spotted owl. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Portland, Oregon.

United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 2011. Revised recovery plan for the northern spotted owl. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Portland, Oregon.

Weatherby, J.C. and R.W. Thier. 1993. A preliminary validation of a Douglas-fir beetle hazard rating system: Mountain Home Ranger District, Boise National Forest. Report R4-93-05. Boise, ID: USDA Forest Service, Forest Pest Management, Intermountain Region.

Weatherspoon C.P. and C.N. Skinner. 1996. “Landscape-level strategies for forest fuel management. Sierra Nevada Ecosystems Project: final report to Congress, Vol. II Assessments and scientific basis for management.” In: Silviculture and ecology of western U.S. forests (2007). (Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press).

Whiteside, J.M. 1951. The western pine beetle: a serious enemy of ponderosa pine. Circular No. 864. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.

A-33 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Attachment A – Silvicultural Treatment Descriptions A. Precommercial Thinning Precommercial thinning is the removal of trees not for immediate financial return but to reduce stocking (tree density) to concentrate growth on the more desirable trees (Helms 1998). In the Bybee project planning area, the removal of non-commercial trees is a treatment designed to meet appropriate stocking levels while also promoting the best trees of the most preferred species. This treatment is applicable to young developing stands from past harvest entries and older multi-aged stands that have dense understory development (also commonly referred to as stand improvement or release). B. Thinning Thinning is a silvicultural treatment made to reduce stand density with the goals of improving growth, enhancing forest health, or recovering potential mortality (Helms 1998). In the Bybee project planning area, the specific objectives of thinning treatments are to: (1) increase health/vigor of the stand by reducing competition for resources (light, water, nutrients); (2) manage disease and insect infestations; (3) promote the development of a structurally diverse forest with a wide range of tree sizes; and (4) lower the Fire Regime Condition Class (FRCC) to promote a more fire resilient landscape. Thinning would be implemented to strive for variable densities throughout the stand to resemble a more natural pattern that includes small gaps and clumps rather than the even spacing of trees. For the action alternatives, the following types of thinning methods are proposed: free thinning and low thinning (thinning from below).

1. Free Thinning Free thinning is the removal of trees to control stand density and favor desired tree species, using a combination of thinning criteria without regard to crown position (Helms 1998). In the Bybee project planning area, free thinning would be applied to maintain or promote vertical structure in the stand by creating a residual stand that retains trees across available size classes. To accomplish this, trees would likely be removed from all size classes. Legacy trees would not be removed. For the purposes of this project, legacy trees are defined as: Trees that have been spared during past harvest activity or survived a stand replacing disturbance and have achieved near maximum size and age which is significantly larger and older than the average trees on the landscape. Legacy trees are distinguishable from other residual trees that may have been spared from harvest or natural disturbance but are not always larger or older than the average trees on the landscape (Mazurek and Zielinski 2004).

A-34 Appendix A

2. Low Thinning (Thinning from Below) Low thinning (thinning from below) works by controlling stand density through the removal of trees from the lower crown classes to favor those in the upper crown classes (Helms 1998).8 In the Bybee project planning area, low thinning is proposed to reach the desired stand density by targeting only smaller trees for removal. C. Overstory Removal Overstory removal is where trees constituting an upper canopy layer are cut to release trees or other vegetation in an understory (Helms 1998). This treatment is typically the later part of the sequence of a shelterwood regeneration method.9 In this sequence, the purpose of overstory removal would be to release the established regeneration from competition with the overstory. Although a similar sequence, the objective of overstory removal in the Bybee project planning area is slightly different. Having large overstory legacy trees continuing into the next stand to provide structure, large snags, and large down wood is also valuable to the restoration objectives in addition to maximizing stand growth. So, some legacy trees would be left in the stand. However, some of these overstory trees contain mistletoe that would hinder the growth and development of the future stand. Therefore, the overstory removal proposed for the Bybee project planning area is targeted toward removing mistletoe infected overstory trees where it threatens the development of the future stand.

1. Green-tree Retention Green-tree retention (the saving of individual green trees and patches of green trees for species habitat needs) would be implemented where necessary as outlined in the standards and guidelines from the Northwest Forest Plan. D. Mechanical Girdling Mechanical girdling (or band girdling) is where a broad band of bark is removed all around a living bole, with some sapwood or without, so as to kill, or at least, weaken the tree (Helms 1998). In the Bybee Project, this treatment is proposed in previously harvested shelterwood units to kill overstory trees that are infected with mistletoe and threatening the health and development of the future stand. This meets the same objective as the overstory removal but leaves snags on site for wildlife objectives as opposed to removing those trees as commercial timber products. These trees may also be killed by blasting the tops from the tree with explosives. Both of these methods of killing trees are designed to create snags that will develop cavities for wildlife benefits, as well as provide future downed wood. E. Shelterwood with Reserves The shelterwood with reserves treatment is a two-aged regeneration method where during harvest shelter trees are retained after regeneration has become established (Helms 1998). These reserve trees would serve as individual green tree retention, provide structure to the future stand as large remnants, serve as future snags and large down wood, and provide species diversity.

8 Crown class is a category of the tree based on its crown position relative to those of adjacent trees (Helms 1998). 9 Shelterwood regeneration is where most trees are cut, leaving those needed to produce sufficient shade to produce a new age class in a moderated microenvironment (Helms 1998).

A-35 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

In the Bybee project planning area, this treatment is only proposed in stands that are mostly, or entirely, becoming degraded from root rot pathogens. The objective of this treatment is to capture the volume that would be lost to mortality and replant the stand with a non-susceptible, or less susceptible, species mix to promote the development of a healthy mature stand more quickly. Existing non-susceptible species would be left as the reserve trees where available. F. Group Selection Group selection is an uneven aged regeneration method to establish and maintain multiaged structure by removing trees in small groups (Helms 1998). The objectives of this treatment in the Bybee project planning area are to: (1) treat smaller root rot pockets to help prevent the spread of pathogens and (2) create structure and age class diversity in stands where this value is limited. Group openings would be limited to ¾ acre to prevent adverse effects to northern spotted owls and would total less than 20 percent of the stand acreage (landings would be included as part of this total). Group openings may be planted (artificial regeneration) or allowed to regenerate naturally by seed, depending on the site specific needs. Groups should be distributed throughout the stand and arranged in irregular patterns. However, priority for selecting group openings should be given to treat diseases or promote species diversity such as releasing pines or hardwoods. In some stands, a combination of group openings and thinning between the group openings would be applied.

A-36 Appendix A

Attachment B – Tree Species Codes Table A-5. Codes for tree species found in Jackson and Douglas counties of Oregon

Symbol Scientific name Common name ABAM Abies amabilis Pacific silver fir ABCO Abies concolor white fir ABCOC Abies concolor var. concolor white fir ABCOL Abies concolor var. lowiana white fir ABGR Abies grandis grand fir ABLA Abies lasiocarpa subalpine fir ABLAL Abies lasiocarpa var. lasiocarpa subalpine fir ABMA Abies magnifica California red fir ABPR Abies procera noble fir ABSH Abies shastensis Shasta red fir ACDE3 Acacia dealbata silver wattle ACCI Acer circinatum vine maple ACGL Acer glabrum Rocky Mountain maple ACGLD4 Acer glabrum var. douglasii Douglas maple ACGLT2 Acer glabrum var. torreyi Torrey maple ACMA3 Acer macrophyllum bigleaf maple ACNE2 Acer negundo boxelder ACNEN Acer negundo var. negundo boxelder ACPL Acer platanoides Norway maple AEHI Aesculus hippocastanum horse chestnut AIAL Ailanthus altissima tree of heaven ALIN2 Alnus incana gray alder ALINT Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia thinleaf alder ALRH2 Alnus rhombifolia white alder ALRU2 Alnus rubra red alder ALVI5 Alnus viridis green alder ALVIF Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa Siberian alder ALVIS Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata Sitka alder AMAL2 Amelanchier alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry AMALA Amelanchier alnifolia var. alnifolia Saskatoon serviceberry AMALC Amelanchier alnifolia var. cusickii Cusick's serviceberry AMALS Amelanchier alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia Saskatoon serviceberry AMPA2 Amelanchier pallida pale serviceberry AMUT Amelanchier utahensis Utah serviceberry AMUTU Amelanchier utahensis var. utahensis Utah serviceberry AMJA ×Amelasorbus jackii Jack's amelasorbus AREL8 Aralia elata Japanese angelica tree ARME Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone ARCO3 Arctostaphylos columbiana hairy manzanita ARVI4 Arctostaphylos viscida sticky whiteleaf manzanita ARVIP2 Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. pulchella sticky whiteleaf manzanita ARVIV Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. viscida sticky whiteleaf manzanita ARTR2 Artemisia tridentata big sagebrush ARTRT Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata basin big sagebrush ARTRV Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana mountain big sagebrush ARTRW8 Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis Wyoming big sagebrush BEOC2 Betula occidentalis water birch BEPA Betula papyrifera paper birch BEPAP Betula papyrifera var. papyrifera paper birch BEPE3 Betula pendula European white birch BEUT Betula ×utahensis CADE27 Calocedrus decurrens incense cedar CAAR18 Caragana arborescens Siberian peashrub CABI8 Catalpa bignonioides southern catalpa

A-37 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Symbol Scientific name Common name CETH Ceanothus thyrsiflorus blueblossom CEVE Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush ceanothus CEVEH2 Ceanothus velutinus var. hookeri Hooker's ceanothus CEVEV4 Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus snowbrush ceanothus CELA Celtis laevigata sugarberry CELAR Celtis laevigata var. reticulata netleaf hackberry CELE3 Cercocarpus ledifolius curl-leaf mountain mahogany CELEI Cercocarpus ledifolius var. intercedens curl-leaf mountain mahogany CELEL Cercocarpus ledifolius var. ledifolius curl-leaf mountain mahogany CEMO2 Cercocarpus montanus alderleaf mountain mahogany CEMOG Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber birchleaf mountain mahogany CEMOM2 Cercocarpus montanus var. macrourus Klamath mountain mahogany CEMOM4 Cercocarpus montanus var. montanus alderleaf mountain mahogany CHLA Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Port Orford cedar CHCH7 Chrysolepis chrysophylla giant chinquapin CHCHC4 Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla giant chinquapin COGL3 Cornus glabrata brown dogwood CONU4 Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood COSE16 Cornus sericea redosier dogwood COSEO Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis western dogwood COSES Cornus sericea ssp. sericea redosier dogwood COAV80 Corylus avellana common filbert COCO6 Corylus cornuta beaked hazelnut COCOC Corylus cornuta var. californica California hazelnut CRCH Crataegus chrysocarpa fireberry hawthorn CRCHC2 Crataegus chrysocarpa var. chrysocarpa red haw CRCHP2 Crataegus chrysocarpa var. piperi Piper's hawthorn CRDO2 Crataegus douglasii black hawthorn CRMO3 Crataegus monogyna oneseed hawthorn CRSU5 Crataegus succulenta fleshy hawthorn CRSU16 Crataegus suksdorfii Suksdorf's hawthorn CUBA Cupressus bakeri Modoc cypress CUNO Cupressus nootkatensis Alaska cedar CYOB2 Cydonia oblonga quince DALA11 Daphne laureola spurgelaurel ELAN Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive EUOC8 Euonymus occidentalis western burning bush EUOCO Euonymus occidentalis var. occidentalis western burning bush FRCA12 Frangula californica California buckthorn FRCAO4 Frangula californica ssp. occidentalis California buckthorn FRPU7 Frangula purshiana Cascara buckthorn FRLA Fraxinus latifolia Oregon ash GAEL Garrya elliptica wavyleaf silktassel GAFR Garrya fremontii bearbrush ILAQ80 Ilex aquifolium English holly JUHI Juglans hindsii Northern California walnut JUCO6 Juniperus communis common juniper JUCOD Juniperus communis var. depressa common juniper JUCOS2 Juniperus communis var. saxatilis common juniper JUOC Juniperus occidentalis western juniper JUOCO Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis western juniper JUSC2 Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain juniper JUVI Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar JUVIV Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana eastern redcedar LAOC Larix occidentalis western larch LIDE3 Lithocarpus densiflorus tanoak LIDED2 Lithocarpus densiflorus var. densiflorus tanoak LIDEE Lithocarpus densiflorus var. echinoides tanoak

A-38 Appendix A

Symbol Scientific name Common name MAPO Maclura pomifera osage orange MADA5 Malus ×dawsoniana MAFL80 Malus floribunda Japanese flowering crab apple MAFU Malus fusca Oregon crab apple MAPU Malus pumila paradise apple MOCA6 Morella californica California wax myrtle MOAL Morus alba white mulberry OECE Oemleria cerasiformis Indian plum PIBR Picea breweriana Brewer spruce PIEN Picea engelmannii Engelmann spruce PIENE Picea engelmannii var. engelmannii Engelmann spruce PISI Picea sitchensis Sitka spruce PIAL Pinus albicaulis whitebark pine PIAT Pinus attenuata knobcone pine PICO Pinus contorta lodgepole pine PICOC Pinus contorta var. contorta beach pine PICOL Pinus contorta var. latifolia lodgepole pine PICOM Pinus contorta var. murrayana Sierra lodgepole pine PIFL2 Pinus flexilis limber pine PIJE Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine PILA Pinus lambertiana sugar pine PIMO3 Pinus monticola western white pine PIPO Pinus ponderosa ponderosa pine PIPOP Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa ponderosa pine PISA2 Pinus sabiniana California foothill pine PIWA Pinus washoensis Washoe pine POAL7 Populus alba white poplar POAN3 Populus angustifolia narrowleaf cottonwood POBA2 Populus balsamifera balsam poplar POBAB2 Populus balsamifera ssp. balsamifera balsam poplar POBAT Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa black cottonwood PONI Populus nigra Lombardy poplar POTR5 Populus tremuloides quaking aspen PRAR3 Prunus armeniaca apricot PRAV Prunus avium sweet cherry PRCE2 Prunus cerasifera cherry plum PRDO Prunus domestica European plum PRDOD Prunus domestica var. domestica European plum PREM Prunus emarginata bitter cherry PREME Prunus emarginata var. emarginata bitter cherry PREMM Prunus emarginata var. mollis bitter cherry PRLA5 Prunus laurocerasus cherry laurel PRLU Prunus lusitanica Portugal laurel PRMA Prunus mahaleb Mahaleb cherry PRPE3 Prunus persica peach PRSP Prunus spinosa blackthorn PRSU2 Prunus subcordata Klamath plum PRSUK Prunus subcordata var. kelloggii Kellogg's Klamath plum PRSUO Prunus subcordata var. oregana Oregon Klamath plum PRSUS Prunus subcordata var. subcordata Klamath plum PRVI Prunus virginiana chokecherry PRVID Prunus virginiana var. demissa western chokecherry PRVIM Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa black chokecherry PSME Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir PSMEG Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir PSMEM Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Douglas-fir PYCO Pyrus communis common pear QUCH2 Quercus chrysolepis canyon live oak

A-39 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Symbol Scientific name Common name QUCHC Quercus chrysolepis var. chrysolepis canyon live oak QUGA4 Quercus garryana Oregon white oak QUGAG2 Quercus garryana var. garryana Oregon white oak QUGAS Quercus garryana var. semota Oregon white oak QUKE Quercus kelloggii California black oak QUMO2 Quercus ×moreha oracle oak RHIL Rhamnus ilicifolia hollyleaf redberry RHMA3 Rhododendron macrophyllum Pacific rhododendron RHGL Rhus glabra smooth sumac ROHI Robinia hispida bristly locust ROHIH Robinia hispida var. hispida bristly locust ROPS Robinia pseudoacacia black locust SAAM2 Salix amygdaloides peachleaf willow SABE2 Salix bebbiana Bebb willow SAEX Salix exigua narrowleaf willow SAGE2 Salix geyeriana Geyer willow SAGL Salix glauca grayleaf willow SAGLG Salix glauca ssp. glauca grayleaf willow SAGLV Salix glauca ssp. glauca var. villosa grayleaf willow SAHO Salix hookeriana dune willow SALA6 Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow SALAB Salix lasiolepis var. bigelovii Bigelow's willow SALAL2 Salix lasiolepis var. lasiolepis arroyo willow SALI Salix ligulifolia strapleaf willow SALU Salix lucida shining willow SALUC Salix lucida ssp. caudata greenleaf willow SALUL Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Pacific willow SALU2 Salix lutea yellow willow SAME2 Salix melanopsis dusky willow SAPE12 Salix pendulina Wisconsin weeping willow SAPL2 Salix planifolia diamondleaf willow SAPLP4 Salix planifolia ssp. planifolia diamondleaf willow SAPR3 Salix prolixa MacKenzie's willow SARU3 Salix rubens hybrid crack willow SASC Salix scouleriana Scouler's willow SASE10 Salix sepulcralis weeping willow SASE3 Salix sessilifolia northwest sandbar willow SASI2 Salix sitchensis Sitka willow SATR Salix tracyi Tracy's willow SANI4 Sambucus nigra black elderberry SANIC5 Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea blue elderberry SARA2 Sambucus racemosa red elderberry SARAM4 Sambucus racemosa var. melanocarpa Rocky Mountain elder SARAR3 Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa red elderberry SESE3 Sequoia sempervirens redwood SHAR Shepherdia argentea silver buffaloberry SOLE3 Sophora leachiana western necklacepod SOAU aucuparia European mountain ash SOSC2 Sorbus scopulina Greene's mountain ash SOSCC Sorbus scopulina var. cascadensis Cascade mountain ash SOSCS Sorbus scopulina var. scopulina Greene's mountain ash SOSI2 western mountain ash SOSIG Sorbus sitchensis var. grayi western mountain ash TACH2 Tamarix chinensis five-stamen tamarisk TAPA4 Tamarix parviflora smallflower tamarisk TABR2 Taxus brevifolia Pacific yew THPL Thuja plicata western redcedar TIEU4 Tilia europaea common linden

A-40 Appendix A

Symbol Scientific name Common name TSHE Tsuga heterophylla western hemlock TSME Tsuga mertensiana mountain hemlock ULPU Ulmus pumila Siberian elm UMCA Umbellularia californica California laurel UMCAC Umbellularia californica var. californica California laurel VIAG Vitex agnus-castus lilac chastetree VIAGA Vitex agnus-castus var. agnus-castus lilac chastetree

A-41 Bybee Vegetation Management Project

Attachment C – Forest Type Maximum Stand Density Index Maximum Stand Density Index (MaxSDI) by forest type was created by weighting individual species values for each forest type. Forest type MaxSDI values were used to determine stocking levels in the existing vegetation geodatabase (see table A-6). Table A-6. MaxSDI for forest types on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Common name Symbol Max SDI FORTYBA MaxSDI MaxSDI MaxSDI weight Forest type MaxSDI Pacific silver fir ABAM 795 ABAM 795 100 percent 0 percent 795 White fir ABCO 814 ABAM ABPR 795 814 50 percent 50 percent 804.5 Grand fir ABGR 814 ABAM ABSH 795 621 50 percent 50 percent 708 Subalpine fir ABLA 760 ABAM PSME 795 664 50 percent 50 percent 729.5 California red fir ABMA 621 ABAM TSME 795 722 50 percent 50 percent 758.5 Noble fir ABPR 814 ABCO 814 0 100 percent 0 percent 814 Shasta fir ABSH 621 ABCO ABAM 814 795 50 percent 50 percent 804.5 Bigleaf maple ACMA3 550 ABCO ABMA 814 621 50 percent 50 percent 717.5 White alder ALRH2 550 ABCO ABSH 814 621 50 percent 50 percent 717.5 Red alder ALRU2 550 ABCO ALRU2 814 550 10 percent 90 percent 576.4 Pacific madrone ARME 550 ABCO ARME 814 550 10 percent 90 percent 576.4 Incense-cedar CADE27 570 ABCO CADE27 814 570 20 percent 80 percent 618.8 Giant chinkapin CHCH7 550 ABCO CHCH7 814 550 10 percent 90 percent 576.4 Port-Orford-cedar CHLA 644.5 ABCO PICO 814 472 10 percent 90 percent 506.2 Oregon ash FRLA 500 ABCO PIEN 814 580 10 percent 90 percent 603.4 Western juniper JUOC 330 ABCO PIJE 814 383.5 10 percent 90 percent 426.55 Tanoak LIDE3 943 ABCO PILA 814 430 10 percent 90 percent 468.4 Knobcone pine PIAT 430 ABCO PIMO3 814 460 10 percent 90 percent 495.4 Brewer spruce PIBR 580 ABCO PIPO 814 430 10 percent 90 percent 468.4 Lodgepole pine PICO 472 ABCO PSME 814 664 40 percent 60 percent 724 Englemann spruce PIEN 580 ABCO TSHE 814 784 50 percent 50 percent 799 Jeffrey pine PIJE 383.5 ABGR ALRU2 814 550 10 percent 90 percent 576.4 Sugar pine PILA 430 ABGR PSME 814 664 50 percent 50 percent 739 Western white pine PIMO3 460 ABGR UMCA 814 550 40 percent 60 percent 655.6 Ponderosa pine PIPO 430 ABLA ABCO 760 814 90 percent 10 percent 765.4 Sitka spruce PISI 580 ABMA 621 0 100 percent 0 percent 621 Bitter cherry PREM 500 ABMA ABCO 621 814 90 percent 10 percent 640.3 Douglas-fir PSME 664 ABPR ABCO 814 814 60 percent 40 percent 814 Canyon-live oak QUCH2 449 ABPR PSME 814 664 60 percent 40 percent 754 Oregon white oak QUGA4 449 ABPR TSME 814 722 50 percent 50 percent 768

A-42 Appendix A

Common name Symbol Max SDI FORTYBA MaxSDI MaxSDI MaxSDI weight Forest type MaxSDI California black oak QUKE 449 ABSH 621 0 100 percent 0 percent 621 REMNANT 337 ABSH ABAM 621 795 70 percent 30 percent 673.2 Willow SALIX 550 ABSH ABCO 621 814 90 percent 10 percent 640.3 Coastal redwood SESE3 900 ABSH CHNO 621 570 10 percent 90 percent 575.1 Pacific yew TABR2 570 ABSH PICO 621 472 10 percent 90 percent 486.9 Western redcedar THPL 570 ABSH PIMO3 621 460 10 percent 90 percent 476.1 Western hemlock TSHE 784 ABSH PSME 621 664 80 percent 20 percent 629.6 Mountain hemlock TSME 722 ABSH TSME 621 722 60 percent 40 percent 661.4 California laurel UMCA 550 ACMA3 550 0 100 percent 0 percent 550 These are the MaxSDIs used per RRS Existing Veg “Forest_Type”. Weighting emphasized species less tolerant of shade or of general management concern, a bias entered to reflect a MaxSDI that will more likely trigger management concern and action early enough to sustain the species mix richness.
