Go-Set Vol0222
. _____ .-.1~ ~·s-. ~.'t '''7-,•, ·.;~~ . - ll· \i ~r:r 1 lj . .. ...., - -r.·. ..;,:,tt5·.-.. THE TEEN & TWENTIES NEWSPAPEB ~ -, ·-·· ·,· ·~· .·,· . ._,.... ,-._... ..,,,,_... Volume 2 USSII STARS Number 22 UST BII GIIS OllltY YOUNG YES FOR LONDON "I'm an Australian" n. IN Gen' -1 stalatlltS attackillg the Austnlian pop - has lirMthf anpy Rplits and com- from many stan. I spoke to JOHNNY YOUNG ot Melbourne airport a s he left for nt,land, Europe and the United States. He was vi,ibly upset by the • • GM,' statements. Johnny mode it quite dear that he was going May 31 v• r 01 an AUSTRALIAN artist. " How could I go any other way?" he wid. " Australian font have made my 1ucce11, li ke that of the Bu Gees, ou ible in the first place!" Johnny intends to have a look at the En9li1h and American scenes nd will also have a holiday in Europe with relativH. If things look romising, he will then 1tart making deAntt. plans with David Joseph Normie Rowe' s overseas monaeer. 1967 Speaking of the ... 0..1, he sold: "Ovendl I think their ottitucle very 1elfl1h ond unethical." For more cOfflfflefltl on the IN 0..1' controveniol statements, "rntopctl"3. RODDIE BURBS LEE JA[HSODS' PID·UP LETTER PAGE 9 THE WHO ~~g~:. PAGE 2-Wl:DNES0AY, MA Y 31 , 1967 GO-SET WEDNESDAY MAY 31, 1967- PAGE 3 I n.,. r i-n 1• f'11 ku1atNI each w .... k h,,m tho ,,,.,.1 rH-.·r.1 dultl• 1,..,. 1hr toa ,,..·,n ~ 1,od1u .,. , ,.... =t.'W :•t: i:: . ::-::., ~r:: \I' .nn , II{ , ! I' ~.\I I .
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