N O R T H W E S T N A Z A R E N E U N I V E R S I T Y G REAT MINDS • GREAT HEARTS • GREAT FUTURES VOL. 93, NUM. 3 theMMESSENGERESSENGERFALL 2005 Fusing art & literature — NNU students tackle Hollywood! president’s letter contents Dear Alumni and Friends: I remember thinking at the time of my father’s features death in 1975, that this man, born in 1897 in President: Dr. Richard A. Hagood Texas, had seen remarkable changes in 4 NNU Senior Gwen Miller Goes transportation during his lifetime. During his Vice President for Enrollment Services Hollywood on NBC’s Fear Factor! early life in rural Oklahoma, his family had & Marketing: Dr. Eric Forseth What do you get when you take a friendly girl from Boise and either walked or taken horse and buggy to Vice President for University Advancement: plunk her down in the middle of Los Angeles? Pure magic! their intended destination—and they didn’t Gary Skaggs travel very far. By the time he died, humans Director, Alumni Relations: 8 Remembering Helen Wilson, 1914 - 2005 had traveled to the moon and back. Darl Bruner Amazing changes requiring amazing For nearly forty years, Miss Helen Wilson graced the campus of adaptation. Director, Marketing & Public Relations / Northwest Nazarene University. Here she is remembered for her Managing Editor: humor, love and joie de vivre by a former student and friend. Just one generation later, here in 2005, as I write this Angela Klein letter to you, I have access to instant communi- Designer: cation with many parts of the world. In fact, Learning the Music Ropes Larson Creatives, Inc. 11 just minutes ago I watched a 35-second video of our on Martha’s Vineyard granddaughter playing her saxophone. It arrived by The Messenger is published three times a year by the Intent on pursuing his music career, NNU senior Marc Herring e-mail to our home computer from her home Office of Enrollment Services & Marketing at spends the semester on Martha’s Vineyard through the Council in South Korea. We are now able to commu- Northwest Nazarene University and sent to alumni and friends. Postmaster send address changes to The for Christian College’s study abroad program. nicate with her family by instant messaging and by web camera in real time. Like Messenger, c/o Northwest Nazarene University, 623 my father and changes in transportation, we are today living in a time of amazing Holly Street, Nampa, ID 83686-5897. 12 Finding Balance at NNU changes in our ability to communicate. Northwest Nazarene University is a Christian compre- NNU’s volleyball coaching duo, Jared and Lisa Sliger, share life Northwest Nazarene University is adapting to these changes in communication, hensive university offering more than 45 undergraduate on the court and talk about their hopes for their players. not only by keeping current in information technology, but in equipping our majors and master’s programs in five disciplines. In all students to be able to communicate clearly and effectively in writing and speaking. of its programs, the university is dedicated to student growth in Christ-like character, academic excellence, In this edition of The Messenger, you will meet faculty and students who are teach- creative engagement and social responsiveness. In addi- ing and learning in the field of mass communication. Like the communication tion to its 85-acre campus in Nampa, Idaho, and the within a family, the technical ability to communicate with audiences around the MBA and STEP programs offered in Boise, Idaho, the university also has cooperative programs in 10 countries. globe has increased dramatically. What is needed, and what NNU provides, is the Founded in 1913, the university serves approximately skill and grace to know how to use the media for the common good and for the 1,600 undergraduate and graduate students, and advancement of the Kingdom of God here on earth. approximately 8,000 continuing education students. departments Contact us: Like me, I am sure you will be proud of the accomplishments of our faculty Northwest Nazarene University 2 President’s Letter and students and encouraged that they are becoming equipped to impact a 623 Holly Street dynamically interactive world. Enjoy! Nampa, ID 83686-5897 www.nnu.edu 9 On Campus Office of Alumni Relations: Sincerely, 800-654-2411 / 467-8841 14 Alumni News Office of Enrollment Services & Marketing: 467-8994 18 University Advancement Office of Admissions: Richard A. Hagood 877-NNU-4-YOU / 467-8000 Office of University Advancement: President 800-467-8987 / 467-8772 Center for Professional Development: 800-349-6938 / 467-8495 Cover: Larson Creatives, Inc. / Debbie Brown, Photography 2 TheMESSENGER TheMESSENGER 3 Hollywood,Hollywood, & Mass Comm. BY ANGELA KLEIN, CLASS OF 1993 When Gwen Miller graduated from Cole Valley Christian School in the spring of 2002, she had no idea that in less than three years she would find herself alone in Los Angeles, navigating her way through the maze called Hollywood. Vivacious and friendly, Gwen came to NNU, in part, because it was familiar. “My sister came here, and I knew my way around,” she confessed one September day in the Amity Perk coffee shop on campus. “That, and it was the only Christian school in Idaho.” For a girl who wanted to stay close to home in Boise, nothing could have shaken her out of her comfort zone more than the experience of winning a coveted Academy of Television Arts and Sciences internship where she was placed this summer with the crew of NBC’s Fear Factor. There she learned first-hand the joys and rigors of working in the fast-paced Hollywood environment. With more than 4,000 applicants, the chances of Gwen being chosen as one of the final 36 were slim, but Mass Communications Professor Arnie Ytreeide had faith that Hollywood would see what he had seen in her. It was Ytreeide who encouraged her to apply for the internship and wrote one of the letters of recommendation that helped her make the final cut. “Gwen has been a producer on every major production we’ve had while she’s been here,” Ytreeide said. “She’s willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish a goal. She works hard and is willing to get out there and jump in with both feet.” theMESSENGER 5 journalism. Part of the requirements included a class in mass Either way, students are prepared to meet the needs of communication, and from that class sprang what she called a both the mission field and the technological challenges of new love for mass comm. From there, she wondered if she should media. “We’re bringing the churches into the 21st Century,” keep pursuing her love or if she should choose a major that said Ytreeide, smiling. seemed more proper. Along with the advancement of media in It didn’t take her long to realize that “What these students the churches, Ytreeide’s encouragement to mass communications was the only path have accomplished the students has resulted in a stream of for her, she said. “I could have changed has validated to me work worthy of professional-level status, he to something else, but that would be so said. “I challenged the students to compete boring!” she said with an emphasis on that they can do with professionals,” he said, “not simply the last two words. things far beyond other college students. They rose to that “I’m living the impossible dream that I challenge in a very enthusiastic way, and so never thought would happen. And it what we commonly much good work was produced that doors wouldn’t have happened if it hadn’t been consider the student have been opening for them.” for the internship and Professor Ytreeide. level of work.” Verne Ward, a recent graduate, was hired I would not be where I am today without for video production in Europe before he him. He’s the sole reason I am in the —Professor Arnie graduated last spring, Ytreeide said, and program and why I applied for the Ytreeide senior Paul Otremba (Spokane, Wash.), who internship.” was hired by Boise’s Channel 7, was pro- “There are students across the moted two days into an continent who would sell their internship when his brothers and sisters to have the talents became evident. opportunity that Gwen has Senior Sarah Chase had,” Ytreeide added with a (Lakeview, Ore.) held two Senior Tyler Gunstream mans a camera during the 18-hour "Idaho Family Christmas" shoot for NBC affiliates. grin, only half joking. intensive internships with In his fourth year at the helm the Idaho Press Tribune of the mass communications and now works as the Ytreeide praised Gwen’s commitment there were fish at work or not,” Gwen major, Ytreeide spoke with assistant to the managing and ability to organize, cajole, contact, call, “I’m living the laughed. “We always smelled pride about the program, the editor; and Mark Hewes budget and whatever else needed to hap- impossible dream like fish!” way it has developed and the (Arco, Idaho) is basking pen to pull a show off. “She excels at that I never thought Asking Gwen what the best part of way it continues to develop. in the glow of his first those producer jobs,” he said. the experience was, she was quick to From one degree four years film, “Clocks,” which was Even with being able to jump in with would happen.” answer. “I got to learn Hollywood, ago, to concentrations in recently accepted to two both feet and scale small buildings with a — Gwen Miller, on which is an invaluable experience,” she TV/film narrative, news/docu- film festivals, including single bound, nothing could have prepared her experience in said.
Upland Campus Founded 1846 There are those who seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge, that is curiosity. There are those who seek knowledge to be known by others, that is vanity. There are those who seek knowledge in order to serve, that is love. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) Catalog 2003-2004 236 West Reade Avenue h Upland, IN 46989-1001 Telephone: (765) 998-2751 or (800) 882-3456 h Fax: (765) 998-4910 www.tayloru.edu/upland/admissions Information in this catalog, while current at the time of printing, is subject to change based on enrollment, faculty availability, and other considerations. Taylor University reserves the right to withdraw a course or program or to limit its enrollment when, for any reason, it becomes impractical to offer it as previously scheduled. While Taylor University publishes program information and materials and assigns advisors, the student is ultimately responsible to assure his/her academic program fulfills all graduation requirements. The university reserves the right to withdraw a previously awarded degree if the university subsequently determines that the degree requirements were not met appropriately. CONTENTS OUR HERITAGE, MISSION, AND LIFE TOGETHER..........................5 A Heritage Exceeding 150 Years .............................................................5 A Christian Liberal Arts College .............................................................6 Mission and Purposes...............................................................................6 The Life Together Covenant ....................................................................8
Abstracts for the Annual SECAC Meeting in Columbus, Ohio October 25th-28th, 2017 Conference Chair, Aaron Petten, Columbus College of Art & Design Emma Abercrombie, SCAD Savannah The Millennial and the Millennial Female: Amalia Ulman and ORLAN This paper focuses on Amalia Ulman’s digital performance Excellences and Perfections and places it within the theoretical framework of ORLAN’s surgical performance series The Reincarnation of Saint Orlan. Ulman’s performance occurred over a twenty-one week period on the artist’s Instagram page. She posted a total of 184 photographs over twenty-one weeks. When viewed in their entirety and in relation to one another, the photographs reveal a narrative that can be separated into three distinct episodes in which Ulman performs three different female Instagram archetypes through the use of selfies and common Instagram image tropes. This paper pushes beyond the casual connection that has been suggested, but not explored, by art historians between the two artists and takes the comparison to task. Issues of postmodern identity are explored as they relate to the Internet culture of the 1990s when ORLAN began her surgery series and within the digital landscape of the Web 2.0 age that Ulman works in, where Instagram is the site of her performance and the selfie is a medium of choice. Abercrombie situates Ulman’s “image-body” performance within the critical framework of feminist performance practice, using the postmodern performance of ORLAN as a point of departure. J. Bradley Adams, Berry College Controlled Nature Focused on gardens, Adams’s work takes a range of forms and operates on different scales.
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Volume 14, No. 30 A Weekly Newspaper for the Library Staff September 5, 2003 Librarian Names Louise Glück 12th Poet Laureate ouise Glück, an award-winning laureate’s offi ce during the next year.” author of nine books of poetry, is Glück succeeds Poets Laureate Billy Lthe 12th poet to be named to the Collins, Robert Pinsky, Robert Hass, Stan- Library’s offi ce of Poet Laureate Consul- ley Kunitz, Rita Dove, Mona Van Duyn, tant in Poetry. She will open the Library’s Joseph Brodsky, Mark Strand, Howard annual literary series on Tuesday, Oct. Nemerov, Richard Wilbur and Robert 21, with a reading of her work. Penn Warren. On Wednesday, Oct. 22, she will host Her nine books of poetry include a Favorite Poem reading with Frank “The Seven Ages” (Ecco Press, 2001); Bidart and former Poet Laureate Robert “Vita Nova” (1999), which was awarded Pinsky. In addition to programming a The New Yorker magazine’s Book Award new reading series for younger poets, in Poetry; “Meadowlands” (1996); “The Glück will participate in Library events Wild Iris” (1992), which received the in February and again in May. Pulitzer Prize and the Poetry Society Louise Glück In announcing the appointment, of America’s William Carlos Williams Librarian of Congress James H. Bill- Award; “Ararat” (1990), which received ington said, “Louise Glück will bring to series of book-length poetic cycles. Her the Library’s Rebekah Johnson Bobbitt the Library of Congress a strong, vivid, prize-winning poetry and her great inter- National Prize for Poetry; and “The Tri- deep poetic voice, accomplished in a est in young poets will enliven the poet GLÜCK, Continues on page 12 Surgeon General Opens Hispanic Month Events ice Admiral Richard H.
SPRING/SUMMER2014 VIEWPOINTS IN EDUCATION & HEALTH CARE Wherever we look on the globe, we can find Houghton stories, stories of God’s creative and redeeming grace at work through Houghton alumni. – Shirley A. Mullen ’76, President HOUGHTON COLLEGE VOLUME 89, NO. 1 | SPRING/SUMMER 2014 MAGAZINE STAFF Houghton magazine welcomes letters, alumni news, and Editor Rick Melson Photography art or photographs for possible inclusion in the magazine. Jeff Babbitt ’96 Linda Mills Woolsey ’74 Jeff Babbitt ’96 Daniel Noyes ’93 All are subject to editing, and the opinions expressed Lead Designer Hayley Day ‘15 are those of the authors or their subjects and are not Brandon Rush Brandon Rush Mary (Gibson ‘06) Dougherty necessarily shared by the college or the editor. Send Contributors Morgan Loghry ’16 information in care of the editor to the college, or fax Alumni Notes Editor Brandon Rush Shelley (Smith ’93) Noyes Adeyinka Araromi ’14 585.567.9668, or email [email protected]. Address Timothy Cox ‘97 Matthew Whittemore ‘09 changes should be sent to the Alumni Relations Office, Proofreaders Cathy Freytag Printing Houghton College, Houghton, NY 14744-0128. Neither Amy (Danna ’93) Tetta Myron Glick ‘88 The Zenger Group, Bruce Brenneman Houghton College nor Houghton magazine is responsible Marshall Green Tonawanda, NY for unsolicited mail received by persons who ask that Editorial Board Katharine Maitland ‘11 their addresses be printed in the magazine. Written Bruce Brenneman Jamie Potter permission is required to reproduce Houghton magazine Marshall
Rosedale Bible College COLLEGES ACCEPTING CREDIT TRANSFERS All colleges and universities reserve the right to accept credits from any other college based on their own criteria (i.e. correlating courses, minimum grade, residency requirements, etc.). Below is a list of colleges that have accepted RBC credits over the last few years or with whom RBC has transfer agreements. Schools marked with “ * “ denote colleges and universities that have accepted or would accept most if not all of the RBC credits taken for students who had attended RBC at least 18 credit hours. Students are advised to confirm transferability of RBC credit with the institutions in which they have interest. RBC’s academic office may be able assist with transfer difficulties if they are encountered. * Alice Lloyd College—Pippa Passes, KY Manatee Community College—Bradenton, FL * Alvernia College—Reading, PA Medical Central College of Nursing—Mansfield, OH * Asbury College & Seminary—Wilmore, KY * Messiah College—Grantham, PA Bethel College—Mishawaka, IN Misericordia University—Dallas, PA * Bluffton University—Bluffton, OH * Moody Bible Institute—Chicago, IL * Bryan College—Dayton, TN * Mount Vernon Nazarene University—Mount Vernon, OH Canadian Mennonite University—Winnipeg, MB Northwestern College—Roseville, MN * Cairn University—Langhorne, PA * Oak Hills Christian College—Bemidji, MN * Cedarville University—Cedarville, OH * Ohio Christian University—Circleville, OH Central Christian Coll of the Bible—Moberly, MO * Ohio State University—Columbus, OH * Cincinnati Christian
GENEVA COLLEGE College Catalog 2015-2016 Volume 96 3200 College Avenue Beaver Falls, PA 15010 724-846-5100 www.geneva.edu This catalog is designed to communicate clearly the information needed by students, faculty, and prospective students. It can be accessed on the Geneva website. The provisions of this catalog should not be regarded as a contract between any student and the college. Course content and regulations are constantly being reviewed and revised. The college reserves the right to withdraw or amend the content of any courses listed if circumstances necessitate such changes. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Undergraduate Majors/Programs Accounting ........................................................................................................................ 39 Applied Mathematics ........................................................................................................ 46 Biblical Studies ................................................................................................................. 27 Biology .............................................................................................................................. 34 Biology with Secondary Education ................................................................................... 35 Biochemistry ..................................................................................................................... 43 Biopsychology .................................................................................................................. 85
2001 AMC Championship Results Cedarville University
Masthead Logo Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Women's Cross Country Statistics Women's Cross Country(1994-Current) 11-3-2001 2001 AMC Championship Results Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ womens_cross_country_statistics Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "2001 AMC Championship Results" (2001). Women's Cross Country Statistics. 99. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/womens_cross_country_statistics/99 This Statistics is brought to you for free and open access by Footer Logo DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Women's Cross Country Statistics by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2000 AMC Women's Cross Country Page 1 of 3 Women's Cross Country i\v\ERIC 1 AMC Championship ..1. l\lf£)F:1\ S'l~. University of Rio Grande; Rio Grande, OH C.ONFE.RENCE .· Saturday, November 3, 2001 ·· 10:15 a.m. 5,000 meters -- 50°, sunny, light wind Team Scores Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 ---- ----------------------- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 Cedarville University 33 1 4 6 7 15 16 18 2 Malone College 43 3 5 8 10 17 25 36 3 Roberts Wesleyan Colleg 94 2 12 13 14 53 65 79 4 Geneva College 109 9 20 21 24 35 59 66 5 Houghton College 174 23 26 34 45 46 48 49 6 Shawnee State Universit 185 29 32 38 42 44 51 84 7 Walsh University 197 19 33 37 52
{ B E P A R T O F A S P E C I A L T R A D I T I O N } at Roberts If you want time to reconnect with classmates, professors and staff. If you enjoy the spirit of community and would like to rediscover your favorite things about Roberts. If you like sporting events, attending class celebrations and the opportunity to make new friends, join us for homecoming weekend. We would love to reconnect with you! For a full schedule of events for September 27-29, go to: www.roberts.edu/Homecoming HOMECOMING 2013 HOMECOMING Connect. Rediscover. Celebrate. ROBERTS TODAY The magazine for alumni and friends of Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, Vol.36, No. 2, Fall 2013. Published by Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, 2301 Westside Drive, Rochester, NY 14624-1997; Phone 585.594.6500; Email [email protected]. The magazine is distributed free to alumni, parents, faculty, staff, friends and students. PRESIDENT John A. Martin TRUSTEES John D. Cooke ’66 David W. Hughes George A. Kimmich Roy W. King, NES ’04 David M. Lascell Norman P. Leenhouts, Vice Chair Paul A. Lysander ’85 Duncan W. O’Dwyer Dwight M. (Kip) Palmer, Vice Chair Mary G. Perna, Secretary E. John Reinhold ’63 Mary D. Richards David B. Rinker David T. Roller Deborah K. Schmidt ’79 Robert E. Smith Terry R. Taber, Chair Steven E. Von Berg Caryl L. Wenzke NES ’04 Daniel D. Wolfe Mary A. Worboys-Turner, Vice Chair Coralie B. Hoselton, Honorary TRUSTEES EMERITI David C. Hoselton Ruth E.
GORDON OLLEGE CUndergraduate Academic Catalog 2005–2006 Art Durity GORDON COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC CATALOG 2005–2006 The United College of Gordon and Barrington 255 Grapevine Road Wenham, Massachusetts 01984 978.927.2300 Fax 978.867.4659 www.gordon.edu Printed on recycled paper Gordon College is in compliance with both the spirit and the letter of Title IX of the Education Amend- ments of 1972 and with Internal Revenue Service Procedure 75–50. This means that the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, veteran status or national or ethnic origin in administration of its employment policies, admissions policies, recruitment programs (for students and employees), scholarship and loan programs, athletics and other college-administered activities. ******** Gordon College supports the efforts of secondary school officials and governing bodies to have their schools achieve regional accreditation to provide reliable assurance of the quality of the educational preparation of its applicants for admission. ******** Any student who is unable, because of religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examina- tion, study or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from such activity and be provided with an opportunity to make it up, provided it shall not create an unreasonable burden upon the school. No fees shall be charged nor any adverse or prejudicial effects result. ******** In compliance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, Gordon College operates a drug abuse prevention program encompassing general dissemination of informational literature, awareness seminars and individual counseling. Assistance is available to students, staff and faculty. For more information please contact the Center for Student Development.
CCCU Faculty Salary Survey: 2016-17 Update by Nita Stemmler, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Introduction. This is the thirty-third in an annual series of research reports conducted by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). The purpose of this study is to provide CCCU Governing Member institutions with comparative and longitudinal salary data. The research has traditionally been based on information compiled for the AAUP, appearing in Academe each spring (for the current study, from March/April, 2017). Fifty-seven CCCU institutions of 111 US- based schools are not represented in the AAUP survey this year. For these members, the author used data surveyed by the CCCU. Nine schools are not represented in this study due to a lack of available data. Due to changes in CCCU membership categories, only governing members are included in this survey, however, we have added a new appendix based on Carnegie Classifications that allow us to include collaborative partners and affiliate members. Readers should keep in mind these data sources when considering any analysis. Schools in the group which did not report data to Academe but which did respond to the CCCU survey used the definitions from the AAUP survey to help attain similarity and comparability. Academe requests salary information based on a 9-month contract, and this has meant that some universities have had to recalculate salaries if significant numbers of faculty work a ten-month or eleven-month academic year. General Findings. Table I (below) summarizes the central tendencies for salaries, by rank, for the past ten years of the study period.
SPRING 2004 A Publication for the Alumni, Students, Faculty SKETCH and Staff of Ontario College of Art & Design OCAD: ALIVE WITH CREATIVE AMBITION PROFESSOR BARBARA ASTMAN IN THE SPIRITUAL ROOM OF THE WOLFOND CENTRE FOR JEWISH CAMPUS LIFE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, WITH HER RECENTLY INSTALLED GLASS WORK. SKETCH PHOTO BY GEORGE WHITESIDE Ontario College of Art & Design is Canada’s oldest Produced by Communications Department and largest university for art and design. Its mission Designed by Hambly & Woolley Inc. is to: challenge each student to find a unique voice Contributors this issue Maria Casas, within a vibrant and creative environment, prepare Rosemary Donegan, Jessica Goldman, graduates to excel as cultural contributors in Laura Matthews, Keith J. Rushton, David Wright Canada and beyond, and champion the vital role of art and design in society. Copy editing Maggie Keith Date of issue April 2004 Sketch magazine is published twice a year by the Ontario College of Art & Design for alumni, friends, The views expressed by contributors faculty, staff and students. are not necessarily those of the Ontario College of Art & Design. President Ron Shuebrook Charitable Registration # 10779-7250 RR0001 Executive Vice-President Peter Caldwell Canada Post Publications Vice-President Academic Sarah McKinnon Agreement # 40019392 Associate Dean, Faculty of Art Wendy Coburn Printed on recycled paper Associate Dean, Faculty of Art Peter Sramek Dean, Faculty of Design Lenore Richards Return undeliverable copies to: Dean, Faculty of Foundation Studies
Bringing Colleges & Students Together SAGESholars® Member Colleges & Universities It Is Our Privilege To Partner With 427 Private Colleges & Universities April 2nd, 2021 Alabama Emmanuel College Huntington University Maryland Institute College of Art Faulkner University Morris Brown Indiana Institute of Technology Mount St. Mary’s University Stillman College Oglethorpe University Indiana Wesleyan University Stevenson University Arizona Point University Manchester University Washington Adventist University Benedictine University at Mesa Reinhardt University Marian University Massachusetts Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Savannah College of Art & Design Oakland City University Anna Maria College University - AZ Shorter University Saint Mary’s College Bentley University Grand Canyon University Toccoa Falls College Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Clark University Prescott College Wesleyan College Taylor University Dean College Arkansas Young Harris College Trine University Eastern Nazarene College Harding University Hawaii University of Evansville Endicott College Lyon College Chaminade University of Honolulu University of Indianapolis Gordon College Ouachita Baptist University Idaho Valparaiso University Lasell University University of the Ozarks Northwest Nazarene University Wabash College Nichols College California Illinois Iowa Northeast Maritime Institute Alliant International University Benedictine University Briar Cliff University Springfield College Azusa Pacific University Blackburn College Buena Vista University Suffolk University California