Revista del CESLA ISSN: 1641-4713 ISSN: 2081-1160
[email protected] Uniwersytet Warszawski Polonia The Pentecostal War Against Afro- Brazilian ‘Demons’ – Politics, Selfhood and Shared Experience of Spiritual Work in Southeast Brazil[1] Lundell, Eleonora The Pentecostal War Against Afro-Brazilian ‘Demons’ – Politics, Selfhood and Shared Experience of Spiritual [1] Work in Southeast Brazil Revista del CESLA, vol. 26, 2020 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia Available in: DOI: PDF generated from XML JATS4R by Redalyc Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Debate e Pentecostal War Against Afro- Brazilian ‘Demons’ – Politics, Selood and Shared Experience of Spiritual Work in Southeast Brazil[1] La guerra pentecostal contra los “demonios” afrobrasileños: políticas, individualidad y experiencia compartida del trabajo espiritual en el sureste de Brasil Eleonora Lundell University of Helsinki, Finlandia hp:// Abstract: is article discusses the religious conflict between Afro-Brazilian and Revista del CESLA, vol. 26, 2020 Pentecostal groups shedding light on the complex relations between cross-religious Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia experiences and the official acknowledgement of ‘religion’ in Brazil. e study analyses devotees and clients’ experiences in the rituals of Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus and Received: 13 April 2020 addressing fluid seloods and the