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2012 Print Publication INNOVATION Table of Contents Letter from the Provost 3 B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing & Information Sciences 4 College of Applied Science & Technology 32 College of Health Sciences & Technology 48 College of Imaging Arts & Sciences 54 College of Liberal Arts 70 College of Science 96 Saunders College of Business 142 Golisano Institute for Sustainability 152 Kate Gleason College of Engineering 162 National Technical Institute for the Deaf 182 Other Degree Granting Units 214 The newly constructed Goli- campuses every day. From cumulative body of schol- sano Institute for Sustain- arship achievements con- ability is a state-of-the art daily operations to its cut- tinue to build upon RIT’s ting edge collaborative re- legacy through innova- and experiential learning. search spaces and technol- tion and academic growth. From its construction to ogy support labs, it stands The challenges they have the teaching taking place as one of the most success- overcome and the oppor- inside, the LEED-platinum ful of its kind. tunities they embrace will building emulates the inno- be the driving force toward vative nature of our faculty, In the same token, this a more sustainable and who bring their talents and report serves to open the prosperous future. focused dedication to our door to our faculty, whose Message from the Provost The teacher/scholar mod- impact national and interna- el at RIT has never been tional industry, and develop stronger, thanks to the new technologies which are commitment of our fac- improving and saving lives. ulty, who are engaged in Students who are engaged in research and scholarship these activities will go on to which is changing the way become engaged global citi- we interact with each other zens imbued with a passion and our world. As a result of for learning and discovery. their scholarship, faculty at RIT are bringing students to Most notably, our teacher/ the forefront of global inno- scholars are making this vation, through profession- progress while adopting Jeremy Haefner al publications, corporate bold new models of teach- Provost and partnerships and creative ing and learning. Innova- Senior Vice President endeavors. Their research, tion and entrepreneur- Academic Affairs which ranges from mak- ship are not just things we ing our university and our teach, but concepts which communities more sustain- are applied every day in able, to understanding the our faculty’s work to im- very fabric of our universe, prove the educational ex- engages students in ways perience for our students. which prepare them for our We expect our students will ever-changing world. go on to change the world; with the faculty at RIT they The global impact of RIT’s are able do so before even research and scholarship graduating. It is with great cannot be understated. The pride that I present this re- advances our faculty are port highlighting our facul- - ty’s scholarly achievements dress real-world challenges, during 2012. 3 B. THOMAS GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING & INFORMATION SCIENCES FeaTUReD FaCULTY Linwei wang IS AN ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN THE PH.D. PRO- GRAM OF THE GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING AND INFORMA- TION SCIENCES. HER RESEARCH FOCUSES ON THE PROMOTION OF INTEGRATED COMPUTATIONAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND ENGI- NEERING APPROACHES TO COMPUTATIONAL BIOMEDICINE. Dr. Wang’s lab is interested in the development of an interdisciplinary ap- proach that combines mathematical modeling, system estimation theory and engineering approach, and numerical and computing methods to bio- - cept of this philosophy focuses on the development of a novel computa- tional imaging modality that uses noninvasive data to compute electrical propagation path deep beneath the surface of the heart and detects the associated structural / functional causes for arrhythmia. Electrical waves of the heart spread three-dimensionally throughout the 3D muscle deep beneath the surface of the heart, yet the data available for analysis can only be collected either on our body surfaces (as non-invasive electrocardiograms) or heart surfaces (as invasive electrical maps collected by a catheter inserted in to the chamber of the heart). The inability to ac- cess bioelectrical data into the depth of the heart muscle has been the bottleneck to arrhythmia diagnosis and intervention in current practice. Dr. Wang, along with colleagues, is among the pioneering groups worldwide to demonstrate the success in inferring 3D electrical pathways across the depth of the heart wall. With the initial successes, Dr. Wang along with her doctoral students and colleagues are now devoting their efforts in further - veloping new mathematical and computing methods to further improve the accuracy of the method, and optimizing the technique to reduce its com- plexity for future clinical translation. The laboratory has fostered collabora- tions with Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, University of Roch- ester Medical Center, and Dalhousie University (Canada). The long-term success of this research has the potential to transform the clinical practice electromechanical analysis deep beneath the heart surface. Linwei wang ASSISTANT PROFESSOR B. THOMAS GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING & INFORMATION SCIENCES Computer Science Xumin Liu, associate Professor Journal Paper: Salunke, Amit, Hans-Peter Bischof, Professor Xumin Liu, and Mangeet Rege. "Con- Published Conference strained Co-Clustering with Non-Neg- Proceedings: Bischof, H.-P. and ative Matrix Factorisation." Interna- SN. iddikov. "Scalable Cooperative tional Journal of Business Intelligence Caching Algorithm Based on Bloom and Data Mining 7. 1/2 (2012): 60- Filters." Proceedings of the The 18th 79. Print. * International Conference on Paral- lel and Distributed Processing Tech- Journal Paper: Liu, Xumin and Hua niques and Applications 2012. Ed. Liu. "An Integrated Framework for Hamid R. Arabnia. Las Vegas, NY: Web Service Ontology Development." n.p., 2012. Print. * International Journal of Next-Gen- eration Computing 3. 2 (2012): 21. Published Conference Print. * Proceedings: Bischof, H.-P. and L. Coy. "Make the Data Sing." Proceed- Published Conference ings of the International Conference Proceedings: Li, Hui, Chunmei on Computer Graphics and Virtual Liu, and Xumin Liu. "Collaboration Reality 2012. Ed. Hamid R. Arabnia. Visualization on Large Dataset for Las Vegas, NY: n.p., 2012. Print. * Protein-protein Interaction Network." Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Sym- Henry a etlinger, associate posium on Computational Intelligence Professor in Bioinformatics and Computational Journal Paper: Etlinger, Henry A. Biology. Ed. Yonghong Peng. Diego, "Don't Overlook Homework Assign- CA: n.p., 2012. Print. * ments - They're Simple, but Power- ful." The National Teaching & Learn- Published Conference ing Forum Vol. 21. No. 4 (2012): 5-7. Proceedings: Mishra, Sudipan, et al. "An Asynchronous Based Approach for Improving Concurrency Control Joe geigel, associate Professor in Mobile Web Servers." Proceedings Published Conference of the The 8th International Confer- Proceedings: Sridharan, Srinivas, et ence on Collaborative Computing. Ed. al. "Drawing with the Eyes and Face." Surya Nepal. Pittsburgh, PA: n.p., Proceedings of the ACM Symposium 2012. Print. * on Applied Perception (SAP '12). Ed. Rachel McDonnell and Veronica Published Conference Sundstedt. New York, NY: ACM Press, Proceedings: Charif, Yasmine, et al. 2012. Web. * - velopment from Design to Instantia- tion." Proceedings of the IEEE Con- gress on Services (SERVICES 2012). Ed. Sherif Sakr. Honolulu, Hawaii: n.p., Print. * Key for use with all citations * Blind Peer Reviewed ˜ Non-Blind Peer Reviewed « Double Blind Peer Reviewed £ Refereed Published Conference Richard Zanibbi, associate Proceedings: Liu, Xumin and Hua Professor Liu. "Automatic Abstract Service Gen- Journal Paper: Zanibbi, Richard and eration from Web Service Communi- Dorothea Blostein. "Recognition and ties." Proceedings of the IEEE Inter- Retrieval of Mathematical Expres- national Conference on Web Services sions." International Journal on Doc- (ICWS 2012). Ed. Sherif Sakr. Hono- ument Analysis and Recognition 15. 4 lulu, Hawaii: n.p., Print. * (2012): 331-357. Print. * B. THOMAS GOLISANO COLLEGE OF COMPUTING & INFORMATION SCIENCES COLLEGE OF COMPUTING & INFORMATION GOLISANO THOMAS B. Stanislaw Radziszowski, Professor Published Conference Journal Paper: Shetler, Dan- Proceedings: Cheng, Beibei, et al. iel, Michael Wurtz, and Stanislaw "Proceedings of SPIE Volume 8297." Radziszowski. "On Some Multicolor Proceedings of the Document Recogni- Ramsey Numbers Involving K_3+e tion and Retrieval XIX. Ed. Christian and K_4-e." SIAM Journal on Discrete Viard-Gaudin and Richard Zanibbi. San Mathematics 26. (2012): 1256- Francisco, CA: SPIE, 2012. Print. * 1264. Print. £ Published Conference Published Conference Proceedings: Sasarak, Christopher, Proceedings: Lukowiak, Marcin, et et al. "Min: A Multimodal Web Inter- al. "Developing an Applied, Security- face for Math Search." Proceedings of Oriented Computing Curriculum." the Symposium on Human-Computer Proceedings of the Annual Confer- Interaction and Information Retrieval. ence of American Society for Engi- Ed. Robert Capra, et al. Cambridge, neering Education, June 2012. Ed. MA: n.p., 2012. Web. * ASEE'2012. San Antonio, TX: n.p., Print. £ Published Conference Proceedings: Hu, Lei, et al. "Base- Journal Paper: Calvert, Jesse, line Extraction-driven Parsing of Michael Schuster, and Stanislaw Handwritten Mathematical Expres- Radziszowski. "Computing the sions."
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