Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, Berlin 27. – 29.06. 2019
2 7. – 2 9. 0 6 . 2019 HAUS DER KULTUREN DER WELT, BERLIN HOSTED BY SPONSORED BY MEDIA PARTNERSHIP GUEST OF ALMS 2019 BERLIN: ‘QUEERING MEMORY WELCOME TO ALMS ARCHIVES – ARTS – AUDIENCES‘ 2019 Welcome to Berlin! It is truly a great honour for us to host the sixth conference in the ALMS series at the historic Haus der Kulturen der Welt from 27–29 June 2019. This is a very special year for Berlin: ALMS 2019 commemorates the 100th anniversary of the world’s first queer archive, library, museum and special collection. In July 1919 Magnus Hirschfeld opened the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft [Institute for Sex Research]: a place of research, advice and counselling, of social gatherings, intellectual and cultural exchange, performances and parties. On 6 May 1933, just fourteen years later, the institute – including its sex historical museum – was destroyed by the Nazis and its library burned. The institute was located at the very place where the Haus der Kulturen der Welt stands today, and where this conference convenes. ALMS 2019 is therefore a historic event of enormous symbolic, political and scientific significance. Since the ALMS conference series was initiated by Jean Tretter in Minneapolis in 2006, its mis- sion has been to ensure that LGBTIQ+ history continues to be preserved and shared. Over the years, more and more activists have come together to build up an impressive international network at subsequent conferences in New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam and London. In Berlin in 2019, we are extremely pleased to welcome over 350 participants from more than 40 countries. They come from a full spectrum of grassroots, public, private and academic archives, working to collect and preserve materials of all types from LGBTIQ+ communities, researching the queer past, or de- veloping ways to make these materials and histories accessible to audiences.
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