No. 90


The House meets this day at 10.00 am


Private Members' Business ...... 7218 Government Business—Notices of Motions ...... 7308 Government Business—Orders of the Day...... 7310 Committee Reports and Government Responses—Orders of the Day ...... 7311 Business for future consideration ...... 7315 Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees ...... 7316 Contingent Notices of Motions ...... 7318 Bills discharged, laid aside, negatived or withdrawn...... 7321

7218 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


* 1. Uranium Mining and Nuclear Facilities (Prohibitions) Repeal Bill 2019: resumption of the interrupted (26 August 2020) debate of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That this bill be now read a second time—Ms Jackson speaking. (13 minutes remaining)

* 19. Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Northern Beaches Hospital) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 30 May 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

25. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide a framework for emergency action on climate change mitigation and adaptation in the State; to set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and to provide for monitoring and reporting of the impacts of climate change on people, communities and ecosystems in the State.

(Climate Change Emergency Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

* 28. Liquor Legislation Amendment (Repeal of Lock-out Laws) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 30 May 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

33. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and the Adoption Act 2000 to reverse certain amendments made the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Act 2018.

(Children and Adoption Legislation Amendment (Reversal) Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

35. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 in relation to the possession or discharge of firearms when committing or attempting to commit certain offences.

(Crimes Amendment (Possession or Discharge of Fireams in Commission of Offences) Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

*48. Crown Land Management Amendment (Reservation and Vesting of Crown Land) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Veitch: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 6 June 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

7219 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

*55. Fishing Legislation Amendment (Right to Fish) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 14 November 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

(Order of the day previously inside the order of precedence)

59. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish an inquiry into the management of the Murray- Darling Basin; and for related purposes.

(Murray-Darling Basin Commission of Inquiry Bill)

(Notice given 28 May 2019)

60. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 and the Liquor Relation 2018 to repeal provisions that prevent patrons from entering licensed premises in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross precincts after 1.30 am.

(Liquor Legislation Amendment (Repeal of Inner-City Sydney Lock-out Laws) Bill)

(Notice given 28 May 2019)

72. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to develop and provide for the publication of measures that indicate the wellbeing of people, communities and ecosystems in the State.

(Wellbeing Indicators Bill)

(Notice given 30 May 2019)

86. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to provide for the standards of concentration for emissions of certain air impurities that are not to be exceeded in respect of coal-fired power stations.

(Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Clean Air) Bill)

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

*91. Repeal of Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Legislation Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 8 August 2019)—Mrs Maclaren Jones. (20 minutes)

7220 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

100. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018.

(Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Repeal Bill)

(Notice given 18 June 2019)

121. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit conduct that causes serious harm to or the destruction of a foetus; and for other purposes.

(Crimes Amendment (Protection of Foetuses) Bill)

(Notice given 20 June 2019)

27. Harmony Day: resumption of the adjourned debate (17 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Farlow:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) Harmony Day is organised by the Moving Forward Together Association and was celebrated on 21 March 2019,

(b) on 19 June 2019, the Moving Forward Together Association 2019 Harmony Day Poster and Song Writers Competition Prize Giving Ceremony was hosted in Parliament House, Sydney, and

(c) a number of dignitaries and special guests were present at the event including the Honourable MP, Premier of NSW, the Honourable , Minister for Multiculturalism, the Honourable MLC, Minister for Education, Dr Marjorie O’Neill, Member for Coogee representing the Honourable Penny Sharpe MLC, Interim Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Phillip Ruddock, Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council, the Honourable Laurie Ferguson, Mr Ernie Friedlander OAM, President, Moving Forward Together Association, Ms Nell Lynes and the Honourable Scott Farlow MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer.

2. That this House notes:

(a) that Harmony Day was created 14 years ago by Ernie Friedlander, a Holocaust survivor who was inspired to create the event to promote social harmony and the Moving Forward Together Association,

(b) the event was designed as a social initiative by various community groups committed to creating a better understanding amongst all sectors of the community for a vision of living in harmony,

(c) that each year the Harmony Day Poster Competition attracts thousands of entries and brings out the creativity and passion of school students motivated by a desire for a peaceful and inclusive society with the competition open to all primary and secondary students across and the Australian Capital Territory, and

(d) the Moving Forward Together Team is adamant in its vision to encourage humanity to review its attitudes of those who are prejudiced and who stereotype and discriminate, which can too often lead to conflict and violence.

7221 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

3. That this House acknowledges and congratulates the:

(a) winners of the Poster Competition including, Georgia Lee-Ball, Nepean Performing Arts High School, State Winner (High School), Dhani Maksun, Orchid Hills Primary School, State Winner (Primary School), Alex Wang, Armidale High School Denise Nzovu, Warrawong Intensive English Centre, Hellen Wang, Hornsby Girls High School, Rachel Seo, Concord High School, Jenna Yun, Burwood Girls High School, Jorja Cohen, Armidale High School, Meiying Wu, Warrawong Intensive English Centre, Jiho Baek, Pacific Hills Christian School, Claudia Gill, Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School, Monica Xu, Strathfield Gilrs High School, Suenna Jeong, St George Girls High School, Charlotte Manton, West Wyalong High School, Bryan Ko, Epping Boys High School, Jasmine Patanjali, Mount Saint Benedict College, Caroline Lee, Our Lady of Mercy College, Parramatta, Sarah Al Helfy, Birrong Girls High School, Angelina Sims, Eileen O’Conner Catholic College, Skevos Tsangaris, Eileen O’Conner Catholic College, Anthea Arvanitellis, Sydney Girls High School, Dhani Maksur, New Lambtown South Public School, the St Therese’s Community School, Wilcannia, Tyler Cunning, Eden Public School, Claudia Lee, Tangara School for Girls, Min Zhi Jin, Harcourt Public School, Jayden Hong, Woollahra Public School, Anastasia Forster, Belmont North Public School, Millie Jones, St Mary’s Catholic School, Wellington, Shakaya Aldridge, Eden Public School, Claire Shin, Pacific Hills Christian School, Joelle Jung, Carlingford West Public School, Ivy Kim, Strathfield South Public School, San Lee, Fort Street Public School, Marina Chamberlin, Hillsborough Public School, Lennox Bennet, St Mary’s Catholic, Wellington, Clarice Howe, Bulli Public School, Yeon Hee (Emma Kim), Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School Chatswood, Younghoon Jung, Newington College, Francis Jang, Korean Catholic Languages School, Jack Lee, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, San Kang, Homebush Public School and Ruby Levitt, Reddam House Woollahra,

(b) winners of the Song Writing Competition including, Jeremy Dodds, North Gosford Learning Centre (First Prize), Teresa Chen, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Christine Chung, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Hayley Chau, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Coco Batu-Sampson, Reddam House and Jet Batu-Sampson, Reddam House (Joint Third Prize), and

(c) tireless efforts and work conducted by members of the Moving Forward Together Association including, Mr Ernie Friedlander OAM, President and the entire Advisory Board.—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 23 minutes remaining.

*134. National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Tree Thinning Operations) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 8 August 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

147. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the reporting of pregnancy terminations.

(Pregnancy Terminations (Mandatory Reporting) Bill)

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

7222 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

149. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to prohibit discrimination on the ground of a person's religious beliefs or religious activities and to prohibit public authorities and officials from subjecting faith-based institutions to detrimental treatment on the ground of faith; and for other purposes.

(Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Freedom of Religion) Bill)

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

157. Mrs Houssos to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to create the office of Dairy and Fresh Food Price Advocate and to provide for the objectives and functions of that office; and for related purposes.

(Dairy and Fresh Food Price Advocate Bill)

(Notice given 7 August 2019)

163. Remapping of old-growth and high-conservation-value public forests: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 August 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Field:

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government is planning to allow logging in thousands of hectares of old-growth and high-conservation-value public forests on the North Coast that have been off limits for decades, (b) these forests are rare and important ecosystems which provide irreplaceable habitat for many threatened species, such as koalas, gliders, quolls, frogs and owls,

(c) they have been protected as part of the nationally agreed reserve system for decades and have been granted state significant heritage protection for their historical significance, including to Aboriginal people, aesthetic significance, research potential, rarity and valuable habitat,

(d) this process is being driven by a desire to access more timber, based on a Forestry Corporation calculation that new rules under the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (CIFOA) to protect koala habitat and threatened ecological communities could result in a small timber supply shortfall of up to 8,600 cubic metres per year,

(e) despite advice from the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) that this wood supply shortfall “represent[s] the worst case scenario and may never be realised”, the Premier requested the NRC consider remapping old growth forests and rainforests to meet this shortfall,

(f) a pilot study of 13 areas of state forest found that remapping could open up 78 per cent of protected old growth forest to logging, despite all sites having vitally important habitat,

(g) the Government has committed over $2 million to this remapping process, despite this cost far outweighing the $1.5 million value of buying back the contracts for the maximum claimed timber shortfall,

(h) the funding is being provided by the Government despite the NRC recommending that any remapping and rezoning should be paid for by Forestry Corporation as the beneficiary, and

(i) remapping on private land has already opened up over 29,000 hectares of previously protected old growth forests to logging in recent years. 7223 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House agrees that remapping old growth forests:

(a) breaks the Government’s commitment to no erosion of environmental values under the new CIFOA,

(b) is based on timber supply impacts that are not verified and probably do not exist, and

(c) is a subsidy to logging which exceeds the value of the extra wood supply.

(3) That this House call on the Government to:

(a) end the remapping and rezoning of old-growth and rainforest on public and private land,

(b) ensure no areas of forest currently protected will be opened up to logging, and

(c) conserve native forests to protect biodiversity, store carbon and provide new tourism and recreational opportunities—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 45 minutes remaining.

181. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women who are considering terminating a viable pregnancy to undergo counselling and to view an ultrasound of their unborn child.

(Pregnancy Termination (Mandatory Counselling) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

184. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women seeking an abortion to be informed that the procedure may cause pain to the child in utero.

(Pregnancy Termination (Information About Pain to Child in Utero) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

187. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Adoption Act 2000 to repeal the amendments made by the Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 that enable couples of the same sex to adopt children; and for other purposes.

(Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples Repeal) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

7224 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

188. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 to prohibit the possession of restricted films.

(Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment (Banning Restricted X-rated Films) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

199. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 to further provide for the involuntary rehabilitative care of persons with severe substance dependence; and for other purposes.

(Drugs and Alcohol Treatment Amendment (Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Substance Dependence) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

200. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit the destruction of any child in utero with a detectable heartbeat.

(Crimes Amendment (Pre-natal Termination) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

201. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Family Impact Commission to study the moral, social and economic effects on the family unit of certain laws and proposed laws and Government expenditure; and for related purposes.

(Family Impact Commission Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

202. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of sex services; and for other purposes.

(Sex Services Advertising Prohibition Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

7225 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

203. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to require packaged liquor to contain a health warning about the danger of drinking alcohol when pregnant.

(Liquor Amendment (Health Warning for Pregnant Women) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

*215. Child Protection (Nicole's Law) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 24 October 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (19 minutes remaining)

221. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of gambling and related trade marks, brand names and logos; and for other purposes.

(Gambling Advertising Prohibition Bill)

(Notice given 17 September 2019)

224. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to prohibit persons paying for sex.

(Summary Offences Amendment (Prohibition on Payment for Sex) Bill)

(Notice given 17 September 2019)

*233. Liquor Amendment (Harm Reduction Areas) Bill 2019 Liquor Amendment (Intoxication) Bill 2019

Resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Roberts: That these bills be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 24 October 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

248. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 in relation to crimes of interfering with an agricultural activity or animal enterprise; and for other purposes.

(Crimes Legislation Amendment (Animal Enterprises) Bill)

(Notice given 25 September 2019)

7226 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

252. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to make amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 relating to the role and functions of the Independent Planning Commission in assessing development for the purposes of mining; the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in determining development applications; and for other purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Mining) Bill)

(Notice given 25 September 2019)

*254. Pill Testing Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 14 November 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

265. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to legalise cannabis and cannabis products; to regulate the sale, supply and advertising of cannabis and cannabis products; and for other purposes.

(Cannabis Industry Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

266. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence to publish material, or engage in any teaching or similar activity, that incites or promotes terrorism or other violence.

(Crimes Amendment (Incitement or Promotion of Terrorism and Violence) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

270. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to repeal provisions relating to the licensing and operation of the medically supervised injecting centre at Kings Cross.

(Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Injecting Centre Repeal) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

271. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to replace criminal penalties for drug possession offences with a civil penalty scheme and establish a drug panel to administer that scheme; to amend the Criminal Records Act 1991 to allow historical drug possession offences to be extinguished; and for other purposes.

(Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Decriminalisation) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

7227 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

273. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit people wearing full-face coverings in public places.

(Summary Offences Amendment (Full-face Coverings Prohibition) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

279. Centenary of the National Party of Australia: resumption of the adjourned debate (14 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Franklin:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the National Party of Australia – NSW celebrated its centenary on Sunday 13 October 2019,

(b) the centenary marks 100 years of hard work for rural and regional New South Wales,

(c) the NSW National Party is the second oldest political party in New South Wales, and has the largest membership across regional New South Wales of any political party,

(d) the Party formed as the Progressive Party of NSW on October 13, 1919, and was renamed the Country Party in 1925, the National Country Party in 1977 and finally the National Party in 1982,

(e) in 1927 the Nationals formed a with the Liberal Party, with NSW the only state where the Coalition has never been broken,

(f) the NSW Nationals have produced nine Federal Leaders and five Federal Presidents, and have never been unrepresented in the Federal or New South Wales Parliaments, and

(g) the Party continues to fight for the rural and regional areas who are suffering from one of the worst droughts in history.

2. That this House recognises all those who have contributed to the strength, unity and success of the Party for the past 100 years.

Upon which Mr Secord has moved: That the question be amended by omitting all words after "That" and inserting instead "this House notes that the once great National Party is now a mere shadow of itself."— Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 18 minutes remaining.

300. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the Abortion Law Reform Act 2019; and for related purposes.

(Abortion Law Reform Repeal Bill)

(Notice given 22 October 2019)

7228 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

309. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to raise the minimum drinking age from 18 years to 21 years.

(Liquor Amendment (Drinking Age) Bill)

(Notice given 22 October 2019)

312. Mr Mookhey to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 to restore journey claims, to remove certain restrictions on workers' entitlements to weekly payments and compensation for expenses and to make further provision with respect to the protection of injured workers.

(Workers Compensation Amendment (Protection of Injured Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 23 October 2019)

321. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Mining Act 1992 to prohibit prospecting for, or the mining of, mineral resources in the Bylong Valley; and for other purposes.

(Mining Amendment (Right to Farm the Bylong Valley) Bill)

(Notice given 24 October 2019)

*323. Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Drug Detection Dogs and Strip Searches) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 11 November 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

377. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to permit an owner of land with a boundary adjoining land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to clear and burn vegetation on that reserved land within 250 metres of the boundary for the purpose of protecting property; and for related purposes.

(Bush Fires (Protection of Property) Bill)

(Notice given 19 November 2019)

383. Order for Papers—Revenue NSW investigations into payroll tax non-compliance: resumption of the adjourned debate (21 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Mookhey: That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 1 April 2015, in the possession, custody or control of the Treasurer, the Treasury, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, the Minister for Customer Service, the Department of Customer Service or Revenue NSW:

(a) all documents relating to any investigation undertaken by Revenue NSW into the payroll tax compliance of the following companies, any franchise related to the following companies, or any other entity related to or trading as: (i) Wesfarmers, (ii) Bunnings, 7229 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(iii) Sunglass Hut, (iv) Qantas, (v) Rockpool Dining Group, (vi) the Commonwealth Bank, (vii) Michael Hill Jewellers, (viii) Subway, (ix) Woolworths, (x) 7 Eleven, (xi) Caltex Australia, (xii) Domino's Pizza, (xiii) Coffee Club, (xiv) Foodco, (xv) Crust Pizza,

(b) all correspondence, emails, briefing notes or House folder notes in the possession of the Office of the Minister for Finance and Small Business or the Office of the Minister for Customer Service related to wage theft, the underpayment of employees, or the payroll tax compliance of any business alleged or proven to have engaged in wage theft or the underpayment of employees, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

Upon which Mr Searle has moved: That the question be amended by inserting after paragraph (c):

"2. That this House notes that the House and its committees have consistently maintained that so-called statutory secrecy provisions, that is, provisions in statutes which prohibit in general terms the disclosure of certain categories of information, have no effect on the law of privilege, including the common law power of this House to order the production of State papers, unless they do so expressly or by necessary implication.

3. That this House further notes that this position has recently been expressly accepted by the Solicitor- General and the Crown Solicitor in a legal opinion provided to the Auditor General concerning the powers of parliamentary committees, in which the Crown Solicitor observed:

The Solicitor General expressed the general view that a statutory prohibition on disclosure of information will only be held to apply to disclosure to a Parliamentary committee if that is done expressly or by necessary implication.

I defer to the views of the Solicitor General. … I would only add that the principle applied by the Solicitor General - that legislation will be presumed not to diminish the “privileges” of Parliament or its committees, unless it does so expressly or by necessary implication - has been accepted in several Australian cases.

4. That notwithstanding the power of the House to order the production of State papers subject to statutory privacy or secrecy provisions, the documents returned to the House under this order of the House be redacted to remove information subject to the privacy and secrecy provisions of the Taxation Administration Act 1996."—Mr Buttigieg speaking. (3 minutes remaining)

Debate: 16 minutes remaining.

387. Disability advocacy: resumption of the interrupted debate (21 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner is undertaking a review of disability advocacy in New South Wales,

7230 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) there have been submissions to the review from people with disability, as well as the organisations who work with them, outlining the importance of a well-funded, specialised and independent disability advocacy sector,

(c) people with disability must be the decision-makers about their lives and advocacy can assist people with disability to be fully able participate in decision-making, and

(d) while the NDIS has increased the need for advocacy, it only adds to the full range of work advocacy organisations do, including improving access to education, transport, housing, health, justice and more.

2. That this House calls on the Honourable MP, Minister for Disability Services, to commit to:

(a) releasing the New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner’s report into disability advocacy as soon as it is available, and

(b) two years of rollover funding for the disability advocacy sector to end the funding uncertainty being experienced by these crucial organisations.—Mr Franklin speaking. (1 minute remaining)

Debate: 27 minutes remaining.

*409. Water (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Termination of References) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 13 May 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

413. Mr Graham to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to prohibit licence conditions that restrict or prohibit live music; to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to enable consent authorities to revoke conditions of development consents that restrict or prohibit live music at licenced premises; and for related purposes.

(Liquor Amendment (Right to Play Live Music) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

414. Mr Roberts to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 with respect to certain offences against emergency service workers.

(Crimes Amendment (Assault of Emergency Service Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

415. Mr Roberts to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 with respect to forensic procedures on persons charged with an offence against Division 8A of Part 3 of the Crimes Act 1900.

(Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment (Assaulted Emergency Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019) 7231 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

*417. Local Government Amendment (Disqualification from Civic Office) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 27 February 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*435. Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 13 May 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

446. Ms Boyd to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to cancel certain authorisations and titles that permit exploration for and mining of minerals and petroleum (including coal seam gas) in the Central Coast’s drinking water catchment areas; to prohibit the grant, renewal or modification of those kinds of authorisations and titles; to prohibit certain interference with water in those drinking water catchment areas; and for related purposes.

(Central Coast Drinking Water Catchments Protection Bill)

(Notice given 25 February 2020)

*458. Rural Fires Amendment (NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Shoebridge. (30 minutes)

476. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 to establish presumptive rights to compensation in respect of COVID-19 for workers in certain employment with an elevated risk of exposure to that disease.

(Workers Compensation Amendment (COVID-19) Bill)

(Notice given 24 March 2020)

494. Mr Banasiak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2019 to clarify matters relating to core koala habitat and the application of the development assessment process to primary producers; and for related purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Koala Habitat) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

498. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Water Management Act 2000 with respect to the information used for predicting inflows to water sources, and calculating water allocations, under certain management plans.

(Water Management Amendment (Drought of Record) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

7232 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

500. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to prohibit waste incinerator facilities in residential areas; and for other purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Waste Incinerator Facilities—Residential Exclusion Zones) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

*507. Water Management Amendment (Water Allocations—Drought Information) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Veitch (30 minutes).

*516. Racehorse Legislation Amendment (Welfare and Registration) Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Pearson: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 17 February 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones.(20 minutes)

*577. Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment (Coercive and Controlling Behaviour) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 18 November 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones.(20 minutes)

*579. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Restrictions on Stock Animal Procedures) Bill 2019: Second reading—Mr Pearson.

*587. Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Sex Workers) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 5 August 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

635. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish an express right for indigenous and non- indigenous Australians to hunt within the State; to constitute a NSW Hunting Council and confer function on it relating to hunting; to authorise and regulate access to public land in the State, including National Parks and other reserved areas, for the purpose of hunting and to authorise and regulate the methods of hunting in the State; and for related purposes.

(Hunting Bill)

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

644. Police investigation involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services—Further order: resumption of the adjourned debate (26 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge:

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 13 May 2020, the House agreed to an order for the production of documents concerning the investigation undertaken by the Assistant Police Commissioner into the circumstances of a car collision involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services that occurred on 27 October 2019,

(b) on 3 June 2020, a return was received to this order which included two boxes of privileged documents and two boxes of non-privileged documents,

7233 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) the police records produced in compliance with the order for papers made multiple references to video recordings of the incident involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, however no recordings were provided as part of the return, and

(d) according to the Interpretation Act 1987, a document means any record of information, and includes: (i) anything on which there is writing, or, (ii) anything on which there are marks, figures, symbols or perforations having a meaning for persons qualified to interpret them, or, (iii) anything from which sounds, images or writings can be reproduced with or without the aid of anything else, or, (iv) a map, plan, drawing or photograph.

(2) That under standing order 52 there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services or the Department of Justice:

(a) video footage of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services following a collision with another driver that occurred on 27 October 2019 and which was referred to in documents returned on 3 June 2020 concerning the police investigation involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(3) That, should the Leader of the Government fail to table documents in compliance with this resolution, it is open to this House to take all necessary action, including censuring the Leader of the Government, adjudging the Leader of the Government guilty of contempt and suspending the Leader of the Government for whatever period necessary to cause compliance with this order of the House.—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (3 minutes)

Debate: 22 minutes remaining (short form).

*671. Public Health Amendment (Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 26 August 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*724. Dividing Fences Amendment Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 16 September 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*736. Restart NSW Fund Amendment (Rural and Regional Infrastructure Funding) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 23 September 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*746. Crimes Amendment (Assault of Emergency Services Workers—3 Strikes Sentencing) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Roberts: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 16 September 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

7234 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

772. Ms Hurst to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Companion Animals Act 1988 to regulate the conduct of businesses breeding companion animals; and for related purposes.

(Companion Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms) Bill)

(Notice given 17 September 2020)

*784. Work Health and Safety Amendment (Food Delivery Workers) Bill: resumption of the adjourned (21 October 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Mookhey: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 21 October 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

789. Coal mining for export: resumption of the adjourned debate (23 September 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Martin:

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) around 28,600 people are employed directly in the New South Wales coal industry,

(b) in 2018, 164.6 million tonnes of coal was exported from New South Wales,

(c) some 85 per cent of the coal mined in New South Wales is exported, mainly to Japan, China, South Korea and Taiwan, where it is used mostly for electricity generation,

(d) New South Wales exports of coal represents only around 3 per cent of global coal consumption, and

(e) in 2018-19 coal brought in around $2 billion in royalties revenue in New South Wales which is used to fund public services and infrastructure.

(2) That this House recognises that coal mining for export in New South Wales will continue to play a role in supporting other nations to provide electricity access for their citizens into the future.—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 35 minutes remaining.

*854. Casino Control Amendment (No Compensation) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Field: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 11 November 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

857. Auditor-General—Take note of report: resumption of the adjourned debate (20 October 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Veitch: That this House take note of a Performance Audit report of the Auditor-General entitled "The effectiveness of the financial arrangement and management practices in four integrity agencies, dated 20 October 2020—Mr Veitch speaking. (15 minutes remaining)

Debate: 1 hour remaining.

*862. Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Review of Land Decisions) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 11 November 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

7235 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

*891. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Increased Penalties) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Hurst: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 11 November 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*944. Cannabis Legalisation Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann : That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 18 February 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

960. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) this year, the Animal Justice Party has given 49 notices of motion highlighting the ways in which sentient animals are used and abused in the animal agribusiness in Australia,

(b) the Animal Justice Party's 49 notices of motion were given in recognition of the 4.9 billion land and aquatic animals that are farmed and killed annually by the Australian animal agribusiness industry, and

(c) the Animal Justice Party's have addressed the enormous harm caused by animal agribusinesses to animals, the environment and human health.

(2) That this House recognise that unless Australia makes a major shift towards plant-based agriculture, billions more animals will suffer, the climate emergency will worsen, human health will deteriorate, and our very existence on earth will remain under threat.

(Notice given 19 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 90)

961. Mr Buttigieg to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Cumberland Council’s economic position has been gravely impacted by the Government’s forced amalgamations policy, the cost has been approximately 41 million dollars over the last three years,

(b) in Cumberland Council’s 2020 Economic Statement, the General Manager, Hamish McNulty indicated the Council is looking to outsource Education and Care services including childcare, senior’s living units, the operations of its swim centres and placing uncertainty over the future of golf courses and The Holroyd Centre,

(c) Cumberland Council has highly-rated education and care centres that have been vital for community members, including; preschools, childcare centres, Out Of School Hours Services and family day care. There are seventeen childcare centres benefiting 600 families, some of those have been servicing the community for 30 to 40 years,

(d) loyal council workers have continued to carry out key services during the Covid-19 pandemic that ensure Cumberland’s diverse community is cared for, including children from refugee communities, children with disabilities, and children from low income and underprivileged families,

(e) Labor councillors are highly concerned that privatising Cumberland council services and outsourcing jobs means that the Council will no longer be able to ensure they are delivering inexpensive, culturally sensitive, disability friendly and high-quality services to the Cumberland community and withdrawal of some services could occur, 7236 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(f) outsourcing services to the private sector will jeopardise the jobs of hard-working Council employees,

(g) council staff and the United Services Union committed to work with the council to find cost savings, in an effort to reduce costs and keep services in-house, and

(h) despite Mayor Steve Christou committing to work with staff and the United Services Union on a solution, the Mayor has now walked away from his commitment.

(2) That this House condemns the decision of Cumberland Council Mayor Steve Christou and the General Manager of the Council, Hamish McNulty to outsource essential Council services to the private sector.

(3) That this House calls on Cumberland Council Mayor Steve Christou and the General Manager of the Council, Hamish McNulty to not abandon loyal council workers and to stop proceeding with the outsourcing of vital services for the Cumberland community.

(Notice given 19 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 90)

962. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That the Procedure Committee inquire into and report on the appropriateness of and alternatives to the recitation of the prayers under Standing Order 28 (the Lord’s Prayer) at the commencement of proceedings each day, including the appropriateness and suitability of alternatives including:

(a) replacing the Lord’s Prayer with a minute’s silence for prayer and reflection,

(b) replacing the Lord’s Prayer with prayers from a number of different religions, to be recited either together each day or in turn on separate days,

(c) replacing the Lord’s Prayer with a secular reflection on Members’ responsibility to the people of New South Wales, and

(d) the abolition of the Lord’s Prayer, without replacing the reading of the Lord’s Prayer with an alternative practice.

(2) That the committee report by 30 September 2021.

(Notice given 19 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 90)

963. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Corrective Services have announced that visits will recommence on 23 November 2020.

(b) Visits will be limited to 30 minute non-contact sessions with mask wearing, temperature testing and physical distancing enforced.

(c) All visits must be booked and details provided for contact tracing purposes.

(2) This this House recognises:

(a) Family members of those in prison often have to travel significant distances to visit their family members. 7237 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) The cost and time taken for some family members is substantial, meaning they can only visit a few times a year.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to allow special consideration of requests for longer visits and other exemptions as needed for those who live more than 1 hour from the facility where their family member is being held.

(Notice given 19 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 90)

964. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes with concern the repeated failure of the Greater Sydney Commission to abide by its strategic planning remit and responsibilities by engaging with lobbyists and developers on site specific issues and financial interests.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) abolish the Greater Sydney Commission and return its functions to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment with enhanced probity supervision, and

(b) remove all direct administrative control over land use planning from the Premier, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP.

(Notice given 20 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 91)

967. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 12 December 2019 the Member for Bega, Mr MP, and the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, Mr MP, with the concurrence of the Minster for Energy and Environment, Mr MP, removed protections in six sanctuary zones in the Batemans Marine Park by introducing an amnesty on prosecutions for illegal fishing in these areas,

(b) this decision occurred without consultation, without notification of Native Title claimants, was outside the current marine park review, and has no scientific basis,

(c). internal emails between National Parks and Wildlife Service staff said that “opening up Sanctuary Zones even for a few months will very likely completely negate all the benefits that have been built up over the past 10 years since these areas will be heavily targeted by fishers, putting conservation outcomes and spill over benefits for fisheries in adjacent areas back 10 years”,

(d) the International Union for Conservation of Nature has put Minister Kean on notice that the internationally-recognised Green-listing of Montague Island is now at risk as a result of removing protections in this area due to the implications for, and availability of, food sources for the seabirds of Montague Island,

(e) since the amnesty announcement there has been a groundswell of support from the South Coast community for the protection of sanctuary zones given their ecological and economic value to the region, their role in supporting healthy fisheries and in building the resilience of the marine environment to mitigate the impacts of climate change and pollution impacts, and

(f) on Saturday 21 November 2020, over 300 people, including families, recreational fishers, traditional owners, scientists, divers, surfers, kayakers, business and ecotourism operators, conservationists and other diverse users of the marine park, paddled their surfboards and 7238 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

kayaks into the Batemans Marine Park at Narooma in support of the Save Batemans Sanctuaries campaign, to send a message to the local member Mr Andrew Constance MP, and the NSW Government that they want the marine sanctuaries restored and a evidence based and transparent review of the Batemans Marine Park.

(2) That this House call on the Government to:

(a) immediately restore sanctuary protections in Batemans Marine Park, and

(b) return to a transparent and evidence based approach to the design and management of the Batemans Marine Park.

(Notice given 24 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 92)

968. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) there have been five tragic deaths of food delivery drivers in five months,

(b) food delivery drivers the majority of whom are visa holders earn well below minimum wage and have no access to leave, superannuation, workers compensation, training or safety equipment, and

(c) during the pandemic, Uber Eats forced an estimated 44 per cent reduction in the pay and conditions of food delivery workers while consumer spending on food delivery increased by more than 350 per cent across some areas of Sydney.

(2) That this House call on the Government to:

(a) recognise that all workers have a right to fair pay and conditions,

(b) recognise that all workers must have the right to workers compensation if they are injured or killed at work, and

(c) take steps to end the hyper exploitative cruel and dangerous abuse of gig economy workers in the delivery industry.

(Notice given 24 November 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 92)

*971. Work Health and Safety Amendment (Industrial Manslaughter) Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Searle: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 5 May 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

975. Mr Searle to move—

(1) That, in accordance with Recommendations 1 and 2 of the Public Accountability Committee in its report entitled 'Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales – Final report', dated February 2021, for the remainder of the 57th Parliament:

(a) the Joint Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption review the annual budget submissions and any requests for supplementary funding of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and make recommendations to government as to its funding priorities in accordance with section 64(1)(e) of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, 7239 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) the Joint Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commission review the annual budget submissions and any requests for supplementary funding of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and make recommendations to government as to its funding priorities in accordance with section 131(1)(e) of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016,

(c) the Joint Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commission review the annual budget submissions and any requests for supplementary funding of the NSW Ombudsman's Office and make recommendations to government as to its funding priorities in accordance with section 31B(1)(e) of the Ombudsman Act 1974, and

(d) the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters review the annual budget submissions and any requests for supplementary funding of the NSW Electoral Commission and make recommendations to government as to its funding priorities in accordance with the resolution of both Houses establishing the committee in this Parliament.

(2) That this House requests the Legislative Assembly to agree to resolution in similar terms.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

985. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 1 February 2021, a development application to build an industrial-scale puppy farm in Moama, housing up to 200 breeding dogs and 120 puppies, opened for public consultation,

(b) the development application was submitted by Ashley Fenn, who has previously been linked to an illegal puppy farm in Victoria,

(c) since the Victorian Government banned puppy farms in 2018, an increasing number of breeders are moving across the border into New South Wales to take advantage of our lax animal protection laws, and

(d) as long as puppy farms remain legal in New South Wales, applications for large-scale puppy factories will continue to overwhelm local councils and anger local communities, who do not want to see dogs intensively farmed.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to urgently ban puppy farms in New South Wales.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

986. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 17 December 2020, the Port of Newcastle sent a contract shooter to kill a colony of cats living on the Stockton Breakwall,

(b) local carers awoke on the morning of 18 December 2020 to find cats with open gun-shot wounds and permanently blinded, while others were missing and presumed dead as a result of this cruel, botched operation,

(c) many of the Stockton Breakwall cats had already been de-sexed and microchipped as part of a long running, responsible trap-neuter-return and care program, while others had already been rehomed, and 7240 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) the Stockton Breakwall cats did not deserve to die such a horrific death, which has caused massive community outcry and protest.

(2) That this House condemns the cruel and unjustified actions of the Port of Newcastle, and calls on the Government to support responsible trap-neuter-return and care programs.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

*987. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Aquatic Animal Recognition) Bill: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Hurst: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 17 February 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

(Notice given 16 February 2021)

992. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Valuer General NSW or the Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment relating to planning for Rhodes:

(a) all submissions, representations, correspondence or communication, excluding form submissions, regarding: (i) the Rhodes East Priority Precinct Investigation, (ii) the Rhodes Revised Draft Precinct Plan, (iii) the Draft Rhodes Place Strategy,

(b) all documents created since 1 January 2017 regarding planning for the ‘Leeds Street Area’,

(c) all briefings, including draft briefings, created since 1 January 2017 regarding master-planning or planning controls for Rhodes,

(d) all submissions, representations, correspondence or communications created since 1 January 2012 regarding planning for Rhodes sent to, or received from: (i) any member of parliament, (ii) any property developer, or their representative,

(e) all file notes, meeting papers, briefing notes, minutes, agendas or other documents created since 1 January 2012 regarding any meeting about planning for Rhodes attended by: (i) any member of parliament, (ii) any property developer, or their agent, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

995. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that the following Greens-initiated Local Government NSW 2020 Conference motion was carried by the Board of Local Government NSW on 11 December 2020:

"That Local Government NSW: 1. Notes that:

7241 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

a. animal welfare and the care and control of companion animals are state responsibilities in NSW but that these responsibilities are largely met by local councils, b. unscrupulous breeding in puppy farms financially impacts on councils due to increased compliance costs and shelter, rehabilitation and rehoming costs, and c. puppy farms are cruel and inhumane.

2. Notes that:

a. the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Act 2017 (Vic) prohibited the sale of breeders’ puppies in pet shops and restricts the number of fertile female dogs kept by breeders in Victoria, b. Victoria’s tougher regulations resulted in large-scale breeders indicating they are seeking sites in NSW to continue their activities, and 3. Urges the NSW Government to strengthen NSW Legislation to:

a. transition pet shops to registered not-for-profit adoption centres to rehome dogs and puppies from approved rescue organisations and shelters, b. limit animals kept by breeders and owners, including by limiting numbers of fertile female dogs on premises, c. ensure breeder identifications numbers are required for all litters, including the removal of loopholes for “one-off litters”, and d. instigate a common database and better co-ordination between enforcement agencies across jurisdictions.

4. Notes that euthanasia is a significant concern to councils and residents across NSW and is an animal welfare issue, and urges the NSW Government to act to reduce the rates of unwanted and abandoned animals by:

a. funding free desexing programs and education programs for pet owners, especially in areas with high dumping rates, and supporting more “pet-friendly” rental accommodation."

(2) That this House commends the Local Government NSW 2020 conference motion concerning puppy farming to the Premier, Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP, and the Minister for Agriculture, the Honourable Adam Marshall MP.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1002. Mr Borsak to move—

(1) That in accordance with Recommendation 11 of the Public Accountability Committee in its report entitled 'Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales – Final report', dated February 2021, for the remainder of the 57th Parliament:

(a) the Public Accountability Committee review any budget funding bids by the NSW Audit Office and make recommendations to government as to its funding priorities, and

(b) for the purposes of this process, the Public Accountability Committee may meet, deliberate and make joint reports with any committee appointed by the Legislative Assembly for the same purpose pursuant to standing order 219(a).

(2) That a message be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly informing it of the resolution of the House and requesting that the Legislative Assembly appoint a committee of that House to confer with the Public Accountability Committee in relation to any budget funding bids by the NSW Audit Office.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

7242 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1004. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—

(1) That this House affirms its support for the implementation of the Australian Government’s COVID- 19 Vaccine and Treatment Strategy to protect Australians.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) the COVID-19 vaccination is a safe, effective and free vaccine that will give the people of New South Wales protection against COVID-19 virus,

(b) any COVID-19 vaccines are tested extensively during development to ensure that they provide scientific efficacy and that they’re rigorously assessed for quality, safety and effectiveness by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA),

(c) the COVID-19 vaccine is carefully tested for safety through careful analysis of clinical trial data, ingredients, chemistry, manufacturing and other factors,

(d) the NSW Government is collaborating with the Australian Government for the implementation of the COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy,

(e) NSW Health’s vaccination plans are underpinned by a strong immunisation program, and

(e) the Australian Government has provided $6.3 billion in COVID-19 vaccination and treatment.

(3) That this House affirms the importance of the COVID-19 national rollout phases based on groups who are in need of protection first based on current public health, medical and epidemiological evidence.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1005. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, in accordance with Recommendation 8 of the Public Accountability Committee in its report entitled 'Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales – Final report', dated February 2021, for the remainder of the 57th Parliament, the Public Accountability Committee review the annual budget submission of the Department of the Legislative Council and any requests for supplementary funding and give directions as to its funding priorities.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1006. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That, in accordance with Recommendation 9 of the Public Accountability Committee in its report entitled 'Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales – Final report', dated February 2021, for the remainder of the 57th Parliament:

(a) the Public Accountability Committee review the annual budget submission of the Department of Parliamentary Services and any requests for supplementary funding and give directions as to its funding priorities, and

(b) for the purposes of this process, the Public Accountability Committee may meet, deliberate and make joint reports with any committee appointed by the Legislative Assembly for the same purpose pursuant to standing order 219(a).

(2) That a message be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly informing it of the resolution of the House and requesting that the Legislative Assembly appoint a committee of that House to confer with the 7243 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

Public Accountability Committee in relation to the annual budget submission of the Department of Parliamentary Services and any requests for supplementary funding.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

*1013. South32 Dendrobium Extension Project Approval Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 17 March 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

(Notice given 16 February 2021)

1014. Mr Latham to move—

That this House strongly urges:

(a) the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, the Honourable Gareth Ward MP, and the Children’s Guardian to inform child care centres and preschools in New South Wales that there is nothing in the Child Safe Standards guidelines that requires or justifies the reading of gender diversity books to three and four year old children, and

(b) the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning, the Honourable Sarah Mitchell MLC, to work with her federal counterpart to prevent the age inappropriate teaching of gender diversity material in New South Wales preschools and child care centres.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1015. Mr Latham to move—

That this House:

(a) condemns the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Secretary, Mr Jim Betts, for his insult to Indigenous people by persisting in paternalistic, virtue signalling gestures in New South Wales strategic planning documents, the modern equivalent of offering beads and blankets,

(b) notes that the Draft Aerotropolis Precinct Plan, November 2020, facilitates the construction of an international airport, large housing estates, commercial, tourism and industrial zones, and new roads, rail lines and Metro stations, clearing away the vegetation and environment once occupied by Indigenous people,

(c) condemns Mr Betts for trying to dress up this huge urban development pavement, concreting and construction exercise as a “significant Connection to Country”, indeed, his false and misleading claim that the number one driver of the Aerotropolis development is Indigenous “Connecting to Country”,

(d) also condemns Mr Betts for placing Indigenous dot-patterns on the Aerotropolis plan, as if this pathetically-shallow tokenism somehow makes the document Indigenous,

(e) urges the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, , MP, to get rid of Mr Betts for his insults to Indigenous Australians and at least, recognise the truth, the full truth of what something like the Aerotropolis is doing to the vegetation and environment once occupied by the Indigenous peoples of Western Sydney, and

7244 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(f) also notes that the Indigenous consultation for the Aerotropolis plan involved just 132 people, or 0.22 per cent of Western Sydney’s Indigenous population, and the 132 were said to be suffering “consultation fatigue”, again demonstrating the tokenism and shallowness of the Jim Betts approach.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1016. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) when he released the Government's Net Zero Emissions by 2050 policy in March 2020, the Minister for Energy and Environment, Matt Kean MP, could only identify 240 new jobs per annum, compared to the 75,000 coal-reliant jobs in the Hunter Valley his policy puts at risk,

(b) Minister Kean also said on the parliamentary record that his Department had modelled the Net Zero policy and had “used modelling by the Commonwealth Government for this purpose”, the only Commonwealth modelling available to them was the 2019 CSIRO Australian National Output Technical Report.

(c) the 2019 CSIRO report states: (i) a carbon price of $200 per tonne is needed to get to Net Zero 2050, that is, eight times higher than Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, (ii) by 2050 every person in New South Wales will be $25,000 worse off under Net Zero Emissions, compared to a no-policy-change outcome,

(d) when the Arden Government in New Zealand modelled its Net Zero 2050 policy, with an exemption for agriculture, it identified a 16 per cent sacrifice in GDP growth and household income, with the equivalent Australian figure at 30 to 40 per cent,

(e) the Deputy Premier, John Barilaro MP, has said that a Net Zero 2050 policy with no exemptions will destroy agriculture and mining in our State,

(f) Minister Kean has said he supports a Federal Government exemption for agriculture, even though his own 2050 policy includes agriculture, and

(g) when the Australian Workers Union and the Mining and Energy Division of the CFMMEU briefed Federal Labor MPs in October 2020, they said that coal is needed in Australia for decades to come and gas-power permanently for manufacturing jobs, they said that a ‘hard switch’ to renewable energy in Australia puts at risk 250,000 resource sector jobs and over 3 million manufacturing and supply chain jobs, including 172,000 directly in Sydney.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) publicly release the economic modelling for the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 policy, and

(b) exempt all trade-exposed industries in New South Wales from the policy, including agriculture, mining and manufacturing.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

7245 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1020. Mr Graham to move—

That, in accordance with Recommendation 5 of the Public Accountability Committee in its report entitled 'Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales – Final report', dated February 2021, and paragraph 2 of the resolution of both Houses establishing the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, this House refers to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters for inquiry and report the adequacy of the funding allocation of the NSW Electoral Commission for the 2023 election, in particular taking into account the latest advice around issues of electoral integrity arising from foreign interference in elections.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1023. Mr Graham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on State Development tabled its report ‘Defence industry in New South Wales’ on 7 June 2018.

(b) recommendation 2 of that report stated: "That the Parliament of New South Wales support the establishment of a Joint Committee on Defence and Space Industries in New South Wales", and

(c) the Government response to the report supported that recommendation in principle and observed that the establishment of such committees was a matter for the Parliament.

(2) That a joint select committee be established to inquire into and report on Defence and Space Industries in New South Wales, and in particular:

(a) any matter connected to defence and space industries in New South Wales, and

(b) the implementation of the 15 recommendations made by the State Development Committee in its report 'Defence industry in New South Wales'.

(3) That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing orders of either House, the committee consist of eight members comprising:

(a) four members of the Legislative Council, of whom: (i) two are government members, (ii) one is an opposition member, (iii) one is a crossbench member, and

(b) four members of the Legislative Assembly, of whom: (i) two must be government members, (ii) two must be an opposition or crossbench member.

(4) That the Chair of the committee be a member of the government in the Legislative Council, and the Deputy Chair be an opposition or crossbench member.

(5) That, notwithstanding anything in the standing orders of either House, at any meeting of the committee, any four members of the committee will constitute a quorum, provided that at least one member of each House is present at all times.

(6) That members may be appointed to the committee as substitute members for any matter before the committee by providing notice in writing to the Committee Clerk, with nominations made as follows: 7246 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(a) nominations for substitute government or opposition members are to be made by the Leader of the Government, Leader of the Opposition, Government or Opposition Whip or Deputy Whip, as applicable, and

(b) nominations for substitute crossbench members are to be made by the substantive member or another crossbench member.

(7) That, unless the committee decides otherwise:

(a) submissions to inquiries are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration,

(b) the Chair’s proposed witness list is to be circulated to provide members with an opportunity to amend the list, with the witness list agreed to by email, unless a member requests the Chair to convene a meeting to resolve any disagreement,

(c) the sequence of questions to be asked at hearings is to alternate between government, opposition and crossbench members, in order determined by the committee, with equal time allocated to each,

(d) transcripts of evidence taken at public hearings are to be published,

(e) supplementary questions are to be lodged with the Committee Clerk within two business days, following the receipt of the hearing transcript, with witnesses requested to return answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions within 21 calendar days of the date on which questions are forwarded to the witness, and

(f) answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration.

(8) That this House requests the Legislative Assembly to agree to a similar resolution and name the time and place for the committee’s first meeting.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

*1025. Public Health Amendment (Vaccination Compensation) Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Revd Nile: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 17 February 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

1031. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes the correspondence received from the General Counsel of the Department of Premier and Cabinet on Friday 20 December 2020, in response to the resolution of the House of Wednesday 18 November 2020 relating to an order for papers regarding floodplain harvesting regulation, advising that the Natural Resources Access Regulator is not subject to the control and direction of the Minister and that the Legislative Council should liaise directly with the Regulator in relation to the resolution.

(2) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 21 September 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Natural Resources Access Regulator relating to floodplain harvesting regulation:

(a) all documents relating to the disallowance of the Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020, and its impact or implications, 7247 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) all documents relating to the legal status of floodplain harvesting, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(3) That the Clerk communicate the terms of this resolution to the Natural Resources Access Regulator.

(Notice given 16 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 93)

1040. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Minister for Transport and Roads, Transport for NSW, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, or NSW Police Force relating to Mr Brad Burden:

(a) all documents relating to Mr Brad Burden’s appointment to the Office of the Premier in 2017,

(b) all documents relating to Mr Brad Burden’s departure from the Office of the Premier in 2019,

(c) all documents relating to Mr Brad Burden’s engagement as a contractor by Transport for NSW in 2019,

(d) all documents relating to any security clearance process undertaken by Mr Brad Burden in respect of both his employment in the Office of the Premier and his engagement as a contractor by Transport for NSW, including but not limited to security assessments and supporting documents, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1051. Mr Banasiak to move—

That this House notes that:

(a) prior to the implementation of the NSW Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 around 400,000 NSW Recreational Fishing Licence fees from the Saltwater Fishing Trust fund have been allocated to collaborative Rock Fishing Safety, education and Awareness programs,

(b) these programs targeted how to safely fish from New South Wales coastal rock platforms; improving a fishers knowledge; understanding coastal weather patterns; what is appropriate safety apparel when fishing on high-risk rock fishing platforms including life jackets, wetsuits and appropriate footwear; and other key safe fishing devices that assist rock fishers in fishing safely,

(c) these collaborative rock fishing education packages took into consideration the expertise, experience and knowledge of many experienced rock fishers from multiple New South Wales recreational fishing associations,

(d) these structured educational programs promoted safe fishing and basic weather safety to those that participated,

(e) the “Don’t Put Your Life on the Line!” campaign was so successful other Australian states and some European countries adopted it as best practice,

(f) despite the success of these campaigns the introduction of the Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 by the Government contradicted the best practice collaborative education package and removed any 7248 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

reference to appropriate footwear or other safe rock fishing apparel like wetsuits and other floatation apparel,

(g) the Government ignored best advice to practically investigate, assess and test various types of life jackets that are recommended under the Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 and listed as the Australian standard,

(h) in 2018, under the then Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Honourable , the Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 was made an opt-in or opt-out decision for coastal councils,

(i) many councils chose to opt-out, leaving high-risk rock fishing locations with minimal safety signage and no enforcement controls including the Wollongong City council where Hill 60 is located,

(j) in the last month, five rock fishers have been swept off the rocks and to their deaths at Hill 60 in the Wollongong City council LGA,

(k) in 2017-18 the Rock Fishing Safety Awareness Program aimed at the non-English speaking CALD communities was significantly disrupted by the then Police and Emergency Services Minister Troy Grant by transferring responsibilities and resourcing to the then NSW DPI and Fisheries Minister, the Honourable , thus absolving the Police and Justice Department of any responsibilities,

(l) further to this disruption, in April 2019 the Government removed the Rock Fishing Safety Act from the DPI and Fisheries portfolio under the Honourable Adam Marshall and reinstated it into the care and control of the current Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Honourable David Elliott along with the Minister for Local Government, the Honourable Shelly Hancock,

(m) by removing and reinstating the Rock Fishing Safety Act across three portfolios and four ministers; the safety of New South Wales rock fishers has been put at further risk, and no responsibility has been taken by the Government to properly resource, fund or raise awareness for rock fishing safety,

(n) no member of the Government can provide concise or accurate answers as to how much money has been collected through fines issued for rock fishing violations and whether that money has been returned to the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust fund to assist in further campaigns for rock fishing safety programs,

(o) fishing associations like the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW and the Australian National Sports Fishing Associations NSW Branch spend considerable time and funds to maintain rock fishing platforms and provide safety for public recreational fishers,

(p) one such initiative by these groups, the ANSA NSW Angel Rings (orange life buoys placed on stainless steel posts at known high-risk rock fishing spots), have successfully saved the lives of nearly 100 rock fishers since 1994,

(q) a group of dedicated fishers and community volunteers continue to oversee the Angel ring network,

(r) the Governments Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 is an abject failure and has failed to protect the public and the New South Wales rock fishing community, particularly those from non-English speaking CALD communities, and

(s) the Rock Fishing Safety Act 2016 needs to be formerly amended to recognise appropriate footwear and that wetsuits can act as safe fishing and buoyancy apparel and still allow a person to swim safely.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1052. Rock Fishing Safety Amendment Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 9 June 2021)—Mr Mallard (20 minutes) 7249 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1056. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) International Nurses Day 2021 will be celebrated on Wednesday 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, and

(b) this year’s theme for International Nurses Day is “Nurses: A Voice to Lead”, with the sub theme for 2021 being “A Vision for Future Healthcare”.

(2) That this House commends the outstanding contribution of each and every nurse and midwife across the health care workforce in NSW and thanks them for their dedication.

(3) That this House acknowledges the ongoing efforts of the NSW nursing and midwifery workforce in keeping the community safe from COVID-19, and caring for those who have contracted the virus.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1057. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—

(1) That this House commends the NSW Government for accelerating the $750 million redevelopment of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,

(2) That this House recognises the importance of this redevelopment, which includes the delivery of a new building, more inpatient beds and an expanded emergency department, to ensure that the hospital continues to serve Sydney’s growing community into the future,

(3) That this House notes that this project is expected to create thousands of jobs and will make an important contribution to the State’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan, and

(4) That this House notes the NSW Government began the transformation of this site with the Professor Marie Bashir Centre, which opened in 2014.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1059. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) in 2020 the NSW Government paid $302,000 (excluding GST) to Mr Cameron Hepburn of Aurora Energy Research for the modelling of Minister Kean’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap,

(b) in October 2020 Mr Hepburn held 275,000 shares in Aurora Energy Research, a company he founded,

(c) Mr Hepburn also has financial links to Mr Michael Photios' and Ian Hancock's Blueprint Institute (as a member of its Strategic Council and in doing research work on Institute projects), a clear conflict of interest given the substantial lobbying and business interests Mr Photios and Mr Hancock hold in renewable energy and their influence within the New South Wales Liberals moderates faction, of which the Honourable Matt Kean MP, Minister for Energy and Environment, is a prominent member and political beneficiary,

(d) Mr Photios and Mr Hancock own and manage the PremierState and PremierNational lobbying firms, with multiple renewable energy corporate clients, and also Clean Energy Strategies, a company dealing financially in Power Purchasing Agreements for renewable energy, 7250 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(e) in his modelling for the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, Mr Hepburn used a false assumption of 1 Gigawatt rooftop solar generation in NSW, 2.5GW below the actual level, meaning he over-estimated by 2.5GW the amount of utility solar and wind farm power needed in New South Wales, a financial bonanza for the Photios/Hancock corporate interests,

(f) Minister Kean selected someone from the Blueprint Institute to do the modelling for his New South Wales electricity policy that produced an outcome financially beneficial to those who own and run the Blueprint Institute, an abuse of office and evidence of corrupt conduct,

(g) in answer to Legislative Council Question on Notice 3486, Minister Kean stated that Mr Hancock’s sister, Ms Ava Hancock, works as his Policy Director for Energy and has declared a conflict of interest in relation to her brother’s renewable energy holdings, yet Minister Kean has allowed this conflict to become a permanent part of his ministerial office,

(h) Ms Hancock would have been part of the decision to select Cameron Hepburn from her brother’s Blueprint Institute to undertake the economic modelling that now underpins huge financial benefits for her brother, and

(i) this energy policy-making cartel is riven with conflicts of interest, abuses of office and evidence of corrupt conduct that should be investigated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

(2) That, under section 73 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 this House refers to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for investigation and report:

(a) the circumstances under which Mr Cameron Hepburn, Aurora Energy Research was commissioned by the Government to undertake the modelling for the New South Wales Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap,

(b) any financial, commercial or other links between Aurora Energy Research and the Blueprint Institute,

(c) any personal or other relationships between the Office of the Honourable Matt Kean MP, Minister for Energy and Environment, and the Aurora Energy Research and the Blueprint Institute,

(d) the methodology used in Mr Hepburn's modelling for the New South Wales Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, and

(e) any related matters the Commissioner deems necessary.

(3) A message be sent to the Legislative Assembly informing it that the Legislative Council has this day agreed to the resolution and, pursuant to section 73 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, requests the Legislative Assembly to pass a similar resolution.

(4) That in the event that the Legislative Assembly does not pass a similar resolution and inform the Legislative Council within two sitting days of receipt of a message from the Legislative Council, the Clerk is to communicate the resolution of the House to the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

7251 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1061. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) cellular agriculture, sometimes referred to as ‘slaughter-free agriculture’, involves the production of animal products, such as meat and dairy, from cell-cultures,

(b) experts agree that cellular agriculture has the potential to transform the way food is produced globally, and eliminate much of the harm caused by the animal agribusiness industry to animals, the environment and human health,

(c) in January 2021, it was announced that the New South Wales-based company VOW Foods raised $6,000,000 USD to develop their cutting-edge cellular meat products, and

(d) with a growing demand for alternative proteins, particularly in Asia, Australian companies are well-placed to profit and become leaders in this emerging industry—but only if they have proper financial and regulatory support from the Government.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to provide greater support to cellular agriculture companies in Australia.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1062. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government has proposed a bill to set aside settlement agreements for past child abuse,

(b) the bill seeks to allow New South Wales courts to set aside historical settlement agreements for child abuse,

(c) the power imbalance between institutions and victims means many past settlements were effectively coercion rather than a fair response to the harm done, and

(d) historically survivors of child sexual abuse almost always entered into unfair settlements under unfair laws and with deeply inappropriate moral pressure from the organisations that abused them.

(2) That this House notes with concern that::

(a) the current draft of the Civil Liability Amendment (Child Abuse Settlement) Bill 2020 does not deliver on the Attorney General’s promise to allow unfair settlements to be set aside so that victims of historic child sexual abuse can achieve justice, and

(b) a large number of organisations have made submissions noting their concerns with the proposed model.

(3) That this House calls on the Attorney General, the Honourable MP, to ensure the final model proposed to the Parliament respects and supports victims and survivors by delivering a fair and workable pathway to justice.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

7252 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1063. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That this House notes the extreme community dissatisfaction with the politicised distribution of bushfire and council grants by the Coalition Government.

(Notice given 17 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 94)

1068. Mr Graham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) nearly one in five young people in the Hunter region are unemployed, and

(b) the Hunter community was not consulted about the recent decision to sell the site of Scone TAFE and that it found out about the sale from the real estate listing.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to reconsider the sale of the site of Scone TAFE.

(Notice given 18 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 95)

1069. Mr Graham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) some residents of Sydney are paying $6,000 a year in tolls,

(b) this Government has imposed a new toll on the old M5 East flooding local suburbs with traffic, and

(c) while tolls are increasing 4 per cent a year, wages are stagnant.

(2) That this House calls for an inquiry into:

(a) the cost of tolls for New South Wales drivers,

(b) the prospects for toll relief, and.

(c) the extreme secrecy which currently governs toll road contracts.

(Notice given 18 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 95)

1071. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 7 February 2021, I joined local forest campaigners and visited 11 of the 18 compartments surrounding Brooman and Shallow Crossing State Forests which are currently slated for logging,

(b) from logging trucks damaging the roads to continued breaches of logging rules, it is clear this industry has lost its social license, and

(c) the spread of fire over the last fire season demonstrates how recently-logged forests are more fire-prone, while non-logged forests with intact canopy and moist understory provide natural barriers to fire. 7253 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House commends the activists and citizen scientists who are working hard to protect what they can in these forests, including by marking out trees that are supposed to be protected under the current rules.

(3) That this House affirms that:

(a) everything changed after the fires,

(b) the forests on the South Coast have enormous potential, not as woodchips but as places for tourism, local engagement and recreation,

(c) with modest investment we could create networks of walking and mountain bike trails, places to camp, sensitive eco-tourism and kayak trails, while also protecting these forests, and

(d) protecting these forests from logging doesn’t mean locking them up, it can mean opening them up in a way that has never been possible before, while delivering enormous environmental and sustainability benefits.

(4) That this House calls on the Government to make a plan for the future of these forests, with an end to native forest logging and a real plan for the future of the workers in and around these forests.

(Notice given 18 February 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 95)

1075. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Treasurer, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, the Minister for Customer Service, the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning, the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education, the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, the Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts, the Attorney General, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Minister for Counter Terrorism and Corrections, the Minister for Local Government, the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, the Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans, the Minister for Health and Medical Research, the Minister for Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women, the Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, the Minister for Transport and Roads, the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, or their respective departments and agencies concerning the Budget Estimates inquiry 2020-2021:

(a) the final briefing folder or briefing documents, whether in paper or electronic form, used by each Minister, Secretary or Deputy Secretary for the initial round of hearings for the Budget Estimates inquiry 2020-2021, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1076. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes with sadness the death of Jack Mundey AO, unionist, environmentalist and social justice activist on 10 May 2020 who was formally farewelled at a State Memorial Service on Wednesday 10 March 2021 at Sydney Town Hall.

(2) That this House further notes that: 7254 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(a) Jack Mundey was a passionate unionist who was the NSW Secretary of the Builders Labourers’ Federation,

(b) while fighting for the safety and wages of building workers, Jack Mundey formed alliances with activists fighting to protect and conserve historic buildings, homes, bushland and public spaces from developers,

(c) led by Jack Mundey, the Green Bans movement: (i) saved housing in The Rocks, Victoria Street Potts Point, Woolloomooloo, Glebe and Chippendale, (ii) stopped the destruction of the Botanical Gardens, Centennial and Moore parks, (iii) fought and saved urban bushland in Kelly’s Bush in Hunters Hill, (iv) campaigned for world leading heritage, environmental and planning laws,

(d) Jack Mundey was also responsible for the first pink ban placed on Macquarie University after one of their residential halls expelled a student for being gay,

(e) in 2000, Jack Mundey was made an Officer in the Order of Australia “for service to the identification and preservation of significant sections of Australia's natural and urban heritage through initiating ‘Green Bans’ and through the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales”, and

(f) Jack Mundey continued his activism throughout his entire life, in more recent times joining the campaign to save the Sirius Building and protect the heritage of Parramatta, in particular the Parramatta Female Factory.

(3) That this House passes on its deepest condolences to Jack’s family and the many community members who campaigned with Jack for a fairer and more sustainable New South Wales.

(4) That this resolution be communicated by the President to the family of Jack Mundey.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1080. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) it is a shocking reality that, in New South Wales, there have been no animal bans imposed on perpetrators as a result of a conviction of bestiality,

(b) the lack of animal bans for bestiality means that animals in our community are not being protected from potential sexual abuse, and

(c) the community does not want to see individuals convicted of sexually abusing animals having any future interaction with animals.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to introduce mandatory, lifetime restrictions on owning or working with animals for individuals convicted of bestiality.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1081. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Buddy is a beagle cross kelpie who was used in medical experimentation for the first nine years of his life, 7255 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) most Australians would be horrified to discover that dogs and cats are being experimented on, yet statistics released by the Government show that over 5,000 dogs and cats were used for research in 2019,

(c) Buddy is one of the very few survivors of medical experimentation to ever be released, with the Government reporting that only 30 dogs were rehomed from research facilities in the past year,

(d) in 2018, the former Minister for Agriculture promised to develop mandatory regulations for the rehoming of cats and dogs used in research – but over two years later, this has still not happened, and

(e) even though taxpayer money is used to fund the continued breeding and use of animals like Buddy in experimentation, the Government refuses to say exactly how much money is given to this industry, and there is no transparency about the types of experiments taxpayers are funding.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to enact ‘Buddy’s Law’, which will give companion animals the ‘Right to Release’ from medical experimentation facilities, and end the hidden use of taxpayer dollars on animal research.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1085. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2021 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning or Department of Education relating to the Rural and Remote Incentives Review:

(a) all documents relating to the internal discussion paper on the Rural and Remote Incentives Review,

(b) the terms of reference for the Rural and Remote Incentives Review,

(c) any preliminary reports or briefings regarding the Rural and Remote Incentives Review, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1093. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House calls for solidarity with the tens of thousands of people who attended more than forty Women’s March 4 Justice rallies around Australia on 15 March 2021.

(2) That this House acknowledges:

(a) the righteous anger of Australian women who are sickened and angry at the ongoing disrespect and abuse of women, and

(b) recent events in Federal Parliament that highlighted how much more work is needed to: (i) make our legal and political institutions gender equal and safe for women, (ii) ensure women can participate in all aspects of civic life without fear of sexual harassment and assault.

(3) That this House congratulates Commissioner Mick Fuller for: 7256 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(a) speaking publicly about how our legal system fails women victims of sexual violence, and

(b) recognising the urgent need to review enforcement outcomes: (i) given that an estimated ninety per cent of sexual assault victims remain silent, (ii) because they do not have confidence in the ability of our criminal justice system to deliver justice to women.

(4) That this House notes the quote by Michael Bradley of Marque Lawyers published in Crikey on 10 March 2021 which stated: “the best research indicates that if a man commits a rape there is a 0.71% chance that he will be reported, arrested, prosecuted and convicted”.

(5) That this House calls for the Government to:

(a) reform the consent laws in regards to sexual assault in order to reflect the changes in community attitudes towards victims of sexual crimes, and

(b) enforce a women's right to participate in all aspects of society safe from sexual predation.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1096. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that on 2 March 2021 the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on:

(a) all Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nations to cancel all coal projects and commit to phasing out coal by 2030 in order to achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement,

(b) private and central banks and governments to end the financing of coal plants, and

(c) governments and private companies to develop just transition plans to ensure workers and their families are protected.

(2) That this House calls on the government to urgently consider and respond to the calls of the Secretary-General to rapidly cut our addiction to coal and plan for the sooner than expected closure of coal-fired power stations.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

1097. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 19 November 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, Department of Primary Industries, Department of Regional NSW and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment relating to koala state environmental planning policies:

(a) all documents, correspondence and advice relating to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2020 (Koala SEPP 2020), the Koala SEPP 2021 and its guidelines, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 96)

7257 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1106. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) There have been two deaths of First Nations people in NSW prisons in just the last two weeks and Corrective Services NSW has failed to proactively inform the community of these deaths.

(b) In the NSW Budget Estimates hearing into Counter Terrorism and Corrections, Commissioner Severin advised that deaths in custody are not currently notified to the public because of concerns that will cause “angst”.

(c) Failing to notify the public of deaths in custody fails to provide accountability and transparency for what happens in prisons.

(d) Change in prisons that make inmates safer continues to be driven by the broader community and civil society.

(2) That this House gives its condolences to the families of all those who have died in custody in NSW and commits to doing all in its power to stop deaths in custody.

(3) That this House calls on the NSW Government to ensure the timely public notification by Corrective Services of all deaths in custody following notification having been provided to the family of the person who has died, the ALS, and the NSW Coroner.

(Notice given 17 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 97)

1107. Mr Latham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 March 2011 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to ministerial disclosures concerning private benefits for Mr Daryl Maguire:

(a) all documents relating to disclosures made by the Premier and other ministers in accordance with the Ministerial Register of Interests and Section 16 of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, “Disclosure of private benefits to other members of the Government”, concerning Mr Daryl Maguire,

(b) all disclosures or declarations made by the Premier and other ministers relating to a decision that could confer a private benefit on Mr Daryl Maguire,

(c) all documents relating to the obligations of the Premier and other ministers to make disclosures, including documents which detail the procedure for disclosures by the Premier and other ministers,

(d) all documents relating to the order of the House of Wednesday 11 November 2020 for the production of documents regarding ministerial disclosures of private benefits for Mr Daryl Maguire, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 17 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 97)

7258 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1108. Mr Mallard to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) On 12 March 2021, former Federal Finance Minister, the Hon was elected Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),

(b) Mr Cormann’s appointment follows seven years and forty two days as Australia’s longest serving Finance Minister and thirteen years as a senator for Western Australia,

(c) Mr Cormann migrated to Australia from Belgium in 1996 and following his successful political career and now election to the OECD is an exemplar for Australia’s migrant and multicultural society,

(d) based in Paris, the OECD is an international organisation in which governments work together to find solutions to common challenges, develop global standards, share experiences and identify best practices to promote better policies for better lives,

(e) the OECD brings together member countries and partners that collaborate closely on key global issues at national, regional and local level,

(f) the OECD’s 37 members are: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States,

(g) the OECD works to boost economic growth and world trade, and its thirty-seven member nations account for sixty per cent of global economic output,

(h) Mr Cormann is the first person from the Asia Pacific region to lead the organisation and will commence his five year term on 1 June 2021, and

(i) Mr Cormann’s priorities will include:

(i) driving global leadership to achieve net zero emissions by 2050,

(ii) finalising a multilateral approach to digital taxation,

(iii) helping maximise the strength of economic recovery, and

(iv) strengthening the OECD’s outreach into the Asia-Pacific.

(2) That this House congratulates the Hon Mathias Cormann and acknowledges that this appointment is a positive development for the Australian economy and the Asia Pacific region.

(Notice given 18 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 98)

1109. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) The sealing of Point Plomer Road at Crescent Head has caused great concern within the local community.

(b) Ongoing protests have cited their concern over this development, which will cost over $3.6 million. 7259 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) the Dhungatti people fear that the development of the road will lead to significantly increased development, ultimately destroying the heritage of the area and its significance.

(d) at least 13 of 20 landowners along the existing road have expressed their opposition to the development.

(e) the sealing of the road has been actioned by the Kempsey Shire Council for the ‘safety’ of the area, despite a majority of motor vehicle accidents currently only occurring along sealed portions of the existing road.

(f) the Council has not sought appropriate community consultation.

(2) That this House calls on the Minister for Regional Roads and Transport to:

(a) meet with the community group No Tar for Point Plomer Road to discuss concerns and alternatives, such as a reduction in the speed limit, and

(b) request that Kempsey Shire Council engage in mediation efforts with No Tar for Plomer Point Road.

(Notice given 18 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 98)

1114. Mr Latham to move—

That this House condemns the Berejiklian Government for its under-funding of ICAC such that the Commission has been unable to fully investigate the possible corrupt conduct of the NSW Office of Sport and others in the awarding of its million dollar grant to Barrie Smith Motor Sport in November 2017 for the upgrade of facilities at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, even though ICAC in its letter to the Office of Sport dated 1 December 2020 identified:

(a) “perceptions of corrupt conduct”,

(b) “a number of corruption risks”,

(c) an absence of advice verification concerning the role of Equestrian NSW and its CEO Bruce Farrar,

(d) the inability of the Office of Sport to explain Mr Farrar’s significant involvement in the tender process,

(e) “Mr Farrar’s and ENSW’s potential and/or perceived conflicts of interest”,

(f) “a tenderer with links to ENSW (Barrie Smith Motor Sport) being given advance notice of the tender and scope”,

(g) “the Office of Sport being unable to confirm whether or not its former CEO Matt Miller declared his appointment on the selection committee for the ENSW Board”, and

(h) in Mr Farrar’s role in the surface test for the work, this “involvement is likely to be another contributing factor to the perception that ENSW was partial to Barrie Smith Motor Sport”.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1115. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) the comments of GP Dr Thomas Lyons that: 7260 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(i) “If the push to eliminate gender from society continues we are likely to see a wave of suicidal adolescents who are too anxious to admit they are heterosexual and happy in the bodies they were born into,” (ii) the drive to outlaw gendered language became a problem for him [Dr Lyons] after an experience where he had six children visit his surgery, (iii) when he was testing their sight with a chart showing drawings of animals and people, four of the children refused to say the words "boy" or "girl" and all six were stressed and panicky, (iv) “These children, without the knowledge or permission of the principal and parents, had been taught by teachers that the words 'boy' and 'girl' had some kind of bad magic and to utter them would somehow harm people. The children knew what they could see and hear but could not reconcile themselves with the notion that it was wrong to see boys and girls as different. Watching a six-year-old have a panic attack over the use of gender identifying language is disturbing”,

(b) our fundamental biology and relationships are represented through the following descriptors – mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, boy, girl, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, female, male, man, woman, lady, gentleman, Mr, Mrs, Ms, dad, mum, husband, wife, and

(c) broad scale genuine inclusion cannot be achieved through distortions of biological and relationship descriptors, that dehumanise the human race and undermine gender.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) reject the use of distorted language such as gestational/non-gestational parent, chest-feeding, lactating parent, birthing/non-birthing parent, and

(b) ensure all New South Wales government and New South Wales government funded agencies do not include these terms in their material, including legislation, websites, employee documentation and training materials.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1124. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2021 in the possession, custody or control of the TAFE Commission or the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education relating to utilisation rates:

(a) a list of utilisation rates of all TAFE NSW campuses,

(b) a list of utilisation rates of all TAFE NSW Connected Learning Centres,

(c) all reports, briefings, and memorandum relating to the utilisation rates of all TAFE NSW campuses,

(d) all reports, briefings, and memorandum relating to the utilisation rates of all TAFE NSW Connected Learning Centres; and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

7261 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1127. Mr Secord to move—

That this House:

(a) expresses support for those affected by the devastating floods, and

(b) thanks the thousands of professionals and volunteers supporting them.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1131. Mr Primrose to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created between 1 January 2019 and 30 September 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Treasurer, the Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney, Treasury or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the Government’s NSW Treasury Employment Calculator:

(a) all documents detailing meetings, consultations, minutes, outcomes, and briefings between the listed Ministers, their Ministerial staff or staff from the named Departments and the Common Planning Assumptions Group (CPAG) or the Centre for Evidence and Evaluation (CEE) relating to the development and implementation of the NSW Treasury Employment Calculator, including its creation, development limitations, outcomes and use, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1132. Mr Primrose to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, in searchable electronic format if possible, created since 1 January 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, Treasurer, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, the Treasury or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to jobs created by the $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund:

(a) all documents, whether in paper or electronic form, relating to the modelling, assumptions, and outcomes which informed the Government’s claim that 20,000 jobs will be created or supported by the Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund,

(b) all documents, whether in paper or electronic form, detailing the specific projects and programs and the specific job numbers for each project and program that comprise the $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund,

(c) all documents, whether in paper or electronic form, detailing meetings, minutes or outcomes that refer to the $3 billion Jobs and Infrastructure Acceleration Fund and the jobs supported or created by the Fund,

(d) all documents, whether in paper or electronic form, identifying tenders and contracts, internal and external, for work that provided advice, specifications, briefings, or other for the 20,000 jobs claim, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

7262 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1133. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within five days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2015 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Transport for NSW or the Minister for Transport relating to offset requirements for projects associated with the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan:

(a) the initial assessment of the likely offset requirements for projects associated with the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan, produced by Eco Logical Australia for Roads and Maritime Services, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1135. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Snowy Valleys Council was formed by this Government's 2016 forced amalgamation policy that merged the former Tumbarumba and Tumut Shire Councils,

(b) at the time of the merger, some 93 per cent of the Tumbarumba community did not want it to occur, and the community has continued to pursue the re-instatement of their Council,

(c) the case for maintaining the independence of the former Tumbarumba Shire was well made prior to forced amalgamation: (i) it exceeded all the benchmarks established during the council reform process, including by IPART and Office of Local Government, (ii) it was rated, after the City of Sydney, as the second most “Fit for the Future” council in New South Wales,

(d) following the forced merger, none of the benefits that were used by the Government to justify the amalgamation have occurred,

(e) diseconomies of scale have caused the new council to accumulate $22 million in losses to date, and it is projecting a further $36 million in losses in the ten years to 2031, according to its latest draft Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP),

(f) to address the financial losses the forcibly amalgamated council is now considering a permanent special rate variation (SRV) of 25.44 per cent over and above the IPART rate peg, and

(g) irrespective of any variation, the council proposes to reduce or eliminate services and capital projects, increase fees and charges and sell community assets.

(2) The Proposal to form a new Tumbarumba Council is currently in the hands of the Honourable , MP, Minister for Local Government, with the Tumbarumba community having submitted to the Boundaries Commission a credible and conservative Long Term Financial Plan that shows a new council returning to surplus with 3 to 4 years.

(3) That this House calls on the Government and the Honourable Shelley Hancock, MP, Minister for Local Government, to commit to:

(a) working expeditiously and constructively with the communities of the Snowy Valleys Local Government Area to end the uncertainty surrounding its financial viability, 7263 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) demerging the existing Snowy Valleys Council and restoring the Tumbarumba Shire Council and the Tumut Shire Council in their own rights, and

(c) providing full funding for the costs of the demerger and ensure residents do not pay the costs of the government 's failed amalgamation policy.

(Notice given 23 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 99)

1139. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend miscellaneous legislation to provide for casual mine workers to received the same workers compensation entitlements as full-time mine workers; to make it a condition of development consent for new and expanded mines at least 75% of the mine's production and engineering workers are directly employed by the mine's owner or operator; to prohibit the same entity providing both health services and insurance services to coal miners; and for related purposes.

(Coal Mining Legislation Amendment (Miners Health and Entitlements) Bill)

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1140. Mr Borsak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2015 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Police Force, the Commissioner of Police or the Minister for Police and Emergency Services relating to firearm inspections and licensing:

(a) all documents, including directives, instructions or orders, to Police Area Commands, Police Districts or the Firearms Registry relating to firearm safe storage inspections,

(b) all documents, including directives, instructions or orders, to the Firearms Registry or NSW Police Force regarding limiting or limits on the number of firearms owned by firearm licence holders,

(c) all documents relating to the Firearms Registry policy of treating revoked, expired or dismissed apprehended violence orders (AVOs) as active apprehended violence orders, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1147. Mrs Ward to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) from 11 October 2020 to 17 October 2020 was National Nutrition Week,

(b) Nutrition Australia NSW hosted a number of virtual events throughout the week with the theme of “My Plate, My Planet”,

(c) “My Plate, My Planet” inspires each of us to fill our plates with sustainably grown vegetables and nutritious foods, through economical shopping and cooking, to improve the health of ourselves and our environment,

(d) Nutrition Australia NSW is a non-government, non-profit, community based organisation that promotes optimal health by encouraging food variety and physical activity, an 7264 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

understanding of good nutrition and facilitates nutrition education programs for early learning centres, schools, workplaces and aged care facilities, and

(e) Nutrition Australia NSW also promotes the awareness of where our food originates from, how it is transformed into what we know as “food” and how it reaches our dinner plates.

(2) That this House encourages all citizens to maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1152. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 14 April 2021, the New Zealand Government announced that all live exports from New Zealand by sea will be banned by 2023,

(b) in Australia, approximately three million animals are exported alive each year,

(c) animals sent for live export are crammed onto ships for weeks, where they face severe overcrowding, extreme temperatures and inadequate ventilation and sanitation, causing illness and death for many animals during this traumatic voyage, and

(d) with 75 per cent of Australians opposed to live export, it is time for the Government to follow New Zealand’s lead and ban this cruel and unjustifiable practice.

(2) That this House congratulates the New Zealand Government for banning live exports, and calls on the Australian Government to do the same.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1153. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 23 February 2021, Blue Mountains City Council banned the use of 1080 poison within its Council operations,

(b) despite being banned in most countries due to its cruelty and danger to humans, 1080 poison is still used in NSW,

(c) animals that ingest 1080 poison suffer slow, agonising deaths that can last up to 48 hours and involve prolonged vomiting, screaming fits, and seizures before the animal eventually dies, and

(d) this is the latest progressive animal policy adopted by Blue Mountains City Council who, in the past 12 months, have banned the sale of fur, reaffirmed their long-standing ban on the use of exotic animals in circuses, and recognised the sentience and intrinsic value of all animals.

(2) That this House:

(a) congratulates Blue Mountains City Council on receiving the Animal Justice Party ‘Animal Champion Award’ for being the most animal-friendly council in NSW, and

(b) calls on the NSW Government to end all usage of 1080 poison. 7265 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1155. Mr Mallard to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 23 November 2019, the people of the semi-autonomous region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea peacefully participated in an Independence Referendum to help guide the future of the region,

(b) the Referendum was a non-binding vote for the people of Bougainville and is a key outcome of the 2001 Bougainville Peace Agreement, following a decade of tragic civil war that severely damaged the Bougainville civil society and economy and resulted in an estimated 20,000 people killed and many more thousands displaced,

(c) the Referendum was conducted by the specially-established Bougainville Referendum Commission (BRC) and was enthusiastically embraced by the people of Bougainville with 207,000 citizens enrolled specifically for the two weeks of referendum from a population of 300,000,

(d) the Referendum period was observed by an international observer mission from nations including Japan, United Kingdom and the European Union who all reported no irregularities in the preparation and conduct of the referendum,

(e) the Hon. Shayne Mallard MLC and the Hon. Greg Donnelly MLC were selected to participate in the Australian Observer Mission (AOM) based on the unique long-term twinning relationship the NSW Parliament has with the Bougainville Parliament,

(f) the Australian Observer Mission comprised of:

(i) Hon. Jane Prentice – Mission Leader – Former Minister and Member of Australian Parliament, Ms Sharon Clayton MP – Australian Parliament, Mr Ken O’Dowd MP – Australian Parliament, Mr James Batley – Academic-Australian National University, Ms Gai Brodtmann – Former Member of Australian Parliament, Ms Ann Harrap – Former Australian High Commissioner to South Africa, Ms Marie Neilson – Former Australian Electoral Commission Assistant Commissioner, Hon. Harry Jenkins – Former Speaker Australian Parliament, Mr Ewen Jones – Former Member of Australian Parliament, Hon. Greg Donnelly MLC and Hon. Shayne Mallard MLC.

(g) the Australian Observer Mission (AOM) was professionally supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) team at the Australian High Commission in Port Moresby and Bougainville including:

(i) Mr Bruce Davis – Australian High Commissioner, Ms Caitlin Wilson - Deputy High Commissioner, Mr Alistair McEachern – Counsellor Bougainville, Mr Clayton Harrington – Head of Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Buka Bougainville, Ms Stephanie Werner – Australian Observer Mission Planning Manager and their support teams in logistics, security and community relations.

(h) the report of the Australian Observer Mission provided to the Minister for Foreign Affairs stated that the Referendum was ‘free, fair and credible', and

(i) the NSW Parliament’s involvement in the Australian Observer Mission was a direct result of the landmark twinning relationship between the NSW Parliament and the Bougainville Parliament.

(2) That this House notes the outcome of the Referendum with nearly 98 percent of participants voting for independence and congratulates the people of Bougainville and their government for the conduct of a successful, peaceful, highly informed and engaged referendum. 7266 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(3) That this motion and accompanying speeches by members be formally conveyed to the President and Parliament of Bougainville by the President of the New South Wales Legislative Council.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1162. Mr Graham to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Roads Act 1993 to provide for transparency in and scrutiny of agreements entered into for the operatio of tollways; and to limit increases in tolls na dcharges for future tollways to increases in te consumer price index.

(Roads Amendment (Lower Tolls and Transparent Tolling Agreements) Bill)

(Notice given 24 March 2021)

1164. Ms Faehrmann to move— (1) That this house notes that

(a) On 4 March 2020 the Special Commission of lnquiry into "Ice" which was established by Premier Galdys Berejiklian, released its final report containing 109 recommendations;

(b) On 4 May 2021, the commissioner of the ice inquiry Dan Howard SC publicly expressed in the Sydney Morning Herald; (i) his disappointment that the Government has failed to respond to 104 urgent recommendations of the Inquiry after 15 months; (ii) that the Government had not adequately justified its rejection of 5 of the inquiry's recommendations including pill testing and a second supervised injecting centre; (iii) that it is "beyond belief and unacceptable" that the Government had not (iv) responded to a recommendation for more drug services for Aboriginal connnunities; and that it is a disgrace that NSW lacked a formal drug policy over 11 years after the previous policy had expired;

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) On 4 March 2020 the Special Commission oflnquiry into "Ice" which was established by Premier Galdys Berejiklian, released its final report containing 109 recommendations;

(b) On 4 May 2021, the commissioner of the ice inquiry Dan Howard SC publicly expressed in the Sydney Morning Herald; (i) his disappointment that the Government has failed to respond to 104 urgent recommendations of the Inquiry after 15 months; (ii) that the Government had not adequately justified its rejection of5 of the inquiry's recommendations including pill testing and a second supervised injecting centre; (iii) that it is "beyond belief and unacceptable" that the Government had not responded to a recommendation for more drug services for Aboriginal connnunities; and that it is a disgrace that NSW lacked a formal drug policy over 11 years after the previous policy had expired;

(c) that the Government's 'tough on drugs' approach has failed, with levels of illicit drug use consistently increasing in NSW,

(d) that drug rehabilitation services are woefully inadequate in NSW, particularly in regional areas, and

(e) That the war on drugs causes more harm than drugs themselves and unfairly targets lower socio-economic and aboriginal populations. 7267 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House calls on the Governmetn to adopt all 109 recommendations of the SpecialCommission of Inquiry into 'Ice'.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1166. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment relating to the Cumberland State Forest:

(a) Cumberland State Forest preliminary assessment,

(b) Cumberland State Forest assessment - MD20-101, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1167. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes with concern that:

(a) India is battling a devastating second wave of COVID 19

(b) On 30 April 2021 there were more than 400,000 cases diagnosed in a single day. On 1 May 2021 there were 3,689 deaths officially reported,

(c) Hospitals are running out of medical supplies including oxygen and basic medicines, there aren’t enough hospital beds or ventilators.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) In Australia we are in the unique situation of having COVID-19 well under control, and we should use this opportunity to help others.

(b) instead the response of the Australian Government has been to announce an unprecedented border closure that would prohibit Australian citizens in India from returning home.

(3) That this house recognises that:

(a) the highest cumulative case numbers for COVID are in the USA

(b) the highest numbers of COVID cases per capita for COVID is in smaller European countries like Andorra and Montenegro, for larger countries the USA still has the highest

(c) the highest number of deaths per capita for COVID is currently Hungary

(d) Australian citizens in these countries have not been blocked from returning home.

(4) That this House calls on the Federal Government to:

(a) immediately step away from its discriminatory border closure to India.

(b) provide much needed assistance as the country battles millions of current cases, and 7268 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) Work closely with the Indian diaspora in Australia to continue to assess ongoing needs, and ensure relief is comprehensive, sustained and delivered with utmost transparency.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1168. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that the following motion was carried by the Central Coast Council on 13 April 2021:

“That the Central Coast Council: 1. Supports the sixteen recommendations made in the report ‘Costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories’, by the Public Works Committee. 2. Writes to the Local Members of Parliament and to the Minister for Energy & Environment to seek their support for the NSW Government to acknowledge the inquiry and commence the implementation of the recommendations. 3. Acknowledges the hard work of Lake Munmorah resident, Mr Gary Blashke OAM, in raising community awareness about this important issue, and for appearing before the Legislative Council Inquiry personally.”

(2) That this House commends the Central Coast Council motion concerning coal ash remediation to the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Honourable Matt Kean MP.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1169. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that the month of May 2021 is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, an annual month to raise awareness of the social and personal impacts of domestic and family violence and the support available to those affected, and to promote a clear message against domestic and family violence in New South Wales.

(2) That this House notes the research published by Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) titled "Accurately identifying the 'person most in need of protection' in domestic and family violence law", published in November 2020, which reported that:

(a) one in ten victim-survivors choose not to engage with the criminal justice system,

(b) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are five times more likely to experience physical violence and three times more likely to experience sexual violence than other Australian women,

(c) up to 90 per cent of incidents of domestic and family violence against Aboriginal women go undisclosed, and

(d) domestic and family violence is currently the leading cause of homelessness, with approximately 20 per cent of Aboriginal Australians who present to homeless services doing so because of family violence.

(3) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) a high level of domestic and family violence is occurring across New South Wales and is increasing at a significant rate,

(b) significant work needs to be done by all levels of government to promote a clear message that this kind of violence will not be tolerated and to support all individuals affected by domestic and family violence, 7269 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) significant resources are required to bolster specialised frontline services for marginal and vulnerable individuals who are disproportionately affected by domestic and family violence, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with disability, members of the LGBTIQA+ community, migrant and refugee individuals, and individuals on temporary visas, and

(d) all individuals affected by domestic and family violence deserve to be protected and supported equally.

(Notice given 24 March 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 100)

1170. Greyhound Racing Amendment (Whole-of-life Tracking) Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 12 May 2021)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

1179. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that Joe Biden’s climate summit on 22 and 23 April 2021 saw the United States’ pledge to reduce its emissions by 50-52 per cent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels.

(2) That this House notes that the Climate Council recently released its report "Aim high, go fast: why emissions need to plummet this decade" which states that:

(a) evidence strongly suggests that to avoid exceeding warming of 1.5 degrees celsius by 2030, significant progress towards reducing emissions must be made this decade,

(b) if temperature increases reach 2 degrees celsius, Australia will lose up to 99 per cent of coral reefs, 16 per cent of plant species and 8 per cent of vertebrate species,

(c) the world achieving net zero by 2050 is at least a decade too late and would see temperatures increase beyond 1.5 degrees celsius, which would significantly increase the risk of triggering abrupt, dangerous and irreversible changes to the climate system, and

(d) Australia must reduce emissions by 75 per cent by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2035 given our vast renewable resources and high vulnerability to increasingly extreme weather.

(3) That this House declares a climate emergency and calls on the Government to lay out a plan for the rapid decarbonisation of our economy and limit global temperature increase to below 1.5 degrees celsius.

(Notice given 5 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 101)

1180. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that Saturday 8 May 2021 is World Migratory Bird Day.

(2) That this House notes that as a signatory to the Ramsar Convention, Australia and its states have an international obligation to prevent the further loss of wetland habitats and conserve those that remain.

(3) That this House notes that:

(a) the proposed enlargement of the Wyangala Dam by 650 gigalitres will destroy a significant amount of the habitat of migratory species around the Lachlan River Basin, 7270 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) the mismanagement of the Menindee Lakes water system by the Government has led to the degradation of migratory bird habitats,

(c) the proposed re-regulating weir to be constructed on the Macquarie River will decrease water flow to the Macquarie Marshes which is an important habitat for migratory birds, and

(d) the Government’s mismanagement of water has deprived floodplains and wetlands along the Murray-Darling Basin of adequate water, preventing the recovery and regrowth of migratory bird habitat.

(4) That this House calls on the Government to prioritise the protection of wetlands and honour our international agreements to protect migratory bird species.

(Notice given 5 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 101)

1181. Mr Mookhey to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 in relation to the employment of staff of ICNSW and the appointment of the chief executive of ICNSW; and for related purposes.

(State Insurance and Care Governance Amendment (Employees) Bill)

(Notice given 6 May 2021)

1182. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That a select committee be established to inquire into and report on the Government’s management of floodplain harvesting, including:

(a) the legality of floodplain harvesting practices that have occurred prior to the issuing of floodplain harvesting licences,

(b) the process undertaken to regulate and licence floodplain harvesting,

(c) the floodplain harvesting regulations published on 30 April 2021,

(d) whether the Government has achieved the objects of the Water Management Act 2000,

(e) the roles and responsibilities of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment – Healthy Floodplains division, the Office of the Minister for Water and the Natural Resources Access Regulator,

(f) the Department’s determination of floodplain harvesting volumes, baseline diversion limits and sustainable diversion limits in each valley including the types of modelling used,

(g) the Natural Resources Access Regulator’s ability to monitor, investigate and enforce floodplain harvesting activities,

(h) the impact of the Water Management (General) Amendment (Emergency Works Exemption) Regulation 2021 on the regulation, monitoring and enforcement of floodplain harvesting activities,

(i) the role of industry and other stakeholders in decision making, and

(j) any other related matter. 7271 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That the committee makes recommendations to the Government as to the way in which floodplain harvesting can be licensed, regulated, metered and monitored so that it is sustainable and meets the objectives of the Water Management Act 2000 and the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

(3) That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing orders, the committee consist of nine members comprising:

(a) three government members,

(b) three opposition members, and

(c) three crossbench members, being Ms Cate Faehrmann, Mr Justin Field and the Hon Mark Banasiak.

(4) That the committee elect a Chair and Deputy Chair at its first meeting.

(5) That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing orders, at any meeting of the committee, any four members of the committee will constitute a quorum.

(6) That, unless the committee decides otherwise:

(a) submissions to inquiries are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration,

(b) the Chair’s proposed witness list is to be circulated to provide members with an opportunity to amend the list, with the witness list agreed to by email, unless a member requests the Chair to convene a meeting to resolve any disagreement,

(c) the sequence of questions to be asked at hearings is to alternate between government, opposition and crossbench members, in order determined by the committee, with equal time allocated to each,

(d) transcripts of evidence taken at public hearings are to be published,

(e) supplementary questions are to be lodged with the Committee Clerk within two days, excluding Saturday and Sunday, following the receipt of the hearing transcript, with witnesses requested to return answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions within 21 calendar days of the date on which questions are forwarded to the witness, and

(f) answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration.

(Notice given 5 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 102)

1184. Mr Veitch to move—

That this House:

(a) notes the NSW Road Classification Review Independent Panel has delivered an interim report and recommendation of priority road transfers to the NSW Government, and

(b) calls on the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads to publicly release the report and the government's response by 5.00 pm on Friday 14 May 2021.

(Notice given 11 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 103)

7272 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1187. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House recognises that:

(a) No Meat May is a global campaign founded in 2013 designed to encourage people to forgo the consumption of meat for a month;

(b) this year thousands of people are participating in No Meat May, recognising the serious environmental impacts that excessive meat consumption has;

(c) agriculture is the cause of around 15 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, half of which are from livestock;

(d) livestock production accounts for around one third of global water usage; and

(e) reports suggest that reducing meat consumption is one of the most effective things an individual can do to reduce their carbon footprint.

(2) That this House congratulates Guy James Whitworth and Ryan Alexander, co-founders of No Meat May, and all those who are taking part in No Meat May for raising awareness about the impact of mass meat production and for their commitment to a sustainable future, and

(3) That this House calls on all members to take part in No Meat May.

(Notice given 11 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 103)

1188. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 21 April 2021 the Government came to a $100 million agreement with Shenhua Energy to withdraw its mining lease application for the Shenhua Watermark Coal Project,

(b) on the same day farmers on the Liverpool Plains demanded a ban on all future coal and gas projects on the Liverpool Plains after fighting to protect their land and water from coal and gas projects for the past 15 years, and

(c) on 22 April 2021 the Deputy Premier, in an interview on 2GB, stated that paying Shenhua $100 million to end the Watermark project was about “banning and ending any chance of mining on the Liverpool Plains.”

(2) That this House calls on the Government to legislate a ban on coal and gas exploration or mining within the Liverpool Plains catchment, including revoking the approval of the Vickery Extension Project near Boggabri.

(Notice given 11 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 103)

1194. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House congratulates the British government for committing to:

(a) make the United Kingdom a world leader in animal protection,

(b) introduce an Animal Sentience Bill that recognises the sentience of animals by enshrining in law that animals: (i) are aware of their feelings and emotions, (ii) can experience joy and pleasure, as well as pain and suffering, 7273 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) make the Animal Sentience Bill the centre-piece of the Queen’s Speech in parliament, and

(d) end the live export of animals.

(2) That this House calls upon the Government to follow the United Kingdom’s lead by including the recognition of animal sentience in their proposed new animal protection laws.

(3) That this House advises the Premier, the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian that she would be far more likely to reach the visionary and compassionate standard of the Queen if she were to remove the Deputy Premier, the Honourable John Barilaro and the Minister for Primary Industries, the Honourable Adam Marshall from their offices.

(Notice given 11 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 103)

1197. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes and supports the conclusions of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s May Statement on Monetary Policy that:

(a) the current period of record low immigration is the economy’s best chance to break out of its decade-long cycle of low wages growth for Australian workers, and

(b) low immigration is also helping to ease Sydney’s rental housing crisis.

(2) That this House notes that flooding the Australian labour and housing markets with overseas arrivals holds down wages and increases housing rents.

(3) That this House calls on the Australian and NSW Governments and the ACTU, in particular, to end their support for big Australia migration levels in the post-Covid period of economic recovery.

(Notice given 11 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 103)

1201. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish an inquiry into the 1979 Luna Park Ghost Train fire; and for related purposes.

(Luna Park Ghost Train Fire Commission of lnquiry Bill)

(Notice given 11 May 2021)

1205. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to establish the Great Koala National Park and enable the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to reserve land, including certain State Forests, as part of the Great Koala National Park; and for related purposes.

(National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Great Koala National Park) Bill)

(Notice given 13 May 2021)

7274 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1207. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) chicken flesh sold in supermarkets is regularly contaminated with faeces,

(b) a 2015 investigation found that 45 per cent of chicken flesh sold in Australian supermarkets tested positive for faecal contamination, as evidenced by the presence of E.coli, a bacterium found in chicken faeces,

(c) faeces regularly taint chicken flesh because of the unhygienic manner in which chickens are killed and processed for human consumption, which includes "eviscerating" the chickens to remove their internal organs, creating a risk of contamination,

(d) the slaughtered bodies are then put into a giant ice slurry, which can artificially increase their weight due to water absorption, allowing the flesh to be sold at a higher price, but can also lead to cross-contamination as the chicken flesh absorbs faecal matter in the water,

(e) this faecal matter is then consumed by anyone who eats chicken flesh, and

(f) protecting consumers from eating faeces should be a priority, and this can be achieved with greater transparency.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to introduce mandatory consumer warning labels on all chicken flesh that state "Warning: May Contain Faeces".

(Notice given 13 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 105)

1208. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 18 March 2021, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill 2021 passed the Legislative Council,

(b) this bill will substantially increase penalties for animal cruelty offences, which is critical given that NSW currently has the lowest penalties for animal abuse in the country,

(c) this bill, as amended by the Legislative Council, will also introduce mandatory bans on caring or working with animals for anyone convicted of bestiality,

(d) since 18 March 2021, the Government has failed to bring this bill back before the Legislative Assembly for a vote, despite cross-party support for the legislation,

(e) this bill is urgent because, until it passes, people charged with committing animal cruelty will continue to face weak maximum penalties, and individuals convicted of bestiality will still be allowed to care for and work with animals,

(f) it is unclear why the Government has failed to take action to pass their own bill into law, and update these pathetic, outdated penalties for animal abuse, and

(g) until this bill passes, cases brought before the courts have little chance of getting proper justice for animal abuse, and this failure falls directly on the shoulders of the Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Adam Marshall MP.

7275 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House calls on the Government to immediately pass the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment Bill 2021 through the Legislative Assembly.

(Notice given 13 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 105)

1209. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) the announcement by the Natural Resources Access Regulator yesterday that they have commenced three prosecutions, including two in the Land and Environment Court, for alleged breaches of the Water Management Act 2000,

(b) the alleged breaches include: (i) 43 charges against a Moree irrigation company for taking 1800 ML of water in excess of licence allocations during the period of the drought, constructing an unlawful dam, and taking water while metering equipment was not operating properly, (ii) charges against two Griffith-based water users for allegedly taking approximately 6000 ML of water in excess of licences and approvals, and (iii) charges against a company for constructing an unlawful bore in the Border Rivers region and against a landowner connected to the company for using the bore without approvals to capture and store water.

(c) the maximum penalties for the offences range from between $500,500 and $2,000,200, and

(d) one of these prosecutions represents the largest action brought by the regulator since it began operations.

(2) That this House notes that notwithstanding the prosecutions brought by the Regulator, under section 60G of the Water Management Act 2000 the Minister retains the authority to charge for water illegally taken if satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that a person has taken water from a water source in contravention of Part 2 of the Act relating to water access licences, including by:

(a) imposing on the person a charge for water taken not exceeding 5 times the value of the water taken, and/or

(b) ordering that any water allocations credited or to be credited to the water allocation account for the licence be debited up to 5 times the quantity of the water so taken.

(3) That this House calls on the Minster to exercise her full powers under the Water Management Act 2000 to send a clear signal to the community and water licence holders that breaches of the Water Management Act 2000 will not be tolerated by this Government and that water taken without a licence will be required to be returned to the rivers.

(Notice given 13 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 105)

1210. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House congratulates the Blue Mountains City Council for becoming the first in Australia to adopt 'Rights of Nature' as a foundational principle where:

(a) humans are seen as part of nature, not above nature,

(b) nature is recognised as having its own legal right to exist and flourish, and

(c) animals and ecosystems are not simply viewed as resources for humans to use, but as living entities with rights of their own. 7276 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House notes that the Blue Mountains City Council follows in the footsteps of:

(a) Ecuador which in 2008 became the first nation to enshrine the Rights of Nature in its constitution,

(b) New Zealand which in 2017 recognised the legal personhood of the Whanganui River, and

(c) India in 2017 which granted legal personhood to the Ganges and its main tributary the Yamuna.

(3) That this House calls upon the Government to adopt the “Rights of Nature” foundational principle for application in all government decision-making.

(Notice given 13 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 105)

1211. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this this House notes the United Nations Environment Programme Report on the Global Methane Assessment: Benefits and Costs of Mitigating Methane Emissions, which was published on 6 May 2021, found that:

(a) farmed animal methane emissions from manure and enteric fermentation present 32 per cent of global anthropogenic emissions,

(b) behavioural change measures and innovative policies are particularly important to prevent emissions from animal agriculture, given the limited potential to address the sector’s methane emissions through technological measures,

(c) the adoption of vegan or vegetarian diets could reduce methane emissions by 65–80 metric tonnes per year over the next few decades,

(d) the substitution of cultured meat for animal meat products could substantially reduce associated greenhouse gas emissions, and

(e) implementing structural and long-lasting changes in individual dietary intake will likely require strong intervention, mitigation and incentivisation by governments through innovative policies.

(2) That this House calls upon the Government to develop policies, provide funding and departmental resources to prepare the animal agriculture sector for transition to plant-based industries.

(Notice given 13 May 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 105)

1212. Mr Graham to move—

That this House:

(a) notes that changes to the mobile speed camera programme have seen revenue increase dramatically with the Government having raised over $23 million since November 2020,

(b) welcomes the inquiry into the changes to the mobile speed camera programme which has been initiated by the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety, and

7277 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) calls on the Minister for Transport and Roads to release the research which provides the evidence base for the changes to the mobile speed camera programme and to co-operate fully with the Committee inquiry.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1217. Mr Banasiak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, the Minister for Local Government or Transport for NSW relating to a new roundabout at the intersection of Calala Lane and Campbell Road, Calala:

(a) all documents, created since 1 January 2017, concerning Traffic Committee deliberations at Tamworth Regional Council, attended by a Transport for NSW representative, that preceded the decision to upgrade the intersection with a roundabout,

(b) all documents concerning the commencement of the Public Consultation on the new roundabout in July 2020,

(c) all documents submitted to Transport for NSW for approval by Tamworth Regional Council for the roundabout including the design safety audit, cost benefit analysis, and its compliance with Australian Standards,

(d) all documents and correspondence within Transport for NSW, the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, and Minister for Local Government in relation to the roundabout, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1222. Ms Faehrman to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Sunday 6 June 2021 marked 3 years since the NSW government passed a law that vetoed effective management of feral horses in Kosciuszko National Park,

(b) feral horse numbers in Kosciuszko National Park have skyrocketed from an estimated 1,500 to at least 14,000 in the last 20 years to December 2020,

(c) Kosciuszko National Park's unique and fragile alpine ecosystem never evolved to withstand hard-hooved animals such as feral horses, and

(d) due to the presence of these feral horses, rare habitats in the Park are being damaged and endangered animals like the Broad-Toothed Rat and the Northern Corroboree Frog are being outcompeted in their native habitat, putting them at further risk of extinction.

(2) That this House also notes that:

(a) the Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley stated in December last year that feral horse numbers were "far too high and the damage to the landscape is too great and we have to do something about it",

(b) the NSW Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean has stated that it is important to listen to the science, and that feral animals including horses were one of the biggest threats to national parks, and 7278 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) in Budget Estimates in March, the Deputy Premier John Barilaro said he supported quickly reducing Kosciuszko 's feral horse population by 11,000 horses or about 80 percent, and that some parts of Kosciuszko National Park should be 'horse-free'.

(3) That this House calls on the NSW Government to urgently repeal the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018 and immediately act to effectively and humanely reduce the feral horse population in Kosciuszko National Park to sustainable numbers using methods supported by the best available science.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1224. Mr Farlow to move—

(1) That this House note that:

(a) the APIA Leichhardt Football Club - one of Australia’s most iconic soccer clubs - was founded in 1954, entered into the First Division of the New South Wales Federation of Soccer Clubs in 1957, and entered into the National Soccer League in 1979,

(b) the APIA Leichhardt Tigers Football Club and the Sydney Olympic Football Club held the inaugural Festival of Football on 30 May 2021, at Lambert Park in Leichhardt,

(c) the Festival of Football included games from the Reserve Grade Women’s, Under 20 Men’s, First Grade Women’s, and First Grade Men’s, as well as a Legends Game,

(d) the Legends Game starred more than 20 players who represented Australia in the Socceroos over 80 times, coached by the legendary Rale Rasic, and

(e) the Festival of Football was a resounding success, with 4,221 people attending – the biggest NPL regular season crowd ever recorded.

(2) That this House congratulates the APIA Leichhardt Tigers Football Club and the Sydney Olympic Football Club on the success of the inaugural Festival of Football.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1225. Mr Farlow to move—

(1) That this House note that:

(a) 2021 marks the 60th Anniversary of Australia and the Republic of Korea diplomatic relations,

(b) as of the 2016 Census, 98,775 people who were born in the Republic of Korea live in Australia, of whom 51,812 call New South Wales home, with 66,617 people in New South Wales identifying Korean ancestry,

(c) the vast majority of people in New South Wales who identify Korean ancestry in New South Wales reside in the City of Parramatta (11,770 people), Ryde City (5,811 people), Cumberland Council (5,272 people), Canada Bay City (3,772 people), Strathfield Council (3,682 people), Hornsby Shire (3,619 people), The Hills Shire (3,425 people), and Ku-ring- gai Council (3,337 people) Local Government Areas,

(d) the Republic of Korea is Australia’s fourth largest trading partner, and one of New South Wales’ largest trading partners, and

(e) the people of New South Wales and of Korea share a close bond underpinned by trade, security, shared interests and strong personal links. 7279 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That this House recognises the dedication of Consul General Sanwoo Hong and his consular team in maintaining, strengthening and furthering the Republic of Korea's ties with New South Wales, particularly as we progress through the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1226. Mr Farlow to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Fairfield City Council opened the “People’s Globe” on 6 June 2021,

b) the People’s Globe is a 1.6 metre diameter granite globe monument engraved with a world map, recognising that most of Fairfield City’s residents come from across the globe to make Fairfield City their home,

(c) more than 107,000 people living in Fairfield City were born overseas, with residents hailing from more than 104 different nations, more than 120 different ancestries, and more than 103 different languages being spoken at home, and

(d) the People’s Globe sits at the entry to the Fairfield Showground, which is the recipient of $7 million funding from the Government towards a new pavilion, along with the All Abilities Playground which received $200,000 funding from the Government, both of which enable more people in South West Sydney to enjoy the benefits of sport and active recreation, and stimulate the local economy through jobs and investment.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1228. Mr Latham to move—

That this House supports the commencement of mandatory blood testing in New South Wales and stands in solidarity with the emergency services, police and health workers it will protect.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1233. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) local activists have uncovered breaches of post-fire logging standards in Mogo State Forest,

(b) this includes the cutting down of a large ironbark with a diameter of more than 1.15 metres in compartment 180A of the forest,

(c) ironbarks are a feed tree for the critically endangered swift parrot which migrate from Tasmania to the mainland during winter and feed on the nectar of trees including South Coast ironbarks, and

(d) on Monday 7 June 2021, forest defenders in Mogo State Forest stopped logging for the day with an activist on a platform 25 metres up a tree.

(2) That this House commends all those involved in this action including Forest Defence NSW, the South East Region Conservation Alliance and Friends of Mogo Forest.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to: 7280 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(a) urgently investigate the logging breach identified in Mogo State Forest,

(b) halt all logging in Mogo State Forest while this work is undertaken, and

(c) impose appropriate sanctions on the Forestry Corporation of NSW.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1236. Mr Pearson to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to recognise that the Murray Darling River System has rights; to ensure the rights are protected; and for other purposes.

(Murray-Darling River System (Rights of Nature) Bill)

(Notice given 8 June 2021)

1238. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes calls to endorse an international Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty which:

(a) uses, as a guide, the three pillars of the existing nuclear non-proliferation treaty to: (i) end new fossil fuel exploration and expansion (non-proliferation), (ii) manage the phase out of existing production (disarmament), (iii) develop equitable transition plans (peaceful use), and

(b) would end all publicly-funded fossil fuel infrastructure, including rail links and gas-fired power stations, phase out existing projects fairly and in line with climate science, and ensure a just transition globally for workers, communities and countries that have been dependent on fossil fuels.

(2) That this House notes the international Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty:

(a) has been endorsed by the Legislative Assembly in the Australian Capital Territory following a motion moved by Greens MLA Jo Clay,

(b) has been endorsed by municipal governments including the City of Moreland in Melbourne, the City of Barcelona, the City of Vancouver, Amber Valley Borough Council and Lewes Town Council in the UK, as well as more than 400 organisations, and

(c) has been supported with regards to a global framework to phase out fossil fuels by 101 Nobel Prize winners as well as over 1,300 scientists and academics.

(3) That this House endorses the movement for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and commits to an equitable transition away from fossil fuel production, and calls on the Government to do the same.

(Notice given 8 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 106)

1243. Mr Martin to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the University of Newcastle Chancellor Paul Jeans will step down from his position at the end of this month after eight years as Chancellor, 7281 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) during his time as Chancellor the University of Newcastle achieved its highest ever global ranking, reinforced its place as the sector leader in Indigenous education, developed new campuses and saw approximately 73,000 students graduate, and

(c) the Hon Mark Vaile AO has been selected as his replacement to be the eighth Chancellor of the University of Newcastle.

(2) That this House acknowledges the successes of Mr Jeans during his eight years as Chancellor and congratulates Mr Vaile on his appointment.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

1244. Mr Martin to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 5 June 2021 the Federation of International Sport Aerobics and Fitness (FISAF) NSW State Championships were held at the Hunter Theatre in Broadmeadow,

(b) the Thornton Thunder Aerobics Team from Thornton Public School were winners in their category, and

(c) the Thornton Thunder will now take part in the National Championships in Queensland in August.

(2) That this House congratulates the Thornton Thunder and their coach Mr Schutt on their result and wishes them every success at the National Championships.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

1245. Mr Martin to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Coonabarabran High School D7 Support Unit Class were recently announced as the 2021 young category winner at the NSW Environmental Citizen of the Year Awards for their recycling program,

(b) the D7 Support Unit has students who live with disabilities and require different learning environments, and

(c) the students collect recycling boxes from classrooms and offices and transfer them to the collection centre as well as making a big contribution to the Return and Earn program.

(2) That this House congratulates the students and support staff at Coonabarabran High School on the award and recognition of their incredible effort.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

1247. Mr Farlow to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Men’s Health Week will take place from 14 to 20 June 2021, 7282 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) Men’s Health Week raises the profile of men’s health needs around the country and aims to improve health outcomes, and

(c) in Australia, men are more likely to suffer from illness, be involved in accidents, are three times more likely to commit suicide, and have a lower life expectancy than women.

(2) That this House notes that the Government is committed to improving men’s health by supporting initiatives, championing new opportunities and empowering them to play a more active role in their health.

(3) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government has developed a New South Wales Men’s Health Framework which communicates the vision and commitment to improving the health of men and boys,

(b) the Framework’s priority health areas are: mental health and wellbeing, cancer, healthy living and chronic diseases, and sexually transmissible infections (STI), and

(c) the Framework guides the continuing actions of Ministry branches, local health districts, and other health agencies when considering the key health and well-being needs of men and boys.

(4) That this House affirms its continued support for Men’s Health Week and encourages all men to seek help for their mental and physical health.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

1248. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) in 2019/20 Forestry Corporation logged 14,271 hectares of Public Native Forest,

(b) the net profit from the destruction Public Native Forest was $400,000, and

(c) the net profit from the destruction Public Native Forest works out to be $28 a hectare.

(2) That this House recognises that:

(a) the WWF Two Billion Trees Report from 2019 estimates an average of 156 trees per hectare for East Australian native forests

(b) Forestry rules mean a few of these are retained for habitat meaning on average 140 trees are logged per hectare,

(c) this means that $28 a hectare profit works out to 20 cents profit per tree, and

(d) none of these calculations includes the immeasurable damage to the climate and ecosystems caused by logging.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to end native forest logging and plan a transition for native forests to be managed for their environmental values and for recreation, tourism and sustainable jobs for regional communities.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

7283 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1249. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Priya and Nades and their two Australian-born young daughters Kopika and Tharnicaa have been held in immigration detention on Christmas Island since August 2019.

(b) Three year old Tharnicaa is currently in a hospital in Perth being treated for sepsis and pneumonia.

(2) That this House recognises that Biloela wants this family back.

(3) That this House calls on the Federal Government to return this family home to their community in Biloela.

(Notice given 9 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 107)

1250. Mrs Maclaren Jones to move—

(1) That this House notes the NSW Government’s Dine & Discover initiative, which is providing the people of New South Wales with four $25 vouchers to spend at eateries and experiences.

(2) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) the NSW Government Dine & Discover initiative has supported registered businesses across the State to get back on their feet,

(b) to date, the boost to the economy from this stimulus package is more than $361 million at point of sale,

(c) on Wednesday 9 June 2021, the NSW Government announced the vouchers would be extended by one month, to now expire on 31 July 2021, and

(d) the Dine & Discover initiative is serving as a great opportunity for people to enjoy and explore New South Wales, and try new eateries and experiences.

(Notice given 10 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 108)

1251. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 to provide that property developers may not be elected or appointed to, or hold or act in, a civic office; and for related purposes.

(Local Government Amendment (Prohibition of Election of Property Developers) Bill)

(Notice given 10 June 2021)

1252. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Draft Amendment to the Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management (Snowy 2.0) proposes to exempt Snowy 2.0 from having to underground its telecommunication and transmission lines. 7284 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) if approved, the Amendment will permit the construction of overhead telecommunication and transmission lines in Kosciuszko National Park for the first time in over 50 years,

(c) the last major transmission line to be constructed in a NSW National Park was in the 1970’s and in Kosciuszko National Park in the 1960’s, more than half a century ago,

(d) the proposed lines would be enormously intrusive with four 330 kV transmission lines proposed, including two sets of towers up to 75 metres high, almost twice as tall and wide as the existing single tower lines,

(e) the Snowy 2.0 lines would traverse eight kilometres of Kosciuszko and a cleared swathe of up to 200 metres wide. One hundred hectares of the National Park would be permanently cleared, and

(f) the blight of the towers and lines would be visible over 300 square kilometres of the National Park and the adjacent Bago State Forest.

(2) That this House recognises that:

(a) the 2006 Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management is a result of a 5 year consultation and planning process which included consultation with TransGrid and Snowy Hydro,

(b) in order to amend Plans of Management, due consideration must to be given to 23 matters listed in the Act, and public exhibition and consultation must be undertaken. This has not happened, and

(c) on 23 February 2021, the Environmental Impact Statement Snowy 2.0 Transmission Connection Project was released, proposing overhead lines (this was three weeks after the Exhibited Amendment to the POM) despite the fact the Plan of Management did not yet allow this.

(3) That this House further notes that:

(a) on 18 Jan 2021 an Open Letter to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and the Minister for Environment and Energy was issued from two dozen environmental organisations and 50 experts calling for a comprehensive analysis of transmission alternatives and the adoption of an underground solution for Kosciuszko National Park, and

(b) the National Parks Association NSW in collaboration with industry experts produced a technical paper which has outlined at least five viable alternatives for undergrounding the transmission connection route to reduce the environmental impact on Kosciuszko National Park.

(4) That this House calls on:

(a) The Minister for Environment and Energy to abandon the proposal to amend the Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management which would exempt the Snowy 2.0 project from the legal requirement for “all additional telecommunication and transmission lines to be located underground”, and

(b) The Minister for Environment and Energy to uphold the current POM and direct Transgrid to underground the Snowy 2.0 transmission connection within Kosciuszko National Park and the Bago State Forest to reduce the environmental impact.

(Notice given 10 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 108)

7285 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1253. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to preserve the public ownership of Killalea State Park; to protect its community and environmental values, to restrict commercial exploitation of the park; and for other purposes.

(Killalea State Park Bill)

(Notice given 10 June 2021)

1254. Mr Searle to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence for an employer to fail to pay a worker's wages and other entitlements; and for other purposes.

(Crimes Amendment (Wage Theft) Bill)

(Notice given 10 June 2021)

1255. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That Mr Daniel Mookhey be discharged from the Joint Standing Committee on the Office of the Valuer General and Mr Adam Searle be appointed as a member of the committee.

(2) That under section 67(1)(a) of the Health Care Complaints Act 1993, Mr Walt Secord be discharged from the Joint Committee on the Health Care Complaints Commission and Mr Greg Donnelly be appointed as a member of the committee.

(3) That a message be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly conveying the terms of the resolution agreed to by the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1256. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That the resolution appointing the Procedure Committee be amended by inserting after paragraph (4):

(5) That the committee have the power to appoint sub-committees.

(2) That, notwithstanding anything to contrary in the resolution appointing the committee, Mr Searle be appointed as a member of the Procedure Committee in place of Ms Sharpe for the purposes of the committee's review of the standing and sessional orders.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1257. Mr Graham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Customer Service, Treasury, Transport for NSW, or the Minister for Transport and Roads relating to changes to the Government’s mobile speed camera program from 1 January 2020:

(a) all documents, including briefings, correspondence and departmental information related to the removal of warning signs, the removal of the livery from vehicles and the proposed tripling of hours of operation of the cameras, 7286 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) all documents showing projections of the number of demerit points or licences that might be lost as a result of the changes,

(c) a record of the total number of drivers who have lost their licences following the changes,

(d) a record of the total number of drivers who have lost demerit points as a result of changes, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1258. Mr Graham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution all briefs, briefing notes, reports, updates, presentations, analyses, plans or guidelines created, modified, reviewed or edited since 1 January 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Customer Service, Treasury, Transport for NSW, Sydney Trains or the Minister for Transport and Roads relating to:

(a) the Transport Access Program,

(b) the analyses, funding or evaluation of transport and roads election commitments,

(c) maintenance or management of existing roads, assets, infrastructure or capital expenditure, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1259. Mr Banasiak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 10 May 2021 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment, Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, Regional NSW, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, National Parks and Wildlife Service, NSW Food Authority and NSW Environment Protection Authority relating to the sick and dying sea life of the Manning Great Lakes area:

(a) all documents, including correspondence and results of tests conducted in affected areas, relating to the aerial spraying of the herbicide Metsulfuron Methyl 600 and sick and dying sea life along the Manning Great Lakes area,

(b) all correspondence between the NSW Food Authority and the Sydney Fish Markets regarding pipis sold in and around the Manning Great Lakes area following the spraying of the herbicide,

(c) all correspondence and documents relating to beach closures in the Manning Great Lakes area during that period,

(d) all correspondence to commercial fishermen in the Manning Great Lakes area relating to beach closures and sick and dying sea life, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

7287 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1260. Mr Amato to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) the outstanding contribution of the NSW Rural Fire Service to our community, and

(b) that on 4 May 2021, 16 individuals and one unit from across the NSW Rural Fire Service were acknowledged by the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service with awards in recognition of their outstanding bravery.

(2) That this House acknowledges:

(a) the following recipients of the Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery—Individual awards: (i) Captain William Ross, Spencer Brigade, Central Coast, Area Hunter, (ii) Deputy Captain Alison Wade, Spencer Brigade, Central Coast, Area Hunter, (iii) Deputy Captain Geoffrey Keaton, Horsley Park Brigade, Cumberland, Area Greater Sydney, (iv) Firefighter Andrew O’Dwyer, Horsley Park Brigade, Cumberland, Area Greater Sydney, (v) Firefighter Colin Burns, Belowra Brigade, Far South Coast, Area South Eastern, (vi) Firefighter Samuel McPaul, Morven Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (vii) Captain Stuart Anderson, Back Creek-Greater Hume Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (viii) Deputy Group Captain Ian Avage, Splitters Creek Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (ix) Captain Andrew Godde, Culcairn North West Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (x) Firefighter Andrew Julian, Back Creek-Greater Hume Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (xi) Firefighter Rodney O’Keeffe, Culcairn North West Brigade, Southern Border, Area South Western, (xii) Deputy Group Captain Scott Campbell, Lawrence Brigade, Clarence Valley, Area North Eastern, (xiii) Senior Deputy Captain Nathan Barnden, Jellat Brigade, Far South Coast, Area South Eastern, (xiv) Firefighter John Gallagher, Tathra Brigade, Far South Coast, Area South Eastern, (xv) Firefighter Ryan Clarkstone, Wilton Brigade, Southern Highlands, Area Greater Sydney, (xvi) Firefighter Dean Symons, Illawong Brigade, Sutherland, Area Greater Sydney, and

(b) The Harrington Brigade, Mid Coast, Area Hunter, on being the recipient of the Commissioner’s Unit Citation for Bravery.

(3) That this House gives thanks to the following individuals who gave their lives in service to New South Wales, and who, in addition to receiving bravery awards, received the Commissioner’s Commendation for Service Award:

(a) Deputy Captain Geoffrey Keaton,

(b) Firefighter Andrew O’Dwyer,

(c) Firefighter Colin Burns, and

(d) Firefighter Samuel McPaul.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

7288 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1261. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, in electronic format if possible, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Treasurer, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, Treasury or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the Government’s 2021-2022 budget finances:

(a) any document detailing recurrent and capital estimates at agency level for the financial years 2020- 2021 (revised) to 2021-2022 inclusive, noting that printouts provided from Treasury’s Financial Information System should only be the version consistent with the 2021-2022 State Budget,

(b) any document identifying uncommitted, unallocated funds or contingencies within those forward estimates, noting that printouts provided from Treasury’s Financial Information System should only be the version consistent with the 2021-2022 State Budget,

(c) all estimates relating to projects included in the State Infrastructure Plan, Rebuilding NSW, Restart NSW, State Infrastructure Strategy, Metropolitan Strategy and the State Plan,

(d) any document showing economic and other assumptions underpinning the estimates for the financial years 2021-2022 to 2024-2025 inclusive,

(e) any document identifying or qualifying risks and contingent liabilities that might impact the financial years 2020-2021 (revised) to 2023-2024 inclusive,

(f) any document that relates to the state’s future financial position as revealed in the estimates,

(g) any documents pertaining to 2020-2021 actual budget performance not requested elsewhere in this order,

(h) all documents pertaining to revenue estimates 2021-2022 to 2024-2025 inclusive, and

(i) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1262. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, excluding the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2021-22, in electronic format if possible, in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Treasurer, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, Treasury or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the 2021-22 budget:

(a) all advice, correspondence, briefing papers and documents provided by New South Wales government departments, agencies and public trading enterprise sectors to the Treasurer, Treasury or the Department of Premier and Cabinet relating to the 2021-22 budget, including but not limited to: (i) any documents that assess the impact of any of the measures outlined in the budget, (ii) any models or documents that estimate the revenues to be raised as a result of the measures outlined in the budget,

(b) all advice, correspondence, briefing papers, budget kits and budget electorate reports provided to any members of Parliament relating to the 2021-22 budget handed down on 22 June 2021,

(c) any documents, excepting any budget papers tabled in Parliament, provided to individual members of Parliament outlining regional electorate capital works summaries, by electorate, including but not limited to documents described as electorate reports and regional reports in Prime - the financial management system used by Treasury, 7289 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) any documents, excepting any budget papers tabled in Parliament, which refer to capital expenses by electorate, by agency, funded by appropriations from Parliament as well as funds from asset sales and other sources, including but not limited to documents described as electorate reports and regional reports in Prime - the financial management system used by Treasury,

(e) any other documents, excepting any budget papers tabled in Parliament, which refer to capital and recurrent expenses by electorate, including but not limited to documents described as electorate reports and regional reports in Prime - the financial management system used by Treasury, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1263. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Treasurer or Treasury relating to the report SCO932-2020 entitled “Building on Strong Foundations: A review of State-Owned Corporations”:

(a) the final and all draft versions of the report SCO932-2020 entitled “Building on Strong Foundations: A review of State-Owned Corporations”,

(b) all documents, transcripts of interviews, and submissions provided to or obtained by the authors of the report,

(c) all briefs, including attachments to briefs, sent to, signed by, drafted for or approved Treasurer, the Treasury Secretary, or any Deputy Secretary which mentions the report,

(d) all correspondence with, including attachments, or any documents created by any external consultant or consultancy regarding the report, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1264. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Minister for Jobs, Investment and Tourism, Treasury, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and Infrastructure NSW relating to the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Markets:

(a) the final business case for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Markets project,

(b) all draft business cases for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Markets project,

(c) the request for proposal (RFP) for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Markets project,

(d) the tender application made by Multiplex in response to the RFP for the redevelopment of the Sydney Fish Markets project,

(e) all documents related to the contracting of Multiplex for construction of the Sydney Fish Markets,

(f) the ‘Australian Industry Participation Plan’ produced by Multiplex, and 7290 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(g) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1265. Mr Mookhey to move—

That the Public Accountability Committee inquire into and report on the Transport Asset Holding Entity, including:

(a) its establishment and operation, and

(b) any other related matter.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1266. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That Portfolio Committee No. 7 inquire into and report on the performance and integrity of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Scheme, and in particular:

(a) the effectiveness of the scheme to halt or reverse the loss of biodiversity values, including threatened species and threatened habitat in New South Wales,

(b) the role of the Biodiversity Conservation Trust in administering the scheme and whether the Trust is subject to adequate transparency and oversight,

(c) the adequacy of protections against conflicts of interest or financial manipulation within the scheme,

(d) the adequacy of the use of offsets by the NSW Government for major projects and strategic approvals,

(e) the impact of non-additional offsetting practices on biodiversity outcomes, offset prices and the opportunities for private landowners to engage in the scheme, and

(f) any other related matter.

(2) That the committee report by 1 March 2022.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1267. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That a select committee be established to inquire into and report on the Government’s management of floodplain harvesting, including:

(a) the legality of floodplain harvesting practices,

(b) the water regulations published on 30 April 2021,

(c) how floodplain harvesting can be licensed, regulated, metered and monitored so that it is sustainable and meets the objectives of the Water Management Act 2000 and the Murray- Darling Basin Plan and,

(d) any other related matter. 7291 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(2) That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing orders, the committee consist of nine members comprising:

(a) three government members, being nominated by the Leader of the Government,

(b) three opposition members, being nominated by the Leader of the Opposition and

(c) three members crossbench members, being Ms Cate Faehrmann, Mr Justin Field and the Hon Mark Banasiak.

(3) That the chair of the committee be Ms Cate Faehrmann and the Deputy Chair Mr Mark Banasiak.

(4) That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing orders, at any meeting of the committee, any four members of the committee will constitute a quorum.

(5) That, unless the committee decides otherwise:

(a) submissions to inquiries are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration,

(b) the Chair’s proposed witness list is to be circulated to provide members with an opportunity to amend the list, with the witness list agreed to by email, unless a member requests the Chair to convene a meeting to resolve any disagreement,

(c) the sequence of questions to be asked at hearings is to alternate between government, opposition and crossbench members, in order determined by the committee, with equal time allocated to each,

(d) transcripts of evidence taken at public hearings are to be published,

(e) supplementary questions are to be lodged with the Committee Clerk within two days, excluding Saturday and Sunday, following the receipt of the hearing transcript, with witnesses requested to return answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions within 21 calendar days of the date on which questions are forwarded to the witness, and

(f) answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions are to be published, subject to the Committee Clerk checking for confidentiality and adverse mention and, where those issues arise, bringing them to the attention of the committee for consideration.

(6) That the committee report by 30 November 2021.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1268. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) nurses, midwives and all healthcare workers across New South Wales are facing significant challenges in their working conditions due to understaffing, low pay and COVID-19 conditions resulting in exhaustion, unreasonably heavy workloads and increased safety concerns,

(b) current COVID-19 vaccination efforts in New South Wales are placing further pressures on frontline healthcare workers by drawing casual staff away from hospital rotations and into vaccination hubs, 7292 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) a recent report by The Lancet found that Queensland hospitals subject to mandated shift-by- shift nurse to patient ratios of one to four saw significant decreases in mortality rates and length of stays for patients, and a reduction in patient readmissions, and

(d) on 8 June, New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association members voted to stop work or close beds, resulting in stop work actions at Belmont Hospital and the Mental Health Centre at Waratah in the Hunter, Shoalhaven Hospital, Bowral Hospital, Blue Mountains District Hospital and Springwood Hospital and five ambulance bay beds closed for four hours at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle.

(2) That this House notes that on 10 June and 22 June paramedics across New South Wales went on strike, rejecting non-life threatening patient transport calls to protest being the lowest paid and most under-resourced paramedics in the country and to call for a 4.7 per cent pay rise.

(3) That this House notes that the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association, which represents over 72 000 nurses and midwives across New South Wales, is demanding:

(a) mandated shift-by-shift nurse to patient staffing ratios of 1 to 3 in emergency and paediatrics wards , 1 to 4 during day shifts and 1 to 7 during night shifts, and

(b) a pay rise of 4.7 per cent to ensure adequate staff retention levels and to recognise the increased stress and risk factors caused by COVID-19.

(3) That this House recognises the invaluable contributions of New South Wales nurses, midwives and all healthcare workers to the safety and wellbeing of our community and supports the demands of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association for better pay and conditions.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1269. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 18 February 2021 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, the Treasurer, Treasury or WaterNSW relating to dam infrastructure projects:

(a) all documents, correspondence and advice relating to the Menindee Lakes Project, the Wyangala Dam Wall Raising project, the Mole River Dam project, the Dungowan Dam project, and the Macquarie River Re-regulating Storage project, including: (i) all draft business cases, (ii) all final business cases, (iii) all feasibility studies, (iv) all hydrological modelling reports, (v) all modelling assessment reports, (vi) all scoping studies, (vii) all consultation with traditional owners, (viii) all capital investment, economic, socio-economic or environmental impact reports, (ix) all capital works summaries, (x) any tender document or contract with WaterSecure, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

7293 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1270. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Leeton 'Galloping Greens' Rugby League Football Club will celebrate their 100th anniversary as a club on Saturday 26 June 2021,

(b) the centenary celebrations will include the presentation of a Yearbook which will include photos of every team that has ever worn the green jersey as well the announcement of the Team of the Century, bringing together the best 17 players from the past 100 years, and

(c) special memorabilia will be on display, including the 1948 premiership jersey, boots last worn in 1950 and team photos from as early as the 1920s.

(2) That this House congratulates the Leeton 'Galloping Greens' Rugby League Football Club on their centenary celebrations and recognises the importance of sporting clubs to regional communities.

(3) That this House acknowledges life member, past President and now Treasurer, Bill Arnold, on his contribution to the club over many years.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1271. Mr Veitch to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, excluding any documents previously returned under an order of the House, in the possession, custody or control of the Deputy Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet or Regional NSW relating to Monaro Farming Systems:

(a) all documents relating to the order of the House of Wednesday 17 March 2021, including the amendment to the order of Wednesday 5 May 2021, and the production of documents regarding Monaro Farming Systems,

(b) all documents, including instructions for advice and legal or other advice, relating to the scope or validity of, or compliance with, the order of the House of Wednesday 17 March 2021, including the amendment to the order of Wednesday 5 May 2021, and the production of documents regarding Monaro Farming Systems,

(c) all documents, including legal or other advice, relied on to determine compliance with the order of the House of Wednesday 17 March 2021, including the amendment to the order of Wednesday 5 May 2021, regarding Monaro Farming Systems, including but not limited to the non-production of any document in response to paragraph (j) of the amended order which required the production of probity reports, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1272. Mr Veitch to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education, Department of Education and TAFE NSW relating to courses offered by TAFE NSW:

(a) for each TAFE NSW campus since 1 July 2011: (i) a list of all courses delivered each year, 7294 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(ii) the total amount of funding provided by the NSW government each year, (iii) full time equivalent staffing levels for each year, (iv) a list of student enrolment numbers by course for each year, and (v) a list of student completion rates by course for each year.

(b) for each Connected Learning Centre since 1 July 2011: (i) a list of all courses delivered each year, (ii) the total amount of funding provided by the NSW government each year, (iii) full time equivalent staffing levels for each year, (iv) a list of student enrolment numbers by course for each year, and (v) a list of student completion rates by course for each year.

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1273. Mr Veitch to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 July 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Regional NSW or the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, or the Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, relating to mice in New South Wales:

(a) all documents, including briefings, departmental file notes, meeting notes and research papers, regarding the nature and scope of mice breeding events and the mice plague in New South Wales,

(b) all documents regarding the $50 million mice plague support package announced on 13 May 2021, including all documents relating to the roll out and application of funding under the package,

(c) all documents regarding the $100 million support package announced 9 June 2021, including all documents relating to the roll out and application of funding under the package,

(d) all documents regarding the Government’s application to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for the use of bromadiolone, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1274. Mr Latham to move—

That the Public Works Committee inquire into and report on the granting of contract number OoS17/18- 021 by the Office of Sport, and in particular:

(a) the awarding of a contract to Barrie Smith Motor Sports P/L by the Office of Sport to resurface two arenas at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre (SIEC),

(b) the role played by the board, CEO and members of Equestrian NSW (ENSW), Equestrian Australia and officials within the Office of Sport, in both the application for funding and the process for selection of the grant by the Office of Sport,

(c) the potential or otherwise for the existence of corrupt conduct and/or conflicts of interest within the Office of Sport, Barrie Smith Motor Sports P/L and ENSW, in the granting of the contract, with reference to the ICAC letter of 1 December 2020 to the Office of Sport, 7295 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) Office of Sport correspondence to Mr Barrie Smith showing that the original tender specifications were changed from ‘importing new material and mixing onsite’ at SIEC to ‘relocating a surface from another site which had (already) failed’ and these contaminated materials were taken from the Wallaby Hill (Robertson) property of Alex Townsend, a ENSW Board member,

(e) whether successive ministers for Sport and the Office of Sport failed to report the information in paragraph (d) above to the appropriate authorities for probity investigation,

(f) the engagement of and role played by O’Connor Marsden in the examination of probity issues in regard to the granting of the contract and the failure to examine aspects prior to and following the evaluation and awarding of the contract,

(g) the granting of a peppercorn rent by the Office of Sport to Equestrian NSW for access to and usage of the SIEC site,

(h) options for rectification of any defects or complete replacement of the indoor arena surface to ensure the arena is safe for horse and rider and capable of use for high level competition; and

(i) any other related matters.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1275. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House:

(a) supports the Federal Minister for Education and Youth, the Hon Alan Tudge MP, in his statement of 13 June 2021 that Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu and Young Dark Emu should not be used in classrooms, and

(b) calls on the NSW Government to adopt the same position and policy.

(2) The House notes:

(a) the danger in our schools of teaching material to children which is not factual, especially in the history curriculum,

(b) the comprehensive critique of Dark Emu in the new book, 'Hunter-Gathers? The Dark Emu Debate’ by leading Australian anthropologist Professor Peter Sutton and archeologist Dr Keryn Walshe,

(c) the Sutton/Walshe assessment that Dark Emu is “littered with unsourced material, is poorly researched, distorts and exaggerates many points, selectively emphasises evidence to suit those opinions and ignores large bodies of information that do not support the author’s opinions. It is actually not, properly considered, a work of scholarship. Its success as a narrative has been achieved in spite of its failure as an account of fact.”,

(d) Professor Sutton’s view that Dark Emu does Aboriginal people a huge disservice by removing from the historical record an accurate depiction of the complexity and sophistication of their land use pre-1788—in Sutton’s words: Aboriginal people “had developed ways of managing from their landscape that went beyond just hunting and just gathering but did not involve gardening or farming. They were ecological agents who worked with the environment, rather than against it. They frequently used slow-burning fires to make their landscapes more liveable. On the other hand, they did not cut down bush to clear the land, plough and hoe the soil in preparation for planting, or then sow stored seed or tubers or rootstock in gardens or in fields.”, 7296 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(e) the absence in Aboriginal languages of words and phrases associated with farming, unlike Torres Strait Islanders who undertook farming and have languages to match,

(f) the historical record, confirmed by Sutton and Walshe, of an absence of permanent Aboriginal housing pre-1788, as Sutton writes, “The recurring pattern, all over Australia, was one of seasonal and other variation in lengths of stays in one place. No group is ever described, at the moment of colonisation, as living year-in, year-out, in one single place.", and

(g) the Sutton/Walshe critique is supported by Peter O’Brien’s 'Bitter Harvest' which also systematically dismantles Dark Emu’s claim to be a factual work of history.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1276. Mr Farrway to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) 2020 marked the 150th anniversary of local government in Forbes,

(b) due to Covid-19, Forbes Shire Council and the Forbes community were unable to celebrate the occasion in 2020, and

(c) Forbes Shire Council decided to celebrate 150 years + 1 as a Gala Celebration on Saturday, 8 May 2021,

(2) That this House acknowledges the important role of local government, councillors and council staff in assisting regional communities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

(3) That this House notes and congratulates Forbes Shire Council and the entire Forbes community on celebrating this important milestone.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1277. Mr Primrose to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) the resolution of the House of 12 May 2021 relating to an order for papers regarding jobs created by the COVID-19 Recovery Plan,

(b) according to the resolution, the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Finance and Small Business, and their respective Departments had 21 days to provide documents in return to the order, resulting in a due date of 2 June 2021, and

(c) on 19 May 2021 the Department of Premier and Cabinet sought a seven week extension, however as the COVID-19 Recovery Plan and jobs public announcement was made in or around June or July 2020 and accordingly the information requested should be easily available, a two week extension, to 16 June 2021, was agreed to.

(2) That this House further notes that on Wednesday 16 June 2021 a partial return was received, but the documents provided did not address the specifics of the order for papers regarding jobs created by the COVID-19 Recovery Plan.

(3) That this House expresses its concern that the return to the order indicates that either: 7297 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(a) the requested documents do not exist and therefore the COVID-19 Recovery Plan and jobs announcements were made in the absence of credible information, or

(b) the Government is refusing to comply with the order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1278. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the G7 group of nations agreed on 13th June 2021 to end new thermal coal generation capacity without carbon capture and storage by the end of 2021,

(b) Prime Minister Scott Morrison did not sign Australia on to the coal pledge,

(c) Australia, under the leadership of the Liberal-National Government, is a global embarrassment given its failure to take action to prevent worsening climate change, and

(d) the now former Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack's comments supporting the future of coal-fired power despite all the economic evidence is negligent at best and deliberately damaging at worst.

(2) That this House calls on the federal government to sign on to the G7's coal pledge and to commit to a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants in Australia by 2022.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1279. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House:

(a) recognises that people have the right to make informed, supported choices about all aspects of their lives, including their reproductive health,

(b) notes the difficulties people in regional and remote areas face in accessing sexual and reproductive health services such as long-acting contraception, medical and surgical abortions and counselling, often being forced to travel long distances and at significant expense to get care,

(c) notes that Marie Stopes has played a critical role in providing sexual and reproductive health services in Australia including permanent and long-acting reversible contraception and abortion care,

(d) notes the announcement on 17 June 2021 that Marie Stopes will close its clinic in Newcastle, along with three clinics in Queensland, due to rising costs of operation, and

(e) affirms that people in New South Wales should not need to rely on private, for-profit services for their reproductive health care.

(2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to take action to ensure that all residents of New South Wales have access to legal, free and safe pregnancy termination services and a full range of contraception options, including unbiased counselling, no matter where they live.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

7298 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1280. Mr Franklin to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) on Thursday 17 June 2021 the NSW Community Sports Awards were held at Bankwest Stadium,

(b) the NSW Community Sports Awards is a long-standing program run by Sport NSW to recognise and celebrate community sport and its dedicated volunteers,

(c) the Awards are presented in the following 11 categories and the winners include: (i) Community Official of the Year – Gregory Smith, Rowing, (ii) Young Official of the Year – Mason Colwell, Touch Football, (iii) Community Coach of the Year – joint winners - Bec Bulley, Netball; David Groom, Judo; Johanna Tarrant, Rowing, (iv) Young Coach of the Year – Drew Fryer, Athletics, (v) Community Sport Administrator of the Year - Michelle Slack-Smith, Volleyball, (vi) Volunteer Director of the Year – joint winners - Joe Dougall, Touch Football and Kip Stavrou, Martial Arts, (vii) Community Team of the Year – Crusaders Youth League Men, Basketball, (viii) Community Club of the Year – joint winners – Balmain Rowing Club and Northern Barbarians Rugby Club, (ix) Local Council of the Year – Blacktown City Council , (x) Community Event of the Year – NSW Senior State Cup, Touch Football, (xi) Distinguished Long Service Award – 21 recipients, and

(d) clubs and sporting organisations from across New South Wales participate in the awards night.

(2) That this House congratulates all the nominees and winners of the 2021 Awards for their exceptional dedication to sport in New South Wales.

(3) That this House thanks all volunteers involved with community sport.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1281. Mr Secord to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2014 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Health and Medical Research, Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Ministry of Health, Health Infrastructure, Treasurer and Treasury relating to hospital developments:

(a) all documents relating to the planning, site selection, development, funding of, and expenditure on, the Rouse Hill Hospital,

(b) all documents relating to the planning, site selection, development, funding of, and expenditure on, the Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital redevelopment, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1282. Ms Hurst to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 August 2019 in the possession, custody 7299 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

or control of Regional NSW or the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales relating to exhibited animals:

(a) all licences, permits and approvals issued to Daniel Brighton, Darren Brighton or Jenny Brighton under the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 and its accompanying regulations,

(b) all documents recording any revocation, suspension or other disciplinary action taken by the Department of Primary Industries in respect of any licence, permit or approval issued to Daniel Brighton, Darren Brighton or Jenny Brighton,

(c) all licences, permits and approvals issued to Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo under the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 and its accompanying regulations,

(d) all documents recording any revocation, suspension or other disciplinary action taken by the Department of Primary Industries in respect of any licence, permit or approval issued to Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo,

(e) all documents recording the results of any audits and inspections of Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo by the Department of Primary Industries, including records of any corrective action requests,

(f) all correspondence between the Department of Primary Industries and Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo,

(g) all internal correspondence prepared by the Department of Primary Industries regarding Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo,

(h) all complaints received by the Department of Primary Industries regarding Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo, including all documents recording any action taken by the Department of Primary Industries in response to those complaints,

(i) all records of any investigations undertaken by the Department of Primary Industries in respect of Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo,

(j) all documents relating to lions being sought or obtained by Daniel Brighton, Darren Brighton, Jenny Brighton, Amazement Farm and Fun Park, Kindifarm, Farm Friends Mobile Petting Zoo or Central Coast Zoo, and

(k) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1283. Mr Mallard to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) On Thursday, 3 June 2021 the Local Government Professionals Australia, New South Wales Awards Dinner was held at the Fullerton Hotel in Sydney,

(b) the Awards Dinner was held on the last of three days of the Local Government Professionals New South Wales annual conference and acknowledges the excellence in the New South Wales local government sector, 7300 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(c) the awards focus on significant areas of the industry including leadership, environment, community, operational performance and partnerships,

(d) Local Government Professionals Australia NSW, formerly known as Local Government Managers Australia NSW, is the leading association representing the professionals in New South Wales local government,

(e) there are currently 750 members across New South Wales,

(f) the organisation aims to shape the future of local government in New South Wales and support success of members through sharing ideas, providing advocacy, networking and peer support,

(g) Distinguished guests included: (i) Hon Shayne Mallard MLC representing the Minister for Local Government the Hon Shelley Hancock MP, (ii) Mr Stewart Todd, Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW President and General Manager of Narrabri Shire Council, and (iii) Ms Vicki Mayo, Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW Chief Executive Officer.

(2) That this House congratulate the winners on the night including:

(a) City of Newcastle: Civic and Community Hub - Customer Service, Digital Library, and Council Chamber,

(b) Narrandera Shire Council: Lake Talbot Water Park,

(c) Griffith City Council: Village Pathways,

(d) Northern Beaches Council: Housing and Homelessness Project,

(e) Wollongong City Council: Carve a New Trail,

(f) Maitland City Council: Maitland Food Assistance Network,

(g) Penrith City Council: Thursday Night Live Lockdown Series,

(h) Northern Beaches Council: Library2U Northern Beaches Council Library,

(i) Shoalhaven City Council: Shoalhaven (Currowan) Bushfire Recovery Action Plan,

(j) Bega Valley Shire Council: Disaster Resilience, Response and Recovery,

(k) Randwick City Council: Maroubra Stormwater Harvesting and Outdoor Living Classroom,

(l) City of Sydney: Innovation Methodology - Today in Your Village,

(m) City of Canterbury Bankstown: Respond. Recover. Thrive,

(n) Georges River Council: BENE-FIT 360,

(o) Georges River Council: THRIVE!,

(p) City of Newcastle: COVID-19 Community & Economic Resilience Package,

(q) MidCoast Council | Yalawanyi Ganya Office Centralisation Program Team, and

(r) -Palerang Regional Council | Treasure Trail Campaign for Economic Recovery. 7301 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(3) That this House congratulates the award winners, in particular the ‘Member milestone’ award winners including:

(a) John Dawson – 55 years of membership,

(b) Robert Ball – 50 years of membership, and

(c) Ross Symons – 50 years of membership.

(4) That this House notes those Councils whose projects were highly commended including:

(a) Northern Beaches Council: Narrabeen Lagoon Boardwalk,

(b) Lake Macquarie City Council: The Bernie Goodwin Memorial Reserve Project Team,

(c) Burwood Council: Burwood Cares - Four Phase Community Recovery and Resilience Program,

(d) Blacktown City Council: Car Seat Program,

(e) Penrith City Council: Village Café - Pop-Up Vaccination Clinics,

(f) Bellingen Shire Council: Local and Vocal - Pandemic Response Group;

(g) Dubbo Regional Council: The Digitalisation of Customer Experience Touch Points,

(h) Northern Beaches Council: Manly Beach Wave Overtopping Early Warning System and Response,

(i) Clarence Valley Council: Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Malabugilmah Baryulgil Discrete Aboriginal Communities and Implementing Risk Mitigation Infrastructure,

(j) MidCoast Council: 2019-20 Drought Response Project,

(k) Georges River Council: Gannons Park Water Quality Improvement and Stormwater Harvesting Scheme,

(l) Singleton Council: Sustainable Future Singleton,

(m) Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils: Procure Recycled: Paving the Way,

(n) Bega Valley Shire Council: Recovery, Resilience and Leadership Program,

(o) Burwood Council: Print and Post Partnership,

(p) Port Stephens Council: Revamping Rezoning, and

(q) Mid-Western Regional Council: Mudgee Region Business and Jobs.

(5) That this House congratulates the 2019 award winners who were acknowledged on the night including:

(a) Finance in Local Government Dux Award 2019: Kayla Smith,

(b) Governance in Local Government Dux Award 2019: Janessa Constantine,

(c) Finance in Local Government Dux Award 2020: Fiona Handicott, 7302 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) Col Mills Memorial Award: Erin Hogan, Environmental Health Officer, City of Canterbury- Bankstown Council and Zoe Saunders, Community Relations Manager, Narrabri Shire Council,

(e) Leading Member Award: Danial Fulton,

(f) Australian Management Challenge Randwick City Council, Breaking Waves, and

(g) Rural and Regional Management Challenge, Kiama Municipal Council, Kiama KATS.

(6) That this House acknowledges the contribution those in the local government sector make to the community.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1284. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 August 2019 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, the Department of Customer Service, or the NSW Building Commissioner relating to the oversight of residential building:

(a) all reports, briefings, memorandums, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and data relating to the number of inspections of residential buildings by the NSW Building Commissioner,

(b) all reports, briefings, memorandums, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and data relating to the number of Fair Trading inspectors in New South Wales,

(c) all reports, briefings and memorandums and correspondence regarding stop work orders,

(d) all reports, briefings, memorandums and correspondence regarding prohibition orders,

(e) all reports, briefings, memorandums and correspondence regarding building work rectification orders, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1285. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation or the Department of Customer Service relating to the real estate licence of Mr Daryl Maguire:

(a) all reports, briefings, memorandums, emails, and correspondence relating to the real estate licence provided to Mr Daryl Maguire,

(b) all reports, briefings, memorandums, emails, and correspondence relating to all investigations undertaken by the Department of Fair Trading regarding real estate activities undertaken by Mr Daryl Maguire,

(c) all reports, briefings and memorandums, emails and correspondence regarding all property transactions made by Mr Daryl Maguire, and 7303 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1286. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2019 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning or the Department of Education relating to workforce planning for public schools:

(a) all reports, briefings, strategy documents, memorandum, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and modelling data, relating to workforce planning for public school teachers,

(b) all reports, briefings, strategy documents, memorandum, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and modelling data, specific to the supply and demand of public school teachers,

(c) all reports, briefings, strategy documents, memorandum, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and modelling data, specific to teacher shortages in public schools,

(d) all reports, briefings, strategy documents memorandum, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and modelling data relating to the accelerated pathway program for high-performing professionals and subject matter experts,

(e) all reports, briefings, strategy documents, memorandum, emails, correspondence, spreadsheets and modelling data, relating to out-of-area teaching,

(f) all documents relating to the mid-career entry program, including: (i) position papers, briefings and research establishing the size of the pool of potential career changers, (ii) the scope and success of other mid-career teacher entry programs in Australia, including retention rates,

(g) any documents relating to teacher supply issues arising from specific government curriculum and initial teacher education commitments, including making maths compulsory in all years, and

(h) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1287. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 March 2021 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning relating to School Infrastructure NSW:

(a) all reports, briefings, memorandum, correspondence and emails, including attachments, relating to School Infrastructure NSW and School Infrastructure NSW projects, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

7304 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

1288. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents (as referred to in answers to supplementary questions nos 334 to 343 of Portfolio Committee No. 4 - Industry, Budget Estimates 2020-2021 inquiry into Agriculture and Western NSW of March 2021), in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, the Minister for Energy and Environment, Regional NSW or the NSW Environment Protection Authority relating to Private Native Forestry Plans:

(a) all current approved Private Native Forestry Plans,

(b) all approved Private Native Forestry Plans provided on a fortnightly basis since 1 April 2021, (answer to question 336 (b)),

(c) all annual Private Native Forestry Plan areas provided since 1 January 2016, (answer to question 336 (c)),

(d) all Private Native Forestry annual reports provided since 1 January 2016, (answer to question 336 (b)),

(e) all minutes of bi-monthly operations meetings held between Local Land Services, Environment, Energy and Science, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority and Department of Primary Industry Plantations since 1 January 2020, (answer to question 336 (c)),

(f) all documents provided since 1 January 2019 to the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to inform Australia’s State of the Forests reporting, (answer to question 336 (d)), and

(g) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1289. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 4 June 2021, 21 year old Kristo Langker, a producer of the FriendlyJordies youtube channel, was arrested by the Fixated Persons Investigations Unit of the NSW Police Force,

(b) Mr Langker has been charged with two counts of stalking or intimidation with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm, in relation to two interactions with the NSW Deputy Premier, the Hon John Barilaro MP, in the last few months,

(c) media reports suggest that the charges relate to two incidents including one at a Politics in the Pub event at Macquarie University in April where Mr Langker and FriendlyJordies Presenter Jordan Shanks (who was dressed as Luigi from Mario Brothers) approached the Deputy Premier and shouted, 'Why are you suing us' and the other on the day of the arrest where Mr Langker approached the Deputy Premier on Hospital Road, behind NSW Parliament, and asked him, 'Deputy Premier, why are you suing my boss?' before the Deputy Premier got into a car and was driven off,

(d) Mr Langker’s lawyer, Mr Mark Davis, has described his bail conditions as 'utterly extreme', prohibiting Mr Langker from possessing images or caricatures of Mr Barilaro, or commenting on his 'personal appearance or behaviour',

(e) the Deputy Premier is currently suing Mr Shanks for defamation and lodged a statement of claim in the Federal Court on 27 May 2021, 7305 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(f) media have reported statements by lawyers for the Deputy Premier saying Mr Shanks defamed the Deputy Premier in a series of videos that had brought him into 'public disrepute, odium, ridicule and contempt',

(g) the Fixated Person’s Investigations Unit was established in 2017, in the wake of the Lindt Cafe siege and was created to monitor extremists and fixated persons who may not fall under Australia’s counter-terrorism laws but nonetheless pose a risk of serious violence,

(h) at the time of the announcement of the new unit, NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller referred to people who are 'obsessed about issues, ideals or individuals' and are 'plotting acts of violence' or 'capable of acts of terrorism',

(i) media reports have cited responses by the NSW Police Force indicating that the Fixated Persons Investigations Unit investigates 'fixated persons' which is defined as someone who has an obsessive preoccupation, pursued to an excessive or irrational degree with a public office holder or internationally protected person, or other persons nominated by the Commissioner of Police, or a cause influenced by an extreme ideology,

(j) Mr Langker previously held a press security pass to the NSW Parliament and has collaborated on media stories published by Michael West Media, and

(k) on 18 June 2021, the Hon Wes Fang MLC was quoted in the media saying Langker 'doesn't have journalistic credentials' and that Mr Barilaro was suffering 'unfair criticism' from 'what is effectively a Labor-supporting comedian'.

(2) That this House expresses its concern over the escalation of the public dispute involving the NSW Deputy Premier, Mr Shanks and Mr Langker.

(3) That this House further expresses its concern over the involvement of the Fixated Persons Investigations Unit in the investigation and arrest of Mr Langker, a person whose work includes journalistic endeavours and satire, and which raises questions about the potential politicisation of the NSW Police Force and has significant implications for freedom of speech in NSW.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1290. Ms Cusack to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Corrective Services NSW Commissioner Peter Severin joined Corrective Services NSW as the new Commissioner on 3 September 2012 and will retire on 31 July 2021,

(b) Commissioner Severin was elected as the new President of the International Corrections and Prisons Association in late 2019, and

(c) Commissioner Severin was instrumental in delivering the $3.8 billion successful Prison Bed Capacity Program.

(2) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) due to a combination of catastrophic natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic and closed international borders, Mr Severin agreed to continue as Commissioner in NSW after indicating his intention to retire in late 2019, and

(b) Commissioner Severin has dedicated 41 years of his life to Corrective Services, including nearly a decade of service in NSW. 7306 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(3) That this House thanks Commissioner Severin for his service and commitment to Corrective Services and the people of New South Wales.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1291. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the NSW Liberal National Government has decided to destroy the 140-year-old locally heritage listed Willow Grove in Parramatta,

(b) this will be a huge loss to Western Sydney’s heritage and especially to the heritage of Parramatta, so much of which has already been destroyed by overdevelopment,

(c) the North Parramatta Residents Action Group (NPRAG) continues its staunch fight to save this building and protect Parramatta’s heritage,

(d) the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union has declared a Green Ban to protect the site and prevent demolition,

(e) student-led groups including School Strike 4 Climate, Uni Students for Climate Justice and Extinction Rebellion have endorsed the green ban and committed to the continued support for the Green Ban including rolling actions, pickets and demonstrations if the government does not take its hands off Willow Grove,

(g) that commencing today, the NSW Liberal National Government has sent contractors to begin to demolish Willow Grove and their actions have been met with a community coalition of unions, activists and residents who are committed to saving Willow Grove.

(2) That this House affirms Parramatta should not have to choose between having a world-class museum and retaining its precious heritage - it deserves both.

(3) That this House commends the North Parramatta Residents Action Group (NPRAG), the CFMEU as well as all unions and groups who are supporting this and other green bans to defend our heritage and green spaces.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1292. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2015 in the possession, custody or control of the Office of Sport, Regional NSW, Infrastructure NSW, Treasury, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Treasurer, the Premier, the Deputy Premier, the Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney relating to grants to the Australian Clay Target Association:

(a) all applications for funding submitted by the Australian Clay Target Association including any supporting documentation, business cases, cost benefit analysis, building tenders and contracts for building works associated with the funding,

(b) all documents, including correspondence, relating to the initial funding reservation in January 2015 for the $5.5 million grant to the Australian Clay Target Association,

(c) all independent assessments of the project the subject of the $5.5 million grant under the Restart NSW Fund, 7307 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(d) all advice, correspondence and recommendations relating to the movement of the administration of the $5.5 million funding grant from the Office of Sport to Infrastructure NSW, including any changes in scope to the size of the grant,

(e) all correspondence, between 1 January 2015 to 1 January 2018, to and from Mr Daryl Maguire that relates to or mentions the awarding of funding grants to the Australian Clay Target Association, and

(f) any internal or external investigations, reviews or audits into the approval and awarding of the $5.5 million grant to the Australian Clay Target Association,

(g) all internal or external correspondence, between 1 December 2020 and 1 June 2021, that mentions the awarding of the $5.5 million grant to the Australian Clay Target Association, and

(h) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

1293. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) since 2014 the Ration Challenge has built empathy for and supported the plight of Syrian refugees living in Camp Jordan,

(b) the Ration Challenge allows people to stand in solidarity with refugees in Syria as well as provide them with food, medicine and support in order to help rebuild their lives,

(c) people around the world undertake the challenge every June by surviving for a week on the rations of Syrian refugees which consist of small amounts of rice, lentils, chickpeas, beans, fish or tofu, and oil, and

(d) this year the challenge in Australia has raised $898,739 so far, which is enough to feed 3,099 refugees for a year.

(2) That this House commends all participants in the Ration Challenge and the generous donors who support them.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

*Council bill


7308 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


1. Mr Harwin to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Modern Slavery Act 2018 to make further provision with respect to slavery, slavery-like practices and human trafficking; and for other purposes.

(Modern Slavery Amendment Bill)

(Notice given 8 June 2021)

2. Mr Harwin to move—

That Mrs Ward be discharged from the Select committee on the coronial jurisdiction in New South Wales and Ms Cusack be appointed as a member of the committee.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)

3. Mr Tudehope to move—

(1) That the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2021-2022 presenting the amounts to be appropriated from the Consolidated Fund be referred to the Portfolio Committees for inquiry and report.

(2) That, further to the resolution of the House of 11 November 2020 adopting the 2021 sitting calendar, the 2021-2022 initial budget estimates hearings be scheduled as follows:

Day One: Monday 16 August 2021 PC 5 Counter Terrorism and Corrections PC 7 Planning and Public Spaces

Day Two: Tuesday 17 August 2021 PC 2 Health and Medical Research PC 1 Special Minister of State, Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs and the Arts

Day Three: Wednesday 18 August 2021 PC 3 Education and Early Childhood Learning PC 4 Agriculture and Western New South Wales PC 1 The Legislature

Day Four: Thursday 19 August 2021 PC 7 Local Government PC 2 Mental Health, Regional Youth and Women

Day Five: Friday 20 August 2021 PC 1 Treasury PC 6 Customer Service and Digital

Day Six: Monday 23 August 2021 PC 7 Energy and Environment PC 5 Attorney General and Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence

Day Seven: Tuesday 24 August 2021 PC 1 Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney PC 6 Regional Transport and Roads 7309 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

Day Eight: Wednesday 25 August 2021 PC 3 Skills and Tertiary Education PC 5 Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans

Day Nine: Thursday 26 August 2021 PC 6 Transport and Roads PC 1 Premier

Day Ten: Friday 27 August 2021 PC 4 Water, Property and Housing PC 5 Families, Communities and Disability Services

Day Eleven: Monday 30 August 2021 PC 6 Better Regulation and Innovation PC 4 Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade

Day Twelve: Tuesday 31 August 2021 PC 5 Police and Emergency Services PC 1 Finance and Small Business

(3) That for the purposes of the Budget Estimates inquiry 2021-2022:

(a) for each scheduled day of the initial and further rounds of hearings: (i) each portfolio, except The Legislature, be examined concurrently by Opposition and Crossbench members only, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, and from 2.00 pm to 5.45 pm, with an additional 15 minutes reserved for government questions for each of the morning and afternoon sessions, (ii) the portfolio of The Legislature be examined concurrently by Opposition, Crossbench and Government members from 9.30 am until 12.30 pm,

(b) the committees must hear evidence in public,

(c) the committees may ask for explanations from ministers, parliamentary secretaries or officers of departments, statutory bodies or corporations, relating to the items of proposed expenditure,

(d) witnesses, including ministers, may not make an opening statement before the committee commences questions,

(e) members may lodge supplementary questions with the committee clerk by 5.00 pm within two business days following a hearing, and

(f) answers to questions on notice and supplementary questions are to be published, except those answers for which confidentiality is requested, after they have been circulated to committee members.

(4) That the committees present a final report to the House by 30 June 2022.

(Notice given 22 June 2021—expires Notice Paper No. 109)


7310 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


1. Budget Estimates 2020-2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (17 November 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Tudehope: That the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2020-2021—Mr Tudehope speaking.

2. Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019: consideration in committee of the whole—Mrs Taylor.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 12 November 2019)

3. Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 2019: second reading—Mrs Taylor.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 6 August 2019)

4. Civil Liability Amendment (Child Abuse) Bill 2021: second reading—Mrs Mitchell.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Wednesday 5 May 2021)

*5. Tax Administration Amendment (Combating Wage Theft) Bill 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Tudehope: That this bill be now read a second time—Mr Tudehope speaking in reply. (20 minutes)

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Thursday 6 May 2021)

6. Children’s Guardian Amendment (Child Safe Scheme) Bill 2021: second reading—Mrs Ward.

(Bill declared urgent, Wednesday 9 June 2021)

7. Better Regulation Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2021: second reading—Mr Tudehope.

(Bill declared urgent, Wednesday 9 June 2021)

8. Budget Estimates 2021-2022: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Harwin: That the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2020-2022—Mr Harwin speaking.

*Council bill


7311 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


(Debate on committee reports and government responses takes precedence after Questions on Tuesdays until 6.30 pm according to sessional order.)

1. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 5 entitled “Budget processes for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales: First report”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report and resumption of the adjourned debate (13 October 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the response—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (18 minutes remaining)

2. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 6 entitled “Regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes: Final report”, dated April 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 May 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report and resumption of the adjourned debate (10 November 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the response— Mr Shoebridge speaking. (20 minutes)

3. Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment: Report No. 3 entitled “Koala populations and habitat in New South Wales”, dated June 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That the House take note of the report and the government response—Mr D'Adam. (10 minutes)

4. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No.54 entitled “Rural Fires Amendment (NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund) Bill 2020”, dated July 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the report and resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the response —Mr Borsak speaking. (20 minutes)

5. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 74 entitled “Work Health and Safety Amendment (Information Exchange) Bill 2020”, dated September 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 September 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Fang: That the House take note of the report—Mr Fang speaking. (13 minutes remaining)

6. Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health: Report No. 54 entitled “Health impacts of exposure to poor levels of air quality resulting from bushfires and drought”, dated September 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 September 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the report and resumption of the adjourned debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the response —Mr D'Adam. (10 minutes)

7. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No. 55 entitled “Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Complaint Handling) Bill”, dated September 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 September 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the report and resumption of the adjourned debate (18 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the response—Mr Borsak speaking. (20 minutes)

7312 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

8. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 45 entitled “Provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Restrictions on Stock Animal Procedures) Bill 2019”, dated September 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 September 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

9. Privileges Committee: Report No. 80 entitled “Execution of search warrants by the Australian Federal Police”, dated October 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 October 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Primrose: That the House take note of the report—Mr Primrose speaking. (10 minutes remaining)

10. Committee on the Health Care Complaints Commission: Report No. 1/57 entitled "Review of the Health Care Complaints Commission's 2017-18 and 2018-19 annual reports", dated November 2020: resumption of the interrupted debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Amato: That the House take note of the report—Mr Amato speaking. (12 minutes remaining)

11. Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters: Report No. 1/57 entitled "Administration of the 2019 NSW State Election", dated October 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (10 November 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Franklin: That the House take note of the report and the government response—Mr Franklin speaking. (20 minutes)

12. Privileges Committee: Report No. 81 entitled "Execution of search warrants by the Australian Federal Police No. 2", dated November 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (18 November 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Primrose: That the House take note of the report—Mr Primrose speaking. (10 minutes remaining)

13. Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health: Report No. 55 entitled "Current and future provision of health services in the South‑West Sydney Growth Region", dated November 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the report and the government response—Mr Donnelly speaking. (20 minutes)

14. Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Transport and Customer Service: Report No. 13 entitled "Operation of the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) Act 2016", dated December 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That the House take note of the report and the government response—Ms Boyd speaking. (20 minutes)

15. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 46 entitled "The use of exotic animals in circuses and exhibition of cetaceans in New South Wales", dated December 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Hurst (on behalf of Mr Banasiak): That the House take note of the report and the government response—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

16. Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education: Report No. 41 entitled "Future development of the NSW tertiary education sector", dated January 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That the House take note of the report—Mr Latham speaking. (15 minutes)

17. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 7 entitled "Budget process for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales - Final Report", dated February 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (16 February 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (15 minutes)

7313 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

18. Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment: Report No. 5 entitled "Rationale for, and impacts of, new dams and other water infrastructure in NSW - Part 1", dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (18 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That the House take note of the report—Ms Faehrmann speaking. (15 minutes)

19. Public Works Committee: Report No. 4 entitled "Costs for remediation of sites containing coal ash repositories", dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (23 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Mookhey: That the House take note of the report—Mr Mookhey speaking. (15 minutes)

20. Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance: Report No. 52 of Portfolio Committee No. 1 - Premier and Finance entitled "Cyber security", dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Moriarty: That the House take note of the report—Ms Moriarty speaking. (15 minutes)

21. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 8 of the Public Accountability Committee entitled 'Inquiry into the integrity, efficacy and value for money of NSW Government grant programs: First report', dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

22. Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020: Report No. 1/57 of the Joint Select Committee on the Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020, dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Cusack: That the House take note of the report—Ms Cusack speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

23. Select Committee on the high level of First Nations people in custody and oversight and review of deaths in custody: Report entitled "High level of First Nations people in custody and oversight and review of deaths in custody, dated April 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Searle: That the House take note of the report—Mr Searle speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

24. Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education: Report No. 42 entitled "Review of the New South Wales school curriculum", dated April 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That the House take note of the report—Mr Latham speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

25. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No. 57 entitled "Provision of the Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill 2020", dated April 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Borsak speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

26. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 75 entitled "2020 review of the Workers Compensation Scheme", dated April 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Fang: That the House take note of the report—Mr Fang speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

27. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 76 entitled "Mandatory Disease Testing Bill 2020", dated April 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Fang: That the House take note of the report—Mr Fang speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

7314 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

28. Standing Committee on Social Issues: Report No. 58 entitled "Gay and Transgender hate crimes between 1970 and 2010: Final Report", dated March 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Mallard: That the House take note of the report—Mr Mallard speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

29. Privileges Committee: Report No. 83 entitled "Proposal for a Compliance Officer for the NSW Parliament", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (11 May 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Primrose: That the House take note of the report—Mr Primrose speaking. (10 minutes remaining)

30. Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance: Report No. 53 entitled "Budget Estimates 2020- 2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 May 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Moriarty: That the House take note of the report—Ms Moriarty speaking. (15 minutes)

31. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 47 entitled "Budget Estimates 2020-2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 May 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

32. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 48 entitled entitled "Long term sustainability of the dairy industry in New South Wales", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 May 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

33. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No. 58 entitled "Budget Estimates 2020-2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 May 2021) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Borsak speaking. (15 minutes)

34. Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health: Report No. 56 entitled "Budget Estimates 2020-2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mrs Houssos (on behalf of Mr Donnelly): That the House take note of the report—Mr Donnelly speaking. (15 minutes)

35. Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Transport and Customer Service: Report No. 14 entitled "Budget Estimates 2020-2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That the House take note of the report—Ms Boyd speaking. (15 minutes)

36. Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment: Report No. 7 of entitled "Budget Estimates 2020-2021", dated May 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That the House take note of the report—Ms Faehrmann speaking. (15 minutes)

37. Select Committee on the Provisions of the Public Health Amendment (Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes) Bill 2020: Report entitled 'Provisions of the Public Health Amendment (Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes) Bill 2020', dated June 2021: resumption of the adjourned debate (10 June 2021) of the question on the motion of Mrs Houssos: That the House take note of the report—Mrs Houssos speaking. (9 minutes remaining)


7315 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021




1. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows the Retirement Villages Amendment (Asset Management Plans) Regulation 2021, published on the NSW Legislation website on 5 February 2021.

(Notice given 12 May 2021)

2. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows the Retirement Villages Amendment (Exit Entitlement) Regulation 2021, published on the NSW Legislation website on 4 February 2021.

(Notice given 12 May 2021)

3. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows clause 106 of the Design and Building Practitioners Regulation 2021, published on the NSW Legislation website on 9 April 2021.

(Notice given 4 May 2021 (sitting day 24 March 2021))



1. Mr Latham to move—

That the following matter of public importance be discussed forthwith: The failure of the Government’s school targets policy, school Strategic Improvement Plans and outcome-based budgeting in education.


7316 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021



1. Mr Searle to move—

That the sessional order varying standing order 65 (5) for answers to questions to be directly relevant, be amended by omitting "directly relevant to a question" and inserting instead "directly and substantively responsive to the question asked, and failure to provide factual information requested in a question is a contempt of the House.

(Notice given 15 September 2020)

2. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows the Water Management (General) Amendment (Emergency Works Exemption) Regulation 2021, published on the NSW Legislation website on 1 March 2021.

(Notice given 4 May 2021 (sitting day 24 March 2021))



*1. Crimes (Appeal and Review) Amendment (Double Jeopardy) Bill 2019

Referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 30 May 2019 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 67)

*2. Mining Amendment (Compensation for Cancellation of Exploration Licence) Bill 2019

Referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 6 June 2019 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 78 – Previously inside the order of precedence)

*3. Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Complaint Handling) Bill 2020

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs on 27 February 2020 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 420)

7317 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

*4. Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education on 5 August 2020 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 609)

5. Local Land Services Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 2020

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment on 19 November 2020 for inquiry and report. (Referred by amendment to the second reading)

*6. Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Plastics Reduction) Bill 2021

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment on 16 March 2021 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) - On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 352)

*7. Coal and Gas Legislation Amendment (Liverpool Plains Prohibition) Bill 2021

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry on 11 May 2021 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) - On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 1163)

*8. Petroleum (Onshore) Amendment (Cancellation of Zombie Petroleum Exploration Licences) Bill 2021

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry on 11 May 2021 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) - On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 855)

*9. Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Clean Air) Bill 2021

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment on 11 May 2021 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) - On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

(Item No. 999)

* Council bill


7318 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021



Contingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read any order of the day: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith that a particular order of the day or motion on the notice paper be called on forthwith.

Given by:

Mr Borsak Mr Searle Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 May 2019)


Contingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read the order of the day: That Standing Orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith that:

(a) resolution of the House of 7 May 2019 relating to the election of the Assistant President be rescinded, and (b) the resolution of the House of 28 June 2007, as amended, relating to the position of Assistant President be rescinded.

Given by:

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 May 2019)


Contingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That Standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith adjudging the Minister guilty of a contempt of the House for failure to comply with that order.

Given by:

Mr Buttigieg Ms Jackson Mr Searle Mr D'Adam Mr Mookhey Mr Secord Mr Donnelly Ms Moriarty Ms Sharpe Mr Graham Mr Moselmane Mr Veitch Mrs Houssos Mr Primrose

(Notice given 4 June 2019) Ms Boyd Ms Faehrmann

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

Mr Field

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 August 2019)

7319 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


Contingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith for censure of the Minister.

Given by:

Mr Buttigieg Ms Jackson Mr Searle Mr D'Adam Mr Mookhey Mr Secord Mr Donnelly Ms Moriarty Ms Sharpe Mr Graham Mr Moselmane Mr Veitch Mrs Houssos Mr Primrose

(Notice given 4 June 2019)

Ms Boyd Ms Faehrmann

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

Mr Field

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 August 2019)


Contingent on Minister Harwin having given an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID- 19 pandemic: I will move that standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith for censure of the Minister.

Given by:

Mr Borsak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)


Contingent on Minister Harwin having given an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID- 19 pandemic: I will move that standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion of no confidence in the Minister to be moved forthwith. Given by:

Mr Borsak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

7320 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021


Contingent on Minister Harwin having attended in his place according to resolution of the House to give an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID-19 pandemic, I will move:

That, it be an instruction to the Public Accountability Committee that:

(a) as part of its current inquiry into the NSW Government's management of the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee inquire into the conduct of the Honourable MLC during the pandemic and any other related matter,

(b) the Honourable Don Harwin be invited to appear as a witness before the committee and give evidence in relation to his conduct and any other related matter, and

(c) the Committee report on that part of its inquiry that relates to the Honourable Don Harwin MLC by Monday 14 September 2020.

Given by:

Mr Banasiak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)


Contingent on a Minister failing to provide factual information sought in a question, I will move: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith to censure the Minister.

Given by:

Mr Searle

(Notice given 22 September 2020)


Contingent on a Minister repeatedly failing to provide factual information sought in questions, I will move: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith adjudging the Minister guilty of a contempt of the House.

Given by:

Mr Searle

(Notice given 22 September 2020)


Contingent on the second reading debate on the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment (Coercive and Controlling Behaviour) Bill being adjourned for five calendar days, I will move:


(a) the bill be referred to the Standing Committee on Social Issues for inquiry and report by September 2021, and 7321 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 90—Wednesday 23 June 2021

(b) on tabling of the report by the Standing Committee on Social Issues, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

Given by:

Ms Boyd

(Notice given 17 November 2020)



§ Central Coast Drinking Water Catchments Protection Bill 2019 Second reading negatived 21 November 2019

§ Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Restrictions on Stock Animal Procedures) Bill 2019 Second reading negatived 27 February 2020 Restored to Notice Paper 17 June 2020

Constitution Amendment (Water Accountability and Transparency) Bill 2020 Second reading negatived 4 August 2020

§Local Land Services Amendment (Land Management and Forestry) Bill 2020 Second reading negatived 14 October 2020

§ Crimes Amendment (Zoe's Law) Bill 2019 Second reading negatived 11 November 2020

§ Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Prohibition of Waste to Energy Incinerators) Bill 2020: Second reading negatived 11 November 2020

§ Private Members’ Public Bill

David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments


Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales