Session 2E: Game Theory 1 AAMAS 2019, May 13-17, 2019, Montréal, Canada Hedonic Diversity Games Robert Bredereck Edith Elkind Ayumi Igarashi TU Berlin University of Oxford Kyushu University Berlin, Germany Oxford, U.K. Fukuoka, Japan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT homophilic preferences, while others have heterophilic preferences, We consider a coalition formation setting where each agent belongs i.e., they seek out coalitions with agents who are not like them. to one of the two types, and agents’ preferences over coalitions There is a very substantial body of research on homophily and are determined by the fraction of the agents of their own type in heterophily in group formation. It is well-known that in a variety of each coalition. This setting differs from the well-studied Schelling’s contexts, ranging from residential location [25, 28, 29] to classroom model in that some agents may prefer homogeneous coalitions, activities and friendship relations [22, 23], individuals prefer to while others may prefer to be members of a diverse group, or a be together with those who are similar to them. There are also group that mostly consists of agents of the other type. We model settings where agents prefer to be in a group with agents of the this setting as a hedonic game and investigate the existence of stable other type(s): for instance, in a coalition of buyers and sellers, a outcomes using hedonic games solution concepts. We show that a buyer prefers to be in a group with many other sellers and no core stable outcome may fail to exist and checking the existence of other buyers, so as to maximize their negotiating power.