20 | National News Wednesday May 17, 2017 | DAILY NATION

WOMAN REP Split in ‘Kikali’ shakes up politics in Meru Kajuju’s victory during the At a glance Jubilee Party nominations was REASON BEHIND KIKALI FORMATION not enough to bring Kikali Kikali (acronym for Kiraitu, Kajuju and Linturi) was formed early last together as Mr Murungi made year to popularise Jubilee in Meru. It comprised of Senator Kiraitu it clear that the Woman Rep Murungi, Igembe North MP Mithika Linturi (Senate aspirant) and should not mention his name in Woman Rep Florence Kajuju. It was supported by four sitting MPs including Joseph M’Eruaki (Igembe her campaigns. North), Kubai Iringo (Igembe Central), Mpuru Aburi (Tigania East) and Rahim Dawood (North Imenti). CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 According to Mr Murungi, the group was a representation of the three Party of National Unity (PNU). Meru county sub-tribes of Imenti, This forced Ms Kajuju to start a Tigania and Igembe. They promised charm offensive to avert being defeated to ensure equitable distribution of by ‘a newcomer’ in Jubilee Party. resources in the county. After losing the nominations, Ms Immediately after the Jubilee Mwangaza accused the ‘Kikali’ trio of officials’ elections last year, the wooing her into a trap and vowed to outfit faced opposition from remain in the race as an independent aspirants who felt it had influenced candidate. the appointments. “They had promised me that Ms Ka- juju would step down for me before the nominations. But as soon as I joined Jubilee Party, Ms Kajuju refused to give in. They told me since I was the most “Politicians who lost in the nomina- campaign on their own. They should have the capacity to get votes for myself Ms Kawira Mwan- popular candidate, I would beat her tions claim I influenced the outcome. not mention me in their meetings and and President Uhuru Kenyatta. That is gaza, protests af- I was not involved in the nominations I will not mention them as well. Let the most important thing to me,” Ms in the nominations,” Ms Mwangaza ter losing Jubilee recounted. because I was unopposed. Despite the electorate decide and I will sup- Kajuju said. Earlier, Ms Kajuju had claimed that having ‘escaped’ to on the port whoever is elected,” Mr Murungi The Kikali outfit was blamed by nominations for she had been promised a top job in nomination day, people still think I said. several aspirants who ditched Jubilee woman rep seat to government if she abandoned politics, had a hand in their defeat. This is a Mr Linturi who spoke during a live Party in Meru, citing lack of fairness the incumbent Ms an offer she rejected. lie and propaganda because I was not interview on a local TV station refused in appointment of officials and the Florence Kajuju But Ms Kajuju’s win was not enough there,” he said. to publicly endorse Ms Kajuju. nominations. on April 27, 2017. to bring Kikali together as Mr Murungi “There is a lot of heat in the Woman But speaking to the Nation by phone, Governorship aspirants Kilemi Ms Mwangaza will made it clear that the Woman rep rep politics. I am tired of their politics. Ms Kajuju said she was capable of fight- Mwiria and Mwenda Mbijiwe, as well contest the seat should not mention his name in her Let the Meru people know that Ms Ka- ing her own battles and would win as Woman rep aspirant Karambu Kai- in the August 8 juju and Ms Mwangaza are my friends without support from Mr Murungi lemia left Jubilee protesting the ‘Kikali’ campaigns. General Election Speaking to a local FM station, Mr but I will not engage in their campaigns and Mr Linturi. outfit’s dominance in the party. Murungi distanced himself from the again,” he added. “This is history repeating itself. During the Jubilee Party launch in as an independent outcome of the nominations in Meru, The Senator said he ‘would never In 2013, I fought on my own amidst Meru in January, Dr Mwiria who later candidate. saying he was particularly pissed off attend campaign meeting by any of opposition from the Senator who had joined Chap Chap aired his dissatis- FILE | NATION with the politics touching on the Meru the two woman rep aspirants’. his woman rep candidate. I also won faction with ‘Kikali’ before President Woman Rep’s seat. “Let Ms Mwangaza and Ms Kajuju the recent nominations on my own. I Uhuru Kenyatta. Bright and resourceful, youth take political scene in Nyeri by storm BY JOSEPH WANGUI In , Martin Luther 2007 presidential campaigns. [email protected] Wachira, 30, is running as an independ- In the Senate race, former Mathira ent candidate and will be making his MP Ephraim Maina of Jubilee Party As campaigns for August 8 General second attempt at winning the seat after will battle it out with Kijana Steve Election gain momentum, political losing in 2013 with a small margin. Maina Nderi, 22, who is a poultry and contest in is turning He holds a degree in telecommunica- horticulture farmer based in Narumoru out to be a battle between the old and tion engineering from Kieni East. the young. University of Technology Nyeri. The political science student at the The region’s youth have come out to The father of one is a businessman University of Nairobi is running for the contest various elective seats, despite in mobile phone accessories and selling seat on New Democrats Party lacking financial muscles and being rice in Nyeri and Nairobi. Mr Nderi is former coordinator of Ju- exposed to bullying from rival camps. The local youth leader will be running bilee Youth League Nyeri and serves as In , two youth- against the incumbent Ndungu Geth- the chairman of Kikuyu Youth Council ful candidates have hit the ground and enji, Tony Kamwaro of Maendeleo Chap in the county. are running vibrant campaigns ahead Chap and Mwangi Gichuhi of Jubilee The political debut will face billion- of August 8 General Election. Party. aires Ephraim Maina, Daniel Wamahiu Independent candidate Cathy Wan- In , MP Kanini (independent) and Newton Muraya of jiku Irungu, 33, and George Warutere, Kega is yet to relax despite clinching Maendeleo Chap Chap. 27, of Narc are giving billionaire FILE | NATION the Jubilee Party ticket since Kinyua In the Women Representative race, Wambura Maranga (independent can- Mathira parliamentary aspirant George Warutere Thinwa, 27, makes a point to resi- Wanjohi, 31, is in the race with Maen- 35-year-old Joy Njoki Gachimu of Dili- didate) and Rigathi Gachagua a run for dents who had attended a free medical camp he had organised at Karatina stadium deleo Chap Chap party. gence Development Party (DDA) will their money and experience in politics in Nyeri County on March 2, 2017. Mr Wanjohi holds a degree in battle it out with Mukami Wachira of and administration. mechanical engineering from the Jubilee Party and Cecilia Ndung’u of Ms Maranga, 71, lost to Mr Gachagua, chemistry and molecular biology and She is the founder of African Food University of Nairobi among other Party of National Unity. 52, during the Jubilee Party primaries, masters in business administration and Security and Environmental Program qualifications. The former teacher holds a Bachelor’s leaving the latter in the President’s entrepreneurship from Jomo Kenyatta (AFSEP) He also has a certificate in Theology degree in education and information party. University of Agriculture and Technol- Mr Warutere holds a degree in and church leadership from Pathway technology from UoN. In 2013, Ms Irungu unsuccessfully ogy (JKUAT). electrical and electronics engineering Institute, Nairobi. He is a businessman She also has a diploma in Com- vied for Nyeri Woman Representative’s She is a member of the Kenya Na- from JKUAT and a certificate in contract in branding and distribution of comput- monwealth Youth Programme from seat while Mr Warutere is a new entrant tional Chamber of Commerce and management from Havard University ers based in Westlands Nairobi. the same university and currently in the political field. Industry and is a former JKUAT student USA. Currently he is a consultant in Mr Wanjohi is a former student leader deals in securing computer networks Ms Irungu holds a degree in bio- government leader. construction and electronics. at UoN and leader of Vijana na Kibaki to prevent hacking.